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Mark Masonry.
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Mark Lodge was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., under the banner of the Northumberland and Berwick Lodgo ( Time Immemorial ) , at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyne . Prov . Grand Lodgo was opened at 2 . 30 , by the Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Master Canon Tristram and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Wor . Bros . T . Y .
Straughan D . P . G . M ., J . Janson P . G . J . W ., W . E . Franklin P . G . M . O ., N . Watson P . G . R . M ., C . Hopper P . G . J . D ., R . H . Holms P . P . GJ . W . P . G . Registrar , R . L . Armstronng P . P . G . S . B ., Dr . Luko Armstrong P . G . I , of Works , T . J . Armstrong P . G . Sec , E . Hudson P . G . D . C , Adam Robertson P . G . S . B ., W . Braust P . G . I . G ., and Bros . J . Wood and J . S . B . Bell Prov . Grand Stewards . The minutes of the last
annual meeting , as also those of the special meeting at Darlington , were read and confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master announced that ho had received , through the Grand Secretary , the approval of the Grand Mark Master to the re-election of Canon Tristram as Prov . Grand Master . Tho Socretary then read the report of the General Purposes Committee , which was adopted .
The Worshipful Masters of tho various Lodges thon made their reports to Grand Lodge , which in every case was satisfactory , and showed that Mark Masonry was very flourishing in this Province . Bro . Cockbourn was unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bros . W . E . Franklin and W . S . Hughes were elected Auditors . Other routine business having been disposod of , the Prov . Grand Master appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for the
ensuing year : — Bro . T . Y . Straughan - - - Dep . Prov . Grand Master Cockbourn .... Trov . Grand Senior Warden Dr . Luke Armstrong - - „ Junior Warden Laing „ M . Overseer M . Frampton .... „ S . „
Weatherhead .... „ J . „ Rev . Thompson .... „ Chaplain Dickson „ Reg . of Marks T . J . Armstrong .. . „ Secretary
Meak „ Senior Deacon Bennett „ Junior Deacon Hudson „ Dir . of Cer . R . G . Salmon - „ In . of Works
Moor „ Organist Horsley „ Sword Bearer Lutter „ Stand . Bearer Oswald „ Inner Guard Atkinson „ Tyler
Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet at the Turk's Head Hotel , Greystreet . The chair was occupied by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , supported by a good muster of Prov . Grand Officers . A splendid dinner was done full justice to , and a pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by capital harmony .
Northumberland And Berwick Lodge Of Mark Master Masons (T.I.)
WE published last week a short notice of the Installation Meeting of this Lodge , the space at our disposal not enabling us to
give the full report we should like to have given . We now have great pleasure in supplementing it with the following details . The banquet , whioh was excellently served took place , as mentioned last week , at the Turk ' s Head Hotel ; the wines , however , which were placed on the table , and which , be it added , were of the finest quality , being the gift of the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal
toasts were disposed of . Bro . W . E . Franklin , in proposing that of the M . W . Grand Mark Master , the Earl of Lathom , and the Officers of Grand Mark Lodge , expressed tho pleasure it gave him to have to submit the health of Lord Lathom , having only recently had the privilege of sitting in his company at a most interesting ceremony in Durham . He was quite sure that with this nobleman , who was the
D . G . M . of Craft Masonry , at their head , the Mark degree would go on prospering at his hands . He explained that this toast had fallen to him to propose , because their W . M . was a Past Grand Officer , and he should therefore couple his name with the toast . Bro . T . G . Armstrong , P . G . Steward , acknowledged tbe compliment , and assured the brethren that the work in Grand Lodge was done in every way as
well as they had seen Lord Lathom do his at Durham . The W . M ., in giving the R . W . Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , said a better Prov . G . M . than the Rev . Canon Tristram conld not be found . He had made the degree his study , and explored the foundations of the Temple , and the description of what he had seen there waa most instructive . Bro . Franklin had great pleasure
in responding for the P . G . M . and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and on their behalf ho thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which the toast was drunk . He felt that to reply for so learned a brother as Canon Tristram was a great honour . The health of the W . M . was the next on the list , and the duty of proposing it was performed in an appropriate manner by Bro . Challoner . The W . M . acknowledged the compliment , and hoped to be
able to conduct the affairs of the Lodge with credit to himself and satisfaction to the brethren . Before sitting down , however , be desired to make mention of the I . P . M ., who he felt deserved tbe thanks of the Lodge for his labours during the past year . He ( the Worshipful Master ) felt some reluctance in submitting this toast , as the I . P . M . was a near relation , and it might be thought he was speaking in terms more complimentary than the toast warranted .
Northumberland And Berwick Lodge Of Mark Master Masons (T.I.)
However , it was his duty to propose it , and he therefore submitted it to tho brethren . Bro . Dr . Luko Armstrong thanked the brethren for haviug so cordially received his health . He folt that , during the year , his shortcomings had been many throngh his time having been so fully occupied . Ho confessed , however , that of all the degrees in Masonry the Mark was his favourite . Ho had been greatly interested
in going through old buildings , in seeking out and finding the marks , still visiblo on the stones , of membors of tho old Mark Lodge . He hoped their time-honoured Lodgo would be even more prosperous in tho future than it had been in the past . Tho Worshipful Master then expressed the gratitude he felt to the Installing Master—who ho was sorry to see was not present—and to the Past Masters in
general , who wero tho props of the Lodge , and whose presence was a guarantee for its good working . Bro . Franklin warmly replied to the toast . He , as well as the W . M ., regretted the absence of the Installing Mastor , while at the same time he acknowledged the compliment on his behalf . The toast of the present and past Officers
was next given , and acknowledged by Bros . R . L . Armstrong and E . Masters . The Visitors received a hearty welcome from the W . M ., who regretted that there were not more present , the toast being responded to by Bro . Challonor , a late member of the Lodge . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very enjoyable evening , enlivened by somo capital harmony .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE monthly meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons ' Hall . There were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , Thomas Cubitt , Charles G . Hill , C . A . Cottebrune , James Brett , James Kenoh , William Clarke , John G . Stevens , Richard nerve" Giraud , Jabez Hogg , Raynham W . Stewart ,
A . H . Tattershall , Thomas Goode , Frederiok Adlard , William Hilton , Charles Daniel , S . Rawson , William Stephens , C . H . Webb , Charles Lacey , James Willing , Charles F . Hogard , and James Terry Sec . The Secretary reported the death of two annuitants . Nine petitioners were placed on the list for election in May . Permission was
granted for the use of the Hall at the Asylum at Croydon for the annual New Year ' s Entertainment to the Old People on 5 th January , and £ 20 was voted to go towards the expenses of the entertainment , on the motion of Bro . Thomas Cubitt , seconded by Bro . Wm . Stephens . The Committee then adjourned .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting of this Lodge waa held on Wednesday , 3 rd November , at Du Toits Pan . Present—Bros . Charles Roberts W . M ., H . Hartog I . P . M ., D . Van TJlsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , E . D . Van Blerk Act . Treas ., D . Davis Amb ., A . J , Wolhuter Aim ., W . Kuipers Arch ., H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler ; also Bros .
J . Crewell , C . J . Barnes , Cecil Bayley , R . C . Partridge , W . H . Vilgeon , and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . After some other business had been gone through , several visiting brethreu were admitted . The W . M . informed the brethren that the meeting had been called for the purpose of balloting for Mr . William Herbert Lotnas
and initiating Mr . Alfred Cohen . The ballot was then proceeded with , when Mr . W . H . Lomas was declared duly elected as a candidate for Freemasonry . Mr . Alfred Cohen was then introduced , and in a very impressive manner initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . Bro . Cohen having expressed his acknowledgments to the Lodge for the honour conferred upon him , the W . M . thanked the Visitors for their attendance , when Bro . Solomon Temple
Solomon , Cosmopolitan Lodge , replied in suitable terms , and congratulated the W . M . and Officers on their admirable working . The labours being ended , the Lodge closed , and the brethren departed in peace and harmony . Freemasonry is going a-head in Griqualand West , South Africa . The foundation stone of a beautiful Masonic temple was laid on Gth November at Barkly . We wish the Lodge Octahedron every success .
Plymouth And The Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
It will be remembered that some weeks since it was announced that the Freemasons of this part of the Province of Devon intended to have a grand concert to aid the funds of the Province in the education , and , where necessary , the clothing of the orphans of deceased brethreu . The concert stands adjourned till the 26 th January , in consequence of a communication from Viscount Ebrington , the Provincial
Grand Master . There are at present on the fund of the Province six boys and four girls , receiving their education at a cost of about £ 13 each , while those educated and clothed at the great Masonic Institutions in London cost from £ 50 to £ 60 each child . The list of patrons is not completed , but it comprises a very large body of gentlemen , some of whom are not Freemasons , bub who yet have an
excellent feeling on behalf of the objects for which the concert is intended . The R . W . Viscount Ebrington P . G . M . of Devon , the R . W , and Rt . Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcnmbe P . G . M . of Cornwall , the Mayors of Plymouth and of Devouport , head the list , and there ia every prospect ot - the concert , which is to take place afc the Plymouth Guildhall , being a great financial success . —Western Daily Mercury .
DANCING . —Bro . JACQUES WYNMAN , Professor of Dancing , gives daily instruction in all the fashionable Dances to those who aro without previous knowledge . Private lessons at any time , by appointment . Families attended . Balls conducted , and first class Bands provided if desired . Assemblies every Mondav and Thursday , at Eight o'Clock . PBOSPKCTUS OS APPLICATION . ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
THE annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Mark Lodge was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., under the banner of the Northumberland and Berwick Lodgo ( Time Immemorial ) , at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyne . Prov . Grand Lodgo was opened at 2 . 30 , by the Eight Worshipful Prov . Grand Master Canon Tristram and the following Prov . Grand Officers : —Wor . Bros . T . Y .
Straughan D . P . G . M ., J . Janson P . G . J . W ., W . E . Franklin P . G . M . O ., N . Watson P . G . R . M ., C . Hopper P . G . J . D ., R . H . Holms P . P . GJ . W . P . G . Registrar , R . L . Armstronng P . P . G . S . B ., Dr . Luko Armstrong P . G . I , of Works , T . J . Armstrong P . G . Sec , E . Hudson P . G . D . C , Adam Robertson P . G . S . B ., W . Braust P . G . I . G ., and Bros . J . Wood and J . S . B . Bell Prov . Grand Stewards . The minutes of the last
annual meeting , as also those of the special meeting at Darlington , were read and confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Master announced that ho had received , through the Grand Secretary , the approval of the Grand Mark Master to the re-election of Canon Tristram as Prov . Grand Master . Tho Socretary then read the report of the General Purposes Committee , which was adopted .
The Worshipful Masters of tho various Lodges thon made their reports to Grand Lodge , which in every case was satisfactory , and showed that Mark Masonry was very flourishing in this Province . Bro . Cockbourn was unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bros . W . E . Franklin and W . S . Hughes were elected Auditors . Other routine business having been disposod of , the Prov . Grand Master appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for the
ensuing year : — Bro . T . Y . Straughan - - - Dep . Prov . Grand Master Cockbourn .... Trov . Grand Senior Warden Dr . Luke Armstrong - - „ Junior Warden Laing „ M . Overseer M . Frampton .... „ S . „
Weatherhead .... „ J . „ Rev . Thompson .... „ Chaplain Dickson „ Reg . of Marks T . J . Armstrong .. . „ Secretary
Meak „ Senior Deacon Bennett „ Junior Deacon Hudson „ Dir . of Cer . R . G . Salmon - „ In . of Works
Moor „ Organist Horsley „ Sword Bearer Lutter „ Stand . Bearer Oswald „ Inner Guard Atkinson „ Tyler
Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet at the Turk's Head Hotel , Greystreet . The chair was occupied by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , supported by a good muster of Prov . Grand Officers . A splendid dinner was done full justice to , and a pleasant evening was spent , enlivened by capital harmony .
Northumberland And Berwick Lodge Of Mark Master Masons (T.I.)
WE published last week a short notice of the Installation Meeting of this Lodge , the space at our disposal not enabling us to
give the full report we should like to have given . We now have great pleasure in supplementing it with the following details . The banquet , whioh was excellently served took place , as mentioned last week , at the Turk ' s Head Hotel ; the wines , however , which were placed on the table , and which , be it added , were of the finest quality , being the gift of the W . M . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal
toasts were disposed of . Bro . W . E . Franklin , in proposing that of the M . W . Grand Mark Master , the Earl of Lathom , and the Officers of Grand Mark Lodge , expressed tho pleasure it gave him to have to submit the health of Lord Lathom , having only recently had the privilege of sitting in his company at a most interesting ceremony in Durham . He was quite sure that with this nobleman , who was the
D . G . M . of Craft Masonry , at their head , the Mark degree would go on prospering at his hands . He explained that this toast had fallen to him to propose , because their W . M . was a Past Grand Officer , and he should therefore couple his name with the toast . Bro . T . G . Armstrong , P . G . Steward , acknowledged tbe compliment , and assured the brethren that the work in Grand Lodge was done in every way as
well as they had seen Lord Lathom do his at Durham . The W . M ., in giving the R . W . Provincial Grand Master and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , said a better Prov . G . M . than the Rev . Canon Tristram conld not be found . He had made the degree his study , and explored the foundations of the Temple , and the description of what he had seen there waa most instructive . Bro . Franklin had great pleasure
in responding for the P . G . M . and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and on their behalf ho thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which the toast was drunk . He felt that to reply for so learned a brother as Canon Tristram was a great honour . The health of the W . M . was the next on the list , and the duty of proposing it was performed in an appropriate manner by Bro . Challoner . The W . M . acknowledged the compliment , and hoped to be
able to conduct the affairs of the Lodge with credit to himself and satisfaction to the brethren . Before sitting down , however , be desired to make mention of the I . P . M ., who he felt deserved tbe thanks of the Lodge for his labours during the past year . He ( the Worshipful Master ) felt some reluctance in submitting this toast , as the I . P . M . was a near relation , and it might be thought he was speaking in terms more complimentary than the toast warranted .
Northumberland And Berwick Lodge Of Mark Master Masons (T.I.)
However , it was his duty to propose it , and he therefore submitted it to tho brethren . Bro . Dr . Luko Armstrong thanked the brethren for haviug so cordially received his health . He folt that , during the year , his shortcomings had been many throngh his time having been so fully occupied . Ho confessed , however , that of all the degrees in Masonry the Mark was his favourite . Ho had been greatly interested
in going through old buildings , in seeking out and finding the marks , still visiblo on the stones , of membors of tho old Mark Lodge . He hoped their time-honoured Lodgo would be even more prosperous in tho future than it had been in the past . Tho Worshipful Master then expressed the gratitude he felt to the Installing Master—who ho was sorry to see was not present—and to the Past Masters in
general , who wero tho props of the Lodge , and whose presence was a guarantee for its good working . Bro . Franklin warmly replied to the toast . He , as well as the W . M ., regretted the absence of the Installing Mastor , while at the same time he acknowledged the compliment on his behalf . The toast of the present and past Officers
was next given , and acknowledged by Bros . R . L . Armstrong and E . Masters . The Visitors received a hearty welcome from the W . M ., who regretted that there were not more present , the toast being responded to by Bro . Challonor , a late member of the Lodge . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very enjoyable evening , enlivened by somo capital harmony .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE monthly meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons ' Hall . There were present Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , Thomas Cubitt , Charles G . Hill , C . A . Cottebrune , James Brett , James Kenoh , William Clarke , John G . Stevens , Richard nerve" Giraud , Jabez Hogg , Raynham W . Stewart ,
A . H . Tattershall , Thomas Goode , Frederiok Adlard , William Hilton , Charles Daniel , S . Rawson , William Stephens , C . H . Webb , Charles Lacey , James Willing , Charles F . Hogard , and James Terry Sec . The Secretary reported the death of two annuitants . Nine petitioners were placed on the list for election in May . Permission was
granted for the use of the Hall at the Asylum at Croydon for the annual New Year ' s Entertainment to the Old People on 5 th January , and £ 20 was voted to go towards the expenses of the entertainment , on the motion of Bro . Thomas Cubitt , seconded by Bro . Wm . Stephens . The Committee then adjourned .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting of this Lodge waa held on Wednesday , 3 rd November , at Du Toits Pan . Present—Bros . Charles Roberts W . M ., H . Hartog I . P . M ., D . Van TJlsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., J . B . King J . W ., E . Isaacs Hon . Sec , E . D . Van Blerk Act . Treas ., D . Davis Amb ., A . J , Wolhuter Aim ., W . Kuipers Arch ., H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler ; also Bros .
J . Crewell , C . J . Barnes , Cecil Bayley , R . C . Partridge , W . H . Vilgeon , and several other brethren . The Lodge was opened and the minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed . After some other business had been gone through , several visiting brethreu were admitted . The W . M . informed the brethren that the meeting had been called for the purpose of balloting for Mr . William Herbert Lotnas
and initiating Mr . Alfred Cohen . The ballot was then proceeded with , when Mr . W . H . Lomas was declared duly elected as a candidate for Freemasonry . Mr . Alfred Cohen was then introduced , and in a very impressive manner initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M . Bro . Cohen having expressed his acknowledgments to the Lodge for the honour conferred upon him , the W . M . thanked the Visitors for their attendance , when Bro . Solomon Temple
Solomon , Cosmopolitan Lodge , replied in suitable terms , and congratulated the W . M . and Officers on their admirable working . The labours being ended , the Lodge closed , and the brethren departed in peace and harmony . Freemasonry is going a-head in Griqualand West , South Africa . The foundation stone of a beautiful Masonic temple was laid on Gth November at Barkly . We wish the Lodge Octahedron every success .
Plymouth And The Devon Masonic Educational Fund.
It will be remembered that some weeks since it was announced that the Freemasons of this part of the Province of Devon intended to have a grand concert to aid the funds of the Province in the education , and , where necessary , the clothing of the orphans of deceased brethreu . The concert stands adjourned till the 26 th January , in consequence of a communication from Viscount Ebrington , the Provincial
Grand Master . There are at present on the fund of the Province six boys and four girls , receiving their education at a cost of about £ 13 each , while those educated and clothed at the great Masonic Institutions in London cost from £ 50 to £ 60 each child . The list of patrons is not completed , but it comprises a very large body of gentlemen , some of whom are not Freemasons , bub who yet have an
excellent feeling on behalf of the objects for which the concert is intended . The R . W . Viscount Ebrington P . G . M . of Devon , the R . W , and Rt . Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcnmbe P . G . M . of Cornwall , the Mayors of Plymouth and of Devouport , head the list , and there ia every prospect ot - the concert , which is to take place afc the Plymouth Guildhall , being a great financial success . —Western Daily Mercury .
DANCING . —Bro . JACQUES WYNMAN , Professor of Dancing , gives daily instruction in all the fashionable Dances to those who aro without previous knowledge . Private lessons at any time , by appointment . Families attended . Balls conducted , and first class Bands provided if desired . Assemblies every Mondav and Thursday , at Eight o'Clock . PBOSPKCTUS OS APPLICATION . ACADEMY—74 NEWMAN STREET , OXFORD STREET , W .