Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. W. J. MURLIS, SECRETARY 1642. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Raynham W . Stowart P . G . D . presided . Thero were also present Bros . Leopold Ruf , Charles Sanders , Charles J . Perceval , William Roebuck , J . G . Chancellor , George Coppin , W . H . Saunders , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Richard Tyrrell , D . M . Dewar , S . Rawson , S . Rosenthal , H . MasseyH . Young , Alfred Williams , Thomas Bull , Herbert
, Dicketts , Arthur E . Gladwoll , C . G . Rushworth , Frederick Adlard , W . Paas , Rev . C . W . Spencor-Stanhope G . C ., W . W . Perryman , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the Committeo adoptod tho recommendation of the House Committee to raise tho salary of tho Foreign Master £ 10 a year . Tho Chairman brought forward his motion , of which he gave notice at the
November meeting : " That it be an instruction to the House Committeo to obtain plans and estimates for the orection of a school-houso , with convenient offices , on tho vacant spaco of ground in front of the present building , for tho purpose of ultimately accommodating 150 children , bnt that only so much as will accommodate fifty children be erected at present . " He stated that his object was , that there should
be a Preparatory School for the Junior Candidates . The time had arrived when the benefits of the Institution should be extended . The Institution was benefitted to a large amonnt by the boys being kept at the School only till fifteen years of age , instead of sixteen as formerly , and that advantage should be given to an extra number of boys . There was no room for erecting more wings on tho present
premises . The ground on the opposite fide was produoing but £ 8 or £ 9 a year , for grazing purposes , and could be beneficially utilised by having a Preparatory School erected on it , where junior scholars could be " educated by ladies till they were nine or ten years of age , when they could be drafted into the Upper School . The motion was seconded by Bro . W . Roebuck , who thonght there should be a
separate building for the younger boys . Bro . Binckes said the scheme was one which he had long thought of ; but since the notice of Bro . Stewart was given , he had received several letters which showed there was a feeling abroad that fresh building operations would be entered into . To this he found there was an objection , as it was thought the fond in hand would be encroaohed
upon . That fund amounted now to £ 15 , 000 , and he hoped during the next year to raise it to £ 20 , 000 . He was strongly opposed to one shilling of that being touched for the new scheme , as it had been raised by the exertions of brethren in past years . If the brethren of the present generation wished to have the new building , let them say they would raise the money for it , and relieve the brethren
who had already worked so hard for the Institution , by putting their hands again into their pockets for that new scheme . Bro . W . H . Saunders , while admitting the necessity of an extension of the Institution , thought that instead of building a new school they should hire a building in the neighbourhood of London where the new school could be tenants . He thonght there would be no difficulty in
getting this at £ 100 a-year . The motion might be so altered as to give the House Committee the power of considering the subject of taking a building already built elsewhere . Bro . Henry Young wished it to be distinctly understood where the funds were to come from for the new building . If an appeal was made to the Craft for funds , the brethren would collect the money to raise those funds , and the
parent Institution would be left in the lurch . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford said there were strong objections among the Craft generally ; and particularly among the brethren of West Yorkshire , Lancashire , and Cheshire against more building operations . The ' present building could not bo increased . There was a demand for the benefits of the Institution for more candidates . There was a large number of nn .
successful candidates after last election , and there would be only three vacancies in April . Consequently there would be a great addition to the unsuccessful candidates after that election , and a larger number after the election in October . They must look to the present state of things , and see whether it was not possiblo to meet the demands made on the Craft . Brother Stewart ' s motion
only went to erecting a new building ; but he thought an addition might be mado to it , which would embrace the taking of an existing building , such as Brother Saunders had referred to . Brother Binckes , with reference to the observations of Bro . Woodford , as to the number of unsuccessful candidates , said that there would be fat least twenty vacancies in April , though there
would only be a few in October . He did not think the balance of unsuccessful candidates would be anything like so large as was sup . posed . Bro . Perceval thonght the junior candidates might be educated out of the School at £ 20 a-year each . Bro . Binckes said that was the original plan in the Boys' School , but it militated against the success of the Institution , and he hoped they would never return to it . After a good deal of discussion , Bro . Raynham
W . Stowart adopted the suggestion of Bro . Woodford , to add to his motion the words—" or to obtain similar requisite accommodation olsewhere , by a new building , or an existing building . " The motion , as altered , was unanimously agreed to . Nine candidates were placed ou tbo list for election in April , and outfits of £ 5 each were granted to two former pupils of the Institution . The Committeo thou adjourned .
Obituary .
WE regret to announco the death of liro . Joseph Liunington Rastrick , which occurred afc hi 3 residence , Sussex-place , Soutbsea , on Tuesday night , 30 th nlfc . Bro . Rastrick for sovoral years represented St . Paul ' s Ward in the Town Council , and was also
a member of tho defunct Landport and Sonthsca Commissioners , and of the Board of Guardians , but he has not recently taken any active part in public life . He was a much-respected member of the Masonic craft , being tbo oldest P . M . of tho Koyal Sussex Lodgo , and P . Z . of the Chanter . —Portsmouth Times .
Presentation To Bro. W. J. Murlis, Secretary 1642.
A COMPLIMENTARY dinner was givon on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., A by the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , together with some friends , to Bro . W . J . Murlis , one of the Founders and present Secretary of that Lodge . The day chosen was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Bro . Murlia ' s marriage , and the opportunity was taken advantage of to present to him a testimonial in recognition of the respect in which he is held , not only by the
members of the Lodgo , but of all who have dealings with him . The testimonial took the form of a handsome gold keyless chronometer for himself , and a set of oar-rings , brooch , and locket for Mrs . Murlis . The chair was occupied by Bro . Samuel Smont , the W . M . of the Lodge , and the vice-chair by the Rev . C . Darby-Reade S . W . Bro . Smout was also supported by Bros . E . M . Lander , G . Penn ,
S . Parkhouse , W . Stephens , J . H . Pearson , Churchwarden Bailey , Dr . Carpenter , Humfress W . M . Westbourne Lodge , Hallett W . M . elect Westbourne Lodge , S . Smout junior , J . Bartle , W . Woodmason , W . Buckland , J . H . Rutherglen , J . D . Adkins , R . Green , Dr . Pocock , Dr . Rule , Fisher , F . J . Moore , H . Watson , B . Jeffries , & o . & o . After tho conclnsion of the repast , which was well served at the Ladbroke
Hall , Notting-hill , by Bro . Linscott , the proprietor thereof , the chairman gave tbe usual Loyal toasts . Rising to propose the health of Bro . Murlis , he remarked that they might consider that toast the principal one of the evening . They had assembled to celebrate the silver wedding of their honoured and respected Secretary Brother Murlis . Most of those present were in a position to judge for
themselves of the very excellent services he had rendered to the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge as Founder , Master , and Secretary . He was pleased they were also in a position , through the liberality and kindness of those assembled and a few other friends , to present to Bro . Murlis a testimonial as a token of their appreciation and their gratitude . The inscription on the watch was then read , the
chairman remarking that he was sure the sentiments therein expressed was re-echoed in the hearts of all present . He was also delighted to say that they had also a small present for Mrs . Murlis , and he hoped that the articles that night presented to her by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge would serve her as adornments until the day of her golden wedding . The inscription on the watch was as follows : —
Presented to BROTHER WILLIAM J . MURLIS P . M ., on the occasion of his Silver Wedding , by the Members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , as a token of their esteem and regard , and in recognition of his services as Secretary and Founder . 2 nd December 1880 .
The set for Mrs . Murlis was enclosed in a leather case , which bore the following inscription : — Presented to MRS . MURLIS , by the Members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 ,-on her Silver Wedding Day . 2 nd December 1880 .
These gifts were supplemented by Bro . W . Stephens , who presented , in the name of himself and wife , a handsome cruet , as a small token of their personal regard for Bro . and Mrs . Murlis , who , Bro . Stephens said , had been known to him throngh the whole course of their married life . Bro . Murlis on rising to respond , was heartily received . He would not say , as was nsual , that he was almost choked , for , on
the contrary , his tongue was now let loose , and he most heartily thanked his friends for the hearty way in which they had celebrated his silver wedding day . Twenty-five years since he had little idea that he shonld see aronnd him so many dear friends . He was then a stranger in London , now he had friends far and near . Fortunately for him ho could look back on his married life as a most happy ono ,
and that night he felt in the position of being able to claim the flitch of bacon , aye , and twenty-four other flitches for the years that had passed since his marriage . He had to thank them most heartily for the handsomo gift they had been good enough to present to him , and also for the kindness tbey had evinced towards his wife . He had thought it would have been best for the
whole of the laurels to have been worn by his better half , but the brethren had decided to make them both recipients of their bounty Bro . Murlis felt his wife would prize the gift more than anything ever presented to her , as being tbe gift of the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . To Bro . Stephens he had to say a few words of especial thanks , as it was to him virtually that he
owed the whole of his Masonic laurels , he ( Bro . Stephens ) having introduced him into Freemasonry , Bro . G . Penn gave the health of the visitors of the evening , which was responded to by Messrs . Bayley , Walker , Watson , and Hallett . Bro . E . M . Lander then proposed the health of Bro . Samuel Smout , the Chairman of the evening . Those who know Bro . Smout in hi 3 official position as W . M . of the Lodge loved aud respected him , and he ( Bro . Lander ) felt that no ono
could be found moro fitted to fill the chair on such an occasion as that thoy had met to celebrate . Bro . Smout thanked tho brethron and visitors ; in tho course of his remarks he rectified one omission bo had made . The present was not only the year of Bro . and Mrs , Murlis ' s silver wedding , but was likewise the jubiloo of their birthdays . The proceedings were enlivened with some excellent songs , and everything was done that could add to the enjoyment of tho company .
Messrs . A . aud F . Pears , tho well-known soap manufacturers , have offered the Government to print gratis the whole of tho forms required in taking tho forthcoming Census roturns , with permission to havo tho advertisoment of " Pears ' s Soap " on the back . About eight million forms will bo required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committee of this Institution was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Raynham W . Stowart P . G . D . presided . Thero were also present Bros . Leopold Ruf , Charles Sanders , Charles J . Perceval , William Roebuck , J . G . Chancellor , George Coppin , W . H . Saunders , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Richard Tyrrell , D . M . Dewar , S . Rawson , S . Rosenthal , H . MasseyH . Young , Alfred Williams , Thomas Bull , Herbert
, Dicketts , Arthur E . Gladwoll , C . G . Rushworth , Frederick Adlard , W . Paas , Rev . C . W . Spencor-Stanhope G . C ., W . W . Perryman , and F . Binckes ( Secretary ) . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the Committeo adoptod tho recommendation of the House Committee to raise tho salary of tho Foreign Master £ 10 a year . Tho Chairman brought forward his motion , of which he gave notice at the
November meeting : " That it be an instruction to the House Committeo to obtain plans and estimates for the orection of a school-houso , with convenient offices , on tho vacant spaco of ground in front of the present building , for tho purpose of ultimately accommodating 150 children , bnt that only so much as will accommodate fifty children be erected at present . " He stated that his object was , that there should
be a Preparatory School for the Junior Candidates . The time had arrived when the benefits of the Institution should be extended . The Institution was benefitted to a large amonnt by the boys being kept at the School only till fifteen years of age , instead of sixteen as formerly , and that advantage should be given to an extra number of boys . There was no room for erecting more wings on tho present
premises . The ground on the opposite fide was produoing but £ 8 or £ 9 a year , for grazing purposes , and could be beneficially utilised by having a Preparatory School erected on it , where junior scholars could be " educated by ladies till they were nine or ten years of age , when they could be drafted into the Upper School . The motion was seconded by Bro . W . Roebuck , who thonght there should be a
separate building for the younger boys . Bro . Binckes said the scheme was one which he had long thought of ; but since the notice of Bro . Stewart was given , he had received several letters which showed there was a feeling abroad that fresh building operations would be entered into . To this he found there was an objection , as it was thought the fond in hand would be encroaohed
upon . That fund amounted now to £ 15 , 000 , and he hoped during the next year to raise it to £ 20 , 000 . He was strongly opposed to one shilling of that being touched for the new scheme , as it had been raised by the exertions of brethren in past years . If the brethren of the present generation wished to have the new building , let them say they would raise the money for it , and relieve the brethren
who had already worked so hard for the Institution , by putting their hands again into their pockets for that new scheme . Bro . W . H . Saunders , while admitting the necessity of an extension of the Institution , thought that instead of building a new school they should hire a building in the neighbourhood of London where the new school could be tenants . He thonght there would be no difficulty in
getting this at £ 100 a-year . The motion might be so altered as to give the House Committee the power of considering the subject of taking a building already built elsewhere . Bro . Henry Young wished it to be distinctly understood where the funds were to come from for the new building . If an appeal was made to the Craft for funds , the brethren would collect the money to raise those funds , and the
parent Institution would be left in the lurch . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford said there were strong objections among the Craft generally ; and particularly among the brethren of West Yorkshire , Lancashire , and Cheshire against more building operations . The ' present building could not bo increased . There was a demand for the benefits of the Institution for more candidates . There was a large number of nn .
successful candidates after last election , and there would be only three vacancies in April . Consequently there would be a great addition to the unsuccessful candidates after that election , and a larger number after the election in October . They must look to the present state of things , and see whether it was not possiblo to meet the demands made on the Craft . Brother Stewart ' s motion
only went to erecting a new building ; but he thought an addition might be mado to it , which would embrace the taking of an existing building , such as Brother Saunders had referred to . Brother Binckes , with reference to the observations of Bro . Woodford , as to the number of unsuccessful candidates , said that there would be fat least twenty vacancies in April , though there
would only be a few in October . He did not think the balance of unsuccessful candidates would be anything like so large as was sup . posed . Bro . Perceval thonght the junior candidates might be educated out of the School at £ 20 a-year each . Bro . Binckes said that was the original plan in the Boys' School , but it militated against the success of the Institution , and he hoped they would never return to it . After a good deal of discussion , Bro . Raynham
W . Stowart adopted the suggestion of Bro . Woodford , to add to his motion the words—" or to obtain similar requisite accommodation olsewhere , by a new building , or an existing building . " The motion , as altered , was unanimously agreed to . Nine candidates were placed ou tbo list for election in April , and outfits of £ 5 each were granted to two former pupils of the Institution . The Committeo thou adjourned .
Obituary .
WE regret to announco the death of liro . Joseph Liunington Rastrick , which occurred afc hi 3 residence , Sussex-place , Soutbsea , on Tuesday night , 30 th nlfc . Bro . Rastrick for sovoral years represented St . Paul ' s Ward in the Town Council , and was also
a member of tho defunct Landport and Sonthsca Commissioners , and of the Board of Guardians , but he has not recently taken any active part in public life . He was a much-respected member of the Masonic craft , being tbo oldest P . M . of tho Koyal Sussex Lodgo , and P . Z . of the Chanter . —Portsmouth Times .
Presentation To Bro. W. J. Murlis, Secretary 1642.
A COMPLIMENTARY dinner was givon on Thursday , 2 nd inst ., A by the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , together with some friends , to Bro . W . J . Murlis , one of the Founders and present Secretary of that Lodge . The day chosen was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Bro . Murlia ' s marriage , and the opportunity was taken advantage of to present to him a testimonial in recognition of the respect in which he is held , not only by the
members of the Lodgo , but of all who have dealings with him . The testimonial took the form of a handsome gold keyless chronometer for himself , and a set of oar-rings , brooch , and locket for Mrs . Murlis . The chair was occupied by Bro . Samuel Smont , the W . M . of the Lodge , and the vice-chair by the Rev . C . Darby-Reade S . W . Bro . Smout was also supported by Bros . E . M . Lander , G . Penn ,
S . Parkhouse , W . Stephens , J . H . Pearson , Churchwarden Bailey , Dr . Carpenter , Humfress W . M . Westbourne Lodge , Hallett W . M . elect Westbourne Lodge , S . Smout junior , J . Bartle , W . Woodmason , W . Buckland , J . H . Rutherglen , J . D . Adkins , R . Green , Dr . Pocock , Dr . Rule , Fisher , F . J . Moore , H . Watson , B . Jeffries , & o . & o . After tho conclnsion of the repast , which was well served at the Ladbroke
Hall , Notting-hill , by Bro . Linscott , the proprietor thereof , the chairman gave tbe usual Loyal toasts . Rising to propose the health of Bro . Murlis , he remarked that they might consider that toast the principal one of the evening . They had assembled to celebrate the silver wedding of their honoured and respected Secretary Brother Murlis . Most of those present were in a position to judge for
themselves of the very excellent services he had rendered to the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge as Founder , Master , and Secretary . He was pleased they were also in a position , through the liberality and kindness of those assembled and a few other friends , to present to Bro . Murlis a testimonial as a token of their appreciation and their gratitude . The inscription on the watch was then read , the
chairman remarking that he was sure the sentiments therein expressed was re-echoed in the hearts of all present . He was also delighted to say that they had also a small present for Mrs . Murlis , and he hoped that the articles that night presented to her by the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge would serve her as adornments until the day of her golden wedding . The inscription on the watch was as follows : —
Presented to BROTHER WILLIAM J . MURLIS P . M ., on the occasion of his Silver Wedding , by the Members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 , as a token of their esteem and regard , and in recognition of his services as Secretary and Founder . 2 nd December 1880 .
The set for Mrs . Murlis was enclosed in a leather case , which bore the following inscription : — Presented to MRS . MURLIS , by the Members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 ,-on her Silver Wedding Day . 2 nd December 1880 .
These gifts were supplemented by Bro . W . Stephens , who presented , in the name of himself and wife , a handsome cruet , as a small token of their personal regard for Bro . and Mrs . Murlis , who , Bro . Stephens said , had been known to him throngh the whole course of their married life . Bro . Murlis on rising to respond , was heartily received . He would not say , as was nsual , that he was almost choked , for , on
the contrary , his tongue was now let loose , and he most heartily thanked his friends for the hearty way in which they had celebrated his silver wedding day . Twenty-five years since he had little idea that he shonld see aronnd him so many dear friends . He was then a stranger in London , now he had friends far and near . Fortunately for him ho could look back on his married life as a most happy ono ,
and that night he felt in the position of being able to claim the flitch of bacon , aye , and twenty-four other flitches for the years that had passed since his marriage . He had to thank them most heartily for the handsomo gift they had been good enough to present to him , and also for the kindness tbey had evinced towards his wife . He had thought it would have been best for the
whole of the laurels to have been worn by his better half , but the brethren had decided to make them both recipients of their bounty Bro . Murlis felt his wife would prize the gift more than anything ever presented to her , as being tbe gift of the members of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge . To Bro . Stephens he had to say a few words of especial thanks , as it was to him virtually that he
owed the whole of his Masonic laurels , he ( Bro . Stephens ) having introduced him into Freemasonry , Bro . G . Penn gave the health of the visitors of the evening , which was responded to by Messrs . Bayley , Walker , Watson , and Hallett . Bro . E . M . Lander then proposed the health of Bro . Samuel Smout , the Chairman of the evening . Those who know Bro . Smout in hi 3 official position as W . M . of the Lodge loved aud respected him , and he ( Bro . Lander ) felt that no ono
could be found moro fitted to fill the chair on such an occasion as that thoy had met to celebrate . Bro . Smout thanked tho brethron and visitors ; in tho course of his remarks he rectified one omission bo had made . The present was not only the year of Bro . and Mrs , Murlis ' s silver wedding , but was likewise the jubiloo of their birthdays . The proceedings were enlivened with some excellent songs , and everything was done that could add to the enjoyment of tho company .
Messrs . A . aud F . Pears , tho well-known soap manufacturers , have offered the Government to print gratis the whole of tho forms required in taking tho forthcoming Census roturns , with permission to havo tho advertisoment of " Pears ' s Soap " on the back . About eight million forms will bo required .