Article ST. MARGARET'S LODGE, No. 1454, LOWESTOFT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ZETLAND, No. 1071. Page 1 of 1 Article ZETLAND, No. 1071. Page 1 of 1
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St. Margaret's Lodge, No. 1454, Lowestoft.
likewise in having secured so worthy a successor to the late Preceptor Bro . Thos . Adams as Bro . Stiles . The Metropolitan may also congratulate itself on the general efficiency of its members , as well as in the ability of its principal executive officers . With such guidance aud support it may look forward to a long career of prosperity . Bros . W . W . MorgauSec . 211 , aud T . Cull W . M . 1116 , were elected members of the Lodge .
Zetland, No. 1071.
ZETLAND , No . 1071 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodgo was held on Tuesday , tho 8 th instant , at the Masonio Hall , Saltash , and there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Three gentlemen were initiated , tho W . M , Bro . Richard Pearce ably performing the ceremony . Afterwards , in a Board of Installed Masters—amongst whom were Wor . Bros . Rev . H . A . Noel P . M . 433 Prov . Grand Chaplain
Scotland , R . Pearce WM ., W . Foxwell P . M . Treasurer , Joseph Ravvlings P . M . Secretary ; Bros . W . R . L . Clarke P . M ., S . Goodman P . M ., J . T . Brooking P . M ., E . Aitken Davies P . M . P . P . G . Supt . of Works , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , Richard Cawsey I . P . M . and S . 230 , J . H . Rogers P . M . 13 Woolwich , J . H . R . Harris W . M . 230 , C . Watson
P . M . 954 , L . J . Webber W . M . 1550 , F . Littlejohn P . M . 159 , J . W
1847 , and Edward Trood W . M . 789—tho W . M . elect , Bro . James Pearce , brother of the retiring W . M ., was admirably installed by Bro . Joseph Rawlings , and after the ceremony , the following Officers were appointed and invested : —Wor . Bros . R . Pearce I . P . M ., E ,
Herring S . W ., E . C . Vosper J . W ., W . Foxwell Treasurer , J . Rawlings Secretary , W . H . L . Clarke Chaplain , T . D . Deeble S . D ., G . Burns J . D ., E . R . Doney I . G ., W . King D . C ., J . Bowden S . S ., J . Dillon J . S ., J . C . Kinsman T . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , at Bro . Carpenter ' s Hotel .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 70 . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on Tnesday , tbe 8 th inst ., Bro . Edwin Tout was unanimously eleoted W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . L . D . Westcott was eleoted Treasurer and Representative on the Committee of Petitions , and Bros . J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , W . Adam , E . A . Lean , and E . Tout the Committee of the Associated Lodges . The installation is appointed to take place on Wednesday , the 29 th instant , and the banquet will be provided at Bro . Watts ' s , Globe Hotel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , held at Bro . Fysh ' s Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 4 th inst . Present Bros . A . Mullord W . M ., A . Ferrar S . W ., G . Ferrar J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , W . Williams S . D ., Gilham J . D ., Thompson I . G . ; also Bros . Brasted , Trewinnard , McMillan , Moss , Valentine , J . Lorkin , Fysh , E . Woodman , Weeden , Mendelsohn ,
Richardson , Defriez , Selig , Wolf , Giller , Bird , Langley , A . Reason , T . Season , Pelikan , & o . Lodge was opened in usual form ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very excellent manner by the W . M . The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was called off and
on ; Bro . Bird answered the questions in a satisfactory manner , and was duly entrusted . This brother , who belongs to the Elliot Lodge , No . 1567 , was duly elected a member of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . A . Ferrar was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —At the regular meeting , at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , on the 8 th inst , the chair was occupied by Bro . E . W . Walter ( S . W . of the Mother Lodge ) , who was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . Loane S . W ., Forss J . W ., Taylor Deacon , Springfield I . G ., Andrews P . M . kindly acting as Preceptor , Howes , March , Harvey , Anderson
Ellingford , Poulter , and Stephens . Lodge was opened in the third degree , and , on being resumed in the first , the ceremony of installation was capitally rendered , Bro . March candidate . The first three sections were worked by Bro . Andrews and the brethren , Bro . J . Taylor rendering valuable assistance as Preceptor . Bro . Ponlter , who was recently initiated in the Mother Lodge , was unanimously elected a member .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday evening , 8 th instant , at Bro . Hustley ' s , Lamb Tavern , opposite the Bethnal-green Junction . Bros . Dr . Defriez W . M ., Sturtevant S . W ., Brittain J . W ., Hand Secretary , Stewart S . D ., Chitson J . D ., Ward I . G ., Hogg Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Webb , McDonald , Christian , Clark , Dardonne , Abraham ,
Goldstein , Mason , Qnigly , Hammond , Quay , S . Clark , & c . Lodgo was opened by the W . M ., and minntes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked tbe ceremony of initiation , Bro . Abrahams acting as candidate . Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , third , and fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Dardonne 1184 , Phillips S . W . 205 , Goldstein 878 ,
S . Clarke W . S . 1445 , were eleoted members . Bro . Sturtevant was appointed W . M . for next week . A vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes to the W . M . Dr . Defriez for taking the chair on this the opening night . Also a vote of thanks was recorded on minntes to Bro . Ward for removing and repainting the pedestals , & c , free of expenso to the Lodge . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —Held at the RoyallHotel , Mile-end , E . The regular meeting of this Lodge on the 30 th nit . was of a most successful character . Bro . W . Musto P . M . 1349 having been invited to work the Fifteen Sections , a large
and influential number of brethren mustered round him and made the occasion quite a gala night in the Lodge history . Nearly 70 brethren assisted in the proceedings , and we are informed that the Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , 1445 , which also meets on Monday evenings , called off from labour to rally round their friend
Zetland, No. 1071.
and Brother Musto , the members arriving en bloc to the number of 14 , headed by their Preceptor Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . Bro . Musto was not supported as to numbers only , there being a score of Installed Masters , and the brethron present represented the officers—whether as Precoptor , Treasurer , or Secrotary—to tho samo number of Lodges of Instruction . Tho W . M . had tho benefit of the assistance of Bro . T . J .
Barnes P . M . iu bis wonted position on Fifteen Sectioti Nights of S . W . ; Bro . G . H . Stephens filled the J . W . 's chair , and Bro . W . Hogg the Preceptor acted as I . P . M . Lodge was opened indue form , and the Sections were worked as follows : —First Lecture—Bros . Clements , Loane , Kendall , Wooding , Durell , Yettou , Cundick . Secoud Lecture—Bros . Robinson , Myers , Moss , Pringle , Stephens . Third
Lectnre—Bros . Stewart , Job , Taylor . Each one was listened to in perfect silence although the room was crowded . The following brethren were admitted members—Bros . Clarke 1445 , Irvin 1306 , Abrahamson 1033 , Truman-Bardouleau Shingfield 554 , Esohwege 1349 , J . Shepherd P . M . 349 , Gregory 781 , Gregory 511 , Fenn 171 , H . R . Hallam W . M . 1349 , McGregor , Drysdale , Richardson , Bull , & o . A vote of thanks
was unanimously voted to Bro . Musto , to be recorded npon the mi . nutes , in recognition of his services in the chair that evening , and honorary membership of the Lodge was conferred upon him . Ia returning thanks the W . M . said there was a peouliar appropriateness in his working the Fifteen Seotions there that night , as it was in that very room he had , many years ago , first attended a Lodge of
Instruction . It was also here that he first worked a section . To-night he had been honoured by the support of Bros . Barnes and Yetton . On the first occasion both those brethren were also present , and he then occupied the same chair ( J . W . ) that our worthy Bro . Stephens did that evening . He thanked the brethren sincerely for having elected him an hon . member , and he would at all times be pleased to
render any assistance the Lodge might require at his hands . A cordial vote of thanks to the working brethren was next given , and Bro . W . Hogg , as Preceptor , having replied , Bro . G . H . Stephens returned thanks on behalf of those who had worked . Bro . Barnes , in a few well-chosen words , spoke in commendation of several of the brethren , who , notwithstanding the fact of their being young Masons , had ao .
quitted themselves in admirable manner , Bros . Clements , Loane , and T . Wooding falling in for especial mention . The other brethren being older Masons , he ( Bro . Barnes ) expected to acquit themselves as well as they had done ; having acted as S . W . on so many previous and similar occasions , Bro . Barnes thought he had never heard the Fifteen Seotions done so well , throughout . Bro . T . J . Tyer was elected W . M . for the meeting on the 14 th inst ., and Lodge was closed .
Northern Counties Lodge , No . 406 . —The regular meet . ing of this Lodge took place at the Masonio Hall , Maple . street , Newoastle-on-Tyne , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . R . G . Salmon P . G . A . D . C , assisted by the following Officers : —Bros . John Page P . P . G . S . B . I . P . M ., R . W . Sisson as S . W ., S . M . Harris J . W ., John Ridsdale P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer ,
W . M . Lyon as Sec ., J . S . B . Bell S . D ., A . Hume J . D ., R . Knox P . M . D . C ., R . G . Sisson I . G ., R . Bilby Steward , and G . T . Sims Tyler . Upon the minutes being read , exception was taken to a portion thereof , and upon this resolution being rescinded , the remaining minutes were confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Eagle was passed to Fellow Craft by the W . M . in a very perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge being closed
down , and routine business being disposed of , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshments . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the health of the W . M . meeting with an enthusiastic reception . Amongst tbe Visitors present were Bros . Corder W . M . Gosforth Lodge , Cooper W . M . Walker Lodge , Braithwaite W . M . Percy Lodge , J . Duckett W . M . 481 , J . Usher I . P . M . 481 , C . B . Ford J . W . 481 , Denney 481 , & o .
HAVERI / ETs American United Mastodon Minstrels will return to Her Majesty's Theatre , Haymarket , London , Boxing day . Morning Performance at Two , evening at Eight . On which occasion they will present ( among other new features , fresh from America ) , HAVERIEY ' latest New York Sensation , the Christmas Burlesque Pantomime , entitled—THEHOO-DOO QUEEN ; OR THE CLOWN AMONG THE NIGGERS .
Explanatory—At Christmas time each year , a wild mania rages among many ignorant niggers in the interior of Georgia and Alabama , in America . About the middle of December , hundreds of niggers assemble in the woods and hold an incantation under tho direction of a female , whom they call the Hoo-doo Queen ; monrnful melodies are sung , grotesque dancing and mysterious manifestations are
produced . With the commencement of the holidays , the excitement ceases , and the niggers give way to joyful jolifioations , which is called Hi-Cum-Go . Beside the Burlesqne Pantomime , many novelties will be pro . duced , among others , The American Volunteer Fire-men Drill , New Monster 40 first part . The Pic-nic—first appearance of the American advanced Banjo Artist E . M . Hall , & o .
The dining rooms of the House of Commons are being thoroughly cleansed by way of inaugurating the new regime of Mr . Gordon ( of Holborn Restaurant fame ) . The late caterer , Mr . Nichole , after ten years , retires upon a handsome fortune . —World .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PIUS . —In all sores , wounds , bad legs , and sprains of any kind , this Ointment is the most efficient application . It at once gives ease by allaying inflammation and moderating the Row ol blood to the part . Whenever the malady has been of long standing , the Ointment shonld he assisted by Holloway ' s purifying Pills , which act upon the stomach and
liver , guarding digestion from falling into that disordered state which the pain , restlossnsss , and fever attending these ailments is apt to produce , and which much retards recovery , and sometimes even makes serious the slightest case . No mother or nurse should be without these noble remedies ; they are equally applicable to all ages and constitutions . They purify the blood , regulate its circulation , renew diseased structures , and invigorate the system
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. Margaret's Lodge, No. 1454, Lowestoft.
likewise in having secured so worthy a successor to the late Preceptor Bro . Thos . Adams as Bro . Stiles . The Metropolitan may also congratulate itself on the general efficiency of its members , as well as in the ability of its principal executive officers . With such guidance aud support it may look forward to a long career of prosperity . Bros . W . W . MorgauSec . 211 , aud T . Cull W . M . 1116 , were elected members of the Lodge .
Zetland, No. 1071.
ZETLAND , No . 1071 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodgo was held on Tuesday , tho 8 th instant , at the Masonio Hall , Saltash , and there was a large attendance of members and visitors . Three gentlemen were initiated , tho W . M , Bro . Richard Pearce ably performing the ceremony . Afterwards , in a Board of Installed Masters—amongst whom were Wor . Bros . Rev . H . A . Noel P . M . 433 Prov . Grand Chaplain
Scotland , R . Pearce WM ., W . Foxwell P . M . Treasurer , Joseph Ravvlings P . M . Secretary ; Bros . W . R . L . Clarke P . M ., S . Goodman P . M ., J . T . Brooking P . M ., E . Aitken Davies P . M . P . P . G . Supt . of Works , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , Richard Cawsey I . P . M . and S . 230 , J . H . Rogers P . M . 13 Woolwich , J . H . R . Harris W . M . 230 , C . Watson
P . M . 954 , L . J . Webber W . M . 1550 , F . Littlejohn P . M . 159 , J . W
1847 , and Edward Trood W . M . 789—tho W . M . elect , Bro . James Pearce , brother of the retiring W . M ., was admirably installed by Bro . Joseph Rawlings , and after the ceremony , the following Officers were appointed and invested : —Wor . Bros . R . Pearce I . P . M ., E ,
Herring S . W ., E . C . Vosper J . W ., W . Foxwell Treasurer , J . Rawlings Secretary , W . H . L . Clarke Chaplain , T . D . Deeble S . D ., G . Burns J . D ., E . R . Doney I . G ., W . King D . C ., J . Bowden S . S ., J . Dillon J . S ., J . C . Kinsman T . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , at Bro . Carpenter ' s Hotel .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 70 . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on Tnesday , tbe 8 th inst ., Bro . Edwin Tout was unanimously eleoted W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . L . D . Westcott was eleoted Treasurer and Representative on the Committee of Petitions , and Bros . J . B . Gover , L . D . Westcott , W . Adam , E . A . Lean , and E . Tout the Committee of the Associated Lodges . The installation is appointed to take place on Wednesday , the 29 th instant , and the banquet will be provided at Bro . Watts ' s , Globe Hotel .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , held at Bro . Fysh ' s Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday , the 4 th inst . Present Bros . A . Mullord W . M ., A . Ferrar S . W ., G . Ferrar J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , W . Williams S . D ., Gilham J . D ., Thompson I . G . ; also Bros . Brasted , Trewinnard , McMillan , Moss , Valentine , J . Lorkin , Fysh , E . Woodman , Weeden , Mendelsohn ,
Richardson , Defriez , Selig , Wolf , Giller , Bird , Langley , A . Reason , T . Season , Pelikan , & o . Lodge was opened in usual form ; the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed in a very excellent manner by the W . M . The first and second sections of the lecture were worked by Bro . Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was called off and
on ; Bro . Bird answered the questions in a satisfactory manner , and was duly entrusted . This brother , who belongs to the Elliot Lodge , No . 1567 , was duly elected a member of the Lodge of Instruction . Bro . A . Ferrar was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned .
Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 554 . —At the regular meeting , at Bro . A . Walter ' s , Green Dragon , Stepney , on the 8 th inst , the chair was occupied by Bro . E . W . Walter ( S . W . of the Mother Lodge ) , who was supported by the following brethren : —Bros . Loane S . W ., Forss J . W ., Taylor Deacon , Springfield I . G ., Andrews P . M . kindly acting as Preceptor , Howes , March , Harvey , Anderson
Ellingford , Poulter , and Stephens . Lodge was opened in the third degree , and , on being resumed in the first , the ceremony of installation was capitally rendered , Bro . March candidate . The first three sections were worked by Bro . Andrews and the brethren , Bro . J . Taylor rendering valuable assistance as Preceptor . Bro . Ponlter , who was recently initiated in the Mother Lodge , was unanimously elected a member .
Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday evening , 8 th instant , at Bro . Hustley ' s , Lamb Tavern , opposite the Bethnal-green Junction . Bros . Dr . Defriez W . M ., Sturtevant S . W ., Brittain J . W ., Hand Secretary , Stewart S . D ., Chitson J . D ., Ward I . G ., Hogg Preceptor . Visitors—Bros . Webb , McDonald , Christian , Clark , Dardonne , Abraham ,
Goldstein , Mason , Qnigly , Hammond , Quay , S . Clark , & c . Lodgo was opened by the W . M ., and minntes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked tbe ceremony of initiation , Bro . Abrahams acting as candidate . Bro . McDonald worked the first , second , third , and fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Dardonne 1184 , Phillips S . W . 205 , Goldstein 878 ,
S . Clarke W . S . 1445 , were eleoted members . Bro . Sturtevant was appointed W . M . for next week . A vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes to the W . M . Dr . Defriez for taking the chair on this the opening night . Also a vote of thanks was recorded on minntes to Bro . Ward for removing and repainting the pedestals , & c , free of expenso to the Lodge . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —Held at the RoyallHotel , Mile-end , E . The regular meeting of this Lodge on the 30 th nit . was of a most successful character . Bro . W . Musto P . M . 1349 having been invited to work the Fifteen Sections , a large
and influential number of brethren mustered round him and made the occasion quite a gala night in the Lodge history . Nearly 70 brethren assisted in the proceedings , and we are informed that the Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , 1445 , which also meets on Monday evenings , called off from labour to rally round their friend
Zetland, No. 1071.
and Brother Musto , the members arriving en bloc to the number of 14 , headed by their Preceptor Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . Bro . Musto was not supported as to numbers only , there being a score of Installed Masters , and the brethron present represented the officers—whether as Precoptor , Treasurer , or Secrotary—to tho samo number of Lodges of Instruction . Tho W . M . had tho benefit of the assistance of Bro . T . J .
Barnes P . M . iu bis wonted position on Fifteen Sectioti Nights of S . W . ; Bro . G . H . Stephens filled the J . W . 's chair , and Bro . W . Hogg the Preceptor acted as I . P . M . Lodge was opened indue form , and the Sections were worked as follows : —First Lecture—Bros . Clements , Loane , Kendall , Wooding , Durell , Yettou , Cundick . Secoud Lecture—Bros . Robinson , Myers , Moss , Pringle , Stephens . Third
Lectnre—Bros . Stewart , Job , Taylor . Each one was listened to in perfect silence although the room was crowded . The following brethren were admitted members—Bros . Clarke 1445 , Irvin 1306 , Abrahamson 1033 , Truman-Bardouleau Shingfield 554 , Esohwege 1349 , J . Shepherd P . M . 349 , Gregory 781 , Gregory 511 , Fenn 171 , H . R . Hallam W . M . 1349 , McGregor , Drysdale , Richardson , Bull , & o . A vote of thanks
was unanimously voted to Bro . Musto , to be recorded npon the mi . nutes , in recognition of his services in the chair that evening , and honorary membership of the Lodge was conferred upon him . Ia returning thanks the W . M . said there was a peouliar appropriateness in his working the Fifteen Seotions there that night , as it was in that very room he had , many years ago , first attended a Lodge of
Instruction . It was also here that he first worked a section . To-night he had been honoured by the support of Bros . Barnes and Yetton . On the first occasion both those brethren were also present , and he then occupied the same chair ( J . W . ) that our worthy Bro . Stephens did that evening . He thanked the brethren sincerely for having elected him an hon . member , and he would at all times be pleased to
render any assistance the Lodge might require at his hands . A cordial vote of thanks to the working brethren was next given , and Bro . W . Hogg , as Preceptor , having replied , Bro . G . H . Stephens returned thanks on behalf of those who had worked . Bro . Barnes , in a few well-chosen words , spoke in commendation of several of the brethren , who , notwithstanding the fact of their being young Masons , had ao .
quitted themselves in admirable manner , Bros . Clements , Loane , and T . Wooding falling in for especial mention . The other brethren being older Masons , he ( Bro . Barnes ) expected to acquit themselves as well as they had done ; having acted as S . W . on so many previous and similar occasions , Bro . Barnes thought he had never heard the Fifteen Seotions done so well , throughout . Bro . T . J . Tyer was elected W . M . for the meeting on the 14 th inst ., and Lodge was closed .
Northern Counties Lodge , No . 406 . —The regular meet . ing of this Lodge took place at the Masonio Hall , Maple . street , Newoastle-on-Tyne , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . R . G . Salmon P . G . A . D . C , assisted by the following Officers : —Bros . John Page P . P . G . S . B . I . P . M ., R . W . Sisson as S . W ., S . M . Harris J . W ., John Ridsdale P . P . G . J . W . Treasurer ,
W . M . Lyon as Sec ., J . S . B . Bell S . D ., A . Hume J . D ., R . Knox P . M . D . C ., R . G . Sisson I . G ., R . Bilby Steward , and G . T . Sims Tyler . Upon the minutes being read , exception was taken to a portion thereof , and upon this resolution being rescinded , the remaining minutes were confirmed . The Lodge was then opened in the second degree , and Bro . Eagle was passed to Fellow Craft by the W . M . in a very perfect and impressive manner . The Lodge being closed
down , and routine business being disposed of , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshments . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , the health of the W . M . meeting with an enthusiastic reception . Amongst tbe Visitors present were Bros . Corder W . M . Gosforth Lodge , Cooper W . M . Walker Lodge , Braithwaite W . M . Percy Lodge , J . Duckett W . M . 481 , J . Usher I . P . M . 481 , C . B . Ford J . W . 481 , Denney 481 , & o .
HAVERI / ETs American United Mastodon Minstrels will return to Her Majesty's Theatre , Haymarket , London , Boxing day . Morning Performance at Two , evening at Eight . On which occasion they will present ( among other new features , fresh from America ) , HAVERIEY ' latest New York Sensation , the Christmas Burlesque Pantomime , entitled—THEHOO-DOO QUEEN ; OR THE CLOWN AMONG THE NIGGERS .
Explanatory—At Christmas time each year , a wild mania rages among many ignorant niggers in the interior of Georgia and Alabama , in America . About the middle of December , hundreds of niggers assemble in the woods and hold an incantation under tho direction of a female , whom they call the Hoo-doo Queen ; monrnful melodies are sung , grotesque dancing and mysterious manifestations are
produced . With the commencement of the holidays , the excitement ceases , and the niggers give way to joyful jolifioations , which is called Hi-Cum-Go . Beside the Burlesqne Pantomime , many novelties will be pro . duced , among others , The American Volunteer Fire-men Drill , New Monster 40 first part . The Pic-nic—first appearance of the American advanced Banjo Artist E . M . Hall , & o .
The dining rooms of the House of Commons are being thoroughly cleansed by way of inaugurating the new regime of Mr . Gordon ( of Holborn Restaurant fame ) . The late caterer , Mr . Nichole , after ten years , retires upon a handsome fortune . —World .
HOLLOWAY ' S OINTMENT AND PIUS . —In all sores , wounds , bad legs , and sprains of any kind , this Ointment is the most efficient application . It at once gives ease by allaying inflammation and moderating the Row ol blood to the part . Whenever the malady has been of long standing , the Ointment shonld he assisted by Holloway ' s purifying Pills , which act upon the stomach and
liver , guarding digestion from falling into that disordered state which the pain , restlossnsss , and fever attending these ailments is apt to produce , and which much retards recovery , and sometimes even makes serious the slightest case . No mother or nurse should be without these noble remedies ; they are equally applicable to all ages and constitutions . They purify the blood , regulate its circulation , renew diseased structures , and invigorate the system