Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article POWERS OF PROV. GRAND MASTERS. Page 1 of 1 Article ARCHIBALD G. BROWN'S ORPHAN HOME. Page 1 of 1 Article ARCHIBALD G. BROWN'S ORPHAN HOME. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters musk bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . Laughton Vicarage , Gainsborough , 9 th December 1880 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your panegyric respecting the late Brother Alderman John March , of York , I am prepared to testify ,
was neither fulsome nor partial ; it was a true statement of his invaluable services , not only as a Mason , but also as a gentleman and a Christian . I had the pleasure of knowing him moro than twenty years , and on the occasion to which you allude , in 1873 , when ho was Lord
Mayor of York , he walked with me , on returning from the Minster , to the Mansion House , which I well remember . Aldorman John March was a truly noblo character , as well as a thoughtful man . Ho invariably exhibited a phase of character which Masons of tho present day would do well to exhibit ; for with that adornment the late
Alderman illumined every circle in which he moved ; he was a thorough Christian gentleman in thonght , in feeling , and in expression , and he would have scorned to appear in any other character ; and it is only with such attributes of mankind that , after a long active life , I desire to he associated . Believe me , yours truly , DANIEL ACE , D . D ., F . R . A . S .
Powers Of Prov. Grand Masters.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . 9 th December 1880 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will you kindly assist me to solve the question of the power of a Provincial Grand Master to grant a dispensation in the following case : — A Lodge holds its regular meetings in its own private rooms , but
these do not afford accommodation for the annual banquet , and consequently it is held at another place . The brethren wish to dine in clothing , but Provincial authority says that P . G . Master has not the power to grant a dispensation for them to do so . Please say in your next issue of the CHRONICLE if this ruling is correct . Yours fraternall y , ALMONER .
Archibald G. Brown's Orphan Home.
A CONCERT of sacred and classical music , in aid of the Funds of this Orphan Home , was held on Wednesday evening , the 8 th instant , at the East London Tabernacle . The vocalists included Mesdames Ada Morgan and Alice Merrin , and Messrs . Charles and Frederick Nichols and Mr . Temple Cowell . The services of the City of London Orchestral Union , with full band of forty performers , were secured . Mr . G . T . H . Seddon was conductor : the duties of
leader were entrusted to Mr . H . Baynton ; and the pianista were the Misses Nichols and Kate Nichols and Miss Lndbrook . The general arrangements were in charge of a Committeee of Stewards , consisting of Messrs . Mace , Jennings , Hall , Tait , Saunders , Emery , Ince , Goodwin , Bawn , Gill , Pinney , and Mayer , Mr . R . Pinney being the Treasurer , and Mr . H . G . Ludbrook taking upon himself the arduous
duties of Hon . Secretary . The programme was a full one and ineluded selections , both vocal and instrumental , from Handel , Haydn , Mendelssohn , Meyerbeer , Schubert , Verdi , Mellon , Wagner , and other well-known composers . The audience was a numerous and highly appreciative one , and heartily applauded the very successful efforts of the vocalists and the orchestra . This Orpham
Home , whioh owes its establishment to the philanthropic spirit of Mr . Archibald Brown , of Bow-road , was only started six months ago , and yet it already has twelve little inmates , in charge of an experienced Matron , and under the daily supervision of a Pastor , in conjunction with whom is a Committee of six gentlemen . Every arrange , ment is made for the comfort of the little folks , and there is a
concreted playground , with covered shed attached , for their use . We wish the Home the success it deserves in the fulfilment of its kindly task .
The District Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the Western Division of South Africa held their half-yearly meeting in the British Temple , on Wednesday evening . After the disposal of the usual routine business , and a communication from the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Netherlands relative to the establishment of a universal benevolent scheme , the Right Worshipful the D . G . M ., Brother Charles Akin
Fairbridge , presented to Bro . W . T . Hawthorne , the P . D . G . S ., a jewel , which had been unanimously voted him in recognition of eight years services . Bro . Fairbridge prefaced the presentation with a few felicitous remarks , to which Bro . Hawthorne made a suitable reply . The jewel , which is an extremely handsome one , bore the following
inscription : — " Presented by unanimous resolution of the D . G . Lodge of South Africa , Western Division , to Bro . W . T . Hawthorne P . M . District Grand Secretary , on his retirement from office , as a recognition of services cheerfully undertaken and worthily discharged . 28 th July 1880 . " A somewhat similar jewel is to be presented to Bro . T . J . Inglesby P . D . G . S . W ., on his return from the front .
Archibald G. Brown's Orphan Home.
RETIREMENT OT THE DEP . P . G . M . ov ESSEX . —We aro informed that ia conseqnenco of removal from the county , V . W . Bro . S . R . VVigram D . P . G . M . of the Province of Essex has resigned his office ; and that the R . W . P . G . M . Lord Teutorden has beeu pleased to appoint W . Bro . Fred . A . Philbriok , Q . C ., P . G . D ., to the vacant post . Much regret will bo felt at tho retirement of Bro . VVigram , whoso great affability
and genial mannor has endeared him to all with whom ho has boon brought into contact . Tho appointment of Bro . Philbriok , however , is likely to be a very popular one , as he is not only well known as a leading barrister on the Home Circuit , aud as Recorder of his native town , Colchester , but he has greatly distinguished himself as a Mason . He is P . M . of No . 18 , and P . D . M . of Antiquity , No . 2 , acting by
immemorial constitution . This latter Lodge is tho most anciont in the Craft ; and H . R . H . Princo Leopold being W . M ., according to rule , when a Princo of royal blood is in tho chair , he appoints a Deputy who fulfils all the functions of Master . In tho Arch degree Comp . Philbriok is P . Principal of St . James' Chapter , No . 2 ; Prudence , No . 8 , and Mount Moriah , No . 12 . In the Grand Lodge Bro . Philbrick
took honours as Grand Deacon undor Lord Ripon ; and in Grand Chaptor ho is a Past Assist . Grand Sojournor . He is representative at Grand Lodgo of tho Grand Lodge and Grand Orient of Hungary and Hayti ; aud has for many years beon a momber of the Board of General Purposes , in the administration of which ho takos an active
interest . As might bo oxpooted from so hard working a Mason , Bro . Philbrick has boon a strong supporter of the great Masonic Institutions , being Vice-Patron of two , and Vice-President of tbo third , aud ho has served on the Houso Committeo of the Boys' School . In the Province of Essex , Pro . Philbrick has for some years beon a member of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester . —Essex Standard .
The Annual Dinner of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , will take place at the New Market Hotel , Snow-hill , opposite the New Poultry Market , E . O ., on Monday evening , at 7 . 15 . The brethren intend presenting their esteemed Preceptor Bro . W . Pennefather P . M . ( W . M . of the Mother Lodge ) with a valuable timepiece . From the influential list of Stewards , no doubt tho gathering
will be a great success . The ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed at the Prosperity Lo'dge of Instruction , held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , by Bro . Brown P . M . 65 , on Tuesday , 14 th December , at seven p . m . Members of the Craft aro fraternally invited to attend .
NOTICE—PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , givo advice and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all thoso who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours—Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC—The Breath of Life , or the Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope , —A Trip through China , —A Walk through the Tower , —Bombastes Purioso , a Burlesque , —Inspection of going Machinery , Processes and Exhibits , —Recitals in Costume , —Performances of the Automata , Blondin and Leotard , —The Hluminated Fountain and Ball Floating in the Air , Descent of the Diving Bell . Admission Is . Open from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 .
MEMORY EXTRAORDINARY BY CORRESPONDENCE . —Particulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Royal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
CONCERTINAS , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GEKMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , London , E ., inventor of the , Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tnne . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
RHEUMATISM.THE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is lid each , to be had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaekett-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
MA . S 01 STIC ANT > OTHER CONCERTS , < fcc . Bro . ERNEST EREYNE ( LIGHT TBITOB ) IS OPEN TO ENGAGEMENTS . Address all communications to care of Publisher , FREEMASON ' S CHnomciE Office , 23 Gt . Queen-street , "W . C .
INSTALLATION MEETINGS , & c . BRO . R . G . THOMAS , Organist No . 1602 , will be pleased to undertake the Musical Arrangements for either Lodges or Chapters . A Staff of Talented Artistes , Vocal and Instrumental , available for Banquets , & c . at shortest notice . Address R . G . Thomas , FBBEITASOIT ' S CHROITICM Office ' 23 Great Queen-street , London , E . C . Private residence , 55 Myddelton-souare ' Pentonville .
"O J IVOET ECA 1 K BEXTSHHS i _ . g § Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , §> ^oWflll'T™!<^P\/^1iioflfffi^i*flr- | ? S ? M H B l \ tfftft !*^ IniimniiTiii . iira \ / ( $ h flg ^ 3 g 65 sy r ^ k H ( fl ' ** Sir 1 r " I J \ L ** * '" * — ' / P'Wn'IIIMiHrA i f fcW ff r 7 r _ y ** t -j r £ trr s g jy ^ ^ jr ^ T * IH ( J if c pagg ? e M W 0 Q 4 4 lT 4 J ^ Ses ^ O— f * £# Ss IVOEY G-OODS IZBT G-E 3 STEie ^ . X ,, " g ' M g Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only . O < o E I ) rt r __ === j . , -JL ^ SSS -. PM + * 3 Ifil m < S GC 2 P 3 Ww $ yh & J 1 ffil « * /^ i /~\ > a %*119§=^5C°R(T1iKGQ£$a'B h * Vi m ^ O ^ m ^ s ^^ S'S o g < . A-T s : E 3 sr 3 sric 3- BKOS . Ivory Works , P g gpj 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O . g ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters musk bear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON S CHRONICLE . Laughton Vicarage , Gainsborough , 9 th December 1880 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Your panegyric respecting the late Brother Alderman John March , of York , I am prepared to testify ,
was neither fulsome nor partial ; it was a true statement of his invaluable services , not only as a Mason , but also as a gentleman and a Christian . I had the pleasure of knowing him moro than twenty years , and on the occasion to which you allude , in 1873 , when ho was Lord
Mayor of York , he walked with me , on returning from the Minster , to the Mansion House , which I well remember . Aldorman John March was a truly noblo character , as well as a thoughtful man . Ho invariably exhibited a phase of character which Masons of tho present day would do well to exhibit ; for with that adornment the late
Alderman illumined every circle in which he moved ; he was a thorough Christian gentleman in thonght , in feeling , and in expression , and he would have scorned to appear in any other character ; and it is only with such attributes of mankind that , after a long active life , I desire to he associated . Believe me , yours truly , DANIEL ACE , D . D ., F . R . A . S .
Powers Of Prov. Grand Masters.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . 9 th December 1880 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Will you kindly assist me to solve the question of the power of a Provincial Grand Master to grant a dispensation in the following case : — A Lodge holds its regular meetings in its own private rooms , but
these do not afford accommodation for the annual banquet , and consequently it is held at another place . The brethren wish to dine in clothing , but Provincial authority says that P . G . Master has not the power to grant a dispensation for them to do so . Please say in your next issue of the CHRONICLE if this ruling is correct . Yours fraternall y , ALMONER .
Archibald G. Brown's Orphan Home.
A CONCERT of sacred and classical music , in aid of the Funds of this Orphan Home , was held on Wednesday evening , the 8 th instant , at the East London Tabernacle . The vocalists included Mesdames Ada Morgan and Alice Merrin , and Messrs . Charles and Frederick Nichols and Mr . Temple Cowell . The services of the City of London Orchestral Union , with full band of forty performers , were secured . Mr . G . T . H . Seddon was conductor : the duties of
leader were entrusted to Mr . H . Baynton ; and the pianista were the Misses Nichols and Kate Nichols and Miss Lndbrook . The general arrangements were in charge of a Committeee of Stewards , consisting of Messrs . Mace , Jennings , Hall , Tait , Saunders , Emery , Ince , Goodwin , Bawn , Gill , Pinney , and Mayer , Mr . R . Pinney being the Treasurer , and Mr . H . G . Ludbrook taking upon himself the arduous
duties of Hon . Secretary . The programme was a full one and ineluded selections , both vocal and instrumental , from Handel , Haydn , Mendelssohn , Meyerbeer , Schubert , Verdi , Mellon , Wagner , and other well-known composers . The audience was a numerous and highly appreciative one , and heartily applauded the very successful efforts of the vocalists and the orchestra . This Orpham
Home , whioh owes its establishment to the philanthropic spirit of Mr . Archibald Brown , of Bow-road , was only started six months ago , and yet it already has twelve little inmates , in charge of an experienced Matron , and under the daily supervision of a Pastor , in conjunction with whom is a Committee of six gentlemen . Every arrange , ment is made for the comfort of the little folks , and there is a
concreted playground , with covered shed attached , for their use . We wish the Home the success it deserves in the fulfilment of its kindly task .
The District Grand Lodge of Freemasons of the Western Division of South Africa held their half-yearly meeting in the British Temple , on Wednesday evening . After the disposal of the usual routine business , and a communication from the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Netherlands relative to the establishment of a universal benevolent scheme , the Right Worshipful the D . G . M ., Brother Charles Akin
Fairbridge , presented to Bro . W . T . Hawthorne , the P . D . G . S ., a jewel , which had been unanimously voted him in recognition of eight years services . Bro . Fairbridge prefaced the presentation with a few felicitous remarks , to which Bro . Hawthorne made a suitable reply . The jewel , which is an extremely handsome one , bore the following
inscription : — " Presented by unanimous resolution of the D . G . Lodge of South Africa , Western Division , to Bro . W . T . Hawthorne P . M . District Grand Secretary , on his retirement from office , as a recognition of services cheerfully undertaken and worthily discharged . 28 th July 1880 . " A somewhat similar jewel is to be presented to Bro . T . J . Inglesby P . D . G . S . W ., on his return from the front .
Archibald G. Brown's Orphan Home.
RETIREMENT OT THE DEP . P . G . M . ov ESSEX . —We aro informed that ia conseqnenco of removal from the county , V . W . Bro . S . R . VVigram D . P . G . M . of the Province of Essex has resigned his office ; and that the R . W . P . G . M . Lord Teutorden has beeu pleased to appoint W . Bro . Fred . A . Philbriok , Q . C ., P . G . D ., to the vacant post . Much regret will bo felt at tho retirement of Bro . VVigram , whoso great affability
and genial mannor has endeared him to all with whom ho has boon brought into contact . Tho appointment of Bro . Philbriok , however , is likely to be a very popular one , as he is not only well known as a leading barrister on the Home Circuit , aud as Recorder of his native town , Colchester , but he has greatly distinguished himself as a Mason . He is P . M . of No . 18 , and P . D . M . of Antiquity , No . 2 , acting by
immemorial constitution . This latter Lodge is tho most anciont in the Craft ; and H . R . H . Princo Leopold being W . M ., according to rule , when a Princo of royal blood is in tho chair , he appoints a Deputy who fulfils all the functions of Master . In tho Arch degree Comp . Philbriok is P . Principal of St . James' Chapter , No . 2 ; Prudence , No . 8 , and Mount Moriah , No . 12 . In the Grand Lodge Bro . Philbrick
took honours as Grand Deacon undor Lord Ripon ; and in Grand Chaptor ho is a Past Assist . Grand Sojournor . He is representative at Grand Lodgo of tho Grand Lodge and Grand Orient of Hungary and Hayti ; aud has for many years beon a momber of the Board of General Purposes , in the administration of which ho takos an active
interest . As might bo oxpooted from so hard working a Mason , Bro . Philbrick has boon a strong supporter of the great Masonic Institutions , being Vice-Patron of two , and Vice-President of tbo third , aud ho has served on the Houso Committeo of the Boys' School . In the Province of Essex , Pro . Philbrick has for some years beon a member of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester . —Essex Standard .
The Annual Dinner of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , will take place at the New Market Hotel , Snow-hill , opposite the New Poultry Market , E . O ., on Monday evening , at 7 . 15 . The brethren intend presenting their esteemed Preceptor Bro . W . Pennefather P . M . ( W . M . of the Mother Lodge ) with a valuable timepiece . From the influential list of Stewards , no doubt tho gathering
will be a great success . The ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed at the Prosperity Lo'dge of Instruction , held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , by Bro . Brown P . M . 65 , on Tuesday , 14 th December , at seven p . m . Members of the Craft aro fraternally invited to attend .
NOTICE—PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL . Messrs . LEWIS , of 123 Chancery-lane , givo advice and legal assistance , and also undertake the settlement of the affairs of all thoso who are in debt or difficulties , without publicity or stoppage of business . Probate and Divorce cases attended to . Hours—Eleven to Four , Saturdays Eleven to One .
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC—The Breath of Life , or the Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope , —A Trip through China , —A Walk through the Tower , —Bombastes Purioso , a Burlesque , —Inspection of going Machinery , Processes and Exhibits , —Recitals in Costume , —Performances of the Automata , Blondin and Leotard , —The Hluminated Fountain and Ball Floating in the Air , Descent of the Diving Bell . Admission Is . Open from 12 till 5 , and from 7 till 10 .
MEMORY EXTRAORDINARY BY CORRESPONDENCE . —Particulars post free of Bro . William Stokes , Teacher of Memory , Royal Polytechnic , 309 Regent-street , London , W . Private lessons by appointment . Class on Tuesdays , 3 and 8 . 30 . The System complete in Three Lessons . " Stokes on Memory , " by post 14 stamps . Memory Globe , 14 stamps .
CONCERTINAS , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GEKMAN . G JONES , 350 Commercial-road , London , E ., inventor of the , Anglo-German with chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tnne . Used by the leading performers . Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
RHEUMATISM.THE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is lid each , to be had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaekett-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
MA . S 01 STIC ANT > OTHER CONCERTS , < fcc . Bro . ERNEST EREYNE ( LIGHT TBITOB ) IS OPEN TO ENGAGEMENTS . Address all communications to care of Publisher , FREEMASON ' S CHnomciE Office , 23 Gt . Queen-street , "W . C .
INSTALLATION MEETINGS , & c . BRO . R . G . THOMAS , Organist No . 1602 , will be pleased to undertake the Musical Arrangements for either Lodges or Chapters . A Staff of Talented Artistes , Vocal and Instrumental , available for Banquets , & c . at shortest notice . Address R . G . Thomas , FBBEITASOIT ' S CHROITICM Office ' 23 Great Queen-street , London , E . C . Private residence , 55 Myddelton-souare ' Pentonville .
"O J IVOET ECA 1 K BEXTSHHS i _ . g § Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , §> ^oWflll'T™!<^P\/^1iioflfffi^i*flr- | ? S ? M H B l \ tfftft !*^ IniimniiTiii . iira \ / ( $ h flg ^ 3 g 65 sy r ^ k H ( fl ' ** Sir 1 r " I J \ L ** * '" * — ' / P'Wn'IIIMiHrA i f fcW ff r 7 r _ y ** t -j r £ trr s g jy ^ ^ jr ^ T * IH ( J if c pagg ? e M W 0 Q 4 4 lT 4 J ^ Ses ^ O— f * £# Ss IVOEY G-OODS IZBT G-E 3 STEie ^ . X ,, " g ' M g Wholesale & for Exportation & the Trade only . O < o E I ) rt r __ === j . , -JL ^ SSS -. PM + * 3 Ifil m < S GC 2 P 3 Ww $ yh & J 1 ffil « * /^ i /~\ > a %*119§=^5C°R(T1iKGQ£$a'B h * Vi m ^ O ^ m ^ s ^^ S'S o g < . A-T s : E 3 sr 3 sric 3- BKOS . Ivory Works , P g gpj 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O . g ,