Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Lodge Scotland.
THE Grand Lodge of Scotland mot in Freemasons Hall , on 30 th ¦ alt ., for the installation of tho Officers for next year , and also for the celebration of the festival of St . Andrew . The ceremony of installation took place at four o'olock , in presence of a crowded attendance of members of the Craft . Grand Lodge was opened by the Grand Master of all India , Brother Macintosh Balfour , who
intimated all the eleotive offices vacant , and proposed for election as Grand Master Mason Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart . This having been unanimously agreed to , the Grand Wardens and President and Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards introduced the Grand Master , who took the usual obligation , and was then congratulated on his reappointment . The Grand Master thanked the
brethren for reappointing him to his high office , and took his place on the throne , and installed the other Officers who had been appointed for the ensuing year , the following being the names : —Past Grand Master the Earl of Rosslyn , Depnte Grand Master the Earl of Mar and Kellie , Substitute Grand Master Colonel Sir A . C . Campbell , Senior Grand Warden U . F . Shaw Stewart , Junior Grand
Warden the Earl of Haddington , Grand Seoretary D . Murray Lyon Grand Cashier David Kinnear , Grand Chaplains Rev . T . N . Wannop and Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson , B . A ., Senior Grand Deacon the Earl of Breadalbane , Jnnior Grand Deacon Captain John Crombie , Grand Architect Andrew Kerr , Grand Jeweller John S . Matheson , Grand Bible Bearer George Fisher , Grand Director of Ceremonies Captain
William Hills , Grand Sword Bearer H . Y . D . Copland , Grand Director of Music Carl Dreschler Hamilton , Grand Organist Robert Davidson , Grand Marshal Captain Farqnhar Macgillivray , Grand Tyler William M . Bryce , Outer Guard John Ness , President of Grand Stewards James Turner , Vice-President of Grand Stewards James Crichton . At this stage a pleasing ceremony was performed by the
Substitute Grand Master , who presented to the Grand Master a copy of the resolution of the previous meeting congratulating him on the marrage of hia daughter . The resolution was beautifully illuminated on vellum by Brother Melville , Edinburgh , handsomely bound , and bore the arms 01 Grand Lodge . Grand Lodge then adjourned to the large hall , there to celebrate
the festival of St . Andrew , in which they were assisted by members of Grand Lodge and deputations from daughter Lodges in Edinburgh and many parts of the country . There were about 250 of the brethren present , who received Grand Lodge standing , whilst appropriate music was played on the organ . The chair was taken by the Grand Master , who was supported on the right by Colonel Sir Archibald
Campbell , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master , Lieutenant-General Sir James Alexander Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire , Rev . T . N . Wannop Grand Chaplain , Brother William Officer representa . tive from the Grand Orient of Egypt , Bro . David Kinnear Grand Cashier , Bro . Andrew Kerr Grand Architeot , Bro . Rev . Alexander Inglis , Bro . Carl Hamilton Grand Director of Music , Bro . Captain
Hills , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; and on the left—Brother Macintosh Balfour Grand Master of all India , Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson Grand Chaplain , Bro . William Mann Proxy District Grand Master of all India , Bro . Captain C . Hunter representative of the Grand Lodge of Greece , Bro . Captain J . Crombie , Jnnior Grand Deacon , Bro . George Fisher Grand Bible Bearer , Bro . John S . Matheson Grand Jeweller
and Captain Macgillivray Grand Marshal . The croupiers were—Brothers R . F . Shaw Stewart Senior Grand Warden , and the Earl of Haddington Junior Grand Warden , and Brothers James Turner President and James Crichton Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards and Albert Apthorpe Past Grand Marshal acted as assist . ant croupiers . Amongst others present were—B rothers Dr . Falconer
D . Hume , Dysart , Sir Molyneux Nepean , Bart ., Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., Bro . James Elliot , jnnr ., of Wolflee . Apologies had been received from Brothers the Earl of Mar and Kellie Depute Grand Master , John Whyte Melville of Bennochy Past Grand Master , the Earl of Breadalbane Senior Grand Deacon , R . W . Cochrau-Potrick , M . P ., Provincial GranrlMaster of Ayrshire , Charles Dalrymple ,
M . P ., Provincial Grand M ; . ster of Argyll and the Isles , Capfcnin Clayhills Henderson Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , George Maxwell of Glenlee Provincial Grand Master of Wigtown and Kirkcudbright , F . A . Barrow Past Senior Grand Warden , Sir J . Don Wauchope of Edmonstou , Bart ., Colonel Lumsden of Pitcaple Past Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ( East ) , James
H . Neilson Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Veneznela Captain G . R . F . Colt of Gartsherrie Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Trinidad , W . Hay representative Nova Scotia , and Hector M'Lean Provincial Grand Master Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ) . Deputations were in attendance from the following Lodges , beaded by the undermentioned brethren , for the most part the R . W . M . 's of the respective Lodges : —1 , Lodge Edinburgh , St . Mary ' s Chapel , James
Crichton ; 5 , Canongate and Leith , Andrew Clark ; 8 , Journeyman Edinburgh , J . Wilson ; 10 , Dalkeith Kilwinning ; 11 , St . John , Maybole , Nisbet ; 14 , St . John , Dunkeld , Gillespie ; 19 , Cupar Fife , Milne ; 20 , St . John , Lesmahagow , Bertram ; 35 , St . John , Falkland , Wallace ; 36 , St . David , Edinburgh , E . Selliutin ; 42 , Holyrood House , St . Luke , Edinburgh , Bringloe ; 48 , St . Andrew , Edinburgh , Dr . Carmichael ; 64 ,.. St Machar , Aberdeen , Macdonald ; 57 , St . John , Kilwinning , Haddington , D . Compton j 70 , St . Abb , Eyemouth , Robertson ;; 93 ,
Grand Lodge Scotland.
St . Nicholas , Aberdeen , Moir ; 97 , St . James' Operative , Edinburgh , J . Craig ; 117 , St . Mary , Partick , Glasgow , Lanrenco ; 151 , Defensive Band , Edinbnrgh , Roualdson ; 153 , Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , Robertson ; 175 , St . John , Greenock , Cameron ; 185 , St . Adrian , Pittenweem , A . Hay ; 223 , Trafalgar , Leith , Barry ; 291 , Celtic , Edinburgh and LeithDr . Falconer ; 319 , St . Clair , Edinburgh , Dobie ; 362 , St . Clair ,
, Glasgow , Brownlee ; 380 , St . Andrew , Drybridge , A . W . Rennie ; 405 , Rifle Edinburgh , Albert Apthorpe ; 429 , St . Keutigern , Penicuick , Laing ; 518 , St . Andrew , Now Pitsligo , Wm . Pearson ; 520 , St . Clair of Dysart , Hume ; 597 , " North British Railway , " Edinburgh , Drysdale ; 607 , The Princes , Glasgow , T . D . Duncan . Dinner was served in excellent style by Brother Daish ; and there .
after Grand Lodge was opened in the first degree , and several toasts were proposed . " The Queen and tho Prince and Princess of Wales , with the rest of the Royal Family , " having been drunk with loyal honours , the Grand Master proposed " The Navy , Army , Militia , and Volunteers , " coupling with the Navy the name of Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., who , he mentioned , had beeu made a Companion of
the Bath for his behaviour at tho Cape , and whom Grand Lodge welcomed there —( Applause )—Brother Lieutenant-General Sir James Alexander with the Army ; Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell with the Militia , and Captain Crombie , Aberdeen , with the Volunteers . These brethren having replied , the Grand Master proposed " The Grand Lodges of England and Ireland . "
The Grand Master of all India ( Brother Balfonr ) rose , amid cheers , to propose the toast of "The Grand Master . " In doing so , he said that he felt that a very great honour had been conferred on Scottish Freemasons in India by their representative having been permitted to instal the Grand Master , and by this toast having been committed to his hands . It would be superfluous on his part to tell them any .
thing of the manner in which the Grand Master had discharged tho duties of his high office . Their Grand Master had laboured amon g them all , and by his works they knew him , and their appreciation of them had led them to re-elect him , and to appoint him as their Grand Master for the eighth time , to the entire satisfaction of every brother of the Scottish Craft , whether abroad or at home . Their
Grand Master had taken the initiative in many changes and advances in Scottish Freemasonry , and in that he had been undoubtedly and quietly carrying out their legitimate objects ; bnt he had , as many had , recognised , as these had been brought to a close , that his labours were only commencing , and that they were yet necessary to place Scottish Freemasonry in the high position whioh all the
brethren who desired to see it emulate the constitutions of England and Ireland were anxious it shonld occupy . He was sure he might say , not only on behalf of the foreign brethren , that their Grand Master , in endeavouring to continue his series of reforms , had the heartfelt sympathy and cordial support of every brother belonging to the Craft .
The Grand Master , who was received with prolonged and enthusiastio cheering , said that the part he was now called upon to perform was mnch more pleasing than it was a few years ago—in fact , the whole drama was more satisfactory and more pleasant to all the performers , and the audience , the general body of Masons , was also much better pleased . The consequenoe was that they had
a full treasury , and they could all unite , without reserve , in drinking to the prosperity of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . During the year ending that day there had been 3763 entrants , and of these about one-third were from colonial and foreign Lodges , and seven new charters had been issued . The Grand Lodge debt at that date amounted to £ 380 , whilst at the same date last year it was £ 5464 ,
so that there was a surplus on the year of £ 1664 . This state of Grand Lodge affairs was satisfactory to him , and must be highly so to all present . Financial matters were going right ; they had a most efficient and attentive coinmi tee ; and , besides that , he thought the whole tone of Grand Lodge was healthy and fraternal . Jealousies of localities were dying away , and they now felt it was their duty and
pleasure to do the best for Grand Lodge , irrespective of East or West , North or South . The Grand Master concluded by thanking the Grand Lodge for re-electing him to his high office . The toast of " The Past Grand Masters " having been proposed b y Bro . Alexander Hay , and that of" The Foreign Grand Lodges" by Sir Archibald Campbell , and replied for by Captain Charles Hunter ,
" The Depute and Substitute Grand Masters" was proposed by Bro . Wm . Mann . In doing so , he remarked that it was not long since the Substitute Master , Sir Archibald Campbell , had an honour con . ferrod upon him by the Queen ; and they trusted in course of time to see him at the head of Grand Lodge . They could not always have Sir Michael on the throne ; and he had no doubt the time was fast
coming when their friend Sir Alexander Campbell , would be put in the chair , and he was sure Sir Alexander would do equal credit to the chair as had been done by excellent Grand Masters who had preceded him . In replying to tho t > ist , Sir Alexander Campbell said that though he would not vonture to be a prophet , he hoped and trusted that in whatever position he was placed he would be able to
do his duty . The health of Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart was then proposed in felicitous terms by the Earl of Haddinirton , and drunk amid cheers , the Grand Master replying . The health of each of the daughter Lodges , which were represented by deputations , was then proposed , the head of the deputation , replying in due order . The other toasts were— " The GrandWardens , " by Brother Maorae , replied
to by the Earl of Haddington ; "The Provincial and District Grand Lodges , " by Bro . Officer , and acknowledged by Bro . Charles Shepherd •"The Grand Chaplains and other Office-bearers of Grand Lodge , " by the Grand Master , who passed a high enlogium upon his Grand Secretary for his faithful discharge of his duties , and replied for by Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson ; " The Board of Grand Stewards , " by Captain
Crombie , replied for by Bro . James Turner ; and , in solemn silence " The Memory of St . Clair of Rosslyn . " An excellent orchestra ) under Bro . Dambmann supplied music during the evening , and a number of excellent songs wero sung by several of the brethren . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the company separated about ten o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Scotland.
THE Grand Lodge of Scotland mot in Freemasons Hall , on 30 th ¦ alt ., for the installation of tho Officers for next year , and also for the celebration of the festival of St . Andrew . The ceremony of installation took place at four o'olock , in presence of a crowded attendance of members of the Craft . Grand Lodge was opened by the Grand Master of all India , Brother Macintosh Balfour , who
intimated all the eleotive offices vacant , and proposed for election as Grand Master Mason Sir Michael R . Shaw Stewart , Bart . This having been unanimously agreed to , the Grand Wardens and President and Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards introduced the Grand Master , who took the usual obligation , and was then congratulated on his reappointment . The Grand Master thanked the
brethren for reappointing him to his high office , and took his place on the throne , and installed the other Officers who had been appointed for the ensuing year , the following being the names : —Past Grand Master the Earl of Rosslyn , Depnte Grand Master the Earl of Mar and Kellie , Substitute Grand Master Colonel Sir A . C . Campbell , Senior Grand Warden U . F . Shaw Stewart , Junior Grand
Warden the Earl of Haddington , Grand Seoretary D . Murray Lyon Grand Cashier David Kinnear , Grand Chaplains Rev . T . N . Wannop and Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson , B . A ., Senior Grand Deacon the Earl of Breadalbane , Jnnior Grand Deacon Captain John Crombie , Grand Architect Andrew Kerr , Grand Jeweller John S . Matheson , Grand Bible Bearer George Fisher , Grand Director of Ceremonies Captain
William Hills , Grand Sword Bearer H . Y . D . Copland , Grand Director of Music Carl Dreschler Hamilton , Grand Organist Robert Davidson , Grand Marshal Captain Farqnhar Macgillivray , Grand Tyler William M . Bryce , Outer Guard John Ness , President of Grand Stewards James Turner , Vice-President of Grand Stewards James Crichton . At this stage a pleasing ceremony was performed by the
Substitute Grand Master , who presented to the Grand Master a copy of the resolution of the previous meeting congratulating him on the marrage of hia daughter . The resolution was beautifully illuminated on vellum by Brother Melville , Edinburgh , handsomely bound , and bore the arms 01 Grand Lodge . Grand Lodge then adjourned to the large hall , there to celebrate
the festival of St . Andrew , in which they were assisted by members of Grand Lodge and deputations from daughter Lodges in Edinburgh and many parts of the country . There were about 250 of the brethren present , who received Grand Lodge standing , whilst appropriate music was played on the organ . The chair was taken by the Grand Master , who was supported on the right by Colonel Sir Archibald
Campbell , Bart ., Substitute Grand Master , Lieutenant-General Sir James Alexander Provincial Grand Master of Stirlingshire , Rev . T . N . Wannop Grand Chaplain , Brother William Officer representa . tive from the Grand Orient of Egypt , Bro . David Kinnear Grand Cashier , Bro . Andrew Kerr Grand Architeot , Bro . Rev . Alexander Inglis , Bro . Carl Hamilton Grand Director of Music , Bro . Captain
Hills , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; and on the left—Brother Macintosh Balfour Grand Master of all India , Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson Grand Chaplain , Bro . William Mann Proxy District Grand Master of all India , Bro . Captain C . Hunter representative of the Grand Lodge of Greece , Bro . Captain J . Crombie , Jnnior Grand Deacon , Bro . George Fisher Grand Bible Bearer , Bro . John S . Matheson Grand Jeweller
and Captain Macgillivray Grand Marshal . The croupiers were—Brothers R . F . Shaw Stewart Senior Grand Warden , and the Earl of Haddington Junior Grand Warden , and Brothers James Turner President and James Crichton Vice-President of the Board of Grand Stewards and Albert Apthorpe Past Grand Marshal acted as assist . ant croupiers . Amongst others present were—B rothers Dr . Falconer
D . Hume , Dysart , Sir Molyneux Nepean , Bart ., Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., Bro . James Elliot , jnnr ., of Wolflee . Apologies had been received from Brothers the Earl of Mar and Kellie Depute Grand Master , John Whyte Melville of Bennochy Past Grand Master , the Earl of Breadalbane Senior Grand Deacon , R . W . Cochrau-Potrick , M . P ., Provincial GranrlMaster of Ayrshire , Charles Dalrymple ,
M . P ., Provincial Grand M ; . ster of Argyll and the Isles , Capfcnin Clayhills Henderson Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , George Maxwell of Glenlee Provincial Grand Master of Wigtown and Kirkcudbright , F . A . Barrow Past Senior Grand Warden , Sir J . Don Wauchope of Edmonstou , Bart ., Colonel Lumsden of Pitcaple Past Provincial Grand Master of Aberdeenshire ( East ) , James
H . Neilson Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Veneznela Captain G . R . F . Colt of Gartsherrie Proxy Provincial Grand Master of Trinidad , W . Hay representative Nova Scotia , and Hector M'Lean Provincial Grand Master Lanarkshire ( Upper Ward ) . Deputations were in attendance from the following Lodges , beaded by the undermentioned brethren , for the most part the R . W . M . 's of the respective Lodges : —1 , Lodge Edinburgh , St . Mary ' s Chapel , James
Crichton ; 5 , Canongate and Leith , Andrew Clark ; 8 , Journeyman Edinburgh , J . Wilson ; 10 , Dalkeith Kilwinning ; 11 , St . John , Maybole , Nisbet ; 14 , St . John , Dunkeld , Gillespie ; 19 , Cupar Fife , Milne ; 20 , St . John , Lesmahagow , Bertram ; 35 , St . John , Falkland , Wallace ; 36 , St . David , Edinburgh , E . Selliutin ; 42 , Holyrood House , St . Luke , Edinburgh , Bringloe ; 48 , St . Andrew , Edinburgh , Dr . Carmichael ; 64 ,.. St Machar , Aberdeen , Macdonald ; 57 , St . John , Kilwinning , Haddington , D . Compton j 70 , St . Abb , Eyemouth , Robertson ;; 93 ,
Grand Lodge Scotland.
St . Nicholas , Aberdeen , Moir ; 97 , St . James' Operative , Edinburgh , J . Craig ; 117 , St . Mary , Partick , Glasgow , Lanrenco ; 151 , Defensive Band , Edinbnrgh , Roualdson ; 153 , Royal Arch , Pollokshaws , Robertson ; 175 , St . John , Greenock , Cameron ; 185 , St . Adrian , Pittenweem , A . Hay ; 223 , Trafalgar , Leith , Barry ; 291 , Celtic , Edinburgh and LeithDr . Falconer ; 319 , St . Clair , Edinburgh , Dobie ; 362 , St . Clair ,
, Glasgow , Brownlee ; 380 , St . Andrew , Drybridge , A . W . Rennie ; 405 , Rifle Edinburgh , Albert Apthorpe ; 429 , St . Keutigern , Penicuick , Laing ; 518 , St . Andrew , Now Pitsligo , Wm . Pearson ; 520 , St . Clair of Dysart , Hume ; 597 , " North British Railway , " Edinburgh , Drysdale ; 607 , The Princes , Glasgow , T . D . Duncan . Dinner was served in excellent style by Brother Daish ; and there .
after Grand Lodge was opened in the first degree , and several toasts were proposed . " The Queen and tho Prince and Princess of Wales , with the rest of the Royal Family , " having been drunk with loyal honours , the Grand Master proposed " The Navy , Army , Militia , and Volunteers , " coupling with the Navy the name of Captain Fletcher Campbell , R . N ., who , he mentioned , had beeu made a Companion of
the Bath for his behaviour at tho Cape , and whom Grand Lodge welcomed there —( Applause )—Brother Lieutenant-General Sir James Alexander with the Army ; Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell with the Militia , and Captain Crombie , Aberdeen , with the Volunteers . These brethren having replied , the Grand Master proposed " The Grand Lodges of England and Ireland . "
The Grand Master of all India ( Brother Balfonr ) rose , amid cheers , to propose the toast of "The Grand Master . " In doing so , he said that he felt that a very great honour had been conferred on Scottish Freemasons in India by their representative having been permitted to instal the Grand Master , and by this toast having been committed to his hands . It would be superfluous on his part to tell them any .
thing of the manner in which the Grand Master had discharged tho duties of his high office . Their Grand Master had laboured amon g them all , and by his works they knew him , and their appreciation of them had led them to re-elect him , and to appoint him as their Grand Master for the eighth time , to the entire satisfaction of every brother of the Scottish Craft , whether abroad or at home . Their
Grand Master had taken the initiative in many changes and advances in Scottish Freemasonry , and in that he had been undoubtedly and quietly carrying out their legitimate objects ; bnt he had , as many had , recognised , as these had been brought to a close , that his labours were only commencing , and that they were yet necessary to place Scottish Freemasonry in the high position whioh all the
brethren who desired to see it emulate the constitutions of England and Ireland were anxious it shonld occupy . He was sure he might say , not only on behalf of the foreign brethren , that their Grand Master , in endeavouring to continue his series of reforms , had the heartfelt sympathy and cordial support of every brother belonging to the Craft .
The Grand Master , who was received with prolonged and enthusiastio cheering , said that the part he was now called upon to perform was mnch more pleasing than it was a few years ago—in fact , the whole drama was more satisfactory and more pleasant to all the performers , and the audience , the general body of Masons , was also much better pleased . The consequenoe was that they had
a full treasury , and they could all unite , without reserve , in drinking to the prosperity of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . During the year ending that day there had been 3763 entrants , and of these about one-third were from colonial and foreign Lodges , and seven new charters had been issued . The Grand Lodge debt at that date amounted to £ 380 , whilst at the same date last year it was £ 5464 ,
so that there was a surplus on the year of £ 1664 . This state of Grand Lodge affairs was satisfactory to him , and must be highly so to all present . Financial matters were going right ; they had a most efficient and attentive coinmi tee ; and , besides that , he thought the whole tone of Grand Lodge was healthy and fraternal . Jealousies of localities were dying away , and they now felt it was their duty and
pleasure to do the best for Grand Lodge , irrespective of East or West , North or South . The Grand Master concluded by thanking the Grand Lodge for re-electing him to his high office . The toast of " The Past Grand Masters " having been proposed b y Bro . Alexander Hay , and that of" The Foreign Grand Lodges" by Sir Archibald Campbell , and replied for by Captain Charles Hunter ,
" The Depute and Substitute Grand Masters" was proposed by Bro . Wm . Mann . In doing so , he remarked that it was not long since the Substitute Master , Sir Archibald Campbell , had an honour con . ferrod upon him by the Queen ; and they trusted in course of time to see him at the head of Grand Lodge . They could not always have Sir Michael on the throne ; and he had no doubt the time was fast
coming when their friend Sir Alexander Campbell , would be put in the chair , and he was sure Sir Alexander would do equal credit to the chair as had been done by excellent Grand Masters who had preceded him . In replying to tho t > ist , Sir Alexander Campbell said that though he would not vonture to be a prophet , he hoped and trusted that in whatever position he was placed he would be able to
do his duty . The health of Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart was then proposed in felicitous terms by the Earl of Haddinirton , and drunk amid cheers , the Grand Master replying . The health of each of the daughter Lodges , which were represented by deputations , was then proposed , the head of the deputation , replying in due order . The other toasts were— " The GrandWardens , " by Brother Maorae , replied
to by the Earl of Haddington ; "The Provincial and District Grand Lodges , " by Bro . Officer , and acknowledged by Bro . Charles Shepherd •"The Grand Chaplains and other Office-bearers of Grand Lodge , " by the Grand Master , who passed a high enlogium upon his Grand Secretary for his faithful discharge of his duties , and replied for by Rev . W . C . E . Jamieson ; " The Board of Grand Stewards , " by Captain
Crombie , replied for by Bro . James Turner ; and , in solemn silence " The Memory of St . Clair of Rosslyn . " An excellent orchestra ) under Bro . Dambmann supplied music during the evening , and a number of excellent songs wero sung by several of the brethren . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the company separated about ten o ' clock .