Article UNITED STRENGTH LODGE, No. 228. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED STRENGTH LODGE, No. 228. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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United Strength Lodge, No. 228.
IT is impossible to attend a mopting of this old and flourishing Lodge , and not admit the appropriateness of its appellation . For beyond the cohesion and fraternal unity which should , and invariably does , cement the members of a Lodge together , there are elements of sound and pure Masonic intercourse and co-operation which it mnst be said do not exist everywhere . Added to an excelleice of
working which strikes tho visitor with agreeable astonishment , there is a vein of sterling amity pervading the Lodge , the town and country members vieing with each other only in advancing its interests and in cultivating those courtesies and amenities which are by no m ? ans the least important or essential elements of the Craft . Thus on Tuesday evening last , the recently-installed Worshipful
Master , Bro . George Hellen Patmore ( of Luton ) was met on the first evoning of his presidency since his installation , by a large and enthusinstic ' gathering , including many Past Masters and Visitors . The brethren assembled at the Guildhalt Tavern , Gresham-street , about half-past four o ' clock , when Lodge was opened with the custonary observances , the W . M . being supported by most of his Officers , viz .,
Bros . Alfred Henry Hickman S . W ., Henry W . Alford J . W ., Joseph Crnmp P . M . Secretary , Edward Davies P . M . Acting Secretary , Frederick J . Hunt S . D ., Alfred H . Trewinnard W . M . 1692 J . D ., Frank Arnold D . C ., Matthew Moseley A . D . C ., and Georgo Bellott I . G . The esteemed Treasurer , Bro . John A . Winsland P . M ., and Bro . James Terry P . M . ( Secretary of the Eoyal Masonio Bonovolent
Institution ) , who has kindly undertaken the post of Steward , were unavoidably absent . The attendance also inolnded—Bros . Eobert Snare I . P . M . ; P . M . ' s Richard Pearoy , Eobert H . Halford , James Hillhouse , A . Colston ; Bros . H . Langley , Alfred Cornelius Wolsey , Joseph Eeynolds Green , Francis Edward Thurland , Vilett Rolleston , Henry George Plnws , Cornelius Reepe , T . E . Bull , Harley Paine ,
William John Randall , John Woodman , James Francis Quartley , Charles Lewis Amez Droz , William Campden , William Smith , Henry Thomas Sandy , Charles William Butler , Edward Henry Johnson , James Evetts , Max Mendelsohn , John Henry Miller , Thomas Gebhardt , George Christopher Fidge , William Bray , T . H . Bromley , William Briden Smart , Robert Carlyle Childs , & c . Visitors—Bros . A .
Davies 1247 , Samuel Johnson 948 , William Webb I . G . 1580 , James Taylor 177 , W . C . Hazelgrovo W . M . 475 , and G . E . Frodsham 3 . Thus it will be observed that the metropolitan brethren were joined by a strong contingent from Luton and other parts of Bedfordshire ; and , as we have said , Bro . Patmore ' s inaugural presidency drew togethor a numerous and enthusiastic assembly . The minutes of
the installation meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was prepared for Mr . William Briden Smart , of Luton , proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Brother Frank Arnold ; for Mr . Thomas Jones , of Luton , proposed by Bro . Miller , seconded by the W . M . ; and for Mr . Robert Carlyle Child , of Hampstead , whose sponsors were Bro . Vilett Rolleston and Bro . Edward Davies P . M . All were
uuammously accepted , and Messrs . Smart and Child being in attendance were duly initiatod into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M ., who acquitted himself with credit and satisfaction to the brethren . Lodge was then advanced , and Bro . William Bray , having answered the usual interrogations perfectly , was entrusted ; and on his readmission was passed to
Fellow Craft , the ceremony being well performed by the W . Master . Lodge was again advanced , when Bros . Alfred Cornelius Wolsey and Geo . Christopher Fidgo were duly raised , the impressive manner in which the rite was carried out showing that the W . Master needs but little experience in his exalted position to attain perfection of working . At the conclusion of a somewhat heavy agenda , Lodge was
closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to the Tbrone-room of the hotel , where Messrs . Eitter and Clifford , as usual , presented a tempting menu , the banquet being personally superintended by Bro . Henry Mills . The whole of the arrangements were such as to affurd unqualified satisfaction . After dessert the customary Loyal and Craft toasts were honoured , and the health of the Initiates havins
been welcomed with a hearty " fire , " Bros . Smart and Child acknowledged , in suitable terms , the compliment paid them . Bro . Snare I . P . M . then proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , whom he congratulated upon the numerous attendance at his first meeting , and upon the success he had achieved in conducting the duties of the Lodge . The W . Master , in responding , thanked the brethren for the
very flattering manner in which they had received the toast . He was sensible of many shortcomings in the discharge of the arduous duties which they had entrusted to his hands ; but it would be no fault of his if he did not acquit himself next time more to their satisfaction and his own . However , he had done the work to the best of his ability . ' It must be recollected that in the country they could not
enjoy the facilities possessed by London brethren of attending Lodges of Instruction , where , with the Preceptor at their elbow , they were enabled to make rapid advances in their work . In such cases a man who applied himself to the task could soon make himself almost perfect in Masonry . It was not convenient for him to be in London every night , bat he should endeavour to come as often as he could ,
and study to attain a little more polish than he had exhibited that evening . In conclusion ho assured them he should always do the best he could for the Lodge of United Strength . He then proposed the Visitors , offering a few words of welcome to each whose name appeared upon the list . Suitable replies were made by Bro . W . C . Hazelgrove W . M . of St . John the Baptist Lodge 475 , who invited
, the brethren of the United Strength to pay him a return visit ; Bro . oatnnel Johnson , who expressed the pleasure it had afforded him , on this his first visit , to see the excellence of working in the Lodge , and the hearty unanimity which pervaded the brethren ; Bro . William Webb , who thought from what he had seen of the working there was
uo need for the apologetic terms in which the W . Master had ex-Pressed himself . Bros . A . Davies , Jas . Taylor , and G . E . Frodsham also acknowled ged the hospitable welcome which had been extended to the Visitors . The VV . Master , in proposing tho health of tho Past Masters , observed that those who were in Lodge that night would be
United Strength Lodge, No. 228.
satisfied he ( the speaker ) would have fared badly had not his worthy Immediato Past Master beeu at his olbow to render him valuable assistance . They had also amongst them tho father of the Lodge , Bro . Joseph Crump P . M ., whom they all delighted to honour . It did not matter who came to visit the Lodge , they always inquired who was that venerable brother amongst them , and all wero delighted to
hail him as the parent of the United Strength Lodge . There wero several other P . M . ' s present , all of whom had ably filled the chair which he now occupied , though they regretted the unavoidable absence of Bros . Winsland , their esteemed Treasurer , and James Terry . Really , withont the latter the Lodge did not scorn complete ; but they had the satisfaction of knowing that he was
somewhere about tho country advocating , with his well-known fervency and zeal , the claims of that noble Institution of which he was the guiding spirit and the grand propelliug power . The toast waa acknowledged by tho Immediate Past Master , who claimed for himself and colleagues that " modesty " which always took possession of men who bad passed the chair . He promised to Bro . Patmore all tho aid which he and his brother P . M . ' s could render during his year of
office , which , he hoped , would be a happy and prosperous one . The health of the Officers of the Lodge was next given , and suitable replies wero made by those brethren respectively , the official list being concluded with tho Tyler ' s toast . During the evening some capital songs were rendered , tho very agreeable proceedings being brought to a termination in time to enable the country brethren to catch the last train for homo .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 3 rd March . Bros . F . W . Wilkinson W . M ., C . Andrews P . M . S . W ., C . E . Porter J . W ., J . Green S . D ., J . Wells J . D ., F . Botley I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor . The work comprised the rohearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . H . E ,
Tucker candidate . Tho W . M . gave the charge . Tho Secretary was requested to write to Bro . G . S . Wright a letter of condolence , sympathising with him in his b ereavement , —tho loss of his wife . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Wilkinson on his having filled the chair in this Lodge of Instruction for the first time . Bro . C . Andrews was elected W . M . for tho next meeting .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 7 th inst ., at Bro . A . Yates ' s , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , Bro . Hnbbert occupied the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . Sturtevant as S . W ., Loane J . W ., W . Hogg P . M . Preceptor , T . J . Barnes P . M . Treasnrer , B . Stewart Secretary , Loftus S . D ., Deeson J . D ., Hammond I . G . ; also present Bros . Johnson ,
Wheatley , J . Andrews P . M ., Robinson , Stephens , & c . The usual preliminaries having been duly observed , Bro . Hnbbert rehearsed the ceremony of initiation—Bro . Johnson as candidate—in a very commendable manner . Bro . Loane jnn . worked the first section of the lecture , and Bro . Barnes P . M . the second and third , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Stewart Hon . Secretary then submitted the
balance sheet for the past twelve months , which showed a satisfactory financial position . We are pleased to note the steady support which this Lodge has accorded to the Masonic Institutions , £ 5 5 s having been voted twice to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , besides sundry grants to necessitous brethren . Whilst we are gratified to find the working of a Lodge to be good , this is doubtless the
highest exercise of good working Freemasons can exhibit . Bro . Sturtevant was elected to fill the position of Master at the meeting on the 14 th inst . A voto of thanks , which was snpported in kindly terms by Bro . Barnes P . M ., was unanimously accorded to Bro . Hubbert , he having ocenpied the position of W . M ., for the first time in this Lodge , most ably . Announcements were made of the working of the Fifteen Sections by the following brethren : —On the 23 rd
inst ., at the Burdett-Coutts Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1278 , by Bro . B . Cnndick ; on the 27 th inst ., at . the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , by Bro . T . Wooding ; on the 28 th inst ., at West Smithfiekl Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's Church - yard , E . C , by Bro , G . H . Stephens , who , on tho invitation of this Lodge , will be assisted entirely by brethren from the East End of London . Lodge was then closed and adjourned until the 14 th inst .
EPPS'SCOCOA . GKATEFUL AND COMPORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , aud a properly nourished frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Strength Lodge, No. 228.
IT is impossible to attend a mopting of this old and flourishing Lodge , and not admit the appropriateness of its appellation . For beyond the cohesion and fraternal unity which should , and invariably does , cement the members of a Lodge together , there are elements of sound and pure Masonic intercourse and co-operation which it mnst be said do not exist everywhere . Added to an excelleice of
working which strikes tho visitor with agreeable astonishment , there is a vein of sterling amity pervading the Lodge , the town and country members vieing with each other only in advancing its interests and in cultivating those courtesies and amenities which are by no m ? ans the least important or essential elements of the Craft . Thus on Tuesday evening last , the recently-installed Worshipful
Master , Bro . George Hellen Patmore ( of Luton ) was met on the first evoning of his presidency since his installation , by a large and enthusinstic ' gathering , including many Past Masters and Visitors . The brethren assembled at the Guildhalt Tavern , Gresham-street , about half-past four o ' clock , when Lodge was opened with the custonary observances , the W . M . being supported by most of his Officers , viz .,
Bros . Alfred Henry Hickman S . W ., Henry W . Alford J . W ., Joseph Crnmp P . M . Secretary , Edward Davies P . M . Acting Secretary , Frederick J . Hunt S . D ., Alfred H . Trewinnard W . M . 1692 J . D ., Frank Arnold D . C ., Matthew Moseley A . D . C ., and Georgo Bellott I . G . The esteemed Treasurer , Bro . John A . Winsland P . M ., and Bro . James Terry P . M . ( Secretary of the Eoyal Masonio Bonovolent
Institution ) , who has kindly undertaken the post of Steward , were unavoidably absent . The attendance also inolnded—Bros . Eobert Snare I . P . M . ; P . M . ' s Richard Pearoy , Eobert H . Halford , James Hillhouse , A . Colston ; Bros . H . Langley , Alfred Cornelius Wolsey , Joseph Eeynolds Green , Francis Edward Thurland , Vilett Rolleston , Henry George Plnws , Cornelius Reepe , T . E . Bull , Harley Paine ,
William John Randall , John Woodman , James Francis Quartley , Charles Lewis Amez Droz , William Campden , William Smith , Henry Thomas Sandy , Charles William Butler , Edward Henry Johnson , James Evetts , Max Mendelsohn , John Henry Miller , Thomas Gebhardt , George Christopher Fidge , William Bray , T . H . Bromley , William Briden Smart , Robert Carlyle Childs , & c . Visitors—Bros . A .
Davies 1247 , Samuel Johnson 948 , William Webb I . G . 1580 , James Taylor 177 , W . C . Hazelgrovo W . M . 475 , and G . E . Frodsham 3 . Thus it will be observed that the metropolitan brethren were joined by a strong contingent from Luton and other parts of Bedfordshire ; and , as we have said , Bro . Patmore ' s inaugural presidency drew togethor a numerous and enthusiastic assembly . The minutes of
the installation meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was prepared for Mr . William Briden Smart , of Luton , proposed by the W . M ., seconded by Brother Frank Arnold ; for Mr . Thomas Jones , of Luton , proposed by Bro . Miller , seconded by the W . M . ; and for Mr . Robert Carlyle Child , of Hampstead , whose sponsors were Bro . Vilett Rolleston and Bro . Edward Davies P . M . All were
uuammously accepted , and Messrs . Smart and Child being in attendance were duly initiatod into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M ., who acquitted himself with credit and satisfaction to the brethren . Lodge was then advanced , and Bro . William Bray , having answered the usual interrogations perfectly , was entrusted ; and on his readmission was passed to
Fellow Craft , the ceremony being well performed by the W . Master . Lodge was again advanced , when Bros . Alfred Cornelius Wolsey and Geo . Christopher Fidgo were duly raised , the impressive manner in which the rite was carried out showing that the W . Master needs but little experience in his exalted position to attain perfection of working . At the conclusion of a somewhat heavy agenda , Lodge was
closed in form , and the brethren adjourned to the Tbrone-room of the hotel , where Messrs . Eitter and Clifford , as usual , presented a tempting menu , the banquet being personally superintended by Bro . Henry Mills . The whole of the arrangements were such as to affurd unqualified satisfaction . After dessert the customary Loyal and Craft toasts were honoured , and the health of the Initiates havins
been welcomed with a hearty " fire , " Bros . Smart and Child acknowledged , in suitable terms , the compliment paid them . Bro . Snare I . P . M . then proposed the health of the Worshipful Master , whom he congratulated upon the numerous attendance at his first meeting , and upon the success he had achieved in conducting the duties of the Lodge . The W . Master , in responding , thanked the brethren for the
very flattering manner in which they had received the toast . He was sensible of many shortcomings in the discharge of the arduous duties which they had entrusted to his hands ; but it would be no fault of his if he did not acquit himself next time more to their satisfaction and his own . However , he had done the work to the best of his ability . ' It must be recollected that in the country they could not
enjoy the facilities possessed by London brethren of attending Lodges of Instruction , where , with the Preceptor at their elbow , they were enabled to make rapid advances in their work . In such cases a man who applied himself to the task could soon make himself almost perfect in Masonry . It was not convenient for him to be in London every night , bat he should endeavour to come as often as he could ,
and study to attain a little more polish than he had exhibited that evening . In conclusion ho assured them he should always do the best he could for the Lodge of United Strength . He then proposed the Visitors , offering a few words of welcome to each whose name appeared upon the list . Suitable replies were made by Bro . W . C . Hazelgrove W . M . of St . John the Baptist Lodge 475 , who invited
, the brethren of the United Strength to pay him a return visit ; Bro . oatnnel Johnson , who expressed the pleasure it had afforded him , on this his first visit , to see the excellence of working in the Lodge , and the hearty unanimity which pervaded the brethren ; Bro . William Webb , who thought from what he had seen of the working there was
uo need for the apologetic terms in which the W . Master had ex-Pressed himself . Bros . A . Davies , Jas . Taylor , and G . E . Frodsham also acknowled ged the hospitable welcome which had been extended to the Visitors . The VV . Master , in proposing tho health of tho Past Masters , observed that those who were in Lodge that night would be
United Strength Lodge, No. 228.
satisfied he ( the speaker ) would have fared badly had not his worthy Immediato Past Master beeu at his olbow to render him valuable assistance . They had also amongst them tho father of the Lodge , Bro . Joseph Crump P . M ., whom they all delighted to honour . It did not matter who came to visit the Lodge , they always inquired who was that venerable brother amongst them , and all wero delighted to
hail him as the parent of the United Strength Lodge . There wero several other P . M . ' s present , all of whom had ably filled the chair which he now occupied , though they regretted the unavoidable absence of Bros . Winsland , their esteemed Treasurer , and James Terry . Really , withont the latter the Lodge did not scorn complete ; but they had the satisfaction of knowing that he was
somewhere about tho country advocating , with his well-known fervency and zeal , the claims of that noble Institution of which he was the guiding spirit and the grand propelliug power . The toast waa acknowledged by tho Immediate Past Master , who claimed for himself and colleagues that " modesty " which always took possession of men who bad passed the chair . He promised to Bro . Patmore all tho aid which he and his brother P . M . ' s could render during his year of
office , which , he hoped , would be a happy and prosperous one . The health of the Officers of the Lodge was next given , and suitable replies wero made by those brethren respectively , the official list being concluded with tho Tyler ' s toast . During the evening some capital songs were rendered , tho very agreeable proceedings being brought to a termination in time to enable the country brethren to catch the last train for homo .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 3 rd March . Bros . F . W . Wilkinson W . M ., C . Andrews P . M . S . W ., C . E . Porter J . W ., J . Green S . D ., J . Wells J . D ., F . Botley I . G ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor . The work comprised the rohearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . H . E ,
Tucker candidate . Tho W . M . gave the charge . Tho Secretary was requested to write to Bro . G . S . Wright a letter of condolence , sympathising with him in his b ereavement , —tho loss of his wife . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Wilkinson on his having filled the chair in this Lodge of Instruction for the first time . Bro . C . Andrews was elected W . M . for tho next meeting .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 7 th inst ., at Bro . A . Yates ' s , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , Bro . Hnbbert occupied the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . Sturtevant as S . W ., Loane J . W ., W . Hogg P . M . Preceptor , T . J . Barnes P . M . Treasnrer , B . Stewart Secretary , Loftus S . D ., Deeson J . D ., Hammond I . G . ; also present Bros . Johnson ,
Wheatley , J . Andrews P . M ., Robinson , Stephens , & c . The usual preliminaries having been duly observed , Bro . Hnbbert rehearsed the ceremony of initiation—Bro . Johnson as candidate—in a very commendable manner . Bro . Loane jnn . worked the first section of the lecture , and Bro . Barnes P . M . the second and third , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Stewart Hon . Secretary then submitted the
balance sheet for the past twelve months , which showed a satisfactory financial position . We are pleased to note the steady support which this Lodge has accorded to the Masonic Institutions , £ 5 5 s having been voted twice to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , besides sundry grants to necessitous brethren . Whilst we are gratified to find the working of a Lodge to be good , this is doubtless the
highest exercise of good working Freemasons can exhibit . Bro . Sturtevant was elected to fill the position of Master at the meeting on the 14 th inst . A voto of thanks , which was snpported in kindly terms by Bro . Barnes P . M ., was unanimously accorded to Bro . Hubbert , he having ocenpied the position of W . M ., for the first time in this Lodge , most ably . Announcements were made of the working of the Fifteen Sections by the following brethren : —On the 23 rd
inst ., at the Burdett-Coutts Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1278 , by Bro . B . Cnndick ; on the 27 th inst ., at . the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , by Bro . T . Wooding ; on the 28 th inst ., at West Smithfiekl Lodge of Instruction , No . 1623 , Cathedral Hotel , St . Paul's Church - yard , E . C , by Bro , G . H . Stephens , who , on tho invitation of this Lodge , will be assisted entirely by brethren from the East End of London . Lodge was then closed and adjourned until the 14 th inst .
EPPS'SCOCOA . GKATEFUL AND COMPORTING . " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , aud a properly nourished frame . " —Civil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon use .