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Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committeo of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . There wore present Bros . S . Rosenthal ( in the chair ) , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , S . Rawson , Richard Morris Head Master , Arthur E . Gladwell , W . H . Ferryman , A . J . Dnff-Filer , C . F . Matier , Alfred Williams , Donald M . Do war , E . S- Phillips , H . Massey ,
W . Roebnck , George J . Palmer , VV . U . Sannders , F . Adlard , H . Young , W . Pans , John Mason , and F . Binckes Secretary . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , two petitions were examined and the candidates placed on tho list for tho election in October . An outfit of £ 5 was granted to a former pupil of tho Institution , now in a situation . Bro . 0 . F . Matier jjavo notice of motion for altering
Law 55 of tho Institution by making it necessary that a candidate a father shonld have been a subscribing member to a Lodgo for three years . Bro . Dnff-Filer also gavo notice of motion for increasing the maximum snm to be given to exceptionally deserving pupils for their advancement in life on leaving tho Institution , from £ 20 to £ 40 . The Committee then adjourned .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
rpHE monthly mooting of tho Committeo of this Institution was - * - held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday afternoon , when there wero present Bros . Col . J . Creaton V . P . ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , Raynham W . Stewart , J . IT . Matthews , W . Stephens , W . Clarke , George Bolton , John Bulmer , John G . Stevens , Charles John Perceval , Charles II . Webb , Charles G . Hill , C . A . Cottebrune
J . M . Case , Edgar Bowyor , C . G . Dilley , Louis Stean , Charles Atkins , Thomas Cnbitt , and James Terry Secretary . The minutes of tho 9 th of February wero read and verified . The death of one annuitant , Mrs . Mary A . Thistleton , who had received £ 385 , and Mrs . Isherwood , an approved candidate , were reported by the Secretary , who also reported that tho Annual Festival was held on
Wednesday , the 23 rd tilt ., Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., presiding ; that the amount aunouncedwas £ 14 , 16013 s , with several lists to come in , but that the snm had now reached £ 14 , 380 , with two lists outstanding . The Warden ' s Report for the past month was read . The Secretary also reported that tho result of tho appeal against tho increased assessment of tho building at Croydon was successful . Tho Chairman was authorised to sign several cheques . A letter was read from Bro .
Cnrteis , of Stonehouso , Devon , which , after some consideration , was deferred till next meeting . Tho visit of the Stewards of tbe late Festival was left in the hands of the House Committee to make the necessary arrangements . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart gave notice of motion to increase the accommodation at the Institution in the centre building , after which a voto of thanks was passed to the Chairman , and the Committeo adjourned .
Since writing our analysis , wo havo heard from Bro . Terry , and experience great pleasure in announcing , that although there arc still two lists outstanding , the Festival of tho Royal Masouio Benevolent Iiistitutiou on tho 28 rd tilt , has y ielded a total of £ 14 , 380 .
We have been favoured with a communication from Bro . Henry Smith , who is Prov . G . Secretary W . Yorkshire and Chairman of its Charit y Organisation Committee , in which , after stating that his Province had sent up 1 G 5
Stewards , who raised among them £ 3-560 , he draws attention to tho great additional outlay incurred b y those brethren in respect of the Festival itself . We must point out , however , in tho first p lace , that such outlay is incurred
by the Stewards in defraying the cost of the banquet , concert , & c , and in the second p lace we have never taken the Stewards' Fees into account . We shonld as soon think of including the travelling and hotel expenses . of
Provincial brethren who visit London m order to be present at the Festival in their capacity of Stewards . We congratulate Bro . Smith on the success of an Anniversary in
which his Province has played so prominent a part , but it is hardl y necessary we should go out of the way to g ild the refined " -old of W . Yorkshire .
Wc advise those of our readers who may bo desirous of seeing a scholarly interpretation of Hamlet , to take the opportunity which is now afforded them , and will be open till the 18 th instant , of visiting Sadlcrs Wells Theatre , to witness Mr . Hermann Vezin ' s assumption of this character .
We feel sure they will be hi ghl y gratified , as wo can personall y testify to its being ono of the ablest of the able performances we have been privileged to witness . Moreover , Mr . Vezin is fairly well supported by the company ,
and in particular by Miss Carlisle , who gave an admirable rendering of Op helia . Wc must repeat that Hamlet will not be p layed after the 18 th instant , arrangements having been made for the production , on the 19 th , of " Mary Warner . "
II c- do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Qor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must hear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Since I sent yon Cnrwen ' s account of a Masonio Pantomime , I learned from Bro . John Barker , Publisher , nt New York , that Bro . Nickerson , at Boston , had recently purchased some pamphlets , among which was a Masonic Pantomime . On my
return to Boston , after reminding friend Nickerson a 3 to where , when , and of whom he obtained the pamphlets ; search was made , and , in short , here is a copy thereof—title-page , songs , recitations , choruses , and the order of the Procession . I have , however , omitted the explanations which follow each paragraph in the order of
procession . These explanations are taken from Anderson and Preston , to show tho connection of the great personages in the procession with Masonry ; for instance , how Queen Elizabeth ordered the Lodge or 6 . L . at York to be broken up ; how , where , and when Charles II ., Wil . liam III ., & c , & e ., were made Masons , and , for obvious reasons , these
explanations are omitted . I shall only add that G . Kearsly , the publisher of the Pantomime , had published a Freemasons' Constitution in 1765 ) ( then in Lndgatestreet ) . Fraternally yours ,
JACOB NORTON . Songs , Duettos , Glees , Catches , etc . With an explanation of tho procession in tho Pantomime of HARLEQUIN FREE-MASON . —As porformed at tho Theatre Royal , in Covent Garden . —A new edition , with additions . Lonrlou : Printed for G . Kearsly . Fleet Street , MDCCXXXXI .
Behold the model of our art . Work on whatever plan , Masons must borrow still some part From that great structure Man . Here , well to captivate the sight ,
The Orders all agree ; Proportion , strength , and force unite , With ease and symmetry . But , see , the sun rides down the west , A hark , our sign from work to rest .
RECIT . —Hiram Ahiff . Lo , from amidst thoso sacred glades , Where rest grand horoos , statesmen , kings , And other Autiont Masons' shades , Tho ghost of Hiram Abift' springs .
Chief of Masons noble art , While of a Mastor they make choice , Shall I not take an active part , And loudly join my brethren's voice ? Fall , mystic figure—to onr eyes
Preseut a motley child of mirth : Whose featly pranks shall all surprise , And give to vacant laughter birth . Move , kneel , stoop , stand , spring , dance , leap , run ; Now , mark me , for the charm is done .
ArR . In all your dealings tako good care , Instructed by the friendly square , To be true , upright , just , and fair ,
And thou a fellow-craft shall be . Tho level so must poiso thy mind , That satisfaction thou shall find , When to another Fortune ' s kind ,
And that's the drift of Masonry . U . Tho compass t ' other two compounds , And says , though angered on just grounds , Keep all your passions within bounds ,
And thou a fellow-craft shall be . Thus , symbols of our Order are The compass , level , and the square , Which teach ns to be just and fair , And that ' s the drift of Masonry .
REGIT . Use this and this , in evil hour , And thou shalt wonder at their power , Thon'lt see me yet ere it be ni ght , Be gone , and revel in delight .
AIR III . —Master Mason . The Sun's a Free-mason , he works all day , Village , city and town to adorn , Then from labour at rest At his lodge in the West , Takes with good Brother Neptune a glass on his way .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
THE monthly meeting of the General Committeo of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall . There wore present Bros . S . Rosenthal ( in the chair ) , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , S . Rawson , Richard Morris Head Master , Arthur E . Gladwell , W . H . Ferryman , A . J . Dnff-Filer , C . F . Matier , Alfred Williams , Donald M . Do war , E . S- Phillips , H . Massey ,
W . Roebnck , George J . Palmer , VV . U . Sannders , F . Adlard , H . Young , W . Pans , John Mason , and F . Binckes Secretary . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , two petitions were examined and the candidates placed on tho list for tho election in October . An outfit of £ 5 was granted to a former pupil of tho Institution , now in a situation . Bro . 0 . F . Matier jjavo notice of motion for altering
Law 55 of tho Institution by making it necessary that a candidate a father shonld have been a subscribing member to a Lodgo for three years . Bro . Dnff-Filer also gavo notice of motion for increasing the maximum snm to be given to exceptionally deserving pupils for their advancement in life on leaving tho Institution , from £ 20 to £ 40 . The Committee then adjourned .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
rpHE monthly mooting of tho Committeo of this Institution was - * - held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday afternoon , when there wero present Bros . Col . J . Creaton V . P . ( in the chair ) , A . H . Tattershall , Raynham W . Stewart , J . IT . Matthews , W . Stephens , W . Clarke , George Bolton , John Bulmer , John G . Stevens , Charles John Perceval , Charles II . Webb , Charles G . Hill , C . A . Cottebrune
J . M . Case , Edgar Bowyor , C . G . Dilley , Louis Stean , Charles Atkins , Thomas Cnbitt , and James Terry Secretary . The minutes of tho 9 th of February wero read and verified . The death of one annuitant , Mrs . Mary A . Thistleton , who had received £ 385 , and Mrs . Isherwood , an approved candidate , were reported by the Secretary , who also reported that tho Annual Festival was held on
Wednesday , the 23 rd tilt ., Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., presiding ; that the amount aunouncedwas £ 14 , 16013 s , with several lists to come in , but that the snm had now reached £ 14 , 380 , with two lists outstanding . The Warden ' s Report for the past month was read . The Secretary also reported that tho result of tho appeal against tho increased assessment of tho building at Croydon was successful . Tho Chairman was authorised to sign several cheques . A letter was read from Bro .
Cnrteis , of Stonehouso , Devon , which , after some consideration , was deferred till next meeting . Tho visit of the Stewards of tbe late Festival was left in the hands of the House Committee to make the necessary arrangements . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart gave notice of motion to increase the accommodation at the Institution in the centre building , after which a voto of thanks was passed to the Chairman , and the Committeo adjourned .
Since writing our analysis , wo havo heard from Bro . Terry , and experience great pleasure in announcing , that although there arc still two lists outstanding , the Festival of tho Royal Masouio Benevolent Iiistitutiou on tho 28 rd tilt , has y ielded a total of £ 14 , 380 .
We have been favoured with a communication from Bro . Henry Smith , who is Prov . G . Secretary W . Yorkshire and Chairman of its Charit y Organisation Committee , in which , after stating that his Province had sent up 1 G 5
Stewards , who raised among them £ 3-560 , he draws attention to tho great additional outlay incurred b y those brethren in respect of the Festival itself . We must point out , however , in tho first p lace , that such outlay is incurred
by the Stewards in defraying the cost of the banquet , concert , & c , and in the second p lace we have never taken the Stewards' Fees into account . We shonld as soon think of including the travelling and hotel expenses . of
Provincial brethren who visit London m order to be present at the Festival in their capacity of Stewards . We congratulate Bro . Smith on the success of an Anniversary in
which his Province has played so prominent a part , but it is hardl y necessary we should go out of the way to g ild the refined " -old of W . Yorkshire .
Wc advise those of our readers who may bo desirous of seeing a scholarly interpretation of Hamlet , to take the opportunity which is now afforded them , and will be open till the 18 th instant , of visiting Sadlcrs Wells Theatre , to witness Mr . Hermann Vezin ' s assumption of this character .
We feel sure they will be hi ghl y gratified , as wo can personall y testify to its being ono of the ablest of the able performances we have been privileged to witness . Moreover , Mr . Vezin is fairly well supported by the company ,
and in particular by Miss Carlisle , who gave an admirable rendering of Op helia . Wc must repeat that Hamlet will not be p layed after the 18 th instant , arrangements having been made for the production , on the 19 th , of " Mary Warner . "
II c- do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Qor . respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must hear the name an I address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —Since I sent yon Cnrwen ' s account of a Masonio Pantomime , I learned from Bro . John Barker , Publisher , nt New York , that Bro . Nickerson , at Boston , had recently purchased some pamphlets , among which was a Masonic Pantomime . On my
return to Boston , after reminding friend Nickerson a 3 to where , when , and of whom he obtained the pamphlets ; search was made , and , in short , here is a copy thereof—title-page , songs , recitations , choruses , and the order of the Procession . I have , however , omitted the explanations which follow each paragraph in the order of
procession . These explanations are taken from Anderson and Preston , to show tho connection of the great personages in the procession with Masonry ; for instance , how Queen Elizabeth ordered the Lodge or 6 . L . at York to be broken up ; how , where , and when Charles II ., Wil . liam III ., & c , & e ., were made Masons , and , for obvious reasons , these
explanations are omitted . I shall only add that G . Kearsly , the publisher of the Pantomime , had published a Freemasons' Constitution in 1765 ) ( then in Lndgatestreet ) . Fraternally yours ,
JACOB NORTON . Songs , Duettos , Glees , Catches , etc . With an explanation of tho procession in tho Pantomime of HARLEQUIN FREE-MASON . —As porformed at tho Theatre Royal , in Covent Garden . —A new edition , with additions . Lonrlou : Printed for G . Kearsly . Fleet Street , MDCCXXXXI .
Behold the model of our art . Work on whatever plan , Masons must borrow still some part From that great structure Man . Here , well to captivate the sight ,
The Orders all agree ; Proportion , strength , and force unite , With ease and symmetry . But , see , the sun rides down the west , A hark , our sign from work to rest .
RECIT . —Hiram Ahiff . Lo , from amidst thoso sacred glades , Where rest grand horoos , statesmen , kings , And other Autiont Masons' shades , Tho ghost of Hiram Abift' springs .
Chief of Masons noble art , While of a Mastor they make choice , Shall I not take an active part , And loudly join my brethren's voice ? Fall , mystic figure—to onr eyes
Preseut a motley child of mirth : Whose featly pranks shall all surprise , And give to vacant laughter birth . Move , kneel , stoop , stand , spring , dance , leap , run ; Now , mark me , for the charm is done .
ArR . In all your dealings tako good care , Instructed by the friendly square , To be true , upright , just , and fair ,
And thou a fellow-craft shall be . Tho level so must poiso thy mind , That satisfaction thou shall find , When to another Fortune ' s kind ,
And that's the drift of Masonry . U . Tho compass t ' other two compounds , And says , though angered on just grounds , Keep all your passions within bounds ,
And thou a fellow-craft shall be . Thus , symbols of our Order are The compass , level , and the square , Which teach ns to be just and fair , And that ' s the drift of Masonry .
REGIT . Use this and this , in evil hour , And thou shalt wonder at their power , Thon'lt see me yet ere it be ni ght , Be gone , and revel in delight .
AIR III . —Master Mason . The Sun's a Free-mason , he works all day , Village , city and town to adorn , Then from labour at rest At his lodge in the West , Takes with good Brother Neptune a glass on his way .