Article LODGE OF JOPPA, No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF JOPPA, No. 188. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Lodge Of Joppa, No. 188.
LODGE OF JOPPA , No . 188 .
THE regular meeting of tho above excellent working Lodge was held on Monday , tho 7 th instant , at tho Albion Tavern , Aldorsj ; e . street , and wa 3 nnmeronsly attended by the brethren and visitors , amono-st the latter being Bros . C . E . Willing P . G . O ., Macaulav , r Ouvtou P . M . 172 , Argent , G . Fletcher S . W . ISO , W . J . Murlis v ' u 1 ( 542 , J . J . Deacou 1382 , H . Sanders W . M . U 71 , W . Lyon 185 , n Baker 1216 , Frank Elmore No . 12 , C . A . White 1777 . Lodgo
" as opened by Bros . R . Bakor W . M ., L . M . Myors S . W ., J . Benianiin J . D ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , J . S . Lyon Treasurer , Blanks S . D ., N . Baum J . D ., J . Davis I . G ., G . Bean D . C ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , A . Dodson P . M . W . S . ; P . M . ' s L . Lazarus , L . Alexander , g . Hickman , H . M . Levy , A . Dodson , H . Hymans , 0 . Roberts , and J . " Abrahams . After tho minntes had been confirmed , ballots wero
taken for the admission of Messrs . Henry Lion and Samson Lyon , ffho were duly initiated into tho Ordor . Bro . Elias Simmons was raised to tho third degree , and Bros . Gnndlach , Isaacson , Harrison , Hicks , Kinley , Hobman , and Ridgley were passed . All tho ceremonies were ably and perfectly rendered by tho W . M ., reflecting great credit on him . As usnal in this Lodge , every Officer was
equally perfect . A letter was received from the R . W . Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex , rogretting his inability to be present . The petition of a distrossed brother was recommended to the Grand Lodge of Benevolence . Bro . P . M . Levy proposed , and P . M . L . Lazarns seconded , a proposition that Bro . W . W . Morgan , Editor of the F REEMASON ' CHRONICLE , be allowed access to tho
minute books for tho purpose of preparing a history of the Lodge of Joppa . This motion was carried unanimously . Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren , seventy-two in number , sat down to a rfahercM banqnet , provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , and superintended by Bro . M . Silver . The W . M . proposed the usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts . In speaking to the toast of the R . W . the Earl of
Lathom D . G . M . of tho G . L . of England , he said he was pleased to say they had the pleasure of having two Grand Officers present ; one a member of their Lodge . Those who had seen the working of the Grand Officers in the past could realise what they wonld do in the fntnro . Bro . Willing P . G . O ., in eloquent terms , returned thanks ; ho was proud in having to respond to the toast . Those
who were present at the last meeting of Grand Lodge saw how ably tho R . W . Brothor the Earl of Lathom sustained the dignity of the chair , a chair which he is so well qnalified to fill . Bro E . P . Albert . P . G . P . likewise responded . The W . Master then proposed the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and coupled with it the name of the President , Bro . L . Alexander Past Master , who
responded , and announced that the newly initiated brethren had each given a guinea to the Fnnd . Bro . H . Hymans I . P . M . then proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Baker was one whom they all respected If other W . M . ' s had performed the duties of tho chair well , the present Master had excelled them that night . All had seen how ably he had performed the ceremonies . However , as it was getting late
he would not further detain them , but would ask them at once to honour the toast . The W . Master , who was enthusiastically received , said he felt he did not deserve the kind remarks of Bro . Hymans ; the support of the Lodge he hoped to secure . The advantage of the members he would look to in the future , for to them was due his present position in tbe chair . The W . Master then proposed the toast
of the newly initiated brethren . Ho was pleased the recommendations they brought to the Lodge were so satisfactory . In tho short time they had already been among them the seeds of charity had been sown in their breasts , and they had each contributed to the Benevolent Fund . From the attention they had paid to the ceremony he felt proud to rank them as members . The toast having been
responded to by Bro . Lion , the W . M . proposed the health of the Visitors , mentioning the name of each ; he wonld couple the toast with the names of Bros . W . Murlis P . M . 1642 , Dr . Macaulay , No . 1 , Star of the East , India , and D . Baker 1246 for the country brethren . Bro . Murlis said many years since ho had been invited to this Lodge , hut he had been prevented attending . He was pleased to see how
tbe W . Master had performed the duties of the chair , and to witness the brotherl y love and friendship that predominated among them . Whatever the Grand Lodge of Benevolence could do for the Craft , this Lodge , if he looked at the boards around him , was able to relievo its own members . The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge intended to follow this bri ght example . It latel y had had a Ball , where a goodly sum for the
Charities had been realised . Bnt the Lodge intended to follow in every respect what the Joppa had done . Bro . Dr . Macaulay said he felt pleased to endorse the expressions of the former speaker . He had been much gratified at the work of the W . M ., who had initiated two candidates , passed seven brethren , and raised one to the third degree—an amount of work rarely done by a W . M . in one
eveningm a perfect manner . Bro . D . Baker said he was proud to acknowled ge his relationship to their Worshipful Master . Nothing could more strengthen that feeling than the fact that his brother occupied the chair of that great Lodge . He , however , was a resident of another country ; still he could but feel proud to see his brother so bound up in the bonds of charity , and he hoped he
might be present on future occasions . After other of the Visitors had acknowledged the compliment , the W . M . proposed the toast of the Past Masters , coupled with the name of Bro . H . Hymans , who briefl y responded . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Treasurer and Secretary . Their good qualities had been so often brought before the Lodge , that he scarcely knew what to say ; all were proud of them . After this toast had been acknowledged , the
W . M . said no Lodge could prosper without good Officers ; as Wardens , 5 ° better conld be found than Bros . L . M . Myers and Benjamin . The members had seen how they had performed their duties . After this compliment had been acknowledged , the Junior Officers were not overlooked , special mention being made of the exertions of the D . C . Bro . Dodson for the comfort of the brethren . In due course the Tylei- ' g toast was given . The W . M . provided an excellent concert , under tho direction of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , at which Miss
Lodge Of Joppa, No. 188.
Flora Williams , Madame Strindherg , Messrs . IT . Prenton , White , and Prank Elmore gavo valuable asMi-ilaiiet * .
Albion Lodge of Instruction , No . 9 . —At the recent celebration of tho anniversary banquet of this Lodge , which meets in John-street , Herkeley-sqiiaro , W ., there were present Bros . Festa as W . 1 L , Dean P . M . P . P . G . S . B . as S . W ., Dairy P . M . as J . W ., who wero supported by tho following distinguished brethren : —Cottebrune I'M . P . G . P ., E . Rend P . M . ' , Hatfield P . M ., Oobham P . M ., Pouter
Past Master , Docker Worshipful Master , Harrow as Organist , Beazley , Green , Honoyball , Collens , Wetherall , Brand , Ball , Dickinson , Sacker , Miller , Levi , Corthew , Hill , Ducher , Daitraz , Cohen , Cox , Maxsted , Davidson , & c . Tho business was of a purely formal character , and after its conclusion , tho brethren sat down to a very excellont repast , under tho presiding auspices
of Bro . Festa . When ample justice had boon done to the viands , tho usual Loyal and Masonic leasts were honoured , Bro . Cottobruno P . G . P . replying in suitable terms for that of tho Grand Officers . Tho health of the W . M ., proposed by Brother Read , experienced a most enthusiastic reception , and Bio . Festa oxpressed his warmest thanks for the compliment paid him . "
Prosperity to tho Albion Lodgo was also well received , and among other toasts was that of tho hostess , Mrs . Follows and her family , wolbmerited praise being bestowed upon her , for her successful catering . Bro . Burrows presided at the piano , and the interval between the speeches was enlivened by songs and rnciUitionn , given by Bros . Miller , Green , and others . Indeed , in every respect the meeting was a great success .
THE THEATRES , & c . DRURY LAWE . —At 7 . 0 , FARCE . At 7 . 15 , MOTHER GOOSE . On Monday , THE WORLD . HER MAJESTY'S . —At 3 , Select OPERATIC AND MUSICALMATINEES . On and aftor Monday at 7 . 30 . HAYMARKET .-At 8 , TAMING A TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND FADES . PRIWCESS'S—At 7 . 15 , THAT BLESSED BATJYand KING LEAR . STRAWD . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COURT—At 7 . 15 , TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . At . 0 , THE MONEY SPINNER . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 9 . 30 , THE CORSICAN BROTHERS . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING . At 8 . 30 , , TO . ADELPHL—At 7 . 15 , THE ILLUSTRIOUS STRANGER . At S , ME GREEN BUSHES . On Monday , at 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STROGOFF . G-AIETY .-At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . A ' ., LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday at 2 . 30 , CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE : GLOBE—NAVAL CADETS . CRITERIOW . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 . 15 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? OPERA COMIQUE .-At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 , 15 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VAUDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 9 . 15 , DIVORCE . PRIWCE OF WALES'S .-Afc 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 40 , THE COLONEL . EOLLY .-At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c . ROYALTY .-At 0 . 15 THE SECRET . At 7 . 30 , PEGGY , and DON JUAN JUNIOR . CONWAUG-HT .-At 7 . 15 . ONLY A VAGABOND . At 8 . 15 , THE NINE DAYS QUEEN . SURREY .-At 7 , LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET , and ALL FOR GOLD . STAWDARD . —At 7 . 15 , DELILAH and BRAVE AS A LION . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 30 , FARC E . At 8 . 0 , MEFISTOFELE II ., & c . NEW SADLER'S WELLS .-At 7 , BLOWER JONES . At 7 . 45 , HAMLET . CRYSTAL PALACE—This day , CONCERT . Open Daily . Aquarium Picture Gallery , & o „ & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-TWs day , FLOWER SHOW . At 4 . 0 , PYGMALION AND GALATEA . At 7 . 15 , Concert , & c . HENG-LER'S CIRQUE .-Daily at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 .
TIE FREEMASON 'Smwm , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price- » -13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON' 3 CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order For the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at Hig h Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . "
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CTIRONICT . E an exceptionally goo 1 medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of Joppa, No. 188.
LODGE OF JOPPA , No . 188 .
THE regular meeting of tho above excellent working Lodge was held on Monday , tho 7 th instant , at tho Albion Tavern , Aldorsj ; e . street , and wa 3 nnmeronsly attended by the brethren and visitors , amono-st the latter being Bros . C . E . Willing P . G . O ., Macaulav , r Ouvtou P . M . 172 , Argent , G . Fletcher S . W . ISO , W . J . Murlis v ' u 1 ( 542 , J . J . Deacou 1382 , H . Sanders W . M . U 71 , W . Lyon 185 , n Baker 1216 , Frank Elmore No . 12 , C . A . White 1777 . Lodgo
" as opened by Bros . R . Bakor W . M ., L . M . Myors S . W ., J . Benianiin J . D ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , J . S . Lyon Treasurer , Blanks S . D ., N . Baum J . D ., J . Davis I . G ., G . Bean D . C ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , A . Dodson P . M . W . S . ; P . M . ' s L . Lazarus , L . Alexander , g . Hickman , H . M . Levy , A . Dodson , H . Hymans , 0 . Roberts , and J . " Abrahams . After tho minntes had been confirmed , ballots wero
taken for the admission of Messrs . Henry Lion and Samson Lyon , ffho were duly initiated into tho Ordor . Bro . Elias Simmons was raised to tho third degree , and Bros . Gnndlach , Isaacson , Harrison , Hicks , Kinley , Hobman , and Ridgley were passed . All tho ceremonies were ably and perfectly rendered by tho W . M ., reflecting great credit on him . As usnal in this Lodge , every Officer was
equally perfect . A letter was received from the R . W . Bro . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex , rogretting his inability to be present . The petition of a distrossed brother was recommended to the Grand Lodge of Benevolence . Bro . P . M . Levy proposed , and P . M . L . Lazarns seconded , a proposition that Bro . W . W . Morgan , Editor of the F REEMASON ' CHRONICLE , be allowed access to tho
minute books for tho purpose of preparing a history of the Lodge of Joppa . This motion was carried unanimously . Lodgo was then closed , and the brethren , seventy-two in number , sat down to a rfahercM banqnet , provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , and superintended by Bro . M . Silver . The W . M . proposed the usnal Loyal and Masonic toasts . In speaking to the toast of the R . W . the Earl of
Lathom D . G . M . of tho G . L . of England , he said he was pleased to say they had the pleasure of having two Grand Officers present ; one a member of their Lodge . Those who had seen the working of the Grand Officers in the past could realise what they wonld do in the fntnro . Bro . Willing P . G . O ., in eloquent terms , returned thanks ; ho was proud in having to respond to the toast . Those
who were present at the last meeting of Grand Lodge saw how ably tho R . W . Brothor the Earl of Lathom sustained the dignity of the chair , a chair which he is so well qnalified to fill . Bro E . P . Albert . P . G . P . likewise responded . The W . Master then proposed the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and coupled with it the name of the President , Bro . L . Alexander Past Master , who
responded , and announced that the newly initiated brethren had each given a guinea to the Fnnd . Bro . H . Hymans I . P . M . then proposed tho health of the W . M . Bro . Baker was one whom they all respected If other W . M . ' s had performed the duties of tho chair well , the present Master had excelled them that night . All had seen how ably he had performed the ceremonies . However , as it was getting late
he would not further detain them , but would ask them at once to honour the toast . The W . Master , who was enthusiastically received , said he felt he did not deserve the kind remarks of Bro . Hymans ; the support of the Lodge he hoped to secure . The advantage of the members he would look to in the future , for to them was due his present position in tbe chair . The W . Master then proposed the toast
of the newly initiated brethren . Ho was pleased the recommendations they brought to the Lodge were so satisfactory . In tho short time they had already been among them the seeds of charity had been sown in their breasts , and they had each contributed to the Benevolent Fund . From the attention they had paid to the ceremony he felt proud to rank them as members . The toast having been
responded to by Bro . Lion , the W . M . proposed the health of the Visitors , mentioning the name of each ; he wonld couple the toast with the names of Bros . W . Murlis P . M . 1642 , Dr . Macaulay , No . 1 , Star of the East , India , and D . Baker 1246 for the country brethren . Bro . Murlis said many years since ho had been invited to this Lodge , hut he had been prevented attending . He was pleased to see how
tbe W . Master had performed the duties of the chair , and to witness the brotherl y love and friendship that predominated among them . Whatever the Grand Lodge of Benevolence could do for the Craft , this Lodge , if he looked at the boards around him , was able to relievo its own members . The Earl of Carnarvon Lodge intended to follow this bri ght example . It latel y had had a Ball , where a goodly sum for the
Charities had been realised . Bnt the Lodge intended to follow in every respect what the Joppa had done . Bro . Dr . Macaulay said he felt pleased to endorse the expressions of the former speaker . He had been much gratified at the work of the W . M ., who had initiated two candidates , passed seven brethren , and raised one to the third degree—an amount of work rarely done by a W . M . in one
eveningm a perfect manner . Bro . D . Baker said he was proud to acknowled ge his relationship to their Worshipful Master . Nothing could more strengthen that feeling than the fact that his brother occupied the chair of that great Lodge . He , however , was a resident of another country ; still he could but feel proud to see his brother so bound up in the bonds of charity , and he hoped he
might be present on future occasions . After other of the Visitors had acknowledged the compliment , the W . M . proposed the toast of the Past Masters , coupled with the name of Bro . H . Hymans , who briefl y responded . The W . M . then proposed the health of the Treasurer and Secretary . Their good qualities had been so often brought before the Lodge , that he scarcely knew what to say ; all were proud of them . After this toast had been acknowledged , the
W . M . said no Lodge could prosper without good Officers ; as Wardens , 5 ° better conld be found than Bros . L . M . Myers and Benjamin . The members had seen how they had performed their duties . After this compliment had been acknowledged , the Junior Officers were not overlooked , special mention being made of the exertions of the D . C . Bro . Dodson for the comfort of the brethren . In due course the Tylei- ' g toast was given . The W . M . provided an excellent concert , under tho direction of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , at which Miss
Lodge Of Joppa, No. 188.
Flora Williams , Madame Strindherg , Messrs . IT . Prenton , White , and Prank Elmore gavo valuable asMi-ilaiiet * .
Albion Lodge of Instruction , No . 9 . —At the recent celebration of tho anniversary banquet of this Lodge , which meets in John-street , Herkeley-sqiiaro , W ., there were present Bros . Festa as W . 1 L , Dean P . M . P . P . G . S . B . as S . W ., Dairy P . M . as J . W ., who wero supported by tho following distinguished brethren : —Cottebrune I'M . P . G . P ., E . Rend P . M . ' , Hatfield P . M ., Oobham P . M ., Pouter
Past Master , Docker Worshipful Master , Harrow as Organist , Beazley , Green , Honoyball , Collens , Wetherall , Brand , Ball , Dickinson , Sacker , Miller , Levi , Corthew , Hill , Ducher , Daitraz , Cohen , Cox , Maxsted , Davidson , & c . Tho business was of a purely formal character , and after its conclusion , tho brethren sat down to a very excellont repast , under tho presiding auspices
of Bro . Festa . When ample justice had boon done to the viands , tho usual Loyal and Masonic leasts were honoured , Bro . Cottobruno P . G . P . replying in suitable terms for that of tho Grand Officers . Tho health of the W . M ., proposed by Brother Read , experienced a most enthusiastic reception , and Bio . Festa oxpressed his warmest thanks for the compliment paid him . "
Prosperity to tho Albion Lodgo was also well received , and among other toasts was that of tho hostess , Mrs . Follows and her family , wolbmerited praise being bestowed upon her , for her successful catering . Bro . Burrows presided at the piano , and the interval between the speeches was enlivened by songs and rnciUitionn , given by Bros . Miller , Green , and others . Indeed , in every respect the meeting was a great success .
THE THEATRES , & c . DRURY LAWE . —At 7 . 0 , FARCE . At 7 . 15 , MOTHER GOOSE . On Monday , THE WORLD . HER MAJESTY'S . —At 3 , Select OPERATIC AND MUSICALMATINEES . On and aftor Monday at 7 . 30 . HAYMARKET .-At 8 , TAMING A TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND FADES . PRIWCESS'S—At 7 . 15 , THAT BLESSED BATJYand KING LEAR . STRAWD . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COURT—At 7 . 15 , TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . At . 0 , THE MONEY SPINNER . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 9 . 30 , THE CORSICAN BROTHERS . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING . At 8 . 30 , , TO . ADELPHL—At 7 . 15 , THE ILLUSTRIOUS STRANGER . At S , ME GREEN BUSHES . On Monday , at 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STROGOFF . G-AIETY .-At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . A ' ., LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday at 2 . 30 , CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE : GLOBE—NAVAL CADETS . CRITERIOW . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 . 15 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? OPERA COMIQUE .-At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 , 15 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VAUDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 9 . 15 , DIVORCE . PRIWCE OF WALES'S .-Afc 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 40 , THE COLONEL . EOLLY .-At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , & c . ROYALTY .-At 0 . 15 THE SECRET . At 7 . 30 , PEGGY , and DON JUAN JUNIOR . CONWAUG-HT .-At 7 . 15 . ONLY A VAGABOND . At 8 . 15 , THE NINE DAYS QUEEN . SURREY .-At 7 , LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET , and ALL FOR GOLD . STAWDARD . —At 7 . 15 , DELILAH and BRAVE AS A LION . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 30 , FARC E . At 8 . 0 , MEFISTOFELE II ., & c . NEW SADLER'S WELLS .-At 7 , BLOWER JONES . At 7 . 45 , HAMLET . CRYSTAL PALACE—This day , CONCERT . Open Daily . Aquarium Picture Gallery , & o „ & c . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-TWs day , FLOWER SHOW . At 4 . 0 , PYGMALION AND GALATEA . At 7 . 15 , Concert , & c . HENG-LER'S CIRQUE .-Daily at 2 . 30 and 7 . 30 .
TIE FREEMASON 'Smwm , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price- » -13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON' 3 CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order For the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at Hig h Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . "
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CTIRONICT . E an exceptionally goo 1 medium for Advertisements of every class . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .