Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge was olosed , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant and partook of a very enjoyablo banquet , excellently served under thf supervision of Bro . Hamp , tho manager . Upon tho removal of the cloth the usual toasts were given—Tho Queen , H . R . H . the Prince o Wales M . W . G . M ., tho Earl of Carnarvon M . W . Pro G . M ., Lord Skol . mersdale Deputy G . M . and the rest of tho Grand Officers Past anc
, Present . Bro . Martin then proposed " The health of the W . M . ' I am not tho Immediate Past Master , but , in his absence , the pleasanl duty devolves upon mo to act in his stead . Tho I . P . M . is engaged at tho Festival of tho Girl ' s School , which takes place this evening representing the Kent Lodge , tho subscriptions from which amount to tho satisfactory snra of £ 46 4 s . Bio . Wharman conducts the
Lodge very creditably and satisfactorily . Let us wish every success to him . Tho W . M . replying , expressed his very sincero thanks , With regard to the work , he felt it was not satisfactory , although he tried to do his best . He had only comparatively lately taken tc the work , and trusted to bo moro efficient on future occasions . Bro . Gottheil responded for tho visitors , he earnestly and sincerely
congratulated the W . M . upon the manner in which ho perlormed tho work , and continued , it is the moro remarkable , inasmuch as ho being a foreigner , without any considerable grasp on the English language , is yot able to perform so very creditably ono of our most onerous ceremonies . The condition of tho Lodge seems all that could bo desiredof course I do not mean from a financial point of view ,
, naturally of that I can know nothing . But I retor to tho iuture prospects of its working power . There aro some good men gradually working on to tho first chair . Bro . Cambridge the S . W ., who is frequently mot in Lodges of Instruction , works excellently well . The J . W . with whom I privately conversed , informed mo ho attended two or three evenings at these Lodges . Of tho inferior Officers I cannot
say anything—they being absent , excepting Bro . Lipscomb , who I think from what I have seen of him , will prove an efficient officer ; but what struck mo as being of good omen iu reference to the working of this Lodge , was the intelligence of , at any rate , two out of the four candidates who were raised , and passed this evening . I will not mention names ; it wonld bo invidious , and not at all necessary . I
will conclude these few remarks by thanking you very heartily on behalf of the visitors for your hospitality , and tho very kind reception yon have been pleased to vouchsafe unto ns . Bro . Martin , in responding for the P . M . ' s , said : Having spoken once before , I do not know that I can add anything to what I have already stated . There used to be a long array of P . M . 's in the Kent Lodge , eighteen or
twenty . There are not so many now , for which I am sorry , for it is not only the assistance Past Masters render , but they add substance , and give weight by their presence to the deliberations of a Lodgo . I therefore trust to see again a long line of P . M . 's among us . Bro . Dr . Sleeman P . M . and Treasurer , said it was all very well to be called upon to speak after so many ablo speeches
had been delivered , but ho thought he could please them by stating that although since his accession , the W . M . has made a tolerable inroad in tho finances , yet they may rest satisfied , as ho could assure them they are in a very good position . He trusted tho brethren and visitors had enjoyed themselves . Tho W . M . has indnlgcd them , but ho ( Bro . Sleeman ) was always ready to pay the
bill when presented . Bro . Dr . Dukes P . M . Sec . said his mate modesty stood iu the way of his making a speech , but he would just say he thought he had ' done his duties conscientiously ever since the Secretaryship was entrusted to him , and hoped to continue to do so . He was pleased with the way in which Bro . Wharman carried on tho
business of the Lodge , as it was ho ( Bro . Dukes ) who introduced the W . M . into Masonry . Bro . Cambridge and Bro . Barlow P . M . and W . S . responded for the Officers . The proceedings were enlivened by a band of music playing various selections , and by somo excellent sougs by Bros . Fortescue , Godfrey , Green , Wells , Lipshiitz , & o .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwoll's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 10 th May . Present—Bros . Maidwell W . M ., Powell S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Garbetfc S . D .,
Grammer J . D . and Sec , Isaacs I . G ., and other brethren . The ceremony of the 2 nd degree was rehearsed , Bro . Hill acting as candidate . The whole of the sections in tho 2 nd lecture were worked by Bro . Hewlett , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Isaacs , No . 27 , was elected a member , and the Lodge was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge was hold at the Old Eodney ' s Head , on Monday , 7 th instant . Present—Bros . E . Pearcy W . M ., Kilhck S . W ., Boss J . W ., Cook S . D ., Tolmio acting Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Millivarrl J . D ., Bisset LG , Christopher Tyler , Powell , Stock , Fairbank , & c . The Lodgo was opened in dno form and the minutes of last meeting read and con . firmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by tho W . M . in his
usual excellent manner , Bro . Inn-bank acting as candidate . Tho W . M . worked the first 4 Sections of tho Lecture , and Bro . Tolmie tho 5 th assisted by the brethren . Bro . Killick was unanimously elected W . ' M . for tho ensuing week . It was proposed by the W . M . and seconded b y Bro . Fenner , that tho votes of tho Lodgo for the Girls' School bo given to Bro . Stock which was carried unanimously . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at the Albion 'tavern , Alderseate-st . reet . Bros . t ,. Lazarus W . M ., W . Miller S . W ., II . Hymaus as J . W ., L . Aue ; liaan Treasurer , E . P . Albeit P . G . P . Secretary , A . J . Campion J . U ., B .
Baker I . G ., H . P . Isaac D . C . ; P . M . ' s Bros . A . G . Dodson , S . Hickman , L . Alexander , M . Alexander , I . Abrahams , H . M . Levy , and Bros . J , S . Lyon , M . Auerhaan , L . Davids , S . Davis , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . E . Cogswell was balloted for , and being unanimously elected , was initiated , Bro . Althorp was
Notices Of Meetings.
raised . A distressed brother was relieved with tho snra of 21 s . A letter of condolenco was proposed to be sent to Bro . Spiegel , on his recent bereavement . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In replying to that of the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro .
E . P . Albert P . G . P . said this was tho first time he had had to return thanks to tho brethren for the toast as a Past Grand Pursuivant . The W . M . gave the toast of tho Joppa Benevolent Fund , coupled with tho name of Bro . H . M . Levy P . M ., tho Senior Vice-President , who informed the brethren that thoFundhadnowreaohed £ l , 200 . Hewassnre , while the Lodge so progressed , the members would support each other .
1 ho W . M . then proposed tho toast of the newly initiated , which having boon acknowledged , Bro . Dodson I . P . M . proposed that of tho W . M ., which was received with great enthusiasm , Bro . Dodson considered him a credit to the Order ; his working was well known , thoroughly appreciated , and worthy of imitation . The W . M . thanked Bro . Dodson for tho kind manner in which he had spoken , he hoped to bo spared to bo among thom for many years , to render
any service required of him . He then gave the toast of the visitors . Bro . Cohen W . M . 205 , A . Godfrey and others responded , in very excellent speeches . Bro . Israel Abrahams , in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks for the Past Masters . The toasts of the various officers , followed by that of the Tyler , brought the meeting to a closo . The visitors were Bros . J . Bush 1201 , J . H . B .. Sims 1357 , A . Godfrey 193 , Kellar G , H . F . Yonng 299 , J . Cohen 205 , Stack 62 and 147 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction . No . 193 . —Thi 3 Lodge hold its usual weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 9 th of May , at Bro . W . Edwards ' s , the Whittington , Moor-lane , E . C . Present—Bros . G . L . Walker W . M ., Edward Abell S . W ., Staley J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , W . Sayer S . D ., Bono J . D ., Agor Steward , Sadleir I . G .
Christopher Tyler . After the usual formalities tho Lodge was opened in the threo degrees , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed . The S . W . worked the first section of the second lecture , and was chosen to fill the chair at the next meeting . Bro . Felton was elected a member , and the Lodge was closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodgo held its meeting at tho Jolly Farmer ' s , Southgate-road , Islington , on Saturday , the 5 th inst . Bros . Mnsto P . M . presided , Hewlett S . W ., Brasted J . W ., Baxter S . D ., Ockenden J . D ., Gibbs I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treasurer , Killick Secretary , and nearly forty members . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed ; Bro . J . Lorkin ,
acting as W . M . elect , was regularly installed . The appointment of officers followed , they being invested and addressed by Bro . Musto . The newly installed W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Musto acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st , and Bro . Mnsto the 3 rd section of the first lecture . Bro . Hewlett was elected
W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks and honorary member , ship of the Lodge was proposed by Bro . Killick , seconded by Bro . Pearcy , and unanimously carried in favour of Bro . Musto , and was acknowledged by him . A vote of thanks was also passed to Bro . J . Lorkin , it being the first time ho had occupied the chair of the Lodge . Bro . Marvin , of the Wolsey Lodge , was elected a member .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , the 4 th of May , at the Feather ' s Tavern , "U pper George-strect , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . S . Godden W . M ., G . Tribbel S . W ., Geo . West J . W ., Aug . Braun Secretary , Endderforth Preceptor , E . Tate S . D ., Parsons I . G . Also Bros . Evans , Reid , Harris , Murch , Kennard , Thompson , Hill , Nichols
, and Codlin . Tho Lodgo was opened in due form in the first degree , and tho minutes confirmed . The W . M . most ably rehearsed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , Bro . Harris being the candidate . The W . M . thou vacated the chair in favour of the Preceptor , who , after having asked the usual questions , opened the Lodge in the third
degree , and rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Thompson being candidate . Bro . G . Tribbel was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form . The ballot for the Life Sabscriber .-hip of the William Preston Benevolent Association resulted in favour of Bro . Sam . Nichols , of tho Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 .-The meeting of this Lodge , which was held at Bro . Allen ' s , Koyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tncsday , tho 8 th instant , was presided over by Bro . Wallington P . M . Preceptor , who rehearsed the ceremony of tho second degree in his usual masterly stylo , Bro . Pavitt acting as can . didatc . The officers wero Bro . Smith S . W ., Perry J . W ., Johnson
S . D ., Lovelock J . D ., Defriez I . G ., Wiege I . P . M ., Bros . Cambridge , Pullcn , Brasted , Christian , Saunders , Crouch , Hewlett , and Barker wero also present . Bro . Defriez worked the first section assisted by the brethren . Lodgo was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Hewlett worked the first and third sections of tho lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was closed to tho first , when Bro . Smith was
unanimously elected W . M . for ensuing week , and appointed his officers iu rotation . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned .
Eoyal Albert Lodge of Instruction , No . 907 . —Held at Bro . C . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . C . The fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last as above , when there wore present : —Bros . F . A . White W . M ., J . F . Hallett S . W ., II , Jennings J . W ., W . Suelgrove S . D ., G . F . Barr J . D ., Thos . Butt I . G ., J . Dennis P . M . Sec , C . Chard Treas ., J . Constable , T . Griffiths , G . Edwards , Robt , Stevenson . The W , M , rehearsed the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Lodge was olosed , the brethren adjourned to the Holborn Restaurant and partook of a very enjoyablo banquet , excellently served under thf supervision of Bro . Hamp , tho manager . Upon tho removal of the cloth the usual toasts were given—Tho Queen , H . R . H . the Prince o Wales M . W . G . M ., tho Earl of Carnarvon M . W . Pro G . M ., Lord Skol . mersdale Deputy G . M . and the rest of tho Grand Officers Past anc
, Present . Bro . Martin then proposed " The health of the W . M . ' I am not tho Immediate Past Master , but , in his absence , the pleasanl duty devolves upon mo to act in his stead . Tho I . P . M . is engaged at tho Festival of tho Girl ' s School , which takes place this evening representing the Kent Lodge , tho subscriptions from which amount to tho satisfactory snra of £ 46 4 s . Bio . Wharman conducts the
Lodge very creditably and satisfactorily . Let us wish every success to him . Tho W . M . replying , expressed his very sincero thanks , With regard to the work , he felt it was not satisfactory , although he tried to do his best . He had only comparatively lately taken tc the work , and trusted to bo moro efficient on future occasions . Bro . Gottheil responded for tho visitors , he earnestly and sincerely
congratulated the W . M . upon the manner in which ho perlormed tho work , and continued , it is the moro remarkable , inasmuch as ho being a foreigner , without any considerable grasp on the English language , is yot able to perform so very creditably ono of our most onerous ceremonies . The condition of tho Lodge seems all that could bo desiredof course I do not mean from a financial point of view ,
, naturally of that I can know nothing . But I retor to tho iuture prospects of its working power . There aro some good men gradually working on to tho first chair . Bro . Cambridge the S . W ., who is frequently mot in Lodges of Instruction , works excellently well . The J . W . with whom I privately conversed , informed mo ho attended two or three evenings at these Lodges . Of tho inferior Officers I cannot
say anything—they being absent , excepting Bro . Lipscomb , who I think from what I have seen of him , will prove an efficient officer ; but what struck mo as being of good omen iu reference to the working of this Lodge , was the intelligence of , at any rate , two out of the four candidates who were raised , and passed this evening . I will not mention names ; it wonld bo invidious , and not at all necessary . I
will conclude these few remarks by thanking you very heartily on behalf of the visitors for your hospitality , and tho very kind reception yon have been pleased to vouchsafe unto ns . Bro . Martin , in responding for the P . M . ' s , said : Having spoken once before , I do not know that I can add anything to what I have already stated . There used to be a long array of P . M . 's in the Kent Lodge , eighteen or
twenty . There are not so many now , for which I am sorry , for it is not only the assistance Past Masters render , but they add substance , and give weight by their presence to the deliberations of a Lodgo . I therefore trust to see again a long line of P . M . 's among us . Bro . Dr . Sleeman P . M . and Treasurer , said it was all very well to be called upon to speak after so many ablo speeches
had been delivered , but ho thought he could please them by stating that although since his accession , the W . M . has made a tolerable inroad in tho finances , yet they may rest satisfied , as ho could assure them they are in a very good position . He trusted tho brethren and visitors had enjoyed themselves . Tho W . M . has indnlgcd them , but ho ( Bro . Sleeman ) was always ready to pay the
bill when presented . Bro . Dr . Dukes P . M . Sec . said his mate modesty stood iu the way of his making a speech , but he would just say he thought he had ' done his duties conscientiously ever since the Secretaryship was entrusted to him , and hoped to continue to do so . He was pleased with the way in which Bro . Wharman carried on tho
business of the Lodge , as it was ho ( Bro . Dukes ) who introduced the W . M . into Masonry . Bro . Cambridge and Bro . Barlow P . M . and W . S . responded for the Officers . The proceedings were enlivened by a band of music playing various selections , and by somo excellent sougs by Bros . Fortescue , Godfrey , Green , Wells , Lipshiitz , & o .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting at Bro . Maidwoll's , the Hercules , Leadenhall-street , on Thursday evening last , 10 th May . Present—Bros . Maidwell W . M ., Powell S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Garbetfc S . D .,
Grammer J . D . and Sec , Isaacs I . G ., and other brethren . The ceremony of the 2 nd degree was rehearsed , Bro . Hill acting as candidate . The whole of the sections in tho 2 nd lecture were worked by Bro . Hewlett , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Isaacs , No . 27 , was elected a member , and the Lodge was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This Lodge was hold at the Old Eodney ' s Head , on Monday , 7 th instant . Present—Bros . E . Pearcy W . M ., Kilhck S . W ., Boss J . W ., Cook S . D ., Tolmio acting Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Millivarrl J . D ., Bisset LG , Christopher Tyler , Powell , Stock , Fairbank , & c . The Lodgo was opened in dno form and the minutes of last meeting read and con . firmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by tho W . M . in his
usual excellent manner , Bro . Inn-bank acting as candidate . Tho W . M . worked the first 4 Sections of tho Lecture , and Bro . Tolmie tho 5 th assisted by the brethren . Bro . Killick was unanimously elected W . ' M . for tho ensuing week . It was proposed by the W . M . and seconded b y Bro . Fenner , that tho votes of tho Lodgo for the Girls' School bo given to Bro . Stock which was carried unanimously . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 188 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 7 th inst ., at the Albion 'tavern , Alderseate-st . reet . Bros . t ,. Lazarus W . M ., W . Miller S . W ., II . Hymaus as J . W ., L . Aue ; liaan Treasurer , E . P . Albeit P . G . P . Secretary , A . J . Campion J . U ., B .
Baker I . G ., H . P . Isaac D . C . ; P . M . ' s Bros . A . G . Dodson , S . Hickman , L . Alexander , M . Alexander , I . Abrahams , H . M . Levy , and Bros . J , S . Lyon , M . Auerhaan , L . Davids , S . Davis , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . E . Cogswell was balloted for , and being unanimously elected , was initiated , Bro . Althorp was
Notices Of Meetings.
raised . A distressed brother was relieved with tho snra of 21 s . A letter of condolenco was proposed to be sent to Bro . Spiegel , on his recent bereavement . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to slight refreshment . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In replying to that of the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Bro .
E . P . Albert P . G . P . said this was tho first time he had had to return thanks to tho brethren for the toast as a Past Grand Pursuivant . The W . M . gave the toast of tho Joppa Benevolent Fund , coupled with tho name of Bro . H . M . Levy P . M ., tho Senior Vice-President , who informed the brethren that thoFundhadnowreaohed £ l , 200 . Hewassnre , while the Lodge so progressed , the members would support each other .
1 ho W . M . then proposed tho toast of the newly initiated , which having boon acknowledged , Bro . Dodson I . P . M . proposed that of tho W . M ., which was received with great enthusiasm , Bro . Dodson considered him a credit to the Order ; his working was well known , thoroughly appreciated , and worthy of imitation . The W . M . thanked Bro . Dodson for tho kind manner in which he had spoken , he hoped to bo spared to bo among thom for many years , to render
any service required of him . He then gave the toast of the visitors . Bro . Cohen W . M . 205 , A . Godfrey and others responded , in very excellent speeches . Bro . Israel Abrahams , in a very eloquent speech , returned thanks for the Past Masters . The toasts of the various officers , followed by that of the Tyler , brought the meeting to a closo . The visitors were Bros . J . Bush 1201 , J . H . B .. Sims 1357 , A . Godfrey 193 , Kellar G , H . F . Yonng 299 , J . Cohen 205 , Stack 62 and 147 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction . No . 193 . —Thi 3 Lodge hold its usual weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 9 th of May , at Bro . W . Edwards ' s , the Whittington , Moor-lane , E . C . Present—Bros . G . L . Walker W . M ., Edward Abell S . W ., Staley J . W ., J . K . Pitt Sec , W . Sayer S . D ., Bono J . D ., Agor Steward , Sadleir I . G .
Christopher Tyler . After the usual formalities tho Lodge was opened in the threo degrees , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed . The S . W . worked the first section of the second lecture , and was chosen to fill the chair at the next meeting . Bro . Felton was elected a member , and the Lodge was closed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodgo held its meeting at tho Jolly Farmer ' s , Southgate-road , Islington , on Saturday , the 5 th inst . Bros . Mnsto P . M . presided , Hewlett S . W ., Brasted J . W ., Baxter S . D ., Ockenden J . D ., Gibbs I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treasurer , Killick Secretary , and nearly forty members . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed ; Bro . J . Lorkin ,
acting as W . M . elect , was regularly installed . The appointment of officers followed , they being invested and addressed by Bro . Musto . The newly installed W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Musto acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st , and Bro . Mnsto the 3 rd section of the first lecture . Bro . Hewlett was elected
W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks and honorary member , ship of the Lodge was proposed by Bro . Killick , seconded by Bro . Pearcy , and unanimously carried in favour of Bro . Musto , and was acknowledged by him . A vote of thanks was also passed to Bro . J . Lorkin , it being the first time ho had occupied the chair of the Lodge . Bro . Marvin , of the Wolsey Lodge , was elected a member .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , the 4 th of May , at the Feather ' s Tavern , "U pper George-strect , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . S . Godden W . M ., G . Tribbel S . W ., Geo . West J . W ., Aug . Braun Secretary , Endderforth Preceptor , E . Tate S . D ., Parsons I . G . Also Bros . Evans , Reid , Harris , Murch , Kennard , Thompson , Hill , Nichols
, and Codlin . Tho Lodgo was opened in due form in the first degree , and tho minutes confirmed . The W . M . most ably rehearsed the ceremonies of initiation and passing , Bro . Harris being the candidate . The W . M . thou vacated the chair in favour of the Preceptor , who , after having asked the usual questions , opened the Lodge in the third
degree , and rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Thompson being candidate . Bro . G . Tribbel was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge was closed in due form . The ballot for the Life Sabscriber .-hip of the William Preston Benevolent Association resulted in favour of Bro . Sam . Nichols , of tho Great Northern Lodge , No . 1287 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 .-The meeting of this Lodge , which was held at Bro . Allen ' s , Koyal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tncsday , tho 8 th instant , was presided over by Bro . Wallington P . M . Preceptor , who rehearsed the ceremony of tho second degree in his usual masterly stylo , Bro . Pavitt acting as can . didatc . The officers wero Bro . Smith S . W ., Perry J . W ., Johnson
S . D ., Lovelock J . D ., Defriez I . G ., Wiege I . P . M ., Bros . Cambridge , Pullcn , Brasted , Christian , Saunders , Crouch , Hewlett , and Barker wero also present . Bro . Defriez worked the first section assisted by the brethren . Lodgo was then opened in the third degree , and Bro . Hewlett worked the first and third sections of tho lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was closed to tho first , when Bro . Smith was
unanimously elected W . M . for ensuing week , and appointed his officers iu rotation . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned .
Eoyal Albert Lodge of Instruction , No . 907 . —Held at Bro . C . Chard ' s , White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , E . C . The fortnightly meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday last as above , when there wore present : —Bros . F . A . White W . M ., J . F . Hallett S . W ., II , Jennings J . W ., W . Suelgrove S . D ., G . F . Barr J . D ., Thos . Butt I . G ., J . Dennis P . M . Sec , C . Chard Treas ., J . Constable , T . Griffiths , G . Edwards , Robt , Stevenson . The W , M , rehearsed the