Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 3 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 3 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
Academy took place at Burlington House . In the absence , through indisposition , of Sir Frauds Grant , the President , the chair was occupied by the eminent architect , Sir Gilbert Scott , and among the guests present were H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ,
Princo Christian , tho Duko of Teck , the Archbishops of Canterbury and York , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Dr . Schliemann , Lord Hampton , Dr . Hooker , and Mr . Gladstone . The same evening the Marquis of Hartington presided at the Newspaper Press Fund Dinner at Willis ' s
Rooms , St . James ' s , aud was supported by Lord Houghton , Lord O'Hagan , the Duke of St . Albans , the American Minister , Lord Henry Lennox , Mr . Theodore Martin C . B ., Sir T . Wade , and others . The subscriptions on the occasion amounted to £ 900 , including twenty guineas from the
noble chairman . There is no serious news from the seat of war . It seems more than probable that Russia will obtain some substantial successes in Asia -, but her advance towards the Danube is necessarily somewhat slower , and more cautious , partly
owing to the bad weather which has prevailed , but likewise to the fact of the Turks being there in very great strength , and also strongly posted . So far as can be gleaned up to the time of writing , the warlike operations in Europe have been confined to minor attacks and
bombardments . The Turkish gunboats show themselves very active , and are evidently giving the Russians a good deal of trouble , while the latter have seized one or two positions of great importance . There has been one momentous event during the week , which , however , it was foreseen , would
probably occur sooner or later . We allude to the active participation in the war of Roumania as the ally of Russia . There has been firing between Kalafat and Widdin , but as yet no great amount of harm appears to have been done . We presume that this principality , finding itself already
occupied hy the Russian armies , has deemed it prudent , as the lesser of two evils , to side with the invader rather than with the Porte , to which she owes allegiance , albeit a nominal one . There is no doubt , however , that come what may , Roumania deserves and will have our sympathy . Situated as
she is between two inveterate enemies it was well nigh impossible for her to come off unscathed . War , in her case , means something very much , like ruin . The crops on which she is wholly dependent will fail her this year and so long as the war lasts . Her towns and villages are sure to suffer
as well from the Russians who occupy , and will defend her territory as from the Turks , who will certainly inflictas much damage as they can , if only in self-defence . It is noteworthy that the Turkish Government , which has established a blockade of the Russian ports on the Black Sea , has
graciously extended the period for the free ingress and egress of commercial ships to and from the blockaded ports . This has been done at the instance of Mr . Layard , our ambassador at Constantinople . In Asia it is believed that Kars
is shortly to be besieged , and that Erzeroum , the capital of Armenia is endangered . It is further announced that the Russian Chancellor will not reply to the Earl of Derby ' s dispatch of the 1 st instant . We think this is highly probable . The noble lord ' s statements are irrefutable . It is
wise on the part of Russia to abstain from doing or saying aught that is likely to intensify the feeling of this country against her .
The first number of a new series of The Scottish Freemasons' Magazine will make its appearance on the 1 st prox . The paper will be published as a bi-monthly , under the auspices of a dul y registered Company , on the 1 st and 15 th of the month ; and it is with great pleasure we announce
that the services of so well-known and so capable a Craftsman as Bro . John Laurie , lately Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge Scotland , have been secured as editor . Tho offices of the Company are at 63 Princes-street , Edinburgh , and all applications should be made to this address .
We acknowledge with fraternal thanks a communication anent our recent sketches of Lodge " Orion in the West , " from a Brother who was mainly instrumental in its resuscitation in 1859 . The information he furnishes is highly
interesting , and when a convenient time arrives for completing the history—for which , be it remarked , we are indebted to our Bombay contemporary the Standard—we shall avail ourselves of his kind permission , and incorporate it in our sketch .
Our Weekly Budget.
It will be seen from a notice which appeal's in our advertisement columns , that the Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 , is making arrangements to present the petitions it has received on the subject of the Masonic disabilities of German
non-Christians at the next quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . It is obviousl y desirable , therefore , that all those Lodges which havo not yet forwarded their petitions , should do so without loss of . timo , if they approve the policy
initiated by this Lodge . We cannot understand any member of our English Craft opposing the movement , though it is quite possible , of course , that some may not think favourably of the mode of procedure adopted , while others
may think it expedient to avoid meddling with the question . This , however , is not our opinion . The exclusion of non-Christians is diametrically opposed to one of the leading articles of our Masonic faith . The respectful submission
to our Grand Lodge of a number of petitions , praying for the exercise of its influence in removing the restrictions complained of , is , in our judgment , the best , if not the only
way of inviting attention to this undoubted grievance . Under these circumstances , we most cordially second the appeal of Montefiore Lodge , and we trust that every Lodge which owes allegiance to our Grand Lodge will second its noble efforts in behalf of the true princip les of Freemasonry .
We are informed that W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., R . W Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight , has most kindly consented to preside at the 79 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be held at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , 27 th . June next .
We have been favoured by Bro . E . J . Harty with a view of an advanced proof of his great p icture of the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master at the Albert Hall , which shows the drawing in progress and the effects of light and shade , tho more effective touches of
which are yet to come . We had much pleasure in recognising the portraits of quite a number of our esteemed brethren and subscribers amongst the hosts of faces ranged vn rows of diminishing perspective from the foreground . We have never seen a finer effect than that caught by Bro .
Harty . Standing at a short distance from the picture , the spectator , after a few seconds of gazing , actually feels himself to be ^ part and parcel of the scene . The extreme care required in the production will not , we believe , allow of its being finished and out of hand for some six weeks yet .
On Wednesday afternoon , Bro . Haigh , of the firm of Hemery and Hai gh , of Regent-street , was graciously permitted to wait ou H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , at Buckingham Palace , for the purpose of taking a series of
photographs of the Duke . In one of them H . R . H . appears in the clothing of Grand Senior Warden of Englaud , to which office he was lately appointed by his brother , the Grand Master .
The Keystone , on the authority of Loomis ' s Masonic Jounud , announces that Bro . Charles S . Stratton , better known throughout the world as " General Tom Thumb , " was initiated into Freemasonry in St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , Bridgeport , Conn ., on 8 th October 1862 . In July of the
following year he was exalted in Jerusalem Chapter , No . 3 , R . A . M . In July 1865 he received the orders of the Red Cross and Tomple in Hamilton Commandery , No . 8 . In 1867 he received the earlier degrees of the A . and A . Rite . Ho is now a 32 ° Mason , and is thus " a very high Mason , although still quite a diminutive man . "
Thursday , the 10 th instant , according to the Masonio Jewel , was the day appointed for tho meeting at Natchez of the Grand Commandery of Mississippi . A general
attendance of the Commanderies of the State was expected , and atnoitg' Individual Knights it was believed that the Governor of the State , Sir Knight J . M . Stone , would attend , in eomim . v with the Commandery , at Jackson .
Bro . Corn . Moore continues , in the columns of the Masonic Review , the history of old Lodges in Ohio . Last month is given a highly interesting sketch of Old Erie Lodge , No . 8 on the roll of Grand Lodge , Ohio ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
Academy took place at Burlington House . In the absence , through indisposition , of Sir Frauds Grant , the President , the chair was occupied by the eminent architect , Sir Gilbert Scott , and among the guests present were H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ,
Princo Christian , tho Duko of Teck , the Archbishops of Canterbury and York , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Dr . Schliemann , Lord Hampton , Dr . Hooker , and Mr . Gladstone . The same evening the Marquis of Hartington presided at the Newspaper Press Fund Dinner at Willis ' s
Rooms , St . James ' s , aud was supported by Lord Houghton , Lord O'Hagan , the Duke of St . Albans , the American Minister , Lord Henry Lennox , Mr . Theodore Martin C . B ., Sir T . Wade , and others . The subscriptions on the occasion amounted to £ 900 , including twenty guineas from the
noble chairman . There is no serious news from the seat of war . It seems more than probable that Russia will obtain some substantial successes in Asia -, but her advance towards the Danube is necessarily somewhat slower , and more cautious , partly
owing to the bad weather which has prevailed , but likewise to the fact of the Turks being there in very great strength , and also strongly posted . So far as can be gleaned up to the time of writing , the warlike operations in Europe have been confined to minor attacks and
bombardments . The Turkish gunboats show themselves very active , and are evidently giving the Russians a good deal of trouble , while the latter have seized one or two positions of great importance . There has been one momentous event during the week , which , however , it was foreseen , would
probably occur sooner or later . We allude to the active participation in the war of Roumania as the ally of Russia . There has been firing between Kalafat and Widdin , but as yet no great amount of harm appears to have been done . We presume that this principality , finding itself already
occupied hy the Russian armies , has deemed it prudent , as the lesser of two evils , to side with the invader rather than with the Porte , to which she owes allegiance , albeit a nominal one . There is no doubt , however , that come what may , Roumania deserves and will have our sympathy . Situated as
she is between two inveterate enemies it was well nigh impossible for her to come off unscathed . War , in her case , means something very much , like ruin . The crops on which she is wholly dependent will fail her this year and so long as the war lasts . Her towns and villages are sure to suffer
as well from the Russians who occupy , and will defend her territory as from the Turks , who will certainly inflictas much damage as they can , if only in self-defence . It is noteworthy that the Turkish Government , which has established a blockade of the Russian ports on the Black Sea , has
graciously extended the period for the free ingress and egress of commercial ships to and from the blockaded ports . This has been done at the instance of Mr . Layard , our ambassador at Constantinople . In Asia it is believed that Kars
is shortly to be besieged , and that Erzeroum , the capital of Armenia is endangered . It is further announced that the Russian Chancellor will not reply to the Earl of Derby ' s dispatch of the 1 st instant . We think this is highly probable . The noble lord ' s statements are irrefutable . It is
wise on the part of Russia to abstain from doing or saying aught that is likely to intensify the feeling of this country against her .
The first number of a new series of The Scottish Freemasons' Magazine will make its appearance on the 1 st prox . The paper will be published as a bi-monthly , under the auspices of a dul y registered Company , on the 1 st and 15 th of the month ; and it is with great pleasure we announce
that the services of so well-known and so capable a Craftsman as Bro . John Laurie , lately Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge Scotland , have been secured as editor . Tho offices of the Company are at 63 Princes-street , Edinburgh , and all applications should be made to this address .
We acknowledge with fraternal thanks a communication anent our recent sketches of Lodge " Orion in the West , " from a Brother who was mainly instrumental in its resuscitation in 1859 . The information he furnishes is highly
interesting , and when a convenient time arrives for completing the history—for which , be it remarked , we are indebted to our Bombay contemporary the Standard—we shall avail ourselves of his kind permission , and incorporate it in our sketch .
Our Weekly Budget.
It will be seen from a notice which appeal's in our advertisement columns , that the Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 , is making arrangements to present the petitions it has received on the subject of the Masonic disabilities of German
non-Christians at the next quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . It is obviousl y desirable , therefore , that all those Lodges which havo not yet forwarded their petitions , should do so without loss of . timo , if they approve the policy
initiated by this Lodge . We cannot understand any member of our English Craft opposing the movement , though it is quite possible , of course , that some may not think favourably of the mode of procedure adopted , while others
may think it expedient to avoid meddling with the question . This , however , is not our opinion . The exclusion of non-Christians is diametrically opposed to one of the leading articles of our Masonic faith . The respectful submission
to our Grand Lodge of a number of petitions , praying for the exercise of its influence in removing the restrictions complained of , is , in our judgment , the best , if not the only
way of inviting attention to this undoubted grievance . Under these circumstances , we most cordially second the appeal of Montefiore Lodge , and we trust that every Lodge which owes allegiance to our Grand Lodge will second its noble efforts in behalf of the true princip les of Freemasonry .
We are informed that W . W . B . Beach , Esq ., M . P ., R . W Prov . Grand Master of Hants and the Isle of Wight , has most kindly consented to preside at the 79 th Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be held at the Alexandra Palace on Wednesday , 27 th . June next .
We have been favoured by Bro . E . J . Harty with a view of an advanced proof of his great p icture of the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master at the Albert Hall , which shows the drawing in progress and the effects of light and shade , tho more effective touches of
which are yet to come . We had much pleasure in recognising the portraits of quite a number of our esteemed brethren and subscribers amongst the hosts of faces ranged vn rows of diminishing perspective from the foreground . We have never seen a finer effect than that caught by Bro .
Harty . Standing at a short distance from the picture , the spectator , after a few seconds of gazing , actually feels himself to be ^ part and parcel of the scene . The extreme care required in the production will not , we believe , allow of its being finished and out of hand for some six weeks yet .
On Wednesday afternoon , Bro . Haigh , of the firm of Hemery and Hai gh , of Regent-street , was graciously permitted to wait ou H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , at Buckingham Palace , for the purpose of taking a series of
photographs of the Duke . In one of them H . R . H . appears in the clothing of Grand Senior Warden of Englaud , to which office he was lately appointed by his brother , the Grand Master .
The Keystone , on the authority of Loomis ' s Masonic Jounud , announces that Bro . Charles S . Stratton , better known throughout the world as " General Tom Thumb , " was initiated into Freemasonry in St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 , Bridgeport , Conn ., on 8 th October 1862 . In July of the
following year he was exalted in Jerusalem Chapter , No . 3 , R . A . M . In July 1865 he received the orders of the Red Cross and Tomple in Hamilton Commandery , No . 8 . In 1867 he received the earlier degrees of the A . and A . Rite . Ho is now a 32 ° Mason , and is thus " a very high Mason , although still quite a diminutive man . "
Thursday , the 10 th instant , according to the Masonio Jewel , was the day appointed for tho meeting at Natchez of the Grand Commandery of Mississippi . A general
attendance of the Commanderies of the State was expected , and atnoitg' Individual Knights it was believed that the Governor of the State , Sir Knight J . M . Stone , would attend , in eomim . v with the Commandery , at Jackson .
Bro . Corn . Moore continues , in the columns of the Masonic Review , the history of old Lodges in Ohio . Last month is given a highly interesting sketch of Old Erie Lodge , No . 8 on the roll of Grand Lodge , Ohio ,