Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Higham Treasnrer , Bro . Holttum Almoner . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . D . T . Smith , yenman , Littlebonrne , into tho mysteries and privileges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry , which the W . M . declared unanimous . Somo other business was transacted , and the Lodge adjonrned until Thursday , tho 7 th October next , emergencies excepted .
Royal Shamrock Lodge , No . 32 . —The monthly meeting was held ou 3 rd of June , at Olaves Place , Waterford . Present : — Bros . Thomas Atherton W . M ., Thomas Andrews S . W ., Henry Watisrh J . W ., James W . Andrews S . D ., George Hassett J . D ., Peter Whalley D . C ., Thomas Trigero Steward . David Atherton I . G ., James Eiehardson Tyler , Samuel H . Perry Secretary , John Snnderlanr !
P . M . Treasurer ; Past Masters Bros . H . D . Palmer , Thomas Sinter , Eoberfc Whalley sen ., Robert Whalley jun . ; Visitors , Bros . Elwin , Murray and Price 5 , Hiscox 1420 ( En ? lish ) , Yokes 297 , and about 30 brethren . Bnsiness transacted : —Lodgo opened in 1 st degree ; minntes read and confirmed ; correspondence read , and one srentleman initiated ; after which the Lodgo was duly closed , and the brethren separated .
Wamesford Lodge , No . 70 . —A meeting of this Lodge was hold on 2 nd Juno , at Tnllyniskoy , when the followinc brethren were duly elected officers for the ensuing year : —Bvos . Htisrh Dennison W . M ., Andrew Creighton S . W ., Samuel Back J . W ., John Lavery S . D ., William Atheson J . D ., James Rown D . O ., Rnbt . Nelson I . G ., John Dennison Tyler , Wm . Graham Secretary and Treasnrer .
Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 . — The summer banquet will be held on the 13 th of Jnlv , at the Alexandra Palaco , nnder the presidency of Bro . G . Purkiss , the W . M ., with the co-operation of Bros . John Boyd P . G . P ., J . Last Treasurer , G . S . States P . G . S . Secretary , T . Bull I . P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of tho brethren who have signified their intention to be present . From the wellknown qualifications of the "W . M . a very happy and enjoyable day is anticipated .
Joppa Lodge , Ho . 188 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Mouday , 7 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , City . Present : —Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . G . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W ., Miller S . D ., H . Hymans D . C ., M . Spiegel as I . G ., E . P . Albert , Assistant Grand Pursuivant , Secretary ; L . Anerhaan Treasurer , P . E . Van Noorden Org . ; P . M . ' s Bros . H . Berkowitz , L . Alexander ,
H . M . Levy , 0 . Roberts , E . H . Hunt , M . Van Diephencim , J . Phillips and Israel Abrahams . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes were confirmed . Messrs . J . Creamer , H . Creamer and J . Bitton having been balloted for , were duly initiated into the Order . A notice of motion was g'ven , by Bro . O . Roberts T . P . M ., that in future tho fees for initiation be £ 10 10 s , and tho joining fee £ 8 8 s ; this was seconded
by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M ., and was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then called off , and the brethren , 109 in number , sat down to an elegant banquet provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , the worthy manager , and superintended by Bro . Keeping . The W . M . then proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing the toast of tho Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers , he spoke
in eulogistic terms of one of their members who had been selected to fill the post of Grand Assistant Pursuivant . This brother was one who was well worthy to fill such an office , as every one present knew and appreciated his Masonic and other qualifications . Bro . E . P . Albert , in genial terms , returned thanks for the toast . The W . M ., in proposing the Benevolent Fnnd , dilated on the benefits arising
therefrom . He informed the hrethren that it had in the hands of tho Treasurer tho sum of £ 1 , 100 , and that amount had been increased by the contributions of the newly initiated brethren . Bros . Creamer and Dixon had contributed tho sum of 21 s each , Stransky 10 s Gd , J . Rutherford ( second donation ) 21 s , and Master M . Auerhaan and L . M . Anerhaan , sons of Bro . M . Anerhaan , ] 0 s Gd each . ( Cheers . )
Bro . L . Alexander P . M . and V . P . responded to tho toast , and informed the brethren that the sum of £ 50 had been added to tho fund . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the newly initiated , gave a very excellent illustration of the duties required of them in their future Masonic career , for they had been so highly recommended that ho was snre they would be a credit to the Order . Bros . Dixon and Creamer returned thanks for the toast . The toast of tho visitors
was received with prolonged cheers , the W . M . saying ho was pleased to see among them one whom they wore all proud to have present , viz . Bro . J . Sebag . ( Cheers . ) That brother had very disinterestedly done all he could to further the interests of the Joppa Benevolent Fund ; his namo was sufficient to ensure him individually , and also the visitors , a hearty welcome . For the former brother , although this
was the first time ho had beon present , he hoped he ( the W . M . ) , as well as tho Lodge , would feel honoured by his presence . Bro . J . Sebag returned thanks for the visitors , and said he fully appreciated the kind words of the W . M . He thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; his services were always at their command in every capacity , and he had to thank them for the pleasant reception the
visitors had met with this evening . He wonld , if any occasion should require it , be happy to contribute to the fund , and he won'd never forget the kiudness shown to him and the visitors ; he might say that tho Lodge of Joppa may be proud of its Master , and also the Benevolent Fund . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . O . Roberts proposed tho toast of
the WM ., whom he said had so perfectly , during his year of office , performed the ceremonies , and also had ably presided over the brethren . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in responding , said how pleased he was to see that perfect harmony had prevailed during his year of office , and that was sufficient to show that his humble efforts had been
crowned with success , to the satisfaction of the brethren . That was his aim on taking the chair , aud he hoped on the expiration of office to meet their approbation . The toast of the P . M . ' s was responded to by Bros , O . Koberts , I . Abrahams and H . M . Levy . The toast of
Notices Of Meetings.
the Wardens , and that of the Treasnrer and Secretary , Bros . E . P . Albert and L . Auerhaan , who returned thanks , followed . The toast if the Junior Officers followed , and Bros . L . Anerhaan and Stransky each gave an additional sum of 21 s and 10 s 6 d , and Mrs . Auerhaan 10 s Gd to tho Benevolent Fund . The Lodgo was then called on , and several propositions for joining and initiation were handed in . Tho
Lod < ro was then closed until October . The W . M . provided a very excellent concert , under tho management of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , tho Organist of tho Lodye , and included tho names of Bro . V . Thomas , the Misses Vere , Bacon and Stnart ; Bro . P . E . Van Noorden accompanying on tho piano , he also singing a very capital bnffo song .
The visitors wero Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., J . Sebas 113 , Wills 114 , Kin 1348 , Morcran 10 It , M . S . Larhnm 121 G , J . M . Loewenstark 13 G 0 , Kemp 27 and 1340 , Hino 1498 , McDonald 1158 , W . Holloway 1158 , Bealps 902 , IT . Myers 205 , Dr . Ring 1017 , R . Lester 389 , W . A . Morgan 1044 , Birch , & c .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester . —The last meeting of the season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , 2 nd June . There were present : —Bros . J . W . Smith W . M ., A . Palmer I . P . M ., J . M . MacAUistor S . W ., G . W . Statham J . W ., W . Weare P . M . Treasurer , Clement Edwin Stretton Secretary , J . Ewingl 391 as J . D ., J . Orlando LawI . G ., Clement Stretton P . P . G . W ., G . Toller P . P . G . S . W .,
S . S . Partridge 279 , W . M . 523 , F . J . Baines P . M . 523 , J . T . Thorp W . M . Elect 523 , Tho Rev . T . W . Gordon , J . Jessop 279 , J . W . Gibson 73 Limerick , E . Mason S . W . 1391 , S . Knight 1391 , F . J . Smith 523 , and others . The Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minntes of tho last meeting rend and confirmed . The W . M . appointed and invested Bro . the Rov . T . W . Gordon as Chaplain of tho Lodge . He then proceeded to initiate two candidates , Mr . Crick and Mr . Manton , and
recommended to their consideration tho beauties of our mystic art in a manner which could not fail to impress their minds with a reverence for the grand principles upon which onr Order is founded . The charge was very ably delivered by Bro . Partridge W . M . 523 . The Lodge having been closed in duo form , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which tho Loyal and Masonio toasts followed in due order .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 795 . —The regular meeting of thi 3 summer Lodge was held on Tuesday , at tho Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead . Present—Bros . C . Motile jun . W . M ., T . A . Can- P . M . as S . W ., Hubert Turner J . W ., H . H . Hodges P . M . Secretary , J . It . Fonlger P . M . C . Gammon P . M . and Treasurer was absent through indisposition . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes wore confirmed . A ballot
was taken for the admission of Mr . Deacon ( the proprietor of tho hotel ) , which was unanimously in his favour , and he , by the courtesy of the W . M ., was duly initiated by Bro . J . R . Fonlger P . M ., in a very impressivo stylo ; several candidates wero proposed for initiation at tho next meeting , and tho Lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to tho banquet , supplied by the worthy host , tho nowly
initiated brother . The usual toasts were given and rosponded to , and when the toast of "Tho Past Masters " was given , the W . M . regretted the absonco of Bro . C . Gammon , who had met with a very severe accident , but added , ho was pleased to inform tho brethren Bro . Gammon was rapidly recovering , and he would only be too happy to see him among them on their next meeting . The Tyler ' s toast was given , aud the brethren returned to town .
Clones Masonic Lodge , No . 881 , Ireland . —Tho usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Lodge Rooms , Thompson's Hottd . Bros . E . J . Elliott W . M ., Rev . T . R . Conway S . W . pro tern , John Robinson J . W ., J . W . Presho S . D ., T . Lough J . D . pro tern , J . Elliott Treasnrer , F . G . Fitzgerald Sec , Rev . A . Rea Chaplain , W . M . Fitzgerald I . G ., W . Ileaney Tyler . Past Masters Elliott , Fitzgerald ,
Martin and Patterson . "Visitors—Bros . McCraslin , Higgius and Hurst . Business of a routine character being disposed of , a ballot was taken for Mr . James Armstrong , and found clear . Mr . Armstrong being in attendance , was duly initiated int > the Order by Bro . P . M . J . Patterson , in his usual good style . The Lodge was then closed in
due and ancient form , after which the brethren adjourned for refreshment , when the following toasts wero given : " The Queen , " " Tho Prince of Wales , " " Tho Rest of the Royal Family , " " Tho Newly Initiated , " " Visitors , " & c . The brethren separated , after spending a very enjoyable evening .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1012 , Bury ( Lancashire ) . —At the current monthly meeting of the above named Lodge , Bro . H . Heys P . M . in the chair , it was resolved , on tho motion of Bro . Heys , seconded by Bro . W . Handley P . M ., that Bro . Henry Maiden , Secretary , write letters of condolence to the families of deceased Brothers Robert Wright O'Neil aud Richard Battersby , the former of whom was the last appointed Worshipful Master , and the latter
Senior Deacon ot the Lodgo , and both of whom were accidentall y thrown into the sea and drowned while on a yachting excursi on in Morecombe Bay , on Whit Thursday . Brother Battersby ' s body has not been recovered . As a murk of respect to tho departed brothers , the Lodge was closed immediately after the passing of tho foregoing resolution , which was the only snbjeet that engaged the attention of the meetinc .
Royal Edward Lodge , No . 1088 . —The regular mooting of this Lodge was held at the house of Bro . Joe Byrom , Commercial Hotel , Mel ' mnrne Street , Sta ' ybridgo , on Thursday , tho 3 rd inst . A considerable number of members and visitors wero
present , including Bro . 0 . God .-lard P . P . S . G . D . and P . M ., T . tfowers P . P . A . G . D . C . and P . M .. William Batchelor P . M ., James Kirk P . M ., Will ' am Davios P . M . ; W . Em . nett W . M . ; S . Sykes S . W . and G . Wagotuff J . W . Bro . James Kirk announced that on Saturday , the 26 th of June , be wonld lay tho foundation stone of a Mochanicg
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Notices Of Meetings.
Higham Treasnrer , Bro . Holttum Almoner . A ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . D . T . Smith , yenman , Littlebonrne , into tho mysteries and privileges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry , which the W . M . declared unanimous . Somo other business was transacted , and the Lodge adjonrned until Thursday , tho 7 th October next , emergencies excepted .
Royal Shamrock Lodge , No . 32 . —The monthly meeting was held ou 3 rd of June , at Olaves Place , Waterford . Present : — Bros . Thomas Atherton W . M ., Thomas Andrews S . W ., Henry Watisrh J . W ., James W . Andrews S . D ., George Hassett J . D ., Peter Whalley D . C ., Thomas Trigero Steward . David Atherton I . G ., James Eiehardson Tyler , Samuel H . Perry Secretary , John Snnderlanr !
P . M . Treasurer ; Past Masters Bros . H . D . Palmer , Thomas Sinter , Eoberfc Whalley sen ., Robert Whalley jun . ; Visitors , Bros . Elwin , Murray and Price 5 , Hiscox 1420 ( En ? lish ) , Yokes 297 , and about 30 brethren . Bnsiness transacted : —Lodgo opened in 1 st degree ; minntes read and confirmed ; correspondence read , and one srentleman initiated ; after which the Lodgo was duly closed , and the brethren separated .
Wamesford Lodge , No . 70 . —A meeting of this Lodge was hold on 2 nd Juno , at Tnllyniskoy , when the followinc brethren were duly elected officers for the ensuing year : —Bvos . Htisrh Dennison W . M ., Andrew Creighton S . W ., Samuel Back J . W ., John Lavery S . D ., William Atheson J . D ., James Rown D . O ., Rnbt . Nelson I . G ., John Dennison Tyler , Wm . Graham Secretary and Treasnrer .
Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 . — The summer banquet will be held on the 13 th of Jnlv , at the Alexandra Palaco , nnder the presidency of Bro . G . Purkiss , the W . M ., with the co-operation of Bros . John Boyd P . G . P ., J . Last Treasurer , G . S . States P . G . S . Secretary , T . Bull I . P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of tho brethren who have signified their intention to be present . From the wellknown qualifications of the "W . M . a very happy and enjoyable day is anticipated .
Joppa Lodge , Ho . 188 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Mouday , 7 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , City . Present : —Bros . S . Hickman W . M ., A . G . Dodson S . W ., L . Lazarus J . W ., Miller S . D ., H . Hymans D . C ., M . Spiegel as I . G ., E . P . Albert , Assistant Grand Pursuivant , Secretary ; L . Anerhaan Treasurer , P . E . Van Noorden Org . ; P . M . ' s Bros . H . Berkowitz , L . Alexander ,
H . M . Levy , 0 . Roberts , E . H . Hunt , M . Van Diephencim , J . Phillips and Israel Abrahams . The Lodge was opened , and the minntes were confirmed . Messrs . J . Creamer , H . Creamer and J . Bitton having been balloted for , were duly initiated into the Order . A notice of motion was g'ven , by Bro . O . Roberts T . P . M ., that in future tho fees for initiation be £ 10 10 s , and tho joining fee £ 8 8 s ; this was seconded
by Bro . H . M . Levy P . M ., and was carried unanimously . The Lodge was then called off , and the brethren , 109 in number , sat down to an elegant banquet provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , the worthy manager , and superintended by Bro . Keeping . The W . M . then proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing the toast of tho Earl of Carnarvon and the rest of the Grand Officers , he spoke
in eulogistic terms of one of their members who had been selected to fill the post of Grand Assistant Pursuivant . This brother was one who was well worthy to fill such an office , as every one present knew and appreciated his Masonic and other qualifications . Bro . E . P . Albert , in genial terms , returned thanks for the toast . The W . M ., in proposing the Benevolent Fnnd , dilated on the benefits arising
therefrom . He informed the hrethren that it had in the hands of tho Treasurer tho sum of £ 1 , 100 , and that amount had been increased by the contributions of the newly initiated brethren . Bros . Creamer and Dixon had contributed tho sum of 21 s each , Stransky 10 s Gd , J . Rutherford ( second donation ) 21 s , and Master M . Auerhaan and L . M . Anerhaan , sons of Bro . M . Anerhaan , ] 0 s Gd each . ( Cheers . )
Bro . L . Alexander P . M . and V . P . responded to tho toast , and informed the brethren that the sum of £ 50 had been added to tho fund . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the newly initiated , gave a very excellent illustration of the duties required of them in their future Masonic career , for they had been so highly recommended that ho was snre they would be a credit to the Order . Bros . Dixon and Creamer returned thanks for the toast . The toast of tho visitors
was received with prolonged cheers , the W . M . saying ho was pleased to see among them one whom they wore all proud to have present , viz . Bro . J . Sebag . ( Cheers . ) That brother had very disinterestedly done all he could to further the interests of the Joppa Benevolent Fund ; his namo was sufficient to ensure him individually , and also the visitors , a hearty welcome . For the former brother , although this
was the first time ho had beon present , he hoped he ( the W . M . ) , as well as tho Lodge , would feel honoured by his presence . Bro . J . Sebag returned thanks for the visitors , and said he fully appreciated the kind words of the W . M . He thanked the brethren for their kind expressions ; his services were always at their command in every capacity , and he had to thank them for the pleasant reception the
visitors had met with this evening . He wonld , if any occasion should require it , be happy to contribute to the fund , and he won'd never forget the kiudness shown to him and the visitors ; he might say that tho Lodge of Joppa may be proud of its Master , and also the Benevolent Fund . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . O . Roberts proposed tho toast of
the WM ., whom he said had so perfectly , during his year of office , performed the ceremonies , and also had ably presided over the brethren . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in responding , said how pleased he was to see that perfect harmony had prevailed during his year of office , and that was sufficient to show that his humble efforts had been
crowned with success , to the satisfaction of the brethren . That was his aim on taking the chair , aud he hoped on the expiration of office to meet their approbation . The toast of the P . M . ' s was responded to by Bros , O . Koberts , I . Abrahams and H . M . Levy . The toast of
Notices Of Meetings.
the Wardens , and that of the Treasnrer and Secretary , Bros . E . P . Albert and L . Auerhaan , who returned thanks , followed . The toast if the Junior Officers followed , and Bros . L . Anerhaan and Stransky each gave an additional sum of 21 s and 10 s 6 d , and Mrs . Auerhaan 10 s Gd to tho Benevolent Fund . The Lodgo was then called on , and several propositions for joining and initiation were handed in . Tho
Lod < ro was then closed until October . The W . M . provided a very excellent concert , under tho management of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , tho Organist of tho Lodye , and included tho names of Bro . V . Thomas , the Misses Vere , Bacon and Stnart ; Bro . P . E . Van Noorden accompanying on tho piano , he also singing a very capital bnffo song .
The visitors wero Bros . Hydo Pullen P . G . S . B ., J . Sebas 113 , Wills 114 , Kin 1348 , Morcran 10 It , M . S . Larhnm 121 G , J . M . Loewenstark 13 G 0 , Kemp 27 and 1340 , Hino 1498 , McDonald 1158 , W . Holloway 1158 , Bealps 902 , IT . Myers 205 , Dr . Ring 1017 , R . Lester 389 , W . A . Morgan 1044 , Birch , & c .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester . —The last meeting of the season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , 2 nd June . There were present : —Bros . J . W . Smith W . M ., A . Palmer I . P . M ., J . M . MacAUistor S . W ., G . W . Statham J . W ., W . Weare P . M . Treasurer , Clement Edwin Stretton Secretary , J . Ewingl 391 as J . D ., J . Orlando LawI . G ., Clement Stretton P . P . G . W ., G . Toller P . P . G . S . W .,
S . S . Partridge 279 , W . M . 523 , F . J . Baines P . M . 523 , J . T . Thorp W . M . Elect 523 , Tho Rev . T . W . Gordon , J . Jessop 279 , J . W . Gibson 73 Limerick , E . Mason S . W . 1391 , S . Knight 1391 , F . J . Smith 523 , and others . The Lodge was opened in dne form , and the minntes of tho last meeting rend and confirmed . The W . M . appointed and invested Bro . the Rov . T . W . Gordon as Chaplain of tho Lodge . He then proceeded to initiate two candidates , Mr . Crick and Mr . Manton , and
recommended to their consideration tho beauties of our mystic art in a manner which could not fail to impress their minds with a reverence for the grand principles upon which onr Order is founded . The charge was very ably delivered by Bro . Partridge W . M . 523 . The Lodge having been closed in duo form , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which tho Loyal and Masonio toasts followed in due order .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 795 . —The regular meeting of thi 3 summer Lodge was held on Tuesday , at tho Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead . Present—Bros . C . Motile jun . W . M ., T . A . Can- P . M . as S . W ., Hubert Turner J . W ., H . H . Hodges P . M . Secretary , J . It . Fonlger P . M . C . Gammon P . M . and Treasurer was absent through indisposition . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes wore confirmed . A ballot
was taken for the admission of Mr . Deacon ( the proprietor of tho hotel ) , which was unanimously in his favour , and he , by the courtesy of the W . M ., was duly initiated by Bro . J . R . Fonlger P . M ., in a very impressivo stylo ; several candidates wero proposed for initiation at tho next meeting , and tho Lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to tho banquet , supplied by the worthy host , tho nowly
initiated brother . The usual toasts were given and rosponded to , and when the toast of "Tho Past Masters " was given , the W . M . regretted the absonco of Bro . C . Gammon , who had met with a very severe accident , but added , ho was pleased to inform tho brethren Bro . Gammon was rapidly recovering , and he would only be too happy to see him among them on their next meeting . The Tyler ' s toast was given , aud the brethren returned to town .
Clones Masonic Lodge , No . 881 , Ireland . —Tho usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held in the Lodge Rooms , Thompson's Hottd . Bros . E . J . Elliott W . M ., Rev . T . R . Conway S . W . pro tern , John Robinson J . W ., J . W . Presho S . D ., T . Lough J . D . pro tern , J . Elliott Treasnrer , F . G . Fitzgerald Sec , Rev . A . Rea Chaplain , W . M . Fitzgerald I . G ., W . Ileaney Tyler . Past Masters Elliott , Fitzgerald ,
Martin and Patterson . "Visitors—Bros . McCraslin , Higgius and Hurst . Business of a routine character being disposed of , a ballot was taken for Mr . James Armstrong , and found clear . Mr . Armstrong being in attendance , was duly initiated int > the Order by Bro . P . M . J . Patterson , in his usual good style . The Lodge was then closed in
due and ancient form , after which the brethren adjourned for refreshment , when the following toasts wero given : " The Queen , " " Tho Prince of Wales , " " Tho Rest of the Royal Family , " " Tho Newly Initiated , " " Visitors , " & c . The brethren separated , after spending a very enjoyable evening .
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 1012 , Bury ( Lancashire ) . —At the current monthly meeting of the above named Lodge , Bro . H . Heys P . M . in the chair , it was resolved , on tho motion of Bro . Heys , seconded by Bro . W . Handley P . M ., that Bro . Henry Maiden , Secretary , write letters of condolence to the families of deceased Brothers Robert Wright O'Neil aud Richard Battersby , the former of whom was the last appointed Worshipful Master , and the latter
Senior Deacon ot the Lodgo , and both of whom were accidentall y thrown into the sea and drowned while on a yachting excursi on in Morecombe Bay , on Whit Thursday . Brother Battersby ' s body has not been recovered . As a murk of respect to tho departed brothers , the Lodge was closed immediately after the passing of tho foregoing resolution , which was the only snbjeet that engaged the attention of the meetinc .
Royal Edward Lodge , No . 1088 . —The regular mooting of this Lodge was held at the house of Bro . Joe Byrom , Commercial Hotel , Mel ' mnrne Street , Sta ' ybridgo , on Thursday , tho 3 rd inst . A considerable number of members and visitors wero
present , including Bro . 0 . God .-lard P . P . S . G . D . and P . M ., T . tfowers P . P . A . G . D . C . and P . M .. William Batchelor P . M ., James Kirk P . M ., Will ' am Davios P . M . ; W . Em . nett W . M . ; S . Sykes S . W . and G . Wagotuff J . W . Bro . James Kirk announced that on Saturday , the 26 th of June , be wonld lay tho foundation stone of a Mochanicg