Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Institution , at Whaley Bridge , and he invited the whole of the brethren in the borough to breakfast at his residence , and to join in the procession . Tho invitation was gratefully accepted . Tho ballot was then taken for tho admission of Mr . Wm . H . Halton , Editor of tho Ashton and Stalybridge Reporter , and , being unanimous , that geutleman was duly initiated into Freemasonry , by Bros . Batchelor and Davies , in the usual form .
De Shnrland Lodge , No . 1089 , Sheerness . —On Wednesday evening tlie installation meeting of this Lodge was held at Sheerness , when Bro . A . Rourne was installed Worshipful Master by Bro . J . D . Macdonald , Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Kent , in the presence of a full Lodge , containing several Provincial Grand Officers . The brethren subsequently banquettcd together at the Fountain Hotel .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursdav , the 3 rd inst ., at Bridge House Uotel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . C . Denkin W . M ., J . Ruse S . W ., J . A . Smith J . W ., W . Batchelor S . D ., W . T . Lover J . D ., J . Stock D . C ., F . Garbett I . G ., F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . Secretary ; F . H . Hebsworth P . M . Treasurer ; P . M . 's Bros . G . J . Grace and J . H .
Harnsworth ; Visitors Bros . S . Powncby S . D . 55 , Hughes 1309 . The Lndge was opened , and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . G . J . Graco P . M ., by the courtesy of the W . M ., raised Bro . T . Simpson to the third degree , and the W . M . passed Bros . Bell , Hughes 1309 and Sparks to the dearee of Fellow Craft ; initiated Messre . Nice and Eastbrook . Bro . F . Walters P . M . then gave notice of motion , that the sum of five
guineas be given from tho funds of the Lodgo to present tho W . M ., Bro . Deakin , on his retirement from office , with a Past Master ' s jewel for his efficient servicos during the year . Several proposals for initiation wero given to tho Secretary , and the Lodgo was closed . A banquet followed , provided by Bro . Spencer . Tne usual toasts were given , and the brethren separated .
Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , Liverpool . — Tho instailation mreting of this Lodge was held on Monday afternoon , at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , where there were was one of the largest gatherings of brethren seen at any Lodge for some time . The attendance numbered nearly 120 , amongst those present being an unusually large array of W . M . 's , P . M . ' s and officers from other
Lodges in town , thns showing the popularity which the " Neptune enjoys in the province . Tho retiring W . M ., Bro . J . S . Dixon , occupied the chair at the commencement of the business ; and after tho usual opening some formal business was transacted . Bro . J . Healing P . M . Treasurer then took the chair , and proceecled to instal Bro . P . B . Geo as the W . M . of the Ledge for the ensuing year , This is tho
second time Bro . Gee has held that distinguished position , and his re-election to tho office appeared to give tho greatest satisfaction to the numerous brethren nnder his rule . The following were subsequently invested as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . S . Dixon I . P . M ., W . Roberts S . W ., A . Cotter J . W ., Jos . Healing P . M . Treasnrer ( re-elected ) , A . C . Wylic Secretary , W . Rovle S . D ., J . Korn J . D .,
J . C . Fish I . G ., W . C . Webb , J . P . Gamblo , J Caterall Stewards ; A . Davies P . M . D . C ., and W . H . Ball Tyler . Bofore the Lodgo was closed a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . J . S . Dixon as a mark of sincere regard felt by the brethren for him " as a man and a Mason . " Tho brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , after which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received in a hearty manner .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —The regular meeting was held on 4 th June , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present—Bros . J . Smith P . G . P . P . M . and Treasnn r , who occupied the chair as W . M ., J . J . I Amburne S . W . and W . M . elect , J . Green J . W ., Rev . G . P . R . Colls
Chaplain and W . M . designate 1538 , F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . and Secretary , 11 . W . Williams S . D ., E . W . Chetwvnd as I . G ., B . Woodman D . C ., and Past Masters W . Ongh Y . G . V . C , J . Hogg P . G . S ., H . Kecble and above 40 brethren . The Lodgo was opened , and the minntes were confirmed . Bros . J . T . C . Brooks and E . H .
Rand were raised to the 3 rd degree ; and Bros . F . J . Lindsay and W . Carter 1309 , were passed to the second degree . The election for the W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler followed , and the following brethren were elected to fdl respectively the foregoing offices , viz . Bro . J . J .
Liuiburne W . M ., J . Smith P . G . Treasurer , and Gilbert P . G . T . ( Middlesex ) Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , under tho able presidency of Bro . Smith , and enjoyed a very agreeable evening , where tbe usual loyal , Masonic and complimentary toasts were given and responded to
Notices Of Meetings.
inclnding that of tho W . M ., Wardens , Officers and Visitors . Bro . W . B . Woodman , who is a Steward for the Boys' School Festival , made a powerful appeal on behalf of that Charity , which was liberally responded to . The visitors wero Bros . G . Kenning P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex , and P . M . 162 , & c , W . J . Johns P . M . 131 , C . Sergeant 177 ,
H . Jager P . M . 453 , W . H . Stacey 1237 , W . Carter 1309 . A . Betta 1309 , & c . It was a source of deep regret to the brethren that , since the last meeting of the Lodge , they had to deplore the sad loss of two of their members , whom all respected—Bros . G . Pymiu W . M . P . M . 749 , and W . Bell I . G . who was shipwrecked off Bengal .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —Meeting held Monday , 7 th Juno , at the Westbonrne Restaurant , Craven Road , Buvswnter . Present—Bros . Savage W . M ., Sido S . W ., Scales J . W ., Colo S . D ., Gellion J . D ., Stiles I . G ., Read P . M . Secretary , and Bros . Death and Cuth . Lodge opened in first and second degrees . Bro . Death
entrusted , & c , for raising . Lodge opened in third degree , and Bro . Death raised . Tho traditional history given in a very able manner by the W . M . Lodge resumed to first degree . First and second sections of first Lecture worked by the brethren , nnder direction of Bro . Read P . M .
Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460—The Rov . Dr . Bretteof Christ ' s Hospital , and examiner to tho University of London , pre , sided at a meeting of this Lodge , held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Saturday afternoon . Tho Lodge , of which the reverend Doctor is worshipfnl Master , after disposing of a largo paper of business ,
and voting five guineas to the Masonic Girls School , unanimously passed a resolution , recommending Mr . W . T . Howe , one of its members , to the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex ( Colonel Burdett ) for the office of Provincial Grand Steward , in acknowledgment of his great services to the Lodge .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —On Friday , the 4 th inst ., a committee of the members of this Lodgo met at the Metropolitan Club , 2 G 9 Pentonville-road . Bros . Jas . Willing jun . W . M . in the chair . Bros . Kingham , Rapkiu , Tims P . M ., Sido , Sainsbury , Williams J . W ., Cook , Stiles , Michael S . W . being present . The object of the meeting
was to make arrangements for the summer banquet , which resulted in the brethren fixing it to take place on Friday , tho 9 th July , at the Rye House , near Broxbourne . Dinner will take place at four o ' clock , when ladies and non-Masons , friends of the brethren , will be present . The meeting was then adjourned to the 5 th July , when final arrangements will be mado .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —Meeting at Metropolitan Clnb , King ' s Cross , on Friday , 4 th June 1875 . Bros . Willing W . M ., Michael S . W ., Williams J . W ., Kingham S . D ., Sido J . D . Shand I . G ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Stiles Secretary , Tims P . M ., aud Bros . Scales , Cook , Sainsbnry , Shankland , Cox , Rose , Read , Rnsso , Child , Jones , Tittenborn , and Gilbert . Lodge opened in duo form , and minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Cook
initiated , Bro . Read entrusted for passing . Lodge opeaed in second degree , Bro . Read passed , and Bro . Joees entrusted for raising . Lodgo opened in third degree , and Bro . Jones raised . The W . M . called off for refreshment , and af terwards called on to labor , and closed down . The whole of the business most ably and creditably performed , and Bro . Michael S . W . elected unanimously W . M . at ensuing meeting .
The proceedings of tho Gen . Gr . Chapter of the United States show that there are 37 Gr . Chapters , 2 , 014 R . A . Chapters and 123 , 779 R . A . Masons in tho Union . —From a table recently published we find that there aro 48 Gr . Lodges , G , 142 Lodges and 582 , 178 enrolled Master Masons in the United States . —Tho ( Jr . L ; idge of Michigan has recently chosen tho following officers for 1875 : M . W . Bro .
Geo . H . Durand , Flint , Gr . Master ; R . W . Uro . M . H . Maynard , Marquette , Dcp . Gr . Master ; R . W . Bro . Wm . Dunham , Mainstec , Gr . Sen . Warden ; R . W . Bro . J . W . Finch , Adrian , Gr . Jun . Warden ; R . W . Bro . B . W . Landon , Niles , Gr . Treasurer : R . W . Bro . Foster Pratt , Kalamazoo , Gr . Secretary ; R . W . Bro . A . M . Clark , Lexington
Gr . Lectnrer ; R . W . Bro . J . S . Goodman , East Saginaw , Gr . Chap lain ; li . W . Wm . Johnstone , Port Huron , Gr . Sen . Deacon ; ii . W Bro . John P . Phillips , Woodland , Gr . Jun . Deacon , R . W Bro F . A . Potter , St . Joseph , Gr . Marshal ; R . W . Bro . Alex McGregor , Detroit , Gr . Tyler .. —New York Courier .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Institution , at Whaley Bridge , and he invited the whole of the brethren in the borough to breakfast at his residence , and to join in the procession . Tho invitation was gratefully accepted . Tho ballot was then taken for tho admission of Mr . Wm . H . Halton , Editor of tho Ashton and Stalybridge Reporter , and , being unanimous , that geutleman was duly initiated into Freemasonry , by Bros . Batchelor and Davies , in the usual form .
De Shnrland Lodge , No . 1089 , Sheerness . —On Wednesday evening tlie installation meeting of this Lodge was held at Sheerness , when Bro . A . Rourne was installed Worshipful Master by Bro . J . D . Macdonald , Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies , Kent , in the presence of a full Lodge , containing several Provincial Grand Officers . The brethren subsequently banquettcd together at the Fountain Hotel .
Perfect Ashlar Lodge , No . 1178 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursdav , the 3 rd inst ., at Bridge House Uotel , London Bridge . Present : —Bros . C . Denkin W . M ., J . Ruse S . W ., J . A . Smith J . W ., W . Batchelor S . D ., W . T . Lover J . D ., J . Stock D . C ., F . Garbett I . G ., F . Walters , P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . Secretary ; F . H . Hebsworth P . M . Treasurer ; P . M . 's Bros . G . J . Grace and J . H .
Harnsworth ; Visitors Bros . S . Powncby S . D . 55 , Hughes 1309 . The Lndge was opened , and tho minntes wero confirmed . Bro . G . J . Graco P . M ., by the courtesy of the W . M ., raised Bro . T . Simpson to the third degree , and the W . M . passed Bros . Bell , Hughes 1309 and Sparks to the dearee of Fellow Craft ; initiated Messre . Nice and Eastbrook . Bro . F . Walters P . M . then gave notice of motion , that the sum of five
guineas be given from tho funds of the Lodgo to present tho W . M ., Bro . Deakin , on his retirement from office , with a Past Master ' s jewel for his efficient servicos during the year . Several proposals for initiation wero given to tho Secretary , and the Lodgo was closed . A banquet followed , provided by Bro . Spencer . Tne usual toasts were given , and the brethren separated .
Neptune Lodge , No . 1264 , Liverpool . — Tho instailation mreting of this Lodge was held on Monday afternoon , at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , where there were was one of the largest gatherings of brethren seen at any Lodge for some time . The attendance numbered nearly 120 , amongst those present being an unusually large array of W . M . 's , P . M . ' s and officers from other
Lodges in town , thns showing the popularity which the " Neptune enjoys in the province . Tho retiring W . M ., Bro . J . S . Dixon , occupied the chair at the commencement of the business ; and after tho usual opening some formal business was transacted . Bro . J . Healing P . M . Treasurer then took the chair , and proceecled to instal Bro . P . B . Geo as the W . M . of the Ledge for the ensuing year , This is tho
second time Bro . Gee has held that distinguished position , and his re-election to tho office appeared to give tho greatest satisfaction to the numerous brethren nnder his rule . The following were subsequently invested as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . S . Dixon I . P . M ., W . Roberts S . W ., A . Cotter J . W ., Jos . Healing P . M . Treasnrer ( re-elected ) , A . C . Wylic Secretary , W . Rovle S . D ., J . Korn J . D .,
J . C . Fish I . G ., W . C . Webb , J . P . Gamblo , J Caterall Stewards ; A . Davies P . M . D . C ., and W . H . Ball Tyler . Bofore the Lodgo was closed a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to Bro . J . S . Dixon as a mark of sincere regard felt by the brethren for him " as a man and a Mason . " Tho brethren afterwards sat down to banquet , after which the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and received in a hearty manner .
Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —The regular meeting was held on 4 th June , at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich . Present—Bros . J . Smith P . G . P . P . M . and Treasnn r , who occupied the chair as W . M ., J . J . I Amburne S . W . and W . M . elect , J . Green J . W ., Rev . G . P . R . Colls
Chaplain and W . M . designate 1538 , F . Walters P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . and Secretary , 11 . W . Williams S . D ., E . W . Chetwvnd as I . G ., B . Woodman D . C ., and Past Masters W . Ongh Y . G . V . C , J . Hogg P . G . S ., H . Kecble and above 40 brethren . The Lodgo was opened , and the minntes were confirmed . Bros . J . T . C . Brooks and E . H .
Rand were raised to the 3 rd degree ; and Bros . F . J . Lindsay and W . Carter 1309 , were passed to the second degree . The election for the W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler followed , and the following brethren were elected to fdl respectively the foregoing offices , viz . Bro . J . J .
Liuiburne W . M ., J . Smith P . G . Treasurer , and Gilbert P . G . T . ( Middlesex ) Tyler . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , under tho able presidency of Bro . Smith , and enjoyed a very agreeable evening , where tbe usual loyal , Masonic and complimentary toasts were given and responded to
Notices Of Meetings.
inclnding that of tho W . M ., Wardens , Officers and Visitors . Bro . W . B . Woodman , who is a Steward for the Boys' School Festival , made a powerful appeal on behalf of that Charity , which was liberally responded to . The visitors wero Bros . G . Kenning P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex , and P . M . 162 , & c , W . J . Johns P . M . 131 , C . Sergeant 177 ,
H . Jager P . M . 453 , W . H . Stacey 1237 , W . Carter 1309 . A . Betta 1309 , & c . It was a source of deep regret to the brethren that , since the last meeting of the Lodge , they had to deplore the sad loss of two of their members , whom all respected—Bros . G . Pymiu W . M . P . M . 749 , and W . Bell I . G . who was shipwrecked off Bengal .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —Meeting held Monday , 7 th Juno , at the Westbonrne Restaurant , Craven Road , Buvswnter . Present—Bros . Savage W . M ., Sido S . W ., Scales J . W ., Colo S . D ., Gellion J . D ., Stiles I . G ., Read P . M . Secretary , and Bros . Death and Cuth . Lodge opened in first and second degrees . Bro . Death
entrusted , & c , for raising . Lodge opened in third degree , and Bro . Death raised . Tho traditional history given in a very able manner by the W . M . Lodge resumed to first degree . First and second sections of first Lecture worked by the brethren , nnder direction of Bro . Read P . M .
Thames Valley Lodge , No . 1460—The Rov . Dr . Bretteof Christ ' s Hospital , and examiner to tho University of London , pre , sided at a meeting of this Lodge , held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Saturday afternoon . Tho Lodge , of which the reverend Doctor is worshipfnl Master , after disposing of a largo paper of business ,
and voting five guineas to the Masonic Girls School , unanimously passed a resolution , recommending Mr . W . T . Howe , one of its members , to the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex ( Colonel Burdett ) for the office of Provincial Grand Steward , in acknowledgment of his great services to the Lodge .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —On Friday , the 4 th inst ., a committee of the members of this Lodgo met at the Metropolitan Club , 2 G 9 Pentonville-road . Bros . Jas . Willing jun . W . M . in the chair . Bros . Kingham , Rapkiu , Tims P . M ., Sido , Sainsbury , Williams J . W ., Cook , Stiles , Michael S . W . being present . The object of the meeting
was to make arrangements for the summer banquet , which resulted in the brethren fixing it to take place on Friday , tho 9 th July , at the Rye House , near Broxbourne . Dinner will take place at four o ' clock , when ladies and non-Masons , friends of the brethren , will be present . The meeting was then adjourned to the 5 th July , when final arrangements will be mado .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —Meeting at Metropolitan Clnb , King ' s Cross , on Friday , 4 th June 1875 . Bros . Willing W . M ., Michael S . W ., Williams J . W ., Kingham S . D ., Sido J . D . Shand I . G ., Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Stiles Secretary , Tims P . M ., aud Bros . Scales , Cook , Sainsbnry , Shankland , Cox , Rose , Read , Rnsso , Child , Jones , Tittenborn , and Gilbert . Lodge opened in duo form , and minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Cook
initiated , Bro . Read entrusted for passing . Lodge opeaed in second degree , Bro . Read passed , and Bro . Joees entrusted for raising . Lodgo opened in third degree , and Bro . Jones raised . The W . M . called off for refreshment , and af terwards called on to labor , and closed down . The whole of the business most ably and creditably performed , and Bro . Michael S . W . elected unanimously W . M . at ensuing meeting .
The proceedings of tho Gen . Gr . Chapter of the United States show that there are 37 Gr . Chapters , 2 , 014 R . A . Chapters and 123 , 779 R . A . Masons in tho Union . —From a table recently published we find that there aro 48 Gr . Lodges , G , 142 Lodges and 582 , 178 enrolled Master Masons in the United States . —Tho ( Jr . L ; idge of Michigan has recently chosen tho following officers for 1875 : M . W . Bro .
Geo . H . Durand , Flint , Gr . Master ; R . W . Uro . M . H . Maynard , Marquette , Dcp . Gr . Master ; R . W . Bro . Wm . Dunham , Mainstec , Gr . Sen . Warden ; R . W . Bro . J . W . Finch , Adrian , Gr . Jun . Warden ; R . W . Bro . B . W . Landon , Niles , Gr . Treasurer : R . W . Bro . Foster Pratt , Kalamazoo , Gr . Secretary ; R . W . Bro . A . M . Clark , Lexington
Gr . Lectnrer ; R . W . Bro . J . S . Goodman , East Saginaw , Gr . Chap lain ; li . W . Wm . Johnstone , Port Huron , Gr . Sen . Deacon ; ii . W Bro . John P . Phillips , Woodland , Gr . Jun . Deacon , R . W Bro F . A . Potter , St . Joseph , Gr . Marshal ; R . W . Bro . Alex McGregor , Detroit , Gr . Tyler .. —New York Courier .