Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and . confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Patey , Harvey , Cook , Jones , Ash . Koester , Farwig . Second Lecture—Bros . Patey , Kew , Koester , Long , Farwig . Third Lecture—Bros . Cook , Kew , Long . The Lodge was
resumed to the first degree . Ou the proposition of Bro . Ash , secouiletl by Bro . Long , a vote of i hanks was recorded on tbe minutes to the W . M . for the very able manner in which ho had presided over tbe Lodge . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge waa closed in perfect harmony .
Albion Lodge No . 9 . —This Lodge held its first meeting this season on Tuesday , the 1 st of October , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincolns ' -inn-liolds . Present—Bros . VV . T . Scott I . P . M . in the chair of W . M ., L . W . Harvey S . W ., VV . Willy P . M . J . W ., James Abhott Sec , T . Moring Treas ., J . Fortes S . D ., S . Costo P . M . D . C ., S . U . Thompson I . G ., James Bawles Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . Palmer , Valentiue , Friend . Business—Bros . Lionel Druiff was passed ;
communication from Giaud Lodge read . The Lodge having lost , by death , two brethren , Charles Lee P . M . and John Pengelly Eudeati , Bro . L . Vallentine expressed himself most feelingly on the occasion . It was proposed and carried unanimously that letters of condolence be forwarded to the families of the late members . Bro . W . T . Scott I . P . M . performed the duties of the chair most admirably , and the working of the Officers of the Lodge generally , was commendable .
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd at Andettou ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . T . Maidwell W . M ., Eichards S . \ V ., Lamble P . M . J . W ., Poole Sec , Conlson S . D ., Kemp J . D ., C . Grammer D . C ., Mnrch Steward , Cuthbertson I . G . After the formal opening of tho Lodge , one brother was raised . Lodge was then closed down , and some propositions for initiation were handed iu . The brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a pleasant evening was spent .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhall-street , B . C ., on Thursday eveuing . Present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Da Silva S . W ., Forss J . W ., Grammer S . D ., Powell J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Grammer Hon . Sec , Webb Preceptor , and other
brethren . The ceremony of the second degreo was rehearsed , Bro . Hollands candidate . The first , second , aud third sections were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Biddle vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Eichards S . W . 27 , who rehearsed the ceremony of the first degree , Bro . Hollands as candidate .
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 . —A meeting was held on I 7 th October , at six p . m ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton . Present—Bros . James Brown W . M ., Samuel Crowther S . W ., Johnson Mills J . W ., J . D . Porteons P . M . Sec , W . Slater P . M . P . P . S . G . D . Treas ., Edward Garstang S . D ., John Booth J . D ., James Eobinson I . G ., J . Eoiley Tyler . Past Masters Bros . James Newton , James Walker , G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . J . W . ; Visitors—Bros . T . N . Marwood P . M . 312 aud
Thos . Weatherley Norman 1334 , Durham . Eep ^ rt read by the Secretary of a meeting of Masters and Wardens of Bolton Lodges , at which Bro . Thomas Morris , 21 Oxford-stieet , was appointed District Almoner , in room of Bro . Chambers deceased . The Secretary was instructed to issue a Lodge Circular , requesting members' subscriptions for tbe Callendar Memorial Fund . Hearty good wishes were expressed on behalf of Lodges 284 and 312 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banqueting room .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —The first meeting of this Lodge since the recess was held ou Tuesday last , at the Lodge Hoouis , ( Jup Hotel , Colchester . Present—Bros . E . Heuueiueyer W . M ., Isaac Hums S . W ., John J . C . Turner J . W ., Thomas J . Balling P . M . Sec , Alfred Cobb P . M . Treas ., Geo . Meroier S . D ., H . U . Cosi . obadie J . D ., Charles Osinonu Organist , VV . Suwman and J . VV . Smith Stewards , James F . Hailing
I . G ., S . Munsou ' lyler ; Past Masters Bros . John Coppiug , Charles Cobb , F . A . Cole , A . K . Clench , and E . Frayliug ; Bros . J . Fanau , C . S . Coo , A . W . hailing , W . Richey P . M . 711 , B . Barber , 11 . Gregson , & c In consequence ol the lamented death of the 11 . VV . the P . G . M . oi the Province ol Essex , the brethren appeared in full craft mourning . Alter the confirmation of tho minutes , a ballot vvus takeu for th .
admission of three joining members . A brother , mitiated at the las . regular Lodge , was then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and tht efficient manner in which the W . M . perl or mt ( l this , his first cereuiouy since his installation , elicited the warmest commendations trout tht brethren . The W . M . then , iu fueling terms , alluded to the decease oi tlie E . VV . the P . G . M ., and moved the following resolution : — " That the
members of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , have heard will , deep regret of the death of tho Eight Worshiplul the Provincia Giund Aiaster ol Essex , Bro . Eobert John liuj , snuw , ami ties ro t take this , the first opportunity , to expiess to Mis . Bugsbnw their sin cere condolence m ber bereavement . They f » el that tho Gralt » Essex l . ave losi a P . G . M . who look the wannest mieiest iu the we .-
lare ot the various Lodges ; ami , when his heanh pi ruiitted , his in qnent visiis weiu always a source of pleasure ami profit . " This res lutiuii having been seconded by \ V . Bro . John Coppin , the oldest P . n . present , was carried unanimously , and lhe Sccreiaiy was directed . lor ward a copy to Mrs . B . igshaw . A discussion took p . ace a . s to il . i
propriety of introducing a eluu » e into the bve-taws , admitting ' uui resident members" at a rut ) need subscnpiioii , ami VV . bro . A . 1 Clench gave tiotiee that at the next uieeling he should move a res lution on the subject . At the close of tlie Louge business tho breihre aujourued to the iestiv < j board .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Tuesda . October oth , at the Deiili . iU uotei , ooiumiinpioL . ui . iiii . u . H , floioot Pfeseut—iiroai Biawhiua W . M ,, Abell J 9 . W ., Super J . W ., Dickin
Sec , Baker S . D ., Cooper J . D ., Tranter I . G ., Bingemann P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Dodson , Watt , Miroy , Scott , Hallam , Gilmth , and others . The Lodge opened in due form . The minutes of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . T . B . Dodson being candidate . The 1 st sectiou of the lecture was worked by Bro . Abell , 2 nd by Bro . Dickins , 3 rd by Bro . Hallam , 4 th by Bro . Dickins . Bro . Abell was elected to preside at ues . t meeting .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , Hth iust . Present—Bros . Bone W . M ., Daniel S . W ., Moss J . W ., Biddle S . D ., Eoberts J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Brown , Hollands and West , 'lhe ceremonies of initiation aud raising were rehearsed , Bro . Brown candidate . Bro . Dauiel was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . A committee was elected ,
consisting of Bros . Bond , Moss , Brown W . M . ot the Prosperity Lodge , and Hollands , to arrange for the annual supper , which will take place on the fourth Tuesday in October . The worthy host , Bro . Maidwell , has just enlarged his premises , to meet the growing demand of his patrons . Tickets can be had of Bro . Brown W . M . of the Prosperity , Bro . Dauiel P . M ., and Bro . Maidwell .
Sun , Square and Compasses Lodge , lso . 110 . —A meet . ing was held on Monday evoniug , 7 th October , at Freemasons ' Hall , College-street , Whitehaven . Present — Bros . Edward Tyson W . M ., Jno . Bow P . M . P . P . G . S . D . as S . W ., Johu Eothery J . W ., J . Pritson I . P . M . P . P . G . P . as Sec , W . B . Gibson P . M . P . G . S . Treas ., W . F . Hunter J . D ., J . Casson aud M . Golightly Stewards , Wm . Bewlay
I . G ., George Fitzgerald Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Henry Cook P . G . S . VV . } Wm . White P . P . G . S . D ., Edward Fearon P . P . G . S . B . Visitor .: —Bro . Coruthwaito 872 ; and about thirty members of the Lodge . There being no business before the Lodgo on this tho first gatleii g after the recess , the meeting resolved itself iuto an instruction
class . Bro . E . Tyson W . M . gave the charge in the first degree . Bro . W . B . Gibson P . M . explained the tracing board , aud worked the first seotion . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when an hour was very agreeably spent .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . — On Saturday , 5 th October , at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Brasted W . M ., Hallam sen . S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., John Gibbs S . D ., Elias Parr J . D .,
J . Millington I . G ., K . Pearcy Preceptor . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . T . Goode candidate . The sections of the first leoturo were worked . Bro . J . W . Berrie P . M . 1293 was elected a member , and Bro . Hallam sen . appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Shakespeare Lodge , No . 284 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 8 th October , at the Masonic Booms , Warwick . Present—Bros . Brabazju Campbell , M . A ., W . M ., George Wilson , M . D ., S . W ., J . W . Thursfield , M . D ., J . W ., Cooke P . Prov . S . G . W . Sec , J . VV . Mar . gett P . P . G . P . Treas ., Eev . A . M . Eussell P . P . G . Chaplain S . U ., Kay
J . D ., Colonel Machen Dep . Prov . G . M . D . C ., Eev . P . Sidney Hariis P . P . Grand Chaplain Steward , Sidney Viuniug Organist , Geo . Boud I . G ., Purser Tyler ; P . M . ' s J . Hayues and Moore . Tbe business comprised the initiation of Mr . E . lwin Grundy Wrigley , of Learning , ton , the raising of Bros . Oswald Edward Part and Henry VVeyman Bleukinsop .
La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 . —A
meeting was held ou 2 nd October , at the Horse aud Groom , Winsleystrcet , VV . Preseut—Bros . G . A . Candy W . M ., E . T . Cook S . W ., T . W . Cooper J . W ., J . Htirdell Sec , C . J . W . Davis Tre .. s ., Piatt S . D ., E . Child J . D ., L . G . Laugdon I . G . ; Past Master F . G . Baker ,
and 17 other brethreu . Tbe second and third seetijns of ihe first lecture were worked ; after which Bro . Dairy was examined , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . E . T . Cook was elected W . M . tor ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will be worked here on i 2 nd October .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Met at ihe Stur and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 4 th Oct . It has rarely taden to the lot of brethren to be preseut at a meeting where the true tenets of Masonry were more spontaneously evinced . The Officers were Bros . Gunner W . M ., Tucker S . W ., Blaaby J . W ., Gomra i . D ., Beckett J . D ., May I . G . ; aud there were also preseut Bros . Goss ,
rloe ( Preceptor ) , Kyezor , Talbot , Pearson , & c Lodge was opened ii due form , aud tho minutes of last meeting were read and con . firmed ; tbeceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Goss 1 . 1 ' . M . 7 c 0 ) volunteering as candidate . It was evident that > vo . Gunner was * sutf . iiii ^ from an atf ' . ct on of the throat ( which we to sorry to barn is of a chronic character , owing to an . cedent
ur hi other met with on the lsis sumo years since ) , whereupon > ro . May ( W . M . 7 & 0 ) kindly occup . eil the chair for the remainder f tho evening . i . oiij , e was advanced to the 3 rd degree , and cnniud to the 1 st , when the ciii to i \ lieslitm nt was given . Lodge as resumed to the 3 d degree , aud dnly closed dowu . Bro . Tucker as tuiiiiiimously elected W . M . tor 11 th inst . lie in replying for tho
. nnpiunent which h . id been paid hun , expressed Ins gratification , at his study oi Masonio lore was appreciated by toe brothren . . o begyed to state Ib . it the acme of his Masonic ambition was so to . •rl ' ect himself as to -JIVQ pleasure to tbo brethreu upon such oocai . ns as the present , when they uiioht see fit to c eot him to conduct
icir pi ' ueeeumgH . ill aiso gave uuiicu ot a motion with regard to e family of it late brother WHO was one of th . victims by the recent t astrupne up . iii i in * river . Lodge « ' »••then closed , with duo . •* t rvaiue ot ancient custom , and ndjourued till 11 th iuat . at half . ¦ iiac seven ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and . confirmed . The Fifteen Sections were worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Patey , Harvey , Cook , Jones , Ash . Koester , Farwig . Second Lecture—Bros . Patey , Kew , Koester , Long , Farwig . Third Lecture—Bros . Cook , Kew , Long . The Lodge was
resumed to the first degree . Ou the proposition of Bro . Ash , secouiletl by Bro . Long , a vote of i hanks was recorded on tbe minutes to the W . M . for the very able manner in which ho had presided over tbe Lodge . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge waa closed in perfect harmony .
Albion Lodge No . 9 . —This Lodge held its first meeting this season on Tuesday , the 1 st of October , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincolns ' -inn-liolds . Present—Bros . VV . T . Scott I . P . M . in the chair of W . M ., L . W . Harvey S . W ., VV . Willy P . M . J . W ., James Abhott Sec , T . Moring Treas ., J . Fortes S . D ., S . Costo P . M . D . C ., S . U . Thompson I . G ., James Bawles Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . Palmer , Valentiue , Friend . Business—Bros . Lionel Druiff was passed ;
communication from Giaud Lodge read . The Lodge having lost , by death , two brethren , Charles Lee P . M . and John Pengelly Eudeati , Bro . L . Vallentine expressed himself most feelingly on the occasion . It was proposed and carried unanimously that letters of condolence be forwarded to the families of the late members . Bro . W . T . Scott I . P . M . performed the duties of the chair most admirably , and the working of the Officers of the Lodge generally , was commendable .
Egyptian Lodge , No . 27 . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd at Andettou ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Present—Bros . T . Maidwell W . M ., Eichards S . \ V ., Lamble P . M . J . W ., Poole Sec , Conlson S . D ., Kemp J . D ., C . Grammer D . C ., Mnrch Steward , Cuthbertson I . G . After the formal opening of tho Lodge , one brother was raised . Lodge was then closed down , and some propositions for initiation were handed iu . The brethren adjourned to the banquet room , where a pleasant evening was spent .
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 . —Hercules Tavern , 119 Leadenhall-street , B . C ., on Thursday eveuing . Present—Bros . Biddle W . M ., Da Silva S . W ., Forss J . W ., Grammer S . D ., Powell J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Grammer Hon . Sec , Webb Preceptor , and other
brethren . The ceremony of the second degreo was rehearsed , Bro . Hollands candidate . The first , second , aud third sections were worked by Bro . Webb , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Biddle vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Eichards S . W . 27 , who rehearsed the ceremony of the first degree , Bro . Hollands as candidate .
Anchor and Hope Lodge , No . 37 . —A meeting was held on I 7 th October , at six p . m ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton . Present—Bros . James Brown W . M ., Samuel Crowther S . W ., Johnson Mills J . W ., J . D . Porteons P . M . Sec , W . Slater P . M . P . P . S . G . D . Treas ., Edward Garstang S . D ., John Booth J . D ., James Eobinson I . G ., J . Eoiley Tyler . Past Masters Bros . James Newton , James Walker , G . P . Brockbank P . P . G . J . W . ; Visitors—Bros . T . N . Marwood P . M . 312 aud
Thos . Weatherley Norman 1334 , Durham . Eep ^ rt read by the Secretary of a meeting of Masters and Wardens of Bolton Lodges , at which Bro . Thomas Morris , 21 Oxford-stieet , was appointed District Almoner , in room of Bro . Chambers deceased . The Secretary was instructed to issue a Lodge Circular , requesting members' subscriptions for tbe Callendar Memorial Fund . Hearty good wishes were expressed on behalf of Lodges 284 and 312 . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to tho banqueting room .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —The first meeting of this Lodge since the recess was held ou Tuesday last , at the Lodge Hoouis , ( Jup Hotel , Colchester . Present—Bros . E . Heuueiueyer W . M ., Isaac Hums S . W ., John J . C . Turner J . W ., Thomas J . Balling P . M . Sec , Alfred Cobb P . M . Treas ., Geo . Meroier S . D ., H . U . Cosi . obadie J . D ., Charles Osinonu Organist , VV . Suwman and J . VV . Smith Stewards , James F . Hailing
I . G ., S . Munsou ' lyler ; Past Masters Bros . John Coppiug , Charles Cobb , F . A . Cole , A . K . Clench , and E . Frayliug ; Bros . J . Fanau , C . S . Coo , A . W . hailing , W . Richey P . M . 711 , B . Barber , 11 . Gregson , & c In consequence ol the lamented death of the 11 . VV . the P . G . M . oi the Province ol Essex , the brethren appeared in full craft mourning . Alter the confirmation of tho minutes , a ballot vvus takeu for th .
admission of three joining members . A brother , mitiated at the las . regular Lodge , was then passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , and tht efficient manner in which the W . M . perl or mt ( l this , his first cereuiouy since his installation , elicited the warmest commendations trout tht brethren . The W . M . then , iu fueling terms , alluded to the decease oi tlie E . VV . the P . G . M ., and moved the following resolution : — " That the
members of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , have heard will , deep regret of the death of tho Eight Worshiplul the Provincia Giund Aiaster ol Essex , Bro . Eobert John liuj , snuw , ami ties ro t take this , the first opportunity , to expiess to Mis . Bugsbnw their sin cere condolence m ber bereavement . They f » el that tho Gralt » Essex l . ave losi a P . G . M . who look the wannest mieiest iu the we .-
lare ot the various Lodges ; ami , when his heanh pi ruiitted , his in qnent visiis weiu always a source of pleasure ami profit . " This res lutiuii having been seconded by \ V . Bro . John Coppin , the oldest P . n . present , was carried unanimously , and lhe Sccreiaiy was directed . lor ward a copy to Mrs . B . igshaw . A discussion took p . ace a . s to il . i
propriety of introducing a eluu » e into the bve-taws , admitting ' uui resident members" at a rut ) need subscnpiioii , ami VV . bro . A . 1 Clench gave tiotiee that at the next uieeling he should move a res lution on the subject . At the close of tlie Louge business tho breihre aujourued to the iestiv < j board .
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Tuesda . October oth , at the Deiili . iU uotei , ooiumiinpioL . ui . iiii . u . H , floioot Pfeseut—iiroai Biawhiua W . M ,, Abell J 9 . W ., Super J . W ., Dickin
Sec , Baker S . D ., Cooper J . D ., Tranter I . G ., Bingemann P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Dodson , Watt , Miroy , Scott , Hallam , Gilmth , and others . The Lodge opened in due form . The minutes of preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . T . B . Dodson being candidate . The 1 st sectiou of the lecture was worked by Bro . Abell , 2 nd by Bro . Dickins , 3 rd by Bro . Hallam , 4 th by Bro . Dickins . Bro . Abell was elected to preside at ues . t meeting .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , Hth iust . Present—Bros . Bone W . M ., Daniel S . W ., Moss J . W ., Biddle S . D ., Eoberts J . D ., Maidwell I . G ., Brown , Hollands and West , 'lhe ceremonies of initiation aud raising were rehearsed , Bro . Brown candidate . Bro . Dauiel was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . A committee was elected ,
consisting of Bros . Bond , Moss , Brown W . M . ot the Prosperity Lodge , and Hollands , to arrange for the annual supper , which will take place on the fourth Tuesday in October . The worthy host , Bro . Maidwell , has just enlarged his premises , to meet the growing demand of his patrons . Tickets can be had of Bro . Brown W . M . of the Prosperity , Bro . Dauiel P . M ., and Bro . Maidwell .
Sun , Square and Compasses Lodge , lso . 110 . —A meet . ing was held on Monday evoniug , 7 th October , at Freemasons ' Hall , College-street , Whitehaven . Present — Bros . Edward Tyson W . M ., Jno . Bow P . M . P . P . G . S . D . as S . W ., Johu Eothery J . W ., J . Pritson I . P . M . P . P . G . P . as Sec , W . B . Gibson P . M . P . G . S . Treas ., W . F . Hunter J . D ., J . Casson aud M . Golightly Stewards , Wm . Bewlay
I . G ., George Fitzgerald Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Henry Cook P . G . S . VV . } Wm . White P . P . G . S . D ., Edward Fearon P . P . G . S . B . Visitor .: —Bro . Coruthwaito 872 ; and about thirty members of the Lodge . There being no business before the Lodgo on this tho first gatleii g after the recess , the meeting resolved itself iuto an instruction
class . Bro . E . Tyson W . M . gave the charge in the first degree . Bro . W . B . Gibson P . M . explained the tracing board , aud worked the first seotion . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when an hour was very agreeably spent .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . — On Saturday , 5 th October , at the Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . Brasted W . M ., Hallam sen . S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., John Gibbs S . D ., Elias Parr J . D .,
J . Millington I . G ., K . Pearcy Preceptor . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . T . Goode candidate . The sections of the first leoturo were worked . Bro . J . W . Berrie P . M . 1293 was elected a member , and Bro . Hallam sen . appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Shakespeare Lodge , No . 284 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 8 th October , at the Masonic Booms , Warwick . Present—Bros . Brabazju Campbell , M . A ., W . M ., George Wilson , M . D ., S . W ., J . W . Thursfield , M . D ., J . W ., Cooke P . Prov . S . G . W . Sec , J . VV . Mar . gett P . P . G . P . Treas ., Eev . A . M . Eussell P . P . G . Chaplain S . U ., Kay
J . D ., Colonel Machen Dep . Prov . G . M . D . C ., Eev . P . Sidney Hariis P . P . Grand Chaplain Steward , Sidney Viuniug Organist , Geo . Boud I . G ., Purser Tyler ; P . M . ' s J . Hayues and Moore . Tbe business comprised the initiation of Mr . E . lwin Grundy Wrigley , of Learning , ton , the raising of Bros . Oswald Edward Part and Henry VVeyman Bleukinsop .
La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 . —A
meeting was held ou 2 nd October , at the Horse aud Groom , Winsleystrcet , VV . Preseut—Bros . G . A . Candy W . M ., E . T . Cook S . W ., T . W . Cooper J . W ., J . Htirdell Sec , C . J . W . Davis Tre .. s ., Piatt S . D ., E . Child J . D ., L . G . Laugdon I . G . ; Past Master F . G . Baker ,
and 17 other brethreu . Tbe second and third seetijns of ihe first lecture were worked ; after which Bro . Dairy was examined , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . Bro . E . T . Cook was elected W . M . tor ensuing week . The Fifteen Sections will be worked here on i 2 nd October .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Met at ihe Stur and Garter , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 4 th Oct . It has rarely taden to the lot of brethren to be preseut at a meeting where the true tenets of Masonry were more spontaneously evinced . The Officers were Bros . Gunner W . M ., Tucker S . W ., Blaaby J . W ., Gomra i . D ., Beckett J . D ., May I . G . ; aud there were also preseut Bros . Goss ,
rloe ( Preceptor ) , Kyezor , Talbot , Pearson , & c Lodge was opened ii due form , aud tho minutes of last meeting were read and con . firmed ; tbeceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Goss 1 . 1 ' . M . 7 c 0 ) volunteering as candidate . It was evident that > vo . Gunner was * sutf . iiii ^ from an atf ' . ct on of the throat ( which we to sorry to barn is of a chronic character , owing to an . cedent
ur hi other met with on the lsis sumo years since ) , whereupon > ro . May ( W . M . 7 & 0 ) kindly occup . eil the chair for the remainder f tho evening . i . oiij , e was advanced to the 3 rd degree , and cnniud to the 1 st , when the ciii to i \ lieslitm nt was given . Lodge as resumed to the 3 d degree , aud dnly closed dowu . Bro . Tucker as tuiiiiiimously elected W . M . tor 11 th inst . lie in replying for tho
. nnpiunent which h . id been paid hun , expressed Ins gratification , at his study oi Masonio lore was appreciated by toe brothren . . o begyed to state Ib . it the acme of his Masonic ambition was so to . •rl ' ect himself as to -JIVQ pleasure to tbo brethreu upon such oocai . ns as the present , when they uiioht see fit to c eot him to conduct
icir pi ' ueeeumgH . ill aiso gave uuiicu ot a motion with regard to e family of it late brother WHO was one of th . victims by the recent t astrupne up . iii i in * river . Lodge « ' »••then closed , with duo . •* t rvaiue ot ancient custom , and ndjourued till 11 th iuat . at half . ¦ iiac seven ,