Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th instant , at St . George's Hall , Deal . Present—Bros . E . Ki ' rbv W . M ., J . Lngpett S . W ., H . E . Bolting J . W ., T . J . Usher P . M . P . ' G . E . Sec , J . Carpenter S . D ., VV . Cartertield J . D ., F . E . Eng . land Steward , S . Willey I . G ., S . Holgate Tyler , Past Master Bro . T . Avlinsr P . G . D . C . ; Bros . W . Dunn , II . Eoberts , H . McDermott , H
Eobinson , G . Eivers . Visitors— Bro . T . Bent 784 , Wellington Lodge . Lodge opened , and minutes were confirmed . Bro . Eivers , a candidate to bo raised , was examined , and answered most sntisl'actotily ; ho was entrusted and retired . Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Eivers was raised hy the W . M . in a most impressivo manner , he giving the ancient charge and lectnro . The Officers performed their
several duties in faultless style ; in short , they are deserving of all praise for making themselves so thoroughly efficient . Lodgo was closed iu the third and second degrees . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Friday , the 18 th instant . The brethren afterwards spent a most pleasant hour together .
Lord Warden Lodge of Instruction , No . 1096 . —The first annual supper took place on Monday lost , when twenty-one of the brethren sat down . A much larger nnmber was expected , but several at the last minute were detained . Bro . T . Ayling P . M . Preceptor presided , assisted by Bro . J . L » ggett S . W . and Secretary . After the repast the Preceptor gave the Queen and the Craft . He
need not remind his hearers of the great loyalty which they were at all times ready to show to Her Most Gracious Majesty . God Save the Q . neen was then sung by tho company . The W . M . next gave H . E . H . the Prince of Wales . He need hardly remind them how fortunate wo were in having such a noble Grand Master . After " God Bless tho Prince of Wales , " Tbe Earl of Carnarvon , tho Deputy
G . M ., and the rest of Grand Officers Past and Present were duly honoured . It was most gratifying to the G . M . and to tho brethren generally to havo two such noblemen to assist iu ruling our Order . Bro . Botting now proposed tho health of Lord Holmesclalc P . G . M . of Kent . He was satisfied that every Mason in tho Province was gratified with their P . G . M . 's genial manner , and the impaitial way in
which he ruled so large a Province . Bro . Kirby next gave the V . VV . the Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Eastes and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers Past and Present . He was satisfied Bro . Eustes waa the right man in the right place . Lord Holmesdale was iudeed fortuuate in having snch a hard-working and efficient brothor to assist him in his arduous duties . All might rest assured that those brethren who
aspired to Provincial honours could safely leave their claims in the hands of Bro . Eastes . Bro . T . Ayling could bear out all they had just heard , as he had had the good fortune to meet the Deputy P . G . M . on many occasions , and a mote worthy brother it was impossible to know . Bro . Kirby , in a very forcible speech , proposed Prosperity to tho Masonic Charities . He reminded them that there
was a most distressing case , that of the girl Brazier . This would be her first and only chance Saturday was closo upon them , when all their energies would be required if they wished to succeed . The late Bro . Brazier was a most energetic and hard-working Mason , particularly in the cause of tbe Charities , when lie was suddenly struck down . Bro . Ayling most ably responded . He set forth tho great work
the Charitable Institutions were doing , and how much they needed all the support that could be given them . He also referred to the Struggle that was so closo at baud ; he believed that about 3 , 000 votes would be required to ensure success . Bro . King next gave Prosperity to the Lord Warden Lodgo of Instruction . He need not remind them how essential it was to havo a good Lodge of
Instruction ; he could bear testimony to the work they had already done . Bro . Laggett ably responded ; they had upwards of thirty members ; ho bad been well supported in every way . Bro . Botting next gavt the Visitors ; it was most pleasing to the members of the Lord Warden Lodge to meet visiting brethren ; they were always read ; to give them a cordial reception . Bro . Terry W . M . 1206 , Cmqne
Ports Lodge , expressed how pleased the Visitors were with the heartiness that had been shewn them . The proceeds of the charity box amounted to £ 1 3 s 6 d , and it was decided to send ,-61 Is to the Institution for Girls , so as to obtain two votes for use on Saturday next . Bros . Ayling , Botting , Bridges , Haslip , Carpenter and Piitcharu kindly eutertained the brethren . Altogether a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent .
Urban Lodge of Instruction , No . 1196 . —A meeting wa ? held on Wednesday evening , at the Three Bucks Tavern , Greshauistreet , City . Bros . Hunter W . M ., E . L . Sheltou S . W ., C . A . Doggeti J . W ., J . B . D . Wall Sec , T . G . Willett Treas ., G . Wale S . D ., J . F . Hepburn I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . J . L . Mather Preceptor , and J .
Tnkle ; also Bros . Sparrow , Batty , Cave , Armstrong , Dunes , Mell eon , Hodge . Business— 'lhe ceremony ol raisins was rehearsed , Bi . . B 11 ty candidate ; also that of passing , Bro . Cmo beie acting ns candidate , lhe cetemoiiy of installation will be walked on the seeoi . t Weuuesday in November , by Bio . J . Tiikle P . M . 111 ) 0 , 1702 .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — Held a Bro . Bo tou ' s , King and Queen , Norton l'Vkate , on Thursday 3 : 'd October . Utos . Abrahams W . M ., Euhtnoml tS . W ., Boiton J . v \ , Tjwnsei . d Sec , Uambiiu S . U ., lime J . D ., liieseke l . G . j Bn > - C"ouch , Pearcy , Andrews , Hogarth , Smith . Lord opened ; minute
r < ad and confirmed . Bro . Abrahams vacated lhe chair in lavou o : Bro . Hogarth , who n hearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bn . 1 ' wrews candidate . Bro . Abrahams' resumed the chair , and wotke . t e 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections if tho lecture , assi .-ted by thi I 'bthien . Bro . Richmond will preside at the next meeting .
. Finsbury Park Master Masons Lodge of Instruction , JE I ' . 12 ti 8 . —Held ab the Fiusoury Pails Tavern , HoUuwaj , oM
Friday , tho 4 th inst . Bros . Press W . M ., Frampton S . W ., Dunn J . W ., Bayley S . D ., Walker J . D ., OldisI . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Secretary , L . R . Rogers P . M . Preceptor . Lodge opened ; miuutes read and confirmed . Bro . Hawkins , candidate for passing , was examined , and tho ceremony rehearsed . Lodge resumed to first degree , and the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , with the same candidate . Lodge called off . On resuming Bro . It . C . Frampton was elected W . M . for ensuing week . Officers appointed in rotation . Lodge closed . Presont—P . M . 's Bros . Pigot , Jetferys ; also Bros . Edmunds , Hawkins and Owen .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 . —At Finsbury Park Tavern , on tho 2 nd inst . Bros . T . Goodo W . M ., Dunn S . W ., Press J . W ., Eldridjre P . M . Preceptor , Yeomans S . D ., Edmunds J . D ., Campbell I . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Secretary . After preliminaries , the first aud second ceremonies were rehearsed , Bros . Edmonds and Hawkins candidates . Bro . G . W . Saul worked 1 st and 2 od sections
of first Lectnro . Bro . Dunn was elected W . M . for ensuing week , Officers appointed in rotation . Bro . Edwin Gront , of New Finsbury Park Lodge 1695 , was elected a member . Upon motion by Bro . P . M . J . Walker , of Lodge 27 , £ 2 2 s was voted from Lodge funds to the " Abercarno Colliery Explosion Fund . " Lodge closed in ancient form .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction No . 1507 . —iho nsual weekly meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Metropolitan Club , King's Cross , on Tuesday the 8 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock . Present . — Bros . Edmonds W . M ., Pierdon S . W ., Kidder jun . J . W ., Patland S . D ., Smith J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Adams Preceptor , Gilbert , Andrews Dimsdale , Carter , Cox , & c Lodge opened in due form with prayer , miuutes read and confirmed . Bro . Andrews was duly initiated and
afterwards passed and raised iu the several degrees in a most nn . pressive manner by Bro . Edmonds tho W . M . Bro . Andrews was unauimonsly elected a member . Tho W . M . for the ensuing week was duly appointed . No other business offering , the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to Tuesday next , the 15 th inst . at 7 o ' clock . Tbe ceremony of lustallation will be worked at the uext meeting by Bro . E . T . Kiugham W . M . of the Mother Lodge .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . — This Lodge met on Thursday , 26 th nit ., at the Eegeut Masonic Hall , Air-street , VV . Present , Bros . E . White W . M ., B . Phillips S . W ., B . Turner J . W ., J . E . Shaud S . D ., J . Hutchinson J . D ., J . Waugh I . G ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , Eev . P . M . Holden I . P . M . ; Bros . Swallow , Ward , Wood , ward , Docker , Gardnor , Hammond , Hancock , & c One candidate was
initiated ; two brethren were passed ; and five were raised . Bro . Phillips S . W . was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . Swallow P . M . Treas . ; Bro . Potter was re-elected Tyler . Lodge closed until 28 th Nov ., when installation will take place . The brethren afterwards dined at Bro . Nicola ' , where the usual toasts were honoured , and a very enjoyable evening passed .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The meeting for audit of the accounts of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 30 ih ult ., when about twenty members were present , and the W . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead anmuiiced a balance on the ri ^ ht side , after the discharge of all liabilities . After the close of the Lodge , the party met at an excellent -supper , and a harmonious oveniug was passed .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1812 . — A meeting was held on Thursday , 2 dth ult ., at tho Feathers Hotel , tiding . Present—Bros . Le Grys W . M ., VV . Seward jun . S . W ., E . C . I ' orter J . W ., Henry E . Tucker Treas .. Coop S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., Wright Steward , J . Johnson I . G . ; Past Master Bro . Kingston ( Whit , iugton ) and W . M . elect of 1612 ; also Bros . Ddlevante , E . T . Brown , Wills , Day , E . Gasson , H . Stephens , & c . Tbe miuutes of last
meeting were confirmed and signed . Ceremony of initiation re * hearseu , Bro . Wells candidate . Lodxe opened to second , when Bro « I ' ucker , at the request ot the W . M ., delivered the lecture on the Tracing Board of that degree . Lodge was then called off for refreshment . On returning to labour the Lodge was opeued to third degree , when ihe W . M . vacated the chair iu favour of Bro . Tucker , who worked the j eremony of raisiug , B . o . E . T . Brown being candidate . Bro . Le Grys
re-occupied , aud closed tho Lodge down to the first degree . Bro . ciewaia was unanimously elected W . M . for the 17 th instant . The W . M . of 1612 will occupy the chair on Thursday , 10 th iustaitt , with he Officers of the Mother Lodge in their places . Ou the motion of Ur *» . Tinker , seconded by Uio . Porter , a cordial vote of thauks was . ccur . ied to Bro . Ly Gry « for the aide ruauuer iu winch he u « d tilled ue chair for the first time .
Tredegar Lod e , Lo . 1625 . —A meeting , which ought to . uvu been tne iiisiitiliition one , ot this flomishiiig Lodge was held at ue Royai Hotel , Miie End . road , on Mcaday evet . iug . The hitch has •risen iu ibis way : At tbe previous meot . hg of the Lod » e iu Septem . / ef , Bro . G . llolltugtoii S . W . was unanim .. u .-ly tlected W . M . lor the jusuiug year , femce theu it has been ascertained th it according to
ne Constitutions he was ineligible , he being W . M . of another Lodge . In these fuels Leuojnug kuowu , he made application to Gram ] Locks ¦ or a dispensation , out it was u .. t grunted . Tho Lodge , therefore , at is next meeting will proceed to tno election of a W . M . lor the jiisuingyear , 'lhe Lod ^ e , ou th . s occasion , was opened by Bro . Geo . ui
^ geit W . M ., all the Officers being present , aud the following . isitors :-T . c . Wa . ts Did , J . F . Port , C . Blam 174 , A . Futness 1421 , . ! ' . J . Harr . soii 20 ii , C . P . Butler 8 :: 1 , aud J . Gunn 1365 . Tue mnuies of thepievious u . eentig having b . eu read and confirmed , with the exception , of . that part relating to the eleutiou ol the VV . M ,,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lord Warden Lodge , No . 1096 . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th instant , at St . George's Hall , Deal . Present—Bros . E . Ki ' rbv W . M ., J . Lngpett S . W ., H . E . Bolting J . W ., T . J . Usher P . M . P . ' G . E . Sec , J . Carpenter S . D ., VV . Cartertield J . D ., F . E . Eng . land Steward , S . Willey I . G ., S . Holgate Tyler , Past Master Bro . T . Avlinsr P . G . D . C . ; Bros . W . Dunn , II . Eoberts , H . McDermott , H
Eobinson , G . Eivers . Visitors— Bro . T . Bent 784 , Wellington Lodge . Lodge opened , and minutes were confirmed . Bro . Eivers , a candidate to bo raised , was examined , and answered most sntisl'actotily ; ho was entrusted and retired . Lodge opened in the third degree , and Bro . Eivers was raised hy the W . M . in a most impressivo manner , he giving the ancient charge and lectnro . The Officers performed their
several duties in faultless style ; in short , they are deserving of all praise for making themselves so thoroughly efficient . Lodgo was closed iu the third and second degrees . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Friday , the 18 th instant . The brethren afterwards spent a most pleasant hour together .
Lord Warden Lodge of Instruction , No . 1096 . —The first annual supper took place on Monday lost , when twenty-one of the brethren sat down . A much larger nnmber was expected , but several at the last minute were detained . Bro . T . Ayling P . M . Preceptor presided , assisted by Bro . J . L » ggett S . W . and Secretary . After the repast the Preceptor gave the Queen and the Craft . He
need not remind his hearers of the great loyalty which they were at all times ready to show to Her Most Gracious Majesty . God Save the Q . neen was then sung by tho company . The W . M . next gave H . E . H . the Prince of Wales . He need hardly remind them how fortunate wo were in having such a noble Grand Master . After " God Bless tho Prince of Wales , " Tbe Earl of Carnarvon , tho Deputy
G . M ., and the rest of Grand Officers Past and Present were duly honoured . It was most gratifying to the G . M . and to tho brethren generally to havo two such noblemen to assist iu ruling our Order . Bro . Botting now proposed tho health of Lord Holmesclalc P . G . M . of Kent . He was satisfied that every Mason in tho Province was gratified with their P . G . M . 's genial manner , and the impaitial way in
which he ruled so large a Province . Bro . Kirby next gave the V . VV . the Deputy P . G . M . Bro . Eastes and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers Past and Present . He was satisfied Bro . Eustes waa the right man in the right place . Lord Holmesdale was iudeed fortuuate in having snch a hard-working and efficient brothor to assist him in his arduous duties . All might rest assured that those brethren who
aspired to Provincial honours could safely leave their claims in the hands of Bro . Eastes . Bro . T . Ayling could bear out all they had just heard , as he had had the good fortune to meet the Deputy P . G . M . on many occasions , and a mote worthy brother it was impossible to know . Bro . Kirby , in a very forcible speech , proposed Prosperity to tho Masonic Charities . He reminded them that there
was a most distressing case , that of the girl Brazier . This would be her first and only chance Saturday was closo upon them , when all their energies would be required if they wished to succeed . The late Bro . Brazier was a most energetic and hard-working Mason , particularly in the cause of tbe Charities , when lie was suddenly struck down . Bro . Ayling most ably responded . He set forth tho great work
the Charitable Institutions were doing , and how much they needed all the support that could be given them . He also referred to the Struggle that was so closo at baud ; he believed that about 3 , 000 votes would be required to ensure success . Bro . King next gave Prosperity to the Lord Warden Lodgo of Instruction . He need not remind them how essential it was to havo a good Lodge of
Instruction ; he could bear testimony to the work they had already done . Bro . Laggett ably responded ; they had upwards of thirty members ; ho bad been well supported in every way . Bro . Botting next gavt the Visitors ; it was most pleasing to the members of the Lord Warden Lodge to meet visiting brethren ; they were always read ; to give them a cordial reception . Bro . Terry W . M . 1206 , Cmqne
Ports Lodge , expressed how pleased the Visitors were with the heartiness that had been shewn them . The proceeds of the charity box amounted to £ 1 3 s 6 d , and it was decided to send ,-61 Is to the Institution for Girls , so as to obtain two votes for use on Saturday next . Bros . Ayling , Botting , Bridges , Haslip , Carpenter and Piitcharu kindly eutertained the brethren . Altogether a very pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent .
Urban Lodge of Instruction , No . 1196 . —A meeting wa ? held on Wednesday evening , at the Three Bucks Tavern , Greshauistreet , City . Bros . Hunter W . M ., E . L . Sheltou S . W ., C . A . Doggeti J . W ., J . B . D . Wall Sec , T . G . Willett Treas ., G . Wale S . D ., J . F . Hepburn I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . J . L . Mather Preceptor , and J .
Tnkle ; also Bros . Sparrow , Batty , Cave , Armstrong , Dunes , Mell eon , Hodge . Business— 'lhe ceremony ol raisins was rehearsed , Bi . . B 11 ty candidate ; also that of passing , Bro . Cmo beie acting ns candidate , lhe cetemoiiy of installation will be walked on the seeoi . t Weuuesday in November , by Bio . J . Tiikle P . M . 111 ) 0 , 1702 .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . — Held a Bro . Bo tou ' s , King and Queen , Norton l'Vkate , on Thursday 3 : 'd October . Utos . Abrahams W . M ., Euhtnoml tS . W ., Boiton J . v \ , Tjwnsei . d Sec , Uambiiu S . U ., lime J . D ., liieseke l . G . j Bn > - C"ouch , Pearcy , Andrews , Hogarth , Smith . Lord opened ; minute
r < ad and confirmed . Bro . Abrahams vacated lhe chair in lavou o : Bro . Hogarth , who n hearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bn . 1 ' wrews candidate . Bro . Abrahams' resumed the chair , and wotke . t e 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections if tho lecture , assi .-ted by thi I 'bthien . Bro . Richmond will preside at the next meeting .
. Finsbury Park Master Masons Lodge of Instruction , JE I ' . 12 ti 8 . —Held ab the Fiusoury Pails Tavern , HoUuwaj , oM
Friday , tho 4 th inst . Bros . Press W . M ., Frampton S . W ., Dunn J . W ., Bayley S . D ., Walker J . D ., OldisI . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Secretary , L . R . Rogers P . M . Preceptor . Lodge opened ; miuutes read and confirmed . Bro . Hawkins , candidate for passing , was examined , and tho ceremony rehearsed . Lodge resumed to first degree , and the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , with the same candidate . Lodge called off . On resuming Bro . It . C . Frampton was elected W . M . for ensuing week . Officers appointed in rotation . Lodge closed . Presont—P . M . 's Bros . Pigot , Jetferys ; also Bros . Edmunds , Hawkins and Owen .
Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 . —At Finsbury Park Tavern , on tho 2 nd inst . Bros . T . Goodo W . M ., Dunn S . W ., Press J . W ., Eldridjre P . M . Preceptor , Yeomans S . D ., Edmunds J . D ., Campbell I . G ., H . B . D . Dunn Secretary . After preliminaries , the first aud second ceremonies were rehearsed , Bros . Edmonds and Hawkins candidates . Bro . G . W . Saul worked 1 st and 2 od sections
of first Lectnro . Bro . Dunn was elected W . M . for ensuing week , Officers appointed in rotation . Bro . Edwin Gront , of New Finsbury Park Lodge 1695 , was elected a member . Upon motion by Bro . P . M . J . Walker , of Lodge 27 , £ 2 2 s was voted from Lodge funds to the " Abercarno Colliery Explosion Fund . " Lodge closed in ancient form .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction No . 1507 . —iho nsual weekly meeting of the above Lodge was held at the Metropolitan Club , King's Cross , on Tuesday the 8 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock . Present . — Bros . Edmonds W . M ., Pierdon S . W ., Kidder jun . J . W ., Patland S . D ., Smith J . D ., Johnson I . G ., Adams Preceptor , Gilbert , Andrews Dimsdale , Carter , Cox , & c Lodge opened in due form with prayer , miuutes read and confirmed . Bro . Andrews was duly initiated and
afterwards passed and raised iu the several degrees in a most nn . pressive manner by Bro . Edmonds tho W . M . Bro . Andrews was unauimonsly elected a member . Tho W . M . for the ensuing week was duly appointed . No other business offering , the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to Tuesday next , the 15 th inst . at 7 o ' clock . Tbe ceremony of lustallation will be worked at the uext meeting by Bro . E . T . Kiugham W . M . of the Mother Lodge .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1563 . — This Lodge met on Thursday , 26 th nit ., at the Eegeut Masonic Hall , Air-street , VV . Present , Bros . E . White W . M ., B . Phillips S . W ., B . Turner J . W ., J . E . Shaud S . D ., J . Hutchinson J . D ., J . Waugh I . G ., E . J . Scott P . M . Sec , Eev . P . M . Holden I . P . M . ; Bros . Swallow , Ward , Wood , ward , Docker , Gardnor , Hammond , Hancock , & c One candidate was
initiated ; two brethren were passed ; and five were raised . Bro . Phillips S . W . was unanimously elected W . M ., and Bro . Swallow P . M . Treas . ; Bro . Potter was re-elected Tyler . Lodge closed until 28 th Nov ., when installation will take place . The brethren afterwards dined at Bro . Nicola ' , where the usual toasts were honoured , and a very enjoyable evening passed .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The meeting for audit of the accounts of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 30 ih ult ., when about twenty members were present , and the W . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead anmuiiced a balance on the ri ^ ht side , after the discharge of all liabilities . After the close of the Lodge , the party met at an excellent -supper , and a harmonious oveniug was passed .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1812 . — A meeting was held on Thursday , 2 dth ult ., at tho Feathers Hotel , tiding . Present—Bros . Le Grys W . M ., VV . Seward jun . S . W ., E . C . I ' orter J . W ., Henry E . Tucker Treas .. Coop S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., Wright Steward , J . Johnson I . G . ; Past Master Bro . Kingston ( Whit , iugton ) and W . M . elect of 1612 ; also Bros . Ddlevante , E . T . Brown , Wills , Day , E . Gasson , H . Stephens , & c . Tbe miuutes of last
meeting were confirmed and signed . Ceremony of initiation re * hearseu , Bro . Wells candidate . Lodxe opened to second , when Bro « I ' ucker , at the request ot the W . M ., delivered the lecture on the Tracing Board of that degree . Lodge was then called off for refreshment . On returning to labour the Lodge was opeued to third degree , when ihe W . M . vacated the chair iu favour of Bro . Tucker , who worked the j eremony of raisiug , B . o . E . T . Brown being candidate . Bro . Le Grys
re-occupied , aud closed tho Lodge down to the first degree . Bro . ciewaia was unanimously elected W . M . for the 17 th instant . The W . M . of 1612 will occupy the chair on Thursday , 10 th iustaitt , with he Officers of the Mother Lodge in their places . Ou the motion of Ur *» . Tinker , seconded by Uio . Porter , a cordial vote of thauks was . ccur . ied to Bro . Ly Gry « for the aide ruauuer iu winch he u « d tilled ue chair for the first time .
Tredegar Lod e , Lo . 1625 . —A meeting , which ought to . uvu been tne iiisiitiliition one , ot this flomishiiig Lodge was held at ue Royai Hotel , Miie End . road , on Mcaday evet . iug . The hitch has •risen iu ibis way : At tbe previous meot . hg of the Lod » e iu Septem . / ef , Bro . G . llolltugtoii S . W . was unanim .. u .-ly tlected W . M . lor the jusuiug year , femce theu it has been ascertained th it according to
ne Constitutions he was ineligible , he being W . M . of another Lodge . In these fuels Leuojnug kuowu , he made application to Gram ] Locks ¦ or a dispensation , out it was u .. t grunted . Tho Lodge , therefore , at is next meeting will proceed to tno election of a W . M . lor the jiisuingyear , 'lhe Lod ^ e , ou th . s occasion , was opened by Bro . Geo . ui
^ geit W . M ., all the Officers being present , aud the following . isitors :-T . c . Wa . ts Did , J . F . Port , C . Blam 174 , A . Futness 1421 , . ! ' . J . Harr . soii 20 ii , C . P . Butler 8 :: 1 , aud J . Gunn 1365 . Tue mnuies of thepievious u . eentig having b . eu read and confirmed , with the exception , of . that part relating to the eleutiou ol the VV . M ,,