Article LODGE OF THE FOUR CARDINAL VIRTUES, No. 979. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE OF THE FOUR CARDINAL VIRTUES, No. 979. Page 2 of 2 Article RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDER OF ST. LAURENCE THE MARTYR. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Lodge Of The Four Cardinal Virtues, No. 979.
to dispense wisdom , light , and happiness , and we could not but pity those who tried to injure them . As Freemasons , we were the guardians of , not innovators upon , our Order . It was our bounden duty to protect our principles . By command of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Watson Past Master proposed the toasts of the Visitors ; extending to all a truly fraternal welcome , and
uniting with the toast the name of Bro . Salmon , to whom he and the Lodge were greatly indebted , and to Bro . Thomas P . P . G . S . B . Staffordshire . He was glad to see all the visiting brethren , who had favoured them with their presence that day . Bro . Salmon , in responding , said . It was a true saying that time and tide would wait for no man , and ho might add that trains would not wait for him .
He then drew the attention of the brethren to a few matters , and assured them with every fraternal feeling , he would be pleased at any time to do all be could for the Lodge , and felt delighted with the day so profitably spent . Bro . Thomas , in responding , said it was his first visit to the Lodge and to Cheshire , and it was probably in consequence of its good repute that he was present . They had been
well blessed with P . G . Officers , and therefore prosperous and happy . In his Province they had n'tt had things as smoothly , but latterly they had made great progress under the able leadership of tho late lamented P . G . M . Lord Shrewsbury , though now ho regretted to say they were again under the care of Grand Lodge . Years ago we received a very valuable acquisition to our Province in tho personal
aid and inflaence of Bro . Hall , who camo from Seacombe . It was through him tho Earl of Shrewsbury took so deep an intorest in the Order . Through this brother ' s exertions they had given £ 2 , 400 to the Charities . They tried to emnlate the leading Provinces , which set an example not only to the Provinces that are backward , but also to London . He looked forward with hope to a closer union
between Cheshire aud Staffordshire . The brethren of the latter were desirous to help all they could in tbe good work before them , and in return they liked to bo assistod . Let them then join hand in hand , and they could not but succeed . Ho concluded by saying he was greatly pleased in being there on this occasion . Bro . Eardley proposed the Charities , in a very able manner , and said
that as Bro . Blackhnrst had represented them before , ho hoped he would do so again , and be would conple the namo of Bro . Blackhurst with the toast . Bro . Blackhurst P . M . said he had tho honour to represent this Province at the Boys' School , and Bro . Salmon , a very energetic and well versed Charity Steward , had only beaten him by a fe . v pounds . He then adverted to Bro . Samuel ' s remarks on Ancient
Masonry , and referred the brethren to the state of the Charities in the time of the Duke of Athol as Grand Master and their flourishing state to-day . He hoped to be able to represent them at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and after that ab the Aged Freemasons and Widows . The W . M . next proposed the I . P . M . and Past Masters of the Lodge ; he did
so to keep np a good custom , and to show he appreciated the valua . ble aid rendered by the Past Masters . The toast wa 3 drunk with every respect . Bro . Girdlestone I . P . M ., in reply , said it would not become him ab that late hour to make a speech . He thanked the brethren for their mark of respect to him , and for tho support given him during his year of office . He felt ho had merited their esteem .
He valued the Past Master ' s jewel presented him in that sense . Ho promised to tako the same intere- ' t in the future as he had in the past , aud render all the aid he could for the , furtherance of the welfare of the Lodge . In conclusion , ho p > id a hi ^ h tribute of praise to Masonio literature , and hoped the brethren would read the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLK as a Rource of information on the leading
Masonic matters of the clay , and fi It greatly pleased to see a represeutative with them that night , and * dderl , _—Let us read and learn . The W . M . next proposed the Officers of tho Lodge . He felt sure no better Officers could have been appointed in any Lodge in the Province . He was convinced all would do their duty faithfully . He conpled with the toast the name of the Senior VVarden , who replied for tho honour conferred , aud hoped all would attend to
their duties , and that the benches would be well filled with members to encourage them . Bro . D . of C gave the last toast , which brought a pleasant and edifying evening to a close . We wish to thank Bro . Samuel for his kindness to us , and many of the brethren who expressed the r well wishes for tho welfare of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , and in retnrn reciprocate most cordially our beat wishes for their future happiness in their Lodge and homes .
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , W . C . Bro . J . H . Southwood opened the Lodge , supported by tho following Officers : —Goodacro S . W ., Foot as J . W ., Charles Atkins P . M . Sec , Jabez Hogg P . M . Treas ., Latradle as Deacon , Dean Org . The minutes having been confirmed , Bros . Kirby aud Hart were
prepared and regularly passed to the second degree . That ceremony completed , Bros . Fiidew and Cadenhead were duly raised to thethitd degree . The W . M . having resumed the Lodge to the first degree , brought forward a motion which stood iu his name as to the revisioi of the bye-laws , and a committee was appointed to draw up a new set . to be brought before the Lodge at its next meeting . Bro . Hogg P . M .
and Treas . proposed that the thanks of the members be given to the-W . M . and Sec etary for their labours in connection with the Sutumei Festival , he felt that ail the members who took part iu that duy ' j enjoyment would agree with him that the whole of the proceeding passed off in a most satisfactory way , and he felt that this succesi was due to tbe exeitions of tbe two brethren named . The proposi .
binn was duly seconded , and unanimously agreed to . Both the W . M and Sec . responded , thanking the members for this mark of appn-. ciation of their labour . Four propositions for initiation having bee handed in , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned tc supper . After « ra > e the u .- > ual toasts were given . Bro . Hogg , ii replying to that of the Grand Officers said , that having had t < thank the Hervey Lodge fur their kind , sentiments so often , he
Lodge Of The Four Cardinal Virtues, No. 979.
hardly knew in what new terms to reply . He was gratified at the hearty reception accorded to the toast , and especially so as his name was connected with it . He had always striven , and should continue to strive , to assist the Hervey Lodge to the best of his ability . In his position of custodian of their funds , he assured them he should ever take as much care of their money as he did of his own . Ho wished
the Lodge every prosperity , and hoped he should long have an opportunity of attending its meetings , which he considered tho most enjoyable he ever participated in . The health of the Visitors was next given , the W . M . assuring them they would always find a hearty welcome at the Hervey Lodge . Each of the gnesta replied , congratnlating the Master on the prosperous condition of bis
Lodge , and thanking him for the hospitality accorded them . Bro . Hogg now assnmed the gavel , and gave the health of the W . M . In d . ing so ho again referred to the pleasant day ' s outing the W . M . h > -d provided for the members , and hoped it would be a feature iRver omitted in future years . Their W . M . was so well known bo every member that he felt no remarks of his were necessary in
eulogy of his good qualities . He would , therefore , at once call on them to drink the toast . This having been most heartily done , the W . M . rose . Having thanked the members , he proceeded to give his ideas as to tho best means to bo adopted with tbe view of reorganising their Benevolent Fund , and hoped that as many brethren as could make it convenient would attend their next meeting , when the matter would be discussed . He then proposed the health of the Treasurer
and Secretary . He considered them very important Officers . On the faithful discharge of their duties very mnoh of the success of the Lodge depended . He felt that the Hervey had , in Bros . Hogg and Atkins , two brethren who wonld carry out tho duties of their offices with the utmost satisfaction to all concerned . These two brethren having replied , the W . M . gave the toast of tho Officers of the Lodge , and it having been dnly honoured and acknowledged , the Tyler was called , and the proceedings wero brought to a close .
Kibble D . C ., Taylor I . G . ; P . M . Bro . James Stevens . Bro . Keene was raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., the Officers rendering him goodly service . It was agreed that a P . M . 's jewel be presented to Bro . Stanway at the installation meeting , which will take place this day ( Saturday ) .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —An emergency meeting was held on Saturday last , at tho Cannon-street Hotel . Present—Bros . Richard Stanway W . M ., Freeman S . W ., Blackie J . W ., Edward Moodv P . M . Sec , Headon P . M . Treas ., Catchpole S . D ., Hamer J . D .,
Red Cross Of Constantine.
EBORACUM CONCLAVE , No . 137 . THE regular meeting of this Conclave was held on Thursday after * noon , 3 rd inst ., at York . Present—Bros . T . Cooper M . P . S ., T . B . Whytehead P . S . as V . E ., Wm . Va ' entine Prelate , J . S . Cumberland first , Gen ., G . Balmford as second Gen ., A . T . B . Turner Recorder ,
G . Simpson Treas ., M . Millington Prefect , T . Hninphries first , Aide , J . Ward , H . Jackson Sen . iuel , & c . Bros . W . P . Husband and R . Walker of the Ehoracnm Ledge having been duly elected , were in . stalled Knights of the Order , and the name of a candidate was proposed and seconded . The Conclave was then closed in due lorm .
Order Of St. Laurence The Martyr.
A MEETING of the Ebor Lodge was held at York , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . T . B . Whytehead R . W . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., M . Millington , T . Cooper , A . T . B . Tomer , T . Humphries , & c Bros . Captain Murphy , W . P . Husband , and J . Ward were elected aud iustalled members of the Order . The R . W . M . gave the lecture , and the Lodgo was closed .
The consecration of the " Lodge of Progress , " No . 1768 , will take place at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday next , the 17 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock . Bro . W . A . Dawson will be installed First Worshipful Master , and Bros . F . R . and A . C . Spanll are the Senior and Jauior Wardens designate . All
the petitioning brethren are working members in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and the ritual of that Lodge will be strictly adopted by the " Progress . " Bro . Johu Hervey , Grand Secretary , will perform the ceremonies of Couseciation aud Installation .
The ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed by Bro , Geo . King P . M ., Preceptor , at the Royal Arthur Lodge of instruction , No . 130 * 0 , on Tuesday evening , 15 fh Octol er ,
it eight o ' clock , at , Bro . J . Wright ' s . Prince ' s Head , Yorkoad , Battersea . The attendance of brethren is earnestly t quested . It is also proposed to commence a Ballot Association the same evening .
. IOYAL POLYTEC 'NI \—ZITELLA , given by Mr . SKYJIOUK SMITH . —PJ 5 KIN and A VISIT TO IUHAN .. —THE PAR . S EXHIBITION , illustrated—SCIENTIFIO VARIETY ENTERTAINMBNT , with Pbilosophica ) and Optical Experiments .-THE MIC > OPIIONK , TrLKPHONE AND PHONOGRAPH , Sc—UYI'BUS , its history and characteristics , — Admission , U \ Qnen 12 till . 5 and 7 till 1 ° < Carnages sA 6 and 10 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of The Four Cardinal Virtues, No. 979.
to dispense wisdom , light , and happiness , and we could not but pity those who tried to injure them . As Freemasons , we were the guardians of , not innovators upon , our Order . It was our bounden duty to protect our principles . By command of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Watson Past Master proposed the toasts of the Visitors ; extending to all a truly fraternal welcome , and
uniting with the toast the name of Bro . Salmon , to whom he and the Lodge were greatly indebted , and to Bro . Thomas P . P . G . S . B . Staffordshire . He was glad to see all the visiting brethren , who had favoured them with their presence that day . Bro . Salmon , in responding , said . It was a true saying that time and tide would wait for no man , and ho might add that trains would not wait for him .
He then drew the attention of the brethren to a few matters , and assured them with every fraternal feeling , he would be pleased at any time to do all be could for the Lodge , and felt delighted with the day so profitably spent . Bro . Thomas , in responding , said it was his first visit to the Lodge and to Cheshire , and it was probably in consequence of its good repute that he was present . They had been
well blessed with P . G . Officers , and therefore prosperous and happy . In his Province they had n'tt had things as smoothly , but latterly they had made great progress under the able leadership of tho late lamented P . G . M . Lord Shrewsbury , though now ho regretted to say they were again under the care of Grand Lodge . Years ago we received a very valuable acquisition to our Province in tho personal
aid and inflaence of Bro . Hall , who camo from Seacombe . It was through him tho Earl of Shrewsbury took so deep an intorest in the Order . Through this brother ' s exertions they had given £ 2 , 400 to the Charities . They tried to emnlate the leading Provinces , which set an example not only to the Provinces that are backward , but also to London . He looked forward with hope to a closer union
between Cheshire aud Staffordshire . The brethren of the latter were desirous to help all they could in tbe good work before them , and in return they liked to bo assistod . Let them then join hand in hand , and they could not but succeed . Ho concluded by saying he was greatly pleased in being there on this occasion . Bro . Eardley proposed the Charities , in a very able manner , and said
that as Bro . Blackhnrst had represented them before , ho hoped he would do so again , and be would conple the namo of Bro . Blackhurst with the toast . Bro . Blackhurst P . M . said he had tho honour to represent this Province at the Boys' School , and Bro . Salmon , a very energetic and well versed Charity Steward , had only beaten him by a fe . v pounds . He then adverted to Bro . Samuel ' s remarks on Ancient
Masonry , and referred the brethren to the state of the Charities in the time of the Duke of Athol as Grand Master and their flourishing state to-day . He hoped to be able to represent them at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and after that ab the Aged Freemasons and Widows . The W . M . next proposed the I . P . M . and Past Masters of the Lodge ; he did
so to keep np a good custom , and to show he appreciated the valua . ble aid rendered by the Past Masters . The toast wa 3 drunk with every respect . Bro . Girdlestone I . P . M ., in reply , said it would not become him ab that late hour to make a speech . He thanked the brethren for their mark of respect to him , and for tho support given him during his year of office . He felt ho had merited their esteem .
He valued the Past Master ' s jewel presented him in that sense . Ho promised to tako the same intere- ' t in the future as he had in the past , aud render all the aid he could for the , furtherance of the welfare of the Lodge . In conclusion , ho p > id a hi ^ h tribute of praise to Masonio literature , and hoped the brethren would read the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLK as a Rource of information on the leading
Masonic matters of the clay , and fi It greatly pleased to see a represeutative with them that night , and * dderl , _—Let us read and learn . The W . M . next proposed the Officers of tho Lodge . He felt sure no better Officers could have been appointed in any Lodge in the Province . He was convinced all would do their duty faithfully . He conpled with the toast the name of the Senior VVarden , who replied for tho honour conferred , aud hoped all would attend to
their duties , and that the benches would be well filled with members to encourage them . Bro . D . of C gave the last toast , which brought a pleasant and edifying evening to a close . We wish to thank Bro . Samuel for his kindness to us , and many of the brethren who expressed the r well wishes for tho welfare of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , and in retnrn reciprocate most cordially our beat wishes for their future happiness in their Lodge and homes .
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet , W . C . Bro . J . H . Southwood opened the Lodge , supported by tho following Officers : —Goodacro S . W ., Foot as J . W ., Charles Atkins P . M . Sec , Jabez Hogg P . M . Treas ., Latradle as Deacon , Dean Org . The minutes having been confirmed , Bros . Kirby aud Hart were
prepared and regularly passed to the second degree . That ceremony completed , Bros . Fiidew and Cadenhead were duly raised to thethitd degree . The W . M . having resumed the Lodge to the first degree , brought forward a motion which stood iu his name as to the revisioi of the bye-laws , and a committee was appointed to draw up a new set . to be brought before the Lodge at its next meeting . Bro . Hogg P . M .
and Treas . proposed that the thanks of the members be given to the-W . M . and Sec etary for their labours in connection with the Sutumei Festival , he felt that ail the members who took part iu that duy ' j enjoyment would agree with him that the whole of the proceeding passed off in a most satisfactory way , and he felt that this succesi was due to tbe exeitions of tbe two brethren named . The proposi .
binn was duly seconded , and unanimously agreed to . Both the W . M and Sec . responded , thanking the members for this mark of appn-. ciation of their labour . Four propositions for initiation having bee handed in , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned tc supper . After « ra > e the u .- > ual toasts were given . Bro . Hogg , ii replying to that of the Grand Officers said , that having had t < thank the Hervey Lodge fur their kind , sentiments so often , he
Lodge Of The Four Cardinal Virtues, No. 979.
hardly knew in what new terms to reply . He was gratified at the hearty reception accorded to the toast , and especially so as his name was connected with it . He had always striven , and should continue to strive , to assist the Hervey Lodge to the best of his ability . In his position of custodian of their funds , he assured them he should ever take as much care of their money as he did of his own . Ho wished
the Lodge every prosperity , and hoped he should long have an opportunity of attending its meetings , which he considered tho most enjoyable he ever participated in . The health of the Visitors was next given , the W . M . assuring them they would always find a hearty welcome at the Hervey Lodge . Each of the gnesta replied , congratnlating the Master on the prosperous condition of bis
Lodge , and thanking him for the hospitality accorded them . Bro . Hogg now assnmed the gavel , and gave the health of the W . M . In d . ing so ho again referred to the pleasant day ' s outing the W . M . h > -d provided for the members , and hoped it would be a feature iRver omitted in future years . Their W . M . was so well known bo every member that he felt no remarks of his were necessary in
eulogy of his good qualities . He would , therefore , at once call on them to drink the toast . This having been most heartily done , the W . M . rose . Having thanked the members , he proceeded to give his ideas as to tho best means to bo adopted with tbe view of reorganising their Benevolent Fund , and hoped that as many brethren as could make it convenient would attend their next meeting , when the matter would be discussed . He then proposed the health of the Treasurer
and Secretary . He considered them very important Officers . On the faithful discharge of their duties very mnoh of the success of the Lodge depended . He felt that the Hervey had , in Bros . Hogg and Atkins , two brethren who wonld carry out tho duties of their offices with the utmost satisfaction to all concerned . These two brethren having replied , the W . M . gave the toast of tho Officers of the Lodge , and it having been dnly honoured and acknowledged , the Tyler was called , and the proceedings wero brought to a close .
Kibble D . C ., Taylor I . G . ; P . M . Bro . James Stevens . Bro . Keene was raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., the Officers rendering him goodly service . It was agreed that a P . M . 's jewel be presented to Bro . Stanway at the installation meeting , which will take place this day ( Saturday ) .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 . —An emergency meeting was held on Saturday last , at tho Cannon-street Hotel . Present—Bros . Richard Stanway W . M ., Freeman S . W ., Blackie J . W ., Edward Moodv P . M . Sec , Headon P . M . Treas ., Catchpole S . D ., Hamer J . D .,
Red Cross Of Constantine.
EBORACUM CONCLAVE , No . 137 . THE regular meeting of this Conclave was held on Thursday after * noon , 3 rd inst ., at York . Present—Bros . T . Cooper M . P . S ., T . B . Whytehead P . S . as V . E ., Wm . Va ' entine Prelate , J . S . Cumberland first , Gen ., G . Balmford as second Gen ., A . T . B . Turner Recorder ,
G . Simpson Treas ., M . Millington Prefect , T . Hninphries first , Aide , J . Ward , H . Jackson Sen . iuel , & c . Bros . W . P . Husband and R . Walker of the Ehoracnm Ledge having been duly elected , were in . stalled Knights of the Order , and the name of a candidate was proposed and seconded . The Conclave was then closed in due lorm .
Order Of St. Laurence The Martyr.
A MEETING of the Ebor Lodge was held at York , on Thursday , the 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . T . B . Whytehead R . W . M ., J . S . Cumberland S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., M . Millington , T . Cooper , A . T . B . Tomer , T . Humphries , & c Bros . Captain Murphy , W . P . Husband , and J . Ward were elected aud iustalled members of the Order . The R . W . M . gave the lecture , and the Lodgo was closed .
The consecration of the " Lodge of Progress , " No . 1768 , will take place at Freemasons' Hall on Thursday next , the 17 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock . Bro . W . A . Dawson will be installed First Worshipful Master , and Bros . F . R . and A . C . Spanll are the Senior and Jauior Wardens designate . All
the petitioning brethren are working members in the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and the ritual of that Lodge will be strictly adopted by the " Progress . " Bro . Johu Hervey , Grand Secretary , will perform the ceremonies of Couseciation aud Installation .
The ceremony of Installation will be rehearsed by Bro , Geo . King P . M ., Preceptor , at the Royal Arthur Lodge of instruction , No . 130 * 0 , on Tuesday evening , 15 fh Octol er ,
it eight o ' clock , at , Bro . J . Wright ' s . Prince ' s Head , Yorkoad , Battersea . The attendance of brethren is earnestly t quested . It is also proposed to commence a Ballot Association the same evening .
. IOYAL POLYTEC 'NI \—ZITELLA , given by Mr . SKYJIOUK SMITH . —PJ 5 KIN and A VISIT TO IUHAN .. —THE PAR . S EXHIBITION , illustrated—SCIENTIFIO VARIETY ENTERTAINMBNT , with Pbilosophica ) and Optical Experiments .-THE MIC > OPIIONK , TrLKPHONE AND PHONOGRAPH , Sc—UYI'BUS , its history and characteristics , — Admission , U \ Qnen 12 till . 5 and 7 till 1 ° < Carnages sA 6 and 10 ,