Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
oplgtasankfitstttutbnfor§0g8. Wood Green , London , N . Office—G Freemason ' 8 Hall , W . C . Patron—Her Majesty , THE QUEEN . H . K . H . TOE PKINCE or WALES , K . G ., & o . M . W . G . M ., President . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers will be held in the Hall of tho Freemasons * Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-iields , London , ou Monday , Utu day of October 1873 , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To elect , if approved , on the recommendation of the General Committee , 13 boys instead of 11 boys as stated on the voting papers , from an approved list ot 67 candidates , reduced to 65 by the withdrawal of Harry Newboult , No- 3 , and of Henry Webb , No . 13 , disqualified by age . To consider tho following notices of motion : That 13 boys be elected by this Court , instead of 11 , in accordance with the above recommendation . By Bro . R . B . Webster , Life Gov .: That the laws regulating tho admission of candidates to this Institution be suspended , for tho purpose of admitting , without tlection , Arthur George Jardinc , ago 10 years and 5 mouths , a sonoftholate Hro . Charles Jardinc ( Steward for the Anniversary Festival in July last ) , who lost Ms life iu the recent fatal collision ou tho Thames , leaving a widow and nine children without provision . By Bro . Col . Creaton , Viee-I ' atron and Trustee , That a suh-eommittee of five members of tho general committee bo appointed to take into consideration the advisability of a revision of tho laws : that such committee be empowered to confer with a similarly appointed committee of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and to report thereon to the Quarterly Court iu January next . To elect a Trusteo of the General Fund in the room of Bro . John Symonds , Vice Patrou , resigned . The Ballot for tho election of boys will commence at Ouo o'clock ( or so soon ns tho general business shall have terminated ) , and will bo closed at Three o ' clock . Tho chair will bo taken at Twelve o'clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , V . l' ., F . G . Std ., Secretary . October 5 th 187 S .
THE LAST CHANCE . $opIPasoiwInstititticrnforjBuga. SEVENTH APPLICATION , OCTOBER 1878 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earntstly solicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the late Bro . JOUN DAY , of Tendrinjr , in the County of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . Tho Deceased was for eight years , and up to a short time of his death , a Subscribing Alembor of tho Lodge of Hope , No . 133 , Brightlingsca . During the last years uf his life he became much reduced in circumstances , in consequence of a long affliction—Paralys . s . At his decease , which took placo on the 20 th of December 1371 , barely suilicieut funds wero realised to pay his debts , and the Widow was consequently obliged to give up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She has two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely depondont . Tho Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . Tho Case is strongly recommended by tbe following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . VV . B . UKICII . « . ! ' . P . U .. U . nants and Isle of Wight ; * Sir . J . H . Jonaso . i , Shakespeare Lodge , . M > . yd , the Pri ., ry , St . Osyth , Esso . s : ; * E . . JOH . VSUK , V . P . Fairiugdou House , Exeter ; C . H . WAlius P . M . Uraud Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace li . o , id , London ; ULYTII , New Concord Lodg JNO . SIJ , ti ' i Red Li m otreet , Hiilboru ; S . UAKMAK , l . ea . iiugsHouse , Palmers Green , oouthgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 95 and 173 I' . SS . oi > i , 31 s High Uolooru W . C . ; * R . 1 . Tuiilis Maryleuonu Lodge l , 3 u 5 , 21 Wellington Road , St . John s Wood ; * U . GAUD PVJS P . P . G . o . of W . Essex , P . M . Angel Lodge No . 61 , liank Buildings , Colchester ; FHKD A . COLK P . I' . G . Registrar P . M . Angel l , odge No . 51 , ot . Butolph s , Colchester ; W . GRIGGS P .. U . Lodge of Hope . 1 JJ , iirightliugsea ; W . BKAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No . 133 , Brigutbngsea ; W . BALLS . uwge of Hope No . 433 , Teudring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAJI- P . P . G . A . D . C . P .-Vl . aud oecretary No . 433 , Brightliugsea ; THOU . J . RALLISG I . P . M . Angel Lodge No . 61 , P . G . Sec . Essex , r . ssex Standard Office Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully receiced by the Brethren opposite vliotc names a * is placed , or tney may be sent to Mrs . DAI , Great Clacton Green , Colchester .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN" VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . — Tho Subscription from 31 st July 1878 to 31 st July 187 !) is now payable . It is intended to admit a lew more mo . nbers wit .. ont Entrance Fee at the present r . te of Subscription , viz . £ 5 5 s for Town .. Members , and JC 3 3 s for Country Members . The club premises aro being improved so as to increase the accommodation already afford' d to members and to . Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at the Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. B ROS . BURGESS FERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGU MUSG 11 AVE undertake tho Musical arrangements ot the Ceremonies and banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to-l daily . —GEO UGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sulo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICSEASON rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . JL Bro . Go rge Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TIBIFF OI CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & . C ., & c . for Urge or small parties . AddreBS—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
THEFREEMASONS'TAVERN, GBEAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . Th « admirable rind unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for UyCA-SOZtsTIC BJLZLTQTJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body is directed to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES P £ BF £ CT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
iy www ^ W Mg j | rW WAr WAw ^ B^^^^W^^a
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen and Princess Beatrice attended Divine Service on Sunday in Crathie Church , Balmoral . Prince Leopold left London on Friday , and has proceeded to Germany The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the Minister in attendance upon the Queen .
The Order of the Bath has been conferred upon Mr . F . 0 . Adams , Secretary of the Embassy in Paris , and upon the Hon . H . C . Vivian , British Agent and Consul-General in Egypt . The deaths have been recorded this week of Lord
Chelmsford , aged 84 , Sir F . Grant , President of the Royal Academy , aged 75 , and of Mr . Whalley , M . P . for Peterborough , aged 65 . The coroner ' s inquest in connection with the loss of the
Princess Alice steamer has been continued , and conflicting evidence has been given respecting the sobriety of some of the crew of the Bywell Castle on the occasion of the collision . The total number of bodies that have been
recovered is 590 , but some 50 persons are still reported to be missing . The Mansion House Relief Fund has been closed , t , he committee being of opinion that the amount already subscribed ( upwards of £ 35 , 000 ) will be sufficient to meet all requirements .
A violent gale raged on Wednesday night in the English Channel , and it was feared that some accident had occurred
to the Eddystone Lighthouse , as no light was visible from Plymouth ; but this morning ' s telegrams state that the edifice is standing , but communication is prevented by the state of the weather . Public interest , has during the past week been chiefly directed towards India . The intentions and movements of
the Indian Government are not quite clearly known . It appears that some forward military movement has been made , although the reported capture of the Khyber Pass has not yeb been confirmed . The Russian papers , while disclaiming for their Government all responsibility for Shere
Ah s hostile attitude towards the British Government , exult in the embarrassment thus created , and declare that , should Afghanistan be annexed to British India , compensation would be sought for by Russia in Knshgar and on the Chinese frontier . Minatory indications of Russian
progress in other directions arc also given . In Europe the settlement of the Eastern Question does not proceed in the peaceful manner that was expected . The Austrian troops have virtually obtained possession of Bosnia and Herzegovina , although there are still considerable bodies of
insurgent forces in the field . The Russian troops , upon the ground that outrages had been committed upon the Christian population , have re-occupied Tchekraedje and I ' chataldja , in close proximity to Constantinople . The Porte lias declined to conclude a Convention with Anstria ,
upon the ground of excesses committed by the Austrian troops in tho enforcement of the occupation , but at the < ame time professes a desire to maintain cordial relations with the Austro-Hnngarian Empire . The Russian Commissioner in Rtmnielia , having declared thab
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
oplgtasankfitstttutbnfor§0g8. Wood Green , London , N . Office—G Freemason ' 8 Hall , W . C . Patron—Her Majesty , THE QUEEN . H . K . H . TOE PKINCE or WALES , K . G ., & o . M . W . G . M ., President . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers will be held in the Hall of tho Freemasons * Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-iields , London , ou Monday , Utu day of October 1873 , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To elect , if approved , on the recommendation of the General Committee , 13 boys instead of 11 boys as stated on the voting papers , from an approved list ot 67 candidates , reduced to 65 by the withdrawal of Harry Newboult , No- 3 , and of Henry Webb , No . 13 , disqualified by age . To consider tho following notices of motion : That 13 boys be elected by this Court , instead of 11 , in accordance with the above recommendation . By Bro . R . B . Webster , Life Gov .: That the laws regulating tho admission of candidates to this Institution be suspended , for tho purpose of admitting , without tlection , Arthur George Jardinc , ago 10 years and 5 mouths , a sonoftholate Hro . Charles Jardinc ( Steward for the Anniversary Festival in July last ) , who lost Ms life iu the recent fatal collision ou tho Thames , leaving a widow and nine children without provision . By Bro . Col . Creaton , Viee-I ' atron and Trustee , That a suh-eommittee of five members of tho general committee bo appointed to take into consideration the advisability of a revision of tho laws : that such committee be empowered to confer with a similarly appointed committee of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and to report thereon to the Quarterly Court iu January next . To elect a Trusteo of the General Fund in the room of Bro . John Symonds , Vice Patrou , resigned . The Ballot for tho election of boys will commence at Ouo o'clock ( or so soon ns tho general business shall have terminated ) , and will bo closed at Three o ' clock . Tho chair will bo taken at Twelve o'clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKES , V . l' ., F . G . Std ., Secretary . October 5 th 187 S .
THE LAST CHANCE . $opIPasoiwInstititticrnforjBuga. SEVENTH APPLICATION , OCTOBER 1878 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are earntstly solicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the late Bro . JOUN DAY , of Tendrinjr , in the County of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . Tho Deceased was for eight years , and up to a short time of his death , a Subscribing Alembor of tho Lodge of Hope , No . 133 , Brightlingsca . During the last years uf his life he became much reduced in circumstances , in consequence of a long affliction—Paralys . s . At his decease , which took placo on the 20 th of December 1371 , barely suilicieut funds wero realised to pay his debts , and the Widow was consequently obliged to give up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She has two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely depondont . Tho Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . Tho Case is strongly recommended by tbe following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . VV . B . UKICII . « . ! ' . P . U .. U . nants and Isle of Wight ; * Sir . J . H . Jonaso . i , Shakespeare Lodge , . M > . yd , the Pri ., ry , St . Osyth , Esso . s : ; * E . . JOH . VSUK , V . P . Fairiugdou House , Exeter ; C . H . WAlius P . M . Uraud Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace li . o , id , London ; ULYTII , New Concord Lodg JNO . SIJ , ti ' i Red Li m otreet , Hiilboru ; S . UAKMAK , l . ea . iiugsHouse , Palmers Green , oouthgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 95 and 173 I' . SS . oi > i , 31 s High Uolooru W . C . ; * R . 1 . Tuiilis Maryleuonu Lodge l , 3 u 5 , 21 Wellington Road , St . John s Wood ; * U . GAUD PVJS P . P . G . o . of W . Essex , P . M . Angel Lodge No . 61 , liank Buildings , Colchester ; FHKD A . COLK P . I' . G . Registrar P . M . Angel l , odge No . 51 , ot . Butolph s , Colchester ; W . GRIGGS P .. U . Lodge of Hope . 1 JJ , iirightliugsea ; W . BKAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No . 133 , Brigutbngsea ; W . BALLS . uwge of Hope No . 433 , Teudring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAJI- P . P . G . A . D . C . P .-Vl . aud oecretary No . 433 , Brightliugsea ; THOU . J . RALLISG I . P . M . Angel Lodge No . 61 , P . G . Sec . Essex , r . ssex Standard Office Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully receiced by the Brethren opposite vliotc names a * is placed , or tney may be sent to Mrs . DAI , Great Clacton Green , Colchester .
LONDONMASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN" VICTORIA STREET , E . C . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . — Tho Subscription from 31 st July 1878 to 31 st July 187 !) is now payable . It is intended to admit a lew more mo . nbers wit .. ont Entrance Fee at the present r . te of Subscription , viz . £ 5 5 s for Town .. Members , and JC 3 3 s for Country Members . The club premises aro being improved so as to increase the accommodation already afford' d to members and to . Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at the Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. B ROS . BURGESS FERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGU MUSG 11 AVE undertake tho Musical arrangements ot the Ceremonies and banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to-l daily . —GEO UGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sulo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICSEASON rpo WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . JL Bro . Go rge Smith ( from Anderton's ) will be pleased to supply TIBIFF OI CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & . C ., & c . for Urge or small parties . AddreBS—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market .
THEFREEMASONS'TAVERN, GBEAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . Th « admirable rind unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establisment for UyCA-SOZtsTIC BJLZLTQTJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body is directed to tho many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES P £ BF £ CT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
iy www ^ W Mg j | rW WAr WAw ^ B^^^^W^^a
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen and Princess Beatrice attended Divine Service on Sunday in Crathie Church , Balmoral . Prince Leopold left London on Friday , and has proceeded to Germany The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the Minister in attendance upon the Queen .
The Order of the Bath has been conferred upon Mr . F . 0 . Adams , Secretary of the Embassy in Paris , and upon the Hon . H . C . Vivian , British Agent and Consul-General in Egypt . The deaths have been recorded this week of Lord
Chelmsford , aged 84 , Sir F . Grant , President of the Royal Academy , aged 75 , and of Mr . Whalley , M . P . for Peterborough , aged 65 . The coroner ' s inquest in connection with the loss of the
Princess Alice steamer has been continued , and conflicting evidence has been given respecting the sobriety of some of the crew of the Bywell Castle on the occasion of the collision . The total number of bodies that have been
recovered is 590 , but some 50 persons are still reported to be missing . The Mansion House Relief Fund has been closed , t , he committee being of opinion that the amount already subscribed ( upwards of £ 35 , 000 ) will be sufficient to meet all requirements .
A violent gale raged on Wednesday night in the English Channel , and it was feared that some accident had occurred
to the Eddystone Lighthouse , as no light was visible from Plymouth ; but this morning ' s telegrams state that the edifice is standing , but communication is prevented by the state of the weather . Public interest , has during the past week been chiefly directed towards India . The intentions and movements of
the Indian Government are not quite clearly known . It appears that some forward military movement has been made , although the reported capture of the Khyber Pass has not yeb been confirmed . The Russian papers , while disclaiming for their Government all responsibility for Shere
Ah s hostile attitude towards the British Government , exult in the embarrassment thus created , and declare that , should Afghanistan be annexed to British India , compensation would be sought for by Russia in Knshgar and on the Chinese frontier . Minatory indications of Russian
progress in other directions arc also given . In Europe the settlement of the Eastern Question does not proceed in the peaceful manner that was expected . The Austrian troops have virtually obtained possession of Bosnia and Herzegovina , although there are still considerable bodies of
insurgent forces in the field . The Russian troops , upon the ground that outrages had been committed upon the Christian population , have re-occupied Tchekraedje and I ' chataldja , in close proximity to Constantinople . The Porte lias declined to conclude a Convention with Anstria ,
upon the ground of excesses committed by the Austrian troops in tho enforcement of the occupation , but at the < ame time professes a desire to maintain cordial relations with the Austro-Hnngarian Empire . The Russian Commissioner in Rtmnielia , having declared thab