Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
9 his Government will administer that province in accordance with the Treaty of San Stefano , and not with the Treaty of Berlin , the other Commissions have sought instructions from their Governments . In France there has been a period of comparative tranquillity , but M .
Gambetta has made several addresses in the Eastern Departments proclaiming the permanence of the Republic . The Italian Government has raised objections to the British and French administration of the Egyptian finances , but explanations have been given that the arrangements made
have merely a domestic , character . The resignations of the Hungarian Ministry have been accepted by the Emperor . A popular vote in Geneva has rejected several constitutional changes proposed by the Radical party . From the Cape Colony we learn that military affairs are proceeding
satisfactorily , and that the native insurrection is generally suppressed , but in the Transvaal fighting was still going on . The Cape Parliament has been dissolved . It is reported from New Zealand that five Wesleyan Missionaries have been murdered and eaten by the cannibal natives .
A Grand Masonic Fete will take place on Thursday , the 24 th October 1878 , at Paris , in the Great Hall of the Trocadero , under the presidency of Mons . Cremieux , Senator , and formerly Minister , at which some of the principal people in the capital will be present . This Fete
is oflered to all Foreign Freemasons by the members of the Supreme Council of the A . and A . Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for France and her Dependencies . Tickets of admission may be obtained gratis , on proof of Masonic title , at the Secretariat of the Scottish Rite , No . 46 Rue de la Victoire , Paris .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
The _ monthly meeting of the General Committeo of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys was held last Saturday , at Freemasons ' Hall , when there were present Bros . J . G . Chancellor ( in the chair ) , Georgo J . Row , Donald M . Dewar , S . Rawson , A . H . Tattershall , H . Browse , James Winter , H . Massey , Richard Morris , Hyde Fallen , R . B . Webster , S . Rosenthal , G . J . Palmer , W . F . C . Moutrie ,
Alexander Wallace , and VV . Faas . A son ( ten years old ) of tbe late Bro Charles Jard . ne , who was lost iu the Piincess Alice , having presented himself to the Committee and passed the required examination , Bro . Binckes ( Secretary ) said that a motion woultl be made at the Quarterly Court of the iusiitatiou on Monday , the I 4 th inst ., to suspend the Laws regulating the admission of candidates , so as to admit this
boy without election , 'lhe Girls' School would do the same thing With regard to one of Bro . J ardiue ' s daughters . Bio . Jarciiuebad been a Life Governor and a Steward ofeacbofihe Masonio Institutions . It was resolved to recommend the Quarterly Court to elect thirteen instead of eleven boys out of a list of sixty-five candidates . Bro . R . B . Webster gave the notice for the suspension of the laws of the
Institution to meet the case of Bro . Jardiue ' s boy , aud Col . Creaton ' s notice of motion for the appointment of a sub-committee of five to revise the laws of the Institution was also given . Bio Binckes said the other bubiuess of the Quarterly Court would be to elect a trustee of the general fund in place of Bro . John Symonds , who had resigned . Two canuidates were placed on the list lor the April election .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committeo of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution met on Wednesday afternoon , at Freeinasous' Hall . The brethren present wero Lieut .-Col . Creatou ( in the chair ) , Griffiths Smith , J . M . Case , S . Rawson , J . A . Farntieid , L . Steau , C . A . Cottebrune , Henry Smith , J . G . Stevens , C . J . Perceval , R , H . Giraud , R . W . Stewart , H . J . Strong , and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The Secretary reported the
deathsof four of tbe anuuitunts ; also that the sum of £ 70 voted by G . L . for cuais iur the inii . ates of the lnaiitutiun at Cruyilou iluiinj . the winter had been received . The tinauco report for the quarter lus past showed a balance of £ 188 14 s 2 d to the credit of the uiui < tuudj £ 1 , 110 lis iud to tho leumle fund ; and £ 14 IDs 3 d to tht suotentatiou fund ; or a total balance in favour of the Institutiiii
ot £ 1 , 044 8 s ad . 'i'be report of Bio . Robert Griggs , the urehiteei of tlie Gaideuer ' s Cottage recently built at the Institution , s-taie .. ti . at tbe ouiliiiug was nearl y completed . A letter was read from a female auuuitaiit at Pl ymouth , thanking the Committee for her annuity , but stating mat a relative of hers having died , she had comi into oomo property , and she did not feel justified in continuing i . receive the annuity from the Institution . Bro . Terry was dincte .
to write to her , euugratulaiiug ber ou her good fortune , and thankiii her lor giving up ber annuity . Some peiititms having been passei . tho uretuieu accepted a tender to build a gnvnhuuse at tho lusti tutiou lor £ liO . On the motion of Bro . K-iynbam W . Stevvar . seconded by Bro . J . A . Farufield , the sa ' ary "I Miss N orris , tb matron at ttie Institution , was increased hour £ 30 to £ o 0 a jear . filter which tho Committee adjourned ,
District Grand Lodge Of Japan.
THE regular Summer Communication of this District Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Yokohama , on 24 th June . Present—Bros . Charles H . Dallas D . G . M ., William Bourno P . D . D . G . M . as D . D . G . M ., Drummond Hay D . G . R . as D . S . G . W ., A . Langfeldt P . D . B . of G . P . as D . G . W ., E . J . Geoghegan D . G . Treas ., Wm . H . Stone D . G . Sec , E . B . Jones D . G . D . of C ,
W . E . Clarke D . G . S . B ., W . A . Crane P . D . G . W . D . G . Org ., J . J . Enslie Acting D . G . Org ., H . Moss as D . G . Purs ., M . Kirkwood , C . D . Moss and T . It . H . McClatchie D . G . Stewards , and several members and visitors . The members and visitors having taken their seats , the District
Grand Officers entered in procession , and the D . G . Lodge was opened iu due form . The D . G . Sec . proposed that as the minutes of the last regular Winter Communication had been printed , and were in the hands of the members , they be taken as read . This was seconded and carried
unanimously . Letters from several member regretting their absence were read , and the D . G . Sec presented the abstract of returns received from the Lodges in the district for tbe four quarters ending 31 st March 187 S , and proceeded to read the report of the District Board of General Purposes as follows : —
Masonic Hall , Yokohama , 10 th June 1878 . The President of the District Board of General Purposes has the honour to submit the following report to the District Grand Lodge : — Tho Board has examined and audited the accounts of the District Grand Treasurer , which are attached to thi 3 report . It will be seen
that tho receipts of tho D . G . L . havo amounted to dols . 2 b' 0- 65 , and the disbursements to dols . 13 P 96 , showing an excess of incomo over current expenses of dols . 128 ' 69 . This sum has been applied to the discharge of outstanding liabilities , which amounted last year to dols . 173 78 ; the indebtedness to the subordinate Lodges , which was
incurred to pay for the regalia , has been extinguished , and the only liability now remaining is the cash balance of dols . 45 09 duo to the District Grand Treasurer . The fees of honour and the quarterly dues , which are payable next month , will discharge this advance and put a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands . In the accounts , dols . 62 " 00
of this surplus income has been written off as depreciation on the regalia , and dols . 66 * 69 has been added to the capital aocount , which now stands at dols . 554 ° 91 . On comparing these accounts with those of last year , we find that , by greater economy in printing and advertising , a reduction of nearly dols . 60 00 has been affected in general expenditure ; ou the other
hand the chief sources of income also show a reduction—the fees of honour of dols . 29 00 and the quarterly dues of dols . 23 00—while thero is a slight increase in the initiation and joining fees . No business of importance has come before the Board since the Winter Communication of the D . G . L . The President of the Board will move that this report be received , adopted aud entered on the minutes . A . LANGFELDT J President of District Board of General Purposes .
W . H . STONE , D . G . Secretary . On the motion of the President of the D . B . of G . P ., seconded by the District Grand Secretary , the report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Tho D . G . Master stated that he had to submit to the D . G . L . a
resolution that did not appear on the agenda paper . Nearly all present would remember Bro . Frank Pittman , who four years ago , when this D . G . L . was first established , uudertook and most zealously discharged the duties of D . G . Sec . His sudden death , while in the prime of life aud in full health and strength , had been a shock to the many , who
had lost in him not only a valued brother in the Craft , but also a personal friend . Bro . Pittman left a widow and several children to mourn his loss , and the D . G . M . felt sure that it would be a satisfaction to them to know that here in this distant land were friends who shared their sorrow and sympathised in their bereavement . The resolution
he would move was as follows : — " That the District Grand Lodge of Japan has learned with the deepest regret the sad tidings that our esteemed Brother Frank Pitt , man , our first District Grand Secretary , was among those who perished in the foundering of H . M . S . Enrydice , and desires to express to his
sorrowing widow and children the heartfelt sympathies of the Freemasons of this District . " The resolution was seconded by the Acting D . D . G . M ., an d on being put to tho D . G . L . was carried unanimously . The D . G . Sec . read a circular letter addressed by the Grand Secretary to tho D . G . \ l ., enclosing the report from the G . L . of England ,
ssued in const quence of the Grand Orient of France having sup-. ne .-seil from its constitution tho clause affirming a belief in God . I'he D . G . Sec . then read this Report , and the District Grand Muster lelivered an address on the circumstances which hud called it forth . * Other matters of local interest having been disposed of , D . G . Lodge vvas closed iu due form . * This address wo hope to reproduce in a future number . —ED . F . C .
H OLLOV / AY ' S OISTMKNT VK » FILLS . —01 ( 1 wounds , Sores , and Ulcers . —Daily •xponemve ennlirms the fixt , which lias triumphed over opposition lor thirty cur—vi / ... tint no means , uro known equal to Hullowuy ' s remedies , for curing •ad loirs , sore-, wounds , discuses of tne skin , erysipe us , absces-es , burns , talils . and . iu truth , al cases where tho s . inis nroken . To cure these
rn-. rmities quickly is of p 'unary importance , as the compulsory confinement id . ors weakens the g i > , 'ral health . The realy means of cur ' are found in lolloway ' s Ointment anil Puis , which heal the sore 9 and expel iheir cau < e . In ,, e very worst cases t e Ointment has succeeded in effecting a perfect cure , . ter ev rvother means his failed of giving any relief . Dasperate cases best display its virtues .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
9 his Government will administer that province in accordance with the Treaty of San Stefano , and not with the Treaty of Berlin , the other Commissions have sought instructions from their Governments . In France there has been a period of comparative tranquillity , but M .
Gambetta has made several addresses in the Eastern Departments proclaiming the permanence of the Republic . The Italian Government has raised objections to the British and French administration of the Egyptian finances , but explanations have been given that the arrangements made
have merely a domestic , character . The resignations of the Hungarian Ministry have been accepted by the Emperor . A popular vote in Geneva has rejected several constitutional changes proposed by the Radical party . From the Cape Colony we learn that military affairs are proceeding
satisfactorily , and that the native insurrection is generally suppressed , but in the Transvaal fighting was still going on . The Cape Parliament has been dissolved . It is reported from New Zealand that five Wesleyan Missionaries have been murdered and eaten by the cannibal natives .
A Grand Masonic Fete will take place on Thursday , the 24 th October 1878 , at Paris , in the Great Hall of the Trocadero , under the presidency of Mons . Cremieux , Senator , and formerly Minister , at which some of the principal people in the capital will be present . This Fete
is oflered to all Foreign Freemasons by the members of the Supreme Council of the A . and A . Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for France and her Dependencies . Tickets of admission may be obtained gratis , on proof of Masonic title , at the Secretariat of the Scottish Rite , No . 46 Rue de la Victoire , Paris .
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
The _ monthly meeting of the General Committeo of the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys was held last Saturday , at Freemasons ' Hall , when there were present Bros . J . G . Chancellor ( in the chair ) , Georgo J . Row , Donald M . Dewar , S . Rawson , A . H . Tattershall , H . Browse , James Winter , H . Massey , Richard Morris , Hyde Fallen , R . B . Webster , S . Rosenthal , G . J . Palmer , W . F . C . Moutrie ,
Alexander Wallace , and VV . Faas . A son ( ten years old ) of tbe late Bro Charles Jard . ne , who was lost iu the Piincess Alice , having presented himself to the Committee and passed the required examination , Bro . Binckes ( Secretary ) said that a motion woultl be made at the Quarterly Court of the iusiitatiou on Monday , the I 4 th inst ., to suspend the Laws regulating the admission of candidates , so as to admit this
boy without election , 'lhe Girls' School would do the same thing With regard to one of Bro . J ardiue ' s daughters . Bio . Jarciiuebad been a Life Governor and a Steward ofeacbofihe Masonio Institutions . It was resolved to recommend the Quarterly Court to elect thirteen instead of eleven boys out of a list of sixty-five candidates . Bro . R . B . Webster gave the notice for the suspension of the laws of the
Institution to meet the case of Bro . Jardiue ' s boy , aud Col . Creaton ' s notice of motion for the appointment of a sub-committee of five to revise the laws of the Institution was also given . Bio Binckes said the other bubiuess of the Quarterly Court would be to elect a trustee of the general fund in place of Bro . John Symonds , who had resigned . Two canuidates were placed on the list lor the April election .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committeo of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution met on Wednesday afternoon , at Freeinasous' Hall . The brethren present wero Lieut .-Col . Creatou ( in the chair ) , Griffiths Smith , J . M . Case , S . Rawson , J . A . Farntieid , L . Steau , C . A . Cottebrune , Henry Smith , J . G . Stevens , C . J . Perceval , R , H . Giraud , R . W . Stewart , H . J . Strong , and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The Secretary reported the
deathsof four of tbe anuuitunts ; also that the sum of £ 70 voted by G . L . for cuais iur the inii . ates of the lnaiitutiun at Cruyilou iluiinj . the winter had been received . The tinauco report for the quarter lus past showed a balance of £ 188 14 s 2 d to the credit of the uiui < tuudj £ 1 , 110 lis iud to tho leumle fund ; and £ 14 IDs 3 d to tht suotentatiou fund ; or a total balance in favour of the Institutiiii
ot £ 1 , 044 8 s ad . 'i'be report of Bio . Robert Griggs , the urehiteei of tlie Gaideuer ' s Cottage recently built at the Institution , s-taie .. ti . at tbe ouiliiiug was nearl y completed . A letter was read from a female auuuitaiit at Pl ymouth , thanking the Committee for her annuity , but stating mat a relative of hers having died , she had comi into oomo property , and she did not feel justified in continuing i . receive the annuity from the Institution . Bro . Terry was dincte .
to write to her , euugratulaiiug ber ou her good fortune , and thankiii her lor giving up ber annuity . Some peiititms having been passei . tho uretuieu accepted a tender to build a gnvnhuuse at tho lusti tutiou lor £ liO . On the motion of Bro . K-iynbam W . Stevvar . seconded by Bro . J . A . Farufield , the sa ' ary "I Miss N orris , tb matron at ttie Institution , was increased hour £ 30 to £ o 0 a jear . filter which tho Committee adjourned ,
District Grand Lodge Of Japan.
THE regular Summer Communication of this District Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Yokohama , on 24 th June . Present—Bros . Charles H . Dallas D . G . M ., William Bourno P . D . D . G . M . as D . D . G . M ., Drummond Hay D . G . R . as D . S . G . W ., A . Langfeldt P . D . B . of G . P . as D . G . W ., E . J . Geoghegan D . G . Treas ., Wm . H . Stone D . G . Sec , E . B . Jones D . G . D . of C ,
W . E . Clarke D . G . S . B ., W . A . Crane P . D . G . W . D . G . Org ., J . J . Enslie Acting D . G . Org ., H . Moss as D . G . Purs ., M . Kirkwood , C . D . Moss and T . It . H . McClatchie D . G . Stewards , and several members and visitors . The members and visitors having taken their seats , the District
Grand Officers entered in procession , and the D . G . Lodge was opened iu due form . The D . G . Sec . proposed that as the minutes of the last regular Winter Communication had been printed , and were in the hands of the members , they be taken as read . This was seconded and carried
unanimously . Letters from several member regretting their absence were read , and the D . G . Sec presented the abstract of returns received from the Lodges in the district for tbe four quarters ending 31 st March 187 S , and proceeded to read the report of the District Board of General Purposes as follows : —
Masonic Hall , Yokohama , 10 th June 1878 . The President of the District Board of General Purposes has the honour to submit the following report to the District Grand Lodge : — Tho Board has examined and audited the accounts of the District Grand Treasurer , which are attached to thi 3 report . It will be seen
that tho receipts of tho D . G . L . havo amounted to dols . 2 b' 0- 65 , and the disbursements to dols . 13 P 96 , showing an excess of incomo over current expenses of dols . 128 ' 69 . This sum has been applied to the discharge of outstanding liabilities , which amounted last year to dols . 173 78 ; the indebtedness to the subordinate Lodges , which was
incurred to pay for the regalia , has been extinguished , and the only liability now remaining is the cash balance of dols . 45 09 duo to the District Grand Treasurer . The fees of honour and the quarterly dues , which are payable next month , will discharge this advance and put a balance in the Treasurer ' s hands . In the accounts , dols . 62 " 00
of this surplus income has been written off as depreciation on the regalia , and dols . 66 * 69 has been added to the capital aocount , which now stands at dols . 554 ° 91 . On comparing these accounts with those of last year , we find that , by greater economy in printing and advertising , a reduction of nearly dols . 60 00 has been affected in general expenditure ; ou the other
hand the chief sources of income also show a reduction—the fees of honour of dols . 29 00 and the quarterly dues of dols . 23 00—while thero is a slight increase in the initiation and joining fees . No business of importance has come before the Board since the Winter Communication of the D . G . L . The President of the Board will move that this report be received , adopted aud entered on the minutes . A . LANGFELDT J President of District Board of General Purposes .
W . H . STONE , D . G . Secretary . On the motion of the President of the D . B . of G . P ., seconded by the District Grand Secretary , the report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Tho D . G . Master stated that he had to submit to the D . G . L . a
resolution that did not appear on the agenda paper . Nearly all present would remember Bro . Frank Pittman , who four years ago , when this D . G . L . was first established , uudertook and most zealously discharged the duties of D . G . Sec . His sudden death , while in the prime of life aud in full health and strength , had been a shock to the many , who
had lost in him not only a valued brother in the Craft , but also a personal friend . Bro . Pittman left a widow and several children to mourn his loss , and the D . G . M . felt sure that it would be a satisfaction to them to know that here in this distant land were friends who shared their sorrow and sympathised in their bereavement . The resolution
he would move was as follows : — " That the District Grand Lodge of Japan has learned with the deepest regret the sad tidings that our esteemed Brother Frank Pitt , man , our first District Grand Secretary , was among those who perished in the foundering of H . M . S . Enrydice , and desires to express to his
sorrowing widow and children the heartfelt sympathies of the Freemasons of this District . " The resolution was seconded by the Acting D . D . G . M ., an d on being put to tho D . G . L . was carried unanimously . The D . G . Sec . read a circular letter addressed by the Grand Secretary to tho D . G . \ l ., enclosing the report from the G . L . of England ,
ssued in const quence of the Grand Orient of France having sup-. ne .-seil from its constitution tho clause affirming a belief in God . I'he D . G . Sec . then read this Report , and the District Grand Muster lelivered an address on the circumstances which hud called it forth . * Other matters of local interest having been disposed of , D . G . Lodge vvas closed iu due form . * This address wo hope to reproduce in a future number . —ED . F . C .
H OLLOV / AY ' S OISTMKNT VK » FILLS . —01 ( 1 wounds , Sores , and Ulcers . —Daily •xponemve ennlirms the fixt , which lias triumphed over opposition lor thirty cur—vi / ... tint no means , uro known equal to Hullowuy ' s remedies , for curing •ad loirs , sore-, wounds , discuses of tne skin , erysipe us , absces-es , burns , talils . and . iu truth , al cases where tho s . inis nroken . To cure these
rn-. rmities quickly is of p 'unary importance , as the compulsory confinement id . ors weakens the g i > , 'ral health . The realy means of cur ' are found in lolloway ' s Ointment anil Puis , which heal the sore 9 and expel iheir cau < e . In ,, e very worst cases t e Ointment has succeeded in effecting a perfect cure , . ter ev rvother means his failed of giving any relief . Dasperate cases best display its virtues .