Article TEMPLAR MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROME VERSUS FREEMASONRY ! Page 1 of 1
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Templar Masonry.
the titles of old Templar Churches show . Those at Bologna . Milan and elseAvhere , still bear the name " de la Mason . " Why did the Templars affect the circular plan of Architecture ? Not in allusion to the Temple of Jerusalem I recognise in the speech delivered by Chevalier Ramsay at
Paris in 1740 a kernel of truth , which , though encased in error , is accompanied by some noble thoughts not umvorthy of reproduction . It is treated by Bro . Findel Avith contempt as tho " corner stone of the High Grades , " the
authority of Avhich ho rejects . Another comer stove Avas once despised and rejected , and I think it not impossible this may prove to be the fragment of a keystone , completing tho Arch Avhich unites modern to ancient Freemasonry .
Ramsay said" . . . . Political legislators have failed to found permanent institutions .... Their object being the elevation of one nation at the expense of others , they failed to attain universality . . . . They had not
Philanthropy for their basis . The love of country , illunderstood , was often fatal to the lovo of Humanity . Men are not essentially made different from each other by varieties of language , of clothing , or of soil . The Avhole world is but a great Republic , of which each nation is a
family , and each individual a child . To resuscitate and disseminate the common promptings of human nature , our society Avas established . We would unite enlightened men , not by love of the fine Arts alone , but yet more by sound principles of virtue
Our ancestors , the Crusaders , attracted from all parts of Christendom to the Holy Land , desired thus to bring subjects of all nations into one brotherhood . . .
. they projected au institution Avhoso sole aim is the union of minds and hearts for purposes of improvement , and Avished to found a nation of intellect cemented by the ties of Virtue and Science .
The Religious Orders wero established to make men perfect Christians , the Military Orders to inspire the love of glory , the Order of Freemasons to form men—amiable men , good citizens , inviolate in their promises , faithful adorers of the God of friendship , preferring virtue to
recompense . . . . The famous Festivals of Ceres and of Eleusis of which Horace speaks , as AVCII as those of Isis in Egypt ,
of Minerva at Athens , of Urania among the Phoenicians , and of Diana in Scythia , had some connection with our solemnities . In those mysteries remained many traces of the ancient religion of the Patriarchs
. . . . The name of Freemasons should not bo taken in a literal sense , as though our founders hadbeen simple artificers in marble and stone , or eccentric geniuses who strove to bring the Arts to perfection . They were not
only clever architects who consecrated their talents to the construction of external Temples , but also religious princes and warriors , Avhosc aim Avas to enlighten , develope and protect the living Temples of the Most High . "
It Avill be remembered that there Avere other Crusaders besides the Templars and the Knights of St . John , and that the actual origin of even those orders is Oriental . lAvill conclude by epitomising the rest of the Chevalier ' s theory , Avhich , be it understood , I by no means uphold .
Ho asserted that the more enlightened of the Crusaders entered into a mutual secret confederation , and invented signs and pass-words , based upon Masons' symbols in imitation of the children of Israel , Avho at the rebuilding of the Temple handled their tools in conjunction
Avith implements of Avar ; that princes on return from the Holy Land established branches of the Society ; aud thence he brings it to the first Lodge founded in Scotland at Kilwinning . Concerning the last , his Avords have not yet been verified . If he spoke Avithout Avarrant , then he
must be regarded as au enthusiast only , progenitor of a host of copyists . Many records of our operative brethren yet store us in the face , out of the mists of the dark ages in Scotland ; the cotcmporaiT existence of the Order in
England , Ramsay docs not particularise , but I am confident that earlier traces evidencing the speculative application of the Masonic system , exist in this country , proofs of which Avill shortly be forthcoming .
CLUB IIOUSE PLATIXG CAMS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Us per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis por dozen packs . If by post lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , B 6 zin . no , EcartiJ , & c , Mogul Quality lOd per pack , 9 , 3 per dozen packs . —London : AV . W . Morgan , 67 Barbican , B . C .
Rome Versus Freemasonry !
ABOUT the year 1 / 80 general suspicions became rife in Germany , as to Jesuitical tendencies on tho part of certain prominent members of the " High Degrees . " A curious publication , entitled "St . Nicaisr , a collection of remarkable Masonic Documents , " excited much comment
and was replied to by a prolific writer— -the Baron Ecker und Eckhoffen , in a Avork called " Anti-Si . Nicaise , " which was supplemented by " Achlmedcs , " as volume II ., and by " Scala Algebralca ( Economica" as volume III .
Such questions were fiercely agitated in an influential joui'nal published at Giessen , Die neuesten Beliglous begebenheiten , " in " Die Berlinischc Monatschrift , " and elseAvhere , by Avhich the controversy AA'as soon fanned to a flame . The principal object of attack was one Dr . Starck , a court preacher
and Councillor , who in consequence brought an action for libel in the Berlin courts against Messieurs Giidicke , Biester , Nicolai and others , which Avas given in his favour . In addition to this , he launched a veritable thunderbolt in the shape of three ponderous volumes on " Crypto-Catholicism ,
Proselytising , Jesuitry , & c , the weight of Avhich ought to have crushed his enemies . Strange to say , though the balance of proof Avas in his favour , staunch Protestants would not let him alone . He was set upon amongst others , bv a lady , Madame von der Recke , Countess of
Medem ( noted as an unmasker of Cagliostro ) in a book called " Something about Dr . Starch ' s Defence . " This elicited from the learned Doctor a " Something against the Something of Madame Von der Beche , " again replied to by her with a " Something else , & c , & c , " and fblloAved
by a "Continuous Something illustrating Dr . SlarclSs affairs " by another learned Doctor . The host of Avriters , Avho now chimed in to the discussion pouring from the German press a stream of pamphlets during five or six years , is appalling to the bibliographer . Attack and defence , inuendo and
reply , accusation , rebutter and rejoinder , were prolific on each side of the question . Charges of Illuminism , conspiracy and necromancy were dragged in to complicate the matter ;* tho attackers were put on their defence , Nicolai had difficulty in saving his reputation in two successive
"Vindications : but the one direct charge Avhich we trace home to its mark throughout this literary tournament is that of Jesuitry . The battle Avore itself out , and the figure ol Starck honoured and victorious , reposed upon his laurels ,
amidst various printed summaries of the controversy Avhich bore testimony to his good faith . Nevertheless , the student Avho has patience to study this " storm in a teacup , " is constrained to avouch there is a villainous taint of Jesuitry somewhere .
Let us now hear the opinion of a Avorthy German Clergyman ( Dr . Lindner ) Avriting many years after the event ( Mae-Benac . Er lebet im Solme . Berlin 1818 . ) He says " Biester , Nicolai and Giidicke have been much misunderstood and pitied for their strenuous endeavours to
adduce proof of the admixture of Jesuitism even in Freemasonry ; nevertheless the experience of our day will rehabilitate the reputation of those German Evangelical men . They Avere taunted with smelling Jesuitism in everything , but later experience has fully proved that it was so
in this case . Witness the late Councillor Baron von Starch , who was burled with coid , tonsure , and all that could publicly distinguish him for a Jesuit . I deny not I could have wished Biester to have survived to see this ; but then he would also have been doomed to witness how this
liars ' -brood had so enmeshed his own son , that he threw himself into their arms and not only cursed the Protestant Church but his own father also . This happened at Yienna in 1812 . For long had Rome not celebrated so fiendish a triumph ! "
Nearly a century has elapsed , and notwithstanding development of social Science and the march of Progress , we are not prepared to say there is no lesson for us in Avhat Ave have just read . We would return good for evil , but the Church of Rome is our enemy still . Freemasons cannot forget it . Verb urn sap .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Templar Masonry.
the titles of old Templar Churches show . Those at Bologna . Milan and elseAvhere , still bear the name " de la Mason . " Why did the Templars affect the circular plan of Architecture ? Not in allusion to the Temple of Jerusalem I recognise in the speech delivered by Chevalier Ramsay at
Paris in 1740 a kernel of truth , which , though encased in error , is accompanied by some noble thoughts not umvorthy of reproduction . It is treated by Bro . Findel Avith contempt as tho " corner stone of the High Grades , " the
authority of Avhich ho rejects . Another comer stove Avas once despised and rejected , and I think it not impossible this may prove to be the fragment of a keystone , completing tho Arch Avhich unites modern to ancient Freemasonry .
Ramsay said" . . . . Political legislators have failed to found permanent institutions .... Their object being the elevation of one nation at the expense of others , they failed to attain universality . . . . They had not
Philanthropy for their basis . The love of country , illunderstood , was often fatal to the lovo of Humanity . Men are not essentially made different from each other by varieties of language , of clothing , or of soil . The Avhole world is but a great Republic , of which each nation is a
family , and each individual a child . To resuscitate and disseminate the common promptings of human nature , our society Avas established . We would unite enlightened men , not by love of the fine Arts alone , but yet more by sound principles of virtue
Our ancestors , the Crusaders , attracted from all parts of Christendom to the Holy Land , desired thus to bring subjects of all nations into one brotherhood . . .
. they projected au institution Avhoso sole aim is the union of minds and hearts for purposes of improvement , and Avished to found a nation of intellect cemented by the ties of Virtue and Science .
The Religious Orders wero established to make men perfect Christians , the Military Orders to inspire the love of glory , the Order of Freemasons to form men—amiable men , good citizens , inviolate in their promises , faithful adorers of the God of friendship , preferring virtue to
recompense . . . . The famous Festivals of Ceres and of Eleusis of which Horace speaks , as AVCII as those of Isis in Egypt ,
of Minerva at Athens , of Urania among the Phoenicians , and of Diana in Scythia , had some connection with our solemnities . In those mysteries remained many traces of the ancient religion of the Patriarchs
. . . . The name of Freemasons should not bo taken in a literal sense , as though our founders hadbeen simple artificers in marble and stone , or eccentric geniuses who strove to bring the Arts to perfection . They were not
only clever architects who consecrated their talents to the construction of external Temples , but also religious princes and warriors , Avhosc aim Avas to enlighten , develope and protect the living Temples of the Most High . "
It Avill be remembered that there Avere other Crusaders besides the Templars and the Knights of St . John , and that the actual origin of even those orders is Oriental . lAvill conclude by epitomising the rest of the Chevalier ' s theory , Avhich , be it understood , I by no means uphold .
Ho asserted that the more enlightened of the Crusaders entered into a mutual secret confederation , and invented signs and pass-words , based upon Masons' symbols in imitation of the children of Israel , Avho at the rebuilding of the Temple handled their tools in conjunction
Avith implements of Avar ; that princes on return from the Holy Land established branches of the Society ; aud thence he brings it to the first Lodge founded in Scotland at Kilwinning . Concerning the last , his Avords have not yet been verified . If he spoke Avithout Avarrant , then he
must be regarded as au enthusiast only , progenitor of a host of copyists . Many records of our operative brethren yet store us in the face , out of the mists of the dark ages in Scotland ; the cotcmporaiT existence of the Order in
England , Ramsay docs not particularise , but I am confident that earlier traces evidencing the speculative application of the Masonic system , exist in this country , proofs of which Avill shortly be forthcoming .
CLUB IIOUSE PLATIXG CAMS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d per pack , Us per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per pack , lis por dozen packs . If by post lid per pack extra . Cards for Piquet , B 6 zin . no , EcartiJ , & c , Mogul Quality lOd per pack , 9 , 3 per dozen packs . —London : AV . W . Morgan , 67 Barbican , B . C .
Rome Versus Freemasonry !
ABOUT the year 1 / 80 general suspicions became rife in Germany , as to Jesuitical tendencies on tho part of certain prominent members of the " High Degrees . " A curious publication , entitled "St . Nicaisr , a collection of remarkable Masonic Documents , " excited much comment
and was replied to by a prolific writer— -the Baron Ecker und Eckhoffen , in a Avork called " Anti-Si . Nicaise , " which was supplemented by " Achlmedcs , " as volume II ., and by " Scala Algebralca ( Economica" as volume III .
Such questions were fiercely agitated in an influential joui'nal published at Giessen , Die neuesten Beliglous begebenheiten , " in " Die Berlinischc Monatschrift , " and elseAvhere , by Avhich the controversy AA'as soon fanned to a flame . The principal object of attack was one Dr . Starck , a court preacher
and Councillor , who in consequence brought an action for libel in the Berlin courts against Messieurs Giidicke , Biester , Nicolai and others , which Avas given in his favour . In addition to this , he launched a veritable thunderbolt in the shape of three ponderous volumes on " Crypto-Catholicism ,
Proselytising , Jesuitry , & c , the weight of Avhich ought to have crushed his enemies . Strange to say , though the balance of proof Avas in his favour , staunch Protestants would not let him alone . He was set upon amongst others , bv a lady , Madame von der Recke , Countess of
Medem ( noted as an unmasker of Cagliostro ) in a book called " Something about Dr . Starch ' s Defence . " This elicited from the learned Doctor a " Something against the Something of Madame Von der Beche , " again replied to by her with a " Something else , & c , & c , " and fblloAved
by a "Continuous Something illustrating Dr . SlarclSs affairs " by another learned Doctor . The host of Avriters , Avho now chimed in to the discussion pouring from the German press a stream of pamphlets during five or six years , is appalling to the bibliographer . Attack and defence , inuendo and
reply , accusation , rebutter and rejoinder , were prolific on each side of the question . Charges of Illuminism , conspiracy and necromancy were dragged in to complicate the matter ;* tho attackers were put on their defence , Nicolai had difficulty in saving his reputation in two successive
"Vindications : but the one direct charge Avhich we trace home to its mark throughout this literary tournament is that of Jesuitry . The battle Avore itself out , and the figure ol Starck honoured and victorious , reposed upon his laurels ,
amidst various printed summaries of the controversy Avhich bore testimony to his good faith . Nevertheless , the student Avho has patience to study this " storm in a teacup , " is constrained to avouch there is a villainous taint of Jesuitry somewhere .
Let us now hear the opinion of a Avorthy German Clergyman ( Dr . Lindner ) Avriting many years after the event ( Mae-Benac . Er lebet im Solme . Berlin 1818 . ) He says " Biester , Nicolai and Giidicke have been much misunderstood and pitied for their strenuous endeavours to
adduce proof of the admixture of Jesuitism even in Freemasonry ; nevertheless the experience of our day will rehabilitate the reputation of those German Evangelical men . They Avere taunted with smelling Jesuitism in everything , but later experience has fully proved that it was so
in this case . Witness the late Councillor Baron von Starch , who was burled with coid , tonsure , and all that could publicly distinguish him for a Jesuit . I deny not I could have wished Biester to have survived to see this ; but then he would also have been doomed to witness how this
liars ' -brood had so enmeshed his own son , that he threw himself into their arms and not only cursed the Protestant Church but his own father also . This happened at Yienna in 1812 . For long had Rome not celebrated so fiendish a triumph ! "
Nearly a century has elapsed , and notwithstanding development of social Science and the march of Progress , we are not prepared to say there is no lesson for us in Avhat Ave have just read . We would return good for evil , but the Church of Rome is our enemy still . Freemasons cannot forget it . Verb urn sap .