Article COL. W. J. B. MACLEOD MOORE, Page 1 of 2 Article COL. W. J. B. MACLEOD MOORE, Page 1 of 2 →
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Col. W. J. B. Macleod Moore,
A Biographical sketch of this well-known Mason and distinguished Templar appeared several years ago in tho columns of a Masonio paper iu the United States , as also subsequently in tho Canadian Craftsman , and wo aro now indebted to ono of our Canadian correspondents for tho following corrected record to the present timo . Colonel Macleod Mooro was born in tho Co . Kildaro , Ireland , on 4 th January 1810 . Tlio son of an old military officer who had served
under Wellington in his early career iu India , during tho whole of tho Mysore and Maharatta campaigns , being present at tho siege of Seringapatam and memorable batfclo of A'saye , where ho was so severely wounded as to oblige him to retire from active service . Ho was tho last descendant of au old military Anglo-Irish family , his three brothers ancl iivo nephews —( sister ' s sons)—dying in the military
service of tho Crown . Tlio family first settled in Ireland , from Dorset , England , during tho Commonwealth . His groat grandfather , Colonel William Mooro , a distinguished parliamentary Officer , having obtained from Oliver Cromwell , for his services in Ireland , a grant of the lands of Saleston , in the Co . Meath , adjoining Carton , tho ancestral scat of tho Fitzgeralds , Dukes of Loinstor . Wo find mention mado
ol this Colonel Mooro in Edward Long ' s history of Jamaica , published in 1774 , — " As having embarked on tho 14 th October 1656 , for Jamaica in command of a regiment from Carriel'fergus . That ho was driven back to Ireland by a storm , bufc reached Jamaica in 1657 , and was Governor thero somo time before his death . Ho was unquestionably a good soldier , an honest man , and most indefatigable in the duty to
which ho was appointed . By his judicious government , spirited behaviour aud prudent measures , ho won the affections of tho army , and advanced further than all his predecessors towards establishing the Colony . For which reasons he was most deservedly respected whilst living , and honoured when dead . Tho subject of our sketch inherits his name of MacLeod from that
of his paternal grandmother . His grandfather , Captain Gustavus Mooro [ lSth R . Irish ] , of Saleston House , Co . Meath , married Amelia , only daughter of Norman John MacLeod , of Dunvogan Castlo , Isle of Skye , Chief of tho MacLeods of MacLeod , by his first marriage •with Jannot , daughter of Sir Donald Macdonald , Bart ., of Slate , the ancient Lords of tho Isles , aud now Barons Macdonald in the Peerage of Ireland .
Colonel MacLeod Mooro received his early education in tho city of Aberdeen , Scotland , and was a student at tho Marischal College in 1824-5 , —tho famed Alma Mater of Scott ' s " Dugal Dalgcfcfcy , " ' from whence he was sent to tho Royal Military College of Sandhurst , England , and subsequently obtained an Ensigncy in H . B . M . ' s 60 th Regiment , with which ho served for upwards of twenty years , and
was then selected by the War Office as first class staff Officer in Canada to organize and enrol the Chelsea and Greenwich out pensioners and form the Bytown and Kingston Pension Districts . He arrived in Canada iu August 1852 , and was stationed at Bytown , now Ottawa , nntil October 1857 , when retiring from the service of the regular army to become a settler in Canada , ho was appointed by tho
Governor-General , Lord Elgin , at tho commencement of the volunteer movement , to command the whole active force of Ottawa , which position ho held for some years , until ho left that part of Canada . On the visit of H . U . H . tho Princo of Wales , to lay tho foundation stono of tho present Parliament buildings , tho force under his command had the honour of being selected to form tho guards of honour in attendance on tho Prince during his stay in tho city .
Colonel MacLeod Moore was for many years stationed in tho West Indies and Mediterranean , ancl filled important offices , both on the regimental and general staff of tho army . Ho is the author of several papers on Military subjects , —favourably noticed in tho Military journals , particularly a Treatise on the Practical use of the broad sword and bayonet fencing , being early noted for his proficiency in all athletic exercises , and his skill as a swordsman , well known in tho army and the Salle d'Armes of his timo both afc home and abroad .
We will now turn to his connection with the Craft and introduction of the Templar and other Orders of Freemasonry into Canada , commencing from his being first brought to Masonic light , which took place at tho early age of seventeen years , receiving the three degrees of Craft Masonry at the same time , on the 17 th August , in 1827 ( in company with his early school-boy friend , John Hill Burton , now well
known in the literary world as the " Historian of Scotland " ) . At a special Lodgo held in the Mansion house of tho R . W . Brother Major-General Sir Alex . Leith , K . C . B ., W . Master of the Glonkindie Lodge , No . 333 , Aberdeenshire , —on Registry of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland . Early in 1831 , ho was exalted in tho Sfc . Machar ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 37 , held in the city of Aberdeen ; and in 1843 , when
with his regiment in Dublin , we learn that he joined tho St . Patrick ' s Lodge and Chapter , No . 50 , as also the Victoria Mark Lodgo No . 4 , all on the Registry of Ireland . In the following year he was installed a High Knight Templar and Knight of Malta , in the Encampment attached to Lodge 242 , held in the town of Bayle , Co . Roscommon , Ireland , of which Lodgo ho was elected and served as Senior Warden .
Iu tho Island of Malta , during tho year 1847 , ho was affiliated ¦ under tho Grand Lodgo of England , in tho St . John and St . Paul ' s Locige , No . 43 , city of Lavaletta , and in 1849 installed W . Master . This Locige , the oldest on tlio Island , being instituted by Jridgo Waller f ' odvvell Wright ( a former Grand Master of tho Masonic Templars of England ) on the 12 th of April 1815 , at tho Hope Tavern ,
Strada Mczzodi , Lavaletta . A Masonic Locige , it has been ascertained , had existed in the last century on tho "Island , forn , short timo , under the protection of tho Knights of Malta , but was suppressed by order of the l ' opo , and tho members dispersed . L ' ro . M ; t ( : l . ' ; i !( l Mooio was * also a member of tho Union of Malta Lodge 5 S 8 , and the lloyal Arch Chapter , of which he was third
Col. W. J. B. Macleod Moore,
Principal J . ; and hero on tho Island of Malta , tho last refugo of the Knights of St . John , he established tho first Knights Templar Encampment in connection with Freemasonry over held on tho Island—tho Mclita . A warrant of confirmation being granted to him by tho Graud Conclave of England and Wales , on tho 10 th of March 1860 , although the Sup . Grand Master , Col . Kennys Tynto , was afc ftrsb doubtful
whether ho conld exercise jurisdiction out of England , Grand Conclave haviug been only revived in 1846 , after many years inactivity . In May 1852 , afc tho Grand Conclave hold in London , tho Grand Master in person , installed onr Bro . Knight Second Grand Captain of tho Grand Conclave . At Kingston , Canada West , in 1854 , ho joined tho Sfc . John Lodge ,
No . 491 , and Ancient Frontonac Royal Arch Chapter No . 1 , and was elected to tho chair of II . Ifc was hero ho learned that an old Masonio Knights Templar Encampment , called St . John , long dormant , had been attached to tho Lodgo and Chapter . On examining the warrant it appeared to havo boon issued in 1824 , by tho self-constituted authority of tho Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch
Masonry for Upper Canada , R . Excellent Companion Ziba M . Philips . A petition was therefore drawn np , forwarding with it this irregular warrant , to tho Grand Conclave of Knights Templar in England and Wales , when a now ono was issued under tho title of tho " Hugh do Payens , " nominating Sir Kt . Captain MacLeod Mooro the first Grand Commander . From this Encampment ( which , by a resolution of tho
Sup . Grand Conclave , of 10 th May 1855 , was permitted to rank in tho Grand Conclave from tho 24 lh September 1824 , tho date of the surrendered warrant ) tho first establishment of tho Templar Order in Canada on n constitutional basis took place . To commemorate thi .-i event , tho lato Sir Knight Major General Alexander Gordon , Royal Engineers , instituted for members of the Encampment an order of
merit , to be called Tho Gordon Order of twelve crosses , cloven consisting of silver and one of gold , tho latter to bo held by our Brother MacLeod Moore for lifo . The Sup . Grand Master , Colonel Tynto , also appointed him Provincial Grand Commander of Knights Templar iu Canada , and his representative , which position ho retained nntil tho year 1868 . when his Patent was changed , under tho Grand Mastership
of Colonel William Stuart , to that of Grand Prior of tho United Orders of tho Templo and Hospital for the Dominion of Canada , and ho was presented by the Grand Master with a beautiful star aud enamelled badge of his office . Referring back to 1854 wo see he was elected S . G . Warden of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Canada , and in thafc year founded the
Corinthian Lodge , of Ottawa , of which ho was installed W . Master . In December 1859 , by his exertions , theCarleton Royal Arch Chapter was opened there , when he was chosen First Principal Z . Afc the Grand R . A . Chapter , held in Toronto 18 ( 33 , ho was nominated to the Chair of H . as second G . Principal of tho G . R . Arch Chapter of Canada . In the early parfc of this year ho went to tho
United States to witness tho operations of tho Northern army during the war , and when in New York obtained all tho Degrees of tho Ancient and Accepted Scottish Eite , receiving a patent from tho Illus . Bro . Edward Hays , S . G . Council 33 ° , empowering him to establish tho Itite in Canada , with the rank of a Deputy Inspector General , 33 ° , and representative from tho Sup . Council , Northern
jurisdiction of tho United States , and was acknowledged as such when tho treaty of union in May 1867 took place between the two Grand Councils of New York and Boston , merging into one Supremo Grancl Council , 33 ° , for tho Northern jurisdiction United States . Tho Rite , however , was nob regularly established in Canada until 1868 , when the English Grand Council , 33 ° , who had asserted a claim to
jurisdiction over all the possessions of tho British Crown , affiliated him as a member and appointed him their representative , when tho A . and A . S . Rite was formally established in tho Dominion , and which is now , since his retirement from office and formation of a Supreme Grand Council , 33 ° , for Canada , ruled by his successor , Illus . Bro . Thomas D . Harington , as Sovereign Grand Commander .
In 1869 , soon after the revival of the " Red Cross Order of Romo and Constantino " in England , our Brother was appointed by tho Grand Sovereign , Lord Kenlis , representative and Chief Intendant General for the Dominion , and was elected a Past Grand Viceroy of tho Grand Council in England . Ho established also , in 1871 , tho Decree of " Roval Ark Mariners , " and in this year was elected a Pasfc
M . P . G . Master of the Grancl Council " Royal and Select Masters for New Brunswick . In May 1872 , ho introduced tho Swedenborgian Rite , having received a Warrant of Constitution from tho Grand Master , R . W . Bro . Samuel Beswick , and the Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple of the United States , constituting him the M . W . and S . G . Master of the Lodge ancl Temple for Canada . From this Body
tho present Grand Lodgo and Temple of tho Rito in England derives its existence . Our brother is a member of tho Royal Order of Scotland , and known by his characteristic of " Propriety , " and registered in the Mother Grand Lodgo of Scotland , May 1875 , on tho establishment of a Provincial Grand Lodge , for Ontario . He also , in that year , founded a College of the Rosicrucian Society in Canada , of which ho
is IX ° and Snpreme Magus , deriving authority direct from H . I . Highness the Prince of Rhodocanakis , IX , 33 ° , of Athens , Grancl Master of Masons of Greece , and the Supreme Magus of thafc kingdom . Ho is also an Honorary Member of the Northern College of England . At tho reconstruction of tho Templar Order in England , consequent
upon . 1 convention between tho Order in England , Scotland , aud Ireland , in 1867 and 1868 , the general statutes wero revised , but making no material alteration in tho internal organization of either country , nor otherwise beyond tho nomenclature , as taken from historical authority . H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , having been unanimously elected Grand Master of the whole Order , was installed at a Convent
General of tho United Orders on tho 7 th April 18 / 3 . Each nationality continuing to be a separate and independent body , framing its own laws , and governed by a Great Prior , to whom tho Grand Master delegated his authority , within tho limits of their jurisdiction . Afc hit ! installation His Royal Iligluie . su announced that I for Majesty tho Uueea was graciously pleased to say she -would become Patron of tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Col. W. J. B. Macleod Moore,
A Biographical sketch of this well-known Mason and distinguished Templar appeared several years ago in tho columns of a Masonio paper iu the United States , as also subsequently in tho Canadian Craftsman , and wo aro now indebted to ono of our Canadian correspondents for tho following corrected record to the present timo . Colonel Macleod Mooro was born in tho Co . Kildaro , Ireland , on 4 th January 1810 . Tlio son of an old military officer who had served
under Wellington in his early career iu India , during tho whole of tho Mysore and Maharatta campaigns , being present at tho siege of Seringapatam and memorable batfclo of A'saye , where ho was so severely wounded as to oblige him to retire from active service . Ho was tho last descendant of au old military Anglo-Irish family , his three brothers ancl iivo nephews —( sister ' s sons)—dying in the military
service of tho Crown . Tlio family first settled in Ireland , from Dorset , England , during tho Commonwealth . His groat grandfather , Colonel William Mooro , a distinguished parliamentary Officer , having obtained from Oliver Cromwell , for his services in Ireland , a grant of the lands of Saleston , in the Co . Meath , adjoining Carton , tho ancestral scat of tho Fitzgeralds , Dukes of Loinstor . Wo find mention mado
ol this Colonel Mooro in Edward Long ' s history of Jamaica , published in 1774 , — " As having embarked on tho 14 th October 1656 , for Jamaica in command of a regiment from Carriel'fergus . That ho was driven back to Ireland by a storm , bufc reached Jamaica in 1657 , and was Governor thero somo time before his death . Ho was unquestionably a good soldier , an honest man , and most indefatigable in the duty to
which ho was appointed . By his judicious government , spirited behaviour aud prudent measures , ho won the affections of tho army , and advanced further than all his predecessors towards establishing the Colony . For which reasons he was most deservedly respected whilst living , and honoured when dead . Tho subject of our sketch inherits his name of MacLeod from that
of his paternal grandmother . His grandfather , Captain Gustavus Mooro [ lSth R . Irish ] , of Saleston House , Co . Meath , married Amelia , only daughter of Norman John MacLeod , of Dunvogan Castlo , Isle of Skye , Chief of tho MacLeods of MacLeod , by his first marriage •with Jannot , daughter of Sir Donald Macdonald , Bart ., of Slate , the ancient Lords of tho Isles , aud now Barons Macdonald in the Peerage of Ireland .
Colonel MacLeod Mooro received his early education in tho city of Aberdeen , Scotland , and was a student at tho Marischal College in 1824-5 , —tho famed Alma Mater of Scott ' s " Dugal Dalgcfcfcy , " ' from whence he was sent to tho Royal Military College of Sandhurst , England , and subsequently obtained an Ensigncy in H . B . M . ' s 60 th Regiment , with which ho served for upwards of twenty years , and
was then selected by the War Office as first class staff Officer in Canada to organize and enrol the Chelsea and Greenwich out pensioners and form the Bytown and Kingston Pension Districts . He arrived in Canada iu August 1852 , and was stationed at Bytown , now Ottawa , nntil October 1857 , when retiring from the service of the regular army to become a settler in Canada , ho was appointed by tho
Governor-General , Lord Elgin , at tho commencement of the volunteer movement , to command the whole active force of Ottawa , which position ho held for some years , until ho left that part of Canada . On the visit of H . U . H . tho Princo of Wales , to lay tho foundation stono of tho present Parliament buildings , tho force under his command had the honour of being selected to form tho guards of honour in attendance on tho Prince during his stay in tho city .
Colonel MacLeod Moore was for many years stationed in tho West Indies and Mediterranean , ancl filled important offices , both on the regimental and general staff of tho army . Ho is the author of several papers on Military subjects , —favourably noticed in tho Military journals , particularly a Treatise on the Practical use of the broad sword and bayonet fencing , being early noted for his proficiency in all athletic exercises , and his skill as a swordsman , well known in tho army and the Salle d'Armes of his timo both afc home and abroad .
We will now turn to his connection with the Craft and introduction of the Templar and other Orders of Freemasonry into Canada , commencing from his being first brought to Masonic light , which took place at tho early age of seventeen years , receiving the three degrees of Craft Masonry at the same time , on the 17 th August , in 1827 ( in company with his early school-boy friend , John Hill Burton , now well
known in the literary world as the " Historian of Scotland " ) . At a special Lodgo held in the Mansion house of tho R . W . Brother Major-General Sir Alex . Leith , K . C . B ., W . Master of the Glonkindie Lodge , No . 333 , Aberdeenshire , —on Registry of the Grand Lodgo of Scotland . Early in 1831 , ho was exalted in tho Sfc . Machar ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 37 , held in the city of Aberdeen ; and in 1843 , when
with his regiment in Dublin , we learn that he joined tho St . Patrick ' s Lodge and Chapter , No . 50 , as also the Victoria Mark Lodgo No . 4 , all on the Registry of Ireland . In the following year he was installed a High Knight Templar and Knight of Malta , in the Encampment attached to Lodge 242 , held in the town of Bayle , Co . Roscommon , Ireland , of which Lodgo ho was elected and served as Senior Warden .
Iu tho Island of Malta , during tho year 1847 , ho was affiliated ¦ under tho Grand Lodgo of England , in tho St . John and St . Paul ' s Locige , No . 43 , city of Lavaletta , and in 1849 installed W . Master . This Locige , the oldest on tlio Island , being instituted by Jridgo Waller f ' odvvell Wright ( a former Grand Master of tho Masonic Templars of England ) on the 12 th of April 1815 , at tho Hope Tavern ,
Strada Mczzodi , Lavaletta . A Masonic Locige , it has been ascertained , had existed in the last century on tho "Island , forn , short timo , under the protection of tho Knights of Malta , but was suppressed by order of the l ' opo , and tho members dispersed . L ' ro . M ; t ( : l . ' ; i !( l Mooio was * also a member of tho Union of Malta Lodge 5 S 8 , and the lloyal Arch Chapter , of which he was third
Col. W. J. B. Macleod Moore,
Principal J . ; and hero on tho Island of Malta , tho last refugo of the Knights of St . John , he established tho first Knights Templar Encampment in connection with Freemasonry over held on tho Island—tho Mclita . A warrant of confirmation being granted to him by tho Graud Conclave of England and Wales , on tho 10 th of March 1860 , although the Sup . Grand Master , Col . Kennys Tynto , was afc ftrsb doubtful
whether ho conld exercise jurisdiction out of England , Grand Conclave haviug been only revived in 1846 , after many years inactivity . In May 1852 , afc tho Grand Conclave hold in London , tho Grand Master in person , installed onr Bro . Knight Second Grand Captain of tho Grand Conclave . At Kingston , Canada West , in 1854 , ho joined tho Sfc . John Lodge ,
No . 491 , and Ancient Frontonac Royal Arch Chapter No . 1 , and was elected to tho chair of II . Ifc was hero ho learned that an old Masonio Knights Templar Encampment , called St . John , long dormant , had been attached to tho Lodgo and Chapter . On examining the warrant it appeared to havo boon issued in 1824 , by tho self-constituted authority of tho Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch
Masonry for Upper Canada , R . Excellent Companion Ziba M . Philips . A petition was therefore drawn np , forwarding with it this irregular warrant , to tho Grand Conclave of Knights Templar in England and Wales , when a now ono was issued under tho title of tho " Hugh do Payens , " nominating Sir Kt . Captain MacLeod Mooro the first Grand Commander . From this Encampment ( which , by a resolution of tho
Sup . Grand Conclave , of 10 th May 1855 , was permitted to rank in tho Grand Conclave from tho 24 lh September 1824 , tho date of the surrendered warrant ) tho first establishment of tho Templar Order in Canada on n constitutional basis took place . To commemorate thi .-i event , tho lato Sir Knight Major General Alexander Gordon , Royal Engineers , instituted for members of the Encampment an order of
merit , to be called Tho Gordon Order of twelve crosses , cloven consisting of silver and one of gold , tho latter to bo held by our Brother MacLeod Moore for lifo . The Sup . Grand Master , Colonel Tynto , also appointed him Provincial Grand Commander of Knights Templar iu Canada , and his representative , which position ho retained nntil tho year 1868 . when his Patent was changed , under tho Grand Mastership
of Colonel William Stuart , to that of Grand Prior of tho United Orders of tho Templo and Hospital for the Dominion of Canada , and ho was presented by the Grand Master with a beautiful star aud enamelled badge of his office . Referring back to 1854 wo see he was elected S . G . Warden of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Canada , and in thafc year founded the
Corinthian Lodge , of Ottawa , of which ho was installed W . Master . In December 1859 , by his exertions , theCarleton Royal Arch Chapter was opened there , when he was chosen First Principal Z . Afc the Grand R . A . Chapter , held in Toronto 18 ( 33 , ho was nominated to the Chair of H . as second G . Principal of tho G . R . Arch Chapter of Canada . In the early parfc of this year ho went to tho
United States to witness tho operations of tho Northern army during the war , and when in New York obtained all tho Degrees of tho Ancient and Accepted Scottish Eite , receiving a patent from tho Illus . Bro . Edward Hays , S . G . Council 33 ° , empowering him to establish tho Itite in Canada , with the rank of a Deputy Inspector General , 33 ° , and representative from tho Sup . Council , Northern
jurisdiction of tho United States , and was acknowledged as such when tho treaty of union in May 1867 took place between the two Grand Councils of New York and Boston , merging into one Supremo Grancl Council , 33 ° , for tho Northern jurisdiction United States . Tho Rite , however , was nob regularly established in Canada until 1868 , when the English Grand Council , 33 ° , who had asserted a claim to
jurisdiction over all the possessions of tho British Crown , affiliated him as a member and appointed him their representative , when tho A . and A . S . Rite was formally established in tho Dominion , and which is now , since his retirement from office and formation of a Supreme Grand Council , 33 ° , for Canada , ruled by his successor , Illus . Bro . Thomas D . Harington , as Sovereign Grand Commander .
In 1869 , soon after the revival of the " Red Cross Order of Romo and Constantino " in England , our Brother was appointed by tho Grand Sovereign , Lord Kenlis , representative and Chief Intendant General for the Dominion , and was elected a Past Grand Viceroy of tho Grand Council in England . Ho established also , in 1871 , tho Decree of " Roval Ark Mariners , " and in this year was elected a Pasfc
M . P . G . Master of the Grancl Council " Royal and Select Masters for New Brunswick . In May 1872 , ho introduced tho Swedenborgian Rite , having received a Warrant of Constitution from tho Grand Master , R . W . Bro . Samuel Beswick , and the Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple of the United States , constituting him the M . W . and S . G . Master of the Lodge ancl Temple for Canada . From this Body
tho present Grand Lodgo and Temple of tho Rito in England derives its existence . Our brother is a member of tho Royal Order of Scotland , and known by his characteristic of " Propriety , " and registered in the Mother Grand Lodgo of Scotland , May 1875 , on tho establishment of a Provincial Grand Lodge , for Ontario . He also , in that year , founded a College of the Rosicrucian Society in Canada , of which ho
is IX ° and Snpreme Magus , deriving authority direct from H . I . Highness the Prince of Rhodocanakis , IX , 33 ° , of Athens , Grancl Master of Masons of Greece , and the Supreme Magus of thafc kingdom . Ho is also an Honorary Member of the Northern College of England . At tho reconstruction of tho Templar Order in England , consequent
upon . 1 convention between tho Order in England , Scotland , aud Ireland , in 1867 and 1868 , the general statutes wero revised , but making no material alteration in tho internal organization of either country , nor otherwise beyond tho nomenclature , as taken from historical authority . H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , having been unanimously elected Grand Master of the whole Order , was installed at a Convent
General of tho United Orders on tho 7 th April 18 / 3 . Each nationality continuing to be a separate and independent body , framing its own laws , and governed by a Great Prior , to whom tho Grand Master delegated his authority , within tho limits of their jurisdiction . Afc hit ! installation His Royal Iligluie . su announced that I for Majesty tho Uueea was graciously pleased to say she -would become Patron of tho