Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 3 of 3 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 3 of 3 Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1
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Our Weekly Budget.
would havo been taken , though there must still remain the possibility of a rupture between her and our Government , if she insists on tho principal terms of the treaty of San Stefauo being retained . On the other hand , it is argued that tho Russian Chancellor makes no sign of his desire to
abate tho terms . Ho argues in their favour , and justifies some of the most important . He in particular regards the cession of Armenia as a necessary consequence of tho Avar , and holds that Russia , in spite of the Czar ' s _ declaration made before the Avar had begun , is acting within her right
in taking this territory in order to secure her interests for tho future . After combating to tho best of his ability the objections raised by tho Foreign Secretary , tho Prince closes his case by calling upon Lord Salisbury to declare his
vieAvs of the arrangements that should bo made to _ settle tho Eastern Question . One matter in connection Avith the terms has brought upon Russia a rare storm of abuse from all quarters , and that is tho brutal determination evinced by the Chancellor to havo Moldavian Bessarabia , Avhether
Roumania Avill consent or not , and by force if necessary . This condnct towards au ally which hist summer did much valuable service for the Czar ' s army has opened the eyes of the whole Avorld as to tho fate in store for Bulgaria if its
policy should over clash Avith the AVIII of his Russian Majesty , and has done moro than anything else to rouse Europe to a determined resistance to the imperious will of the Russian Emperor .
MeaiiAvhilc AVO hear of a A * ast amount of intrigue at Constantinople . The poor unfortunate Sultan must havo a hard time of it , betAveen the Grand Duko Nicholas , Avho is urging him to an alliance Avith Russia , and Mr . Layard , Avho is moving heaven and earth to maintain British influence in tho ascendant . The Turks have refused to alloAV thoir late
enemy to embark his troops at Buyukdcro , and havo arrayed a very respectable force in tho rear of the forts of the Bosphorus . They are doing their best likoYvisc to put doAvn tho insurrection in Thessaly and havo gained ono or more successes in that province . Unfortunately , there seems
lo bo a great deal of cruelty practised , and a Mr . Ogle , a correspondent of tho Times , has been brutally murdered , or as another account gives it , AVUS killed in tho light at Makrinit' / a , and afterwards decapitated . Tho other news from tho East is equally unsatisfactory , and we do not see
that tho gloom Avhich has prevailed so long is lessened . There is great enthusiasm in Hungary for England , and a great desire is manifested for an alliance between the two countries . In such case , probably , Russia Avould hesitate about holding out against our demands . Lot us hope it may be so .
The Installation Meeting of the Polish National Lodge Avas held on Thursday evening . Bro . J . F . Ebnor Avas installed Master for tho year by Bro . P . M . Moore . There Avas a larcrc attendance of members and Visitors , and tho
proceedings Avere of a most agreeable and interesting character . Pressure ou our space prevents us giving a further account this week , but full report shall appear in our next .
Our readers have , doubtless , noticed , ou the list of candidates at tho forthcoming election to the Boys' School , the name and particulars of the candidature of one Richard HoAvcll Nicholls , the son of the late Bro . Richard Nicholls , hay and corn merchant , of Grays , Essex , who died on
25 th May last year , leaving behind him a AVICIOAV and six children . We havo been favoured Avith a copy of the circular letter bringing the case under the notice of brethren , and though it is very far from being our duty to make any appeal in respect of a particular candidate , there is no
objection to our stating the circumstances Avhcre they are moro than usually distressing . The late Bro . Nicholls had been an active member of the Craft from the date of his
initiation in the Vitruvian Lodge No . 87 , on 14 th February I 8 G 0 , to the clay of his death . lie Avas one of tho founders of the St . John ' s Lodge , Grays , No . 1343 , aud was its W . Master in 1874 . Ho had endeared himself to all the
brethren by ins uniform courtesy aud kindness , and his memory is held in the greatest respect by all who knew him . His d ' .-afh was exceptionally sudden . IIu was attacked
with inhnmination ot the lungs , and in a few ciays passed away , leaving a widow and six children unprovided for . The boy Richard Howell Nicholls is now a candidate for the ¦ Jii'st time . His case is influentially supported by local , Provincial , and other brethren , and Avherc brethren have
Our Weekly Budget.
any votes not already promised AVO feci sure they will bo doing a kind service to the AvidoAV and orphan son of a worthy and respected brother by placing them at her disposal . Bro . Alfred Sturgeon W . M . St . John ' s 1343 Grays HallEssex ; Bro . Rea Corbet . S . W . St . John ' s
, , 1343 , Orsett , Essex ; Bro . James Godwin J . W . St . John ' s 1343 , Halfmoon-passago , Gracechurch-street , E . C . ; and Bro . Edwin Sturgeon Treasurer , St . John ' s , Grays , Essex , will thankfully receive and acknoAvlcdge all proxies sent .
On tho 5 th inst ., Bro . Murlis P . M . 1042 Avas appointed by tho magistrates ono of the overseers of the parish of Kensington . At tho election for guardians of the samo parish , Avhich took place on Thursday last , Bro . Murlis Avas again elected ; ho polled on this occasion close on 0 , 000 votes .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
IT is Avith feelings of deep regret that AVO announce to onr readers the death of the able and AVOII knoAvn Preceptor Bro . Thomas Austin , a Past Master of tho Doric Lodge No . 933 , and M . E . Z . of the Doric Chapter . The sad event occurred on Monday , and tho funeral of the deceased Avill take place this day at the ToAvcr Hamlets
Cemetery , BoAV-road , at the hour of noon precisely , when there will , no doubt , bo gathered together a considerable number of his Masonic friends and admirers , all anxious to testify by their presence to the respect and affection with , which our deceased brother Avas regarded . The lato
Bro . Austin Avas initiated in the Crystal Palace Lodge No . 742 , in October 18 G 5 . He joined the Doric in January 18 G 7 , and Avas elected to fill the chair of' Master in 1873 . Ho AA * as likcAvise , as AVO havo stated above , M . E . Z . of tho Doric Chapter . But his chief claims to the
regard of Craftsmen rested on his tried ability as a Preceptor , and his labours in tho Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , and elsoAvhcrc , will long be remembered to his honour . Our readers cannot , of course , have forgotten the occasion on Avhich , not quite tAY * o years since ,
Bro . Austin Avas presented Avith a gold Avatch and chain and A'cllum testimonial in token of the esteem and appreciation in Avhich , both by reason of his private qualities aud Masonic services , ho Avas held . On that occasion ho Avas associated Avith his friend and co-Avorkor , Bro . T . J .
Barnes , to whom hkcAviso a testimonial Avas presented . It Avas on tho 10 th May 1870 that tho interesting ceremony of presentation took place , and there Avero present representatives from no less than thirty-three Lodges . Such an episode as this in the career of any Craftsman is the best
testimony to his Avorth that could be offered . To the relatives Avho are now mourning his loss , to his brethren AVIIO Avill no longer enjoy the benefit of his instruction , and to his numerous circle of friends and acquaintances Ave offer our sincere and respectful sympathy .
It is also our melancholy duty to record the death , which occurred on Tuesday last , of Mrs . Reed , Avifc of Bro . Nelson Reed , W . M . of the Mizpah Lodgo . We tender Bro . Reed our sincere condolence .
Ihe interment of the late Bro . Bubb , P . M . and Treasurer of the St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 , the Avell-knoAvn librarian of New Bond Street , took place at Finchlcy Cemetery , on Monday last , in presence of a number of friends and members of the Craft . Amongst the latter Ave
noticed Bros , btoncr P . M ., Cameron P . M ., W . C . Parsons P . M ., Pillin W . M ., Farwig S . W ., Lakin , Field , Beer , Orger , Umvin , Rossitcr , Harrow , Levitt , and Shelley , of Lodge 180 . The Londesborough Lodge , of which Bro . Bubb was the J . W ., Avas represented by Bros . Barfield Treasurer ,
iloneyball D . C , Wethcrill W . S ., Dawson , Elwin , Nelson , and Will iams . Bro . Bnbb was also W . M . of the St . John ' s , at Maidenhead , and this Lodgo Avas represented by Bro . Hodges Sec . P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks , and Bro . Deacon .
Dro . Bubb Avill bo greatly missed in the circle in which ho moved ; both in Lodge and at the festive beard there was not a better Mason or more genial companion . We trust that his memory may remain green Avith us for many a year to come .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
would havo been taken , though there must still remain the possibility of a rupture between her and our Government , if she insists on tho principal terms of the treaty of San Stefauo being retained . On the other hand , it is argued that tho Russian Chancellor makes no sign of his desire to
abate tho terms . Ho argues in their favour , and justifies some of the most important . He in particular regards the cession of Armenia as a necessary consequence of tho Avar , and holds that Russia , in spite of the Czar ' s _ declaration made before the Avar had begun , is acting within her right
in taking this territory in order to secure her interests for tho future . After combating to tho best of his ability the objections raised by tho Foreign Secretary , tho Prince closes his case by calling upon Lord Salisbury to declare his
vieAvs of the arrangements that should bo made to _ settle tho Eastern Question . One matter in connection Avith the terms has brought upon Russia a rare storm of abuse from all quarters , and that is tho brutal determination evinced by the Chancellor to havo Moldavian Bessarabia , Avhether
Roumania Avill consent or not , and by force if necessary . This condnct towards au ally which hist summer did much valuable service for the Czar ' s army has opened the eyes of the whole Avorld as to tho fate in store for Bulgaria if its
policy should over clash Avith the AVIII of his Russian Majesty , and has done moro than anything else to rouse Europe to a determined resistance to the imperious will of the Russian Emperor .
MeaiiAvhilc AVO hear of a A * ast amount of intrigue at Constantinople . The poor unfortunate Sultan must havo a hard time of it , betAveen the Grand Duko Nicholas , Avho is urging him to an alliance Avith Russia , and Mr . Layard , Avho is moving heaven and earth to maintain British influence in tho ascendant . The Turks have refused to alloAV thoir late
enemy to embark his troops at Buyukdcro , and havo arrayed a very respectable force in tho rear of the forts of the Bosphorus . They are doing their best likoYvisc to put doAvn tho insurrection in Thessaly and havo gained ono or more successes in that province . Unfortunately , there seems
lo bo a great deal of cruelty practised , and a Mr . Ogle , a correspondent of tho Times , has been brutally murdered , or as another account gives it , AVUS killed in tho light at Makrinit' / a , and afterwards decapitated . Tho other news from tho East is equally unsatisfactory , and we do not see
that tho gloom Avhich has prevailed so long is lessened . There is great enthusiasm in Hungary for England , and a great desire is manifested for an alliance between the two countries . In such case , probably , Russia Avould hesitate about holding out against our demands . Lot us hope it may be so .
The Installation Meeting of the Polish National Lodge Avas held on Thursday evening . Bro . J . F . Ebnor Avas installed Master for tho year by Bro . P . M . Moore . There Avas a larcrc attendance of members and Visitors , and tho
proceedings Avere of a most agreeable and interesting character . Pressure ou our space prevents us giving a further account this week , but full report shall appear in our next .
Our readers have , doubtless , noticed , ou the list of candidates at tho forthcoming election to the Boys' School , the name and particulars of the candidature of one Richard HoAvcll Nicholls , the son of the late Bro . Richard Nicholls , hay and corn merchant , of Grays , Essex , who died on
25 th May last year , leaving behind him a AVICIOAV and six children . We havo been favoured Avith a copy of the circular letter bringing the case under the notice of brethren , and though it is very far from being our duty to make any appeal in respect of a particular candidate , there is no
objection to our stating the circumstances Avhcre they are moro than usually distressing . The late Bro . Nicholls had been an active member of the Craft from the date of his
initiation in the Vitruvian Lodge No . 87 , on 14 th February I 8 G 0 , to the clay of his death . lie Avas one of tho founders of the St . John ' s Lodge , Grays , No . 1343 , aud was its W . Master in 1874 . Ho had endeared himself to all the
brethren by ins uniform courtesy aud kindness , and his memory is held in the greatest respect by all who knew him . His d ' .-afh was exceptionally sudden . IIu was attacked
with inhnmination ot the lungs , and in a few ciays passed away , leaving a widow and six children unprovided for . The boy Richard Howell Nicholls is now a candidate for the ¦ Jii'st time . His case is influentially supported by local , Provincial , and other brethren , and Avherc brethren have
Our Weekly Budget.
any votes not already promised AVO feci sure they will bo doing a kind service to the AvidoAV and orphan son of a worthy and respected brother by placing them at her disposal . Bro . Alfred Sturgeon W . M . St . John ' s 1343 Grays HallEssex ; Bro . Rea Corbet . S . W . St . John ' s
, , 1343 , Orsett , Essex ; Bro . James Godwin J . W . St . John ' s 1343 , Halfmoon-passago , Gracechurch-street , E . C . ; and Bro . Edwin Sturgeon Treasurer , St . John ' s , Grays , Essex , will thankfully receive and acknoAvlcdge all proxies sent .
On tho 5 th inst ., Bro . Murlis P . M . 1042 Avas appointed by tho magistrates ono of the overseers of the parish of Kensington . At tho election for guardians of the samo parish , Avhich took place on Thursday last , Bro . Murlis Avas again elected ; ho polled on this occasion close on 0 , 000 votes .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
IT is Avith feelings of deep regret that AVO announce to onr readers the death of the able and AVOII knoAvn Preceptor Bro . Thomas Austin , a Past Master of tho Doric Lodge No . 933 , and M . E . Z . of the Doric Chapter . The sad event occurred on Monday , and tho funeral of the deceased Avill take place this day at the ToAvcr Hamlets
Cemetery , BoAV-road , at the hour of noon precisely , when there will , no doubt , bo gathered together a considerable number of his Masonic friends and admirers , all anxious to testify by their presence to the respect and affection with , which our deceased brother Avas regarded . The lato
Bro . Austin Avas initiated in the Crystal Palace Lodge No . 742 , in October 18 G 5 . He joined the Doric in January 18 G 7 , and Avas elected to fill the chair of' Master in 1873 . Ho AA * as likcAvise , as AVO havo stated above , M . E . Z . of tho Doric Chapter . But his chief claims to the
regard of Craftsmen rested on his tried ability as a Preceptor , and his labours in tho Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , No . 27 , and elsoAvhcrc , will long be remembered to his honour . Our readers cannot , of course , have forgotten the occasion on Avhich , not quite tAY * o years since ,
Bro . Austin Avas presented Avith a gold Avatch and chain and A'cllum testimonial in token of the esteem and appreciation in Avhich , both by reason of his private qualities aud Masonic services , ho Avas held . On that occasion ho Avas associated Avith his friend and co-Avorkor , Bro . T . J .
Barnes , to whom hkcAviso a testimonial Avas presented . It Avas on tho 10 th May 1870 that tho interesting ceremony of presentation took place , and there Avero present representatives from no less than thirty-three Lodges . Such an episode as this in the career of any Craftsman is the best
testimony to his Avorth that could be offered . To the relatives Avho are now mourning his loss , to his brethren AVIIO Avill no longer enjoy the benefit of his instruction , and to his numerous circle of friends and acquaintances Ave offer our sincere and respectful sympathy .
It is also our melancholy duty to record the death , which occurred on Tuesday last , of Mrs . Reed , Avifc of Bro . Nelson Reed , W . M . of the Mizpah Lodgo . We tender Bro . Reed our sincere condolence .
Ihe interment of the late Bro . Bubb , P . M . and Treasurer of the St . James ' s Union Lodge , No . 180 , the Avell-knoAvn librarian of New Bond Street , took place at Finchlcy Cemetery , on Monday last , in presence of a number of friends and members of the Craft . Amongst the latter Ave
noticed Bros , btoncr P . M ., Cameron P . M ., W . C . Parsons P . M ., Pillin W . M ., Farwig S . W ., Lakin , Field , Beer , Orger , Umvin , Rossitcr , Harrow , Levitt , and Shelley , of Lodge 180 . The Londesborough Lodge , of which Bro . Bubb was the J . W ., Avas represented by Bros . Barfield Treasurer ,
iloneyball D . C , Wethcrill W . S ., Dawson , Elwin , Nelson , and Will iams . Bro . Bnbb was also W . M . of the St . John ' s , at Maidenhead , and this Lodgo Avas represented by Bro . Hodges Sec . P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks , and Bro . Deacon .
Dro . Bubb Avill bo greatly missed in the circle in which ho moved ; both in Lodge and at the festive beard there was not a better Mason or more genial companion . We trust that his memory may remain green Avith us for many a year to come .