Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction , No . 55— On Tuesday , the i ) th of April , at the Bedford Hotel , Southamptonbuildings . Present—Bros . Bramham W . M ., J . Sopor S . W ., Dwarbcr J . W ., Dickins Sec ., Cleimell S . D ., Abell J . D ., Hallam I . G . ; Past Master Bro . Bingemann Preceptor . Visitors— Bros . Tate , Brown , J . II . Dodson , J . 13 . Dodson , Cornu , Sanders , H . C . Sopor , and
several others . Lodge opened iu tine form , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Baker , a candidate for passing , proved his efficiency , and was passed . Tho first , second , third , and fourth sections wero worked by Bro . J . S . Brown . Bro . J . Sopor was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes to Bro . Bramham for his able working .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met on Wednesday , tho 10 th inst ., at the Hallway Tavern , London-street , E . C . There wero present Bros . Stalcy AV . M ., Bone S . W ., W . Lipscombo J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M ., J . Constable Treas ., J . K . Pitt Sec , James S . D ., Biddle J . D ., Tollis I . G . 3 also Bros . Bush , Walker , Sayer , Holloway , & c . The ceremony of the second degree , and three of tho
sections were rehearsed . Bro . Stnley ' s efforts in the Master ' s chair wero characterised by want of deliberation , arising from insufficient practice . His own intelligence and good sense will , no doubt , make it clear to him that before his work can become effective , it will havo to be done less mechanically , and with greater attention to the
spirit of the lessons it might hereafter become his duty to convoy to aspirants for Masonic instruction . We mnst , however , commend tho evident earnestness with which Bro . Stalcy strives to obtain proficiency , and there is little doubt of his ultimate success . Bro . Bono was elected Master for next Wednesday .
Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 342 . —At the meeting of this Chapter on Wednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , St . Gcorgo ' s-squarc , Portsca , there was a numerous attendance of It . A . Masons , tho occasion being tho installation of Principals for tho ensuing year . Tho ceremony of installation was ably performed by P . Z . Main , the officers being Comps . A . Bidden Z ., G . A . Green H .,
II . Tnrncy J ., W . Payne E ., Arnold N ., Willmotfc P . S ., J . T . Craven P . Z . Treas ., Parkhouse , and C . G . Adamcs A . S ., aud Copus Janitor . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to E . Comp . Main P . Z ., for tho able and eflicient manner in which ho had performed the duty of installing the Principals ; and also a vote of thanks to P . Z . Craven , for tlie manner in which ho had carried nub tho duties of his office
during the past year . A vote of thanks was also accorded to P . Z . Ellis , AVIIO had acted as Treasurer . An excellent banquet was supplied by Comp . Sherman ( of the Hard , Portsca ) , in his usual efficient manner . Twenty-five Companions sat down , among those present being Comps .
Hiddell Z ., Green II ., Turney J ., P . Z . ' s Bed ward , CawLe , Fricdebcrg , Wilkins , Main , Craven , 0 . S . Lancaster 487 , II . Sleeman Z . 903 , G . Felton Lancaster , H . 003 , most of the Officers of __ 2 , II . J . Guy , G . F . Sherman 'lb 7 , T . Page , II . Barnes , Buck , See . The usual toasts wero given , interspersed with songs .
Northern Counties Lodge , No . 406 . —The regular meeting of flu ' s Lodge was held on tho JJrd April , at the Masonic . Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyne , Bro . T . Halliday Prov . G . P . AV . M . in tho chair . Bros . T . Armstrong AV . M . 1 ( 520 S . W ., It . L . Armstrong J . W ., J . Page See ., It . G . Salmon S . D ., G . W . Lax J . J ) ., S . M . Harris I . G ., G . Duuiford and J . S . B . Bell Stewards , G . S . Simius Tyler ;
Past Masters Bros . J . Cook P . P . S . G . W ., II . S . Hugos P . P . G . S . D ., Hev . S . H . Harris P . P . G . S . D ., and G . S . Dean ; also a very largo attendance of brethren . The Lodge being opened , aud all formalities gone through , the Lodge was advanced to tho third degree , aud one brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the Worshipful Master . The Lodge was then closed down to tho first degree , when the resolutions of Grand Lodge were read . The election of AV . M .
was then proceeded with , which proved unanimous iu favour of Bro . R . L . Armstrong J . W ., tho S . AV . being Master of another Lodge in the town . Bro . I'ysdalo P . M . was elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . S . Simms Tyler . The Lodgo being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when tho usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts met with a cordial response . The visitors were Bros . J . Cook P . M . 181 , G . S . Dean AV . M . 511 , Grist 181 , & c . The installation festival is fixed for _ 'Jth April .
East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 463 . —A large gathering of members of this , one of the oldest and most important Lodges in the province of Surrey , celebrated tho annual meeting for Installation of the W . M ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on Thursday , the 1 th inst . In tho absence of the W . M . Bro . W . Sharp , which to the great regret of the brethren win occasioned by illness .
tlie Lodge was opened , at four o ' clock , by Bro . T . P . Dickie l' . M . P . Prov . 0 . II . Amongst thoso present during the evening were tho following Past Masters , viz .: — IJros . C . If . Woodward P . P . G . J . W ., If . J . Close P . P . G . S . B .. AV . West P . P . G . It ., If . 11 . 13 . Podmoro P . P . G . Supt , Works , H . P , ico P . P . G . Supt , Works , A . C . Ebbntt P . L' . G . I ' urst ., aiul — Dosell . The Officers were Bros . John
Close r . P . O . P . C . S . W . and Master Elect . Geor „ "j Yaxley J . W ., G . Price Treas .. C . H . Woodward Sec , If . A . Pocock S . D ., J . S ., St rector J . D ., and J . Hooke I . G . Members—Bros " . Hidge , Harland , Silvenon , Price , Went , Margclson , Hall , Lamb , J . I " . Pitt , Bonner jh'gors , Burton . Gil'inghnm , Frost , W ' ntkiiiKon . Nicholls . A . Pocock , Wagner , Ainsworth , Goodwin , Witheram , W . II . Smith , Iiuddin , and
several others . \ isitors— Bro .-. ' . . fame .-: Steven : ) P . M . 720 , 121 ( 5 , 1120 , & c , E . Peacock l . ' ; 00 , (' ,. Wood bridge , JJ . XV . Sewell , W . 11 . Sheadd 720 . Barlow , Joilillb 55 !> , nnd L . A . Hart P . P . G . J . D . Kent . Tho minutes of tho preceding meeting having been confirmed , and a ballot taken in favour of Bro . H . F . Margetts 212 , as joining member , jBro . C . H . Woodward took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . John
Close . Bro . Woodward who rendered the ceremony most perfectly , elicited hearty applause from tho many Past Masters and able Masons present , aud the remarks which fell from tho newly installed W . M ., in praiso of and thanks for tho services rendered , wero unanimously endorsed by tho brethren . Tho officers appointed and invested wero Bros . Georgo Yaxley S . W ., II . A . Pocock J . W ., G . Prico P . M . Treas .,
C . II . Woodward P . M . Secretary , J . S . Strcctcr S . D ., J . Hooke J . D . Tho addresses to Master , Wardens , and Brethren wero delivered in admirable style , and tho entire ceremony gavo practical evidence of tho efficient working which characterises this Lodgo . Tho W . M . having announced his intention to servo as Steward at tho approaching Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Bovs , a vote from
tho Lodgo funds was carried in support of his list of donations . Propositions for initiation wore then taken , and there being no further business , Lodgo was closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to tho largo Assembly Boom for banquet . On tho cloth being cleared , Bro . Closo gave evidence of his ability by proposing , iu brief but effective terms , tho nsnal Loyal and Masonio toasts . To such as required no personal
response he gavo groat effect , by a departure from the ordinary stereotyped form of introduction . A careful allnsion to current outdoor events was made in each of tho toasts of " tho Queen , " " tho M . W . G . M ., " " tho Pro G . M ., " and " tho Deputy G . M ., " and " Officers of Grand Lodgo , " and tho necessity for increased loyalty to both Crown aud Craft , under present circumstances , was admirably
enforced . For "Provincial Grand Lodgo Bro . Woodward ably responded , and then proposed the health of tho W . M ., expressing tho groat pleasure he had experienced in installing that W . Brother who ho had assisted to initiate , and whoso progress in Freemasonry had boon such as to reflect credit equally upon those with whom ho had boon associated and upon himself . Ho called the attention of tho brethren
to tho fact that tho Father of tho Lodgo , and parent of tho W . M ., was that evening amongst them , naturally induced to break tho long spell of absence enforced by his great ago that ho might seo his son placed in tho proud position ho had so many years ago occupied , and to celebrate tho transactions of tho auspicious solemnity with joy and rejoicing ; ho ( Bro . Woodward ) trusted that an equally long
and happy life might bo vouchsafed to tho present W . M ., in which he might bo enabled to maintain tho great respect and Masonic regard in which both father and son wero held by tho members of the East Surrey Lodgo of Concord . Bro . Woodward ' s remarks were received with considerable enthusiasm , which increased on the W . M . 's rising to respond , which he did in brief but earnest terms of thanks , and
concluded by proposing tho health of the Past Masters , naming each in order of precedence , and calling upon his father for response . Tho venerable Father of tho Lodge at once complied with tho request , expressing his great pleasure that ho had boon spared to witness his son ' s advancement in the Craft his regret that his ago had precluded his frequent attendance , and his fears that this might bo his last
opportunity for association with tho members in Lodgo . Tho greatest attention was paid to tho veteran speaker , and if tho wishes of those present could prolong a valuable and highly respected life , there would yet be many years in store for Bro . II . J . Close . Tho P . M . jewel of the Lodge was to have been presented to tho I . P . M . Bro . Sharp , aud his absence and its cause were much regretted . Tho health of the Installing Master having been duly honoured , tho
Visitors had their share of recognition . Bro . James Stevens P . M . Tho Great City 112 ( 5 , and Bro L . A . Hart P . P . G . J . D . for Kent , wero called upon , and acknowledged on behalf of themselves and others their gratification with both labour and refreshment . Tho Officers ' and Tyler ' s toasts brought to its conclusion a most agreeable evening , which had been enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Barlow , Pudge , and others ; recitations were given by Bro . Harland .
Independence Lodge , No . 721 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting on Monday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Eastgatcstrcot , How , Chester . Present—Bros . It . C . Edwards W . M ., II . P . Swindells S . W ., Evan Jones J . W ., Geo . Halliday S . D ., II . J . Lloyd J . D ., J . Dennis P . M . Treas ., J . II . Lyon P . M . Secretary , J . Hnmphrcys Organist , T . Nabb I . G ., E . Jones Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Cunnah
Dennis and Johnson . There was a strong muster of brethren prescut , including Bros . A . J . Brcrcton , F . Thomas , It , T . Morcom , E . J . Davies , XV . Wildig , T . Coxhcad , W . M . Hichmond , J . Humphreys , T . Kirk , J . Brandrith , W . Jones , D . Williams , J . Hughes , T . M . Jones , II . Ellis , Wm . Hughes , J . Williams , E . Ladmore , M . Johnson , T . J . Mason , II . AVilliams , J . Edwards , E . Seller , Chas . Seal , E . B .
Ferguson , L . Smith , & c . \ lsitors—A , Potts P . M . 1177 , E , J . Morris 125 , S . M . Davies ( FiiKK . ir . iso . v ' s CHRONICLE ) . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , Mr . Alfred Orrett was initiated , and Bros . Brandrith and Morcom were raised to the third degree . Tlie W . M ., taking upon himself the whole of this heavy business , discharged his duties remarkabl y well . The Secretary read the
Circular forwarded oy the Grand Secretary , which contained the report of the Grand Lodge Committee and the action of Grand Lodge with regard to the Grand Orient of Franco . It was moved and seconded that the same bo entered on tho minutes . The Lodgo was closed in harmony at 7 . 10 , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , Tho W . M . on rising , in his usual happy strain , gavo the first toast , tho
Queen and tho Craft , which was duly honoured , tho brethren singing the Nafiunal ^ Aralioirvifter which the toast of tho M . W . the G . Master H . it . ir . the Prince of Wales was given , and was heartily received , the brethren singing "God bless the Prince of Wales . " In quick succession followed the toasts of Grand Lodge , and Prov . Grand Lodge , which were Inynl ' y honoured . W . Bro . Johnson then , with the consent of the W . M ., assumed tho control of the gavel , aud in
doing so said that it gavo him great pleasure to propose tho next toast . He felt sure that tho brethren would endorse what he said in reference to the attention and y . cal with which the duties oE this Lodge were carried out under their excellent and efficient W . M . Tho welfare of tho Lodge , and the efficiency of its working were the constant care of Bro , It . C . Edwards . Ho asked tho brethren to charge their glasses and drink with due honours to tho health of the Wor-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction , No . 55— On Tuesday , the i ) th of April , at the Bedford Hotel , Southamptonbuildings . Present—Bros . Bramham W . M ., J . Sopor S . W ., Dwarbcr J . W ., Dickins Sec ., Cleimell S . D ., Abell J . D ., Hallam I . G . ; Past Master Bro . Bingemann Preceptor . Visitors— Bros . Tate , Brown , J . II . Dodson , J . 13 . Dodson , Cornu , Sanders , H . C . Sopor , and
several others . Lodge opened iu tine form , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Baker , a candidate for passing , proved his efficiency , and was passed . Tho first , second , third , and fourth sections wero worked by Bro . J . S . Brown . Bro . J . Sopor was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes to Bro . Bramham for his able working .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —Met on Wednesday , tho 10 th inst ., at the Hallway Tavern , London-street , E . C . There wero present Bros . Stalcy AV . M ., Bone S . W ., W . Lipscombo J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M ., J . Constable Treas ., J . K . Pitt Sec , James S . D ., Biddle J . D ., Tollis I . G . 3 also Bros . Bush , Walker , Sayer , Holloway , & c . The ceremony of the second degree , and three of tho
sections were rehearsed . Bro . Stnley ' s efforts in the Master ' s chair wero characterised by want of deliberation , arising from insufficient practice . His own intelligence and good sense will , no doubt , make it clear to him that before his work can become effective , it will havo to be done less mechanically , and with greater attention to the
spirit of the lessons it might hereafter become his duty to convoy to aspirants for Masonic instruction . We mnst , however , commend tho evident earnestness with which Bro . Stalcy strives to obtain proficiency , and there is little doubt of his ultimate success . Bro . Bono was elected Master for next Wednesday .
Royal Sussex Chapter , No . 342 . —At the meeting of this Chapter on Wednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , St . Gcorgo ' s-squarc , Portsca , there was a numerous attendance of It . A . Masons , tho occasion being tho installation of Principals for tho ensuing year . Tho ceremony of installation was ably performed by P . Z . Main , the officers being Comps . A . Bidden Z ., G . A . Green H .,
II . Tnrncy J ., W . Payne E ., Arnold N ., Willmotfc P . S ., J . T . Craven P . Z . Treas ., Parkhouse , and C . G . Adamcs A . S ., aud Copus Janitor . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to E . Comp . Main P . Z ., for tho able and eflicient manner in which ho had performed the duty of installing the Principals ; and also a vote of thanks to P . Z . Craven , for tlie manner in which ho had carried nub tho duties of his office
during the past year . A vote of thanks was also accorded to P . Z . Ellis , AVIIO had acted as Treasurer . An excellent banquet was supplied by Comp . Sherman ( of the Hard , Portsca ) , in his usual efficient manner . Twenty-five Companions sat down , among those present being Comps .
Hiddell Z ., Green II ., Turney J ., P . Z . ' s Bed ward , CawLe , Fricdebcrg , Wilkins , Main , Craven , 0 . S . Lancaster 487 , II . Sleeman Z . 903 , G . Felton Lancaster , H . 003 , most of the Officers of __ 2 , II . J . Guy , G . F . Sherman 'lb 7 , T . Page , II . Barnes , Buck , See . The usual toasts wero given , interspersed with songs .
Northern Counties Lodge , No . 406 . —The regular meeting of flu ' s Lodge was held on tho JJrd April , at the Masonic . Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlo-on-Tyne , Bro . T . Halliday Prov . G . P . AV . M . in tho chair . Bros . T . Armstrong AV . M . 1 ( 520 S . W ., It . L . Armstrong J . W ., J . Page See ., It . G . Salmon S . D ., G . W . Lax J . J ) ., S . M . Harris I . G ., G . Duuiford and J . S . B . Bell Stewards , G . S . Simius Tyler ;
Past Masters Bros . J . Cook P . P . S . G . W ., II . S . Hugos P . P . G . S . D ., Hev . S . H . Harris P . P . G . S . D ., and G . S . Dean ; also a very largo attendance of brethren . The Lodge being opened , aud all formalities gone through , the Lodge was advanced to tho third degree , aud one brother was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the Worshipful Master . The Lodge was then closed down to tho first degree , when the resolutions of Grand Lodge were read . The election of AV . M .
was then proceeded with , which proved unanimous iu favour of Bro . R . L . Armstrong J . W ., tho S . AV . being Master of another Lodge in the town . Bro . I'ysdalo P . M . was elected Treasurer , and Bro . G . S . Simms Tyler . The Lodgo being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when tho usual Loyal aud Masonic toasts met with a cordial response . The visitors were Bros . J . Cook P . M . 181 , G . S . Dean AV . M . 511 , Grist 181 , & c . The installation festival is fixed for _ 'Jth April .
East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 463 . —A large gathering of members of this , one of the oldest and most important Lodges in the province of Surrey , celebrated tho annual meeting for Installation of the W . M ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on Thursday , the 1 th inst . In tho absence of the W . M . Bro . W . Sharp , which to the great regret of the brethren win occasioned by illness .
tlie Lodge was opened , at four o ' clock , by Bro . T . P . Dickie l' . M . P . Prov . 0 . II . Amongst thoso present during the evening were tho following Past Masters , viz .: — IJros . C . If . Woodward P . P . G . J . W ., If . J . Close P . P . G . S . B .. AV . West P . P . G . It ., If . 11 . 13 . Podmoro P . P . G . Supt , Works , H . P , ico P . P . G . Supt , Works , A . C . Ebbntt P . L' . G . I ' urst ., aiul — Dosell . The Officers were Bros . John
Close r . P . O . P . C . S . W . and Master Elect . Geor „ "j Yaxley J . W ., G . Price Treas .. C . H . Woodward Sec , If . A . Pocock S . D ., J . S ., St rector J . D ., and J . Hooke I . G . Members—Bros " . Hidge , Harland , Silvenon , Price , Went , Margclson , Hall , Lamb , J . I " . Pitt , Bonner jh'gors , Burton . Gil'inghnm , Frost , W ' ntkiiiKon . Nicholls . A . Pocock , Wagner , Ainsworth , Goodwin , Witheram , W . II . Smith , Iiuddin , and
several others . \ isitors— Bro .-. ' . . fame .-: Steven : ) P . M . 720 , 121 ( 5 , 1120 , & c , E . Peacock l . ' ; 00 , (' ,. Wood bridge , JJ . XV . Sewell , W . 11 . Sheadd 720 . Barlow , Joilillb 55 !> , nnd L . A . Hart P . P . G . J . D . Kent . Tho minutes of tho preceding meeting having been confirmed , and a ballot taken in favour of Bro . H . F . Margetts 212 , as joining member , jBro . C . H . Woodward took the chair , and proceeded to instal Bro . John
Close . Bro . Woodward who rendered the ceremony most perfectly , elicited hearty applause from tho many Past Masters and able Masons present , aud the remarks which fell from tho newly installed W . M ., in praiso of and thanks for tho services rendered , wero unanimously endorsed by tho brethren . Tho officers appointed and invested wero Bros . Georgo Yaxley S . W ., II . A . Pocock J . W ., G . Prico P . M . Treas .,
C . II . Woodward P . M . Secretary , J . S . Strcctcr S . D ., J . Hooke J . D . Tho addresses to Master , Wardens , and Brethren wero delivered in admirable style , and tho entire ceremony gavo practical evidence of tho efficient working which characterises this Lodgo . Tho W . M . having announced his intention to servo as Steward at tho approaching Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Bovs , a vote from
tho Lodgo funds was carried in support of his list of donations . Propositions for initiation wore then taken , and there being no further business , Lodgo was closed , aud tho brethren adjourned to tho largo Assembly Boom for banquet . On tho cloth being cleared , Bro . Closo gave evidence of his ability by proposing , iu brief but effective terms , tho nsnal Loyal and Masonio toasts . To such as required no personal
response he gavo groat effect , by a departure from the ordinary stereotyped form of introduction . A careful allnsion to current outdoor events was made in each of tho toasts of " tho Queen , " " tho M . W . G . M ., " " tho Pro G . M ., " and " tho Deputy G . M ., " and " Officers of Grand Lodgo , " and tho necessity for increased loyalty to both Crown aud Craft , under present circumstances , was admirably
enforced . For "Provincial Grand Lodgo Bro . Woodward ably responded , and then proposed the health of tho W . M ., expressing tho groat pleasure he had experienced in installing that W . Brother who ho had assisted to initiate , and whoso progress in Freemasonry had boon such as to reflect credit equally upon those with whom ho had boon associated and upon himself . Ho called the attention of tho brethren
to tho fact that tho Father of tho Lodgo , and parent of tho W . M ., was that evening amongst them , naturally induced to break tho long spell of absence enforced by his great ago that ho might seo his son placed in tho proud position ho had so many years ago occupied , and to celebrate tho transactions of tho auspicious solemnity with joy and rejoicing ; ho ( Bro . Woodward ) trusted that an equally long
and happy life might bo vouchsafed to tho present W . M ., in which he might bo enabled to maintain tho great respect and Masonic regard in which both father and son wero held by tho members of the East Surrey Lodgo of Concord . Bro . Woodward ' s remarks were received with considerable enthusiasm , which increased on the W . M . 's rising to respond , which he did in brief but earnest terms of thanks , and
concluded by proposing tho health of the Past Masters , naming each in order of precedence , and calling upon his father for response . Tho venerable Father of tho Lodge at once complied with tho request , expressing his great pleasure that ho had boon spared to witness his son ' s advancement in the Craft his regret that his ago had precluded his frequent attendance , and his fears that this might bo his last
opportunity for association with tho members in Lodgo . Tho greatest attention was paid to tho veteran speaker , and if tho wishes of those present could prolong a valuable and highly respected life , there would yet be many years in store for Bro . II . J . Close . Tho P . M . jewel of the Lodge was to have been presented to tho I . P . M . Bro . Sharp , aud his absence and its cause were much regretted . Tho health of the Installing Master having been duly honoured , tho
Visitors had their share of recognition . Bro . James Stevens P . M . Tho Great City 112 ( 5 , and Bro L . A . Hart P . P . G . J . D . for Kent , wero called upon , and acknowledged on behalf of themselves and others their gratification with both labour and refreshment . Tho Officers ' and Tyler ' s toasts brought to its conclusion a most agreeable evening , which had been enlivened by the admirable singing of Bros . Barlow , Pudge , and others ; recitations were given by Bro . Harland .
Independence Lodge , No . 721 . —This Lodgo held its regular meeting on Monday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Eastgatcstrcot , How , Chester . Present—Bros . It . C . Edwards W . M ., II . P . Swindells S . W ., Evan Jones J . W ., Geo . Halliday S . D ., II . J . Lloyd J . D ., J . Dennis P . M . Treas ., J . II . Lyon P . M . Secretary , J . Hnmphrcys Organist , T . Nabb I . G ., E . Jones Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . Cunnah
Dennis and Johnson . There was a strong muster of brethren prescut , including Bros . A . J . Brcrcton , F . Thomas , It , T . Morcom , E . J . Davies , XV . Wildig , T . Coxhcad , W . M . Hichmond , J . Humphreys , T . Kirk , J . Brandrith , W . Jones , D . Williams , J . Hughes , T . M . Jones , II . Ellis , Wm . Hughes , J . Williams , E . Ladmore , M . Johnson , T . J . Mason , II . AVilliams , J . Edwards , E . Seller , Chas . Seal , E . B .
Ferguson , L . Smith , & c . \ lsitors—A , Potts P . M . 1177 , E , J . Morris 125 , S . M . Davies ( FiiKK . ir . iso . v ' s CHRONICLE ) . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , Mr . Alfred Orrett was initiated , and Bros . Brandrith and Morcom were raised to the third degree . Tlie W . M ., taking upon himself the whole of this heavy business , discharged his duties remarkabl y well . The Secretary read the
Circular forwarded oy the Grand Secretary , which contained the report of the Grand Lodge Committee and the action of Grand Lodge with regard to the Grand Orient of Franco . It was moved and seconded that the same bo entered on tho minutes . The Lodgo was closed in harmony at 7 . 10 , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , Tho W . M . on rising , in his usual happy strain , gavo the first toast , tho
Queen and tho Craft , which was duly honoured , tho brethren singing the Nafiunal ^ Aralioirvifter which the toast of tho M . W . the G . Master H . it . ir . the Prince of Wales was given , and was heartily received , the brethren singing "God bless the Prince of Wales . " In quick succession followed the toasts of Grand Lodge , and Prov . Grand Lodge , which were Inynl ' y honoured . W . Bro . Johnson then , with the consent of the W . M ., assumed tho control of the gavel , aud in
doing so said that it gavo him great pleasure to propose tho next toast . He felt sure that tho brethren would endorse what he said in reference to the attention and y . cal with which the duties oE this Lodge were carried out under their excellent and efficient W . M . Tho welfare of tho Lodge , and the efficiency of its working were the constant care of Bro , It . C . Edwards . Ho asked tho brethren to charge their glasses and drink with due honours to tho health of the Wor-