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shipfnl Master . Tho toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Tho AV . M ., in tho first place , thanked the AV . Brother for the kind manner in which ho had proposed his health , and tho brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had received it . In reverting to his position as Master of tho Lodgo , ho need not tell them that ho had tho interest of tho Craft at heart , and tho unalloyed prosperity of his Lodgo as
his constant caro . He believed that the success and efficiency of the occupant of tho chair depended greatly on tho assistance given him by the I . P . M . and Past Masters , and while thanking all for the support extended him in tho past , ho trusted that tho same might bo accorded him in the future . The AV . M . then gavo tho health of tho newly initiated brother , suitably prefaced , which was followed by tho E . A .
song , and a very touching response from Bro . Orrett . AV . Bro . Cnnnah was entrusted with the toast of tho A isitors , which ho handled in a very pleasing and courteous manner , and alluded to tho real pleasure experienced by the brethren of Independence Lodge iu seeing visitors at thoir festive board . Ho allnded to the extra pleasure given him that evening in proposing this toast , as ho had near him ou his right and left
brethren ho was sure thoy all rejoiced to seo . AVith reference to the brother from Mold , ho had pleasing recollections of being tho guest of that brother ' s Lodge , and could testify to the talent their worth y visitor had displayed in his ruling and working . Then wo havo a brother who represents the Masonic Press , who has come from London to visit this Province , and to inform tho brethren as to tho position
his journal , THE FMK . U . VSON' . S CHKOXICT . E , occupies in relation to the Graft . Ho ( the speaker ) had seen tho paper , and thought it a good ono , and as such must bo of great value to all who desire to acquire a knowledge of what transpires in our Order . He was sure thoy wore all glad to seo Bro . Davies , and hoped ho would visit them again . And so did they extend a hearty greeting to all visiting brothers . He
was sure tho members would join him in a bumper to tho health of tho visiting brethren . The toast was enthusiastically received . AV . Bro . Potts responded in very appropriate terms , and was followed by Bro . Davies , on behalf of tho FREEMASON ' S CnitONichE . Bro . Johnson next gavo tho Masonic Charities . Ho pointed to our noble Institutions , as appendages to our Order that wo might
feel proud of . London was the centro of our Charities , but Cheshire had done well in making provision for thoso who might require onr help . In proposing tho Masonic Charities ho would add prosperity to tho Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , coupling with it the name of thoir energetic and indefatigable AV . Bro . Cnnnah . Tho toast was received with great warmth ,
and Bro . Cnnnah responded in a very happy strain . Ho experienced great pleasure in being able to announce to tho brethren tho great prosperity of our Masonio Charities , and especially so the Cheshire Masonio Educational Institution , in which ho took so deep an interest . It must be gratifying to the brethren of tho Lodge to know—as he had heard and felt—tho tender
thanks of those who wero so timely , and so kindly provided for through the generosity of the members of the Order . It is needless to say that Bro . Cunnah ' s remarks were listened to with great attention . The brethren must feel greatly indebted to him for tho zeal he over evinces in all matters pertaining to tho Masonic
Charities . Other toasts wero given , dnly honoured , and responded to , and after spending an evening replete with comfort and fraternal fooling , the brethren dispersed at a reasonable hour . The pleasures of tho evening wero greatly enhanced by the excellent vocal capabilities of Bros . Ellis , Knowles , and Humphreys ; tho accompaniment of Bro . Humphreys was greatly appreciated .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held on Friday , Sth April , at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present .- —Bros . AV . Goss AV . M . of 7 S 0 AV . M ., Acworth S . AV ., Gomm J . AV ., Tucker Treas ., Costelow S . D ., Gunner Hon . Sec . J . D ., Talbot I . G . Past Master Bro . Roo Preceptor . Bros . Doroy , Beckett , Parker , Blasby , Botley , & c . Lodge was dnly opened and
tho minutes of last meeting road and confirmed , after which Bro . Botley tendered himself as candidate , and tho ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the AV . M . Lodge having been opened up , tho brethren were called to refreshment . After resuming labour Bro . Parker answered tho questions loading to third degree . Bro . Botley , who had retired , was now re-admitted . A resolution was passed directing Bro . Sec . to send a circular to tho brethren of this
Lodge of Instruction , informing them that Bro . Franckel had presented a handsome and valuable oil painting to tho Lodge , to bo disposed of among the members ; proceeds to be applied to Masonic purposes , after deducting somo slight expenses ; and that such disposal take place upon 17 th May next . Tho AV . M . for next meeting was elected , Bro . Botley admitted a member of this Lodge of Instruction , and the meeting then adjourned till Friday , 12 th April .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Hold its ¦ weekl y meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Brown AV . M ., AVeigo S . AV ., WardeU J . AV ., Christian S . D ., C . Lorkin J . D ., Slaiter I . G ., Dallas Sec ., Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Finch , Allen , Polak , Cambridge , Bigg and others . The
Lodge was opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . J . Lorkin answered the questions , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and resumed its Masonic duties . Bro . Dallas worked the first , and Bro . Allen the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Weige was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 017 . —This Lodge met on Tnes . day , the _ th inst ., under the able presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . G . R . Taylor , at the Cannon-street Hotel . He was supported b y Bros . A . Lamarquo S . AV ., Keayes P . M . J . AV ., L . Stean P . M . Secretary , Ellis S . D ., S . L . Corko ; I . G ., W . Pitt D . C ; P . M . ' a Bros . A . Eowley .
Keayes , XV . Haines , Walker ; and Bros . Kearsey , AV . Rowley , Warner , Friedlander , Fuld , Taff , Iteddin . After tho observance of all formalities , ballots wero taken for tho admission of Messrs . R . Prime and M . E . Goldstein . Thoso being unanimously in their favour , tho gentlemen were duly initiated into tho Order . Tho Secretary read the letter from Grand Lodge , respecting tho Grand Orient of Franco , which
was dnly entered on the minutes . Tho resignation of two brethren was announced . Hearty good wishes wero given , and the Lodgo was closed until October . Tho brethren then sat down to a banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . E . II . Hand . Grace having boon said , tho W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . had great pleasure in proposing tho health of the AV . M . Tho
rapid progress ho had made in Freemasonry , and the excellent manner iu which ho had performed the ceremony must havo gratified all present . Ho ( Bro . Rowley ) hoped they would havo many candidates , that the AV . M ' . might show his proficiency in performing tho various ceremonies . Bro . Taylor thanked tho brethren for the enthusiastic manner thoy had received tho toast , so ably proposed by
Bro . Rowley ; his aim was to promote tho comfort of tho Lodgo ; ho hoped ho had performed tho duties of tho chair to their satisfaction . Tho AV . M . then proposed'tho toast of tho newly initiated brethren , who thoy wero proud to seo among them ; he was stiro thoy would eventually be a credit to tho Order . Bro . Prime briefly responded , aud Bro . Goldstein followed ; ho felt it a groat honour to
be admitted a member of tho Lodge . It had been his ambition for many years to bo a member of the Order ; ho saw many friends around him ; ho wonld do all that might bo required of him as a Mason . Tho AV . M . then proposed Prosperity to tho Masonic Charitics , and coupled with tho toast tho name of Bro . L . Stean P . M . and Sec , who in eloquent terms responded . Bro . Rowley was a good
contributor , and ho ( Bro . Stean ) was one who would never shut his eyes to tho cause of charity . Bro . Rowley had done his duty to tho Masonic Charities , aud if tho Lodgo went on as it had done thoy would soon bo A'ico-Presidents of all tho Charities . Tho health of tho P . M . ' s was next given . Tho AV . M . regretted the absence of many , but those who wero present were worthy of thoir regard and esteem . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . responded ; ho thanked tho brethren , not only
for supporting him in tho chair , but also for tho support thoy had given the Charities . Bro . Haines followed ; for twenty years ho had been a Mason , and sinco ho had been in this Lodgo ( now fivo years ) ho had not missed an attendance . To tho toast of the Officers , Bros . Lamarque , Ellis , AV . Rowley , S . Corko , and others responded . Tho health of the Visitors was given ; Bros . Pogson 1314 , and II . M . Levy P . M . 1 SS , returned thanks . Bros . Reddin , Pogson , Goldstein and Prime contributed some very excellent harmony .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Masonic Hall , on AVednesday , 3 rd April . Present—Bros . G . Pipes AV . M ., AV . Ileathcoto I . P . M . and P . G . D . of C , F . Ileathcoto S . AV , AV . B . Ilextall J . AV ., M . IT . Bobart P . P . S . G . AV . Treasurer , J . 0 . Manton Secretary , S . Steele S . D ., J . E . Russell J . D ., AV . L . Dodd as Org ., T . H . Hepvvorth I . G ., S . Pipes Past
P . S . G . D ., J . Smith P . M ., Lano , Parkins , Orme , Shaw , Mainprize , Atherstone , AVallis , Hart S . S . A isitors—II . Burns P . M . 731 , and AV . AVhittaker Sec . 731 . Tho ballot was taken for Mr . Georgo Arnold of Derby , who was unanimously elected . Mr . J . A . Hefford , and Mr . 11 . Baxter wore initiated into tho mysteries of tho first degree of tho science . The communication from Grand Lodge , having reference to
the elimination of tho G . A . O . T . U . from tho Constitution of tho Grand Orient of France , and giving the resolutions passed by Grand Lodgo , in connection therewith , was read . Tho Derbyshire Masonic Ilall Trustees' balance sheet was presented . Other documents , relating to tho Masonic Institution for Boys , tho Act of Parliament dealing with Secret Societies , and tho Derbyshire P . G . L . By-laws , wero laid
before the brethren ; and sundry accounts presented by tho Treasurer of this Lodgo wore passed for payment . Tho Lodgo was closed , after a final appeal for tho preservation of tho Order , and tho brethren then adjourned to tho banqueting-room where thoir number was augmented by several P . P . G . Officers and others . Tho evening was much enlivened by tho discussion of matters of local import to the Craft .
Lewis Lodge of Instruction , No . 1185 . —Hold its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 10 th of April , in tho Lodgo-room , at tho Kings Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . 30 p . m . Present—Bros . Durrant P . M . AV . M ., Geo . Newman P . M . P . Z . S . AV ., James AV . Berrio P . M . J . AV ., S . Johnson See ., AV . F . Ncnvo S . D ., T . Bailoy I . G . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed in a most ablo manner by Bro .
Durrant , assisted by Bros . Nowman and Berrio , after which Bro . Durrant was unanimously requested to preside again next Wednesday ; this he kindly promised to do . Tho work will bo tho rehearsal of tho third degree , and tho Lodgo will open punctually at 7 . 30 . Much regret was expressed by the brethren at the unavoidable absence of Bro . Turner P . M ., tho Preceptor , to whoso unwearying assiduity so mnch of the present success of tho Lodgo is attributable .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , the King and Queen , Norton Folgato , on Friday , tho 5 th April . Bro . Townsend AV . M ., Lano S . AV ., AVallington J . AV ., Fenner Preceptor , Crouch J . D . ; also Bros . Quincey , Moss , Stroud , Bolton , & c . Lodge opened , minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ; tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed b y tho AV . M . in a very excellent
manner , Bro . Moss as candidate . Bro . Crouch worked the first , Bro . AVallington tho second , aud Bro . A . AV . Fenner the third sections of tho Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Quincey , of the Perfect Ashlar Lodgo , No . 1178 , and Bro . D . Moss , of the Star Lodgo , " No . 1275 , were duly elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Lane was chosen W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge wag cloaed and adjourned until Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 8 p . m ,
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shipfnl Master . Tho toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Tho AV . M ., in tho first place , thanked the AV . Brother for the kind manner in which ho had proposed his health , and tho brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had received it . In reverting to his position as Master of tho Lodgo , ho need not tell them that ho had tho interest of tho Craft at heart , and tho unalloyed prosperity of his Lodgo as
his constant caro . He believed that the success and efficiency of the occupant of tho chair depended greatly on tho assistance given him by the I . P . M . and Past Masters , and while thanking all for the support extended him in tho past , ho trusted that tho same might bo accorded him in the future . The AV . M . then gavo tho health of tho newly initiated brother , suitably prefaced , which was followed by tho E . A .
song , and a very touching response from Bro . Orrett . AV . Bro . Cnnnah was entrusted with the toast of tho A isitors , which ho handled in a very pleasing and courteous manner , and alluded to tho real pleasure experienced by the brethren of Independence Lodge iu seeing visitors at thoir festive board . Ho allnded to the extra pleasure given him that evening in proposing this toast , as ho had near him ou his right and left
brethren ho was sure thoy all rejoiced to seo . AVith reference to the brother from Mold , ho had pleasing recollections of being tho guest of that brother ' s Lodge , and could testify to the talent their worth y visitor had displayed in his ruling and working . Then wo havo a brother who represents the Masonic Press , who has come from London to visit this Province , and to inform tho brethren as to tho position
his journal , THE FMK . U . VSON' . S CHKOXICT . E , occupies in relation to the Graft . Ho ( the speaker ) had seen tho paper , and thought it a good ono , and as such must bo of great value to all who desire to acquire a knowledge of what transpires in our Order . He was sure thoy wore all glad to seo Bro . Davies , and hoped ho would visit them again . And so did they extend a hearty greeting to all visiting brothers . He
was sure tho members would join him in a bumper to tho health of tho visiting brethren . The toast was enthusiastically received . AV . Bro . Potts responded in very appropriate terms , and was followed by Bro . Davies , on behalf of tho FREEMASON ' S CnitONichE . Bro . Johnson next gavo tho Masonic Charities . Ho pointed to our noble Institutions , as appendages to our Order that wo might
feel proud of . London was the centro of our Charities , but Cheshire had done well in making provision for thoso who might require onr help . In proposing tho Masonic Charities ho would add prosperity to tho Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , coupling with it the name of thoir energetic and indefatigable AV . Bro . Cnnnah . Tho toast was received with great warmth ,
and Bro . Cnnnah responded in a very happy strain . Ho experienced great pleasure in being able to announce to tho brethren tho great prosperity of our Masonio Charities , and especially so the Cheshire Masonio Educational Institution , in which ho took so deep an interest . It must be gratifying to the brethren of tho Lodge to know—as he had heard and felt—tho tender
thanks of those who wero so timely , and so kindly provided for through the generosity of the members of the Order . It is needless to say that Bro . Cunnah ' s remarks were listened to with great attention . The brethren must feel greatly indebted to him for tho zeal he over evinces in all matters pertaining to tho Masonic
Charities . Other toasts wero given , dnly honoured , and responded to , and after spending an evening replete with comfort and fraternal fooling , the brethren dispersed at a reasonable hour . The pleasures of tho evening wero greatly enhanced by the excellent vocal capabilities of Bros . Ellis , Knowles , and Humphreys ; tho accompaniment of Bro . Humphreys was greatly appreciated .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held on Friday , Sth April , at tho Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present .- —Bros . AV . Goss AV . M . of 7 S 0 AV . M ., Acworth S . AV ., Gomm J . AV ., Tucker Treas ., Costelow S . D ., Gunner Hon . Sec . J . D ., Talbot I . G . Past Master Bro . Roo Preceptor . Bros . Doroy , Beckett , Parker , Blasby , Botley , & c . Lodge was dnly opened and
tho minutes of last meeting road and confirmed , after which Bro . Botley tendered himself as candidate , and tho ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the AV . M . Lodge having been opened up , tho brethren were called to refreshment . After resuming labour Bro . Parker answered tho questions loading to third degree . Bro . Botley , who had retired , was now re-admitted . A resolution was passed directing Bro . Sec . to send a circular to tho brethren of this
Lodge of Instruction , informing them that Bro . Franckel had presented a handsome and valuable oil painting to tho Lodge , to bo disposed of among the members ; proceeds to be applied to Masonic purposes , after deducting somo slight expenses ; and that such disposal take place upon 17 th May next . Tho AV . M . for next meeting was elected , Bro . Botley admitted a member of this Lodge of Instruction , and the meeting then adjourned till Friday , 12 th April .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Hold its ¦ weekl y meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Brown AV . M ., AVeigo S . AV ., WardeU J . AV ., Christian S . D ., C . Lorkin J . D ., Slaiter I . G ., Dallas Sec ., Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Finch , Allen , Polak , Cambridge , Bigg and others . The
Lodge was opened , and minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . Bro . J . Lorkin answered the questions , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and resumed its Masonic duties . Bro . Dallas worked the first , and Bro . Allen the second and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Weige was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week .
Cosmopolitan Lodge , No . 017 . —This Lodge met on Tnes . day , the _ th inst ., under the able presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . G . R . Taylor , at the Cannon-street Hotel . He was supported b y Bros . A . Lamarquo S . AV ., Keayes P . M . J . AV ., L . Stean P . M . Secretary , Ellis S . D ., S . L . Corko ; I . G ., W . Pitt D . C ; P . M . ' a Bros . A . Eowley .
Keayes , XV . Haines , Walker ; and Bros . Kearsey , AV . Rowley , Warner , Friedlander , Fuld , Taff , Iteddin . After tho observance of all formalities , ballots wero taken for tho admission of Messrs . R . Prime and M . E . Goldstein . Thoso being unanimously in their favour , tho gentlemen were duly initiated into tho Order . Tho Secretary read the letter from Grand Lodge , respecting tho Grand Orient of Franco , which
was dnly entered on the minutes . Tho resignation of two brethren was announced . Hearty good wishes wero given , and the Lodgo was closed until October . Tho brethren then sat down to a banquet and dessert , provided by Bro . E . II . Hand . Grace having boon said , tho W . M . proposed tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . had great pleasure in proposing tho health of the AV . M . Tho
rapid progress ho had made in Freemasonry , and the excellent manner iu which ho had performed the ceremony must havo gratified all present . Ho ( Bro . Rowley ) hoped they would havo many candidates , that the AV . M ' . might show his proficiency in performing tho various ceremonies . Bro . Taylor thanked tho brethren for the enthusiastic manner thoy had received tho toast , so ably proposed by
Bro . Rowley ; his aim was to promote tho comfort of tho Lodgo ; ho hoped ho had performed tho duties of tho chair to their satisfaction . Tho AV . M . then proposed'tho toast of tho newly initiated brethren , who thoy wero proud to seo among them ; he was stiro thoy would eventually be a credit to tho Order . Bro . Prime briefly responded , aud Bro . Goldstein followed ; ho felt it a groat honour to
be admitted a member of tho Lodge . It had been his ambition for many years to bo a member of the Order ; ho saw many friends around him ; ho wonld do all that might bo required of him as a Mason . Tho AV . M . then proposed Prosperity to tho Masonic Charitics , and coupled with tho toast tho name of Bro . L . Stean P . M . and Sec , who in eloquent terms responded . Bro . Rowley was a good
contributor , and ho ( Bro . Stean ) was one who would never shut his eyes to tho cause of charity . Bro . Rowley had done his duty to tho Masonic Charities , aud if tho Lodgo went on as it had done thoy would soon bo A'ico-Presidents of all tho Charities . Tho health of tho P . M . ' s was next given . Tho AV . M . regretted the absence of many , but those who wero present were worthy of thoir regard and esteem . Bro . A . Rowley I . P . M . responded ; ho thanked tho brethren , not only
for supporting him in tho chair , but also for tho support thoy had given the Charities . Bro . Haines followed ; for twenty years ho had been a Mason , and sinco ho had been in this Lodgo ( now fivo years ) ho had not missed an attendance . To tho toast of the Officers , Bros . Lamarque , Ellis , AV . Rowley , S . Corko , and others responded . Tho health of the Visitors was given ; Bros . Pogson 1314 , and II . M . Levy P . M . 1 SS , returned thanks . Bros . Reddin , Pogson , Goldstein and Prime contributed some very excellent harmony .
Hartington Lodge , No . 1085 , Derby . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Masonic Hall , on AVednesday , 3 rd April . Present—Bros . G . Pipes AV . M ., AV . Ileathcoto I . P . M . and P . G . D . of C , F . Ileathcoto S . AV , AV . B . Ilextall J . AV ., M . IT . Bobart P . P . S . G . AV . Treasurer , J . 0 . Manton Secretary , S . Steele S . D ., J . E . Russell J . D ., AV . L . Dodd as Org ., T . H . Hepvvorth I . G ., S . Pipes Past
P . S . G . D ., J . Smith P . M ., Lano , Parkins , Orme , Shaw , Mainprize , Atherstone , AVallis , Hart S . S . A isitors—II . Burns P . M . 731 , and AV . AVhittaker Sec . 731 . Tho ballot was taken for Mr . Georgo Arnold of Derby , who was unanimously elected . Mr . J . A . Hefford , and Mr . 11 . Baxter wore initiated into tho mysteries of tho first degree of tho science . The communication from Grand Lodge , having reference to
the elimination of tho G . A . O . T . U . from tho Constitution of tho Grand Orient of France , and giving the resolutions passed by Grand Lodgo , in connection therewith , was read . Tho Derbyshire Masonic Ilall Trustees' balance sheet was presented . Other documents , relating to tho Masonic Institution for Boys , tho Act of Parliament dealing with Secret Societies , and tho Derbyshire P . G . L . By-laws , wero laid
before the brethren ; and sundry accounts presented by tho Treasurer of this Lodgo wore passed for payment . Tho Lodgo was closed , after a final appeal for tho preservation of tho Order , and tho brethren then adjourned to tho banqueting-room where thoir number was augmented by several P . P . G . Officers and others . Tho evening was much enlivened by tho discussion of matters of local import to the Craft .
Lewis Lodge of Instruction , No . 1185 . —Hold its weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 10 th of April , in tho Lodgo-room , at tho Kings Arms Hotel , Wood Green , at 7 . 30 p . m . Present—Bros . Durrant P . M . AV . M ., Geo . Newman P . M . P . Z . S . AV ., James AV . Berrio P . M . J . AV ., S . Johnson See ., AV . F . Ncnvo S . D ., T . Bailoy I . G . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed in a most ablo manner by Bro .
Durrant , assisted by Bros . Nowman and Berrio , after which Bro . Durrant was unanimously requested to preside again next Wednesday ; this he kindly promised to do . Tho work will bo tho rehearsal of tho third degree , and tho Lodgo will open punctually at 7 . 30 . Much regret was expressed by the brethren at the unavoidable absence of Bro . Turner P . M ., tho Preceptor , to whoso unwearying assiduity so mnch of the present success of tho Lodgo is attributable .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , the King and Queen , Norton Folgato , on Friday , tho 5 th April . Bro . Townsend AV . M ., Lano S . AV ., AVallington J . AV ., Fenner Preceptor , Crouch J . D . ; also Bros . Quincey , Moss , Stroud , Bolton , & c . Lodge opened , minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed ; tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed b y tho AV . M . in a very excellent
manner , Bro . Moss as candidate . Bro . Crouch worked the first , Bro . AVallington tho second , aud Bro . A . AV . Fenner the third sections of tho Lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Quincey , of the Perfect Ashlar Lodgo , No . 1178 , and Bro . D . Moss , of the Star Lodgo , " No . 1275 , were duly elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Lane was chosen W . M . for the ensuing week , after which Lodge wag cloaed and adjourned until Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 8 p . m ,