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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To the Men and Women of England . A SPLENDliD ~ GIPT for 4 / - Consisting of Six Splendid Nickel Silver Spoons , thoroughly plated . NOTICE . —Tho Nickel Spoons and Forks sold by us must not ho confounded with tho trash which have been extensively advertised by unscrupulous persons , being simply brass shanks , which can be inirchiised at 3 d per dozen , and aro very slightly coated with silver ; by merely brcatHinj ? on the same the brass is plainly visible . The various kinds of Spoons aud Forks mentioned , in tlie Coupon aro made of PIT HE NICKEL SILVER , which comes next to real silver in value , and which always maintains its silver-like appearance . In addition to this they are thoroughly plated . A TRULY MAGNIFICENT " GIFT FOR 32 / - Consisting of a full-size and complete Egyptian Tea nnd Coffee Service of elegant and chaste design . Illustrated Catalogues containing a great number of specimens , consisting of cruets , sugar basins , Imtter dishes , teapots , ( lower stands , & c , sent postfree . All marked at tho very lowest wholesale price . THE MONEY WILT , BE KETl'ltXGD IN IT Mi IP 1 'ltH ARTtClKS AUF . ? JOT Ari'UOVKU OK . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . Tho Christian World says : — " The articles aro worth very much move than the ii - ' s asked for them . Thoy are certainly of handsome shape and design iind look liko III ' AC SU . VKli . " ThO Christian Ololif ssiy . i : — " Having carefully examined . the " 2 s Egyptian Tea and Coffee Service of Alessrs . Nowell and Co ., also tho Nickel Silver Spoons anil Forks , wo can with tho utmost confidence speak of tho same in tho highest terms of praise . " Tho Weekly Times says : — " AVo have soon and handled tho goods , aad can vouch for thoir value . " Tho Christian Herald says : — " Thoy aro of chaste design , well and substantially made , and aro worth tho price asked . " Any reader of the Freemason's Chronicle can secure this Magnificent Service , or any of tho articles mentioned below , by cutting out the Coupon and forwarding the above mentioned , by P . O . O . to James Nowell and Co ., 15 Hatton Garden , on the General Post Office , London . The Tea aud Coffee Service is thoroughly plated , on tho best hard white metal , and cannot bo purchased retail ia Groat Britain for less than £ i 10 s . F . C . THIS COUPON Entitles the holder on the payment of 32 s to an elaborate and recherche TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE , Of elegant Egyptian design . Or ; on the payment of -Is , to SIX ELEGANT TEA SPOONS , Plated on REAL NICKEL SILVER . Or , on the payment of 7 s , to SIX ELEGANT DINNER FORKS , Or , on tlie payment of Is , to THREE TAtiLE SPOONS . Dessert Spoons and Forks will bo supplied at the same price as tho Dinner Forks . This coupon will not be available after the 30 th inst . All Post Office Orders should bo forwarded to MESSRS . NOWELL & CO ., 45 HATTON GARDEN , On General Post Otlieo , St . Jhu-tin's-le-Grand , London .
IRTT-FTTT-Ea - ES . BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS la allowed by upwards of MO Medical Men to bo tho j ^ -v , most etl' ectlve iaventlon In the curative treatf . V-i nicntof Hernia . Theu . sc of a steel spring , so -- % p often hurtful in its clients , ia here avoided , a V "? H . soft bandage being worn round tho body , while 5 < - '' ^ t \ tlio requisite resisting power is supplied by the 5 W ' V I MOC-MAIN PAD anil VATENTLEVEllllttlnif ty \\ 11 with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q PI \\ \ be detected , and may be worn during sleep . < ( fWa ^ jl a ) A descriptive circular may be had , and the ttr > 5 r / | j Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by , 5 post on the circumference of the body two / inches below tho loins being sent to tho inanul { facturer , 1 Mr . JOIIM WHITE , 223 PICCADILLY , LONDON , ) Price of a single Truss , Ids , 21 s , 203 Od & sis Cd . / Postage free . Price of a Double Truss ais Gd , 12 s { - and 52 sCd . Postage free . Prico of an Umbilical j ^ Truss , 42 s and . " , 2 st ! d . Postage free . PostOtlice ¦ = " Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Omce , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , VAIUC 03 E VEINS , and all cases o ! "WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , Ac . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking " - Price -Is ( id , 7 a Cd , 103 and Ws each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ' ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they net as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they are invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of tho chest . Prices for children 5 s ( id , 7 s fid and 10 s fid ; adults I 3 s Cd nnd 21 s , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAS-I-PACIMBB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO 'V iES & C 2-E . 0 ^ 7 "_ K 3 . E ^ LET ON HIRE , AVITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , " ^ mgmg BEAUTI FUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . fe «( Mjj PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , - iL jj yr- " — rT ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s Q UARTER . ' f L I "S Tlio Advantages of a Trial , Hitli tlie Couvenieiiee of the J nl // „„ ,, _»_ I J ? Threo Years' S . v « . lJ'iu nt t'ash l ' riee , by Paying about a Quarter r -g i _ J ~ » ' ' _ J - - _ .- - ^ 4 . 1 / of the value down , tlie lialauctt "» y Hasty l ' ayiueuls , from ______ i / * * *! S ~^ = Js > l »« I'nH'h'i ' . GBOYEE & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . I'STA _ iU-S-- - ' » isao . * •"¦¦ * . ¦¦ ¦ - - ' - ¦ -.- - — I I — ' ¦> - ¦¦——¦ - ¦—¦— --.-. I I ¦ ¦ -. ¦¦— ¦ I ¦ -.- — ' ¦ — ¦"" " — --. ¦¦¦¦ -- » - ¦ -. ¦ H ¦¦ 111 - ¦ - ¦¦! ¦ — .-- ¦¦¦¦ -.. '"•
FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBE RS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kiwis of PROVISIONS , which aro now Dolivercil IVoo in all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Ayleslmvy , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . JJacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . J . ' atli Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , l [ ainandToiic : uo , & c . fresh daily Choose ... American , Chedda Stilton , Ac . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . _" rc _ li dt'IIvcrles daily , at Wholesale Prices , of j ^_ l _ vC _ B _ E ^ IOA- 3 Sr IF IR , IE S _ E _ C _ B _ E _ . _ E _ . _ l _ n , Pronounced by the Press to be equal , if uofc superior , to tho BEST BEEF O . HOME GROWTHBULT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . G .
" Thoro should be a better reason for tho race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . " —INVESTOR ' S GUAI 1 DIAN . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . JJ _> Lombard-street , City , Established lWSi , receives Deposits . On Demand , . "> per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Cooks . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensure- a high rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors have never ve-discountod or re-hypothecuteu any of the securities . TO BORROWERS—It oilers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . IUCIIAED TYLER , Secretary . T OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-J 35 Lombard-street , City , Established lyiio . Incorporated und «_ the New Act , 187-.. TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and V 2 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are ottered unusual facilities for tho purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & c . New and Special Feature .- —The Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thebuildimrnt 5 per cent ,, repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying- or giving security for the first 5 years' interest . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . RICHA 1-D TYLER , Secretary .
BRO . J . GREENWALL & GO . EXCHSn AND A 5 IEKICAX 128 STEAUD , Three doors West of Waterloo " Bridge . Naval and Military Uniforms , Siding Habits and Liveries . SPECIALITIES IM 13 / TROUSERS , ALL V ^ OOL AND SHRUNK .
!^ l \ _ J _ * ' ? f -5 W ^ l Appointment ^^ M ^& S &^ ht Tlic Queen . SIMPSON k PANTLING , A ( WILLIAM SIMPSON , ) W COAL MERCHANTS , " 24 COAL DEPAETMENT , GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY , KIUG'S C _ E _ OSS . Best Wallsend - - 25 s Silkstone - - 23 s Derby - - - 21 s Kitchen - - - 19 s OKDKRS BY POST PUNTTtJAI . I . Y ATTENDED TO .
1 - - i- ¦ - ¦¦¦ - ¦ — ¦¦ - ¦ »! ¦¦¦ _ li .. i i Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any namo in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tho . Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . O L D K , OY 3 D , | Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of I Havana and Continental Cigars , 301 ' HIGH STRF / KT , STRATFORD " , LONDON , E .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bnnion Plaisters aro tho host over invented for ! giving immediate ease , and removing thoso painful . excrescences . Prico Gd and la por box . Any j Chemist not iaving them in stock can procuro ] them . : Observe tho Trado Mark—II . Y . —without which I none aro genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
TAMAR INDIE . N . SPItflAIi CAUXIOX . OWING to the marked sacccss of this motltctiio , the only patent medicine universally pre . . scribal by the faculty , and tho acknowledged euro for constip-Ation , iieiidsvche , bile , haimorrhoitla , & c . t . JAHTJ IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , are bein _ r foisted on tho public . Tlio fjenulno preparation bears tho title "Tamar Indien , " and the signature Jj . CrUfLLOX , Coleman-st ., London , E . C . Price 2- * ( id per box . In a recent CEIHO , 187 ( 1 , O . No . ail , a perpetual injunction , to ivstrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamai ' " to his lozonses waa awarded , with costs , by Vicc-Cliancellov Bacon , cm l ;) th January la 77 , and all such piracies will bo . summarily proceeded against . N . It . — . See that tho outer wrapper ( directions ) are printed in the English language , and that each box bears the Government . Id stamp .
A CO [ DENT INSURANCE COMPANY 1 \ . Limited , 7 Hank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
K < __ ^ - r ^ i ^^ s ^ s ^ s ^ s ^ aa _^«^ b _ 50 fi W . W . MORGAN , | f 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . $ $ LETTER-PRESS , t n jb < - » C- ^ opjjci- ^ btctvJ ^ Uknninbtc < b ( I PRINTER , \\ | LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | lj MANUFACTURER , jj «) BOOKBINDER , STATIONER ^ 5 ) < p DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , < * 15 ^ $ $ 3 > < P SPECIAL ATTENTION r . IVEX TO ( p o * » n cjj < ' 1 > nii <> ei ' . v Bills simi Ansvfor % K 'b I ' ai'liaiiieiiinr . r ISilN ( 9 sU I'lans ami I'ai'lienlai'H of Sale 3 ) jP l < J : nir .-ili , v PU-ndiiiss >' ( O (} d ) Sisooitii'iiiiutm I ' m' C ' oailraelors 5 j ( I , vt ]>( : cal t ' ascs or 1 ' eiitiottH ( r'i I ' a-iees t'urieiil . I !«> i > oi'l . « i , ele . It 0 ' * _^^ % - ^ i *™ ^ <» _ * t * - *¦¦¦ ^* _ " 0- > V ^ " * ** - ^ - » *?/^ L ^^ - ^ -i m ^ ^_» K *^ . -. r ^ + <_^**_^^^_ . __ . { Js $€ & 5 _ /' . w w- ? - - w -Jo . ^ ICi k , _ wi'Pw ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To the Men and Women of England . A SPLENDliD ~ GIPT for 4 / - Consisting of Six Splendid Nickel Silver Spoons , thoroughly plated . NOTICE . —Tho Nickel Spoons and Forks sold by us must not ho confounded with tho trash which have been extensively advertised by unscrupulous persons , being simply brass shanks , which can be inirchiised at 3 d per dozen , and aro very slightly coated with silver ; by merely brcatHinj ? on the same the brass is plainly visible . The various kinds of Spoons aud Forks mentioned , in tlie Coupon aro made of PIT HE NICKEL SILVER , which comes next to real silver in value , and which always maintains its silver-like appearance . In addition to this they are thoroughly plated . A TRULY MAGNIFICENT " GIFT FOR 32 / - Consisting of a full-size and complete Egyptian Tea nnd Coffee Service of elegant and chaste design . Illustrated Catalogues containing a great number of specimens , consisting of cruets , sugar basins , Imtter dishes , teapots , ( lower stands , & c , sent postfree . All marked at tho very lowest wholesale price . THE MONEY WILT , BE KETl'ltXGD IN IT Mi IP 1 'ltH ARTtClKS AUF . ? JOT Ari'UOVKU OK . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . Tho Christian World says : — " The articles aro worth very much move than the ii - ' s asked for them . Thoy are certainly of handsome shape and design iind look liko III ' AC SU . VKli . " ThO Christian Ololif ssiy . i : — " Having carefully examined . the " 2 s Egyptian Tea and Coffee Service of Alessrs . Nowell and Co ., also tho Nickel Silver Spoons anil Forks , wo can with tho utmost confidence speak of tho same in tho highest terms of praise . " Tho Weekly Times says : — " AVo have soon and handled tho goods , aad can vouch for thoir value . " Tho Christian Herald says : — " Thoy aro of chaste design , well and substantially made , and aro worth tho price asked . " Any reader of the Freemason's Chronicle can secure this Magnificent Service , or any of tho articles mentioned below , by cutting out the Coupon and forwarding the above mentioned , by P . O . O . to James Nowell and Co ., 15 Hatton Garden , on the General Post Office , London . The Tea aud Coffee Service is thoroughly plated , on tho best hard white metal , and cannot bo purchased retail ia Groat Britain for less than £ i 10 s . F . C . THIS COUPON Entitles the holder on the payment of 32 s to an elaborate and recherche TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE , Of elegant Egyptian design . Or ; on the payment of -Is , to SIX ELEGANT TEA SPOONS , Plated on REAL NICKEL SILVER . Or , on the payment of 7 s , to SIX ELEGANT DINNER FORKS , Or , on tlie payment of Is , to THREE TAtiLE SPOONS . Dessert Spoons and Forks will bo supplied at the same price as tho Dinner Forks . This coupon will not be available after the 30 th inst . All Post Office Orders should bo forwarded to MESSRS . NOWELL & CO ., 45 HATTON GARDEN , On General Post Otlieo , St . Jhu-tin's-le-Grand , London .
IRTT-FTTT-Ea - ES . BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE ' S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS la allowed by upwards of MO Medical Men to bo tho j ^ -v , most etl' ectlve iaventlon In the curative treatf . V-i nicntof Hernia . Theu . sc of a steel spring , so -- % p often hurtful in its clients , ia here avoided , a V "? H . soft bandage being worn round tho body , while 5 < - '' ^ t \ tlio requisite resisting power is supplied by the 5 W ' V I MOC-MAIN PAD anil VATENTLEVEllllttlnif ty \\ 11 with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q PI \\ \ be detected , and may be worn during sleep . < ( fWa ^ jl a ) A descriptive circular may be had , and the ttr > 5 r / | j Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by , 5 post on the circumference of the body two / inches below tho loins being sent to tho inanul { facturer , 1 Mr . JOIIM WHITE , 223 PICCADILLY , LONDON , ) Price of a single Truss , Ids , 21 s , 203 Od & sis Cd . / Postage free . Price of a Double Truss ais Gd , 12 s { - and 52 sCd . Postage free . Prico of an Umbilical j ^ Truss , 42 s and . " , 2 st ! d . Postage free . PostOtlice ¦ = " Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Omce , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , VAIUC 03 E VEINS , and all cases o ! "WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , Ac . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking " - Price -Is ( id , 7 a Cd , 103 and Ws each , post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both ' ^ sexes . ) For Gentlemen they net as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they are invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of tho chest . Prices for children 5 s ( id , 7 s fid and 10 s fid ; adults I 3 s Cd nnd 21 s , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAS-I-PACIMBB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO 'V iES & C 2-E . 0 ^ 7 "_ K 3 . E ^ LET ON HIRE , AVITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , " ^ mgmg BEAUTI FUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . fe «( Mjj PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , - iL jj yr- " — rT ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s Q UARTER . ' f L I "S Tlio Advantages of a Trial , Hitli tlie Couvenieiiee of the J nl // „„ ,, _»_ I J ? Threo Years' S . v « . lJ'iu nt t'ash l ' riee , by Paying about a Quarter r -g i _ J ~ » ' ' _ J - - _ .- - ^ 4 . 1 / of the value down , tlie lialauctt "» y Hasty l ' ayiueuls , from ______ i / * * *! S ~^ = Js > l »« I'nH'h'i ' . GBOYEE & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . I'STA _ iU-S-- - ' » isao . * •"¦¦ * . ¦¦ ¦ - - ' - ¦ -.- - — I I — ' ¦> - ¦¦——¦ - ¦—¦— --.-. I I ¦ ¦ -. ¦¦— ¦ I ¦ -.- — ' ¦ — ¦"" " — --. ¦¦¦¦ -- » - ¦ -. ¦ H ¦¦ 111 - ¦ - ¦¦! ¦ — .-- ¦¦¦¦ -.. '"•
FIRST-GLASS PROVISIONS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . MEMBE RS OF THE CRAFT supplied with tho very finest qualities of all kiwis of PROVISIONS , which aro now Dolivercil IVoo in all tho Suburban Districts Butters ... Ayleslmvy , Dorset , Cork , & c . Eggs ... Now Laid Country . JJacon ... Finest Mild Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . J . ' atli Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Cheshire , l [ ainandToiic : uo , & c . fresh daily Choose ... American , Chedda Stilton , Ac . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . _" rc _ li dt'IIvcrles daily , at Wholesale Prices , of j ^_ l _ vC _ B _ E ^ IOA- 3 Sr IF IR , IE S _ E _ C _ B _ E _ . _ E _ . _ l _ n , Pronounced by the Press to be equal , if uofc superior , to tho BEST BEEF O . HOME GROWTHBULT & CO ., 105 UPPER THAMES STREET , E . G .
" Thoro should be a better reason for tho race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . " —INVESTOR ' S GUAI 1 DIAN . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . JJ _> Lombard-street , City , Established lWSi , receives Deposits . On Demand , . "> per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Cooks . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensure- a high rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors have never ve-discountod or re-hypothecuteu any of the securities . TO BORROWERS—It oilers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . IUCIIAED TYLER , Secretary . T OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-J 35 Lombard-street , City , Established lyiio . Incorporated und «_ the New Act , 187-.. TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and V 2 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are ottered unusual facilities for tho purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & c . New and Special Feature .- —The Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thebuildimrnt 5 per cent ,, repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying- or giving security for the first 5 years' interest . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . RICHA 1-D TYLER , Secretary .
BRO . J . GREENWALL & GO . EXCHSn AND A 5 IEKICAX 128 STEAUD , Three doors West of Waterloo " Bridge . Naval and Military Uniforms , Siding Habits and Liveries . SPECIALITIES IM 13 / TROUSERS , ALL V ^ OOL AND SHRUNK .
!^ l \ _ J _ * ' ? f -5 W ^ l Appointment ^^ M ^& S &^ ht Tlic Queen . SIMPSON k PANTLING , A ( WILLIAM SIMPSON , ) W COAL MERCHANTS , " 24 COAL DEPAETMENT , GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY , KIUG'S C _ E _ OSS . Best Wallsend - - 25 s Silkstone - - 23 s Derby - - - 21 s Kitchen - - - 19 s OKDKRS BY POST PUNTTtJAI . I . Y ATTENDED TO .
1 - - i- ¦ - ¦¦¦ - ¦ — ¦¦ - ¦ »! ¦¦¦ _ li .. i i Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any namo in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tho . Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . A . O L D K , OY 3 D , | Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of I Havana and Continental Cigars , 301 ' HIGH STRF / KT , STRATFORD " , LONDON , E .
YOUNG ' S Arnicated Corn and Bnnion Plaisters aro tho host over invented for ! giving immediate ease , and removing thoso painful . excrescences . Prico Gd and la por box . Any j Chemist not iaving them in stock can procuro ] them . : Observe tho Trado Mark—II . Y . —without which I none aro genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
TAMAR INDIE . N . SPItflAIi CAUXIOX . OWING to the marked sacccss of this motltctiio , the only patent medicine universally pre . . scribal by the faculty , and tho acknowledged euro for constip-Ation , iieiidsvche , bile , haimorrhoitla , & c . t . JAHTJ IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , are bein _ r foisted on tho public . Tlio fjenulno preparation bears tho title "Tamar Indien , " and the signature Jj . CrUfLLOX , Coleman-st ., London , E . C . Price 2- * ( id per box . In a recent CEIHO , 187 ( 1 , O . No . ail , a perpetual injunction , to ivstrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamai ' " to his lozonses waa awarded , with costs , by Vicc-Cliancellov Bacon , cm l ;) th January la 77 , and all such piracies will bo . summarily proceeded against . N . It . — . See that tho outer wrapper ( directions ) are printed in the English language , and that each box bears the Government . Id stamp .
A CO [ DENT INSURANCE COMPANY 1 \ . Limited , 7 Hank Buildings , Lothbnry , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
K < __ ^ - r ^ i ^^ s ^ s ^ s ^ s ^ aa _^«^ b _ 50 fi W . W . MORGAN , | f 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . $ $ LETTER-PRESS , t n jb < - » C- ^ opjjci- ^ btctvJ ^ Uknninbtc < b ( I PRINTER , \\ | LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | lj MANUFACTURER , jj «) BOOKBINDER , STATIONER ^ 5 ) < p DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , < * 15 ^ $ $ 3 > < P SPECIAL ATTENTION r . IVEX TO ( p o * » n cjj < ' 1 > nii <> ei ' . v Bills simi Ansvfor % K 'b I ' ai'liaiiieiiinr . r ISilN ( 9 sU I'lans ami I'ai'lienlai'H of Sale 3 ) jP l < J : nir .-ili , v PU-ndiiiss >' ( O (} d ) Sisooitii'iiiiutm I ' m' C ' oailraelors 5 j ( I , vt ]>( : cal t ' ascs or 1 ' eiitiottH ( r'i I ' a-iees t'urieiil . I !«> i > oi'l . « i , ele . It 0 ' * _^^ % - ^ i *™ ^ <» _ * t * - *¦¦¦ ^* _ " 0- > V ^ " * ** - ^ - » *?/^ L ^^ - ^ -i m ^ ^_» K *^ . -. r ^ + <_^**_^^^_ . __ . { Js $€ & 5 _ /' . w w- ? - - w -Jo . ^ ICi k , _ wi'Pw ,