Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
Merchant Navy Lodge , No- 781 . —The intallation mectinc otthis Lodgo was heid ou Wednesday last , at tho Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . Bro . XV . Hallett the W . M . duly opened the Lodge , with Bros . J . J . Gavin S . W ., C . Bredcu J . W ., J . Wright P . M . P . G . P Treas ., E . T . Read P . M . See ., A . Sehoorboom S . D ., B . Rawe J . D ., Jas . Everett D . C , R . F . Onld I . G ., G . Palmer Org ., W . Stecdman Tyler .
P . M . ' s C . K . Killick , J . Kinnard , T . B . Daniel , W . J . Helps , J . Armstrong , E . L . Braubridge , AV . Medland , T . Neville , J . W . Reovos , & o . Bro . James Terry Sec . It . M . B . I . acted as Installing OtHeer , and was assisted by Bro . Wright the Treasurer , who acted as Director of Ceremonies . Tho choice of tho members having fallen on Bro . C Bredcu to till tho chair for the ensuing year , that brother was
formally presented and received the benefit of installation . After the usnal ceremony he proceeded with tho investment of officers , conferring tho collars on tho following brethren : —J . Gavin S . W ., ScheerboomJ . W ., J . Wright P . M . P . G . P . Treas ., E . T . Read P . M . Sec ., B . RawcS . D ., Ould J . D ., Everett I . G ., G . Palmer Org ., J . Ivos D . C ,
J . Lax AV . S ., Steedman Tyler . No other business offering , the AVorshipful Master , after receiving tho good wishes of his numerous visitors , closed tho Lodge , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet . At its conclusion tho AV . M . briefly introduced tho toasts . After thoso of tho Queen and tho Grand Master , tho National Anthem and " God Bless tho Princo of AVales" wero
respectively sung . AVith that of the Grand Officers , tho W . M . coupled tho name of Bro . AVright P . G . P ., who in reply acknowledged tho compliment paid him . Tho Pro G . M . well and worthily filled his position in Grand Lodgo , whero ho usually had to preside in tho absence of the Grand Master . The Deputy G . M . was ono of thoso
kind , genial gentlemen , whoso main object is to please ; his aim ever had been to bo present at any meeting whero his attendance might bo of service . Bro . Hallett , the I . P . M ., next proposed the health of the AV . M ., to whom ho and tho other Past Masters , as well as tho members , tendered thoir best wishes . If the Past Masters could in
any way assist Bro . Brcden during his year of presidency , ho felt it was only necessary it shonld he mentioned , and their services would be secured . The AV . M . tendered his hearty thanks for tho way in which he had been received . His efforts would over be directed towards making tho brethren under his rule comfortable and happy . If at the end of his term he could look back with satisfaction at the
result , ho shonld bo content ; ho was sure if ho satisfied himself , he should satisfy tho members . Tho next toast , that of tho Past Masters , the AV . M . considered was ono of tho most important ho had to propose ; it was to them tho prosperous condition of the Lodgo was due , and he hoped that he shonld havo tho benefit of their " experience should any emergency arise . Before asking tho brethren to drink the
toast , he had tho pleasure to present to their I . P . M . a jewel , which had been voted by tho Lodge , and which all considered was fully deserved . Bro . Hallett acknowledged tho gift . Ho assured tho brethren that the meetings of tho Merchant Navy Lodgo were among tho most enjoyable ho ever attended ; ho should be very sorry to forego any of them . He tendered his personal thanks to tho P . M . ' s
of tho Lodge , to whom ho was greatly indebted for their assistance during his year of office . The health of the \ isitors was next given , the AV . M . assuring them that tho members of the Merchant Navy Lodge were always pleased to see them . Bro . Hilliard responded . He felt sure his fellow visitors would agree with him that a moro hearty reception was seldom accorded visiting brethren than they had
received that evening . Ho hoped tho Lodge would continue its prosperous career , aud that its present Master would have a happy aud successful year . The Secretary and Treasurer was next proposed , by tho AVorshipful Master . He was pleased to bo Master of a Lodgo which could boast snch good Officers . Ho felt sure tho duties of their respective positions would always bo properly
performed whilo they filled tho posts they now occupied . Each responded , after which tho AV . M . proposed the Masonic Charities , coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Tony , who ho personally thanked for having performed tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Torry made his acknowledgments to tho AV . M . for having so kindly referred to his services in the Lodgo , and wished both the AV . M . and
tho Lodge success . The Merchant Navy was ever to tho front in the causo of Masonic Charity , and ho had to thank the members for so handsomelys upporting tho Steward who represented them at tho recent Festival . Tho Charities had done a great deal of good in days gone by , and ho hoped , with the assistance of the Craft , that they would be able to do still moro in tho future . Tho fact
of the Craft having contributed over £ 12 , 000 last year was most creditable . He looked upou the Craft as in reality only a small body ; the number of active Lodges really being only about 1 / 100 . Taking this number , and comparing it with tho amounts contributed to the London Charities , no one could say but that tho Masons of this country acted up to tho true principles of tho Order . He had asked
in various Lodges ho had visited that the contents of tho Charity Box might on one night be devoted towards milking good tho loss which might arise through tho failure of the bankers of the Institutions ; he hoped tho W . M . of tho Merchant Navy Lodge would grant him this request ; aud when he told the brethren that a donation at tho rate of 2 s or 2 s Gd from each brother would more than
cover tho deficiency , he felt sure tho Merchant , Navy Lodge would be ready to assist them . The toast of flic Officers was acknowledged by tho Senior AVarden , after which the Tyler was Mini- j monod , and concluded the proceedings . Tho A'isitors were Bros . AV . B . Salisbury 0 , P . Miiller 73 , G . J . Hilliard P . M ., R .
Deering , and J . Keablo 171 , E . Jones P . M ., and C . Arbell 192 , AV . O . Gilland 212 , J . J . Anbiti P . M . 2 S 1 , G . Lewis 879 , R . C . Cording 8 D 8 , G . Brooke P . M . !) 02 , L . Potts 907 , C . S . Dixon 1003 , J . I Stuley 1216 , J . Ormo aud E . H . Rolfe 1259 , E . Deacon 13 ri 2 , XV . XV . : Morgan jun , 1335 , S , J , Turquand P . M . 1556 , A . C . Gibby 1658 , & c . j
Installation Meetings, &C.
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —Tho installation meeting was held ou Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s tun-lields . Bros . J . H . Southwood AV . M ., J . Sandilands AVard S . W ., Goodacre J . AV ., Foot as Sec , Dr . Jabez Hogg P . M . P . G . D . Treas ., Spalding S . D ., H . J . Dean Organist , T . C Speight Tyler . Visitorstiros . John Hervey Grand Secretary , U . G . Buss Assist . G . Secretary ,
Libbis , J . Green , Lnmble , I '' . Harrison , Walker , W . Richards , Rov . T W . Morris , If . Massey , Col . Peters , Defriez , Davis , R . B . Singer , T . Holton , James liarth , J . J . AVortwick , If . J . Turner , A . S . Waters , E . A . Rubor , Trcomeer , Nicholson , H . Itollis , S . Crawford , J . B . Green , L . ( i . Langdon , Fred . Binckes , E . Stinison , G . Singer , P . G . Longloy , I ) . Nicholson , F . Ough , L . R . Rogers , II . Mil ' ler , C Body , " Col ,
Peters , E . A . AVells , E . Collins , J . XV . Legge , II . Upstone , T . J . Maidwell , AV . AV . Morgan , & o . On tho assembling of tho brethren , Bro . Southwood opened his 'Lodge , and called on Bro . Foot , who acted as Secretary , to road the minutes of last regular meeting , also those of an emergency meeting hold on tho lith March . These wore of exceptional interest to tho Lodge , aud were very voluminous , partaking
moro of the character of a report than is usually the case ; but this , as explained by tho AV . M ., was necessitated by the unpleasant events which had transpired . In duo course , the minutes of both meetings wero confirmed . Tho ballot was then taken for tho admission , as joining member , of Bro . Charles Atkins , P . M . of tho Egyptian LodgCi This resulted in his unanimous election , and that worthy brother
took his scat as a member of tho Hervey Lodgo . Mr . Max Wnndorlich was ballotted for as a candidate for initiation ; this also proved satisfactory , and Bro . Southwood performed the ceremony of tho First Degree in his accustomed masterly way . Tho arrival of Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , who was accompanied by Bros . Col . Peters and II . G . Buss , Assistant G . Sec , was then announced ,
and tho worthy brother whoso name tho Lodge boars proceeded with the installation ceremony . It will bo iu the recollection of onr readers that at tho meeting on 13 th February Bro . Southwood was almost unanimously re-elected to fill tho chair of tho Lodgo . On tho completion of tho ceremony by Bro . Hervey , tho following Officers wero appointed for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Goodacro S . AV .,
Spalding J . AV ., Jabe * Hogg P . M . Treas ., Chas . Atkins P . M . Sec ., C AV . Robins S . D ., Foot J . D ., Latroillo I . G ., A . Rosenthal ! D . C , J . E . Cox AV . S ., Henry Evans A . AV . S ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler . Bro . Ilervey then gave tho addresses to tho AVardens and Brethren , and on resuming his seat , the thanks of the members wero tendered to him and to Bro . Buss for their kindness in officiating . After routine business , the Lodgo was closel . A capital banquet was served in tho
Crown Room , and tho good things provided wero done ample justice to . Bro . Southwood presided in his most genial fashion , and gavo the several toasts . Hor Most Gracious Majesty , throughout her reign , had endeared herself to all her subjects , whether Englishmen , Irishmen , or Scotchmen , aud Masons never assembled together without drinking to her honour , If or sous also , iu their Masonic capacity were over '' reeled with enthusiasm . No further remarks were re .
quired from him to induce them to do justice to tho toast . After tho National Anthem had been sung , tho W . M . gavo tho health of tho M . AV . iho Grand Master , and Bro . Upstone favoured tho company with " God Bless the Prince of Wales . " Tho next toast comprised tho Pro Grand Master , tho Deputy Grand Master , and tho rest of the Grand Officers past and present . Bro . Southwood remarked that tho Grand Officers did not wear
their collars without previously acquiring a vast experience . Ho then referred to the eminent qualifications of tho Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , and called on Bro . Ilervey to respond . The Grand Secretary , on rising , was received with cheers ; ho said that had Lord Skolmersdalo or Lord Carnarvon been hero this evening , tho brethren would havo had a speech worthy of tho occasion .
However , as the duty of returning thanks for thoso distinguished noblemen devolved upon him , ho wor'd endeavour to comply . If ho had rendered any service to the Lodgo ho had boon amply repaid by the cordial manner thoy had received him that evening . It had frequently boon remarked that a prophet did not get much honour iu his own country ; tho rulo did not apply to him , o . s he had
received great honour at tho hands of tho members of this Lodgo . He trusted , however , that ho might always bo received there as John Ilervey , not as Grand Secretary . He felt proud of the compliment paid him by having the Lodge named after him , and he hoped that in years to como , when tho question arose as to how tho Lodgo obtained its name , tho reply might bo made that it was from tho Grand
Secretary of 1809 , tho year the Lodge was constituted . Bro . Hervey then paid Bro . Buss a graceful compliment , he designated him as his " right hand man ; " at all times aud in all seasons Bro . Buss was a great help to him , and his countenance alone had a tendeucy to cheer and enliven . In short , Bro . Buss was one on whom ho personally , and tho brethren generally , could rely . Bro . Hervey next addressed a
few words to Bro . Dr . Hogg , who ho complimented ou being surrounded by so many friends , and on having a Master iu tho chair iu whom ho conld place tho most implicit reliance . Moreover , the Lodgo had a staff of Olficcrs capable of performing their duties , and with all these advantages he sincerely trusted tho Hervey Lodge would be looked up to as a pattern for tho Crafr , and as a
standard for Ihe emulation ot other Lodges . Bro . Ilervey concluded by thanking tho brethren for tho way thoy had received the toast . Bro , Dr . Hogg , in giving tho health of the AV . M ., eulogised Bro . Southwood for tho energy displayed under tho exceptionally trying circim stancca of tho past two mouths . Bro . Southwood acknowledged the kindness ho had received lit tho hands of tho brethren since his introduction
lo the Lodge , and thanked them for the reception they had given him . Ho then proposed the health of tho initiate , and Bro . V / tiudci-lich ( after the E . A . Song had been given ) replied . Bro . Fildew also addressed a lew words to the members . The other toasts
comprised "Tho A is iters , " icplied to by Bros . D . Nicholson , faiuger , . Maidwell , AVuters , <_ c . ; ' ¦ The Maso . dc Charities , " whose claims found an able exponent ; in Bro . Riuokos , whose appeal resulted iu securing the servics of Bro . Charies Atkins as a > r , ewanl for the Festival of the Boys' School . " The Treasurer and Seen ; .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
Merchant Navy Lodge , No- 781 . —The intallation mectinc otthis Lodgo was heid ou Wednesday last , at tho Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . Bro . XV . Hallett the W . M . duly opened the Lodge , with Bros . J . J . Gavin S . W ., C . Bredcu J . W ., J . Wright P . M . P . G . P Treas ., E . T . Read P . M . See ., A . Sehoorboom S . D ., B . Rawe J . D ., Jas . Everett D . C , R . F . Onld I . G ., G . Palmer Org ., W . Stecdman Tyler .
P . M . ' s C . K . Killick , J . Kinnard , T . B . Daniel , W . J . Helps , J . Armstrong , E . L . Braubridge , AV . Medland , T . Neville , J . W . Reovos , & o . Bro . James Terry Sec . It . M . B . I . acted as Installing OtHeer , and was assisted by Bro . Wright the Treasurer , who acted as Director of Ceremonies . Tho choice of tho members having fallen on Bro . C Bredcu to till tho chair for the ensuing year , that brother was
formally presented and received the benefit of installation . After the usnal ceremony he proceeded with tho investment of officers , conferring tho collars on tho following brethren : —J . Gavin S . W ., ScheerboomJ . W ., J . Wright P . M . P . G . P . Treas ., E . T . Read P . M . Sec ., B . RawcS . D ., Ould J . D ., Everett I . G ., G . Palmer Org ., J . Ivos D . C ,
J . Lax AV . S ., Steedman Tyler . No other business offering , the AVorshipful Master , after receiving tho good wishes of his numerous visitors , closed tho Lodge , and the brethren adjourned to tho banquet . At its conclusion tho AV . M . briefly introduced tho toasts . After thoso of tho Queen and tho Grand Master , tho National Anthem and " God Bless tho Princo of AVales" wero
respectively sung . AVith that of the Grand Officers , tho W . M . coupled tho name of Bro . AVright P . G . P ., who in reply acknowledged tho compliment paid him . Tho Pro G . M . well and worthily filled his position in Grand Lodgo , whero ho usually had to preside in tho absence of the Grand Master . The Deputy G . M . was ono of thoso
kind , genial gentlemen , whoso main object is to please ; his aim ever had been to bo present at any meeting whero his attendance might bo of service . Bro . Hallett , the I . P . M ., next proposed the health of the AV . M ., to whom ho and tho other Past Masters , as well as tho members , tendered thoir best wishes . If the Past Masters could in
any way assist Bro . Brcden during his year of presidency , ho felt it was only necessary it shonld he mentioned , and their services would be secured . The AV . M . tendered his hearty thanks for tho way in which he had been received . His efforts would over be directed towards making tho brethren under his rule comfortable and happy . If at the end of his term he could look back with satisfaction at the
result , ho shonld bo content ; ho was sure if ho satisfied himself , he should satisfy tho members . Tho next toast , that of tho Past Masters , the AV . M . considered was ono of tho most important ho had to propose ; it was to them tho prosperous condition of the Lodgo was due , and he hoped that he shonld havo tho benefit of their " experience should any emergency arise . Before asking tho brethren to drink the
toast , he had tho pleasure to present to their I . P . M . a jewel , which had been voted by tho Lodge , and which all considered was fully deserved . Bro . Hallett acknowledged tho gift . Ho assured tho brethren that the meetings of tho Merchant Navy Lodgo were among tho most enjoyable ho ever attended ; ho should be very sorry to forego any of them . He tendered his personal thanks to tho P . M . ' s
of tho Lodge , to whom ho was greatly indebted for their assistance during his year of office . The health of the \ isitors was next given , the AV . M . assuring them that tho members of the Merchant Navy Lodge were always pleased to see them . Bro . Hilliard responded . He felt sure his fellow visitors would agree with him that a moro hearty reception was seldom accorded visiting brethren than they had
received that evening . Ho hoped tho Lodge would continue its prosperous career , aud that its present Master would have a happy aud successful year . The Secretary and Treasurer was next proposed , by tho AVorshipful Master . He was pleased to bo Master of a Lodgo which could boast snch good Officers . Ho felt sure tho duties of their respective positions would always bo properly
performed whilo they filled tho posts they now occupied . Each responded , after which tho AV . M . proposed the Masonic Charities , coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Tony , who ho personally thanked for having performed tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Torry made his acknowledgments to tho AV . M . for having so kindly referred to his services in the Lodgo , and wished both the AV . M . and
tho Lodge success . The Merchant Navy was ever to tho front in the causo of Masonic Charity , and ho had to thank the members for so handsomelys upporting tho Steward who represented them at tho recent Festival . Tho Charities had done a great deal of good in days gone by , and ho hoped , with the assistance of the Craft , that they would be able to do still moro in tho future . Tho fact
of the Craft having contributed over £ 12 , 000 last year was most creditable . He looked upou the Craft as in reality only a small body ; the number of active Lodges really being only about 1 / 100 . Taking this number , and comparing it with tho amounts contributed to the London Charities , no one could say but that tho Masons of this country acted up to tho true principles of tho Order . He had asked
in various Lodges ho had visited that the contents of tho Charity Box might on one night be devoted towards milking good tho loss which might arise through tho failure of the bankers of the Institutions ; he hoped tho W . M . of tho Merchant Navy Lodge would grant him this request ; aud when he told the brethren that a donation at tho rate of 2 s or 2 s Gd from each brother would more than
cover tho deficiency , he felt sure tho Merchant , Navy Lodge would be ready to assist them . The toast of flic Officers was acknowledged by tho Senior AVarden , after which the Tyler was Mini- j monod , and concluded the proceedings . Tho A'isitors were Bros . AV . B . Salisbury 0 , P . Miiller 73 , G . J . Hilliard P . M ., R .
Deering , and J . Keablo 171 , E . Jones P . M ., and C . Arbell 192 , AV . O . Gilland 212 , J . J . Anbiti P . M . 2 S 1 , G . Lewis 879 , R . C . Cording 8 D 8 , G . Brooke P . M . !) 02 , L . Potts 907 , C . S . Dixon 1003 , J . I Stuley 1216 , J . Ormo aud E . H . Rolfe 1259 , E . Deacon 13 ri 2 , XV . XV . : Morgan jun , 1335 , S , J , Turquand P . M . 1556 , A . C . Gibby 1658 , & c . j
Installation Meetings, &C.
Hervey Lodge , No . 1260 . —Tho installation meeting was held ou Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s tun-lields . Bros . J . H . Southwood AV . M ., J . Sandilands AVard S . W ., Goodacre J . AV ., Foot as Sec , Dr . Jabez Hogg P . M . P . G . D . Treas ., Spalding S . D ., H . J . Dean Organist , T . C Speight Tyler . Visitorstiros . John Hervey Grand Secretary , U . G . Buss Assist . G . Secretary ,
Libbis , J . Green , Lnmble , I '' . Harrison , Walker , W . Richards , Rov . T W . Morris , If . Massey , Col . Peters , Defriez , Davis , R . B . Singer , T . Holton , James liarth , J . J . AVortwick , If . J . Turner , A . S . Waters , E . A . Rubor , Trcomeer , Nicholson , H . Itollis , S . Crawford , J . B . Green , L . ( i . Langdon , Fred . Binckes , E . Stinison , G . Singer , P . G . Longloy , I ) . Nicholson , F . Ough , L . R . Rogers , II . Mil ' ler , C Body , " Col ,
Peters , E . A . AVells , E . Collins , J . XV . Legge , II . Upstone , T . J . Maidwell , AV . AV . Morgan , & o . On tho assembling of tho brethren , Bro . Southwood opened his 'Lodge , and called on Bro . Foot , who acted as Secretary , to road the minutes of last regular meeting , also those of an emergency meeting hold on tho lith March . These wore of exceptional interest to tho Lodge , aud were very voluminous , partaking
moro of the character of a report than is usually the case ; but this , as explained by tho AV . M ., was necessitated by the unpleasant events which had transpired . In duo course , the minutes of both meetings wero confirmed . Tho ballot was then taken for tho admission , as joining member , of Bro . Charles Atkins , P . M . of tho Egyptian LodgCi This resulted in his unanimous election , and that worthy brother
took his scat as a member of tho Hervey Lodgo . Mr . Max Wnndorlich was ballotted for as a candidate for initiation ; this also proved satisfactory , and Bro . Southwood performed the ceremony of tho First Degree in his accustomed masterly way . Tho arrival of Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , who was accompanied by Bros . Col . Peters and II . G . Buss , Assistant G . Sec , was then announced ,
and tho worthy brother whoso name tho Lodge boars proceeded with the installation ceremony . It will bo iu the recollection of onr readers that at tho meeting on 13 th February Bro . Southwood was almost unanimously re-elected to fill tho chair of tho Lodgo . On tho completion of tho ceremony by Bro . Hervey , tho following Officers wero appointed for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Goodacro S . AV .,
Spalding J . AV ., Jabe * Hogg P . M . Treas ., Chas . Atkins P . M . Sec ., C AV . Robins S . D ., Foot J . D ., Latroillo I . G ., A . Rosenthal ! D . C , J . E . Cox AV . S ., Henry Evans A . AV . S ., T . C . Speight P . M . Tyler . Bro . Ilervey then gave tho addresses to tho AVardens and Brethren , and on resuming his seat , the thanks of the members wero tendered to him and to Bro . Buss for their kindness in officiating . After routine business , the Lodgo was closel . A capital banquet was served in tho
Crown Room , and tho good things provided wero done ample justice to . Bro . Southwood presided in his most genial fashion , and gavo the several toasts . Hor Most Gracious Majesty , throughout her reign , had endeared herself to all her subjects , whether Englishmen , Irishmen , or Scotchmen , aud Masons never assembled together without drinking to her honour , If or sous also , iu their Masonic capacity were over '' reeled with enthusiasm . No further remarks were re .
quired from him to induce them to do justice to tho toast . After tho National Anthem had been sung , tho W . M . gavo tho health of tho M . AV . iho Grand Master , and Bro . Upstone favoured tho company with " God Bless the Prince of Wales . " Tho next toast comprised tho Pro Grand Master , tho Deputy Grand Master , and tho rest of the Grand Officers past and present . Bro . Southwood remarked that tho Grand Officers did not wear
their collars without previously acquiring a vast experience . Ho then referred to the eminent qualifications of tho Earl of Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , and called on Bro . Ilervey to respond . The Grand Secretary , on rising , was received with cheers ; ho said that had Lord Skolmersdalo or Lord Carnarvon been hero this evening , tho brethren would havo had a speech worthy of tho occasion .
However , as the duty of returning thanks for thoso distinguished noblemen devolved upon him , ho wor'd endeavour to comply . If ho had rendered any service to the Lodgo ho had boon amply repaid by the cordial manner thoy had received him that evening . It had frequently boon remarked that a prophet did not get much honour iu his own country ; tho rulo did not apply to him , o . s he had
received great honour at tho hands of tho members of this Lodgo . He trusted , however , that ho might always bo received there as John Ilervey , not as Grand Secretary . He felt proud of the compliment paid him by having the Lodge named after him , and he hoped that in years to como , when tho question arose as to how tho Lodgo obtained its name , tho reply might bo made that it was from tho Grand
Secretary of 1809 , tho year the Lodge was constituted . Bro . Hervey then paid Bro . Buss a graceful compliment , he designated him as his " right hand man ; " at all times aud in all seasons Bro . Buss was a great help to him , and his countenance alone had a tendeucy to cheer and enliven . In short , Bro . Buss was one on whom ho personally , and tho brethren generally , could rely . Bro . Hervey next addressed a
few words to Bro . Dr . Hogg , who ho complimented ou being surrounded by so many friends , and on having a Master iu tho chair iu whom ho conld place tho most implicit reliance . Moreover , the Lodgo had a staff of Olficcrs capable of performing their duties , and with all these advantages he sincerely trusted tho Hervey Lodge would be looked up to as a pattern for tho Crafr , and as a
standard for Ihe emulation ot other Lodges . Bro . Ilervey concluded by thanking tho brethren for tho way thoy had received the toast . Bro , Dr . Hogg , in giving tho health of the AV . M ., eulogised Bro . Southwood for tho energy displayed under tho exceptionally trying circim stancca of tho past two mouths . Bro . Southwood acknowledged the kindness ho had received lit tho hands of tho brethren since his introduction
lo the Lodge , and thanked them for the reception they had given him . Ho then proposed the health of tho initiate , and Bro . V / tiudci-lich ( after the E . A . Song had been given ) replied . Bro . Fildew also addressed a lew words to the members . The other toasts
comprised "Tho A is iters , " icplied to by Bros . D . Nicholson , faiuger , . Maidwell , AVuters , <_ c . ; ' ¦ The Maso . dc Charities , " whose claims found an able exponent ; in Bro . Riuokos , whose appeal resulted iu securing the servics of Bro . Charies Atkins as a > r , ewanl for the Festival of the Boys' School . " The Treasurer and Seen ; .