Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , G-EEAT QUEEN STEEET , LONDON , W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this EstabUsmeiit for MASONIC BAITQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known toncodcomment . The entire m _ n ; i ; rcmeiit lias been chunged , and the llstablishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages otlered . CTJISI JSTJT : OW TI-IK I-lICr : H : H : ST CHARACTER . WINES _» JEU _\ ECT IN CONDITION _ X » QUAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 . ' -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hall , by which its habitues anil tho public can bo served with luncheons and Dinners in tho _^*«^ OTJJD EITG-LISH ST "_ r 3 _ . ___ . _^& 2 U £ __^^ -l SKILLED CHEF IMS BKKJf IXOAfiliD . jK _____ 2 _ H __ DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES fSvJwiT-lTl TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of &* 2 ________ l ____ i Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Oheeso , ^ mam ^ Rtmmmim aud Salad ( according to season ) , ^^^^^^ W 3 s Gel 3 ? Jj ; rt I-IIi ^ lD . ^^/ j ^ T BEO . GIAN NELLI , Chef .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OE ANCIENT , EEEE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GEAND FESTIVAL will bo held on Wednesday , 21 th April 1 S 78 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Quccn-strect , London . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OP CARNARVON IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may be obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Ticket will bo issued after Four o ' clock on tho day 2 > rcccding tho Festival . Dinner at half-past Six o'clock precisely . Tho Musical Arrangements will bo under tho direction of Bro . C . E . XYILLIXG , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear hi full Masonic Craft Clothing . T . A . MASEY , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . North Cheani , Surrey .
SIXTH APPLICATION . Ilojmf gjjasjjmc Institution' for § . or ) 3 , APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . Tho favour of the Votes and Ir . terest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHUSY , ACEP . TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SHL ' . of Myiar . d , Colchester , who died on the -5 th oi' February last , n'ti-i- I . UU years of great suffering , in his 75 th year . Pro . - . ' iii' ! : v was forme-. 1 ,. - engaged in the Circulation Department ot' the i ' ost Uilice , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia in tlie head , and defective vision , consequent upon cataract , he was compelled to resign his posii ion when at the age of it years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension oi JJH a year , to which bo was entitled on account of bis service , nnd ho had 10 encroach continually upon his savings , till they were quite exhausted . Consequently he had been nimble to provide for the boy ' s education , as ho did fur his children by Ins iirst marriage , and his declining days were comforted with the thought that the lad would eventually be elected into tho Institution . When in the full possession of health liro . SIIUIIY was u most active Mason . Ho was initiated iu the Saint John ' s Lodge , Jlampstead , No . 1 !) U ( now 10 " ) , hi 1813 , and , alter passing through the intermediate olliccs , eventually became W . M . When , in IstU , tho state of his health compelled him to remove from tho District , be tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lod"e . Bro . STICK v afterwards joined tho Wellington , 518 , as a country member ; and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , in 1 . 808 . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1852 , and was elected to tho Third Chair but tho continued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign ' He was also one of the Founders of tho Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . ° iviien the present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . Sueur ' s position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of tho Boy ' s Institution not thinking at the Lime that ho should ever bo compelled to avail himself of its benefits and he has besides this , done all iu his power to excite in others an interest in tho Masonic Charities . Altogether he had contributed to the fuuds ' of Grand Lodge for the long period of XW - JTIY-NOE Y _ . The ease is stronglg recommended [ nmoiig others ) hg Tho Right Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG - . W . Bro . F . Ai )_ . mn V . I . P . M No 7 SKAWK Prov . Grand Master Essex . * AV * . Bro . . foir :. ' Uo woimt PJl ' 170 R . AV . Jlro . RICIIAUD MOLTON- BAUTOS- and 31 !) , 1 ' . P . J . G . W . Dorset LL . D . P . P . G . M . for Western India . AV . Bro . SAMCEI , COLE , Life Governor R . AV . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dep . R . M . I . B .. P . M 181 and 1121 Past P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . V . AV . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTY * V . P . * W . Pro . ICESKT T . R . AVUSR L G D . P . G . M . Suffolk , & c . P . M . f . n ., P . M . Albion Lodge , No ' f ) ' V . AV . Bro . Fui : n . A . Pirrr . BRici ,- , Q . C ., Bro . M . D . bORWEXSTiRK JAY" 1300 Rccdr . of Colchester , [' . G . J . AV ., Ac . S . N . Chapter 7 : " . '' ' * AV . Bro . A . D . LOEWENSTARI ; P . M . * Bro . Tiros . J . R u . u . vo AY * AI An "el 518 , 7 * J , 1 (> 7 , and P . Z . 73 , K „ Lodge , No . 51 , p Q > oc Ks . / ev ° AV . Bro . J ' linnEKtCK WALTERS A ' . P . * AV . Bro . tho Tiov O L AcMN-ri ' p M 1 ,. ' ;? - ' ' , - ' . IillaIe-e ^ J > 'M- iul ( 1 i ' - ' - 7 : ! - " # , f - J ' rnv . Gd . Chaplain , Oxford ! AV . Lrn . VV ILEUM FRATTAIMT site ward 1 * . Prov . Grand Chanlnin E-snv-R . M . I . G . P . M . 13-Jii and 1 : ' .:, 1 . W . Bro . the Rev . R T Wn ' mraan W . Bro . Gr . nTirns S . itmt Fast Grand Apollo limver .-itv Lod"o NY , " -tiV Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lodge , No . 51 . Proxies will be thankfully received by those Brethren whose names aro marked with an asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions arc most valuable for tu purposes of Exchange .
land Miisamt f HSiittrflmT fox lans . Wood Green , London , N . Office—5 Freemasons' Hall , AV . C . PATKON : —Unit MAJESTY THE QLKKN . President : —His _ JOTA _ HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OK WALKS , K . G ., M . AV . G . M . \ QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Sub-__\_ scribers will be held in the Largo I tall of tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-iun-lields , London , on Monday , the 15 th day ot" April , Cor the transaction of tlie Ordinary Business of tho Institution . To Elect a Trustee of tho "General Fund" in the room of Bentley Shn , w , 'Esq . i deceased . To Elect a Treasurer for tho year ensuing . To Elect Twelve Brethren as members of tho General Committee to represen t the Life and Annual Subscribers . To Elect Thirty-one Boys , instead of Thirty , as by tho voting papers , from an approved list of Seventy-eight candidates , reduced to Seventy-seven by the withdrawal of Francis Augustus Wain , No . 56 on tho List , should the Court , on notice of motion from tho General Committee of Saturday , 5 th inst ., so determine . The Chair will bo taken at 12 o ' clock at noon precisely . Tho Ballot for tho Election of Boys will open at One o'clock , or earlier , should the general business of the Court bo concluded before that timo , and will close at Three o ' clock . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES ( V . P . ) , P . G . Std ., Secretary . 6 th April 18 "t ) . „* , Tho Eightieth Anniversary Festival will be held in Juno or July next under the distinguished Presidency of H . R . H . the Duko of Connaught , K . G ., G . S . W . The names of Brethren willing to serve as Stewards will bo most gratefully received .
FISH DINNERS iu PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , chceso , aud salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ri iHIS week , like its predecessor , has been a very event-JL ful one , and the doings in Parliament have proved a great centre of attraction . In the House of Lords , on Thursday and Friday last , the sittings were not very protracted on either occasion . The Bishoprics Bill passed
through Committee , and stands for third , reading on Monday . The Mutiny Bill was read and passed , and the Marine Mutiny Bill has since then reached its final stage . On Friday , too , the Endowed Schools and Hospitals ( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time . But it was the debate
of Monday which aroused so much interest among the public , for it was on that occasion the Premier had arranged to move an address of thanks to Her Majesty for Her gracious Message in relation to the Reserve Forces . The House , therefore , was crowded . The galleries wero filled
with ladies , the Princess of Wales , and the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck , with her husband , being seated near the throne , and there was a strong muster in the gallery set apart for ambassadors , Count Schouvaloff being- present . The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge were
likewise in the House , and occupied seats on the cross benches . The Premier ' s speech was a great success . It was firm , but moderate in tone , and while the greater portion was argumentative , the latter part was dignified and resolute , and indicated that the speaker was fully alive to the
serious responsibilities with which he was charged , and that without bluster , and with every desire to avoid offence to other powers , he was resolved to fulfil those responsibilities . Earl Granville followed , and did his best in
performing the thankless task of criticising the conducL of a Government whose position is unassailable . He was also very moderate in his criticisms , and disclaimed any idea of hampering Ministers in the discharge of their onerous duties . The Earl of Derby Avas the nezfc speaker , but his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , G-EEAT QUEEN STEEET , LONDON , W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this EstabUsmeiit for MASONIC BAITQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known toncodcomment . The entire m _ n ; i ; rcmeiit lias been chunged , and the llstablishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages otlered . CTJISI JSTJT : OW TI-IK I-lICr : H : H : ST CHARACTER . WINES _» JEU _\ ECT IN CONDITION _ X » QUAIiITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 . ' -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hall , by which its habitues anil tho public can bo served with luncheons and Dinners in tho _^*«^ OTJJD EITG-LISH ST "_ r 3 _ . ___ . _^& 2 U £ __^^ -l SKILLED CHEF IMS BKKJf IXOAfiliD . jK _____ 2 _ H __ DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES fSvJwiT-lTl TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of &* 2 ________ l ____ i Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Oheeso , ^ mam ^ Rtmmmim aud Salad ( according to season ) , ^^^^^^ W 3 s Gel 3 ? Jj ; rt I-IIi ^ lD . ^^/ j ^ T BEO . GIAN NELLI , Chef .
UNITED GRAND LODGE OE ANCIENT , EEEE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OP ENGLAND . HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE GEAND FESTIVAL will bo held on Wednesday , 21 th April 1 S 78 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Quccn-strect , London . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OP CARNARVON IN THE CHAIR . Tickets may be obtained of the Grand Stewards , but no Ticket will bo issued after Four o ' clock on tho day 2 > rcccding tho Festival . Dinner at half-past Six o'clock precisely . Tho Musical Arrangements will bo under tho direction of Bro . C . E . XYILLIXG , Grand Organist . Brethren must appear hi full Masonic Craft Clothing . T . A . MASEY , Hon . Sec . Board of Grand Stewards . North Cheani , Surrey .
SIXTH APPLICATION . Ilojmf gjjasjjmc Institution' for § . or ) 3 , APRIL ELECTION , 1878 . Tho favour of the Votes and Ir . terest of tho Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of SOLOMON HIRAM SHUSY , ACEP . TEN YEARS . Son of Bro . WILLIAM SHL ' . of Myiar . d , Colchester , who died on the -5 th oi' February last , n'ti-i- I . UU years of great suffering , in his 75 th year . Pro . - . ' iii' ! : v was forme-. 1 ,. - engaged in the Circulation Department ot' the i ' ost Uilice , but , owing to severe attacks of neuralgia in tlie head , and defective vision , consequent upon cataract , he was compelled to resign his posii ion when at the age of it years . His only permanent income since that time had been a pension oi JJH a year , to which bo was entitled on account of bis service , nnd ho had 10 encroach continually upon his savings , till they were quite exhausted . Consequently he had been nimble to provide for the boy ' s education , as ho did fur his children by Ins iirst marriage , and his declining days were comforted with the thought that the lad would eventually be elected into tho Institution . When in the full possession of health liro . SIIUIIY was u most active Mason . Ho was initiated iu the Saint John ' s Lodge , Jlampstead , No . 1 !) U ( now 10 " ) , hi 1813 , and , alter passing through the intermediate olliccs , eventually became W . M . When , in IstU , tho state of his health compelled him to remove from tho District , be tendered his resignation , and the brethren at once elected him an honorary member , in recognition of his valuable services to his Mother Lod"e . Bro . STICK v afterwards joined tho Wellington , 518 , as a country member ; and became a member of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , No . 51 , in 1 . 808 . He was exalted in the Domatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1852 , and was elected to tho Third Chair but tho continued unsatisfactory state of his health compelled him to resign ' He was also one of the Founders of tho Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . ° iviien the present applicant was a child in arms , Bro . Sueur ' s position enabled him to make himself , wife , and child , Life Subscribers of tho Boy ' s Institution not thinking at the Lime that ho should ever bo compelled to avail himself of its benefits and he has besides this , done all iu his power to excite in others an interest in tho Masonic Charities . Altogether he had contributed to the fuuds ' of Grand Lodge for the long period of XW - JTIY-NOE Y _ . The ease is stronglg recommended [ nmoiig others ) hg Tho Right Worshipful Bro . R . J . BAG - . W . Bro . F . Ai )_ . mn V . I . P . M No 7 SKAWK Prov . Grand Master Essex . * AV * . Bro . . foir :. ' Uo woimt PJl ' 170 R . AV . Jlro . RICIIAUD MOLTON- BAUTOS- and 31 !) , 1 ' . P . J . G . W . Dorset LL . D . P . P . G . M . for Western India . AV . Bro . SAMCEI , COLE , Life Governor R . AV . Bro . MATTHEW E . CLARK Dep . R . M . I . B .. P . M 181 and 1121 Past P . G . M . Essex . P . G . P . Kent . V . AV . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTY * V . P . * W . Pro . ICESKT T . R . AVUSR L G D . P . G . M . Suffolk , & c . P . M . f . n ., P . M . Albion Lodge , No ' f ) ' V . AV . Bro . Fui : n . A . Pirrr . BRici ,- , Q . C ., Bro . M . D . bORWEXSTiRK JAY" 1300 Rccdr . of Colchester , [' . G . J . AV ., Ac . S . N . Chapter 7 : " . '' ' * AV . Bro . A . D . LOEWENSTARI ; P . M . * Bro . Tiros . J . R u . u . vo AY * AI An "el 518 , 7 * J , 1 (> 7 , and P . Z . 73 , K „ Lodge , No . 51 , p Q > oc Ks . / ev ° AV . Bro . J ' linnEKtCK WALTERS A ' . P . * AV . Bro . tho Tiov O L AcMN-ri ' p M 1 ,. ' ;? - ' ' , - ' . IillaIe-e ^ J > 'M- iul ( 1 i ' - ' - 7 : ! - " # , f - J ' rnv . Gd . Chaplain , Oxford ! AV . Lrn . VV ILEUM FRATTAIMT site ward 1 * . Prov . Grand Chanlnin E-snv-R . M . I . G . P . M . 13-Jii and 1 : ' .:, 1 . W . Bro . the Rev . R T Wn ' mraan W . Bro . Gr . nTirns S . itmt Fast Grand Apollo limver .-itv Lod"o NY , " -tiV Steward , P . M . No . 21 . and Angel Lodge , No . 51 . Proxies will be thankfully received by those Brethren whose names aro marked with an asterisk . Proxies of other Masonic or National Institutions arc most valuable for tu purposes of Exchange .
land Miisamt f HSiittrflmT fox lans . Wood Green , London , N . Office—5 Freemasons' Hall , AV . C . PATKON : —Unit MAJESTY THE QLKKN . President : —His _ JOTA _ HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OK WALKS , K . G ., M . AV . G . M . \ QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Sub-__\_ scribers will be held in the Largo I tall of tho Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-iun-lields , London , on Monday , the 15 th day ot" April , Cor the transaction of tlie Ordinary Business of tho Institution . To Elect a Trustee of tho "General Fund" in the room of Bentley Shn , w , 'Esq . i deceased . To Elect a Treasurer for tho year ensuing . To Elect Twelve Brethren as members of tho General Committee to represen t the Life and Annual Subscribers . To Elect Thirty-one Boys , instead of Thirty , as by tho voting papers , from an approved list of Seventy-eight candidates , reduced to Seventy-seven by the withdrawal of Francis Augustus Wain , No . 56 on tho List , should the Court , on notice of motion from tho General Committee of Saturday , 5 th inst ., so determine . The Chair will bo taken at 12 o ' clock at noon precisely . Tho Ballot for tho Election of Boys will open at One o'clock , or earlier , should the general business of the Court bo concluded before that timo , and will close at Three o ' clock . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES ( V . P . ) , P . G . Std ., Secretary . 6 th April 18 "t ) . „* , Tho Eightieth Anniversary Festival will be held in Juno or July next under the distinguished Presidency of H . R . H . the Duko of Connaught , K . G ., G . S . W . The names of Brethren willing to serve as Stewards will bo most gratefully received .
FISH DINNERS iu PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , chceso , aud salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C
67 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ri iHIS week , like its predecessor , has been a very event-JL ful one , and the doings in Parliament have proved a great centre of attraction . In the House of Lords , on Thursday and Friday last , the sittings were not very protracted on either occasion . The Bishoprics Bill passed
through Committee , and stands for third , reading on Monday . The Mutiny Bill was read and passed , and the Marine Mutiny Bill has since then reached its final stage . On Friday , too , the Endowed Schools and Hospitals ( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time . But it was the debate
of Monday which aroused so much interest among the public , for it was on that occasion the Premier had arranged to move an address of thanks to Her Majesty for Her gracious Message in relation to the Reserve Forces . The House , therefore , was crowded . The galleries wero filled
with ladies , the Princess of Wales , and the Princess Mary Duchess of Teck , with her husband , being seated near the throne , and there was a strong muster in the gallery set apart for ambassadors , Count Schouvaloff being- present . The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge were
likewise in the House , and occupied seats on the cross benches . The Premier ' s speech was a great success . It was firm , but moderate in tone , and while the greater portion was argumentative , the latter part was dignified and resolute , and indicated that the speaker was fully alive to the
serious responsibilities with which he was charged , and that without bluster , and with every desire to avoid offence to other powers , he was resolved to fulfil those responsibilities . Earl Granville followed , and did his best in
performing the thankless task of criticising the conducL of a Government whose position is unassailable . He was also very moderate in his criticisms , and disclaimed any idea of hampering Ministers in the discharge of their onerous duties . The Earl of Derby Avas the nezfc speaker , but his