Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 2 of 3 Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. Page 2 of 3 →
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Our Weekly Budget.
remarks chiefly had reference to himself , and the causes which had led to his retirement from tho Cabinet . Then followed the Lord Chancellor , Lord Selborno , the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Houghton , who , though a Liberal , gave his support to the Government , and the Dnke of Argyll ,
Avho made a ferocious attack on tho Turks . The Marquis of Salisbury ' s speech virtually closed the debate , for though a foAv other noble Lords addressed the House , when he had spoken the interest ceased , and , in due course , tho address of thanks Avas unanimously agreed to . On Tuesday
evening , the House rose shortly after seven o clock , after giving the Factories and Workshops Bill a second reading , and there Avas a debate on the Bishoprics Bill , on tho order for tho consideration of the Report , but nothing resulted , and the third reading Avas fixed , as we have stated , for Monday .
Tho House of Commons has been equally busy . On Thursday the Chancellor of tho Exchequer brought for-Avard his Budget , and if we state that the income tax is to bo fivepence instead of threepence , and that tho duty on tobacco is fourpence more than it was in tho last financial
year , AVO have said all our readers aro likely to concern themselves about . On Priday a motion by Sir A . Kay-ShuttloAvorth , for placing the AVIIOIC of London under one central administrative authority , occupied a considerable portion of tho sitting , among thoso AVIIO took part in tho
debate being Sir J . B . Hogg , Lord Elcho , Mr . Cross , Mr . LOAVG , and Lord John Manners . On a division , the motion Avas negatived by 116 to 73 . After this , Mr , Gladstone catechised the Chancellor of the Exchequer as to tho Congress , and tho latter replied in duo course . After agreeing
to tho Budget resolutions and transacting other business , tho House adjourned . The debate on the Message extended over Monday and Tuesday , but though it was tvvice tho length of the debate in the Houso of Lords , it Avas certainly not so interesting . Tho only speakers of note
were the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer , Mr . Gladstone , Mr . Hardy , and the Marquis of Hartington , and the speeches of these four Avere Avorthy of the occasion . The Chancellor of the Exchequer Avas very moderate in tone ; Mr . Gladstone Avas vehement in his denunciation of the
Ministerial policy ; but though , as a specimen of oratory his speech must bo looked npon as one of his finest efforts , it Avas a failure as regards tho attempt to damage the Government . Mr . Hardy AVRS moro under control than usual , and therefore his speech , Avhich is invariably telling ,
Avas ou this occasion more than usually so . Tho Marquis of Hartington was calm and dignified , as became his position as leader of the Opposition . Unlike the companion debate in the Lords , this one terminated with a division , Sir W . LaAVSon having insisted on dividing tho
House on his amendment . He might , hoAA * evor , have saved himself the trouble , for the numbers Avere—for Government 319 , for Sir W . LaAvson 04 , or majority for tho former 255 . Wednesday afternoon Avas occupied in
discussing tho second reading of the Employers' Liability for Injuries Bill , Avhich Avas moved by Mr . Macdonald , but the debate Avas suspended in accordance Avith the rules of the House .
The Queen loft Windsor Castle for Osborne on Friday last , and here her stay is expected to extend OA'er three or four weeks . On Tuesday Her Majesty , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice , made a point of Avitnessing the passage of the funeral cortege of Mr . Land , Avho had filled
tho office of head gamekeeper to Her Majesty for a period of seven years . The Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark are on a visit to London , and are the guests of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House . On Monday there AV . IS a dinner party to celebrate the
King of Denmark ' s birthday . There were present to meet the Danish Prince and Princess , the Dnke of Cambridge , the Princess Mary Duchess , and the Duko of Teck , the Danish Minister and Madame de Billow , tho Swedish
Minister , the Greek Charge d ' affaires , and several of the nobility and gentry . After dinner there was an addition to the guests , the Princess Louise and the Prince Imperial among the number .
"here haA'O been several political meetings during the week , tho two of Wednesday , held at tho Memorial Hall and tho Freomasnus' Tavern respectively , beincr
the most important . The former Avas composed of some 400 or 500 delegates , admitted specially by ticket , and presumably representing certain toAvns in the kingdom . Mr . Burt , M . P ., occupied tho chair , and the principal speaker was Mr . Gladstone . Tho
Our Weekly Budget.
object was to make a demonstration against Avar , and in favour of arbitration . At tho other meeting , tho Lord Mayor presided , and there Avero present to support his Lordship , Lord Ellenborough , Captain Pini , M . P ., Colonel
Coope , and other gentlemen . This AY * as intended as a demonstration in support of tho sacrcdness of treaties , and tho principal speakers Avere Lord Stratheden and Campbell and Mr . Gibson BOYVICS . All tho resolutions Avero carried unanimously .
There have been two considerable fires , one in London on tho OA-ening of Tuesday , and the other in Edinburgh on Wednesday morning . The former broke out at a floorcloth store in Aldersgate-street , and the roof and part of tho
platform of the Aldgersgate-street Station of the Metropolitan Raih \ -ay were burnt , as well as tho building in which tho firo originated . The firemen , hoAvever , Avere able to keep tho flames from extending to nearly all tho other buildings in the neighbourhood . There has been the usual amount of excitement in
connection with the boat race , Avhich takes place to-day , and it certainly is not the fault of the morning and evening , as Avell as of the sporting papers , if the public are not Avell informed as to the respective mei'its in sliding , gripping the water , feathering , & c , of the rival crows .
Evory-Avhere , likoAviso , aro to bo seen the light and dark blue favours , and a great many people arc already Avearing the colours of tho crew Avhose chances they are backing . As regards tho race , to judge from the work Avhich each CI-OYV has done , the contest should be a close ono . The CI ' OAVS
aro as nearly as possible level in tho matter of Aveight , and though wo believe that Oxford has gono the Avholo course in a shorter time than Cambridge , there are ahvays differences in tide and wind , as tho crews do not practise at tho samo time . The weather has been anything but
satisfactory , but AVO . trust that to-day , at all events , the Clerk m charge Avill be considerate , and allow us the benefit of some genial spring weather . The necessary arrangements havo been made for keeping the course clear , and AVO trust all Avill go Avell .
The action brought by Mr . Levy , ono of tho proprietors of the Daily Telegraph , against the proprietor , printer , and publisher of the Sporting Times came off on Tuesday . The defendants pleaded guilty , and as they had since their committal Avritten the plaintiff a letter in which they amply
apologised for Avhat they had done , and . promised not to repeat tho offence , Mr . Levy ' s counsel did not press tho case further as regards tho infliction of any punishment , and the learned Recorder Avho Avas thus influenced to tako a lenient vieAv of the case , released the prisoners on their
own recognizances to be of g-ood behaviour for tho future . The trial of Madame Rachel for extorting money by fraudulent means from Mrs . Pearso was commenced on Wednesday . Tho examination of Mrs . Pearse AV . IS the chief
feature of the proceedings . Her husband , too , Avas examined , and thus the trial Avas adjourned ; it Avas , however , concluded on Thursday , Avhon Madame Rachel Avas convicted , and sentenced to five years penal servitude .
It is greatly to be regretted that Mr . J . B . Buckstone , after so long and honourable a career as comedian , should find himself in the evening of his days compelled to seek the protection of the Bankruptcy Court . Es * ery one must feel sympathy for a gentleman of such distinguished ability ,
who has devoted the greater part of his long life to amuso the public , and AVO sincerely trust that Mr . Buckstone Avill find a Avay out of his difficulties Avhich will be beneficial to his creditors as AVCII as honourable to himself . Tho Judge of the Admiralty Court was recently called
upon to appraise the value of the Cleopatra , and the obelisk known as Cleopatra ' s Needle , Avhich had been abandoned in the Bay of Biscay , and was rescued by the Fitzmaurice , and he fixed the value at £ 25 , 000 . He has since declared
tho amount which , in his judgment , should be awarded to the salvors , and this amount is £ 2 , 000 . So Mr . Dixon now knows tho extent of his liability , and no doubt in a short time AVO shall seo this Avell-known obelisk erect on the Thames Embankment .
Perhaps tlie chief event of the Avook is the publication iu a hi to edition of the Tunes of Tuesday of Avhat is described ns an Annex to a reply by Prince Gortschakoft' to tho despatch of tho Marquis of Salisbury . The general feeling
which this important document has inspired is that Russia is by no means unwilling to re-open the nngociations for a Congress , and that she would possibly yield at the last moment , and accept the terms laid down by Government . In such case , a stop toward the settlement of the crisis
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
remarks chiefly had reference to himself , and the causes which had led to his retirement from tho Cabinet . Then followed the Lord Chancellor , Lord Selborno , the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Houghton , who , though a Liberal , gave his support to the Government , and the Dnke of Argyll ,
Avho made a ferocious attack on tho Turks . The Marquis of Salisbury ' s speech virtually closed the debate , for though a foAv other noble Lords addressed the House , when he had spoken the interest ceased , and , in due course , tho address of thanks Avas unanimously agreed to . On Tuesday
evening , the House rose shortly after seven o clock , after giving the Factories and Workshops Bill a second reading , and there Avas a debate on the Bishoprics Bill , on tho order for tho consideration of the Report , but nothing resulted , and the third reading Avas fixed , as we have stated , for Monday .
Tho House of Commons has been equally busy . On Thursday the Chancellor of tho Exchequer brought for-Avard his Budget , and if we state that the income tax is to bo fivepence instead of threepence , and that tho duty on tobacco is fourpence more than it was in tho last financial
year , AVO have said all our readers aro likely to concern themselves about . On Priday a motion by Sir A . Kay-ShuttloAvorth , for placing the AVIIOIC of London under one central administrative authority , occupied a considerable portion of tho sitting , among thoso AVIIO took part in tho
debate being Sir J . B . Hogg , Lord Elcho , Mr . Cross , Mr . LOAVG , and Lord John Manners . On a division , the motion Avas negatived by 116 to 73 . After this , Mr , Gladstone catechised the Chancellor of the Exchequer as to tho Congress , and tho latter replied in duo course . After agreeing
to tho Budget resolutions and transacting other business , tho House adjourned . The debate on the Message extended over Monday and Tuesday , but though it was tvvice tho length of the debate in the Houso of Lords , it Avas certainly not so interesting . Tho only speakers of note
were the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer , Mr . Gladstone , Mr . Hardy , and the Marquis of Hartington , and the speeches of these four Avere Avorthy of the occasion . The Chancellor of the Exchequer Avas very moderate in tone ; Mr . Gladstone Avas vehement in his denunciation of the
Ministerial policy ; but though , as a specimen of oratory his speech must bo looked npon as one of his finest efforts , it Avas a failure as regards tho attempt to damage the Government . Mr . Hardy AVRS moro under control than usual , and therefore his speech , Avhich is invariably telling ,
Avas ou this occasion more than usually so . Tho Marquis of Hartington was calm and dignified , as became his position as leader of the Opposition . Unlike the companion debate in the Lords , this one terminated with a division , Sir W . LaAVSon having insisted on dividing tho
House on his amendment . He might , hoAA * evor , have saved himself the trouble , for the numbers Avere—for Government 319 , for Sir W . LaAvson 04 , or majority for tho former 255 . Wednesday afternoon Avas occupied in
discussing tho second reading of the Employers' Liability for Injuries Bill , Avhich Avas moved by Mr . Macdonald , but the debate Avas suspended in accordance Avith the rules of the House .
The Queen loft Windsor Castle for Osborne on Friday last , and here her stay is expected to extend OA'er three or four weeks . On Tuesday Her Majesty , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice , made a point of Avitnessing the passage of the funeral cortege of Mr . Land , Avho had filled
tho office of head gamekeeper to Her Majesty for a period of seven years . The Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark are on a visit to London , and are the guests of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Marlborough House . On Monday there AV . IS a dinner party to celebrate the
King of Denmark ' s birthday . There were present to meet the Danish Prince and Princess , the Dnke of Cambridge , the Princess Mary Duchess , and the Duko of Teck , the Danish Minister and Madame de Billow , tho Swedish
Minister , the Greek Charge d ' affaires , and several of the nobility and gentry . After dinner there was an addition to the guests , the Princess Louise and the Prince Imperial among the number .
"here haA'O been several political meetings during the week , tho two of Wednesday , held at tho Memorial Hall and tho Freomasnus' Tavern respectively , beincr
the most important . The former Avas composed of some 400 or 500 delegates , admitted specially by ticket , and presumably representing certain toAvns in the kingdom . Mr . Burt , M . P ., occupied tho chair , and the principal speaker was Mr . Gladstone . Tho
Our Weekly Budget.
object was to make a demonstration against Avar , and in favour of arbitration . At tho other meeting , tho Lord Mayor presided , and there Avero present to support his Lordship , Lord Ellenborough , Captain Pini , M . P ., Colonel
Coope , and other gentlemen . This AY * as intended as a demonstration in support of tho sacrcdness of treaties , and tho principal speakers Avere Lord Stratheden and Campbell and Mr . Gibson BOYVICS . All tho resolutions Avero carried unanimously .
There have been two considerable fires , one in London on tho OA-ening of Tuesday , and the other in Edinburgh on Wednesday morning . The former broke out at a floorcloth store in Aldersgate-street , and the roof and part of tho
platform of the Aldgersgate-street Station of the Metropolitan Raih \ -ay were burnt , as well as tho building in which tho firo originated . The firemen , hoAvever , Avere able to keep tho flames from extending to nearly all tho other buildings in the neighbourhood . There has been the usual amount of excitement in
connection with the boat race , Avhich takes place to-day , and it certainly is not the fault of the morning and evening , as Avell as of the sporting papers , if the public are not Avell informed as to the respective mei'its in sliding , gripping the water , feathering , & c , of the rival crows .
Evory-Avhere , likoAviso , aro to bo seen the light and dark blue favours , and a great many people arc already Avearing the colours of tho crew Avhose chances they are backing . As regards tho race , to judge from the work Avhich each CI-OYV has done , the contest should be a close ono . The CI ' OAVS
aro as nearly as possible level in tho matter of Aveight , and though wo believe that Oxford has gono the Avholo course in a shorter time than Cambridge , there are ahvays differences in tide and wind , as tho crews do not practise at tho samo time . The weather has been anything but
satisfactory , but AVO . trust that to-day , at all events , the Clerk m charge Avill be considerate , and allow us the benefit of some genial spring weather . The necessary arrangements havo been made for keeping the course clear , and AVO trust all Avill go Avell .
The action brought by Mr . Levy , ono of tho proprietors of the Daily Telegraph , against the proprietor , printer , and publisher of the Sporting Times came off on Tuesday . The defendants pleaded guilty , and as they had since their committal Avritten the plaintiff a letter in which they amply
apologised for Avhat they had done , and . promised not to repeat tho offence , Mr . Levy ' s counsel did not press tho case further as regards tho infliction of any punishment , and the learned Recorder Avho Avas thus influenced to tako a lenient vieAv of the case , released the prisoners on their
own recognizances to be of g-ood behaviour for tho future . The trial of Madame Rachel for extorting money by fraudulent means from Mrs . Pearso was commenced on Wednesday . Tho examination of Mrs . Pearse AV . IS the chief
feature of the proceedings . Her husband , too , Avas examined , and thus the trial Avas adjourned ; it Avas , however , concluded on Thursday , Avhon Madame Rachel Avas convicted , and sentenced to five years penal servitude .
It is greatly to be regretted that Mr . J . B . Buckstone , after so long and honourable a career as comedian , should find himself in the evening of his days compelled to seek the protection of the Bankruptcy Court . Es * ery one must feel sympathy for a gentleman of such distinguished ability ,
who has devoted the greater part of his long life to amuso the public , and AVO sincerely trust that Mr . Buckstone Avill find a Avay out of his difficulties Avhich will be beneficial to his creditors as AVCII as honourable to himself . Tho Judge of the Admiralty Court was recently called
upon to appraise the value of the Cleopatra , and the obelisk known as Cleopatra ' s Needle , Avhich had been abandoned in the Bay of Biscay , and was rescued by the Fitzmaurice , and he fixed the value at £ 25 , 000 . He has since declared
tho amount which , in his judgment , should be awarded to the salvors , and this amount is £ 2 , 000 . So Mr . Dixon now knows tho extent of his liability , and no doubt in a short time AVO shall seo this Avell-known obelisk erect on the Thames Embankment .
Perhaps tlie chief event of the Avook is the publication iu a hi to edition of the Tunes of Tuesday of Avhat is described ns an Annex to a reply by Prince Gortschakoft' to tho despatch of tho Marquis of Salisbury . The general feeling
which this important document has inspired is that Russia is by no means unwilling to re-open the nngociations for a Congress , and that she would possibly yield at the last moment , and accept the terms laid down by Government . In such case , a stop toward the settlement of the crisis