Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED LODGE, No. 697. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. GEORGE'S LODGE, No. 1723, BOLTON. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
yery successfully , and to the complete satisfaction of the whole of the members , and he felt snre that when tbe time came for him to vacate the obair be would leave behind him reminiscences that would serve for p leasant contemplation for many years to come . The toast bavin ** been drunk , amidst enthusiastic expressions of fraternal regard , Bro . Page , who was warmly cheered on rising to respond ,
aaid he accepted the position with mixed feelings of pleasure and fear with pleasure at having been unanimously selected by fche brethren for elevation to so proud a position in such an important Lodge as that , and with fear , lest he should fail to discharge the duties of the office so perfectly as they ought to be discharged . He was fully alive to the great responsibilities which the acceptance of
the position cast upon him , and he should endeavour to fulfil them 8 s well as they had been in the past year by Bro . Towuseud . At any rate , he should strive hard so to carry on the Lodge that at the end of his tenure of office the brethren would have no cause to regret having p laced him at their head , and he trusted that he should leave the chair as pure and unsullied as when he was appointed to it .
Lord Charles Beresford had written to him , on the 23 rd of April , expressing great regret at being unable to be present , aud his best wishes for the success of that gathering . The Prov . G . M ., in giving the Installing Master , paid Bro . Townsend a high compliment for the manner in whioh he had carried ont tbe duties of W . M . during the past year , in the unavoidable absence of Lord Charles Beresford , and for the marked ability with which he had conducted the
installation . Bro . Townsend , who was warmly greeted , responded , expressing bis belief that there was a very prosperous future before the Lodge , of which he was the founder , and , as a mark of its success , he stated that although the fee was rather high , there had been eleven initiations dnring the last year . He should gladly render Bro . Page all tbe assistance in his power during his year of office . Bro . A . L .
Emannel proposed the W . M . ' s of neighbouring Lodges , inviting thera and the brethren of other Lodges to visit the Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar Lodge . Bro . Captain St . Clair W . M . of the Phoenix ( the senior ) Lodge , No . 257 , responded , making some happy allusions to the benefits conferred by Freemasonry . Bro . Col . Hay , in eulogistic
terms , proposed the Immediate Past Master ( Lord Charles Beresford ) , and Bro . Townsend replied . The Visitors was given by Bro . W . Royston Pike , and a few other toasts followed , the proceedings being interspersed with songs by Bros . Sylvester , R . W . Beale , P . H . Emanuel , and others , and by recitations by Bro . Moody , of London . —Portsmouth Times .
United Lodge, No. 697.
UNITED LODGE , No . 697 .
THE annual Festival of the above Lodge was held afc Colchester , on Wednesday , 3 rd May , and additional interest was given to the proceedings from the fact thafc ifc waa the " silver" anniversarythe Lodge having been constituted in March 1857 . Lodge was
opened on Wednesday , at two o'clock , and the outgoing Master , Bro . A . Gosling , having given proof of his proficiency by initiating a candidate , Bro . the Rev . E . H . Crate P . M . 697 P . P . G . C . proceeded to inst * , . ! tbe W . M . elect Bro . T . G . Mills , and performed the ceremony
in a manner that elicited the warm plaudits of the brethren assembled . At its close , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Crate was heartily passed , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Officers for the year were invested as follows * . —Bros . Alfred Gosling I . P . M ., G . A . Eustace Senior Warden . 0 . D . Marshall Junior Warden .
Rev . E . H . Crate P . M . P . P . G . C . Chaplain , Thomas Eustace P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , Thomas Rix P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Secretary , Robert Smith S . D ., Samuel H . Ellis J . D ., R . Clowes M . C , J . B . Lugar Organist , A . S . B . Sparling I . G ., S . Munson Tyler , J . T . Bailey , D . Page , J . Allisten . A . L . Langford Stewards . Before Lodsre was
closed , Bro . Col . H . Somerville-Burney P . M . 697 P . G . D ., who was one of the Founders of the Lodge , congratulated the brethren upon the auspicious occasion tbey celebrated that day , viz ., the twenty , fifth anniversary of tbe Lodge . He had , the day previous , examined the records of 697 afc the Grand Secretary ' s * office , and found that
since its foundation thero had been 270 initial ! msand 114 joining members ; and as no less than 140 of those who had been shown the light of Masonry in that Lodge were military brethren , aud who had consequentl y carried the tenets of the Order to all parts of the world , he thought they might fairly say , there were few Lodges that bad done much
so for tbe spread of the Order . It gave him extreme pleasure to be present that day , and to see that the Lod ge was in so flourishing condition ; he trusted thafc it would continue to prosper . Col . barney concluded by stating thafc he had seen tho R . W . P . G . M . Lord lenterden , K . O . B ., a few days before , and his Lordship bad desired n "n to say how touch be res-retted his inabilihv tn bo nm ^ f « , „; i
« ent his heart y greetings to the brethren . Between fifty and sixty Brethren afterwards dined together at tbe George Hotel , a most In . T clli baD qnet being served A la Rttsse by the hostess , Mrs . Guiver . the course of the evening the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were «* "y honoured . The W . M ., in responding for his healthexnrea ^ d
, at gri !' " ' ^ fe ^ at being called upon to preside over the Lodge such an interesting period of its history . He read a letter be PRn u thafc eveniD S from Bro * pred . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Wh * D , p * 6-M ., to the effect that he very much regretted he Deen compelled to forego the pleasure of being present on this ^ asion , but that he hoped to visit tbe Lodge during the summer . Spnrli v | ! Venin £ * Bros - Osmond , Turner , Sovvman , Clowes , 'be h v ! Wiseman aud Snelgar added greatly to tbe pleasure of was ^ ® nby their vocal renderings ; and altogether the gathering Wee tll & Tn 08 t 8 nccessf , nl remembered by any member of the 6 "
ttitnal , r iT 8 Sterens win deliver his Lecture Explanatory of the Lodffent-T i Ceromon , ' es of the First Degree , at the Kingsland taiogtnn v t , 0 n ' 1693 ' Galinnhar Y Tavern , Canonbury-square . ^•« l & n ° » Monda J evening , 22 nd May 1882 . Bro . R . P . Porg-USr / iT occupy the chair . The Lodge will be opened at F- " . prompt .
St. George's Lodge, No. 1723, Bolton.
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 , BOLTON .
THE Annual Meeting and Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , tho 26 th April , afc the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , afc four o ' clock in the afternoon , the Lodge room being beautifully decorated for the occasion , and tbe handsome Lodge banner , with thafc of the mother Lodge 221 , tho banner of the arms of Grand Lodge , and twenfcy . two private banners of the members , being displayed in a most tasteful manner . Lodge was opened promptly by the Worshipful Master
Bro . William Blain , assisted by bis Officers , and supported by a full assemblage of brethren , including Bros . Court S . W ., Robert Latham J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , N . Nicholson Secretary , John Barrett S . D ., E . G . Harwood J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . O . M . of C , A . Cosgrave I . G ., Tongand Bardsley Stewards ; Hey wood , J . H . Greenhalgh and Brockbank P . M . ' s of the Lodge ;
P . M . ' s J . M . Rotter , H . Stead , J . W . Richardson . Visitors—Bros . Dnxbnry S . W . 170 , J . Boothroyd W . M . 221 , Dr . Har << reaves Leeds , Dr . Crompton Bury , Goulburn Preston , Chambers 221 , Collins 678 , Thomas Mitchell Prov . Grand Tyler . The minntes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and a Board of Installed Masters duly formed under the
presidency of Bro . G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D ., to whom Bro . Court , fche W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson P . M ., and having been obligated according to ancient usage , the Lodge proceeded to the third degree , when Bro . Court was installed by Bro . Brockbank , and proclaimed nnd sainted in due form by Bro . J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . D . M . C . Bro . Naylor having read the report
of fche Auditors on tbe Treasurer ' s accounts , which were very satisfactory , Bro . Ferguson P . M . was re-elected to thafc office . The following brethren were invested as Officers of the Lodge : — William Court W . M ., William Blain I . P . M ., Robert Latham S . W ., John Barrett J . W ., George Ferguson P . M , Treasurer , Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , E . G . Harwood S . D ., Alex . Cosgrave J . D .,
J . W . Taylor P . Prov . Grand Organist M . C , T . T . Holt Organist , T . B . Tong I . G ., W . E . Bardsley and T . B . Ddrham Stewards , J . W . Roiley Tyler ; Bro . J . Heywood P . M . Investing Officer , The charges to the Master , Wardens , and brethren being given by Bro . Brook , bank . The sum of £ 5 5 s was voted as the first donation to the Girls ' School , Bro . Taylor having agreed to serve as Steward for tbe pre .
sent Festival . Resignations were read from three of the founders of Lodge , one having left ; tbe town , to reside afc some distance , the other brother contemplated Jeaving the town shortly , and fche third , one of the first Officers of the Lodge , which he joined in order fco get it into working order , now finding it able to pursue its course unaided , closed his membership , with hearty good wishes for its
continued prosperity . These were received , ancl a resolution expressing the regret of the Lodgo was ordered to be sent to each of the brethren retiring . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and Lodge closed at 6 p . m . Banquet followed , and fche brethren were entertained and delighted by the vocal
contributions of Bros . Chambers , Goulburn , Taylor , Stafcon , Boothroyd , Cosgrave , and others , a most agreeable meeting being brought to a close afc 11 p . m . The duties of Organist , in the enforced absence of Bro . Holt , occasioned by illness , were most ably rendered by Bro . Staton , who was warmly commended by the brethren .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday last , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Smyth W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Boyce S . D ., Marsh J . D ., Gosling I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . A . Clark , Christian , Jones , Brasted , Holsworth , C . Lorkin , and Darnell . Lodgo was opened in due form j tbe minutes of tbe previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Holswortb offered himself as a candidate for passing , was interrogated , entrusted , and in dne course passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave tbe lecture on the tracing board . Bro . Smyth worked the first section of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge opened in the third
degree , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Wardell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned . The annual supper will take place on Friday , the 19 th of May , afc 7 . 30 sharp , Bro . Burleton , W . M . of the mother Lodge , will preside .
Brother Tito Mafctei announces a Grand Morning Concert for Saturday , 3 rd of June , afc fche Marlborough Rooms , W ., for which occasion Madlle . Marimom , Signor Papini , and many other distinguished artists will appear . A new Waltz Galop , composed by Brother Mafctei , will be played on this occasion .
LAMPLOTJGH'S PYRETICSALINE. Effervescing and Tasteless , forming a most Invigorating , Vitalising , and Refreshing Summer Beverage . ^ r—Gives instant relief in HUAUACHK , SBA . OY Bilious SICXNKSS , IN- J $ 3 £ t & $$ & PIGESTION , CONSTIPATION , LASSITUDE , HEAHTBURS- , FEVEMSU Mr ILJ ^ -U Coins , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst pW ^ rffr S'J'W form of TYPHUS , SOAKLET , JUNGLE , nnd other WE VERS , wk * i ^ # V PKICKLT HEAT , SSIAIL-POX . MEASLES , ERCPTIVK or SKIN COM . *^& && / PLAINTS , and vnrious other Altered Conditions of tho Blood . «| yjr DR . JTOHOAW . — "It fnfnishe . i the blood don ) , writes ; —I have groat pleasure in with Its lost saline constituent- * . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efflmcy DK . TURLEY .- " ! fottiK * . lUct as a spc- onrn ^^ fn ^^ f ^^ ' ^ «" n" * -i * n- ! cifle , in ray experience and family . In the oth ? . form ^ f pfhSffn ^ S ^ W '" 5 ' '""' worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other merti- othel forms of Febrl , e Dyspepsia . " elne being required . " DU . J . W . * DOWSI * SO . — " I UFCJ ] it in tl e treatment of torty ttvoca . se * -of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( fSovernmcnt Medical In- ancl lam happy to state I never lost a sinele specter of Emigrants from the Port of Lon- case . " p A . systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 31 , 5 / , 11 / 8 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPIOUGH , Chemist , 113 Holborn , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
yery successfully , and to the complete satisfaction of the whole of the members , and he felt snre that when tbe time came for him to vacate the obair be would leave behind him reminiscences that would serve for p leasant contemplation for many years to come . The toast bavin ** been drunk , amidst enthusiastic expressions of fraternal regard , Bro . Page , who was warmly cheered on rising to respond ,
aaid he accepted the position with mixed feelings of pleasure and fear with pleasure at having been unanimously selected by fche brethren for elevation to so proud a position in such an important Lodge as that , and with fear , lest he should fail to discharge the duties of the office so perfectly as they ought to be discharged . He was fully alive to the great responsibilities which the acceptance of
the position cast upon him , and he should endeavour to fulfil them 8 s well as they had been in the past year by Bro . Towuseud . At any rate , he should strive hard so to carry on the Lodge that at the end of his tenure of office the brethren would have no cause to regret having p laced him at their head , and he trusted that he should leave the chair as pure and unsullied as when he was appointed to it .
Lord Charles Beresford had written to him , on the 23 rd of April , expressing great regret at being unable to be present , aud his best wishes for the success of that gathering . The Prov . G . M ., in giving the Installing Master , paid Bro . Townsend a high compliment for the manner in whioh he had carried ont tbe duties of W . M . during the past year , in the unavoidable absence of Lord Charles Beresford , and for the marked ability with which he had conducted the
installation . Bro . Townsend , who was warmly greeted , responded , expressing bis belief that there was a very prosperous future before the Lodge , of which he was the founder , and , as a mark of its success , he stated that although the fee was rather high , there had been eleven initiations dnring the last year . He should gladly render Bro . Page all tbe assistance in his power during his year of office . Bro . A . L .
Emannel proposed the W . M . ' s of neighbouring Lodges , inviting thera and the brethren of other Lodges to visit the Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar Lodge . Bro . Captain St . Clair W . M . of the Phoenix ( the senior ) Lodge , No . 257 , responded , making some happy allusions to the benefits conferred by Freemasonry . Bro . Col . Hay , in eulogistic
terms , proposed the Immediate Past Master ( Lord Charles Beresford ) , and Bro . Townsend replied . The Visitors was given by Bro . W . Royston Pike , and a few other toasts followed , the proceedings being interspersed with songs by Bros . Sylvester , R . W . Beale , P . H . Emanuel , and others , and by recitations by Bro . Moody , of London . —Portsmouth Times .
United Lodge, No. 697.
UNITED LODGE , No . 697 .
THE annual Festival of the above Lodge was held afc Colchester , on Wednesday , 3 rd May , and additional interest was given to the proceedings from the fact thafc ifc waa the " silver" anniversarythe Lodge having been constituted in March 1857 . Lodge was
opened on Wednesday , at two o'clock , and the outgoing Master , Bro . A . Gosling , having given proof of his proficiency by initiating a candidate , Bro . the Rev . E . H . Crate P . M . 697 P . P . G . C . proceeded to inst * , . ! tbe W . M . elect Bro . T . G . Mills , and performed the ceremony
in a manner that elicited the warm plaudits of the brethren assembled . At its close , a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Crate was heartily passed , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Officers for the year were invested as follows * . —Bros . Alfred Gosling I . P . M ., G . A . Eustace Senior Warden . 0 . D . Marshall Junior Warden .
Rev . E . H . Crate P . M . P . P . G . C . Chaplain , Thomas Eustace P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , Thomas Rix P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Secretary , Robert Smith S . D ., Samuel H . Ellis J . D ., R . Clowes M . C , J . B . Lugar Organist , A . S . B . Sparling I . G ., S . Munson Tyler , J . T . Bailey , D . Page , J . Allisten . A . L . Langford Stewards . Before Lodsre was
closed , Bro . Col . H . Somerville-Burney P . M . 697 P . G . D ., who was one of the Founders of the Lodge , congratulated the brethren upon the auspicious occasion tbey celebrated that day , viz ., the twenty , fifth anniversary of tbe Lodge . He had , the day previous , examined the records of 697 afc the Grand Secretary ' s * office , and found that
since its foundation thero had been 270 initial ! msand 114 joining members ; and as no less than 140 of those who had been shown the light of Masonry in that Lodge were military brethren , aud who had consequentl y carried the tenets of the Order to all parts of the world , he thought they might fairly say , there were few Lodges that bad done much
so for tbe spread of the Order . It gave him extreme pleasure to be present that day , and to see that the Lod ge was in so flourishing condition ; he trusted thafc it would continue to prosper . Col . barney concluded by stating thafc he had seen tho R . W . P . G . M . Lord lenterden , K . O . B ., a few days before , and his Lordship bad desired n "n to say how touch be res-retted his inabilihv tn bo nm ^ f « , „; i
« ent his heart y greetings to the brethren . Between fifty and sixty Brethren afterwards dined together at tbe George Hotel , a most In . T clli baD qnet being served A la Rttsse by the hostess , Mrs . Guiver . the course of the evening the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were «* "y honoured . The W . M ., in responding for his healthexnrea ^ d
, at gri !' " ' ^ fe ^ at being called upon to preside over the Lodge such an interesting period of its history . He read a letter be PRn u thafc eveniD S from Bro * pred . A . Philbrick , Q . C , Wh * D , p * 6-M ., to the effect that he very much regretted he Deen compelled to forego the pleasure of being present on this ^ asion , but that he hoped to visit tbe Lodge during the summer . Spnrli v | ! Venin £ * Bros - Osmond , Turner , Sovvman , Clowes , 'be h v ! Wiseman aud Snelgar added greatly to tbe pleasure of was ^ ® nby their vocal renderings ; and altogether the gathering Wee tll & Tn 08 t 8 nccessf , nl remembered by any member of the 6 "
ttitnal , r iT 8 Sterens win deliver his Lecture Explanatory of the Lodffent-T i Ceromon , ' es of the First Degree , at the Kingsland taiogtnn v t , 0 n ' 1693 ' Galinnhar Y Tavern , Canonbury-square . ^•« l & n ° » Monda J evening , 22 nd May 1882 . Bro . R . P . Porg-USr / iT occupy the chair . The Lodge will be opened at F- " . prompt .
St. George's Lodge, No. 1723, Bolton.
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 , BOLTON .
THE Annual Meeting and Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , tho 26 th April , afc the Commercial Hotel , Bolton , afc four o ' clock in the afternoon , the Lodge room being beautifully decorated for the occasion , and tbe handsome Lodge banner , with thafc of the mother Lodge 221 , tho banner of the arms of Grand Lodge , and twenfcy . two private banners of the members , being displayed in a most tasteful manner . Lodge was opened promptly by the Worshipful Master
Bro . William Blain , assisted by bis Officers , and supported by a full assemblage of brethren , including Bros . Court S . W ., Robert Latham J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , N . Nicholson Secretary , John Barrett S . D ., E . G . Harwood J . D ., J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . O . M . of C , A . Cosgrave I . G ., Tongand Bardsley Stewards ; Hey wood , J . H . Greenhalgh and Brockbank P . M . ' s of the Lodge ;
P . M . ' s J . M . Rotter , H . Stead , J . W . Richardson . Visitors—Bros . Dnxbnry S . W . 170 , J . Boothroyd W . M . 221 , Dr . Har << reaves Leeds , Dr . Crompton Bury , Goulburn Preston , Chambers 221 , Collins 678 , Thomas Mitchell Prov . Grand Tyler . The minntes of the last regular meeting having been confirmed , the Lodge was opened in the second degree , and a Board of Installed Masters duly formed under the
presidency of Bro . G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . S . G . D ., to whom Bro . Court , fche W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson P . M ., and having been obligated according to ancient usage , the Lodge proceeded to the third degree , when Bro . Court was installed by Bro . Brockbank , and proclaimed nnd sainted in due form by Bro . J . W . Taylor P . Prov . G . D . M . C . Bro . Naylor having read the report
of fche Auditors on tbe Treasurer ' s accounts , which were very satisfactory , Bro . Ferguson P . M . was re-elected to thafc office . The following brethren were invested as Officers of the Lodge : — William Court W . M ., William Blain I . P . M ., Robert Latham S . W ., John Barrett J . W ., George Ferguson P . M , Treasurer , Nathaniel Nicholson P . M . Secretary , E . G . Harwood S . D ., Alex . Cosgrave J . D .,
J . W . Taylor P . Prov . Grand Organist M . C , T . T . Holt Organist , T . B . Tong I . G ., W . E . Bardsley and T . B . Ddrham Stewards , J . W . Roiley Tyler ; Bro . J . Heywood P . M . Investing Officer , The charges to the Master , Wardens , and brethren being given by Bro . Brook , bank . The sum of £ 5 5 s was voted as the first donation to the Girls ' School , Bro . Taylor having agreed to serve as Steward for tbe pre .
sent Festival . Resignations were read from three of the founders of Lodge , one having left ; tbe town , to reside afc some distance , the other brother contemplated Jeaving the town shortly , and fche third , one of the first Officers of the Lodge , which he joined in order fco get it into working order , now finding it able to pursue its course unaided , closed his membership , with hearty good wishes for its
continued prosperity . These were received , ancl a resolution expressing the regret of the Lodgo was ordered to be sent to each of the brethren retiring . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and Lodge closed at 6 p . m . Banquet followed , and fche brethren were entertained and delighted by the vocal
contributions of Bros . Chambers , Goulburn , Taylor , Stafcon , Boothroyd , Cosgrave , and others , a most agreeable meeting being brought to a close afc 11 p . m . The duties of Organist , in the enforced absence of Bro . Holt , occasioned by illness , were most ably rendered by Bro . Staton , who was warmly commended by the brethren .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday last , at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Smyth W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Boyce S . D ., Marsh J . D ., Gosling I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . A . Clark , Christian , Jones , Brasted , Holsworth , C . Lorkin , and Darnell . Lodgo was opened in due form j tbe minutes of tbe previous
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Holswortb offered himself as a candidate for passing , was interrogated , entrusted , and in dne course passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Christian gave tbe lecture on the tracing board . Bro . Smyth worked the first section of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Lodge opened in the third
degree , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . Wardell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned . The annual supper will take place on Friday , the 19 th of May , afc 7 . 30 sharp , Bro . Burleton , W . M . of the mother Lodge , will preside .
Brother Tito Mafctei announces a Grand Morning Concert for Saturday , 3 rd of June , afc fche Marlborough Rooms , W ., for which occasion Madlle . Marimom , Signor Papini , and many other distinguished artists will appear . A new Waltz Galop , composed by Brother Mafctei , will be played on this occasion .
LAMPLOTJGH'S PYRETICSALINE. Effervescing and Tasteless , forming a most Invigorating , Vitalising , and Refreshing Summer Beverage . ^ r—Gives instant relief in HUAUACHK , SBA . OY Bilious SICXNKSS , IN- J $ 3 £ t & $$ & PIGESTION , CONSTIPATION , LASSITUDE , HEAHTBURS- , FEVEMSU Mr ILJ ^ -U Coins , and prevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst pW ^ rffr S'J'W form of TYPHUS , SOAKLET , JUNGLE , nnd other WE VERS , wk * i ^ # V PKICKLT HEAT , SSIAIL-POX . MEASLES , ERCPTIVK or SKIN COM . *^& && / PLAINTS , and vnrious other Altered Conditions of tho Blood . «| yjr DR . JTOHOAW . — "It fnfnishe . i the blood don ) , writes ; —I have groat pleasure in with Its lost saline constituent- * . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efflmcy DK . TURLEY .- " ! fottiK * . lUct as a spc- onrn ^^ fn ^^ f ^^ ' ^ «" n" * -i * n- ! cifle , in ray experience and family . In the oth ? . form ^ f pfhSffn ^ S ^ W '" 5 ' '""' worst form of Scarlet Fever , so other merti- othel forms of Febrl , e Dyspepsia . " elne being required . " DU . J . W . * DOWSI * SO . — " I UFCJ ] it in tl e treatment of torty ttvoca . se * -of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( fSovernmcnt Medical In- ancl lam happy to state I never lost a sinele specter of Emigrants from the Port of Lon- case . " p A . systematic course prevents and cures obstinate Costiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 31 , 5 / , 11 / 8 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPIOUGH , Chemist , 113 Holborn , LONDON , E . C .