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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
THE General Committee met on Wednesday last , on which occasion Bro . Eaynbam W . Stewart presided , and there was a large attendance of brethren , including Broa . Atkins , Cox , Newton , Quitmann , Gallant , Leggett , Dilley , Brett , Perceval , March , Mather , Lacey , J- A . Parnfield , W . H . Farnfield , Cubitt , Woodford , Cottobrnne , Hale , Hine , Smith , Moon , Clarke , Crutch , Bolton , Adlard ,
Bobbins , Daniel , Goode , Bush , Miller , Bowyer , Brockbank , Dennis , Hilton , Stevens , Stean , and Massey . Bro . Terry , the Secretary , reported that four deaths had occurred amongst the annuitants since the last meeting , and that one approved candidate for election had died since presenting his petition . Upon the Warden ' s report being read , in whioh the Steward's recent
visit to the Institution was referred to , a vote of thanks to tbe House Committee of the Boys' School was proposed by Bro . Perceval , for allowing the Boys' Band to attend and perform at Croydon on that occasion . The motion having been seconded by Bro . Edgar Bowyer was carried unanimously . The other principal business was the consideration of the Chairman ' s motion , of which due notice had been
given" That , considering the great increase of work in the office , the Secretary ' s salary be increased £ 100 per annum from the 1 st March 1882 . " Bro . Terry having retired , the subject was fully considered , a large number of brethren joining in the discussion , and on being put to tbe meeting , was carried by an overwhelming majority . In conformity with notice dnly given , Bro . C . J . Perceval , V . P .,
proposed" That £ 25 be granted Mrs . Farwell , the widow of the late Bro . Farwell , in consideration of her services for some years in acting as nurse to the sick residents in the Institution . " Bro . Perceval explained thafc at the time of her husband ' s death , ahe had not been married the period of three years prescribed by the
rules as necessary to the eligibility of candidates for the benpfits of the Annuity Fund . Mrs . Farwell would , therefore , have to leave the Institution , and he thought he was nofc doing too much in asking the Committee to recognise her services by voting the proposed grant of £ 25 . The motion was immediately seconded and carried , and Bro . Terry returned thanks on Mrs . Farwell ' s behalf .
We offer to Bro . Terry our hearty congratulations , on the grand evidence that was afforded at tbe meeting , on Wednesday , of the Institution of which he is Secretary , of the value that is placed upon his services in that capacity . The brethren , there is no doubt , like to see the official
representatives of our Charities visiting freely among them . We do not say they would appreciate fche services which are rendered by those Charities the less if the said Secretaries were not as ubiquitous as they seem to be ; bnt we feel confident that fche policy which induces Bro . Terry
and his associate workers to move among the Craffc has the effect of accentuating the appeals for support they are under the necessity of making from time to time . Bro . Terry is not one who , under any circumstances , spares time or labour , if he sees there is tbe slightest ehanceof
promotingthe interests of the Benevolent Institution . It * is almost certain that he seldom has afc his disposal any time that he can ri ghteously call his own , and it is more than certain that if he has any such time he is always ready to sacrifice
ifc m behalf of the noble Charity whose interests he so ardently and so loyally promotes . The executive of the Benevolent Institution recognise this fact , and hence the increment of salary , on which , we take the liberty of offering Bro , Terry onr congratulations ,
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the B-oyal Masonic Institution for Boys was held last Saturday , at Freemasons' Hall . There were present Brothers Raynbam W . Stewart P . G . D . in the chair , S . Rosenthal , L . Ruff , Alfred Williams , G . P . Britten , Rev . Richard
Morris , D . D . ( Head Master ) , Joyce Murray , George J Palmer , Herbert Dicketts , Henry Venn , James Moon , H . Massey , C . H . Webb , Edgar Bowyer , F . Adlard , W . Maple , Henry W . Hunt , and F . Binckes Secretary . The Jjhairman was authorised to sign cheques for accounts , ¦ t wo boys were placed on the list for fche October election
outfits of £ 5 each were granted to two pupils of the Institution who had obtained situations ; and £ 1 , 000 out of the subscri ptions towards the Preparatory School was ordered to be invested . The names of brethren nominated to serve
on the House and Audit Committees , for election next tneetlD g > were given in , and Scrutineers of the votes on that occasion were appointed ; after which the Committee adjourned .
BIRTH . AILING . - < - > n Bth Mas * , at , "Winnock Lodge , Colchester , the wife of THOMAS J . KUrarc * . , p . * - ! , and Secretary 51 , Prov , Grand Secretary Essex , of a Son ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —On Tuesday last , at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bros . T . J . Maidwell WM . , Roberts S . W ., Caton J . W ., Clements S . D ., Daniel l . G . Lodge was opened to the third degree , when the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Cheese candidate . On Lodge being resumed , Bro . W . W . Movgau delivered his promised lecture , for whioh ho received a vote of thanks . Bro . Roberts was appointed to preside on Tuesday next .
Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 382 . —At the meeting on Monday , 8 th instant , at the Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridge , there were present Bros . Nicholson W . M ., Taplin S . W ., Cotton J . W ., Brown S . D ., Lambert J . D ., Brooks Secretary , Dnffin LG . and Tyler . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Brooks was interrogated , and entrusted , and after
tbe Lodge had been advanced fco the second , was passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Taplin S . W . and Lambert J . D ., were interrogated before raising , and Lodge was opened and closed in the third and second degrees . Tbe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brooks candidate . Bro . Taplin S . W . was nnanimonsly elected to fill the ohair at the next meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the 15 th of May .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., Friday , Sth May , at 7 . 30 p . m . Bros . James Stevens P . M . Hon . Preceptor W . M ., H . M . Williams S . W ., H . Goodwin J . W ., Richard Poore S . D ., C . H . Phillips J . D ., J . James LG . ; also Bros . R . Field , Henry Smith , F . Thurston , J . Bate , A . G . White , A . Style , J . W . Watts , J . B . Sarjeunfc , Lucas , Baxter , and others . Th © Lodge was opened , and minutes were read . The first section , the ceremony of initiation , with
proofs of proficiency , and the Charge ( by Bro . J . Bate ) were rehearsed , and the fourth section was worked by the brethren . " Question time " was occupied in discussing sundry points of ritual and ceremony , and Bro . H . M . Williams having been elected W . M . for the ensuing week ( when the Lodge will work in the second degree ) , and Bro . Stevens will anticipate a portion of his forthcoming lecture on the second ceremony , the Lodge was closed . We are pleased to notice the steady increase of attendances at this Lodge of Instruction ,
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , UTo . 780 . —At the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Friday , the Sth May , Prpsent—Bros . 3 . J . Gunner W . M ., Gomm P . M . S . W ., Mowon J . W ., 0 . E . Botley S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., Maton I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Andrews Preceptor , Blasby ; and Bro . Beckett . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of last meeting were read , confirmed ,
and signed . The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , Bro . C . B . Botley candidate . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . F . Botley was elected W . M . for tbe next meeting . A letter was read from Bro . Talbot , thanking the brethren for their kind wishes to himself and wife on the occasion of their marriage . The case of a distressed brother , who had made application to the Lodge , was then considered , and a small donation from the funds granted .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 10 rh Mav , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . E . J . Blackwell W . M ., W . Ferguson I . P . M ., Richard Doweett S . W ., Rev . C . R Honev J . W ., J . T . Stransom Treasurer , W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , J . H . Hawkes S . D ., 11 , C . Pric-kett J . D ., W . Ravenscroft I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's E . Margrett , T . J . Pulley ;
also Bros . Slaughter , Weatherherhead , Whitfield , H . Ferguson , W . J . James , J . Greenaway , W . Bailey ; Visitors—C . Frizell 723 , J . W Lindars Secretary 1714 . Lolge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . C . Slaughter , a candidate for passing , gave very satisfactory proof of his efficiency , and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second
degree . Bro . Slaughter was re-admitted and passed to the degree of E . G ., the ceremony , as usual , was admirably performed by the W . M . and Officers , the musical portion being conducted by Bro . Ravens , croft , in fche unavoidable absence of the Organist , Bro . Hickie . The charge in the second degree was given with correctness and precision ; the explanation of the tracing board was deferred . Lodgo
was closed to the first degree . The Treasurer s accounts , as audited by the Permanent Committee , were passed , wir . h a vote of thanks to Bro . Stransom . The W . M . gave notice of motion "Thafc the sum of ten guineas , from the funds of the Lodge , be voted to the R . M . I B ., nnd that the same be added to the list of Bro . E . Margrett P . M ., who will represent the Lodge at the approaching Festival as Steward . "
Bro . W . Ferguson I . P . M . said he should havo much pleasure in seconding the motion . Bro . Margrett expressed bis thanks for this kindness on the part of the Locige , and snggeated that the amount be placed in the name of the S . W ., the W . M . of the Lodge being already a V P . of the Institution . Mr . William Margrett , 54 *
Broadstreet , Hereford , jeweller , was proposed as an initiate by Bro . E . Margrett P . M ., and seconded by Hro . Ravensoroft I G . The Secretary announced that the Provincial Grancl Locige of Berks aud Bucks will be held in Reading , oc Monday , 29 th of Jnne next . The labours of the evening being ended , Lodge was closed , and adjourned to the the ensuing month .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at the Swnn Tavern , Bethnal-groen-road , Shoreditch , on Thursday evening . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terrv Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , P . M . 228 , P . P . J . W . Herts , Prov . S . G . Warden Norths and Hants .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
THE General Committee met on Wednesday last , on which occasion Bro . Eaynbam W . Stewart presided , and there was a large attendance of brethren , including Broa . Atkins , Cox , Newton , Quitmann , Gallant , Leggett , Dilley , Brett , Perceval , March , Mather , Lacey , J- A . Parnfield , W . H . Farnfield , Cubitt , Woodford , Cottobrnne , Hale , Hine , Smith , Moon , Clarke , Crutch , Bolton , Adlard ,
Bobbins , Daniel , Goode , Bush , Miller , Bowyer , Brockbank , Dennis , Hilton , Stevens , Stean , and Massey . Bro . Terry , the Secretary , reported that four deaths had occurred amongst the annuitants since the last meeting , and that one approved candidate for election had died since presenting his petition . Upon the Warden ' s report being read , in whioh the Steward's recent
visit to the Institution was referred to , a vote of thanks to tbe House Committee of the Boys' School was proposed by Bro . Perceval , for allowing the Boys' Band to attend and perform at Croydon on that occasion . The motion having been seconded by Bro . Edgar Bowyer was carried unanimously . The other principal business was the consideration of the Chairman ' s motion , of which due notice had been
given" That , considering the great increase of work in the office , the Secretary ' s salary be increased £ 100 per annum from the 1 st March 1882 . " Bro . Terry having retired , the subject was fully considered , a large number of brethren joining in the discussion , and on being put to tbe meeting , was carried by an overwhelming majority . In conformity with notice dnly given , Bro . C . J . Perceval , V . P .,
proposed" That £ 25 be granted Mrs . Farwell , the widow of the late Bro . Farwell , in consideration of her services for some years in acting as nurse to the sick residents in the Institution . " Bro . Perceval explained thafc at the time of her husband ' s death , ahe had not been married the period of three years prescribed by the
rules as necessary to the eligibility of candidates for the benpfits of the Annuity Fund . Mrs . Farwell would , therefore , have to leave the Institution , and he thought he was nofc doing too much in asking the Committee to recognise her services by voting the proposed grant of £ 25 . The motion was immediately seconded and carried , and Bro . Terry returned thanks on Mrs . Farwell ' s behalf .
We offer to Bro . Terry our hearty congratulations , on the grand evidence that was afforded at tbe meeting , on Wednesday , of the Institution of which he is Secretary , of the value that is placed upon his services in that capacity . The brethren , there is no doubt , like to see the official
representatives of our Charities visiting freely among them . We do not say they would appreciate fche services which are rendered by those Charities the less if the said Secretaries were not as ubiquitous as they seem to be ; bnt we feel confident that fche policy which induces Bro . Terry
and his associate workers to move among the Craffc has the effect of accentuating the appeals for support they are under the necessity of making from time to time . Bro . Terry is not one who , under any circumstances , spares time or labour , if he sees there is tbe slightest ehanceof
promotingthe interests of the Benevolent Institution . It * is almost certain that he seldom has afc his disposal any time that he can ri ghteously call his own , and it is more than certain that if he has any such time he is always ready to sacrifice
ifc m behalf of the noble Charity whose interests he so ardently and so loyally promotes . The executive of the Benevolent Institution recognise this fact , and hence the increment of salary , on which , we take the liberty of offering Bro , Terry onr congratulations ,
The monthly meeting of the General Committee of the B-oyal Masonic Institution for Boys was held last Saturday , at Freemasons' Hall . There were present Brothers Raynbam W . Stewart P . G . D . in the chair , S . Rosenthal , L . Ruff , Alfred Williams , G . P . Britten , Rev . Richard
Morris , D . D . ( Head Master ) , Joyce Murray , George J Palmer , Herbert Dicketts , Henry Venn , James Moon , H . Massey , C . H . Webb , Edgar Bowyer , F . Adlard , W . Maple , Henry W . Hunt , and F . Binckes Secretary . The Jjhairman was authorised to sign cheques for accounts , ¦ t wo boys were placed on the list for fche October election
outfits of £ 5 each were granted to two pupils of the Institution who had obtained situations ; and £ 1 , 000 out of the subscri ptions towards the Preparatory School was ordered to be invested . The names of brethren nominated to serve
on the House and Audit Committees , for election next tneetlD g > were given in , and Scrutineers of the votes on that occasion were appointed ; after which the Committee adjourned .
BIRTH . AILING . - < - > n Bth Mas * , at , "Winnock Lodge , Colchester , the wife of THOMAS J . KUrarc * . , p . * - ! , and Secretary 51 , Prov , Grand Secretary Essex , of a Son ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —On Tuesday last , at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bros . T . J . Maidwell WM . , Roberts S . W ., Caton J . W ., Clements S . D ., Daniel l . G . Lodge was opened to the third degree , when the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Cheese candidate . On Lodge being resumed , Bro . W . W . Movgau delivered his promised lecture , for whioh ho received a vote of thanks . Bro . Roberts was appointed to preside on Tuesday next .
Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 382 . —At the meeting on Monday , 8 th instant , at the Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridge , there were present Bros . Nicholson W . M ., Taplin S . W ., Cotton J . W ., Brown S . D ., Lambert J . D ., Brooks Secretary , Dnffin LG . and Tyler . Lodge was opened , and the minntes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Brooks was interrogated , and entrusted , and after
tbe Lodge had been advanced fco the second , was passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Taplin S . W . and Lambert J . D ., were interrogated before raising , and Lodge was opened and closed in the third and second degrees . Tbe ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Brooks candidate . Bro . Taplin S . W . was nnanimonsly elected to fill the ohair at the next meeting . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the 15 th of May .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . — Meeting held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , S . E ., Friday , Sth May , at 7 . 30 p . m . Bros . James Stevens P . M . Hon . Preceptor W . M ., H . M . Williams S . W ., H . Goodwin J . W ., Richard Poore S . D ., C . H . Phillips J . D ., J . James LG . ; also Bros . R . Field , Henry Smith , F . Thurston , J . Bate , A . G . White , A . Style , J . W . Watts , J . B . Sarjeunfc , Lucas , Baxter , and others . Th © Lodge was opened , and minutes were read . The first section , the ceremony of initiation , with
proofs of proficiency , and the Charge ( by Bro . J . Bate ) were rehearsed , and the fourth section was worked by the brethren . " Question time " was occupied in discussing sundry points of ritual and ceremony , and Bro . H . M . Williams having been elected W . M . for the ensuing week ( when the Lodge will work in the second degree ) , and Bro . Stevens will anticipate a portion of his forthcoming lecture on the second ceremony , the Lodge was closed . We are pleased to notice the steady increase of attendances at this Lodge of Instruction ,
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , UTo . 780 . —At the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Friday , the Sth May , Prpsent—Bros . 3 . J . Gunner W . M ., Gomm P . M . S . W ., Mowon J . W ., 0 . E . Botley S . D ., F . Botley J . D ., Maton I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Andrews Preceptor , Blasby ; and Bro . Beckett . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of last meeting were read , confirmed ,
and signed . The ceremony of raising was then rehearsed , Bro . C . B . Botley candidate . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . F . Botley was elected W . M . for tbe next meeting . A letter was read from Bro . Talbot , thanking the brethren for their kind wishes to himself and wife on the occasion of their marriage . The case of a distressed brother , who had made application to the Lodge , was then considered , and a small donation from the funds granted .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 10 rh Mav , at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . E . J . Blackwell W . M ., W . Ferguson I . P . M ., Richard Doweett S . W ., Rev . C . R Honev J . W ., J . T . Stransom Treasurer , W . P . Ivey P . M . Secretary , J . H . Hawkes S . D ., 11 , C . Pric-kett J . D ., W . Ravenscroft I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's E . Margrett , T . J . Pulley ;
also Bros . Slaughter , Weatherherhead , Whitfield , H . Ferguson , W . J . James , J . Greenaway , W . Bailey ; Visitors—C . Frizell 723 , J . W Lindars Secretary 1714 . Lolge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . C . Slaughter , a candidate for passing , gave very satisfactory proof of his efficiency , and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the second
degree . Bro . Slaughter was re-admitted and passed to the degree of E . G ., the ceremony , as usual , was admirably performed by the W . M . and Officers , the musical portion being conducted by Bro . Ravens , croft , in fche unavoidable absence of the Organist , Bro . Hickie . The charge in the second degree was given with correctness and precision ; the explanation of the tracing board was deferred . Lodgo
was closed to the first degree . The Treasurer s accounts , as audited by the Permanent Committee , were passed , wir . h a vote of thanks to Bro . Stransom . The W . M . gave notice of motion "Thafc the sum of ten guineas , from the funds of the Lodge , be voted to the R . M . I B ., nnd that the same be added to the list of Bro . E . Margrett P . M ., who will represent the Lodge at the approaching Festival as Steward . "
Bro . W . Ferguson I . P . M . said he should havo much pleasure in seconding the motion . Bro . Margrett expressed bis thanks for this kindness on the part of the Locige , and snggeated that the amount be placed in the name of the S . W ., the W . M . of the Lodge being already a V P . of the Institution . Mr . William Margrett , 54 *
Broadstreet , Hereford , jeweller , was proposed as an initiate by Bro . E . Margrett P . M ., and seconded by Hro . Ravensoroft I G . The Secretary announced that the Provincial Grancl Locige of Berks aud Bucks will be held in Reading , oc Monday , 29 th of Jnne next . The labours of the evening being ended , Lodge was closed , and adjourned to the the ensuing month .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at the Swnn Tavern , Bethnal-groen-road , Shoreditch , on Thursday evening . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were rehearsed by Bro . James Terrv Secretary Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , P . M . 228 , P . P . J . W . Herts , Prov . S . G . Warden Norths and Hants .