Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
There was a very large attendance of Craftsmen . The work was performed in Bro . Terry ' s most capable way , and the brethren expressed their satisfaction at the instruction they had received . Bro . James Pinder P . M . 15 was tbe candidate for the Master's chair , and he fully explained the duties and responsibilities of tho Officers he appointed . Thoso were Bros . Pearcy S . W ., Moss J . W ., Serjeant
Senior Deacon , Gieseke J . D ., Horley I . G ., Clark Immediate Past Master , Free Secretary , Gieseke Treasurer , Ford LG . Bro . Terry then gave the addresses , ancl tho proceedings closed after the usnal compliments had been paid tho acting Officer for his attendance . Refreshment followed labour , and in the course of the remarks that were elicited over the toasts Bro . Terry stated that the Upton Lodge ,
No . 1227 , was tho first one he consecrated . Since then he had been nominated by the three Grand Masters under whose rule he had served to consecrate no loss than 118 Lodges . It was farther stated that the Charitable Association in connection with the Lodge of Instruction was doing good work , and great credit was awarded to Bro . D . Moss , its moving spirit . A universal feeling of regret was given utterance to at tho enforced absence , throngh illness , of Bro .
Fenner tho Preceptor , and Bro . Free the Secretary was entrusted to convey tho sentiments of the brethren , and to express a hope for Bro . Fennel ' s speedy recovery . Bro . Gray must be complimented on tho arrangements he made for his guests ; at the same time the lack of sufficient ventilation in the crowded room was to be deplored . We think this , on future occasions , may easily be rectified .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , York . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday evening , 8 th instant , when , in the absence of the W . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . S . Cumberland P . M ., G . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , J . S . Rymer W . M . 236 , J . Kay S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , andanumber
of Officers and brethren , together with several visitors from the York Lodge , Bro . Davis , of the Sligo Lodge , and others . A successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and also for Bro . F . Slinger , 1626 , as a joining member . Bro . S . J . Dal i on was passed to the degree of F . C , after which Bro . J . Horner was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Whytehead then presented to the Lodge ,
on behalf of Bro . W . J . Hughan , a copy of the " Directory of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Cornwall for 1882 , " and , on behalf of Bro . R . F . Bower , of Keokuk , Iowa , tho world-renowned Masonic collector , a beautiful medal lately struck and dedicated to all Masonic bibliographers . Brother Whytehead also presented a copy of the " History and Description of King ' s College Chapel , Cambridge , " by
Henry Maiden ( 1769 ) , in which occur some interesting allusions to Freemasonry , and copies of the " Transactions of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Pennsylvnnia for 1881 . " The Secretary read a letter from G . F . Marwood , of Busby Hall , thanking the Lodge for a letter of sympathy which had been forwarded to him on the occasion of the death of his late father , Bro . George Marwood P . D . P . G . M .
A letter from the Grand Secretary was also read , containing a decision of the Grand Registrar relative to the postponement of Lodge meetings when the stated gatherings fall upon public holidays . These were ordered to be placed upon tbe minutes . A telegram was read from the W . M ., who was absent in Aberdeen , conveying hearty good wishes to the Locige ; aud in a similar message was also
read in a letter from Brother A . M . Broadley , at Tunis . The acting W . M . also read a letter from Brother A . G . Goodall , of New York , who is tho representative of the Grand Lodge of England near the Grand Lodge of Now ' York , reporting the arrival in that city oi Bro . Girling , of the Eboracum Lodge , who had taken letters of introduction to the United States , expressing his pleasure at receiving
any members of 1611 , aud intimating a hope thafc he should be able to visit York ere long . Lodge having been closed , the members met at refreshment , and a social evening was passed . In responding to fche toast of the Earl of Zetland and Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . P . G . Warden , gave a good report of the progress
he had been able to make with the Earl ' s list for the Girls' Festival ou Wednesday . It already amounted to a handsome sum , i * nd he hoped still to have additions to it . The Hull Lodges had made most handsome votes , aud North and East Yorkshire would , he hoped , be well represented .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , llth inst . Present — Bros . A . Jones W . M ., - J . Canniughaui S . W ., H . Howlings J . W ., 0 . Bellerby S . D ., C . Andrews P . M . J . D ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , J . Wells Secretary ; Bros . Taylor , T . A . Smith , Porter , a , nd
Clarke . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Taylor candidate . Lodgo was resumed to tho first degree , and the W . M . rehearspd the ceremony of initiation , Bro . T . A . Smith candidate . Bro . Taylor , of Lodge 645 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Cunningham was appointed W . M . for the next meeting , and Lodge was closed in due form .
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 t » -This new Lodge held its second regular meeting on Thnrsday , the 4 th March . When Lodge was opened , which was not done till considerably after the time lixel . Bros . Phipos and Cleveley proved themselves efficient Ertered Apprentices , ancl were entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and Urns . Cleveley and Phipos wore passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Ward , Dixon , and Clarke answered the questions , ancl Bros . Ward and
Clarke were raised to the degree of M . M . The Lodge having been resumed to tho first degree , Mr . Curtis , who had been already pro . posed by the S . D . Bro . Woodman , and seconded by the Secretary Bro . Trewinnard P . M . 1693 , was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bro . Prout , who was initiated at the previous meeting , not being able to be present at the opening of the Lodge , now came forward , aud after being questioned was passed . Routine work
followed , and the Locige was closed in perfect harmony , aud adjourned until the first Thursday in June . Some four or five visitors were present , amongst whom we noticed Bro . Eusile P . P . G . P . Herts , aud Bro . Clemmers of the Harrow , who was kind enough to assist the W . M ., acting as J . D . Wo congratulate this new
Lodge on having so efficient a W . M . as Bro . Forge , who does his work thoroughly . Tho brethren sat down to a well-served supper , placed on the table by mine host , Bro . J . Ward . A Lodge of Instruction has already been established , and the brethren meet in good numbers every Thursday , at 7 . 30 , Bro . P . M . Sadler being the Preceptor .
Bro . J . Driscoll P . M . No . 30 will rehearse the ceremony of installation at the High Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 754 , at the Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , on Thursday next , the 18 th insfc . The members of the Masonio Charitable Association in connection with the above Lodge will dine together , at Bro . Oddy ' s , Seven Sisters Hotel , on Wednesday , the 17 fch instant . An agreeable meeting is
anticipated . On this occasion a presentation will be made to Bro . Garrod for his services in connection with the Second Tottenham and Edmonton Masonic Charitable Association . We also have pleasure in stating that three Life Governorships in the new Charitable Association ( recently formed under the presidency of Bro . Mailer P . M . ) will be appropriated on the same evening .
Politics have no part in the programme of a Masonic journal ; but this cannot be regarded as an obstacle to our obvious duty nnder the circumstances , which is fco express our ntter abhorrence of fche atrocious crime committed on Saturday last in the capital of Ireland . Lord Frederick
Cavendish , who had landed only a few hours previously m Dublin , and had been sworn into office as Chief Secretary to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant , and who , moreover , is brother to our respected brother the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire , was
murderously done to death in open day , and iu close proximity fco people who were leisurely enjoying themselves in the Phcenix Park . The Under Secretary , Mr . Burke , was slaughtered in like manner , and the bodies of the two deceased gentlemen were found lifeless and weltering in
their blood within a few minutes after they had been seen walking and talking together on the most intimate terms of friendship . The horror this foul deed has excited thronghont the length and breadth of Her Majesty ' s dominions , and in every foreign state , is beyond description .
With the political business which has led to this terrible murder we have nothing to do , beyond expressing , in no nncertain tone , onr belief that a canse which is attempted to be helped forward by such means musfc be utterly unworthy . We also feel ourselves justified , and , indeed ,
more than justified , in offering to the family , friends , and colleagues of tbe deceased Lord F . Cavendish , and his coadjutor , Mr . Burke , our sincere expression of sympathy
afc the terrible calamity which has thus plunged them into the deepest grief . May the G . A .. O . T . U . give them strength to bear up in the midst and nnder the load of their present grief .
All Books intended for Eeview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . A History of Freemasonry in Oxfordshire . Compiled by E . L , Hawkins , M . A ., P . Prov . Grand Registrar Oxon , W . M . 357 , and
478 , 33 ° , P . Prov . Grand Mark Sword Bearer Berks and Oxon , K . T ., K . M . Published under the especial sanction of H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , and the Worshipfnl Masters of the Lodges of the Province of Oxfordshire . Oxford : W . R . Bowden , 59 Hig h-street . 1882 .
Part I ., thongh it occupies no more than thirteen pages , throws mucn light ou the different Lodges which , at different times , have been established in the county , but are no longer in existence , though it is certain they hnve not passed away without having nvide their mark . Of theso extinct Lodges there is no doubt that the " Lodge of Alfred , the predecessor of the present " Apollo University , " and tho " Contut
BRO . HAWKINS is to be congratulated on the exceedingly able and lucid manner in which he has dealt with tho subject of Freemasonry in Oxfordshire . He has evidently made his task a labour of love , and though the result of his labours is compressed within narrow limits , he has succeeded in bringing together materials which form a complete sketch of tbe rise and progress of our Craft in this Province .
atitutioii , " which may be said to stand in a similar relation to * present " Alfred" were the most important . They were not the "arliest , for there was a Locige , No . 58 , which was warranted on 8 th August 1729 , and met at the Crown , Corn Market , Oxford , it loes not figure in the List for 1740 , and no records have beeu handed 'lown to us . There was also a Lodge No . 181 , which was warrantee ! 31 st March 1740 , and held its meetings at the White Lion ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
There was a very large attendance of Craftsmen . The work was performed in Bro . Terry ' s most capable way , and the brethren expressed their satisfaction at the instruction they had received . Bro . James Pinder P . M . 15 was tbe candidate for the Master's chair , and he fully explained the duties and responsibilities of tho Officers he appointed . Thoso were Bros . Pearcy S . W ., Moss J . W ., Serjeant
Senior Deacon , Gieseke J . D ., Horley I . G ., Clark Immediate Past Master , Free Secretary , Gieseke Treasurer , Ford LG . Bro . Terry then gave the addresses , ancl tho proceedings closed after the usnal compliments had been paid tho acting Officer for his attendance . Refreshment followed labour , and in the course of the remarks that were elicited over the toasts Bro . Terry stated that the Upton Lodge ,
No . 1227 , was tho first one he consecrated . Since then he had been nominated by the three Grand Masters under whose rule he had served to consecrate no loss than 118 Lodges . It was farther stated that the Charitable Association in connection with the Lodge of Instruction was doing good work , and great credit was awarded to Bro . D . Moss , its moving spirit . A universal feeling of regret was given utterance to at tho enforced absence , throngh illness , of Bro .
Fenner tho Preceptor , and Bro . Free the Secretary was entrusted to convey tho sentiments of the brethren , and to express a hope for Bro . Fennel ' s speedy recovery . Bro . Gray must be complimented on tho arrangements he made for his guests ; at the same time the lack of sufficient ventilation in the crowded room was to be deplored . We think this , on future occasions , may easily be rectified .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , York . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday evening , 8 th instant , when , in the absence of the W . M ., the chair was occupied by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who was supported by Bros . J . S . Cumberland P . M ., G . Balmford P . M . Treasurer , J . S . Rymer W . M . 236 , J . Kay S . W ., M . Millington J . W ., T . Humphries Assistant Secretary , andanumber
of Officers and brethren , together with several visitors from the York Lodge , Bro . Davis , of the Sligo Lodge , and others . A successful ballot was taken for a candidate , and also for Bro . F . Slinger , 1626 , as a joining member . Bro . S . J . Dal i on was passed to the degree of F . C , after which Bro . J . Horner was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Whytehead then presented to the Lodge ,
on behalf of Bro . W . J . Hughan , a copy of the " Directory of the Provincial Grand Lodgo of Cornwall for 1882 , " and , on behalf of Bro . R . F . Bower , of Keokuk , Iowa , tho world-renowned Masonic collector , a beautiful medal lately struck and dedicated to all Masonic bibliographers . Brother Whytehead also presented a copy of the " History and Description of King ' s College Chapel , Cambridge , " by
Henry Maiden ( 1769 ) , in which occur some interesting allusions to Freemasonry , and copies of the " Transactions of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Pennsylvnnia for 1881 . " The Secretary read a letter from G . F . Marwood , of Busby Hall , thanking the Lodge for a letter of sympathy which had been forwarded to him on the occasion of the death of his late father , Bro . George Marwood P . D . P . G . M .
A letter from the Grand Secretary was also read , containing a decision of the Grand Registrar relative to the postponement of Lodge meetings when the stated gatherings fall upon public holidays . These were ordered to be placed upon tbe minutes . A telegram was read from the W . M ., who was absent in Aberdeen , conveying hearty good wishes to the Locige ; aud in a similar message was also
read in a letter from Brother A . M . Broadley , at Tunis . The acting W . M . also read a letter from Brother A . G . Goodall , of New York , who is tho representative of the Grand Lodge of England near the Grand Lodge of Now ' York , reporting the arrival in that city oi Bro . Girling , of the Eboracum Lodge , who had taken letters of introduction to the United States , expressing his pleasure at receiving
any members of 1611 , aud intimating a hope thafc he should be able to visit York ere long . Lodge having been closed , the members met at refreshment , and a social evening was passed . In responding to fche toast of the Earl of Zetland and Provincial Grand Lodge , Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . P . G . Warden , gave a good report of the progress
he had been able to make with the Earl ' s list for the Girls' Festival ou Wednesday . It already amounted to a handsome sum , i * nd he hoped still to have additions to it . The Hull Lodges had made most handsome votes , aud North and East Yorkshire would , he hoped , be well represented .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , llth inst . Present — Bros . A . Jones W . M ., - J . Canniughaui S . W ., H . Howlings J . W ., 0 . Bellerby S . D ., C . Andrews P . M . J . D ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , J . Wells Secretary ; Bros . Taylor , T . A . Smith , Porter , a , nd
Clarke . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Taylor candidate . Lodgo was resumed to tho first degree , and the W . M . rehearspd the ceremony of initiation , Bro . T . A . Smith candidate . Bro . Taylor , of Lodge 645 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Cunningham was appointed W . M . for the next meeting , and Lodge was closed in due form .
Southgate Lodge , No . 1950 t » -This new Lodge held its second regular meeting on Thnrsday , the 4 th March . When Lodge was opened , which was not done till considerably after the time lixel . Bros . Phipos and Cleveley proved themselves efficient Ertered Apprentices , ancl were entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and Urns . Cleveley and Phipos wore passed to the degree of F . C . Bros . Ward , Dixon , and Clarke answered the questions , ancl Bros . Ward and
Clarke were raised to the degree of M . M . The Lodge having been resumed to tho first degree , Mr . Curtis , who had been already pro . posed by the S . D . Bro . Woodman , and seconded by the Secretary Bro . Trewinnard P . M . 1693 , was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Bro . Prout , who was initiated at the previous meeting , not being able to be present at the opening of the Lodge , now came forward , aud after being questioned was passed . Routine work
followed , and the Locige was closed in perfect harmony , aud adjourned until the first Thursday in June . Some four or five visitors were present , amongst whom we noticed Bro . Eusile P . P . G . P . Herts , aud Bro . Clemmers of the Harrow , who was kind enough to assist the W . M ., acting as J . D . Wo congratulate this new
Lodge on having so efficient a W . M . as Bro . Forge , who does his work thoroughly . Tho brethren sat down to a well-served supper , placed on the table by mine host , Bro . J . Ward . A Lodge of Instruction has already been established , and the brethren meet in good numbers every Thursday , at 7 . 30 , Bro . P . M . Sadler being the Preceptor .
Bro . J . Driscoll P . M . No . 30 will rehearse the ceremony of installation at the High Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 754 , at the Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , on Thursday next , the 18 th insfc . The members of the Masonio Charitable Association in connection with the above Lodge will dine together , at Bro . Oddy ' s , Seven Sisters Hotel , on Wednesday , the 17 fch instant . An agreeable meeting is
anticipated . On this occasion a presentation will be made to Bro . Garrod for his services in connection with the Second Tottenham and Edmonton Masonic Charitable Association . We also have pleasure in stating that three Life Governorships in the new Charitable Association ( recently formed under the presidency of Bro . Mailer P . M . ) will be appropriated on the same evening .
Politics have no part in the programme of a Masonic journal ; but this cannot be regarded as an obstacle to our obvious duty nnder the circumstances , which is fco express our ntter abhorrence of fche atrocious crime committed on Saturday last in the capital of Ireland . Lord Frederick
Cavendish , who had landed only a few hours previously m Dublin , and had been sworn into office as Chief Secretary to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant , and who , moreover , is brother to our respected brother the Marquis of Hartington , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Derbyshire , was
murderously done to death in open day , and iu close proximity fco people who were leisurely enjoying themselves in the Phcenix Park . The Under Secretary , Mr . Burke , was slaughtered in like manner , and the bodies of the two deceased gentlemen were found lifeless and weltering in
their blood within a few minutes after they had been seen walking and talking together on the most intimate terms of friendship . The horror this foul deed has excited thronghont the length and breadth of Her Majesty ' s dominions , and in every foreign state , is beyond description .
With the political business which has led to this terrible murder we have nothing to do , beyond expressing , in no nncertain tone , onr belief that a canse which is attempted to be helped forward by such means musfc be utterly unworthy . We also feel ourselves justified , and , indeed ,
more than justified , in offering to the family , friends , and colleagues of tbe deceased Lord F . Cavendish , and his coadjutor , Mr . Burke , our sincere expression of sympathy
afc the terrible calamity which has thus plunged them into the deepest grief . May the G . A .. O . T . U . give them strength to bear up in the midst and nnder the load of their present grief .
All Books intended for Eeview should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C . A History of Freemasonry in Oxfordshire . Compiled by E . L , Hawkins , M . A ., P . Prov . Grand Registrar Oxon , W . M . 357 , and
478 , 33 ° , P . Prov . Grand Mark Sword Bearer Berks and Oxon , K . T ., K . M . Published under the especial sanction of H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the W . Deputy Prov . Grand Master , and the Worshipfnl Masters of the Lodges of the Province of Oxfordshire . Oxford : W . R . Bowden , 59 Hig h-street . 1882 .
Part I ., thongh it occupies no more than thirteen pages , throws mucn light ou the different Lodges which , at different times , have been established in the county , but are no longer in existence , though it is certain they hnve not passed away without having nvide their mark . Of theso extinct Lodges there is no doubt that the " Lodge of Alfred , the predecessor of the present " Apollo University , " and tho " Contut
BRO . HAWKINS is to be congratulated on the exceedingly able and lucid manner in which he has dealt with tho subject of Freemasonry in Oxfordshire . He has evidently made his task a labour of love , and though the result of his labours is compressed within narrow limits , he has succeeded in bringing together materials which form a complete sketch of tbe rise and progress of our Craft in this Province .
atitutioii , " which may be said to stand in a similar relation to * present " Alfred" were the most important . They were not the "arliest , for there was a Locige , No . 58 , which was warranted on 8 th August 1729 , and met at the Crown , Corn Market , Oxford , it loes not figure in the List for 1740 , and no records have beeu handed 'lown to us . There was also a Lodge No . 181 , which was warrantee ! 31 st March 1740 , and held its meetings at the White Lion ,