Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1
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^ V-V-VA'A " . - -- ^ 23 CHEAT QUEEN STEEET , W . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE Annual Distribution of Prizes at the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls took place on Monday , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master Warwickshire , and President of the Board of Stewards for Wednesday ' s Festival . His Lordship was both numerously and loyally supported , as well by members
of the Craft as by the fair sex , to whom especially the welfare of so interesting an Institution must of course be a matter of some concern . The weather was all that could be desired , and consequently neither in this nor in any other respect were the elements ei success wanting .
Everything , as we have remarked elsewhere , passed off most agreeably . The Girls exhibited a marked degree of proficiency in their musical and declamatory efforts . Haydn ' s " Toy" Symphony , in particular , in which eighteen of the pupils took part , was so
admirably rendered that the audience pressed for its repetition . Abt's Part Song , " Snnset , " was sung well , and the French recitation , "Morceau d'lphigenie " of Racine , was delivered with an appreciative sense of the text , by Misses E . A . Wilson , A . H . Clase , 0 . Coleman ,
B . L . Turner , and 3 ? . B . Lapington . The calisthenic display excited a large amount of enthusiasm . When the special business of the day was concluded , the visitors
betook themselves to refreshment , and then followed a series of devotional exercises , warmly carried out , in honour * of the Muse Terpsichore . Particulars are appended : —
Part I . Duet— " Hallelnjah Chorus " —Handel—24 hands . Trio—( Little Girls)— "Guillaume Tell "—Rossini—36 hands . Recitation— " The Wreck of the Hesperus "—Longfellow—Mary E . Spalding . Part Song— " Sunset "—Aht .
Parfc II . " Toy Symphony " —Haydn—18 performers . Recitation— " Zacconi's Task " —Alice W . Cecil
Quartet— "Marsch nnd Choraus Tannhiiuser " —Wagner—24 hands Recitation— " The birds of Killingworth "—Longfellow—Alice G Pike . Part Song— " The Voice of Spring" —Behrend .
Parfc III . Recitation— " Moreeanx d'lphigenie " —Racine—E . A . Wilson , A . H Clase , C . Coleman , B . L . Turner , and F . E . Lapington . "Rigaudon" —Raff—12 hands . Becitation— "Horatius "—Macaulay—Ada Hnyshe Clase . Dnefc— " Ungorische Tiinze " —Brahms—24 hands .
Afc the conclusion of these selections , tbe Noble Chairman presented the several prizes awarded by the Institution and private donors , to the following : — Emma Lizzie Bridgman , the Gold Medal for Proficiency , given
annually by Bro . William Paas , with £ 5 given annually by Bro . Wm . Winn . Charlotte Coleman , the Silver Medal for Good Conduct , S" < ren annually by the Institution , with £ 5 given annually by Bro . William Winn . Susan Jane Norrish , £ 5 for Proficiency , given ananall y by Bro . William Winn .
Prizes given annually by the Institution : — Passing Senior Cambridge Examination , Edith Ann Wilson ( Gold Medal of last year ); Passing in Honours Cambridge Examination , •t-tnma Lizzie Bvidgeman , Charlotte Coleman , nnd Susan Jane Nor"je ; Cambridge Examination , Ada Hnvshe Clase , Mande Ada Jav .
* lorence Rose Sarganfc , and Eliza Edith Daly ; Mnsie , Sarah Lissie ¦ Bellamy . Writing and Drawing , Mary Emma Barsby , and Alice georgiana Pike ; Needlework , Annie E . Scott , Jessie Langley , Edith ¦ Aseott , Kate Bovd , ancl Florence Weston ; Machine work , Beatrice f" /' ndge , Matilda Hothersall , and Mary J . Feltham ; General
Useijj' Josephine Herlan and Kate Isabel Mills ; Order ancl Attennn ° i v P roved by Marks throughout the year ) , Evaliua Mary Hill «? ci Amtf y Alford Cecil -fjfeatness among the Little Girls , Adelaide M - Brunskill .
Class II . —Fanny Elizabeth Lapington , General Proficiency fcushnna Mary Norrish , Perseverance . wass III . —Meta Bell Brazier , General Proficiency ; Lucretia C . A , Wri on , Perseverance . Giw fx \ J ' ~ ha ° y Jane Basher , General Proficiency ; Edith Mary «*«** jett , Perseverance .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Class V . —Clara Eliza Coles , General Proficiency ; Charlotte Amelia Fellows , Perseverance . By Bro . Joshua Nunn , for Fancy work : —Ada Hartley Healey . By Bro . the Rev . P . H . Bretto , D . D ., for French : —Edith Ann Wilson .
By Mrs . Crick , for Elocution : —Ada Huyslie Clase , Alice Georgiana Pike , and Alice Warbnrton Cecil . By Bro . John M . Clabon , for Good Conduct : —Clara Isabel Wright and Ada Carter . By Friends of the late Bro . Collard Montrio , for Music : —Harriet Geraldine Keighley .
By Bro . and Mrs . Louis Hirsch , for Music : —Helena Piddnck and Effie Rose Bellamy . The Sfc . James " Yates Memorial Prize " ( per Sfc . James ' s Lodge , No . 482 ) , for Proficiency in Domestic Daties ( Cookery ) : —Sarah Lissie Bellamy . From the Snpreme Grand Council of the 33 rd degree , for Good Conduct : —Annie Eliza Scott .
By Bro . John Faulkner , for Amiability , as selected by her Schoolfellows : —Florence Armitage ; Physical Geography , Emma Lissie Bridgetnan ; Cookery , Ellen Sophia Christie . By Mrs . Edgar Bowyer , for Needlework : —Alice Boyd . From the " Wentworth Little " Memorial Prize , for Musio - —Violet H . Lang , Mary A . Johnson , and Edith Hicks .
From the " John Boyd Memorial Prize , for Drawing : —Mabel E . Sandford , Emma Lizzie Bridgeman , and Kathleen I . A . Collins . For Calisthenics and Deportment : —Colina Sharp . By Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , and Lady Truscott , for Magnetism and Electricity ( Class I . —Science Examination ) : — Beatrice L . Turner ; Cookery , Emma Mary Potts . By Bro . C . E . Atkinson , for Religious Knowledge : —Charlotte Cole .
man ; Calasfchenics and Deportment , Florence Rose Sargant . From the Science and Art Department , South Kensington , for Drawing -. —Freehand— Grade I ., Effie Rose Bellamy , Charlotte Amelia Fellows , Ada Hodgson , Edith Mabel Lewis , and Elizabeth Trnmble . Geometry—Grade I ., Ellen Sophia Christie , Beatrice Helena Fudge , Eleanor Peele , Ada B . Tanare , Mona B . Hennett . Grade II ., Perspective , Eliza Edith Daly ; Freehand , Colina Sharp .
The Festival.
THE Ninety-fourth Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , under the presidency of the Duke of Connaught . His Royal Highness was well supported , while as to the financial success of the gathering , what we remark elsewhere will show that this was of fche most satisfactory description . When the cloth was removed , the
customary list of toasts was given from the chair , and in respect of the first of them ifc became the pleasant duty of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught to announce thafc Her Majesty the Queen had graciously authorised him to state that henceforth she would be known as the Chief Patroness of the Institution , an announcement which , ifc is needless to say , was received with the
heartiest applause . Due honour having been paid to the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , and to the Earls of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master and Lathom Deputy Grand Master , in conjunction with tbe rest of the Grand Officers pasfc and . present , Lord Leigh Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire proposed the health of tbe Royal Chairman , and this having been right loyally acknowledged , His Royal
Highness gave the toasfc of " Success to the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls , " associating with it the name of Col . Creaton G . Treasurer , and Treasurer of the School . Col . Creaton having briefly acknowledged fche compliment , Bro . Hedges Secretary R . M . I G . read the list of contributions , amounting to £ 13 , 232 , a result which was hailed by all present with loud expressions of satisfaction . To the toast of the
" Other Masonic Charities , which was submitted by Lord Suffield Provincial Grand Master Norfolk , Bro . Binckes Secretary R . M . I . B ., in his usual hearty manner , replied ; Bro . Terry Secretary R . M . B . I . following , and in the course of his remarks suggesting fchafc , as His Royal Highness the Chairman had already taken the chair at a Girls' School Festival and a Boys' School Festival , it would be deemed an honour if he would complete the full
round , by presiding at some future Festival of the Institution with which he was officially connected . The toast of the Stewards of the Institution was proposed by General Brownrigg Prov . G . Master Surrey , and responded to by their President , Lord Leigh , a similar compliment being paid to " The Ladies " by Sir J . Monckton , and very gracefully acknowledged by Brother F . Richardson . An excellent concert brought the proceedings to a close .
A Concert was given afc fche Afchenasnm , Highbury New Park , on Tuesday , tho proceeds of which were devoted to the benefit of Mrs . Wooldridge . It was a great success , as may well be gathered from the fact that Madame Ernst , Miss Jeanie Rosse , Bro . Henry Guy , and Bro . Thurley Beale were fche solo vocalists ; that Bro . F . H . Cowen ' s cantata , " The Rose Maiden , " constituted Parfc I . of
the programme ; aud further , that in Part II . Madame Enriquez and Mr . W . G . Forington played an important parfc . There was a numerous aud appreciative audience , and we are inclined to suppose thafc Mrs . Wooldridge will have derived great benefit from the Concert . The cantata went extremely well , while in Part II . admirable effect was given by Madame Enriquez to Pinsufci's " Heaven and Earth , " to Buononcini ' s " Love leads to Battle , " by Mr . Forington ; to Lucantoni ' s
duet , "Una Notte a Venezia , by Madame Ernst and Bro . Henry Guy ; and to Bro . Thurley Beale ' s rendering of Hatton ' s song , " To A'thea . " Miss Jeanie Rosse likewise sang with much expression Bro . O . Barri ' s " The Child and the Flowers . " Be it added that the final Concert of the Season will be given on Tnesday , the 23 rd instant , when Mendelssohn ' s " Hymn of Praise" will form part of the pro . gramme .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^ V-V-VA'A " . - -- ^ 23 CHEAT QUEEN STEEET , W . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
THE Annual Distribution of Prizes at the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls took place on Monday , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master Warwickshire , and President of the Board of Stewards for Wednesday ' s Festival . His Lordship was both numerously and loyally supported , as well by members
of the Craft as by the fair sex , to whom especially the welfare of so interesting an Institution must of course be a matter of some concern . The weather was all that could be desired , and consequently neither in this nor in any other respect were the elements ei success wanting .
Everything , as we have remarked elsewhere , passed off most agreeably . The Girls exhibited a marked degree of proficiency in their musical and declamatory efforts . Haydn ' s " Toy" Symphony , in particular , in which eighteen of the pupils took part , was so
admirably rendered that the audience pressed for its repetition . Abt's Part Song , " Snnset , " was sung well , and the French recitation , "Morceau d'lphigenie " of Racine , was delivered with an appreciative sense of the text , by Misses E . A . Wilson , A . H . Clase , 0 . Coleman ,
B . L . Turner , and 3 ? . B . Lapington . The calisthenic display excited a large amount of enthusiasm . When the special business of the day was concluded , the visitors
betook themselves to refreshment , and then followed a series of devotional exercises , warmly carried out , in honour * of the Muse Terpsichore . Particulars are appended : —
Part I . Duet— " Hallelnjah Chorus " —Handel—24 hands . Trio—( Little Girls)— "Guillaume Tell "—Rossini—36 hands . Recitation— " The Wreck of the Hesperus "—Longfellow—Mary E . Spalding . Part Song— " Sunset "—Aht .
Parfc II . " Toy Symphony " —Haydn—18 performers . Recitation— " Zacconi's Task " —Alice W . Cecil
Quartet— "Marsch nnd Choraus Tannhiiuser " —Wagner—24 hands Recitation— " The birds of Killingworth "—Longfellow—Alice G Pike . Part Song— " The Voice of Spring" —Behrend .
Parfc III . Recitation— " Moreeanx d'lphigenie " —Racine—E . A . Wilson , A . H Clase , C . Coleman , B . L . Turner , and F . E . Lapington . "Rigaudon" —Raff—12 hands . Becitation— "Horatius "—Macaulay—Ada Hnyshe Clase . Dnefc— " Ungorische Tiinze " —Brahms—24 hands .
Afc the conclusion of these selections , tbe Noble Chairman presented the several prizes awarded by the Institution and private donors , to the following : — Emma Lizzie Bridgman , the Gold Medal for Proficiency , given
annually by Bro . William Paas , with £ 5 given annually by Bro . Wm . Winn . Charlotte Coleman , the Silver Medal for Good Conduct , S" < ren annually by the Institution , with £ 5 given annually by Bro . William Winn . Susan Jane Norrish , £ 5 for Proficiency , given ananall y by Bro . William Winn .
Prizes given annually by the Institution : — Passing Senior Cambridge Examination , Edith Ann Wilson ( Gold Medal of last year ); Passing in Honours Cambridge Examination , •t-tnma Lizzie Bvidgeman , Charlotte Coleman , nnd Susan Jane Nor"je ; Cambridge Examination , Ada Hnvshe Clase , Mande Ada Jav .
* lorence Rose Sarganfc , and Eliza Edith Daly ; Mnsie , Sarah Lissie ¦ Bellamy . Writing and Drawing , Mary Emma Barsby , and Alice georgiana Pike ; Needlework , Annie E . Scott , Jessie Langley , Edith ¦ Aseott , Kate Bovd , ancl Florence Weston ; Machine work , Beatrice f" /' ndge , Matilda Hothersall , and Mary J . Feltham ; General
Useijj' Josephine Herlan and Kate Isabel Mills ; Order ancl Attennn ° i v P roved by Marks throughout the year ) , Evaliua Mary Hill «? ci Amtf y Alford Cecil -fjfeatness among the Little Girls , Adelaide M - Brunskill .
Class II . —Fanny Elizabeth Lapington , General Proficiency fcushnna Mary Norrish , Perseverance . wass III . —Meta Bell Brazier , General Proficiency ; Lucretia C . A , Wri on , Perseverance . Giw fx \ J ' ~ ha ° y Jane Basher , General Proficiency ; Edith Mary «*«** jett , Perseverance .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Class V . —Clara Eliza Coles , General Proficiency ; Charlotte Amelia Fellows , Perseverance . By Bro . Joshua Nunn , for Fancy work : —Ada Hartley Healey . By Bro . the Rev . P . H . Bretto , D . D ., for French : —Edith Ann Wilson .
By Mrs . Crick , for Elocution : —Ada Huyslie Clase , Alice Georgiana Pike , and Alice Warbnrton Cecil . By Bro . John M . Clabon , for Good Conduct : —Clara Isabel Wright and Ada Carter . By Friends of the late Bro . Collard Montrio , for Music : —Harriet Geraldine Keighley .
By Bro . and Mrs . Louis Hirsch , for Music : —Helena Piddnck and Effie Rose Bellamy . The Sfc . James " Yates Memorial Prize " ( per Sfc . James ' s Lodge , No . 482 ) , for Proficiency in Domestic Daties ( Cookery ) : —Sarah Lissie Bellamy . From the Snpreme Grand Council of the 33 rd degree , for Good Conduct : —Annie Eliza Scott .
By Bro . John Faulkner , for Amiability , as selected by her Schoolfellows : —Florence Armitage ; Physical Geography , Emma Lissie Bridgetnan ; Cookery , Ellen Sophia Christie . By Mrs . Edgar Bowyer , for Needlework : —Alice Boyd . From the " Wentworth Little " Memorial Prize , for Musio - —Violet H . Lang , Mary A . Johnson , and Edith Hicks .
From the " John Boyd Memorial Prize , for Drawing : —Mabel E . Sandford , Emma Lizzie Bridgeman , and Kathleen I . A . Collins . For Calisthenics and Deportment : —Colina Sharp . By Bro . Alderman Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott , and Lady Truscott , for Magnetism and Electricity ( Class I . —Science Examination ) : — Beatrice L . Turner ; Cookery , Emma Mary Potts . By Bro . C . E . Atkinson , for Religious Knowledge : —Charlotte Cole .
man ; Calasfchenics and Deportment , Florence Rose Sargant . From the Science and Art Department , South Kensington , for Drawing -. —Freehand— Grade I ., Effie Rose Bellamy , Charlotte Amelia Fellows , Ada Hodgson , Edith Mabel Lewis , and Elizabeth Trnmble . Geometry—Grade I ., Ellen Sophia Christie , Beatrice Helena Fudge , Eleanor Peele , Ada B . Tanare , Mona B . Hennett . Grade II ., Perspective , Eliza Edith Daly ; Freehand , Colina Sharp .
The Festival.
THE Ninety-fourth Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls was held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , under the presidency of the Duke of Connaught . His Royal Highness was well supported , while as to the financial success of the gathering , what we remark elsewhere will show that this was of fche most satisfactory description . When the cloth was removed , the
customary list of toasts was given from the chair , and in respect of the first of them ifc became the pleasant duty of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught to announce thafc Her Majesty the Queen had graciously authorised him to state that henceforth she would be known as the Chief Patroness of the Institution , an announcement which , ifc is needless to say , was received with the
heartiest applause . Due honour having been paid to the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , and to the Earls of Carnarvon Pro Grand Master and Lathom Deputy Grand Master , in conjunction with tbe rest of the Grand Officers pasfc and . present , Lord Leigh Prov . Grand Master of Warwickshire proposed the health of tbe Royal Chairman , and this having been right loyally acknowledged , His Royal
Highness gave the toasfc of " Success to the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls , " associating with it the name of Col . Creaton G . Treasurer , and Treasurer of the School . Col . Creaton having briefly acknowledged fche compliment , Bro . Hedges Secretary R . M . I G . read the list of contributions , amounting to £ 13 , 232 , a result which was hailed by all present with loud expressions of satisfaction . To the toast of the
" Other Masonic Charities , which was submitted by Lord Suffield Provincial Grand Master Norfolk , Bro . Binckes Secretary R . M . I . B ., in his usual hearty manner , replied ; Bro . Terry Secretary R . M . B . I . following , and in the course of his remarks suggesting fchafc , as His Royal Highness the Chairman had already taken the chair at a Girls' School Festival and a Boys' School Festival , it would be deemed an honour if he would complete the full
round , by presiding at some future Festival of the Institution with which he was officially connected . The toast of the Stewards of the Institution was proposed by General Brownrigg Prov . G . Master Surrey , and responded to by their President , Lord Leigh , a similar compliment being paid to " The Ladies " by Sir J . Monckton , and very gracefully acknowledged by Brother F . Richardson . An excellent concert brought the proceedings to a close .
A Concert was given afc fche Afchenasnm , Highbury New Park , on Tuesday , tho proceeds of which were devoted to the benefit of Mrs . Wooldridge . It was a great success , as may well be gathered from the fact that Madame Ernst , Miss Jeanie Rosse , Bro . Henry Guy , and Bro . Thurley Beale were fche solo vocalists ; that Bro . F . H . Cowen ' s cantata , " The Rose Maiden , " constituted Parfc I . of
the programme ; aud further , that in Part II . Madame Enriquez and Mr . W . G . Forington played an important parfc . There was a numerous aud appreciative audience , and we are inclined to suppose thafc Mrs . Wooldridge will have derived great benefit from the Concert . The cantata went extremely well , while in Part II . admirable effect was given by Madame Enriquez to Pinsufci's " Heaven and Earth , " to Buononcini ' s " Love leads to Battle , " by Mr . Forington ; to Lucantoni ' s
duet , "Una Notte a Venezia , by Madame Ernst and Bro . Henry Guy ; and to Bro . Thurley Beale ' s rendering of Hatton ' s song , " To A'thea . " Miss Jeanie Rosse likewise sang with much expression Bro . O . Barri ' s " The Child and the Flowers . " Be it added that the final Concert of the Season will be given on Tnesday , the 23 rd instant , when Mendelssohn ' s " Hymn of Praise" will form part of the pro . gramme .