Article Untitled ← Page 4 of 4 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article DR. BARNARDO'S HOMES. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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by Bro . Preceptor Pearcy , and the second section by the W . M . Bro . Hirst having offered himself as a candidate for passing , answered the questions . Tho Lodge was opened in the second , and the W . M . duly passed Bro . Hirst . The second section of tho second lecture was then worked by Bro . Pearcy , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down . Bro . W . Rowley S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —There was an unusual good mnster of the members of this Lodgo on Monday evening , amongst those present being Bros . T . B . Whytehead W . M ., T . Cooper I . P . M ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., C . G . Padel J . W ., J . Kay Secretary , T . D . Smith os S . D ., J . T . Seller J . D ., II . Jackson as I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler ; and Bros . Ware , Husband , Shillito , Appleyard , Wilkinson , Irving ,
Blackstone , HebWothwaite , Zackonby , Clinrchill , Sic . Bros . IFebblethwaito and Blackstono were passed to the second degree , and Bro . Wilkinson was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason , and Bro . G . IT . Simpson 236 was elected a joining member . Just at the close of the Lodge , a telegram was received from tlie Alexandra Palace , from Bros . J . S . Cumberland S . W . and A . T . B . Turner , who
were at the Masonic Boys' Festival as Stewards , representing the Eboracum Lodge , conveying good wishes and information as to the sum total realised at the Festival . The telegram was read to the brethren by the W . M ., amid warm applause . After tho close of tho Lodge , a good deal of conversation took place regarding tho
forthcoming visit of American Masons on the 25 th , and a general opinion was expressed that the reception promised to ho a very successful affair . Bro . T . Cooper P . M . presented to tho Lodgo a portrait of the lato Lord Londesborongh , P . P . G . W . of tho Province . and the W . M . presented a view of the well preserved ruins of Rievaulx Abbey , in Yorkshire .
New Zealand.
ON Monday , 13 th May , at one o ' clock p . m ., a special train left Nelson for Wakefield , containing abonfc thirty-five members of tho Masonic Fraternity , who had been invited by the Forest Lodge , 1481 E . C , to the annual installation of its Worshipfnl Master . Lodge was opened in due form afc 3 o ' clock , and tho Worshipful Master , Officers and Brethren of the Southern Star Lodge of Nelson , 735 English Constitution , were reported and admitted , together with
visitors from various other Lodges of tho Colony . The installation ceremonies were impressively administered by Bro . Dr . W . B . Sealy P . M ., and Bro . Richard Chattock was proclaimed Mnster of the Forest Lodge , who , thereafter , invested his Officers for the current year , Bro . W . G . Sealy officiating as Organist for the occasion . Afc fi o ' clock tho brethren sat down to a banquet , provided at
the Forest Inn in Bro . R . M . Smith ' s excellent style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Rowland , the retiring Master , gavo tho toast of "Tho Worshipful Mnster aud Brethren of tho Southern Star Lodgo , " to which Bro . W . M . Stanton , as Master , responded , reviewing tho Masonic events of ( he past year , not only as relating to New Zealand , bnt to the world at large , and as the
deduction from that retrospect , earnestly invited the brethren to circumspection in tho acceptance of candidates , that tho Order might suffer no reproach from tho careless admission of unworth y members . "The Board of Installed Masters , " "Tho Present and the Retiring Master , " " Tho Visiting Brethren , " and other toasts in special character wore drunk , and tho proceedings wero enlivened by
music and songs . At 10 o ' clock Bro . Dr . Boor gavo the Tijler ' x taaxt , which terminated an exceedingly pleasant afternoon aud evening , and the Nelson brethren returned by rail . At the Southern Star Lodgo , on the 15 th ult ., the Worshipfnl Master proclaimed tho edict of the Grand Lod ge of England in reference to the recent action of tho Grand Orient of France .
Afc the last regnlar meeting of the Lodge Remnora , Auckland , New Zealand , the brethren presented a Past Master ' s jewel of very uniqne and tasteful manufacture to Bro . W . Loddor , who for the previous year had occupied , the position of W . M . of tho Lodge , aud who ,
indeed , had been mainly instrumental in its formation . The centrepiece of the jewel is most appropriate . It is locket-shaped , of largo size , and on the back it bears a suitable inscri ption . Bro . Lodder , wo may add , was the first W . M . of this newly-formed Lodge , and mainly through his exertion ifc has become a very flourishing one .
Rodney Lodge , No . 1711 . — On the 23 rd May the annual installation meeting of this Lodgo took place at Mahurangi , when Bro . Moat was installed for the second timo in the chair of K . S ., and appointed his officers as follow : —M . W . Munro S . W ., C Thomson J . W ., J . S . Dnrrach Sec , C Griffin M . C ., F . Howard S . D ., J . Brebner J . D ., G . Dibble I . G . Tho little Lodge room was elegantly fitted up , and great credit is dno to the W . M ., who is an excellent working
Mason , and takes a lively interest in the Craffc . The great success of the Lodge is due to his untiring zeal . The installation ceremonies were ably worked by Bro . M . S . Leers P . M . 1338 , President of the Board of General Purposes for the Auckland district , who is one of tho brightest of New Zealand Masons . Wo understand that the Masons of Mahurangi contemplate erecting a substantial Masonic hall , and that a great part of the capital has already been subscribed .
Southern Star , No . 735 E . G ., Nelson , N . Z . —The monthly meeting was held afc the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 18 th February . There was a full attendance , the W . M . Bro . Staunton presiding . The Von . Archdeacon Thorpe , and two other gentlemen , were initiated . Bro . W . G . Sealy was affiliated , and welcomed into the Lodgo by the AV . M . as a good and worthy " Lewis , " being the son of Bro . Dr . Scaly the senior member , senior P . M ., and a strong supporter of tlie Lodge
New Zealand.
for many years past . A Sub-Committee , consisting of tho W . M ., the I . P . M ., and Bro . Sealy P . M ., reported on their commission , i . e ., the consideration of the action recently taken by the Grand Orient of France , they had not yefc resolved on any recommendation , and their commission was renewed ; tho feeling being thafc the voice of Masonry in New Zealand , however humble or feeble , should be raised in protest against so monstrous an innovation . Honorary
membership was conferred on Bro . H . Manning Moor , —in appreciation of his services as Secretary , —on his leaving for Wellington . After the closing of tho Lodge twenty-five brethren sat down to snpper , and several visiting brethren were present , who expressed much satisfaction at tho working of tho Lodge , aud at the fraternal reunion , justifying tho good reputation in which tho Southern Star Lodge is held throughout Now Zealand .
OUR BOYS . I . —MATRICULATION EXAMINATION . UNIVERSITY OF LONDON , JUNE 1878 . C D . GUF . F . X . —This lad left in March last ; he has only just completed liis sixteenth birthday . lie h ; is had no instruction or coaching up beyond the teaching ho received afc the Masonic School . II . —SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATION . SOUTH . KENSINGTON , MAY 1878 . THEORETICAL MECHANICS . CLASS II . —H . Bowler , W . S . Spnrkes , E . T . Sage , P . K . B . Heaviside , C M . Uwins , A . A . Bryant , C Sage , J . II . Moon , J . I . Hazeland . MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY . CLASS IT . — E . L . Prico , IT . IT . Fenemore , W . Cheetham , A . Stephenson , IF . B . Brock , A . Pearson , A . R . Gorton , J . Nutman , J . E . Battye , F . C Gates . ADVANCED SECOND CLASS . —J . IT . Moon .
Dr. Barnardo's Homes.
THE movement in aid of street boys , which led to the establishmentof the home at Stepney-causway , suggested so far back as 1870 the need of a similiar institution for the opposite sex , and ultimately it was determined to form a village home for orphan , neglected , aud destitute girls at Barkingside , near Ilford , in Essex . When finished the village will consist of 30 somi-detaclu d cottages , each capable of
accommodating 20 children , with a " mother" at its head , the aim being to train the girls for domestic service . On Wednesday a snmmer frte was held in the grounds , tho first feature being a meeting which took place in a tent nnder the presidency of the Earl of Aberdeen . King Georgo of Bonny was present , as were also nearly 800 supporters
of the charity . After the meeting Lord Aberdeen laid the foundationstones of three additional cottages , and Lady Cairns and tho Dowager Duchess of Manchester formally opened eleven others . Dr . Barnardo took an active part in the proceedings of the day , tho object of which was to obtain funds for tho institution .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England .
rniTB FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any -L Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Oflice , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes .
Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 R Agents , from whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoo Lane . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKEKS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
by Bro . Preceptor Pearcy , and the second section by the W . M . Bro . Hirst having offered himself as a candidate for passing , answered the questions . Tho Lodge was opened in the second , and the W . M . duly passed Bro . Hirst . The second section of tho second lecture was then worked by Bro . Pearcy , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down . Bro . W . Rowley S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for next meeting .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —There was an unusual good mnster of the members of this Lodgo on Monday evening , amongst those present being Bros . T . B . Whytehead W . M ., T . Cooper I . P . M ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., C . G . Padel J . W ., J . Kay Secretary , T . D . Smith os S . D ., J . T . Seller J . D ., II . Jackson as I . G ., P . Pearson Tyler ; and Bros . Ware , Husband , Shillito , Appleyard , Wilkinson , Irving ,
Blackstone , HebWothwaite , Zackonby , Clinrchill , Sic . Bros . IFebblethwaito and Blackstono were passed to the second degree , and Bro . Wilkinson was raised to tho sublime degree of a Master Mason , and Bro . G . IT . Simpson 236 was elected a joining member . Just at the close of the Lodge , a telegram was received from tlie Alexandra Palace , from Bros . J . S . Cumberland S . W . and A . T . B . Turner , who
were at the Masonic Boys' Festival as Stewards , representing the Eboracum Lodge , conveying good wishes and information as to the sum total realised at the Festival . The telegram was read to the brethren by the W . M ., amid warm applause . After tho close of tho Lodge , a good deal of conversation took place regarding tho
forthcoming visit of American Masons on the 25 th , and a general opinion was expressed that the reception promised to ho a very successful affair . Bro . T . Cooper P . M . presented to tho Lodgo a portrait of the lato Lord Londesborongh , P . P . G . W . of tho Province . and the W . M . presented a view of the well preserved ruins of Rievaulx Abbey , in Yorkshire .
New Zealand.
ON Monday , 13 th May , at one o ' clock p . m ., a special train left Nelson for Wakefield , containing abonfc thirty-five members of tho Masonic Fraternity , who had been invited by the Forest Lodge , 1481 E . C , to the annual installation of its Worshipfnl Master . Lodge was opened in due form afc 3 o ' clock , and tho Worshipful Master , Officers and Brethren of the Southern Star Lodge of Nelson , 735 English Constitution , were reported and admitted , together with
visitors from various other Lodges of tho Colony . The installation ceremonies were impressively administered by Bro . Dr . W . B . Sealy P . M ., and Bro . Richard Chattock was proclaimed Mnster of the Forest Lodge , who , thereafter , invested his Officers for the current year , Bro . W . G . Sealy officiating as Organist for the occasion . Afc fi o ' clock tho brethren sat down to a banquet , provided at
the Forest Inn in Bro . R . M . Smith ' s excellent style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Rowland , the retiring Master , gavo tho toast of "Tho Worshipful Mnster aud Brethren of tho Southern Star Lodgo , " to which Bro . W . M . Stanton , as Master , responded , reviewing tho Masonic events of ( he past year , not only as relating to New Zealand , bnt to the world at large , and as the
deduction from that retrospect , earnestly invited the brethren to circumspection in tho acceptance of candidates , that tho Order might suffer no reproach from tho careless admission of unworth y members . "The Board of Installed Masters , " "Tho Present and the Retiring Master , " " Tho Visiting Brethren , " and other toasts in special character wore drunk , and tho proceedings wero enlivened by
music and songs . At 10 o ' clock Bro . Dr . Boor gavo the Tijler ' x taaxt , which terminated an exceedingly pleasant afternoon aud evening , and the Nelson brethren returned by rail . At the Southern Star Lodgo , on the 15 th ult ., the Worshipfnl Master proclaimed tho edict of the Grand Lod ge of England in reference to the recent action of tho Grand Orient of France .
Afc the last regnlar meeting of the Lodge Remnora , Auckland , New Zealand , the brethren presented a Past Master ' s jewel of very uniqne and tasteful manufacture to Bro . W . Loddor , who for the previous year had occupied , the position of W . M . of tho Lodge , aud who ,
indeed , had been mainly instrumental in its formation . The centrepiece of the jewel is most appropriate . It is locket-shaped , of largo size , and on the back it bears a suitable inscri ption . Bro . Lodder , wo may add , was the first W . M . of this newly-formed Lodge , and mainly through his exertion ifc has become a very flourishing one .
Rodney Lodge , No . 1711 . — On the 23 rd May the annual installation meeting of this Lodgo took place at Mahurangi , when Bro . Moat was installed for the second timo in the chair of K . S ., and appointed his officers as follow : —M . W . Munro S . W ., C Thomson J . W ., J . S . Dnrrach Sec , C Griffin M . C ., F . Howard S . D ., J . Brebner J . D ., G . Dibble I . G . Tho little Lodge room was elegantly fitted up , and great credit is dno to the W . M ., who is an excellent working
Mason , and takes a lively interest in the Craffc . The great success of the Lodge is due to his untiring zeal . The installation ceremonies were ably worked by Bro . M . S . Leers P . M . 1338 , President of the Board of General Purposes for the Auckland district , who is one of tho brightest of New Zealand Masons . Wo understand that the Masons of Mahurangi contemplate erecting a substantial Masonic hall , and that a great part of the capital has already been subscribed .
Southern Star , No . 735 E . G ., Nelson , N . Z . —The monthly meeting was held afc the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , 18 th February . There was a full attendance , the W . M . Bro . Staunton presiding . The Von . Archdeacon Thorpe , and two other gentlemen , were initiated . Bro . W . G . Sealy was affiliated , and welcomed into the Lodgo by the AV . M . as a good and worthy " Lewis , " being the son of Bro . Dr . Scaly the senior member , senior P . M ., and a strong supporter of tlie Lodge
New Zealand.
for many years past . A Sub-Committee , consisting of tho W . M ., the I . P . M ., and Bro . Sealy P . M ., reported on their commission , i . e ., the consideration of the action recently taken by the Grand Orient of France , they had not yefc resolved on any recommendation , and their commission was renewed ; tho feeling being thafc the voice of Masonry in New Zealand , however humble or feeble , should be raised in protest against so monstrous an innovation . Honorary
membership was conferred on Bro . H . Manning Moor , —in appreciation of his services as Secretary , —on his leaving for Wellington . After the closing of tho Lodge twenty-five brethren sat down to snpper , and several visiting brethren were present , who expressed much satisfaction at tho working of tho Lodge , aud at the fraternal reunion , justifying tho good reputation in which tho Southern Star Lodge is held throughout Now Zealand .
OUR BOYS . I . —MATRICULATION EXAMINATION . UNIVERSITY OF LONDON , JUNE 1878 . C D . GUF . F . X . —This lad left in March last ; he has only just completed liis sixteenth birthday . lie h ; is had no instruction or coaching up beyond the teaching ho received afc the Masonic School . II . —SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATION . SOUTH . KENSINGTON , MAY 1878 . THEORETICAL MECHANICS . CLASS II . —H . Bowler , W . S . Spnrkes , E . T . Sage , P . K . B . Heaviside , C M . Uwins , A . A . Bryant , C Sage , J . II . Moon , J . I . Hazeland . MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY . CLASS IT . — E . L . Prico , IT . IT . Fenemore , W . Cheetham , A . Stephenson , IF . B . Brock , A . Pearson , A . R . Gorton , J . Nutman , J . E . Battye , F . C Gates . ADVANCED SECOND CLASS . —J . IT . Moon .
Dr. Barnardo's Homes.
THE movement in aid of street boys , which led to the establishmentof the home at Stepney-causway , suggested so far back as 1870 the need of a similiar institution for the opposite sex , and ultimately it was determined to form a village home for orphan , neglected , aud destitute girls at Barkingside , near Ilford , in Essex . When finished the village will consist of 30 somi-detaclu d cottages , each capable of
accommodating 20 children , with a " mother" at its head , the aim being to train the girls for domestic service . On Wednesday a snmmer frte was held in the grounds , tho first feature being a meeting which took place in a tent nnder the presidency of the Earl of Aberdeen . King Georgo of Bonny was present , as were also nearly 800 supporters
of the charity . After the meeting Lord Aberdeen laid the foundationstones of three additional cottages , and Lady Cairns and tho Dowager Duchess of Manchester formally opened eleven others . Dr . Barnardo took an active part in the proceedings of the day , tho object of which was to obtain funds for tho institution .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England .
rniTB FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any -L Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it will be forwarded direct from the Oflice , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes .
Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 R Agents , from whom Copies can always be had : — Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine Street , Strand . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoo Lane . Mr . G . W . JORDAN , 169 Strand . Messrs . MARSHALL and SONS , 125 Fleet Street , E . C . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . SPENCER and Co ., 23 A Great Queen Street , W . C . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKEKS , Angel Court , 172 Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand . Mr . J . CLARKE , 37 Goswell Road , E . C