Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS 01 ' ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . ANNUAL FESTIVAL IN AID OF THE MARK BENEVOLENT FUND . ALEXANDRA PALACE , WEDNESDAY , 17 th JULY 1878 . Bight Hon . LORD SKELMERSDALK , M . W . G . M . M . M . IN THE CHAIR . The Festival of 1878 will take place as above . Morning dress . Full Murk Clothing . Tickets : —Ladies' 13 s ( id , Gentlemen 17 . s ( id , inclusive of wine , for which applications may lie addressed to the Hoard of Stewards not later than Monday , tho 15 th instant , cave of FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Office—2 Red Lion-square , W . C . Grand Secretary . 2 nd July 1878 .
jfcjtopliiasauicJustitatuntfor$jaj}S. Wood Green , London , N . Office — 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . FATHON : —HEK MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PllESlUEA-T : —H . ll . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincolnsinu-tields , London , W . C . on Monday , the 15 th day of July 1878 , for the transaction of the ordinary Business of the Institution — To consider , and , if approved , to adopt tho recommendation from the General Committee , that Eleven Boys be elected at the Quarterly General CoiU't , to bo held on Monday , 1-Ith October 1878 , from an approved List of Sixty-eight Candidates . To consider the following Notice of Alotion by Bro . Jesse Turner . —In Law 70 ( denning the power of the Committee to mane grants in aid of deserving Boys on leaving tho Institution ) to erase the word "Twenty" before the word " Pounds " and to insert in lieu thereof the word " Forty . " The Chair will be taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , V . P ., P . G . Std ., Secretary , 6 th July 1878 .
§foplUlasmtitJnstitutfoitford&k AT an adjourned meeting of the General Committee , for the ELECTION of a SECRETARY , which took p ace at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , 11 th July 1878 , the POLL was ( lectured as follows : Votes Bro . HEDGES , F . R . AV . ( successful candidate ) ... ... 37 a liro . BTORR , P . ... . „ ... ... ... 263 Bro . MATIER , C . F . ... ... ... ... ... 153 Bro . CULL , T . ... . „ ... ... ,.. a Bro . ClUCK , \ V . C . ... ... ... ... ... 42 Bro . WHITE , F . A . ... ... ... ... ... 42 Bro . WulUIELL , W . ... ... ... ... ... . jo Bro . ElUIES , T . II . ... ... ... ... ... 31 Bro . SMALLPEICE , W . ... ... ... ... I J . CREATON , Treasurer , Chairman .
|fop.llitwirixfnstititfiiwfor(!&k To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors of the itoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . Yovn ROYAL HIGHNESSES , JIX Louns \ xo GE . MLE - . V , I beg to tender you my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the honourable position in wnich your votes havo placed ine , anil I beg to assure you that the result of this day will never be erased from my memory , i hope , by my earnest and assiduous labours , to merit your unabated contideuce , and that 1 shall be successful in promoting tne best interests of the School . I have the honour to be , Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient humble servant , F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary to the Royal Alasonie Institution for Girls . 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C . 11 th July 1378 .
SURREYMASONIOHALL, CAMBERWELL NEW ROAD , S . E . THE SURREY MASONIC CLUB beg to announce that they have arranged for Mr . F . H . MAC KLIN ( Uf tho Principal London Theatres ) to give a DRAMATIC & i / llicJuAL UOSfUiVit RECITAL At the uuovo -Hall , on WEDNESDAY , 17 th JULY 1878 , COMMENCING AT EIGHT P . M . The Entertcrtainmeiit will consist of SONGS , RECITATIONS & DRAMATIC SELECJ . ' 10 . Nd ( in character ) from the following popular plays , viz . . — "THE HAFI'I- PAIR , " "SIILI . WATERS RUS DEBIT , " aud "THE HCNCHBACK . " The following well-known Artistes will appear : —Mr . F . It . MACKLIJT ( by permission of Air . James Mjrtimer , ot the Dunes Theatre ) , Mr . L . KIKLK , Air . K . AIAUKUV , Air . 0 . 11 . JESSE , Aliss 1 ' I . OWIIE . N , Aladame G . A . COOI-EK , and ' Ahss AU . NES LLO . N ' AKD ( Liy permission of Air . James Alortimer , of the Duke ' s Theatre ) . Stage Director - Air . VYNER ROBINSON . Carriages at 10 . 13 . MEMBEBS OF THE CLUB FREE . TICKETS , 3 s ( Reserved ami Numbered ) , 2 s ( Reserved ) , and Is Area , may be o . tained only from Members of the club , or of the Honorary Secretary , iico James Stevens , at the Hall , prior to the commencement of the Entertainment . '
THEMASONICQUARTETTEBEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS . and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FI SH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
5 rVAV . V ^ AV ^^ 3 p ™ ' ^ * ^ - - ^ G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Thursday and Friday , in the House of Lords , short sittings were the order of the day , and the business will not interest our readers . Indeed , during the whole week the sittings have been remarkably quiet , and the only matter which has attracted notice has been the Anglo-Turkish treaty , respecting which Earl Granville questioned
the Government both on Monday and Tuesday , the Duke of Eichmond and Gordon ' s answer being warmly greeted by the House . In the Commons there was plenty of business got through . The Epping Forest Bill received a third reading by a large
majority , and a motion of Sir John Lubbock's on the Education Code being defeated after a full discussion by 68 to 37 , the House rose at a few minutes before two o ' clock . At Friday afternoon's sitting the House resumed the Committee on the Highways Bill , and made considerable
progress . When the House met again at nine o ' clock , Mr . Jenkins moved an address to Her Majesty praying for a Royal Commission of Inquiry as to the teaching and practice of the Anglican Church , his object being to put a stop to Ritualistic practices . In the end the honourable gentleman obtained the sanction of the House for the
withdrawal of the resolution . As a matter of course , Monday evening was not permitted to pass without the Government being questioned by the Marquis of Hartington respecting the Anglo-Turkish Treaty , and the answer given by Mr . Cross in the absence of the Chan .
cellor of the Exchequer elicited frequent and hearty cheers from both sides of the House . A long discussion followed on the question that the House resolve itself into Committee on the Contagious Diseases ( Animals ) Bill , and ultimately it did so , progress being immediately
reported . The Bishoprics Bill having been read a second time and the other orders disposed of , the House adjourned . On Tuesday , further progress was made in Committee with the Highways Bill , after which a resolution submitted by Mr . Errington on the Irish Land Act 1870 , was discussed
at some length , and then rejected by 134 to 67 , or a majority of two to one . Wednesday afternoon was almost entirely taken up with the discussion of a motion for the second reading of the Real Estate Intestacy Bill . Messrs . Potter ,
Leatham , Baxter , Leeman and others were in its favour , Messrs . Gregory , Beresford Hope , Wheelhouse , the Solicitor-General , & c . & c , spoke against it , and the result was the rejection of the measure by 193 votes to 157 votes . The House was shortly afterwards adjourned .
The Court is now at Windsor , where Her Majesty receives a constant succession of visitors . On Thursday lasb , Prince Leopold arrived at the Castle , and among those who dined with Her Majesty were Prince Frederick Charles and Princess Louise Margaret of Germany , the Duke of
Connaught , and the Chancellor of the Exchequer . On Friday last , the Grand Dnke and Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Hesse ( Princess Alice of Great Britain ) arrived at Buckingham Palace from Flushing , having been received
at Queens borough by Colonel Du Plat . They were visited at the Palace by the Prince and Princess of Wales , and then left for Eastbourne with their children . On Saturday , the Queen paid a short visit to London , and saw the Duchess uf Cambridge at Sfc . Jamea ' a Palace , The Lord ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS 01 ' ENGLAND AND WALES , AND THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . ANNUAL FESTIVAL IN AID OF THE MARK BENEVOLENT FUND . ALEXANDRA PALACE , WEDNESDAY , 17 th JULY 1878 . Bight Hon . LORD SKELMERSDALK , M . W . G . M . M . M . IN THE CHAIR . The Festival of 1878 will take place as above . Morning dress . Full Murk Clothing . Tickets : —Ladies' 13 s ( id , Gentlemen 17 . s ( id , inclusive of wine , for which applications may lie addressed to the Hoard of Stewards not later than Monday , tho 15 th instant , cave of FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . J . W ., Office—2 Red Lion-square , W . C . Grand Secretary . 2 nd July 1878 .
jfcjtopliiasauicJustitatuntfor$jaj}S. Wood Green , London , N . Office — 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . FATHON : —HEK MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PllESlUEA-T : —H . ll . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincolnsinu-tields , London , W . C . on Monday , the 15 th day of July 1878 , for the transaction of the ordinary Business of the Institution — To consider , and , if approved , to adopt tho recommendation from the General Committee , that Eleven Boys be elected at the Quarterly General CoiU't , to bo held on Monday , 1-Ith October 1878 , from an approved List of Sixty-eight Candidates . To consider the following Notice of Alotion by Bro . Jesse Turner . —In Law 70 ( denning the power of the Committee to mane grants in aid of deserving Boys on leaving tho Institution ) to erase the word "Twenty" before the word " Pounds " and to insert in lieu thereof the word " Forty . " The Chair will be taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , V . P ., P . G . Std ., Secretary , 6 th July 1878 .
§foplUlasmtitJnstitutfoitford&k AT an adjourned meeting of the General Committee , for the ELECTION of a SECRETARY , which took p ace at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , 11 th July 1878 , the POLL was ( lectured as follows : Votes Bro . HEDGES , F . R . AV . ( successful candidate ) ... ... 37 a liro . BTORR , P . ... . „ ... ... ... 263 Bro . MATIER , C . F . ... ... ... ... ... 153 Bro . CULL , T . ... . „ ... ... ,.. a Bro . ClUCK , \ V . C . ... ... ... ... ... 42 Bro . WHITE , F . A . ... ... ... ... ... 42 Bro . WulUIELL , W . ... ... ... ... ... . jo Bro . ElUIES , T . II . ... ... ... ... ... 31 Bro . SMALLPEICE , W . ... ... ... ... I J . CREATON , Treasurer , Chairman .
|fop.llitwirixfnstititfiiwfor(!&k To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , and Life Governors of the itoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . Yovn ROYAL HIGHNESSES , JIX Louns \ xo GE . MLE - . V , I beg to tender you my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the honourable position in wnich your votes havo placed ine , anil I beg to assure you that the result of this day will never be erased from my memory , i hope , by my earnest and assiduous labours , to merit your unabated contideuce , and that 1 shall be successful in promoting tne best interests of the School . I have the honour to be , Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient humble servant , F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary to the Royal Alasonie Institution for Girls . 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , London , W . C . 11 th July 1378 .
SURREYMASONIOHALL, CAMBERWELL NEW ROAD , S . E . THE SURREY MASONIC CLUB beg to announce that they have arranged for Mr . F . H . MAC KLIN ( Uf tho Principal London Theatres ) to give a DRAMATIC & i / llicJuAL UOSfUiVit RECITAL At the uuovo -Hall , on WEDNESDAY , 17 th JULY 1878 , COMMENCING AT EIGHT P . M . The Entertcrtainmeiit will consist of SONGS , RECITATIONS & DRAMATIC SELECJ . ' 10 . Nd ( in character ) from the following popular plays , viz . . — "THE HAFI'I- PAIR , " "SIILI . WATERS RUS DEBIT , " aud "THE HCNCHBACK . " The following well-known Artistes will appear : —Mr . F . It . MACKLIJT ( by permission of Air . James Mjrtimer , ot the Dunes Theatre ) , Mr . L . KIKLK , Air . K . AIAUKUV , Air . 0 . 11 . JESSE , Aliss 1 ' I . OWIIE . N , Aladame G . A . COOI-EK , and ' Ahss AU . NES LLO . N ' AKD ( Liy permission of Air . James Alortimer , of the Duke ' s Theatre ) . Stage Director - Air . VYNER ROBINSON . Carriages at 10 . 13 . MEMBEBS OF THE CLUB FREE . TICKETS , 3 s ( Reserved ami Numbered ) , 2 s ( Reserved ) , and Is Area , may be o . tained only from Members of the club , or of the Honorary Secretary , iico James Stevens , at the Hall , prior to the commencement of the Entertainment . '
THEMASONICQUARTETTEBEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS . and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FI SH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
5 rVAV . V ^ AV ^^ 3 p ™ ' ^ * ^ - - ^ G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Thursday and Friday , in the House of Lords , short sittings were the order of the day , and the business will not interest our readers . Indeed , during the whole week the sittings have been remarkably quiet , and the only matter which has attracted notice has been the Anglo-Turkish treaty , respecting which Earl Granville questioned
the Government both on Monday and Tuesday , the Duke of Eichmond and Gordon ' s answer being warmly greeted by the House . In the Commons there was plenty of business got through . The Epping Forest Bill received a third reading by a large
majority , and a motion of Sir John Lubbock's on the Education Code being defeated after a full discussion by 68 to 37 , the House rose at a few minutes before two o ' clock . At Friday afternoon's sitting the House resumed the Committee on the Highways Bill , and made considerable
progress . When the House met again at nine o ' clock , Mr . Jenkins moved an address to Her Majesty praying for a Royal Commission of Inquiry as to the teaching and practice of the Anglican Church , his object being to put a stop to Ritualistic practices . In the end the honourable gentleman obtained the sanction of the House for the
withdrawal of the resolution . As a matter of course , Monday evening was not permitted to pass without the Government being questioned by the Marquis of Hartington respecting the Anglo-Turkish Treaty , and the answer given by Mr . Cross in the absence of the Chan .
cellor of the Exchequer elicited frequent and hearty cheers from both sides of the House . A long discussion followed on the question that the House resolve itself into Committee on the Contagious Diseases ( Animals ) Bill , and ultimately it did so , progress being immediately
reported . The Bishoprics Bill having been read a second time and the other orders disposed of , the House adjourned . On Tuesday , further progress was made in Committee with the Highways Bill , after which a resolution submitted by Mr . Errington on the Irish Land Act 1870 , was discussed
at some length , and then rejected by 134 to 67 , or a majority of two to one . Wednesday afternoon was almost entirely taken up with the discussion of a motion for the second reading of the Real Estate Intestacy Bill . Messrs . Potter ,
Leatham , Baxter , Leeman and others were in its favour , Messrs . Gregory , Beresford Hope , Wheelhouse , the Solicitor-General , & c . & c , spoke against it , and the result was the rejection of the measure by 193 votes to 157 votes . The House was shortly afterwards adjourned .
The Court is now at Windsor , where Her Majesty receives a constant succession of visitors . On Thursday lasb , Prince Leopold arrived at the Castle , and among those who dined with Her Majesty were Prince Frederick Charles and Princess Louise Margaret of Germany , the Duke of
Connaught , and the Chancellor of the Exchequer . On Friday last , the Grand Dnke and Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Hesse ( Princess Alice of Great Britain ) arrived at Buckingham Palace from Flushing , having been received
at Queens borough by Colonel Du Plat . They were visited at the Palace by the Prince and Princess of Wales , and then left for Eastbourne with their children . On Saturday , the Queen paid a short visit to London , and saw the Duchess uf Cambridge at Sfc . Jamea ' a Palace , The Lord ,