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Installation Meetings, &C.
the usual toasts were proposed . Those of the Queen , the Grand Master , and the Grand Officera having each been honoured in turn , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Janeway P . M . In the course of hia response , Bro . Ball expressed the pleasnre he felt in being present , and congratulated the brethren both on the succ .-ss . ful meeting they had had , nnd the way in which their host had
catered for them . He then proposed tho toast of the Initiate . It afforded him great pleasnre to welcome new blood into the Lodge . He hoped the newly-admitted member would become a worthy Mason and a credit to the Lodge . Bro . Hiilman replied in an appropriately brief speech . The Visitors were next honoured . Tho W . M . and members were happy at all times to receive Visitors . He hoped that
the reception they had met with had impressed them as being a hearty one . He waa sure it was the wish of all that it should be . Bros . J . London and Carrington responded , heartily thanking the brethren for the hearty and cordial welcome they had received . The W . M ., in proposing the Past Masters , said that tho Lodge and its members were greatly indebted to those who had filled the chair in the past , not only for what they had then done , but also for what
they had done since . They were always striving to advance the intereata of the Lodge . Bro . Timothy P . M . responded , thanking the company for their kind expressions . He and the other Past Masters were only too happy to do anything to advance the welfare of the Craft , or the welfare of its members . The toast of the Officers waa duly proposed , and acknowledged by Bro . Davis S . W ., and then the Tyler brought the proceedings to a conclusion .
Justice Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 147 . —On Thursday last , at the Brown Bear , High-street , Deptford , Bros . B . R . Banks W . M ., J . Bedford Williams S . W ., Greener J . W ., S . R . Speight P . M . Secretary , Penrose S . D ., Dale J . D ., Ingram I . G ., Hatchings P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . After preliminaries , Lodge
was advanced to the second degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The Lodge waa then called off , and on reauming waa opened in the third , and closed to the first degree . Bro . Williams waa elected W . M . for the ensuing Thursday , and Lodge was closed in due form . The firat annual banquet of thia Lodge will take place on Thursday , the 25 th instant , at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —A meeting waa held on the 8 th instant , at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , 111 Praed Street , Paddington , W ., when the following were present : Bros . Purdue W . M ., Stroud S . W ., Spiegel J . W ., Dehane Secretary , Chandler S . D ., Wood J . D ., Brown I . G ., Mason Steward , Mote , Morse , Robinson , Thomas , Green , and Simpson ; Visitor—Sims . Lodge
having been opened , the minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was called off and on , aud the ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . Sims being the candidate . The first and fourth sections were worked by Bro . Spiegel , and later on the first of the third , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in tbe second and third degrees , and resumed to the first . Bro . Strond was elected W . M . for next meeting , and Bro . Sims a member .
Rose Lodge of Instruction , No . 1822 . —The brethren of this Lodge assembled , after the usual vacation , at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , on the 4 th inst . The Officera and brethren present were : —Bros . Hamlyn W . M ., Addington S . W ., Loader J . W ., Hilton S . D ., Mnirhead J . D ., Brinton I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Vickery , Channon , Clauson-Thue , Vincent , Voisey , and Terry ;
Bros . Bird , Briant , Kettle , White , Wisharfc , Penney , Bromley Smith , White , Phillips , and Lindsay ; Broa . Rose P . M . Preceptor and Grimwade Secretary . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bro . Wishart presented himself as a candidate for the position of W . M ., when all those below the chair retired from the Lodge . On their return , the Master , who had just been installed , was saluted in the
three degrees . After whioh the Officers were invested , aa named above . The able manner in whioh the W . M . carried ont the ritual elicited the encomiums of all present . At the close of the ceremony Bro . Clanson-Thue proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Hamlyn for his efficient labour , this Bro . Vincent seconded . The W . M . modestly acknowledged the compliment . The vote of thanks , as a matter of course , was unanimoua . After some important buainess had been transacted the Lodge was closed in the usual manner .
The Great Northern Lodge of Instruction will resume its meetings on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at the Bewick Arms , Berners-street , Oxford-street , after an adjournment of two months . Bro . W . Cleghorn P . M . 1287 is the Receptor , and Bro . T . H . Staton P . M . 1287 the Secretary .
The M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will shortl y issue warrants * ° r the constitution of two additional Mark Lodges , which be
^ ' 1 known respectively by the style aud title of the kt . Albans Lodge , Nottingham , and British Lodge , Capetown , S . A . They will stand on the roll of Grand Lodge < is Nos . 344 and 345 .
14 RETHREN who desire Board and Residence while visiting the Q J = * Metropolis can hear of comfortable quarters by applying to A . B ., at the si ! i T ta 0 FREKMASOS ' S CmiomcLE , Belvidere Works , llcrwcs Hill , 1 'cnton' "' e , London , N .
Knights Templar.
ANCIENT EBOR PRECEPTORY , No . 101 . 4 MEETING of this body waa held on Tuesday laat , at York , - £ *¦ Fra . J . S . Cumberland P . presided in the absence of Fra . Marshall the E . P ., and there wero also present Fratres A . T . B . Turner Const ., G . Simpson P . as Marshal , T . B . Whytehead P . Reg ., W . Brown Capt . of Guards , and others . The minutes having been read and a ballot taken for Major A . H . H . McGachen as a joining
member , tho Registrar read several letters of apology for absence , and also letters of thanks from brethren in America acknowledging receipt of honorary certificates . Fra . Whytehead gave notice at the next meeting to propose , and Fra . Cumberland to second tbe election , as an honorary member , of Dr . Rob . Morris , tho American poet Mason . Tbe Preceptory waa ahortly thereafter closed .
The weekly convocation of th « North London Chapter of Improvement was held on Thursday evening , at the Alwyne Castle Tavern , St . Paul's Road , Canonbury , N . Comp . Brasted filled the chair of M . E . Z ., Badcliffe H ., George J ., Gregory S . N ., Shaw P . S . The several offices were well filled by the above named Companions .
The Knell of Pippo ' s Bull , by Sir John Delmarney , P . P . G . A . D . CBradford , Squire Anty and Son , Millengate . 1884 . —Laboura under the misfortune of being very feebly written , whereaa strength and elegance are the essentials of this kind of writing . The anthor will find that a . p lain unvarnished tale , written in ordinary Queen ' s English , will suit him better than allegory , which needa the pen of a practised and graceful writer .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James's Hall , Crystal Palace , & o . ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR € ottttxt $ , fauttxtwimixmh , $ lltasow § anquds . Bro . G . S . Graham ' s Party of Eminent Artists can be engage for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations and Installations , & c . For Opinions of the Press , and terms , address—G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fernlea Road , Balham , Surrey .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original ami only tone . . TT IS THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY JL OF THE PRESENT CENTURY . It is the best known remedy for Coughs , Consumpi . \ - ^ , tion , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis , and Asthma . ' > -p JX ' . ^ pc It effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal , -irJ . i < ni Diseases—Diphtheria , Diabetes , Fever . Croup , ' ¦ h- Oc . MA . I * Ague , & c . It acts liko a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only known Specific in Cholera and Dysentery . It effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepay , Hysteria , Palpitation , Convulsions , and Spasms . It is the only Palliative in Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . It rapidly relieves pain from whatever cause , allays tho irritation of Fever soothes and strengthens the system under exhaustive diseases , restores the deranged functions , stimulates healthy action of tho secretions of the body , gives quiet and refreshing sleep , and mai-vollously prolongs life . It may bo taken by old and young at all hours and times . It is extensively used by Medical Men in their official and private practice , at home and abroad , who have given numerous written testimonials of its wonderful efficacy . SPECIMES Tiis-mioM . u .. — From JOHN TANUKR , M . D ., L . R . C . P ., M . R . C . S . L . S . A ., L . M ., Physician to Farringdon Dispensary , Physician to tho Rov . C . H . Spurgeou ' s Metropolitan College " , London , & c , 102 Harley Street , Cavendish Square , W . — "It gives mo groat pleasure to bear testimony in favour of F REEMAN ' S Chlorodyne . I havo prescribed it extensively , and in cases of Asthma , Chronic Bronchitis , the last stage of Phthisis , and the Winter Cough of the aged , I have never found auy substitute or chemical combination its equal . " Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers all over the world , in bottles lsljd ; 3 oz . 2 s 9 d ; 4 oz . -Is fid ; half-pints lis ; and pints 20 s each , and by the Inventor , RICHARD FREEJIAN , 70 Kennington Park Road , London , S . E . Free by post . Purchaser * are CAUTIONED not to have palmed upon them any substitute . Seo that the Trade Mark . "T HE ELEFIUXT , " is on the wrapper , & c , aud tho words "FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNK" are engraved on tho Government Stamp—whioh is tho only TETJB CHLOHODYNE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
the usual toasts were proposed . Those of the Queen , the Grand Master , and the Grand Officera having each been honoured in turn , the health of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Janeway P . M . In the course of hia response , Bro . Ball expressed the pleasnre he felt in being present , and congratulated the brethren both on the succ .-ss . ful meeting they had had , nnd the way in which their host had
catered for them . He then proposed tho toast of the Initiate . It afforded him great pleasnre to welcome new blood into the Lodge . He hoped the newly-admitted member would become a worthy Mason and a credit to the Lodge . Bro . Hiilman replied in an appropriately brief speech . The Visitors were next honoured . Tho W . M . and members were happy at all times to receive Visitors . He hoped that
the reception they had met with had impressed them as being a hearty one . He waa sure it was the wish of all that it should be . Bros . J . London and Carrington responded , heartily thanking the brethren for the hearty and cordial welcome they had received . The W . M ., in proposing the Past Masters , said that tho Lodge and its members were greatly indebted to those who had filled the chair in the past , not only for what they had then done , but also for what
they had done since . They were always striving to advance the intereata of the Lodge . Bro . Timothy P . M . responded , thanking the company for their kind expressions . He and the other Past Masters were only too happy to do anything to advance the welfare of the Craft , or the welfare of its members . The toast of the Officers waa duly proposed , and acknowledged by Bro . Davis S . W ., and then the Tyler brought the proceedings to a conclusion .
Justice Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 147 . —On Thursday last , at the Brown Bear , High-street , Deptford , Bros . B . R . Banks W . M ., J . Bedford Williams S . W ., Greener J . W ., S . R . Speight P . M . Secretary , Penrose S . D ., Dale J . D ., Ingram I . G ., Hatchings P . M . Preceptor , and several other brethren . After preliminaries , Lodge
was advanced to the second degree and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The Lodge waa then called off , and on reauming waa opened in the third , and closed to the first degree . Bro . Williams waa elected W . M . for the ensuing Thursday , and Lodge was closed in due form . The firat annual banquet of thia Lodge will take place on Thursday , the 25 th instant , at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —A meeting waa held on the 8 th instant , at the Fountains Abbey Hotel , 111 Praed Street , Paddington , W ., when the following were present : Bros . Purdue W . M ., Stroud S . W ., Spiegel J . W ., Dehane Secretary , Chandler S . D ., Wood J . D ., Brown I . G ., Mason Steward , Mote , Morse , Robinson , Thomas , Green , and Simpson ; Visitor—Sims . Lodge
having been opened , the minntes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was called off and on , aud the ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . Sims being the candidate . The first and fourth sections were worked by Bro . Spiegel , and later on the first of the third , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in tbe second and third degrees , and resumed to the first . Bro . Strond was elected W . M . for next meeting , and Bro . Sims a member .
Rose Lodge of Instruction , No . 1822 . —The brethren of this Lodge assembled , after the usual vacation , at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , on the 4 th inst . The Officera and brethren present were : —Bros . Hamlyn W . M ., Addington S . W ., Loader J . W ., Hilton S . D ., Mnirhead J . D ., Brinton I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . Vickery , Channon , Clauson-Thue , Vincent , Voisey , and Terry ;
Bros . Bird , Briant , Kettle , White , Wisharfc , Penney , Bromley Smith , White , Phillips , and Lindsay ; Broa . Rose P . M . Preceptor and Grimwade Secretary . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bro . Wishart presented himself as a candidate for the position of W . M ., when all those below the chair retired from the Lodge . On their return , the Master , who had just been installed , was saluted in the
three degrees . After whioh the Officers were invested , aa named above . The able manner in whioh the W . M . carried ont the ritual elicited the encomiums of all present . At the close of the ceremony Bro . Clanson-Thue proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Hamlyn for his efficient labour , this Bro . Vincent seconded . The W . M . modestly acknowledged the compliment . The vote of thanks , as a matter of course , was unanimoua . After some important buainess had been transacted the Lodge was closed in the usual manner .
The Great Northern Lodge of Instruction will resume its meetings on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at the Bewick Arms , Berners-street , Oxford-street , after an adjournment of two months . Bro . W . Cleghorn P . M . 1287 is the Receptor , and Bro . T . H . Staton P . M . 1287 the Secretary .
The M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will shortl y issue warrants * ° r the constitution of two additional Mark Lodges , which be
^ ' 1 known respectively by the style aud title of the kt . Albans Lodge , Nottingham , and British Lodge , Capetown , S . A . They will stand on the roll of Grand Lodge < is Nos . 344 and 345 .
14 RETHREN who desire Board and Residence while visiting the Q J = * Metropolis can hear of comfortable quarters by applying to A . B ., at the si ! i T ta 0 FREKMASOS ' S CmiomcLE , Belvidere Works , llcrwcs Hill , 1 'cnton' "' e , London , N .
Knights Templar.
ANCIENT EBOR PRECEPTORY , No . 101 . 4 MEETING of this body waa held on Tuesday laat , at York , - £ *¦ Fra . J . S . Cumberland P . presided in the absence of Fra . Marshall the E . P ., and there wero also present Fratres A . T . B . Turner Const ., G . Simpson P . as Marshal , T . B . Whytehead P . Reg ., W . Brown Capt . of Guards , and others . The minutes having been read and a ballot taken for Major A . H . H . McGachen as a joining
member , tho Registrar read several letters of apology for absence , and also letters of thanks from brethren in America acknowledging receipt of honorary certificates . Fra . Whytehead gave notice at the next meeting to propose , and Fra . Cumberland to second tbe election , as an honorary member , of Dr . Rob . Morris , tho American poet Mason . Tbe Preceptory waa ahortly thereafter closed .
The weekly convocation of th « North London Chapter of Improvement was held on Thursday evening , at the Alwyne Castle Tavern , St . Paul's Road , Canonbury , N . Comp . Brasted filled the chair of M . E . Z ., Badcliffe H ., George J ., Gregory S . N ., Shaw P . S . The several offices were well filled by the above named Companions .
The Knell of Pippo ' s Bull , by Sir John Delmarney , P . P . G . A . D . CBradford , Squire Anty and Son , Millengate . 1884 . —Laboura under the misfortune of being very feebly written , whereaa strength and elegance are the essentials of this kind of writing . The anthor will find that a . p lain unvarnished tale , written in ordinary Queen ' s English , will suit him better than allegory , which needa the pen of a practised and graceful writer .
BRO . G . S . GRAHAM , The Popular Tenor and Buffo Vocalist , from St . James's Hall , Crystal Palace , & o . ( Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex ) IS OPEN TO ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS FOR € ottttxt $ , fauttxtwimixmh , $ lltasow § anquds . Bro . G . S . Graham ' s Party of Eminent Artists can be engage for Masonic Banquets , Consecrations and Installations , & c . For Opinions of the Press , and terms , address—G . S . GRAHAM , St . John ' s Villa , 91 Fernlea Road , Balham , Surrey .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original ami only tone . . TT IS THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY JL OF THE PRESENT CENTURY . It is the best known remedy for Coughs , Consumpi . \ - ^ , tion , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis , and Asthma . ' > -p JX ' . ^ pc It effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal , -irJ . i < ni Diseases—Diphtheria , Diabetes , Fever . Croup , ' ¦ h- Oc . MA . I * Ague , & c . It acts liko a charm in Diarrhoea , and is the only known Specific in Cholera and Dysentery . It effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepay , Hysteria , Palpitation , Convulsions , and Spasms . It is the only Palliative in Rheumatism , Gout , Cancer , Toothache , Meningitis , & c . It rapidly relieves pain from whatever cause , allays tho irritation of Fever soothes and strengthens the system under exhaustive diseases , restores the deranged functions , stimulates healthy action of tho secretions of the body , gives quiet and refreshing sleep , and mai-vollously prolongs life . It may bo taken by old and young at all hours and times . It is extensively used by Medical Men in their official and private practice , at home and abroad , who have given numerous written testimonials of its wonderful efficacy . SPECIMES Tiis-mioM . u .. — From JOHN TANUKR , M . D ., L . R . C . P ., M . R . C . S . L . S . A ., L . M ., Physician to Farringdon Dispensary , Physician to tho Rov . C . H . Spurgeou ' s Metropolitan College " , London , & c , 102 Harley Street , Cavendish Square , W . — "It gives mo groat pleasure to bear testimony in favour of F REEMAN ' S Chlorodyne . I havo prescribed it extensively , and in cases of Asthma , Chronic Bronchitis , the last stage of Phthisis , and the Winter Cough of the aged , I have never found auy substitute or chemical combination its equal . " Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers all over the world , in bottles lsljd ; 3 oz . 2 s 9 d ; 4 oz . -Is fid ; half-pints lis ; and pints 20 s each , and by the Inventor , RICHARD FREEJIAN , 70 Kennington Park Road , London , S . E . Free by post . Purchaser * are CAUTIONED not to have palmed upon them any substitute . Seo that the Trade Mark . "T HE ELEFIUXT , " is on the wrapper , & c , aud tho words "FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNK" are engraved on tho Government Stamp—whioh is tho only TETJB CHLOHODYNE .