Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
| Una [ Pasimit Institution far | VCHTS , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1884 . The favour of t £ . o Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of FRANCIS BUCKLAND BROCKSOPP KENT , ( AGED 3 YEAR ^ , ) Son of the Uue Bro . WILLIAM GENSERIC KENT , who was initiated ( 1871 ) in the West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 , whoso Widow has four children totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended by the follon-iny brethren : — * Bro . J . ft . BREADING 153 , Blanchard Hcuse , ? Uro . R . M . JONES W . M . 1151 , 150 Albion Road , Woodford Wells , Essex . Stoke Nowington , N . * Bro . FKAXCISBCCKLASD P . M . 205 , 880 , and 16 : 18 . * 'ho . Joitx Lotin 2 W , Christian Aye , 1 St . Bride P . P . G . S . D . Surrev , P . Z ., Brook Street , King- Street , Ludgato Cucus , h . O . ston-on-Thames . " Bro . G . W . Rowe 165 . Bro . C . BASIL COOK * 1928 , 11 St . Lawrence * B ™^ RS TACEV P . M . and P . Z . ISO , 431 Brixton Road , Brixton , S . W . ' j . j , gTgKJ ) p M 1297 81 Sutnerlnnd Bro . ROBKBT H . CBOWDKN P . M . 1297 , P . Z . 1297 , Gardens W . The Lurches , Penge Lane , Sydenham . « Bro . FRANK TOOLB P . G . S . AV . Essex , P . M . 153 . ? Bro . J . B . CRCMP , 1297 , It Eastcheap , E . C . * Bro . U ENUY G . WARREN P . M . Grand Stewards ' ? Bro . R . W . GALER J . D . 1366 , 12 Green Lanes , N . Lodge and 173 , P . S . W . 25 , P . Z . Polish National Bro . J . B . G OQERBTT , M . D ., P . R . C . S ., 11 . Chapter , & c . Brethren marked thus {*) will thankfully receive Proxies ; or thoy may bo sent to tho Widow , Mrs . KENT , 18 Mildraay Road , N . Girls' and Aged Freemasons' Votes will oblige , as they can be Exchanged . ¦¦
OCTOBER ELECTION ( 4 TH APPLICATION ) , 1884 . To the Governors and Subscribers of the $ 0 B HI iS iisank f iTstitittian : fox ( S his . The favour of your Totes and Interest is most earnestly solicited on behalf of JANE WHEELER HUTCHINGS , ( AGED 9 YEARS , ) Whose father was Initiated in the Corinthian Lodge , No . 1382 , on the 17 th day of April 1878 , and was a subscribing member until his death , whioh took place ou the 8 th November 1881 , after a severe illness of 6 days , he leaving a wife with fonr children totally unprovided for . This case is earnestly recommended by Bro . BHADSHAW BROWN P . G . S ., P . M . Grand * Bro . FAKNTIEI , P . M . 907 , 1716 , 1804 , P . Z . 907 , Master's Lodgo , No . 1 , Millwall . Board of Works , Poplar . Bro . BrcHAif , P . M . 1259 , 56 Garford Street , Bro . G . FisHBn 511 , P . M . 1382 , Greenfield Street , Limehouse . Commercial Boad , E . Bro . H . BBOwiroll , LechmereTavern , Batterse » . * Bro . Gso . Lnw , P . M . 871 and 1382 , P . Z . 551 , Bro . J . CABSABT , P . M . and Treasurer 1382 , | 2 Mellish Street , Millwall , B . Manchester Road , Poplar . j Bro . W . MILHKOTON , P . M . 1382 , George Street , Bro . COOPEK , P . M . 898 , Union , Dock Bridge Ferry Road , Poplar . Road , Poplar , E . Bro . J . MOBBISOI * J . W . 1382 . ? Bro . J . DELVES , P . M . and Preceptor 1382 , * Bro . POTTS P . M . 1716 , Board of Works , Poplar . Newcastle Arms , Cnbitt Town . Bro . E . SKABEIL P . M . W . S . 1332 , Manchester Bro . H . DOBINQ S . W . 1382 , 161 Manchester Road , Poplar . Road , Poplar . Bro . G . SMITH I . P . M . 1332 , Iron Bridge . ? Bro . F . DANIBLLS P . M 781 , High Street , Poplar . Bro . WEBB P . M . 1607 and 171 , P . Z . 1819 . Proxies will be received by the Brethren marked with a * , or at the Widow ' s residence , 58 Glengall Koad , Poplar , E .
if OIF TO STUDY ECONOMY ! USE RIPPIKGILLE'S PATENT OIL COOKING STOVES . OUOURLKSS , SMOKKLKSS , PORTABLE . SAl' % AXD CLKANLY . < * l > ^ o Thoy will roast joints or poultry ; boil ^^^ cy 9 j » p II - 'i . vrp'tuliU-s , & i \; fry rluips . stealw , or B « \ { TUMm ^» I'tlivn ; buki' Im'iul or lui .-try ; tuast ; lwtt i ^ AcEac L- lULa ^ " '" "runs ; mill , in tact , du tin- entire wurk ( TT « Bi—* ' ' wE- ~ r "' : l kit 1 ' ' '" ''''''• "rt'r which thoy have . ^ L . ^ EJB ^^^ JiaSrfff" the advantage ut' Win ; - lit mo'xtink'iitMheil jTBPMnjn . uui nflBIL '" ; l "'""" '"l . They wive kt-i-pii tta fire iu ffi EfflB ?^ ~^ P"WlffRl " ' ' weather , anil fur . 1 mm ., . ' use and Si ppSSa ^ LP ' " 'Wn ' """" y ¦ '" >¦ iuit » i «« ii « i - «|^^ Stri ' ri h m \ Three Me"i 3 a Day for Fonrt 0 Sil jaJt ~ - — - "H 3 " . . jhf Persons can be cooked for a penny . lilig ^ S ¥ %£ s > y ! B I'nii'Ks FHOJI A mv SHILLINGS . ^* ^ y ^ Write for lllustmh-l ITk-e List and lull ^* I ' artk-vilars U \ The Holborn Lamp and Stove Company , 113 , HOLHOKiV . WXVOU . And say where you saw this advertisement .
" December 21 , 1833 . TAflC'C "I have boon troubled with gout for friUtm V the last forty years , and iu that timo been under nine doctors , and tried many so-called ' never-fading' remedies , but AOUT I found no relief until I got a bottle of W AND EADE'S PILLS from tho Imperial Supply Stores , Fisher RHEUMATIC C * ll '; 0 < atl ( l since thou I havo ailed : iothing . i " ( Signed ) P llle "P . VV . LONSDALE , 1 LUS ' " Chimnoy Sweep . " 22 St . John Street , Preston . " EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Aro sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors , in bottles , Is ljd and 2 s 9 d . GEORGE EADE , 72 G 0 SWELL ROAD , LONDON .
T 2 T A T"P * Q THE GREAT REMEDY JDJUIJOLXJAI kJ i FOR GOUT aud RHEUMATISM . Tho oxcruQiating pain ia i quickly relieved and cured /~< i /^\ TT ! T 1 in a L ' ew ( li » ys by this cele-\ JT \ J U i bratod Medicine . j These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain ta prej vent tho disease attacking TT 1 TT T CI j any vital part . JT ¦ LJ J JL JO Sold by a 11 Chemists at ¦ *• •*¦ ¦ ¦» g » *^« ' Is ljd and 2 s 9 d per box .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch .. Elesiant "Walrmt Cases . Every Instrument -warranted , to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED - Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LINSTEAD , Manager , COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London .
'Hth- 'Sii ? «§? % ^ " By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . iLlLJS &^^ -V '"' ' * ' > v rM - ^ -eaaSEaRrv , TRADE m ^ Pi ^* s 1 r ^ . t * "' e & eim & fift & fM MARK ^ s ^ r ^^ -v - > - " i % g ^ ' f ~ ^^ e ^ ja ^& gt * WO ^ -i' * ¦• ***>* * <~ v ) < r w % \~ wT ! I . J . EOWLE Y & CO ., Colliery & Shipping Agents , j COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , j j London Office —14 Blandfbrd Street , Portman Square , W . I j and at 19 Margaret Street , Hull . I | NETT CASH PRICES , DELIVERED . j | . PERTOiV PER TON I INGHAM ' S OLD HARD - - 23 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 17 s BEST WALLSEND - - 22 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 17 s OEST SILKSTONE - - 21 s TW ^™ , T > ™ NEW SILKSTONE - - 20 s ! ^ UDLEY B BEEZE " " 22 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - - 19 s ! BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 10 S LARGE BRIGHTS - 18 s » BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 13 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
CONCISE , Ti : N \ A . S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAtf . f ^ JONES , 350 Oommercial-road , Lon-OT . don , E ., inventor of tho Anglo-German with , chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by the leading performers . ' Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
. PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of IViyht and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluontial circulation . : The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See "May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLD BOOK & Sows , Proprietors . Branch Cilices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district , I Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Al ' teruoons .
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 s 6 d , j rpH E CHESS OPENINGS , I By EGBERT B . WORMALD . j W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDBBK WOBKS , N . ! - TfTAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY , ' VV FROM IHB GUESS BOARD , by Cap-| tain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of I the British Chess Association , LOXDOM ; W . W . MoKOiic , Hermes Hill , N .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
| Una [ Pasimit Institution far | VCHTS , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1884 . The favour of t £ . o Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers is earnestly solicited on behalf of FRANCIS BUCKLAND BROCKSOPP KENT , ( AGED 3 YEAR ^ , ) Son of the Uue Bro . WILLIAM GENSERIC KENT , who was initiated ( 1871 ) in the West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 , whoso Widow has four children totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended by the follon-iny brethren : — * Bro . J . ft . BREADING 153 , Blanchard Hcuse , ? Uro . R . M . JONES W . M . 1151 , 150 Albion Road , Woodford Wells , Essex . Stoke Nowington , N . * Bro . FKAXCISBCCKLASD P . M . 205 , 880 , and 16 : 18 . * 'ho . Joitx Lotin 2 W , Christian Aye , 1 St . Bride P . P . G . S . D . Surrev , P . Z ., Brook Street , King- Street , Ludgato Cucus , h . O . ston-on-Thames . " Bro . G . W . Rowe 165 . Bro . C . BASIL COOK * 1928 , 11 St . Lawrence * B ™^ RS TACEV P . M . and P . Z . ISO , 431 Brixton Road , Brixton , S . W . ' j . j , gTgKJ ) p M 1297 81 Sutnerlnnd Bro . ROBKBT H . CBOWDKN P . M . 1297 , P . Z . 1297 , Gardens W . The Lurches , Penge Lane , Sydenham . « Bro . FRANK TOOLB P . G . S . AV . Essex , P . M . 153 . ? Bro . J . B . CRCMP , 1297 , It Eastcheap , E . C . * Bro . U ENUY G . WARREN P . M . Grand Stewards ' ? Bro . R . W . GALER J . D . 1366 , 12 Green Lanes , N . Lodge and 173 , P . S . W . 25 , P . Z . Polish National Bro . J . B . G OQERBTT , M . D ., P . R . C . S ., 11 . Chapter , & c . Brethren marked thus {*) will thankfully receive Proxies ; or thoy may bo sent to tho Widow , Mrs . KENT , 18 Mildraay Road , N . Girls' and Aged Freemasons' Votes will oblige , as they can be Exchanged . ¦¦
OCTOBER ELECTION ( 4 TH APPLICATION ) , 1884 . To the Governors and Subscribers of the $ 0 B HI iS iisank f iTstitittian : fox ( S his . The favour of your Totes and Interest is most earnestly solicited on behalf of JANE WHEELER HUTCHINGS , ( AGED 9 YEARS , ) Whose father was Initiated in the Corinthian Lodge , No . 1382 , on the 17 th day of April 1878 , and was a subscribing member until his death , whioh took place ou the 8 th November 1881 , after a severe illness of 6 days , he leaving a wife with fonr children totally unprovided for . This case is earnestly recommended by Bro . BHADSHAW BROWN P . G . S ., P . M . Grand * Bro . FAKNTIEI , P . M . 907 , 1716 , 1804 , P . Z . 907 , Master's Lodgo , No . 1 , Millwall . Board of Works , Poplar . Bro . BrcHAif , P . M . 1259 , 56 Garford Street , Bro . G . FisHBn 511 , P . M . 1382 , Greenfield Street , Limehouse . Commercial Boad , E . Bro . H . BBOwiroll , LechmereTavern , Batterse » . * Bro . Gso . Lnw , P . M . 871 and 1382 , P . Z . 551 , Bro . J . CABSABT , P . M . and Treasurer 1382 , | 2 Mellish Street , Millwall , B . Manchester Road , Poplar . j Bro . W . MILHKOTON , P . M . 1382 , George Street , Bro . COOPEK , P . M . 898 , Union , Dock Bridge Ferry Road , Poplar . Road , Poplar , E . Bro . J . MOBBISOI * J . W . 1382 . ? Bro . J . DELVES , P . M . and Preceptor 1382 , * Bro . POTTS P . M . 1716 , Board of Works , Poplar . Newcastle Arms , Cnbitt Town . Bro . E . SKABEIL P . M . W . S . 1332 , Manchester Bro . H . DOBINQ S . W . 1382 , 161 Manchester Road , Poplar . Road , Poplar . Bro . G . SMITH I . P . M . 1332 , Iron Bridge . ? Bro . F . DANIBLLS P . M 781 , High Street , Poplar . Bro . WEBB P . M . 1607 and 171 , P . Z . 1819 . Proxies will be received by the Brethren marked with a * , or at the Widow ' s residence , 58 Glengall Koad , Poplar , E .
if OIF TO STUDY ECONOMY ! USE RIPPIKGILLE'S PATENT OIL COOKING STOVES . OUOURLKSS , SMOKKLKSS , PORTABLE . SAl' % AXD CLKANLY . < * l > ^ o Thoy will roast joints or poultry ; boil ^^^ cy 9 j » p II - 'i . vrp'tuliU-s , & i \; fry rluips . stealw , or B « \ { TUMm ^» I'tlivn ; buki' Im'iul or lui .-try ; tuast ; lwtt i ^ AcEac L- lULa ^ " '" "runs ; mill , in tact , du tin- entire wurk ( TT « Bi—* ' ' wE- ~ r "' : l kit 1 ' ' '" ''''''• "rt'r which thoy have . ^ L . ^ EJB ^^^ JiaSrfff" the advantage ut' Win ; - lit mo'xtink'iitMheil jTBPMnjn . uui nflBIL '" ; l "'""" '"l . They wive kt-i-pii tta fire iu ffi EfflB ?^ ~^ P"WlffRl " ' ' weather , anil fur . 1 mm ., . ' use and Si ppSSa ^ LP ' " 'Wn ' """" y ¦ '" >¦ iuit » i «« ii « i - «|^^ Stri ' ri h m \ Three Me"i 3 a Day for Fonrt 0 Sil jaJt ~ - — - "H 3 " . . jhf Persons can be cooked for a penny . lilig ^ S ¥ %£ s > y ! B I'nii'Ks FHOJI A mv SHILLINGS . ^* ^ y ^ Write for lllustmh-l ITk-e List and lull ^* I ' artk-vilars U \ The Holborn Lamp and Stove Company , 113 , HOLHOKiV . WXVOU . And say where you saw this advertisement .
" December 21 , 1833 . TAflC'C "I have boon troubled with gout for friUtm V the last forty years , and iu that timo been under nine doctors , and tried many so-called ' never-fading' remedies , but AOUT I found no relief until I got a bottle of W AND EADE'S PILLS from tho Imperial Supply Stores , Fisher RHEUMATIC C * ll '; 0 < atl ( l since thou I havo ailed : iothing . i " ( Signed ) P llle "P . VV . LONSDALE , 1 LUS ' " Chimnoy Sweep . " 22 St . John Street , Preston . " EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Aro sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors , in bottles , Is ljd and 2 s 9 d . GEORGE EADE , 72 G 0 SWELL ROAD , LONDON .
T 2 T A T"P * Q THE GREAT REMEDY JDJUIJOLXJAI kJ i FOR GOUT aud RHEUMATISM . Tho oxcruQiating pain ia i quickly relieved and cured /~< i /^\ TT ! T 1 in a L ' ew ( li » ys by this cele-\ JT \ J U i bratod Medicine . j These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use , and are certain ta prej vent tho disease attacking TT 1 TT T CI j any vital part . JT ¦ LJ J JL JO Sold by a 11 Chemists at ¦ *• •*¦ ¦ ¦» g » *^« ' Is ljd and 2 s 9 d per box .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and Touch .. Elesiant "Walrmt Cases . Every Instrument -warranted , to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED - Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LINSTEAD , Manager , COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London .
'Hth- 'Sii ? «§? % ^ " By Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Eoyal Household Troops . iLlLJS &^^ -V '"' ' * ' > v rM - ^ -eaaSEaRrv , TRADE m ^ Pi ^* s 1 r ^ . t * "' e & eim & fift & fM MARK ^ s ^ r ^^ -v - > - " i % g ^ ' f ~ ^^ e ^ ja ^& gt * WO ^ -i' * ¦• ***>* * <~ v ) < r w % \~ wT ! I . J . EOWLE Y & CO ., Colliery & Shipping Agents , j COAL , BREEZE & IRON MERCHANTS , j j London Office —14 Blandfbrd Street , Portman Square , W . I j and at 19 Margaret Street , Hull . I | NETT CASH PRICES , DELIVERED . j | . PERTOiV PER TON I INGHAM ' S OLD HARD - - 23 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 17 s BEST WALLSEND - - 22 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 17 s OEST SILKSTONE - - 21 s TW ^™ , T > ™ NEW SILKSTONE - - 20 s ! ^ UDLEY B BEEZE " " 22 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - - 19 s ! BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 10 S LARGE BRIGHTS - 18 s » BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 13 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
CONCISE , Ti : N \ A . S , ENGLISH AND ANGLO-GERMAtf . f ^ JONES , 350 Oommercial-road , Lon-OT . don , E ., inventor of tho Anglo-German with , chromatic scale . His tempered steel notes never get out of tune . Used by the leading performers . ' Price List of Musical Instruments of every description free . Established 1850 .
. PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . of IViyht and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and mostinfluontial circulation . : The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenals . " See "May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny , Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —151 Queen Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLD BOOK & Sows , Proprietors . Branch Cilices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district , I Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday Al ' teruoons .
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 s 6 d , j rpH E CHESS OPENINGS , I By EGBERT B . WORMALD . j W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDBBK WOBKS , N . ! - TfTAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY , ' VV FROM IHB GUESS BOARD , by Cap-| tain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President of I the British Chess Association , LOXDOM ; W . W . MoKOiic , Hermes Hill , N .