Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Christian Saints And Their Supposed Functions.
joint to St . Philip . " ( Every-Day Book , Vol . II ., 21 st January ) . And now I again go back to Brand ' s work : — " St . Agatha presided over nurses , St . Catherine and St . Gregory are patrons of literari , or studious persons ,
Sfc . Catherine also presides over the arts in tho room of Minerva , St . Christopher and St . Nicholas preside ever mariners , also St . Hennas ; St . Cecilia is patroness of musicians , St . Cosmas and St . Damian are the patrons of physicians , surgeons and philosophers , St . Dismas and
Sfc . Nicholas preside over thieves , St . Eustace and St . Hubert over hunters , St . Felicitas over young children , Sfc . Julian is the patron of pilgrims , St . Leonard and St . Barbara protect captives , St . Luke is the patron of painters , St . Magdalen , St . Aphaand St . Bridget
preside over common women , Sfc . Martin and St . Urban over ale-knights , to guard them from falling into the kennel , St . Thomas over Divines , St . Mathurin over fools ,
St . Thomas a . Becket over blind men , eunuchs and sinners , Sfc . Valentine over lovers , St . Wilfrid over virgins , St . Yves over lawyers and civilians , St . iEliau and iEthelbert were invoked against thieves .
" Here also I may notice that St . Agatha presides over valleys , St . Anne over riches , St . Barbara over hills , St . Florin over fire , St . Giles and St . Hyacinth aro invoked by barren women , St . Osyth by women to guard their keys , St . Sylvester protects the woods , St . Urban wine
and vineyards , St . Vincent and St . Anne are the restorers of lost things , Sfc . Andrew and St . Joseph were patronisers of carpenters , St . Anthony of swineherds and grocers , St . Arnold of millers , St . Blase of woolcombers , St . Catherine of spinners , St . Clement of tanners , St . Cloud
of nailsmiths , Sfc . Dunstan of goldsmiths , St . Eloy of blacksmiths , farriers and goldsmiths , St . Euloge of jockeys or smiths , St . Florian of mercers , Sfc . Francis of butchers , St . George of clothiers , St , Goodman of tailors , Sfc . Gore , with the devil on his shoulder and a pot in his hand , is the
patron of potters , Sfc . Hilary of coopers , Sfc . John Port-Latin , of booksellers , St . Jose and St . Urban of ploughmen , St . Leodagar of drapers , Sfc . Leonard of locksmiths as well as captives , St . Louis of periwig makers , St . Martin of master shoemakers , and St . Crispin of cobblers and
journeyman shoemakers , Sfc . Nicholas of parish clerks and also of butchers , St . Peter of fishmongers , St . Sebastian of pin makers , St . Severus of fullers , St . Stephen of weavers , St . Tibba of falconers , St . Wilfrid of bakers , so were Sfc . Hubert , St . Honore and also Sfc . Clement , Sfc , William of
hat makers , Sfc . Windeline of shepherds , Sfc . Anthony protects hogs , St . Ferioll presides over geese , St . Gertrude presides over mice and eggs , St . Hubert protects dogs , and is invoked against the bite of mad ones , St . Magnus is invoked against locusts and caterpillars , St . Pelagins or
Pelage , or Peland protects oxen , and St . Wendeline sheep . " ( Brand Antiquities , Bohn's edition , Vol . I ., pages 357 , & c . ) The following list of patron saints for different countries and cities I copied from Chambers' Book of Days , Vol . II ., p 388 . —*
" England had St . George , Scotland St . Andrew , Ireland St . Patrick , Wales St . David , France St . Denis ( in a less degree ) St . Michael , Spain St . James ( Iago ) , St . Teresa , Portugal St . Sebastian , Italy St . Antbony , Sardinia St . Mary , Switzerland St . Gall and the Virgin Mary , Germany
St . Martin , St . Boniface and St . George Cataphracfcus , Hungary Sfc . Mary of Aquisgrana and Sfc . Lewis , Bohemia St . Winceslaus , Austria St . Colman and Sfc . Leopold , Flanders St . Peter , Holland St . Mary , Denmark St . Anscharius
and St . Canute , Sweden St . Anscharius , St . Eric and St . . John , Norway St . Olands and St . Anscharius , Poland St . Stanislaus and Sfc . Henderiga , Prussia Sfc . Andrew and Sfc . Albert , Russia St . Nicholas , St . Mary and Sfc . Andrew . " Now for cities : —
" Edinburgh had St . Giles , Aberdeen St . Nicholas , and Glasgow St . Mungo , Oxford had Sfc . Frideswide , Paris St . Genevieve , Rome Sfc . Peter and St . Paul , Venice Sfc . Mark ,
Naples St . Januarius and St . Thomas Aquinas , Lisbon St . Vincent , Brussels Sfc . Mary and Sfc , Gudula , Vienna Sfc . Stephens , Cologne the three Kings with Sfc . Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins . "
I will add that , with the exception of Edinburgh Lodge and the Durham charter of 1671 , I could not find in the numerous books I have read about patron saints that fche
Christian Saints And Their Supposed Functions.
• Saints John were either Freemasons or were Masons' patron saints . It is therefore certain that American Masons havo been merely pluming themselves with feathers of other birds as far as the Saints John are concerned ; hence , their pre . tension that the patronage of tho Saints John is an ancient
landmark is a mere humbug ; and I am very sure that no rational Christian of the present age will be offended at my designating saint patronage as a mere piece of mediteval superstition . Masons' conceit about tho " holy Sts . John " being Masonic patrons has long siuco been laughed at b y
mon ot common sense , both without and within the Masonic Fraternity . The Graud Lodge of England , who first introduced the tomfoolery of patron saints into the ritual of modern Masonry , was the first to discard it , and ib is high time for American Masons to follow the sensible
example of their Lugiish brethren . If , however , our Christianising Masons realty deem saint patronage essential to Freemasonry , then the most appropriate saint in the
calendar for that purpose would be St . Mathurin , the patron saint of fools , for if St . Mathurin does his duty he must necessarily know more about the ins and outs of individual American Masons than even the Saints John know . For
instance , all the high degreers , from the Royal Arch up , are undoubtedly liegemen or proteges of Sfc . Mathurin , and how large a majority of the remainder of the American Masonic Brotherhood are under St . Mathurin ' s patronage may readily be imagined , hence the Masonic patronage of
Sfc . Mathurin would , 1 believe , be just the right thing in the right place , and I think ifc would sound just as pleasant for the W . M . to open and close the Lodge in fche name of
St . Mathurin as to open and close it in the name of the Saints John . I therefore say , that Masons should either adopt St . Mathurin for their patron saint or give up patron saints altogether .
The September meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons Hall , Bro . W . Roebuck , Past Grand Steward , in the chair . Among the minutes read were those of the Building Committee . Bro . Binckes reported that fche
£ 1 , 000 India Four per Cent . Debentures were paid off , and the amount had been placed to the credit of the account of the Preparatory School Building Fund at the London and Westminster Bank . The receipt of £ 500 , the unconditional grant of Supreme Grand Chapter , was also
announced , & c . It was resolved that this amount be placed to the credit of the Preparatory School Building Fund . With reference to the funded stock of the Institution in Three per cent . Consols , it was decided no step be taken for their conversion into stock of a lower value . The
Committee afterwards placed two candidates on the list for election in April 1885 . An application having been made on behalf of a former pupil of the Institution , for a gift of £ 40 towards his advancement , by placing him with some
electrical engineers , the consideration of the application was deferred till further information could be obtained . Grants of £ 5 each were made to two former pupils of the school , after which the Committee adjourned .
Brother Colonel Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , presided at the monthly meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . There was a full attendance . Brother James Terry reported the de » th of two male annuitants ,
one of whom had been on the books since 1873 and the other since 1877 . The Warden ' s report was read , aud cheques were ordered to be signed . The Secretary reported that he had received a cheque for £ 500 from
Supreme Grand Chapter for the Institution , and another for £ 70 from Grand Lodge for coals for the residents at the asylum at Croydon for the winter months . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Colonel Creaton h r
obtaining the vote of £ 500 from Grand Chapter . A letter from Lady Wilson , acknowledging the vote ot condolence passed at the last meeting on the occasion ot the death of Sir Erasmas , was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered and Compared -with , the Old Edition . London : Simp knii Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , B . C . Sent on receipt of stamps , One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Christian Saints And Their Supposed Functions.
joint to St . Philip . " ( Every-Day Book , Vol . II ., 21 st January ) . And now I again go back to Brand ' s work : — " St . Agatha presided over nurses , St . Catherine and St . Gregory are patrons of literari , or studious persons ,
Sfc . Catherine also presides over the arts in tho room of Minerva , St . Christopher and St . Nicholas preside ever mariners , also St . Hennas ; St . Cecilia is patroness of musicians , St . Cosmas and St . Damian are the patrons of physicians , surgeons and philosophers , St . Dismas and
Sfc . Nicholas preside over thieves , St . Eustace and St . Hubert over hunters , St . Felicitas over young children , Sfc . Julian is the patron of pilgrims , St . Leonard and St . Barbara protect captives , St . Luke is the patron of painters , St . Magdalen , St . Aphaand St . Bridget
preside over common women , Sfc . Martin and St . Urban over ale-knights , to guard them from falling into the kennel , St . Thomas over Divines , St . Mathurin over fools ,
St . Thomas a . Becket over blind men , eunuchs and sinners , Sfc . Valentine over lovers , St . Wilfrid over virgins , St . Yves over lawyers and civilians , St . iEliau and iEthelbert were invoked against thieves .
" Here also I may notice that St . Agatha presides over valleys , St . Anne over riches , St . Barbara over hills , St . Florin over fire , St . Giles and St . Hyacinth aro invoked by barren women , St . Osyth by women to guard their keys , St . Sylvester protects the woods , St . Urban wine
and vineyards , St . Vincent and St . Anne are the restorers of lost things , Sfc . Andrew and St . Joseph were patronisers of carpenters , St . Anthony of swineherds and grocers , St . Arnold of millers , St . Blase of woolcombers , St . Catherine of spinners , St . Clement of tanners , St . Cloud
of nailsmiths , Sfc . Dunstan of goldsmiths , St . Eloy of blacksmiths , farriers and goldsmiths , St . Euloge of jockeys or smiths , St . Florian of mercers , Sfc . Francis of butchers , St . George of clothiers , St , Goodman of tailors , Sfc . Gore , with the devil on his shoulder and a pot in his hand , is the
patron of potters , Sfc . Hilary of coopers , Sfc . John Port-Latin , of booksellers , St . Jose and St . Urban of ploughmen , St . Leodagar of drapers , Sfc . Leonard of locksmiths as well as captives , St . Louis of periwig makers , St . Martin of master shoemakers , and St . Crispin of cobblers and
journeyman shoemakers , Sfc . Nicholas of parish clerks and also of butchers , St . Peter of fishmongers , St . Sebastian of pin makers , St . Severus of fullers , St . Stephen of weavers , St . Tibba of falconers , St . Wilfrid of bakers , so were Sfc . Hubert , St . Honore and also Sfc . Clement , Sfc , William of
hat makers , Sfc . Windeline of shepherds , Sfc . Anthony protects hogs , St . Ferioll presides over geese , St . Gertrude presides over mice and eggs , St . Hubert protects dogs , and is invoked against the bite of mad ones , St . Magnus is invoked against locusts and caterpillars , St . Pelagins or
Pelage , or Peland protects oxen , and St . Wendeline sheep . " ( Brand Antiquities , Bohn's edition , Vol . I ., pages 357 , & c . ) The following list of patron saints for different countries and cities I copied from Chambers' Book of Days , Vol . II ., p 388 . —*
" England had St . George , Scotland St . Andrew , Ireland St . Patrick , Wales St . David , France St . Denis ( in a less degree ) St . Michael , Spain St . James ( Iago ) , St . Teresa , Portugal St . Sebastian , Italy St . Antbony , Sardinia St . Mary , Switzerland St . Gall and the Virgin Mary , Germany
St . Martin , St . Boniface and St . George Cataphracfcus , Hungary Sfc . Mary of Aquisgrana and Sfc . Lewis , Bohemia St . Winceslaus , Austria St . Colman and Sfc . Leopold , Flanders St . Peter , Holland St . Mary , Denmark St . Anscharius
and St . Canute , Sweden St . Anscharius , St . Eric and St . . John , Norway St . Olands and St . Anscharius , Poland St . Stanislaus and Sfc . Henderiga , Prussia Sfc . Andrew and Sfc . Albert , Russia St . Nicholas , St . Mary and Sfc . Andrew . " Now for cities : —
" Edinburgh had St . Giles , Aberdeen St . Nicholas , and Glasgow St . Mungo , Oxford had Sfc . Frideswide , Paris St . Genevieve , Rome Sfc . Peter and St . Paul , Venice Sfc . Mark ,
Naples St . Januarius and St . Thomas Aquinas , Lisbon St . Vincent , Brussels Sfc . Mary and Sfc , Gudula , Vienna Sfc . Stephens , Cologne the three Kings with Sfc . Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins . "
I will add that , with the exception of Edinburgh Lodge and the Durham charter of 1671 , I could not find in the numerous books I have read about patron saints that fche
Christian Saints And Their Supposed Functions.
• Saints John were either Freemasons or were Masons' patron saints . It is therefore certain that American Masons havo been merely pluming themselves with feathers of other birds as far as the Saints John are concerned ; hence , their pre . tension that the patronage of tho Saints John is an ancient
landmark is a mere humbug ; and I am very sure that no rational Christian of the present age will be offended at my designating saint patronage as a mere piece of mediteval superstition . Masons' conceit about tho " holy Sts . John " being Masonic patrons has long siuco been laughed at b y
mon ot common sense , both without and within the Masonic Fraternity . The Graud Lodge of England , who first introduced the tomfoolery of patron saints into the ritual of modern Masonry , was the first to discard it , and ib is high time for American Masons to follow the sensible
example of their Lugiish brethren . If , however , our Christianising Masons realty deem saint patronage essential to Freemasonry , then the most appropriate saint in the
calendar for that purpose would be St . Mathurin , the patron saint of fools , for if St . Mathurin does his duty he must necessarily know more about the ins and outs of individual American Masons than even the Saints John know . For
instance , all the high degreers , from the Royal Arch up , are undoubtedly liegemen or proteges of Sfc . Mathurin , and how large a majority of the remainder of the American Masonic Brotherhood are under St . Mathurin ' s patronage may readily be imagined , hence the Masonic patronage of
Sfc . Mathurin would , 1 believe , be just the right thing in the right place , and I think ifc would sound just as pleasant for the W . M . to open and close the Lodge in fche name of
St . Mathurin as to open and close it in the name of the Saints John . I therefore say , that Masons should either adopt St . Mathurin for their patron saint or give up patron saints altogether .
The September meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons Hall , Bro . W . Roebuck , Past Grand Steward , in the chair . Among the minutes read were those of the Building Committee . Bro . Binckes reported that fche
£ 1 , 000 India Four per Cent . Debentures were paid off , and the amount had been placed to the credit of the account of the Preparatory School Building Fund at the London and Westminster Bank . The receipt of £ 500 , the unconditional grant of Supreme Grand Chapter , was also
announced , & c . It was resolved that this amount be placed to the credit of the Preparatory School Building Fund . With reference to the funded stock of the Institution in Three per cent . Consols , it was decided no step be taken for their conversion into stock of a lower value . The
Committee afterwards placed two candidates on the list for election in April 1885 . An application having been made on behalf of a former pupil of the Institution , for a gift of £ 40 towards his advancement , by placing him with some
electrical engineers , the consideration of the application was deferred till further information could be obtained . Grants of £ 5 each were made to two former pupils of the school , after which the Committee adjourned .
Brother Colonel Creaton , Past Grand Treasurer , presided at the monthly meeting of the Committee of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . There was a full attendance . Brother James Terry reported the de » th of two male annuitants ,
one of whom had been on the books since 1873 and the other since 1877 . The Warden ' s report was read , aud cheques were ordered to be signed . The Secretary reported that he had received a cheque for £ 500 from
Supreme Grand Chapter for the Institution , and another for £ 70 from Grand Lodge for coals for the residents at the asylum at Croydon for the winter months . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Colonel Creaton h r
obtaining the vote of £ 500 from Grand Chapter . A letter from Lady Wilson , acknowledging the vote ot condolence passed at the last meeting on the occasion ot the death of Sir Erasmas , was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered and Compared -with , the Old Edition . London : Simp knii Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , B . C . Sent on receipt of stamps , One Shilling , by W . W . Morgan , Freemason Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville-