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Design Of The Degrees.
welfare of their fellow creatures . Thus instructed in morals and science , the third , or Master Mason ' s Degree , led them to that great trnth which the snblimest part even of the heathen mysteries , thongh it seldom succeeded , was intended to teach , and tho faithful believer was assured of a
fntnre life and immortality beyond the grave . And , whereas the heathens had taught this only by the application of a fable to their purpose , the wisdom of the pious Grand . Master of Israelitish Masons took advantage of a real circumstance , which would more forciblv impress the
sublime truths he intended to inculcate npon tho minds of all brethren . Such is a brief outline , intelligible , I trust , to the members of the Order , of the design of that beantiful system which , when established , has long been the admiration of tho world , and has stood the test of ages amid every persecution . —Archdeacon Mant .
Vacation Periods.
THAT a holiday is needed now and then by all who devote themselves heartily to any business or professional calling , will not be denied . All workers , if they hope to continue their toil , must occasionally intermit their labours ; they must make pauses in life 5 they must
break up by changes of scene and place the monotonous ways of customary existence . A vacation for the worn body and the weary brain is not merely a luxury , it is a necessity . Not all require the same kind of a vacation . In some cases , perhaps , short respites from ordinary work
are best , and these may be taken frequently , as circumstances open the way . With others , however , there must be a complete change , aud longer periods of cessation from routine engagements . So it is the overworked powers are recruited , and new resources are gathered with which to
enter again fche paths of accustomed activity . We believe in vacations ; and we trust that our friends and the readers of fche Repository generally may be privileged to break their wonted toil , and profit by occasional seasons of rest and refreshment . We are
writing these lines several hundred miles distant from home , and under conditions entirely different from those that make np the usual order in our preparation of copy for the Repository . Onr vacation is nofc altogether a period of rest , for on many days we must hold the pen in hand
and attempt some work ; nevertheless the change of place and surroundings , and the diversion of activity which we are able to have , bring us a blessing . So it is we hope to find this vacation period , like others that have gone before
it m our experience , fruitful in ministries of good . By the seaside and on the mountains—going over the olcl ways in familiar localities , or seeking out new regions of attraction—we hope to gather rest and refreshment , with
some new zest of life , from the brief holiday with which we are favoured . May those who read these lines—onr brethren privileged to enjoy some time in cessation from accustomed labours , and perchance in " Green fields and
pastures new , " be profited in like manner . Let us not think that we are really losing anything by taking these pauses in life—by doing individually what Masonic Lodges for the most part do at this season of the year , viz . calling oft from labour to refreshment . If we have earned the
right to a vacation we need not fear to take it , and we ought to enjoy ifc and profit by its gifts . It is often said that the hardest worker lives the longest , but only those hve long who sufficiently break their wonted toil by the Acceptance of occasional well-timed and well-spent holidays .
M . E . Sir Knight Rich . L . Wolsey , G . O , presided afc the P ^ y-eighth Annnal Conclave of the Grand Commandery pj . Ri ghts Templar of Indiana , held in Indianapolis , on ^ th and 30 th April last . Twenty-eight Commanderies Cl'e rent'esenfcfid . and thn T ? f > nnrr . s ivni-o VPI-V qnfiqfVinfnmr to be
, ^ nere appears a membership of 2 , 359 , and the statee » t of acconnt shows receipts 6 , 717 dollars ; disbur . seyjts 3 , 111 . dollars ; balance 3 , 006 dollars . Sir Knight alter Vail was elected Grand Commander , and Sir "ighfc John M . Bramwell , of Indianapolis , re-elected u ,, aud Recorder .
PUNEKALS . —Bros . W . K . Ii . & Ch A . HTJTTON , Coffin a „ , and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , W . C «« 30 Forest Hill Boad , Peckham Ryo , S . E
THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . p . WALTERS' PATENT . * Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . tAI A / I MP / \ r PHESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , L cheapness , and elegance of finish . Thoy are suitable for Military Bands Orchestras , Reading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Booms When opened to their f nil capacity they stand 51 eot high , and can he folded and enclosed in a case 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The wcightis abont 3 lbs . 12 oz ., and they will support a weight of 60 lbs . To he obtained of all Music Dealers , and of the Manufacturers and Proprietors of the Patent , HARROW & CO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , & C 13 and 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE .
ENGRAVI NGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . The largest Selection of all the best Pictures on view . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand , near Waterloo Bridge . Established 30 years . E NGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . —Sir F . Leighton ' s , P . R . A ., "Wedded , " "Day Dreams , " "Winding tbe Skein , " " Viola , " " Moretta , " & c , at 21 s . " Tho Music Lesson . " A few artists' proofs only . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES . Cheapest Honse in London . All Briton Riviere Kngraviugs and Etchings on view—Sympathy , His Only Friend , Night Watch , Poachers , ( Jave C ' anoui , and many others . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . Rt'ES . — Jnst Published , a fino engraving , "The Day of Reckoning , " by Waller . Prints will be 2 ls . Artists ' proofs are now at a premium , two or three only left . I ^ NGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . — Ii Large assortment of Engravings and Etchings , from 6 s to 10 s each Onr now Design Book for Frames , with instruction formating , 6 stamps ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . — Job Lots , "Six " of Lamlscor for 21 s . Also Ansdell Sets of Six Shooting , 15 s ; Ditto Stalking , 15 s . —GEO . RKES , 115 Strand .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL 28 th APRIL 1875 . C OPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HART ? P . M ., consisting of Artist ' s Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITSi Brother H . O . TURNER , Photographer , 14 PSNT 0 HVILLE E 0 AD ( Seven doors from the Angel ) . U . C . T . is prepared to execute photographs of Craftsmen , & c ., at the following low scale of charges : — Cartes de Visctc , full length or threc-cuiartcrs , 12 for Is Bd . Cabinets , do . do . do . 12 for 12 s . HIG-H C LASS W QIRIK : CUSTTLIZ :.
rTESTIMONIALS , VOTES of THANKS , & C , beautifully ILLUMINATED . JL OT VEt . Mm , and FCWIED , ready for Presentation , by r X \ WOODS , SO Chtmcei-y-Lane , London , 'W . C . Names Illuminated on Stewards' Certificates at a reasonable charge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Design Of The Degrees.
welfare of their fellow creatures . Thus instructed in morals and science , the third , or Master Mason ' s Degree , led them to that great trnth which the snblimest part even of the heathen mysteries , thongh it seldom succeeded , was intended to teach , and tho faithful believer was assured of a
fntnre life and immortality beyond the grave . And , whereas the heathens had taught this only by the application of a fable to their purpose , the wisdom of the pious Grand . Master of Israelitish Masons took advantage of a real circumstance , which would more forciblv impress the
sublime truths he intended to inculcate npon tho minds of all brethren . Such is a brief outline , intelligible , I trust , to the members of the Order , of the design of that beantiful system which , when established , has long been the admiration of tho world , and has stood the test of ages amid every persecution . —Archdeacon Mant .
Vacation Periods.
THAT a holiday is needed now and then by all who devote themselves heartily to any business or professional calling , will not be denied . All workers , if they hope to continue their toil , must occasionally intermit their labours ; they must make pauses in life 5 they must
break up by changes of scene and place the monotonous ways of customary existence . A vacation for the worn body and the weary brain is not merely a luxury , it is a necessity . Not all require the same kind of a vacation . In some cases , perhaps , short respites from ordinary work
are best , and these may be taken frequently , as circumstances open the way . With others , however , there must be a complete change , aud longer periods of cessation from routine engagements . So it is the overworked powers are recruited , and new resources are gathered with which to
enter again fche paths of accustomed activity . We believe in vacations ; and we trust that our friends and the readers of fche Repository generally may be privileged to break their wonted toil , and profit by occasional seasons of rest and refreshment . We are
writing these lines several hundred miles distant from home , and under conditions entirely different from those that make np the usual order in our preparation of copy for the Repository . Onr vacation is nofc altogether a period of rest , for on many days we must hold the pen in hand
and attempt some work ; nevertheless the change of place and surroundings , and the diversion of activity which we are able to have , bring us a blessing . So it is we hope to find this vacation period , like others that have gone before
it m our experience , fruitful in ministries of good . By the seaside and on the mountains—going over the olcl ways in familiar localities , or seeking out new regions of attraction—we hope to gather rest and refreshment , with
some new zest of life , from the brief holiday with which we are favoured . May those who read these lines—onr brethren privileged to enjoy some time in cessation from accustomed labours , and perchance in " Green fields and
pastures new , " be profited in like manner . Let us not think that we are really losing anything by taking these pauses in life—by doing individually what Masonic Lodges for the most part do at this season of the year , viz . calling oft from labour to refreshment . If we have earned the
right to a vacation we need not fear to take it , and we ought to enjoy ifc and profit by its gifts . It is often said that the hardest worker lives the longest , but only those hve long who sufficiently break their wonted toil by the Acceptance of occasional well-timed and well-spent holidays .
M . E . Sir Knight Rich . L . Wolsey , G . O , presided afc the P ^ y-eighth Annnal Conclave of the Grand Commandery pj . Ri ghts Templar of Indiana , held in Indianapolis , on ^ th and 30 th April last . Twenty-eight Commanderies Cl'e rent'esenfcfid . and thn T ? f > nnrr . s ivni-o VPI-V qnfiqfVinfnmr to be
, ^ nere appears a membership of 2 , 359 , and the statee » t of acconnt shows receipts 6 , 717 dollars ; disbur . seyjts 3 , 111 . dollars ; balance 3 , 006 dollars . Sir Knight alter Vail was elected Grand Commander , and Sir "ighfc John M . Bramwell , of Indianapolis , re-elected u ,, aud Recorder .
PUNEKALS . —Bros . W . K . Ii . & Ch A . HTJTTON , Coffin a „ , and Undertakers , 17 Newcastle Street , Strand , W . C «« 30 Forest Hill Boad , Peckham Ryo , S . E
THE AMERICAN PORTABLE MUSIC STANDS . J . p . WALTERS' PATENT . * Iron , from 10 / 6 each . Brass , from 30 / - each . tAI A / I MP / \ r PHESE Stands are unsurpassed in simplicity , strength , portability , L cheapness , and elegance of finish . Thoy are suitable for Military Bands Orchestras , Reading and News Rooms , Libraries , Studies , and Drawing Booms When opened to their f nil capacity they stand 51 eot high , and can he folded and enclosed in a case 21 inches long by 2 inches diameter . The wcightis abont 3 lbs . 12 oz ., and they will support a weight of 60 lbs . To he obtained of all Music Dealers , and of the Manufacturers and Proprietors of the Patent , HARROW & CO . MUSIC SMITHS , BRASS WORKERS , & C 13 and 14 Portland Street , Soho , London , W . DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS FREE .
ENGRAVI NGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . The largest Selection of all the best Pictures on view . —GEO . REES , 115 Strand , near Waterloo Bridge . Established 30 years . E NGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . —Sir F . Leighton ' s , P . R . A ., "Wedded , " "Day Dreams , " "Winding tbe Skein , " " Viola , " " Moretta , " & c , at 21 s . " Tho Music Lesson . " A few artists' proofs only . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES . Cheapest Honse in London . All Briton Riviere Kngraviugs and Etchings on view—Sympathy , His Only Friend , Night Watch , Poachers , ( Jave C ' anoui , and many others . ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . Rt'ES . — Jnst Published , a fino engraving , "The Day of Reckoning , " by Waller . Prints will be 2 ls . Artists ' proofs are now at a premium , two or three only left . I ^ NGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest Honse in London . — Ii Large assortment of Engravings and Etchings , from 6 s to 10 s each Onr now Design Book for Frames , with instruction formating , 6 stamps ENGRAVINGS . —GEO . REES , Cheapest House in London . — Job Lots , "Six " of Lamlscor for 21 s . Also Ansdell Sets of Six Shooting , 15 s ; Ditto Stalking , 15 s . —GEO . RKES , 115 Strand .
INSTALLATION OF H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES As the M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL 28 th APRIL 1875 . C OPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HART ? P . M ., consisting of Artist ' s Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITSi Brother H . O . TURNER , Photographer , 14 PSNT 0 HVILLE E 0 AD ( Seven doors from the Angel ) . U . C . T . is prepared to execute photographs of Craftsmen , & c ., at the following low scale of charges : — Cartes de Visctc , full length or threc-cuiartcrs , 12 for Is Bd . Cabinets , do . do . do . 12 for 12 s . HIG-H C LASS W QIRIK : CUSTTLIZ :.
rTESTIMONIALS , VOTES of THANKS , & C , beautifully ILLUMINATED . JL OT VEt . Mm , and FCWIED , ready for Presentation , by r X \ WOODS , SO Chtmcei-y-Lane , London , 'W . C . Names Illuminated on Stewards' Certificates at a reasonable charge ,