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Catalogue Of The Masonic Soiree And Exhibition, Worcester, August, 1844.
terest and importance . " No . 330 commemorates the ' ' 50 th Anniversary of Freedom of Lodge of Holland ; " No . 33 fi , tho " 75 th An . uiversary of Batavia Lodge ( E . India ) , " and was issued in 1811 ; No . 337 , the " 300 th Anniversary of Charter of Cologne Freemasons , 1835 , " tbe accuracy of which date Brother Hughan , though ho allows the medal is a onrio , very naturally treats off-hand as a little " fib . " No . 331 is a " Fac-Simile of Fellow Craft Jewel" of the
year 1781 ; No . 352 is a " Silver Master's Jewel" of 1741 ; No . 358 an "Ancient Fellow Craft Jewel—Brilliants and Garnets ; " and No . 361 an "Oval enamelled Masonio Jewel of Prince Jerome Buonaparte , Amsterdam . " Nos . 357 and 362 are—the one a " Figure of Masonry , " in silver , and the other an " Ancient Masonic Devico found in a Bog in Ireland . "
Nos . 365-382 are from the collection of Bro . F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treasurer Wilts , and include several of what Bro . Hnghnn calls interesting " Masonics . " No . 367 is described aa a " Craft Masonry Ritual in cipher ( circ . 1776 ) in tho handwriting of Michael Burrough , the exhibitor ' s great grandfather ; " No . 369 , the " Original Minntes of Meeting of a Provincial Grand Lodge for Wiltshire , at
Salisbury , 22 nd September 1777 . with the names of those present ; including Thomas Dnnckerley , P . G . M ., and Michael Bnrrough , P . G . Secretary ; " No . 370 ia a " Knight ' s Templar Ritual in cipher ( circ . 1796 ) , in the handwriting of Miohiel Bnrrongh , who was the first Grand Master for Wiltshire of the Knights Templar , on tho reorganisation of that Order ; " and No . 382 , a " Secretary ' s Silver
Jewel , worn in tbe Lodge at Devizes up to 1826 . " The contributions of Bro . J . E . Le Fenvre , Prov . Grand Secretary Hants and Isle of Wight , ( Nos . 383-403 ) , consist chiefly of edition * of the "Constitntions of Grand Lodge of England , " all of whioh , publisbed during tbe last oentnry are , according' to Bro . Hughan , here represented , save the Appendix of A . D . 1776 , which , however , is
exhibited by Bro . G . Taylor . In addition are " Cola's engraved list , 1770 , " whicb , as Bro . Hughan says , is rarely met with ; Cole ' s " Illustrations , " published in 1801 , containing particulars of our Masonic Schools , as then constituted , and a " Pocket Companion , " published in Dublin in 1735 , of whioh the worthy annotator remarks that it " is a little treasure , and especially valuable to onr American
brethren , as it contains a notice of a Lodge at Philndolpbia 1730 ( circa ) , which does not occur in any other list known . " No . 402 is a "Minute Book , " of the "Royal Arch Chapter , No . 174 , Southampton , from A . D . 1783 . " As regards what Bro . Hngban says of this , we cannot do better than quote bis remarks in fnll : " This Minute Book is one of several remarkable exhibits , whioh have
been made known to the Craft through the Worcester Masonio Exhibition , 1884 . 1 have never met before this with n separate Royal Arcb Minute Book of the ' Ancients , ' and thought it probably ono of tbe 'Moderns , ' as a Chapter was granted for Southampton by the Grand Chapter formed by many of tbe latter brethren , as No . 13 , and named tbo ' Concord' in 1777 , now apparently under tbo wing of the
Southampton Lodge , No . 394 , but still named ' Concord . ' The explanations afforded by Bro . Le Fenvre ( Prov . Grand Secretary ) , however , clearly prove that this Chapter was in connection with tho Rovnl Gloucester Lodge , No . 174 , of the ' Ancients' warranted A . D . 1772 . There was , however , a ' Modern' Lodge , chartered and worked in
that town by many of tbe brethren who belonged also to the rival organisation . This Lodge , also called ' Royal Gloucester , ' wns warranted in 1792 , but dropped at the 'Union . ' hence tho members secured a higher nnmber by retaining the 'Atholl' Charter , the Lodge now being No . 139 . "
Among the exhibits ( Nos . 404-420 ) sent hy Bro . J . Ramaden Riley , of Bradford , Yorkshire , will be found several Certificates , No . 404 being a Craft Certificate issued by the Ancients in 1807 , and bearing the signatures of Robert Leslie and Edward Harper , respectively Grand and Depnty Grand Secretaries of that body . Nos . 407 anil 408 are Royal Arch Certificates , the former English of No . 39
( Ancients ) Manchester , " now No . 44 , and the latter Irisb of "No . 333 ( Ireland ) Caledon . " In these Bro . Hngban points ont the order of the Degrees varies . No . 410 is a Knight Templar Certificate issued by No . 39 , Manchester , in 1814 , other than Craft degrees being granted in Craft Lodges in those days . Nos . 421 . 470 are chiefly Aprons , Medals , and jewels ; No . 431 a Pierced Silver
Jewel of " A . M . 5788 , " being noted by Bro . Hngban aa " very rare , " and No . 433 , of a similar character , as " quits a little treasure . " Of No . 458 , an engraved Silver Medal of 1790 , exhibited by Bro . Thomas Francis Provincial S . G . D . Sussex , he writes , " One of the finest engraved Medals I have ever seen ; tbe obv . being beautifully exeouted . The same brother contributes two other rare engraved Silver
Medals , Nos . 459-and 460 , and "Tbe Freemason ' s Accusation and Defence , " published London 1726 , which Bro . Hngban designates as exceedingly rare and valuable . " Bro . Rylands ' s collection , Nos . 471 . 491 , include a number of old Masonic Aprons . No . 492 , " Cnrious old Roll of Ancient Charges of Masonry on Parchment , date 1636 , " though exhibited bCaptain N . G . Phili of the Snoreme Council
y ps , , A . and A . Rite , is , wo understand , tbe property of Colonel Clerkn , wand Secretary . Bro . Hnghan speaks of it as valuable , though the " oxfc is of the ordinary kind , and suggests that though it has never yet been pnblished , it " deserves to be . " The Illumination contains we Arms of the City of London and the Masons' Company . Bro . grazer , of Dublin , contributes Nos . 493-512 R . No . 493 beine " Pare
Silver Medals of tbe ' Gormagons , ' with original shagreen case "—the ijormagons being a society formed in 1724 , in opposition to the f reemasons , but extinct in 1738 . No . 494 is considered to be unique , awl is described as a " Kill-Winning Medal , in copper , " apparen tly " connected with tbe introduction of 'Scottish Rites' into reland . " Nos . 513-690 are sent by various exhibitors , many of them
. 'ng interesting from personal associations or otherwise , as , for "" stance , No . 577 , "Jewel of J . G . W ., which belonged to the Honble , Thomas Dundas , afterwards Earl of Zetland and M . W . G . M ; " No . 595 , -i-he Antient Constitution of the Free and Accepted Masons , neatly "graved on copper plates , with a speech delivered by the Grand MlP York ; alsoa S P eech of Edward Oakley , Architect , & c , i , a » . > late Senior Grand Warden iu Carmarthen , South Wales .
Catalogue Of The Masonic Soiree And Exhibition, Worcester, August, 1844.
Likewise a Prologue , spoken by M . Mills , and an Epilogue , & c , to which is added a onrions collection of Masonic Songs . Second edition . London , 1731 ; "and No . 599 , "Oval Silver Jewel , 1790 . obv . —Arms of Grand Lodcro ; rov . —Masonic emblems , " of which Bro . Hughan writes : " This is a remarkable Jewel , and the only ono I have ever seen of the kind , having the Arms of the ' Atholl' Grand Lodge on
the obv ., the legends ' Holiness to the Lord , ' and ' Amor , Honor , et Jnsf itia ( rov . ) , with such a combination of Emblems . " Nos . 601-1 , exhibited by Bro . Jndge Townshond , Past D . G . M . Ireland , includes three honorary decorations , which Bro . Hughan says are the finest of the kind ho has over seen . Nos . 605-616 A , sent by Rro . Patohott , of Nottingham , consist chiefly of certificates and
cironlars , there being also , a " Photograph of the Ntvwstead warrant , 1774 , " Bro . Hughan remarking that ho has a copy of it , " but it is dated A . D . 1755-63 . None exist of tho kind before 1751 . " Nos . 617-626 appear to be Portraits of Masonic chiefs , No . 617 being one of " Antony Sayer , Grand Master , " of the year 1700 , and represent , ing him , we presume , as ho was in that year , not in 1717 when he
held the office of G . M . No . 626 is a Portfolio containing various "Masonics , " among which is "Biographical Memoir of the Hon , Mrs . Aldworth , county of Cork , the only Female Freemason , " respecting whioh we will only remark , that the qnalifioative " only " is , we believe , no longer applicable to this lady . The exhibits of Bro . Gration , Secretary of Lodge No . 1513—Nos . 627-634 , are cnrious
as referring to circumstances tho occurrence of whicb is scarcely so much as recognised in our Histories of English Masonry . The group that follows—Xos . 635-653—are sent by the Grand Lodgo of Mark Master Masons of England , the first nine being old Mark aud other certificates , which Bro . Hughan says " are most interesting to those who appreciate tbe additional degrees , the ninth of
tho series being particularly curious and rarely to be met with . ' Group Nos . 654-707 , contains a numerous collection of medals , several of them being described as very rare . Thus , of No . 656—Silver Medal , Bro . Hnghan remarks " Rare ; " of No . 658 he says— " The medal ia very rare in such a fine state , ns both dies badly cracked soon after a few were struck off . " No . 659—" -Bronze Medal ( proof ) . Accolated
Busts of the Prince of Wales and the Dnke of Clarence , A . D . 1802 "he describes as a " very fine impression of this beautiful medal . " Respecting No . 661— "Silver Medal ( elliptical ) . Struck in 1807 by the Lodge ' De la Vester , ' to commemorate the conduct of the King of Holland on the Explosion of a Powder Ship on the Canal , Rappesburg , & c —• " We are told " Marvin ( 212 ) only knows two
impressions of this medal in all America . I know of bat this one in England . It is engraved in the ' Tresor Numis . Napoleon , ' Plate 21 . " No . 665 Bro . Hnghan says is " very rarely met with in silver . Marvin only mentions it in copper , " and the same is said of No . 669 , which is " only quoted in bronze . " No . 674— " Medal of the Lodge of Friendship , Paris , A . D . 1777 , " he tells us is a " very rare medal ,
only incidentally recorded by Merzdorf , but known to Marvin , who gives a plate of it in his work . " No . 701 is a " Perfect Ashlar , made from a portion of stone quarried from the North Front , Gibraltar , for purpose of making specimens to present to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on his visit , A . D . 1858 ; " No . 702—a " Mark Keystone , made from portions of marble mantelpiece taken from quarters of General
Officer commanding at Sebastopol , 1855 ; " No . 703— " Mark Oblong Stone , mado from portion of Turkish Tombstone , brought from the City of the Dead at Scutari , 1854 ; " and No . 704— " Royal Arch Pedestal , mado from piece of marble bronght from the Moorish Alhambra in Granada . " Nos . 701 , 702 , and 704 are severally
ornamented with their appropriate Masonic emblems . No . 706 is a " Box of miniature Working Tools , " made by the exhibitor himself , except as to the metal portion of the work , " the Square , Level and Plumb-rule , Shovel , Skirret , and Mallet being of wood from an olive tree growing in English Military Burial Ground , Scutari , 1855 . " ( To be continued . )
We publish , this week , text of the Sermon preached before the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcester , by the Dean of York , the Very Rev . Bro . A . Purey-Cnst , Past Grand Chaplain England : — " In every nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him . "—Acts x . 35 .
" Unless their pretensions were utterly worthless , they believed that tbe Craft expressed the voice which had been crying since tbe earliest days in the interests of humanity ; a voice , as it were , of one crying in the wilderness , crying for light , for sympathy , and for order . Their ideal was surely a commendable one—one whioh God
accepted , and which men shonld , therefore , acknowledge and honour . To fear God and work righteousness was the essence and aim of their Craft . It might bo urged that the objects which their predecessors professed to seek had been fonnd , and that , therefore , for all practical purposes , in these practical clays , their Craft might well be
swept away . He ventured to think such a Community as theirs , with its high object , its long history , and its grand mission , was as much , if not moro than ever , needed . It was au age of civilisation , of life and knowledge , but was it not also an ago when the recognition of God was being swept away from onr midst , and the voice of
the throne no longer exhorted people to morality , when national education was becoming more and moro secular , when the infinite and incomprehensible mysteries of heaven were snbjected by the finite mind of man to captious positivism , when things sacred and things secular were being separated , when wise men met in congress
and the very mention of God ' s name was hushed ; when a pseudo Liberality was clamouring over chnrch disestablishment , and the last tvacvis of the very acknowledgment of God should be blotted out ; was this tho timo to discourage the works of such a Community ? Distinctions of social rank must make mauy strangers to each other . Waa it not surely something to find one place in the world where
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Catalogue Of The Masonic Soiree And Exhibition, Worcester, August, 1844.
terest and importance . " No . 330 commemorates the ' ' 50 th Anniversary of Freedom of Lodge of Holland ; " No . 33 fi , tho " 75 th An . uiversary of Batavia Lodge ( E . India ) , " and was issued in 1811 ; No . 337 , the " 300 th Anniversary of Charter of Cologne Freemasons , 1835 , " tbe accuracy of which date Brother Hughan , though ho allows the medal is a onrio , very naturally treats off-hand as a little " fib . " No . 331 is a " Fac-Simile of Fellow Craft Jewel" of the
year 1781 ; No . 352 is a " Silver Master's Jewel" of 1741 ; No . 358 an "Ancient Fellow Craft Jewel—Brilliants and Garnets ; " and No . 361 an "Oval enamelled Masonio Jewel of Prince Jerome Buonaparte , Amsterdam . " Nos . 357 and 362 are—the one a " Figure of Masonry , " in silver , and the other an " Ancient Masonic Devico found in a Bog in Ireland . "
Nos . 365-382 are from the collection of Bro . F . H . Goldney , P . G . Treasurer Wilts , and include several of what Bro . Hnghnn calls interesting " Masonics . " No . 367 is described aa a " Craft Masonry Ritual in cipher ( circ . 1776 ) in tho handwriting of Michael Burrough , the exhibitor ' s great grandfather ; " No . 369 , the " Original Minntes of Meeting of a Provincial Grand Lodge for Wiltshire , at
Salisbury , 22 nd September 1777 . with the names of those present ; including Thomas Dnnckerley , P . G . M ., and Michael Bnrrough , P . G . Secretary ; " No . 370 ia a " Knight ' s Templar Ritual in cipher ( circ . 1796 ) , in the handwriting of Miohiel Bnrrongh , who was the first Grand Master for Wiltshire of the Knights Templar , on tho reorganisation of that Order ; " and No . 382 , a " Secretary ' s Silver
Jewel , worn in tbe Lodge at Devizes up to 1826 . " The contributions of Bro . J . E . Le Fenvre , Prov . Grand Secretary Hants and Isle of Wight , ( Nos . 383-403 ) , consist chiefly of edition * of the "Constitntions of Grand Lodge of England , " all of whioh , publisbed during tbe last oentnry are , according' to Bro . Hughan , here represented , save the Appendix of A . D . 1776 , which , however , is
exhibited by Bro . G . Taylor . In addition are " Cola's engraved list , 1770 , " whicb , as Bro . Hughan says , is rarely met with ; Cole ' s " Illustrations , " published in 1801 , containing particulars of our Masonic Schools , as then constituted , and a " Pocket Companion , " published in Dublin in 1735 , of whioh the worthy annotator remarks that it " is a little treasure , and especially valuable to onr American
brethren , as it contains a notice of a Lodge at Philndolpbia 1730 ( circa ) , which does not occur in any other list known . " No . 402 is a "Minute Book , " of the "Royal Arch Chapter , No . 174 , Southampton , from A . D . 1783 . " As regards what Bro . Hngban says of this , we cannot do better than quote bis remarks in fnll : " This Minute Book is one of several remarkable exhibits , whioh have
been made known to the Craft through the Worcester Masonio Exhibition , 1884 . 1 have never met before this with n separate Royal Arcb Minute Book of the ' Ancients , ' and thought it probably ono of tbe 'Moderns , ' as a Chapter was granted for Southampton by the Grand Chapter formed by many of tbe latter brethren , as No . 13 , and named tbo ' Concord' in 1777 , now apparently under tbo wing of the
Southampton Lodge , No . 394 , but still named ' Concord . ' The explanations afforded by Bro . Le Fenvre ( Prov . Grand Secretary ) , however , clearly prove that this Chapter was in connection with tho Rovnl Gloucester Lodge , No . 174 , of the ' Ancients' warranted A . D . 1772 . There was , however , a ' Modern' Lodge , chartered and worked in
that town by many of tbe brethren who belonged also to the rival organisation . This Lodge , also called ' Royal Gloucester , ' wns warranted in 1792 , but dropped at the 'Union . ' hence tho members secured a higher nnmber by retaining the 'Atholl' Charter , the Lodge now being No . 139 . "
Among the exhibits ( Nos . 404-420 ) sent hy Bro . J . Ramaden Riley , of Bradford , Yorkshire , will be found several Certificates , No . 404 being a Craft Certificate issued by the Ancients in 1807 , and bearing the signatures of Robert Leslie and Edward Harper , respectively Grand and Depnty Grand Secretaries of that body . Nos . 407 anil 408 are Royal Arch Certificates , the former English of No . 39
( Ancients ) Manchester , " now No . 44 , and the latter Irisb of "No . 333 ( Ireland ) Caledon . " In these Bro . Hngban points ont the order of the Degrees varies . No . 410 is a Knight Templar Certificate issued by No . 39 , Manchester , in 1814 , other than Craft degrees being granted in Craft Lodges in those days . Nos . 421 . 470 are chiefly Aprons , Medals , and jewels ; No . 431 a Pierced Silver
Jewel of " A . M . 5788 , " being noted by Bro . Hngban aa " very rare , " and No . 433 , of a similar character , as " quits a little treasure . " Of No . 458 , an engraved Silver Medal of 1790 , exhibited by Bro . Thomas Francis Provincial S . G . D . Sussex , he writes , " One of the finest engraved Medals I have ever seen ; tbe obv . being beautifully exeouted . The same brother contributes two other rare engraved Silver
Medals , Nos . 459-and 460 , and "Tbe Freemason ' s Accusation and Defence , " published London 1726 , which Bro . Hngban designates as exceedingly rare and valuable . " Bro . Rylands ' s collection , Nos . 471 . 491 , include a number of old Masonic Aprons . No . 492 , " Cnrious old Roll of Ancient Charges of Masonry on Parchment , date 1636 , " though exhibited bCaptain N . G . Phili of the Snoreme Council
y ps , , A . and A . Rite , is , wo understand , tbe property of Colonel Clerkn , wand Secretary . Bro . Hnghan speaks of it as valuable , though the " oxfc is of the ordinary kind , and suggests that though it has never yet been pnblished , it " deserves to be . " The Illumination contains we Arms of the City of London and the Masons' Company . Bro . grazer , of Dublin , contributes Nos . 493-512 R . No . 493 beine " Pare
Silver Medals of tbe ' Gormagons , ' with original shagreen case "—the ijormagons being a society formed in 1724 , in opposition to the f reemasons , but extinct in 1738 . No . 494 is considered to be unique , awl is described as a " Kill-Winning Medal , in copper , " apparen tly " connected with tbe introduction of 'Scottish Rites' into reland . " Nos . 513-690 are sent by various exhibitors , many of them
. 'ng interesting from personal associations or otherwise , as , for "" stance , No . 577 , "Jewel of J . G . W ., which belonged to the Honble , Thomas Dundas , afterwards Earl of Zetland and M . W . G . M ; " No . 595 , -i-he Antient Constitution of the Free and Accepted Masons , neatly "graved on copper plates , with a speech delivered by the Grand MlP York ; alsoa S P eech of Edward Oakley , Architect , & c , i , a » . > late Senior Grand Warden iu Carmarthen , South Wales .
Catalogue Of The Masonic Soiree And Exhibition, Worcester, August, 1844.
Likewise a Prologue , spoken by M . Mills , and an Epilogue , & c , to which is added a onrions collection of Masonic Songs . Second edition . London , 1731 ; "and No . 599 , "Oval Silver Jewel , 1790 . obv . —Arms of Grand Lodcro ; rov . —Masonic emblems , " of which Bro . Hughan writes : " This is a remarkable Jewel , and the only ono I have ever seen of the kind , having the Arms of the ' Atholl' Grand Lodge on
the obv ., the legends ' Holiness to the Lord , ' and ' Amor , Honor , et Jnsf itia ( rov . ) , with such a combination of Emblems . " Nos . 601-1 , exhibited by Bro . Jndge Townshond , Past D . G . M . Ireland , includes three honorary decorations , which Bro . Hughan says are the finest of the kind ho has over seen . Nos . 605-616 A , sent by Rro . Patohott , of Nottingham , consist chiefly of certificates and
cironlars , there being also , a " Photograph of the Ntvwstead warrant , 1774 , " Bro . Hughan remarking that ho has a copy of it , " but it is dated A . D . 1755-63 . None exist of tho kind before 1751 . " Nos . 617-626 appear to be Portraits of Masonic chiefs , No . 617 being one of " Antony Sayer , Grand Master , " of the year 1700 , and represent , ing him , we presume , as ho was in that year , not in 1717 when he
held the office of G . M . No . 626 is a Portfolio containing various "Masonics , " among which is "Biographical Memoir of the Hon , Mrs . Aldworth , county of Cork , the only Female Freemason , " respecting whioh we will only remark , that the qnalifioative " only " is , we believe , no longer applicable to this lady . The exhibits of Bro . Gration , Secretary of Lodge No . 1513—Nos . 627-634 , are cnrious
as referring to circumstances tho occurrence of whicb is scarcely so much as recognised in our Histories of English Masonry . The group that follows—Xos . 635-653—are sent by the Grand Lodgo of Mark Master Masons of England , the first nine being old Mark aud other certificates , which Bro . Hughan says " are most interesting to those who appreciate tbe additional degrees , the ninth of
tho series being particularly curious and rarely to be met with . ' Group Nos . 654-707 , contains a numerous collection of medals , several of them being described as very rare . Thus , of No . 656—Silver Medal , Bro . Hnghan remarks " Rare ; " of No . 658 he says— " The medal ia very rare in such a fine state , ns both dies badly cracked soon after a few were struck off . " No . 659—" -Bronze Medal ( proof ) . Accolated
Busts of the Prince of Wales and the Dnke of Clarence , A . D . 1802 "he describes as a " very fine impression of this beautiful medal . " Respecting No . 661— "Silver Medal ( elliptical ) . Struck in 1807 by the Lodge ' De la Vester , ' to commemorate the conduct of the King of Holland on the Explosion of a Powder Ship on the Canal , Rappesburg , & c —• " We are told " Marvin ( 212 ) only knows two
impressions of this medal in all America . I know of bat this one in England . It is engraved in the ' Tresor Numis . Napoleon , ' Plate 21 . " No . 665 Bro . Hnghan says is " very rarely met with in silver . Marvin only mentions it in copper , " and the same is said of No . 669 , which is " only quoted in bronze . " No . 674— " Medal of the Lodge of Friendship , Paris , A . D . 1777 , " he tells us is a " very rare medal ,
only incidentally recorded by Merzdorf , but known to Marvin , who gives a plate of it in his work . " No . 701 is a " Perfect Ashlar , made from a portion of stone quarried from the North Front , Gibraltar , for purpose of making specimens to present to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales on his visit , A . D . 1858 ; " No . 702—a " Mark Keystone , made from portions of marble mantelpiece taken from quarters of General
Officer commanding at Sebastopol , 1855 ; " No . 703— " Mark Oblong Stone , mado from portion of Turkish Tombstone , brought from the City of the Dead at Scutari , 1854 ; " and No . 704— " Royal Arch Pedestal , mado from piece of marble bronght from the Moorish Alhambra in Granada . " Nos . 701 , 702 , and 704 are severally
ornamented with their appropriate Masonic emblems . No . 706 is a " Box of miniature Working Tools , " made by the exhibitor himself , except as to the metal portion of the work , " the Square , Level and Plumb-rule , Shovel , Skirret , and Mallet being of wood from an olive tree growing in English Military Burial Ground , Scutari , 1855 . " ( To be continued . )
We publish , this week , text of the Sermon preached before the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcester , by the Dean of York , the Very Rev . Bro . A . Purey-Cnst , Past Grand Chaplain England : — " In every nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted with Him . "—Acts x . 35 .
" Unless their pretensions were utterly worthless , they believed that tbe Craft expressed the voice which had been crying since tbe earliest days in the interests of humanity ; a voice , as it were , of one crying in the wilderness , crying for light , for sympathy , and for order . Their ideal was surely a commendable one—one whioh God
accepted , and which men shonld , therefore , acknowledge and honour . To fear God and work righteousness was the essence and aim of their Craft . It might bo urged that the objects which their predecessors professed to seek had been fonnd , and that , therefore , for all practical purposes , in these practical clays , their Craft might well be
swept away . He ventured to think such a Community as theirs , with its high object , its long history , and its grand mission , was as much , if not moro than ever , needed . It was au age of civilisation , of life and knowledge , but was it not also an ago when the recognition of God was being swept away from onr midst , and the voice of
the throne no longer exhorted people to morality , when national education was becoming more and moro secular , when the infinite and incomprehensible mysteries of heaven were snbjected by the finite mind of man to captious positivism , when things sacred and things secular were being separated , when wise men met in congress
and the very mention of God ' s name was hushed ; when a pseudo Liberality was clamouring over chnrch disestablishment , and the last tvacvis of the very acknowledgment of God should be blotted out ; was this tho timo to discourage the works of such a Community ? Distinctions of social rank must make mauy strangers to each other . Waa it not surely something to find one place in the world where