Article THE BOMBAY MASONS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOMBAY MASONS. Page 1 of 1 Article ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Bombay Masons.
AMONGST the most noteworthy events connected with the reception of the Prince of Wales at Bombay , must be mentioned the laying of the foundation stone of the new Elphinstone Wet Docks , in due Masonic form , by His Royal Highness , in his capacity of the M . W . G . M . A
vast concourse of spectators was present to witness the ceremony , and , in reply to an address presented to him by the Cnil ' f , the Prince replied in the following terms : — " I have learned Avith great pleasure the flourishing
condition of Masonry in Bombay . The fact of its annually increasing numbers and efficiency fulfils the objects of the institution in nniting together men of various creeds and races in a bond of brotherhood , affording common objects
of exertion , and extending the knowledge of the English organisation for the good of mankind . It is a great pleasure to me to join you , my brethren of Bombay , in a
work Avhich Avill tend to the protection of life and property , the extension of trade , and the advantage and prosperity of large bodies of our felloAV men . " A ball followed in the Town Hall , which was placed at the disposal of the brethren by the Government .
The regular monthly meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton in the chair . Bro . Jas . Terry , Secretary , read the
minutes of the former meeting , Avhich Avere confirmed . A letter was read from the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale D . G . M ., that he had consented to preside at the Anniversary Festival on the 9 th February 1876 . Bro . Terry announced the death of one of the annuitants ; the amount
he , deceased brother , had received from the Institution , Avas £ 246 . Three brethren were placed on the list of candidates . There Avere present , Bros . S . Rawson , J . Hogg , W . Stephens , Jas . Brett , C . A . Cottebrune , Robert Went-Avorth Little , R . W . SteAvart . Jas . Smith , Hyde Pullen ,
Hilton , T . Cubitt , White and J . R . Stedwell . The meeting was then adjourned , and a special meeting , in compliance A \ 'ith a requisition singed in conformity Avith the laws , was then held , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton V . P . in the chair ,
to take into consideration a proposed alteration of clause 19 , and also any further proposition or motion Avhich mi ght be made to give effect to the same . Bro . John Symonds P . G . D . then proposed to add the folloAving Avords : —
" Every Steward at the Anniversary Festivals wlio shall procure donations or subscriptions to the oxteut of not less than £ 80 in addition to his own donation , shall receive two additional votes at each election , and two further extra votes for every additional sum of not less than £ 50 .
And to expunge the folloAving Avords : — If unaccompanied with a personal donation , but by means of his services , not less than £ 20 shall be paid to the funds , he shall be entitled to one additional vote for every Stewardship . Both these motions Avere carried . Bro . John Symonds
P . G . D . proposed , and Bro . Benjamin Head P . G . D . seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton for the able and efficient manner in Avhich he has always presided over them , and congratulated him on his accession to a higher military rank ; he hoped he might be spared for
many years to enjoy it . This Avas fully endorsed by Bro . Benjamin Head . Bro . Creaton thanked the brethren for their kind expressions , and said he felt proud of having been advanced to a higher rank . He had faithfully served Her Gracious Majesty for a quarter of a century , and
he thanked the brethren for their good wishes . There Avere present at this meeting , Bros . Erasmus Wilson , L . Stean , H . Massey , J . Newton , J . SteA-ens , General Ridgway , J . A .
Farnfield , C . Lacey and H . M . Levy . Brethren desiring to serve as SteAvards to assist this deserving charity are requested to send their names as early as possible to Bro . Jas . Terry , at the office , Freemasons' Hall .
On Thursday , the 25 th insfc ., the 15 sections Avill be Avorked at the Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction . The 15 sections Avill also be worked at the St . James ' s Lod " e of O
Instruction , No . / 05 , Avhich meets at the New Tanners' Arm . s Tavern , Grange-road , Bermondsoy , on Friday evening , the 26 th November . Bro . Rumball , of the Faith Lodge , No 1 . 41 , will preside . Bro . Pennefather is the Hon . Sec ,
The Bombay Masons.
and the attendance of brethren is requested . The Lodge Avill open at 7 o ' clock .
The Rt . Hon . the late Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of England , was formally admitted on Friday , 5 th instant , to the Livery of the Turners' Company , and Bro . Alderman Hadley P . G . D .
has received an address of congratulation from the London Coffee House Keepers' Benevolent Association on his accession to the Aldermanic gown . A special Court of Alderman Avas held at the Guildhall , the last that will be
held under the presidency of the ex-Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , for the purpose of swearing in Bros . Hadley and Nottage .
Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P ., Preceptor of many Lodges , will hold his Annual Private Subscription Ball , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Tuesday , 5 th February 1876 , for members of the Craft and their friends . The tickets can be obtained
of the Stewards , to admit a lady and gentleman , 21 s , Avhich will include refreshments during the evening and supper . Any brother wishing to act as Steward can do so on application to Bro . T . A . Adams , 55 Whitfield-street , Tottenham Court-road .
Bro . Jas . Weaver , P . P . G . O . Middlesex , has been selected to fill the Post of Chef d'Orchestra at the Queen ' s Theatre , Long Acre , Avhich opens on the 22 nd November , under the direction and lesseeship of M . Mayer .
Answers To Correspondents.
ENQUIRER . —The Mark Degree is not recognised by the Grand Lodge of England , but it has become very popular . Noblemen and brethren very high in our Order are enrolled amongst its members , and these have contributed large amounts to our Masonic Charities . No one can join it unless he has passed the three degrees in Freemasonry .
We have received , from Messrs . JOHN HOGG and Co ., Masonic Publishers , copy of a posthumous work by Dr . OI . IVEK , entitled The Pythagorean Triangle ; or , the Science of Numbers . A review of it will appear next Aveek . J . B . S . 132 G , 1524 , 1527 . —Wc cannot give the name of the local paper yon refer to , but Ave are certain you will find tho case reported either in the Tottenham and Edmonton Herald , or Tottenham and Edmonton Advertiser , or else in tho North Middlesex Chronicle .
J . D . —Where eminent doctors disagree it is a difficult matter to givo a decision which will afford general satisfaction . Oar view is , that during obligations , what , apart from all Masonic meaning , is the natural sign of Fidelity should be UBod . Our reason for this view is , that it is contrary to our O . B . to show any sign to or before any one who has not been legally entrusted .
T . E . —1 . Wo have consulted Bro . Lamb ' s Illustrated Catalogue , but fail to find any jewel requiring an explanation . 2 . As to the coat nf arms of the Masons : the grant , of which a verbatim et literatim copy is to be found in tho " Masonic Magazine " ( and an excellent representation of the arms as a frontispiece ) , was originally made Xllth Edward IV . ( 1471-2 ) , aud confirmed Xllth Henry VIII .
( 1520-1 ) . Additions appear to have been made to the original grant ( and alterations ) , and apparently more than one Company existed in the scA'enteenth century . In "Ahiman Eezon , " of I 7 fi 4 , a copy is giveu of the "Arms of the Operative or Stone Masons , " the " Arms " above in the same plate boing those of the "Ancients , " alias "Grand Lodge of England , according to the
old Constitutions , " or " Athol Masons . " Dermott gave these to prove that the regular Grand Lodge had made an illegitimate use of the Arms of the operative Masons . The regular Grand Lodge ( " Moderns " ) adopted the latter Arms , a copv of which occurs in a portion of the frontispiece to Entick ' s Constitutions of the Freemasons of 1756 . The crest , however , is changed from the castle
( early grant ) or tbe hand with trowel ( later issue ) , to a bird , ( dove ) , but the supporters ( beavers ) are the same . The coin of 1794 ( 1700 G . M . elected ) contains on tho obverse the Arms of the same Grand Lodge , with the motto Amor , Honor et Justitia . Tho differences mentioned of conrsc result from the fancy of the members of the Masons' Company and of tho Grand Lodge , supplemented , doubtless , by competent heraldic authority . The Arms of the
United Grand Lodge of England from the Union of 1813 , are in reality a blending of the two Arms of the rival Grand Lodges , the history of which Bro . Hnghan , has afforded the Craft in his most useful "Memorials of the Union of 1813 , " and the frontispiece to Avhich contains an exact reproduction of the Arms of the "Ancients , " and "Operative Masons , " as published by Dermott in 1764 .
Hor . iovAY ' s 1 ' tLiiS . —Inflt v / , a , Bronchitis , Asthma , aud kindred complaints too frequently present the : Ives as a fierce nnd pitiless plague at the fall of the year , arid little less dv . -able is the fact that , with darkening days and changing temperatures , the digestion becomes impaired , the liver disordered , and tho mind despondent , unless the cause of tho irregularity bo expelled from the blood aud body by an alterative like these Pills—they go directly to tho source of the evil , thrust out all impurities from the circulation , reduce distempered organs to tlieii- natural state , and correct all defective or contaminated secretions . Such easy means of instituting health , strength and cheerfulness should be instantly available to check the first symptoms of approaching illness .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Bombay Masons.
AMONGST the most noteworthy events connected with the reception of the Prince of Wales at Bombay , must be mentioned the laying of the foundation stone of the new Elphinstone Wet Docks , in due Masonic form , by His Royal Highness , in his capacity of the M . W . G . M . A
vast concourse of spectators was present to witness the ceremony , and , in reply to an address presented to him by the Cnil ' f , the Prince replied in the following terms : — " I have learned Avith great pleasure the flourishing
condition of Masonry in Bombay . The fact of its annually increasing numbers and efficiency fulfils the objects of the institution in nniting together men of various creeds and races in a bond of brotherhood , affording common objects
of exertion , and extending the knowledge of the English organisation for the good of mankind . It is a great pleasure to me to join you , my brethren of Bombay , in a
work Avhich Avill tend to the protection of life and property , the extension of trade , and the advantage and prosperity of large bodies of our felloAV men . " A ball followed in the Town Hall , which was placed at the disposal of the brethren by the Government .
The regular monthly meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Gt . Queen-street , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton in the chair . Bro . Jas . Terry , Secretary , read the
minutes of the former meeting , Avhich Avere confirmed . A letter was read from the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale D . G . M ., that he had consented to preside at the Anniversary Festival on the 9 th February 1876 . Bro . Terry announced the death of one of the annuitants ; the amount
he , deceased brother , had received from the Institution , Avas £ 246 . Three brethren were placed on the list of candidates . There Avere present , Bros . S . Rawson , J . Hogg , W . Stephens , Jas . Brett , C . A . Cottebrune , Robert Went-Avorth Little , R . W . SteAvart . Jas . Smith , Hyde Pullen ,
Hilton , T . Cubitt , White and J . R . Stedwell . The meeting was then adjourned , and a special meeting , in compliance A \ 'ith a requisition singed in conformity Avith the laws , was then held , Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton V . P . in the chair ,
to take into consideration a proposed alteration of clause 19 , and also any further proposition or motion Avhich mi ght be made to give effect to the same . Bro . John Symonds P . G . D . then proposed to add the folloAving Avords : —
" Every Steward at the Anniversary Festivals wlio shall procure donations or subscriptions to the oxteut of not less than £ 80 in addition to his own donation , shall receive two additional votes at each election , and two further extra votes for every additional sum of not less than £ 50 .
And to expunge the folloAving Avords : — If unaccompanied with a personal donation , but by means of his services , not less than £ 20 shall be paid to the funds , he shall be entitled to one additional vote for every Stewardship . Both these motions Avere carried . Bro . John Symonds
P . G . D . proposed , and Bro . Benjamin Head P . G . D . seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton for the able and efficient manner in Avhich he has always presided over them , and congratulated him on his accession to a higher military rank ; he hoped he might be spared for
many years to enjoy it . This Avas fully endorsed by Bro . Benjamin Head . Bro . Creaton thanked the brethren for their kind expressions , and said he felt proud of having been advanced to a higher rank . He had faithfully served Her Gracious Majesty for a quarter of a century , and
he thanked the brethren for their good wishes . There Avere present at this meeting , Bros . Erasmus Wilson , L . Stean , H . Massey , J . Newton , J . SteA-ens , General Ridgway , J . A .
Farnfield , C . Lacey and H . M . Levy . Brethren desiring to serve as SteAvards to assist this deserving charity are requested to send their names as early as possible to Bro . Jas . Terry , at the office , Freemasons' Hall .
On Thursday , the 25 th insfc ., the 15 sections Avill be Avorked at the Vitruvian Lodge of Instruction . The 15 sections Avill also be worked at the St . James ' s Lod " e of O
Instruction , No . / 05 , Avhich meets at the New Tanners' Arm . s Tavern , Grange-road , Bermondsoy , on Friday evening , the 26 th November . Bro . Rumball , of the Faith Lodge , No 1 . 41 , will preside . Bro . Pennefather is the Hon . Sec ,
The Bombay Masons.
and the attendance of brethren is requested . The Lodge Avill open at 7 o ' clock .
The Rt . Hon . the late Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of England , was formally admitted on Friday , 5 th instant , to the Livery of the Turners' Company , and Bro . Alderman Hadley P . G . D .
has received an address of congratulation from the London Coffee House Keepers' Benevolent Association on his accession to the Aldermanic gown . A special Court of Alderman Avas held at the Guildhall , the last that will be
held under the presidency of the ex-Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , for the purpose of swearing in Bros . Hadley and Nottage .
Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P ., Preceptor of many Lodges , will hold his Annual Private Subscription Ball , at Willis ' s Rooms , on Tuesday , 5 th February 1876 , for members of the Craft and their friends . The tickets can be obtained
of the Stewards , to admit a lady and gentleman , 21 s , Avhich will include refreshments during the evening and supper . Any brother wishing to act as Steward can do so on application to Bro . T . A . Adams , 55 Whitfield-street , Tottenham Court-road .
Bro . Jas . Weaver , P . P . G . O . Middlesex , has been selected to fill the Post of Chef d'Orchestra at the Queen ' s Theatre , Long Acre , Avhich opens on the 22 nd November , under the direction and lesseeship of M . Mayer .
Answers To Correspondents.
ENQUIRER . —The Mark Degree is not recognised by the Grand Lodge of England , but it has become very popular . Noblemen and brethren very high in our Order are enrolled amongst its members , and these have contributed large amounts to our Masonic Charities . No one can join it unless he has passed the three degrees in Freemasonry .
We have received , from Messrs . JOHN HOGG and Co ., Masonic Publishers , copy of a posthumous work by Dr . OI . IVEK , entitled The Pythagorean Triangle ; or , the Science of Numbers . A review of it will appear next Aveek . J . B . S . 132 G , 1524 , 1527 . —Wc cannot give the name of the local paper yon refer to , but Ave are certain you will find tho case reported either in the Tottenham and Edmonton Herald , or Tottenham and Edmonton Advertiser , or else in tho North Middlesex Chronicle .
J . D . —Where eminent doctors disagree it is a difficult matter to givo a decision which will afford general satisfaction . Oar view is , that during obligations , what , apart from all Masonic meaning , is the natural sign of Fidelity should be UBod . Our reason for this view is , that it is contrary to our O . B . to show any sign to or before any one who has not been legally entrusted .
T . E . —1 . Wo have consulted Bro . Lamb ' s Illustrated Catalogue , but fail to find any jewel requiring an explanation . 2 . As to the coat nf arms of the Masons : the grant , of which a verbatim et literatim copy is to be found in tho " Masonic Magazine " ( and an excellent representation of the arms as a frontispiece ) , was originally made Xllth Edward IV . ( 1471-2 ) , aud confirmed Xllth Henry VIII .
( 1520-1 ) . Additions appear to have been made to the original grant ( and alterations ) , and apparently more than one Company existed in the scA'enteenth century . In "Ahiman Eezon , " of I 7 fi 4 , a copy is giveu of the "Arms of the Operative or Stone Masons , " the " Arms " above in the same plate boing those of the "Ancients , " alias "Grand Lodge of England , according to the
old Constitutions , " or " Athol Masons . " Dermott gave these to prove that the regular Grand Lodge had made an illegitimate use of the Arms of the operative Masons . The regular Grand Lodge ( " Moderns " ) adopted the latter Arms , a copv of which occurs in a portion of the frontispiece to Entick ' s Constitutions of the Freemasons of 1756 . The crest , however , is changed from the castle
( early grant ) or tbe hand with trowel ( later issue ) , to a bird , ( dove ) , but the supporters ( beavers ) are the same . The coin of 1794 ( 1700 G . M . elected ) contains on tho obverse the Arms of the same Grand Lodge , with the motto Amor , Honor et Justitia . Tho differences mentioned of conrsc result from the fancy of the members of the Masons' Company and of tho Grand Lodge , supplemented , doubtless , by competent heraldic authority . The Arms of the
United Grand Lodge of England from the Union of 1813 , are in reality a blending of the two Arms of the rival Grand Lodges , the history of which Bro . Hnghan , has afforded the Craft in his most useful "Memorials of the Union of 1813 , " and the frontispiece to Avhich contains an exact reproduction of the Arms of the "Ancients , " and "Operative Masons , " as published by Dermott in 1764 .
Hor . iovAY ' s 1 ' tLiiS . —Inflt v / , a , Bronchitis , Asthma , aud kindred complaints too frequently present the : Ives as a fierce nnd pitiless plague at the fall of the year , arid little less dv . -able is the fact that , with darkening days and changing temperatures , the digestion becomes impaired , the liver disordered , and tho mind despondent , unless the cause of tho irregularity bo expelled from the blood aud body by an alterative like these Pills—they go directly to tho source of the evil , thrust out all impurities from the circulation , reduce distempered organs to tlieii- natural state , and correct all defective or contaminated secretions . Such easy means of instituting health , strength and cheerfulness should be instantly available to check the first symptoms of approaching illness .