Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
"We shall be obliged , if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom Avill favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 13 th NOVEMBER . 1126 «; re-- ; . City , Cit , y Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G . K . A .- ¦ -j '; a : ii Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street . 119—Pence , Masonic Rooms , Meltham . 308—Prince George , Station Hotel , Bottoms , near Todmorton . 13 U 1—Commercial , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . 1556—Addiscombe , Alma Tavern , Addiscombe .
MONDAY , 15 th NOVEMBER . 8—British , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queeu-streot , AV . a 45—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Square , Clerkenwell , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 77 ^ -Frcodom , Claiendon Hotel , Gravesond . 102—Unanimity , King ' s Arms , North AYalsham . 236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 302—HopeMasonic Hall , Bradford .
, 307—Prince Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Royal Union , Chequer's Hotel , Uxbridge . 338—Prudence , Three Tuns , Halcsworth , Suffolk . ¦ 166—Merit , George Hotel , St . Martin ' s , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 607—Chicheley , Court House , Thrapstouo .
810—Scientific , Victoria Hotel , AVolvexton . 872—Lewis , Masonic Hall , Whitehaven . 925—Bedford , Masonic Hall , Birmingham . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1073—Greta , Court-buildings , Keswick . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assombly Rooms , Horsham .
TUESDAY , 16 th NOVEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . 30—United Mariners , Guildhall Tavern , Greshum-stroet . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . 165—Honour and Generosity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 191—St . Paul , Westminster Palace Hotel . 1441—Ivy , AVindsor Cnstlc Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michacl ' s-alley , Cornhill , at 0 . 30 .
57—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osbomc-strcet , Hull . 103—Hertford , Town Hall , Hortford . ' 114—Union , Masonic Hall , Grey Friars ' -road , Reading . 4-18—St . James ' s , Masonic Hall , St . Jolm ' s-plaee , Halifax . 610—St . Martin ' s , Mosomc Hall , Liskeard . 560—Vernon , Swan Hotel , Stourport . s 692—Cotteswokl , King ' s Head Hotel , Cirencester .
660—Camalodumun , Freemasons' Hall , New Maltou , Yorkshire . 696—St . Bai tholomew , Dartmouth Arms Hotel , AVednesbury . 1006—Tregullow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day Scorrier , Cornwall . 1007—Howe and Chnruwoud , Bull's Head , Lougliboro ' . 1016—ht . Andrew , Bush Hotel , Farnhani , Surrey . 1067—Royal Forest ot Dean , Lodge Rooms , Mewuliiun .
10 s 9—Du Slierland , Fountain Hotel , Blue Town , SUeerncss . 1228—Bcacontreo , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1325— Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Lancashire . 1384—Equity , Walker ' s Commercial Hotel , AVidnos , Lancashire . 1427—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastlc-ou-Tyne . 1470—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable .
WEDNESDAY , 17 th NOVEMBER . General Committee Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons ' Hall , at 6 . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . C ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction , ) 20—Royal Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham . 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 110—St . George ' s , Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . 221—St . JohnV , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton . 213—Loyalty , Masonic Hall , Court-place , Guernsey .
216—Royal Uuiou , Freemasons' Hall , Cheltenham . 261—Unanimity aud Sincerity , Clarke ' s Hotel , Tauntou . 290—Huddcrsfield , Masonic Hall , Huddcrsiield . 299—Emulatioi , Bull Hotel , Hartford . ( Instruction . ) 311—South Saxon , Freemasons' Hall , Lewes . 321—Moira , AV ellington Inn , Stalybridge . 603—Bolvidero , Star Hotel , High-street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 637—Zetland , 55 Argylc-street , Birkenhead ,
681—Faith , Drovers' Inn , Openshaw . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury . 610—Colston , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Arms , Ulossop . 679—St . David's , Black Lion Hotel , Aherdare . 962—Sun and Sector , Assombly Rooms , Workington . 1019—Sincerity ' , Freemasons' Hall , AVaketield .
1036—AV ' altou , at . Lawrence Boys' School , Croylands-stroot , Kirkdale . 1206— Cinquo Ports , Bell Hotel , Strand-street , Sandwich . 1212—Elms , Masonic Hall , Homo Park , Stoke , Devonport . 1294—St . Alban's , Royal Hotel , Great Grimsby . 133 "—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 1315—Victoria , Cross Keys Hotel , Eccles . M . M . 175—St . Michael , Masonic Rooms , Helston , Cornwall .
THURSDAY , 18 th NOVEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 27— . Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G . ( Instruction . ) 49—Gil :.. n , Guildhall Tavern , Gresliam-strecfc , E . G . 55—Constitutional , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , I logout-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 813—New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . 1260—Hervoy , 152 Fulharn-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—BurdcttCoutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1507—Metropolitan , 260 I ' entonvillo-road .
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 110—Loyal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Merthyr Tydfil . 132—Unity , White Hart , Ringwuod . 203—Ancient Union , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 269—Fidelity , AVhite Bull Hotel , Blackburu . 280—Worcester , Bell Hotel , Worcester . I
425—Cestram , Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 459—Scientific , Private Rooms , Bingley , Yorks . 631—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . 663—AViltsliire of Fidelity , Town Hall , Devizes . 777—Royal Alfred , Angel Hotel , Guildford . 9 W—PMUtnthropby , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton-on-Tees .
Diary For The Week.
FRIDAY , 19 th NOVEMBER . House Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 1278—Bnrdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 127—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Margate . 516—Phcenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket .
SATURDAY , 20 th NOVEMBER . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavem , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 . IRELAND .
MONDAY—191—Dublin , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . 795—Ashfield ( Cootehill ) Priva'o Room , Cootehill , County Cavau . WEDNESDAY—9—Muses , Masonic Hall , Gi ; orgo-street . Dungannon , Tyrone . „ 161—Excelsior , Bishop-stree \ Tuam , Galway . „ 350—Cappagh , Masonic Hall . Omatrh , Tyrone . THURSDAY—12—Meridian , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . f „ 93—Dublin , Freemasons' H ; i 11 , Dublin . ! „ 129—Industry , Bundoran , Donegal .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY . —41—St . Luko , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—36—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Rifle , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicholson-street . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobello , Royal Hotel , Bath-street . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall .
GLASGOW DISTRICT . MONDAY—332—Union , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 556—Clydesdale , 106 Rose-street . „ K . T . —St . Mungo Kncampmont , 213 Buchanan-street . TUESDAY— 31—St . John , St . John ' s Hall , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 73—Thistle and Rose , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 87—Thistle , 30 Hope-street . „ 437—Govandalo , Portland Hall , Govan . WEDNESDAY—128—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Shettlestone .
„ 354 -Caledonian Railway , 30 Hope-street . THURSDAY—27—St . Mungo , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 465—St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road . ,, 553—St . Vincent , 162 Kent-road . FRIDAY—360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 408—Clyde , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 31—St . Mary Coltnoss , Public Hall , AVishaw . „ 321—St . Andrew ' s , Public Hall , Alexandria . SATURDAY—524-St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall , East Kilbride .
Notices Of Meetings,
Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , 9 th instant , in their OAVU Hall , 170 Buchanan-street , GlasgoAV . Present—Bros . A . Thorbonrn E . W . M ., J . W . Henderson S . W ., G . Holmes J . W ., J . Curie Secretary , Wm . Dixon Treasurer , Wm . McCullough S . D ., W . J . S . Jamison Deputy Master , S . Prout Senior Master , J . Gardner . I . G ., D . Ramsay Tyler ; V isitors—Bros . Wheeler , Alleyn , Murray 3 S 7 , and McKenzio 419 .
Business—Passing , performed by the R . W . M ., atid raising , which the Master entrusted to Bro . Henderson S . W ., Avho ably performed the ceremony . The Lodge thou proceded to the nomination of officers , Avith the following result : —Bro . Prout W . M ., Wm . Dixon D . M ., G . Sage S . M ., G . Holmes S . W ., Wm . McCulloch J . W ., J . Currio Secretary , S . McKane Treasurer . Several candidates were nominated for tho subordinate offices to he filled up at the next meeting .
Vltravian Lodge , No . 87 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Bro . Schleider ' s , the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . E . Thurkle W . M ., B . Clegg S . W ., C . Walter J . W ., J . G . Bond P . M . Treasurer , W . Stuart P . M . Secretary , 0 . S . Jolly I . P . M ., H . T . T . Ross S . D ., A . Timothy J . D ., C . Nott I . G ., J . Skirvens D . C ., W . Eobinson W . S .:
also P . M . s Noke , Morris , and Carey , and about 80 other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . Jeffrey was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After the confirmation of the minutes of the last Lodge , Bros . Taylor , Neale , Boon , and Rawlings were passed to the 2 nd degree . A ballot Avas taken for Messrs . Satchell , Cooper , Patterson , and Buckland , which proved unanimous in their
favour , and they being in attendance , wore accordingly initiated in the ancient mysteries . All Masonic business being ended the Lod ge was closed in perfect harmony , and tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given . There Avas some excellent singing by Bro . B . Clegg S . W ., Bro . Woodlitt ' e , and several other brethren during the eveniug .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Woduesday , tho 10 th of November , at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , B . C . Present—Bros . Blackall W . M ., D . Posenor S . W ., Tarquand sen . J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Tollis S . D ., Tarquand jun . J . D ., Biddell I . G ., Christopher Tyler . P . M . ' a Bros . E . Gottheil Preceptor , J . Coustablo
Treasurer ; and Bros . T . Barnes , Craske , Biddell , Collett , Croaker and others , numbering upwards of 20 . Busine 33—The Lod ge was opened , minutes of last meeting read and conf ! Tied . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Walker acting as candidate . The three 1 st sections of the degree w i worked b y Bro . Gotthoil , assisted by the brethren ; the < Uh sect 1 ' . was admirably rendered by Bro . Barnes
who gave the brethren oat pleasure by the impressive manner in which he Avorkcd the section . All who have the pleasure of Bro . Barnes' acquaintance Avill regret that he is not ubiquitous , that his services and knowledge might be rendered in several Lodges at one time . Bro . Posencr was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Tyrawley Lodge , No . 217 , —This Lodge held its monthly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
"We shall be obliged , if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the Kingdom Avill favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c . as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
SATURDAY , 13 th NOVEMBER . 1126 «; re-- ; . City , Cit , y Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G . K . A .- ¦ -j '; a : ii Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street . 119—Pence , Masonic Rooms , Meltham . 308—Prince George , Station Hotel , Bottoms , near Todmorton . 13 U 1—Commercial , Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . 1556—Addiscombe , Alma Tavern , Addiscombe .
MONDAY , 15 th NOVEMBER . 8—British , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queeu-streot , AV . a 45—Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Square , Clerkenwell , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 77 ^ -Frcodom , Claiendon Hotel , Gravesond . 102—Unanimity , King ' s Arms , North AYalsham . 236—York , Masonic Hall , York . 302—HopeMasonic Hall , Bradford .
, 307—Prince Frederick , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton . 382—Royal Union , Chequer's Hotel , Uxbridge . 338—Prudence , Three Tuns , Halcsworth , Suffolk . ¦ 166—Merit , George Hotel , St . Martin ' s , Stamford Baron , Northampton . 607—Chicheley , Court House , Thrapstouo .
810—Scientific , Victoria Hotel , AVolvexton . 872—Lewis , Masonic Hall , Whitehaven . 925—Bedford , Masonic Hall , Birmingham . 1037—Portland , Royal Breakwater Hotel , Portland . 1073—Greta , Court-buildings , Keswick . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assombly Rooms , Horsham .
TUESDAY , 16 th NOVEMBER . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . 30—United Mariners , Guildhall Tavern , Greshum-stroet . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . 165—Honour and Generosity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 191—St . Paul , Westminster Palace Hotel . 1441—Ivy , AVindsor Cnstlc Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michacl ' s-alley , Cornhill , at 0 . 30 .
57—Humber , Freemasons' Hall , Osbomc-strcet , Hull . 103—Hertford , Town Hall , Hortford . ' 114—Union , Masonic Hall , Grey Friars ' -road , Reading . 4-18—St . James ' s , Masonic Hall , St . Jolm ' s-plaee , Halifax . 610—St . Martin ' s , Mosomc Hall , Liskeard . 560—Vernon , Swan Hotel , Stourport . s 692—Cotteswokl , King ' s Head Hotel , Cirencester .
660—Camalodumun , Freemasons' Hall , New Maltou , Yorkshire . 696—St . Bai tholomew , Dartmouth Arms Hotel , AVednesbury . 1006—Tregullow , Masonic Rooms , St . Day Scorrier , Cornwall . 1007—Howe and Chnruwoud , Bull's Head , Lougliboro ' . 1016—ht . Andrew , Bush Hotel , Farnhani , Surrey . 1067—Royal Forest ot Dean , Lodge Rooms , Mewuliiun .
10 s 9—Du Slierland , Fountain Hotel , Blue Town , SUeerncss . 1228—Bcacontreo , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1325— Stanley , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Lancashire . 1384—Equity , Walker ' s Commercial Hotel , AVidnos , Lancashire . 1427—Percy , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Ncwcastlc-ou-Tyne . 1470—Chiltern , Town Hall , Dunstable .
WEDNESDAY , 17 th NOVEMBER . General Committee Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons ' Hall , at 6 . 193—Confidence , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . C ., at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction , ) 20—Royal Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham . 137—Amity , Masonic Hall , Thames-street , Poole . 110—St . George ' s , Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . 221—St . JohnV , Commercial Hotel , Town Hall Square , Bolton . 213—Loyalty , Masonic Hall , Court-place , Guernsey .
216—Royal Uuiou , Freemasons' Hall , Cheltenham . 261—Unanimity aud Sincerity , Clarke ' s Hotel , Tauntou . 290—Huddcrsfield , Masonic Hall , Huddcrsiield . 299—Emulatioi , Bull Hotel , Hartford . ( Instruction . ) 311—South Saxon , Freemasons' Hall , Lewes . 321—Moira , AV ellington Inn , Stalybridge . 603—Bolvidero , Star Hotel , High-street , Maidstone . ( Instruction . ) 637—Zetland , 55 Argylc-street , Birkenhead ,
681—Faith , Drovers' Inn , Openshaw . 691—Buckingham , George Hotel , Aylesbury . 610—Colston , Freemasons' Hall , Bristol . 625—Devonshire , Norfolk Arms , Ulossop . 679—St . David's , Black Lion Hotel , Aherdare . 962—Sun and Sector , Assombly Rooms , Workington . 1019—Sincerity ' , Freemasons' Hall , AVaketield .
1036—AV ' altou , at . Lawrence Boys' School , Croylands-stroot , Kirkdale . 1206— Cinquo Ports , Bell Hotel , Strand-street , Sandwich . 1212—Elms , Masonic Hall , Homo Park , Stoke , Devonport . 1294—St . Alban's , Royal Hotel , Great Grimsby . 133 "—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton . 1315—Victoria , Cross Keys Hotel , Eccles . M . M . 175—St . Michael , Masonic Rooms , Helston , Cornwall .
THURSDAY , 18 th NOVEMBER . House Committee , Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 27— . Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G . ( Instruction . ) 49—Gil :.. n , Guildhall Tavern , Gresliam-strecfc , E . G . 55—Constitutional , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern , Air-street , I logout-street , AV . at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 813—New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . 1260—Hervoy , 152 Fulharn-road , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1278—BurdcttCoutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park . 1507—Metropolitan , 260 I ' entonvillo-road .
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel . 110—Loyal Cambrian , Bush Hotel , Merthyr Tydfil . 132—Unity , White Hart , Ringwuod . 203—Ancient Union , 22 Hope-street , Liverpool . 269—Fidelity , AVhite Bull Hotel , Blackburu . 280—Worcester , Bell Hotel , Worcester . I
425—Cestram , Grosvenor Hotel , Chester . 459—Scientific , Private Rooms , Bingley , Yorks . 631—St . Helen ' s , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool . 663—AViltsliire of Fidelity , Town Hall , Devizes . 777—Royal Alfred , Angel Hotel , Guildford . 9 W—PMUtnthropby , Freemasons' Hall , Stockton-on-Tees .
Diary For The Week.
FRIDAY , 19 th NOVEMBER . House Committee , Boys' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 1278—Bnrdett Coutts , Approach Tavern , Victoria Park , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1507—Metropolitan , 269 Pentonville-road . ( Instruction . ) 127—Union , Freemasons' Hall , Margate . 516—Phcenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket .
SATURDAY , 20 th NOVEMBER . R . A . —Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union Tavem , Air-street , Regent-street , at 8 . IRELAND .
MONDAY—191—Dublin , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . 795—Ashfield ( Cootehill ) Priva'o Room , Cootehill , County Cavau . WEDNESDAY—9—Muses , Masonic Hall , Gi ; orgo-street . Dungannon , Tyrone . „ 161—Excelsior , Bishop-stree \ Tuam , Galway . „ 350—Cappagh , Masonic Hall . Omatrh , Tyrone . THURSDAY—12—Meridian , Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . f „ 93—Dublin , Freemasons' H ; i 11 , Dublin . ! „ 129—Industry , Bundoran , Donegal .
EDINBURGH DISTRICT . MONDAY . —41—St . Luko , Freemasons' Hall . TUESDAY—36—St . David , Ship Hotel , East Register-street . „ 405—Rifle , Freemasons' Hall . WEDNESDAY—160—Roman Eagle , Iona Hotel , 62 Nicholson-street . THURSDAY—48—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall . „ 226—Portobello , Royal Hotel , Bath-street . „ R . A . 152—Perseverance , Lodge Room , 86 Constitution-street . FRIDAY—R . A . 83—St . Andrew , Freemasons' Hall .
GLASGOW DISTRICT . MONDAY—332—Union , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 556—Clydesdale , 106 Rose-street . „ K . T . —St . Mungo Kncampmont , 213 Buchanan-street . TUESDAY— 31—St . John , St . John ' s Hall , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 73—Thistle and Rose , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 87—Thistle , 30 Hope-street . „ 437—Govandalo , Portland Hall , Govan . WEDNESDAY—128—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , Shettlestone .
„ 354 -Caledonian Railway , 30 Hope-street . THURSDAY—27—St . Mungo , 213 Buchanan-street . „ 465—St . Andrew ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road . ,, 553—St . Vincent , 162 Kent-road . FRIDAY—360—Commercial , 30 Hope-street . „ 408—Clyde , 170 Buchanan-street . „ 31—St . Mary Coltnoss , Public Hall , AVishaw . „ 321—St . Andrew ' s , Public Hall , Alexandria . SATURDAY—524-St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall , East Kilbride .
Notices Of Meetings,
Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . —This Lodge held an emergency meeting on Tuesday , 9 th instant , in their OAVU Hall , 170 Buchanan-street , GlasgoAV . Present—Bros . A . Thorbonrn E . W . M ., J . W . Henderson S . W ., G . Holmes J . W ., J . Curie Secretary , Wm . Dixon Treasurer , Wm . McCullough S . D ., W . J . S . Jamison Deputy Master , S . Prout Senior Master , J . Gardner . I . G ., D . Ramsay Tyler ; V isitors—Bros . Wheeler , Alleyn , Murray 3 S 7 , and McKenzio 419 .
Business—Passing , performed by the R . W . M ., atid raising , which the Master entrusted to Bro . Henderson S . W ., Avho ably performed the ceremony . The Lodge thou proceded to the nomination of officers , Avith the following result : —Bro . Prout W . M ., Wm . Dixon D . M ., G . Sage S . M ., G . Holmes S . W ., Wm . McCulloch J . W ., J . Currio Secretary , S . McKane Treasurer . Several candidates were nominated for tho subordinate offices to he filled up at the next meeting .
Vltravian Lodge , No . 87 . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 10 th inst ., at Bro . Schleider ' s , the White Hart , College-street , Lambeth . Present—Bros . E . Thurkle W . M ., B . Clegg S . W ., C . Walter J . W ., J . G . Bond P . M . Treasurer , W . Stuart P . M . Secretary , 0 . S . Jolly I . P . M ., H . T . T . Ross S . D ., A . Timothy J . D ., C . Nott I . G ., J . Skirvens D . C ., W . Eobinson W . S .:
also P . M . s Noke , Morris , and Carey , and about 80 other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the three degrees . Bro . Jeffrey was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . After the confirmation of the minutes of the last Lodge , Bros . Taylor , Neale , Boon , and Rawlings were passed to the 2 nd degree . A ballot Avas taken for Messrs . Satchell , Cooper , Patterson , and Buckland , which proved unanimous in their
favour , and they being in attendance , wore accordingly initiated in the ancient mysteries . All Masonic business being ended the Lod ge was closed in perfect harmony , and tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given . There Avas some excellent singing by Bro . B . Clegg S . W ., Bro . Woodlitt ' e , and several other brethren during the eveniug .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Woduesday , tho 10 th of November , at the White Hart Tavern , Abchurch-lane , B . C . Present—Bros . Blackall W . M ., D . Posenor S . W ., Tarquand sen . J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Tollis S . D ., Tarquand jun . J . D ., Biddell I . G ., Christopher Tyler . P . M . ' a Bros . E . Gottheil Preceptor , J . Coustablo
Treasurer ; and Bros . T . Barnes , Craske , Biddell , Collett , Croaker and others , numbering upwards of 20 . Busine 33—The Lod ge was opened , minutes of last meeting read and conf ! Tied . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Walker acting as candidate . The three 1 st sections of the degree w i worked b y Bro . Gotthoil , assisted by the brethren ; the < Uh sect 1 ' . was admirably rendered by Bro . Barnes
who gave the brethren oat pleasure by the impressive manner in which he Avorkcd the section . All who have the pleasure of Bro . Barnes' acquaintance Avill regret that he is not ubiquitous , that his services and knowledge might be rendered in several Lodges at one time . Bro . Posencr was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Tyrawley Lodge , No . 217 , —This Lodge held its monthly