Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings,
meeting on Monday , tho 8 th of November , at Dillon-terrace , Ballina . Present—Bros . P . L . Petrie W . M ., John Gilbert S . W ., Charles Boyd J . W ., J . R . Dudgeon Secretary , P . Atkinson Treasurer , William Reid S . D ., James Beally J . D ., David Taylor I . G ., R . Massey Tyler . BusinesB—Mr . Thomas Elliot was duly initiated into E . A . degree , and Bro . Thompson was passed to Fellow Craft . The election of offioers for tho onsuing year was confirmed .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 8 th of November , at their own Hall , 12 Trongate , Glasgow . Present—Bros . J . Margan R . W . M ., J . Dnthie as S . W ., J . Horn J . W ., J . Crawford Secretary , J . Peiron Tyler . Business-Initiation , passing , and raising , after Avhich the brethren proceeded to the nomination of officors .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , tbe 5 th of November , at 22 Struthers-street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . R . M . Yuill R . W . M ., D Ranald S . W ., J . Mason J . W ., John Horn Secretary , A . Wood Treasurer , H . Higgins Steward , A . CraAvford Tyler .
Business—Initiation , after which , nomination of offico bearers . Bro . Yuill Avas proposed for re-election , D . Ranald S . W . was also proposed . The Master said ho Avonld not stand again unless the nomination was unanimous , but ultimately , at tho solicitation of his friends , consented to leave himself in the hands of the Lodge .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 5 th November , at 170 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . Wm . Harper R . W . M ., J . McGinnis S . W ., W . Bisland J . W ., D . Mitchell Secretary , J . Stewart Treasurer , D . Ramsay Tyler ;
P . M . 's Bros . D . Dourn , J . Gordon . Business—Initiation and nomination of offico bearers for ensuing year . Bro . Harper Avas again nominated , but there appears to be a lively interest taken in the election , in all cases there being tAvo , and in some cases three , brethren named for each office .
R . A . Chapter de Burghi , No . 424 . — On Thursday , 28 th October , the members of this Chapter held their annual meeting at Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead , for the purpose of installing E . Comps . Jas . Hume Thompson Z ., Andrew Harknoss H ., and John Edward Robson J . Comp . Robert Smaile P . Z ., Installing Master , performed the ceremony in a creditable manner . The following were invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Richard
Gregory E ., * ; J . D . Stephen N ., A . Clapham P . Z . Treasurer , M . Guthrie P . S ., N . Brown 1 st Ass ., Jas . Montgomery 2 nd Ass . and J . Curry Janitor . Amongst the visitors and members were Wm . Hy . Crookes , Prov . G . E . Durham , Wm . Liddell P . G . J ., E . D . Davis P . P . G . N ., R . F . Cook P . Z . 424 , F . P . John P . Z . 421 , Jas . Humphrey 97 . The Companions then adjourned to the banquet , after which followed the various loyal and Masonic toasts .
Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday , 8 th November , at the Pier Hotel , Harwich . Present—Bros . G . Gard Pye W . M ., Jonathan Dnnlop S . W ., Samuel Dutton jun . J . W ., Samuel Dutton sen . Secretary and Treasurer , Thos . H . Naylor S . D ., Geo . A . Smith J . D ., W . C . Ward P . M . D . C ., Wm . DowneB Steward , J . T . Henderson I . G ., Ben . Carman Tyler . P . M . ' s
Bros . W . 0 . Ward , H . A . Hilliard , J . Warren , W . Shaw , W . Balls . Visitors—Bros . A . G . Tennant and G . Allen . Business—Bro . Hilliard raised to sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Balls passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , one candidate ballotted for and accepted , and two proposed . Ceremony ably performed by W . M . Bro . Geo . Gard Pye , and working tools given by J . W . Bro . S . Dutton jun ., in a very efficient manner .
Benevolence Lodge , No . 666 . —This Lodge held its meeting on the 10 th November , at a Private Room , Prince Town , Dartmoor . Present—Bros . John H . Westlake P . M . as W . M ., Robert Hancock as S . W ., William Moore as J . W ., Nathaniel R . Hammetb P . M . Secretary , G . E . Alexander P . M . Treasurer , John Harris as S . D ., John
Irish J . D ., Jesse Stapledon I . G ., Thomas Bennett Tyler . Business—The Lodge was opened in the 1 st degree , tho minutes of the previous meeting v / ere read and confirmed . After which the Lodge was opened to the 3 rd degree . No other business claiming the attention of the Lodge it was closed in due form at 9 . 15 p . m .
Fortescue Lodge , No . 847 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Tuesday , 2 nd November , at Masonic Hall , Honiton . Present—Bros H . S . Woodgates W . M ., Hy . Baker S . W ., Jno . Hussey J . W ., J . S . Burrows Secretary , John Murch P . M . Treasurer , John Read S . D ., Henry Hook J . D ., W . Huxtable Steward , D . G . Downes I . G ., W . H . Golesworthy Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . W . H . Barker I . P . M ., P . G . Registrar , T . G . Sutton . Visitors—Bro . S . Jones P . P . G . S . W ., & c , & c , & c . Business —Installation of the W . M . elect , Henry Fowler .
Presho S . D ., F . C . Fitzgerald J . D ., Rev . Alex . Rea Chaplain , Wm . M . Fitzgerald I . G ., Wm . Heaney Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . E . G . Fitzgerald , John Elliott , and Thomas Higgins . Business—The following officers wero elected for the coming year , viz .: —Bros . Montgomery W . M ., . 7 . Robinson S . W ., E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , John Elliott Treasurer , Presho J . W ., J . Gongh S . D ., W . M . Fitzgerald J . D ., J .
Clones Lodge , No . 881 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th November , at six o ' clock . Present—Bros . Edward James Elliott W . M ., John Gough as S . W ., John Robinson J . W ., E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , John Elliott Treasurer , J . W .
Notices Of Meetings,
Hunston I . G ., Wm . Heaney Tyler . Messrs . J . W . Johnston , J . Clark , and John McCoy , whose names have remained the usual time on the books of tho Lodge , were ballottcd for ; the ballot being found clear , they being duly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . The Lodge was then closed in peace , love and harmony .
Eoyal Edward Lodge , No . 892 . — This Lodgo held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 9 th November , at Royal Oak Hotel , Leominster . Present—Bros . M . J . Ellwood W . M ., E . Gregg S . W ., R . Hayes J . W ., C . J . Saxby Secretary , W . Daggs Treasurer , J . A . White J . D ., W . S . Boyce SteAvard , E . C . Scarlet I . G ., R . Evans
Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . H . Jukes , W . J . Wormington and Edward Gunnell . Visitor , Bro . H . Gregg . Business—Bro . M . J . Ellwood was re-elected W . M ., and W . Daggs also re-elected Treasurer for ensuing year . A vote of condolence was presented to the widow of onr late Bro . John Bradford , on the death of her husband .
Monteflore Lodge , No . 1017 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge , Avas held on Wednesday , 10 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincolns Inn Fields . Present—Bro . Grunbantn W . M ., Blum S . W ., V . Myers J . W ., E . P . Albert P . M . Assistant Grand Pursuivant , Secretary , L . Jacobs Treasurer , GuUiford S . D ., Alba J . D ., Hand I . G ., and P . M . 's De Solla , A . Eskell , J . Lazarus and S . V .
Abrahams . The Lodgo was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Messrs . Guttman , Newstadt , and Brail Avere initiated . Bros . Grunfield and Breidenbach wero passed to the second degree . The eleotion for W . M . then took place , and the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . Blum . Bro . L . Jacobs was ro-elected Treasurer , and Smith Tyler . Bros . A . Eskell and J . Lazarus were
elected Trustees of tho Benevolent Fund . A sum of two guineas Avas voted from the funds of the Lodge , as a nucleus to present the retiring W . M . with a P . M . jewel on his retiring from the chair , which was liberally subscribed to by the brothron . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , sixty in number , adjourned to the Cafe Royal , Air-street , Regent-street , where a very excellent supper was provided . The W . M . gave the usual toasts , and Bro . E . P . Albert
returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Bro . De Solla I . P . M . proposed the toast of tho W . M ., who he stated Avould leave the chair with the good AA'ishes of every brother . He had successfully carried out every duty the Lodge required of him . The toast having been responded to , the Initiates soverally replied to their toast . That of the Wardens and Officers followed , also that of tho Visitors , who Avere Bros . C . Hogard P . M . 205 , P . G . Superintendent of Works for Essex , Hirsoh late 188 , and L . Herf P . M . 180 .
Alnwick Lodge No . 1167 . —The annual meeting of thia Lodge was held on Weduesday , 3 rd inst ., and Avas largely attended , not only by the Alnvfick brethren , but by others from a distance . Bro . Adam Robertson was installed as tho Worshipful Master for the onsuing year , and the folloAving were appointed as officers : —Bros . Henry Heatley I . P . M ., Bro . the Rev . E . L . Marrett S . W ., G . Simpson
J . W ., the Rev . G . S . Thomson Chaplain , J . W . Bowoy Treasurer , H . Johnson Secretary , W . Hall S . D ., G . H . Thompson J . D ., D . Logan I . G ., J . Mulvaney Tyler , W . Robertson and G . Reavell Stewards . Bro . E . D . Davis P . M ., Lodgo of Indnstry , No . 48 , Gateshead , was Installing Officer . The brethren afterwards dined at the Star Hotel . The Masonic Ball , under tho auspices of this Lodgo , will bo held ab the end of the present month .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 10 th November , at the Masonic Hall , Thirsk . Present—Bros . J . Fairburn W . M . 1337 in the chair , J . Rhodes S . W ., G . Anderson J . W ., T . J . Wilkinson Secretary , W . Coltman S . D ., J . W . Johnson acting as J . D ., II . Atkinson Steward , G . Ayre
I . G ., J . S . Farmery Tyler , Z . Wright , J . Lee , R . Barley . Visitor—Bro . J . W . Johnson , Restoration 111 . Business — Bro . J . Rhodes was nnanimously elected W . M . for the onsuing year , aud Bro . A . G . Duncombe Treasurer , Bro . C . G . L . Kipling was then passed to the second degree . Bro . Fairburn , iu the absence , through illness , of Bro . A . C . Bamlett W . M ., conducting the ceremony with his usual ability .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodge met at the Westbouruo Tavern , Craveu-road , Bayswater , on Monday , 8 th instant . Present—Bros . Savage W . M ., Crittenden S . W ., Soames J . W ., J . G . Unite S . D ., Scales J . D ., Headon I . G ., Game P . M ., Read P . M . Secretary , and Bros . Stiles , Cole , Side , Whittock , G . D . Unite , Fotvler . F . J . Unite , Nicol , Craig , Bullock , Allen , Cult' and Kingston .
The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Craig actiug as caudidate , The 2 nd degree Avas then worked , Bro . Stiles acting as candidate . The 1 st aud 2 nd sections of tho 1 st lecture were then Avorked by the brethren , ably assisted by Bro . Read P . M . The ceremonies wero very carefully and perfectly worked by the W . M . aud officers . After the W . M . for the next week had been elected the Lodge Avas closed .
Truth Lodge , No . 1458 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , ( Jth November , at the Royal Archer , Dale-street , Manchester . Present—Bros . Henry Smith W . M ., Charles Pearson S . W ., Charles J . Kent J . W ., John Kinder P . M . Secretary , Thomas Tyers P . M . Treasurer , Batclieldor S . D ., I ' riincon J . D ., Robert
Caldwell P . M . D . C ., Thomas Sellers StCAVur , ! , Fallows I . G ., Beswick Tyler . P . M . Bro . Jno . VV . Turner and others . Business—Tho passiug of Bro . Nicholson and raising of Bro . Brayshaw , both of which ceremonies were performed by the W . M . The electiou of W . M . for ensuing year then took place , and , to the surprise of many , the J . W . had the preference over the S . W . Bro . P . M . Tyers was re-elected
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings,
meeting on Monday , tho 8 th of November , at Dillon-terrace , Ballina . Present—Bros . P . L . Petrie W . M ., John Gilbert S . W ., Charles Boyd J . W ., J . R . Dudgeon Secretary , P . Atkinson Treasurer , William Reid S . D ., James Beally J . D ., David Taylor I . G ., R . Massey Tyler . BusinesB—Mr . Thomas Elliot was duly initiated into E . A . degree , and Bro . Thompson was passed to Fellow Craft . The election of offioers for tho onsuing year was confirmed .
Star Lodge , No . 219 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Monday , the 8 th of November , at their own Hall , 12 Trongate , Glasgow . Present—Bros . J . Margan R . W . M ., J . Dnthie as S . W ., J . Horn J . W ., J . Crawford Secretary , J . Peiron Tyler . Business-Initiation , passing , and raising , after Avhich the brethren proceeded to the nomination of officors .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , tbe 5 th of November , at 22 Struthers-street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . R . M . Yuill R . W . M ., D Ranald S . W ., J . Mason J . W ., John Horn Secretary , A . Wood Treasurer , H . Higgins Steward , A . CraAvford Tyler .
Business—Initiation , after which , nomination of offico bearers . Bro . Yuill Avas proposed for re-election , D . Ranald S . W . was also proposed . The Master said ho Avonld not stand again unless the nomination was unanimous , but ultimately , at tho solicitation of his friends , consented to leave himself in the hands of the Lodge .
Clyde Lodge , No . 408 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 5 th November , at 170 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present—Bros . Wm . Harper R . W . M ., J . McGinnis S . W ., W . Bisland J . W ., D . Mitchell Secretary , J . Stewart Treasurer , D . Ramsay Tyler ;
P . M . 's Bros . D . Dourn , J . Gordon . Business—Initiation and nomination of offico bearers for ensuing year . Bro . Harper Avas again nominated , but there appears to be a lively interest taken in the election , in all cases there being tAvo , and in some cases three , brethren named for each office .
R . A . Chapter de Burghi , No . 424 . — On Thursday , 28 th October , the members of this Chapter held their annual meeting at Freemasons' Hall , West-street , Gateshead , for the purpose of installing E . Comps . Jas . Hume Thompson Z ., Andrew Harknoss H ., and John Edward Robson J . Comp . Robert Smaile P . Z ., Installing Master , performed the ceremony in a creditable manner . The following were invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Richard
Gregory E ., * ; J . D . Stephen N ., A . Clapham P . Z . Treasurer , M . Guthrie P . S ., N . Brown 1 st Ass ., Jas . Montgomery 2 nd Ass . and J . Curry Janitor . Amongst the visitors and members were Wm . Hy . Crookes , Prov . G . E . Durham , Wm . Liddell P . G . J ., E . D . Davis P . P . G . N ., R . F . Cook P . Z . 424 , F . P . John P . Z . 421 , Jas . Humphrey 97 . The Companions then adjourned to the banquet , after which followed the various loyal and Masonic toasts .
Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Monday , 8 th November , at the Pier Hotel , Harwich . Present—Bros . G . Gard Pye W . M ., Jonathan Dnnlop S . W ., Samuel Dutton jun . J . W ., Samuel Dutton sen . Secretary and Treasurer , Thos . H . Naylor S . D ., Geo . A . Smith J . D ., W . C . Ward P . M . D . C ., Wm . DowneB Steward , J . T . Henderson I . G ., Ben . Carman Tyler . P . M . ' s
Bros . W . 0 . Ward , H . A . Hilliard , J . Warren , W . Shaw , W . Balls . Visitors—Bros . A . G . Tennant and G . Allen . Business—Bro . Hilliard raised to sublime degree of a Master Mason . Bro . Balls passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , one candidate ballotted for and accepted , and two proposed . Ceremony ably performed by W . M . Bro . Geo . Gard Pye , and working tools given by J . W . Bro . S . Dutton jun ., in a very efficient manner .
Benevolence Lodge , No . 666 . —This Lodge held its meeting on the 10 th November , at a Private Room , Prince Town , Dartmoor . Present—Bros . John H . Westlake P . M . as W . M ., Robert Hancock as S . W ., William Moore as J . W ., Nathaniel R . Hammetb P . M . Secretary , G . E . Alexander P . M . Treasurer , John Harris as S . D ., John
Irish J . D ., Jesse Stapledon I . G ., Thomas Bennett Tyler . Business—The Lodge was opened in the 1 st degree , tho minutes of the previous meeting v / ere read and confirmed . After which the Lodge was opened to the 3 rd degree . No other business claiming the attention of the Lodge it was closed in due form at 9 . 15 p . m .
Fortescue Lodge , No . 847 . —This Lodge held its meeting on Tuesday , 2 nd November , at Masonic Hall , Honiton . Present—Bros H . S . Woodgates W . M ., Hy . Baker S . W ., Jno . Hussey J . W ., J . S . Burrows Secretary , John Murch P . M . Treasurer , John Read S . D ., Henry Hook J . D ., W . Huxtable Steward , D . G . Downes I . G ., W . H . Golesworthy Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . W . H . Barker I . P . M ., P . G . Registrar , T . G . Sutton . Visitors—Bro . S . Jones P . P . G . S . W ., & c , & c , & c . Business —Installation of the W . M . elect , Henry Fowler .
Presho S . D ., F . C . Fitzgerald J . D ., Rev . Alex . Rea Chaplain , Wm . M . Fitzgerald I . G ., Wm . Heaney Tyler . P . M . 's Bros . E . G . Fitzgerald , John Elliott , and Thomas Higgins . Business—The following officers wero elected for the coming year , viz .: —Bros . Montgomery W . M ., . 7 . Robinson S . W ., E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , John Elliott Treasurer , Presho J . W ., J . Gongh S . D ., W . M . Fitzgerald J . D ., J .
Clones Lodge , No . 881 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th November , at six o ' clock . Present—Bros . Edward James Elliott W . M ., John Gough as S . W ., John Robinson J . W ., E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , John Elliott Treasurer , J . W .
Notices Of Meetings,
Hunston I . G ., Wm . Heaney Tyler . Messrs . J . W . Johnston , J . Clark , and John McCoy , whose names have remained the usual time on the books of tho Lodge , were ballottcd for ; the ballot being found clear , they being duly prepared , were initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . The Lodge was then closed in peace , love and harmony .
Eoyal Edward Lodge , No . 892 . — This Lodgo held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , 9 th November , at Royal Oak Hotel , Leominster . Present—Bros . M . J . Ellwood W . M ., E . Gregg S . W ., R . Hayes J . W ., C . J . Saxby Secretary , W . Daggs Treasurer , J . A . White J . D ., W . S . Boyce SteAvard , E . C . Scarlet I . G ., R . Evans
Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . H . Jukes , W . J . Wormington and Edward Gunnell . Visitor , Bro . H . Gregg . Business—Bro . M . J . Ellwood was re-elected W . M ., and W . Daggs also re-elected Treasurer for ensuing year . A vote of condolence was presented to the widow of onr late Bro . John Bradford , on the death of her husband .
Monteflore Lodge , No . 1017 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge , Avas held on Wednesday , 10 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincolns Inn Fields . Present—Bro . Grunbantn W . M ., Blum S . W ., V . Myers J . W ., E . P . Albert P . M . Assistant Grand Pursuivant , Secretary , L . Jacobs Treasurer , GuUiford S . D ., Alba J . D ., Hand I . G ., and P . M . 's De Solla , A . Eskell , J . Lazarus and S . V .
Abrahams . The Lodgo was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Messrs . Guttman , Newstadt , and Brail Avere initiated . Bros . Grunfield and Breidenbach wero passed to the second degree . The eleotion for W . M . then took place , and the choice of the brethren was unanimous in favour of Bro . Blum . Bro . L . Jacobs was ro-elected Treasurer , and Smith Tyler . Bros . A . Eskell and J . Lazarus were
elected Trustees of tho Benevolent Fund . A sum of two guineas Avas voted from the funds of the Lodge , as a nucleus to present the retiring W . M . with a P . M . jewel on his retiring from the chair , which was liberally subscribed to by the brothron . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , sixty in number , adjourned to the Cafe Royal , Air-street , Regent-street , where a very excellent supper was provided . The W . M . gave the usual toasts , and Bro . E . P . Albert
returned thanks for the Grand Officers . Bro . De Solla I . P . M . proposed the toast of tho W . M ., who he stated Avould leave the chair with the good AA'ishes of every brother . He had successfully carried out every duty the Lodge required of him . The toast having been responded to , the Initiates soverally replied to their toast . That of the Wardens and Officers followed , also that of tho Visitors , who Avere Bros . C . Hogard P . M . 205 , P . G . Superintendent of Works for Essex , Hirsoh late 188 , and L . Herf P . M . 180 .
Alnwick Lodge No . 1167 . —The annual meeting of thia Lodge was held on Weduesday , 3 rd inst ., and Avas largely attended , not only by the Alnvfick brethren , but by others from a distance . Bro . Adam Robertson was installed as tho Worshipful Master for the onsuing year , and the folloAving were appointed as officers : —Bros . Henry Heatley I . P . M ., Bro . the Rev . E . L . Marrett S . W ., G . Simpson
J . W ., the Rev . G . S . Thomson Chaplain , J . W . Bowoy Treasurer , H . Johnson Secretary , W . Hall S . D ., G . H . Thompson J . D ., D . Logan I . G ., J . Mulvaney Tyler , W . Robertson and G . Reavell Stewards . Bro . E . D . Davis P . M ., Lodgo of Indnstry , No . 48 , Gateshead , was Installing Officer . The brethren afterwards dined at the Star Hotel . The Masonic Ball , under tho auspices of this Lodgo , will bo held ab the end of the present month .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 10 th November , at the Masonic Hall , Thirsk . Present—Bros . J . Fairburn W . M . 1337 in the chair , J . Rhodes S . W ., G . Anderson J . W ., T . J . Wilkinson Secretary , W . Coltman S . D ., J . W . Johnson acting as J . D ., II . Atkinson Steward , G . Ayre
I . G ., J . S . Farmery Tyler , Z . Wright , J . Lee , R . Barley . Visitor—Bro . J . W . Johnson , Restoration 111 . Business — Bro . J . Rhodes was nnanimously elected W . M . for the onsuing year , aud Bro . A . G . Duncombe Treasurer , Bro . C . G . L . Kipling was then passed to the second degree . Bro . Fairburn , iu the absence , through illness , of Bro . A . C . Bamlett W . M ., conducting the ceremony with his usual ability .
Hyde Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1425 . —This Lodge met at the Westbouruo Tavern , Craveu-road , Bayswater , on Monday , 8 th instant . Present—Bros . Savage W . M ., Crittenden S . W ., Soames J . W ., J . G . Unite S . D ., Scales J . D ., Headon I . G ., Game P . M ., Read P . M . Secretary , and Bros . Stiles , Cole , Side , Whittock , G . D . Unite , Fotvler . F . J . Unite , Nicol , Craig , Bullock , Allen , Cult' and Kingston .
The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Craig actiug as caudidate , The 2 nd degree Avas then worked , Bro . Stiles acting as candidate . The 1 st aud 2 nd sections of tho 1 st lecture were then Avorked by the brethren , ably assisted by Bro . Read P . M . The ceremonies wero very carefully and perfectly worked by the W . M . aud officers . After the W . M . for the next week had been elected the Lodge Avas closed .
Truth Lodge , No . 1458 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , ( Jth November , at the Royal Archer , Dale-street , Manchester . Present—Bros . Henry Smith W . M ., Charles Pearson S . W ., Charles J . Kent J . W ., John Kinder P . M . Secretary , Thomas Tyers P . M . Treasurer , Batclieldor S . D ., I ' riincon J . D ., Robert
Caldwell P . M . D . C ., Thomas Sellers StCAVur , ! , Fallows I . G ., Beswick Tyler . P . M . Bro . Jno . VV . Turner and others . Business—Tho passiug of Bro . Nicholson and raising of Bro . Brayshaw , both of which ceremonies were performed by the W . M . The electiou of W . M . for ensuing year then took place , and , to the surprise of many , the J . W . had the preference over the S . W . Bro . P . M . Tyers was re-elected