Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For Agree ! Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . Grand Patron and President : > His BOYAL HIGHNESS THB PBINOE OF WALES , K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FABNFIELD , Esq . Bankers : —LONDON AHD WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) 214 High Holhorn , London , W . O . Upwards of 1628 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 202 men and 245 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 16 , 384 126 CANDIDATES FOR NEXT ELECTION . Only 23 vacancies . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVEBN , LONDON , W . O ., ON WEDNESDAY , 22 ND FEBRUARY 1899 , Under the distinguished Presidency of The Right Honourable LORDLLANGATTOCK, R . W . Prov . G . Master for South Wales ( E . D . ) . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , being the Jubilee Festival of the Widows Fund , especially considering that the income during the past year was not sufficient to meet the expenditure , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ., P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary , by whom the same will be gladly received , and who will thankfully acknowledge same . Office—4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
THE WHITE BEAR , KING WILLIAM STREET , FACING-LONDON BRIDGE Excellent accommodation for Masonic Meetings . Brethren wishing for fresh Quarters will find every convenience , combined with comfort . The Eooms can be engaged for Instruction Lodges , Dinners , Suppers , & c . The House is celebrated for its Wines , Spirits , and Cigars . JOHN McKENZIE , Proprietor .
AYLESBURY DAIRY , 3 ST . JOHN LANE , SMITHFIELD , E . G ., AND AT 3 BRUSHRELD STREET , BISHOPSGATE . SPECIAL . COWS KEPT FOR j ^^^ P ^ FRESH COUNTRY EdQS INFANTS & INVALIDS . xtSX s ^ ., TWICE A WEEK . D . LLOYD & Co ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DAIRY FARMERS , and Provision Merchants . Families attentively waited upon with Fresh Country Milk , Butter , Eggs , & c . Restaurants , Coffee Houses , and large Consumers supplied on liberal terms . Agents for Nevill ' s , Chibnall ' s and Bakers' Bread . All Orders punctually attended to , and the favour of your recommendation will be greatly esteemed .
W.&J.BALLS, BookbindersinallBranches, Metropolitan Bookbinding Works , 362 Grays Inn Road , Kings Cross . BOOKS BOUND TO ANY PATTERN . Old Bindings and Libraries Repaired and Decorated .
teu " . " - ^ -.- JA ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ y ^^( g ^ - ' ' -w 9 CTra H^^^^^tf^^a
Devon And Cornwall Last Year.
ri "^ HE Masonic Graft Devon and Cornwall has been very 1 prosperous during 1898 , and , save the occasional disregard of the preliminary conditions of membership as to fitness , financially , and socially , for its privileges , the Lodges generally have been more than usually successful , numerically and generally .
The Province of Devon has again added another Lodge to its roll , by the constitution of No . 2725 , Yelverton , which haa already made an excellent start . The number on the register is now fifty-eight ; so that there are close on 100 Lodges in the two Western counties .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon was held at Paignton , presided over by the Prov . G . M . the Hon . Sir Stafford Northcote , Bart ., G . B ., M . P . ; and that of Cornwall assembled at Falmouth , the Eight Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( Past Deputy Grand Master of England ) being in the chair as Provincial Grand
Master . All the reports were of a very satisfactory character , and the various funds for educational and annuity purposes , locally raised and expended , are all in a very healthy condition , every year increasing the interest in these excellent and ablymanaged Institutions .
The Mark Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon met at Plymouth , Bro . G . S . Strode D , Prov . G . M . presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the Provincial Grand Master . The meeting of the sister society for Cornwall was a brilliant function , being for the installation of the Earl of Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) as the Provincial Grand Master , in succession to Bro . Sir Charles Brune
Graves-Sawle , Bart ., whose increasing years led him to resign , much to the regret of all the Brethren . The Installing Officer was Lord Skelmersdale ( now the Earl of Lathom ) , and Bro . P . Colville Smith was re-appointed Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . W . J . Johns , lately invested as Standard Bearer of the Grand Lodge , was again appointed as Provincial Grand Secretary . An address was voted and presented to the retiring Prov . G . Master .
The Hon . Sir Stafford Northcote , Bart ., has been installed as Grand Superintendent of Eoyal Arch Masonry for Devon , and Lord Mount Edgcumbe is Grand Superintendent for Cornwall ; a meeting of the latter having recently been held .
In the Central Masonic Charities ihe Counties of Devon and Cornwall have been very successful , as usual , in securing the return or election of their candidates , through the well-directed exertions of Bros . Westlake and Edyvean , who were supported by the local bodies as' customary . The three annual Festivals
have been held , that for the Boys putting the other two for this year in the shade . Devon sent up about £ 1 , 800 , and Cornwall over £ 780 . It is expected that the grand total of sums raised for all the Masonic Charities established in England , local and general , will amount to some £ 175 , 000 , being the largest raised
in any one year , and likely to remain so for many years to come . Devon and Cornwall have also contributed fco the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , and the Benevolent Institution , but not in proportion to the benefits received . The Mark Benevolent Fund realised £ 1 , 735 , Devon and Cornwall contributing over 100 guineas together . — " Western Morning News . "
Imposing On Freemasons .
A MAN giving the name of Jamea Warburton was brought up in custody at Betford Police Court , on Monday , charged with obtaining alms by fraudulently representing himself to be a Freemason . Captain Thomas , Superintendent of the Betford Police , said the prisoner called upon him on Saturday night , about nine o ' clock , and asked him as the Almoner for the Betford Lodge of Freemasons to give him relief . He challenged his statement
as to being a Freemason , and he said he was a member of the Blagdon Lodge , Blyth , Northumberland , No . 659 , and had been for twenty-eight years . He tested this statement , and the prisoner admitted thafc he was nofc a member of the Blagdon Lodge . He found a letter in his possession purporting to be from the Secretary of the Blagdon Lodge , enclosing him £ B on the 4 th November 1898 , and signed Wm . Smithson . There was no Secretary of that name , the Secretary being Mr . Walkensize , who had telegraphed to say that
Jas . Warburton was not , and never had been , a member . Prisoner said he was guilty , and he was further charged with being the man who , at Cheadle , in Staffordshire , under the name of Bradburn , was convicted of a similar offence , and sent to gaol for seven days , with hard labour . The Superintendent of Police said there was so much of this sort of thing going on that he had been instructed to prosecute everyone of the impostors who came round . Prisoner pleaded guilty , and said he knew he had done wrong . Sentenced to fourteen days imprisonment , with hard labour . — "Nottingham Guardian . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For Agree ! Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . Grand Patron and President : > His BOYAL HIGHNESS THB PBINOE OF WALES , K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FABNFIELD , Esq . Bankers : —LONDON AHD WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) 214 High Holhorn , London , W . O . Upwards of 1628 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 202 men and 245 widows are Annuitants at the present time . 30 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 16 , 384 126 CANDIDATES FOR NEXT ELECTION . Only 23 vacancies . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVEBN , LONDON , W . O ., ON WEDNESDAY , 22 ND FEBRUARY 1899 , Under the distinguished Presidency of The Right Honourable LORDLLANGATTOCK, R . W . Prov . G . Master for South Wales ( E . D . ) . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , being the Jubilee Festival of the Widows Fund , especially considering that the income during the past year was not sufficient to meet the expenditure , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ., P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary , by whom the same will be gladly received , and who will thankfully acknowledge same . Office—4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
THE WHITE BEAR , KING WILLIAM STREET , FACING-LONDON BRIDGE Excellent accommodation for Masonic Meetings . Brethren wishing for fresh Quarters will find every convenience , combined with comfort . The Eooms can be engaged for Instruction Lodges , Dinners , Suppers , & c . The House is celebrated for its Wines , Spirits , and Cigars . JOHN McKENZIE , Proprietor .
AYLESBURY DAIRY , 3 ST . JOHN LANE , SMITHFIELD , E . G ., AND AT 3 BRUSHRELD STREET , BISHOPSGATE . SPECIAL . COWS KEPT FOR j ^^^ P ^ FRESH COUNTRY EdQS INFANTS & INVALIDS . xtSX s ^ ., TWICE A WEEK . D . LLOYD & Co ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DAIRY FARMERS , and Provision Merchants . Families attentively waited upon with Fresh Country Milk , Butter , Eggs , & c . Restaurants , Coffee Houses , and large Consumers supplied on liberal terms . Agents for Nevill ' s , Chibnall ' s and Bakers' Bread . All Orders punctually attended to , and the favour of your recommendation will be greatly esteemed .
W.&J.BALLS, BookbindersinallBranches, Metropolitan Bookbinding Works , 362 Grays Inn Road , Kings Cross . BOOKS BOUND TO ANY PATTERN . Old Bindings and Libraries Repaired and Decorated .
teu " . " - ^ -.- JA ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ y ^^( g ^ - ' ' -w 9 CTra H^^^^^tf^^a
Devon And Cornwall Last Year.
ri "^ HE Masonic Graft Devon and Cornwall has been very 1 prosperous during 1898 , and , save the occasional disregard of the preliminary conditions of membership as to fitness , financially , and socially , for its privileges , the Lodges generally have been more than usually successful , numerically and generally .
The Province of Devon has again added another Lodge to its roll , by the constitution of No . 2725 , Yelverton , which haa already made an excellent start . The number on the register is now fifty-eight ; so that there are close on 100 Lodges in the two Western counties .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon was held at Paignton , presided over by the Prov . G . M . the Hon . Sir Stafford Northcote , Bart ., G . B ., M . P . ; and that of Cornwall assembled at Falmouth , the Eight Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ( Past Deputy Grand Master of England ) being in the chair as Provincial Grand
Master . All the reports were of a very satisfactory character , and the various funds for educational and annuity purposes , locally raised and expended , are all in a very healthy condition , every year increasing the interest in these excellent and ablymanaged Institutions .
The Mark Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon met at Plymouth , Bro . G . S . Strode D , Prov . G . M . presiding , in the unavoidable absence of the Provincial Grand Master . The meeting of the sister society for Cornwall was a brilliant function , being for the installation of the Earl of Halsbury ( Lord Chancellor ) as the Provincial Grand Master , in succession to Bro . Sir Charles Brune
Graves-Sawle , Bart ., whose increasing years led him to resign , much to the regret of all the Brethren . The Installing Officer was Lord Skelmersdale ( now the Earl of Lathom ) , and Bro . P . Colville Smith was re-appointed Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . W . J . Johns , lately invested as Standard Bearer of the Grand Lodge , was again appointed as Provincial Grand Secretary . An address was voted and presented to the retiring Prov . G . Master .
The Hon . Sir Stafford Northcote , Bart ., has been installed as Grand Superintendent of Eoyal Arch Masonry for Devon , and Lord Mount Edgcumbe is Grand Superintendent for Cornwall ; a meeting of the latter having recently been held .
In the Central Masonic Charities ihe Counties of Devon and Cornwall have been very successful , as usual , in securing the return or election of their candidates , through the well-directed exertions of Bros . Westlake and Edyvean , who were supported by the local bodies as' customary . The three annual Festivals
have been held , that for the Boys putting the other two for this year in the shade . Devon sent up about £ 1 , 800 , and Cornwall over £ 780 . It is expected that the grand total of sums raised for all the Masonic Charities established in England , local and general , will amount to some £ 175 , 000 , being the largest raised
in any one year , and likely to remain so for many years to come . Devon and Cornwall have also contributed fco the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , and the Benevolent Institution , but not in proportion to the benefits received . The Mark Benevolent Fund realised £ 1 , 735 , Devon and Cornwall contributing over 100 guineas together . — " Western Morning News . "
Imposing On Freemasons .
A MAN giving the name of Jamea Warburton was brought up in custody at Betford Police Court , on Monday , charged with obtaining alms by fraudulently representing himself to be a Freemason . Captain Thomas , Superintendent of the Betford Police , said the prisoner called upon him on Saturday night , about nine o ' clock , and asked him as the Almoner for the Betford Lodge of Freemasons to give him relief . He challenged his statement
as to being a Freemason , and he said he was a member of the Blagdon Lodge , Blyth , Northumberland , No . 659 , and had been for twenty-eight years . He tested this statement , and the prisoner admitted thafc he was nofc a member of the Blagdon Lodge . He found a letter in his possession purporting to be from the Secretary of the Blagdon Lodge , enclosing him £ B on the 4 th November 1898 , and signed Wm . Smithson . There was no Secretary of that name , the Secretary being Mr . Walkensize , who had telegraphed to say that
Jas . Warburton was not , and never had been , a member . Prisoner said he was guilty , and he was further charged with being the man who , at Cheadle , in Staffordshire , under the name of Bradburn , was convicted of a similar offence , and sent to gaol for seven days , with hard labour . The Superintendent of Police said there was so much of this sort of thing going on that he had been instructed to prosecute everyone of the impostors who came round . Prisoner pleaded guilty , and said he knew he had done wrong . Sentenced to fourteen days imprisonment , with hard labour . — "Nottingham Guardian . "