Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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Diary For The Week.
Ml—De Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) J 93—Alexandra . Midway Hotel , Levenshnlmo 1096—Lord Warden , AVet ' lington Hall , Deal 1143—Royal Denbigh , Council Room , Denbigh 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George street , Leeds
1393—Hamer . Masonic Hall . Liverpool , at 3 ( Instruction ) , 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall . Fitzwilliam-stroet , Huddorsfleld R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon H , A . —General Chapter of Imorovement , Masonio Hall , Birmingham , 5 . 30 B . C . —White Roso of York , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield .
193—1 ' ercy , Jolly Farmers , Sotithgato Road , N . nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1364—Earl of Zetland , Nags Head . Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1621—Eccloston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1641—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Oamherwell 1732—Kings Cross , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-stroot , W ., at 8 . 308—Prince George . Privato Rooms , Bottoms . Eastwood 1581—Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
Albion Lodge , No . 9 . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Prosent—Bros . James Forbes W . M ., W . R . Marsh P . M . S . W ., E . D . Willey J . W ., James Abbott P . M . Sec , Thomas Moring P . M . Treas ., Alfred Endean S . D ., S . W . Thompson J . D ., William Willey P . M . D . C ., Eussell Elliott I . G ., James Rawles Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . H . S . Friend , W . T . Scott ,
S . Vallentine , L . W . Harvey . Visitors—Bros . J . W . Fuller Grand Master ' s Lodge No . 1 , T . G . Pearce Bromley St . Leonards No . 1805 . Bnsitiess—Lodge opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . The W . M . passed Bro . Walter Baker , and initiated Mr . T . S . D . Wallaoe . After rontine business , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at Freemasons' Tavern , which was served in Bro . Alfred Best's usual satisfactory style .
Constitutional lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —On 27 th January , at Bro . Bond ' s , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , W . C . Present—Bros . Hallam jnn . W . M ., Snodin S . W ., T . B . Dodson J . W ., John Soper Sec , Stroad S . D ., Alford J . D ., Thisleton I . G ., John Bingemann Preceptor . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsod , Bro . Cronin candidate . The following . sections of the first lecture were
worked—2 nd by Bro . Hallam jnn ., 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Bingemann . Bro . Cronin , of St . Andrew ' s Lodgo 231 , was elected a member . Bro . Snodin was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . nallam jun ., for the efficient manner in which he had performed his duties on this , the first occasion of his taking the chair . All Masonio duties being ended , the Lodge was closed .
On 3 rd February there were present—VV . Snodin W . M ., T . B . Dodson S . W ., Acland J . W ., T . B . Linscott S . D ., H . R . Hallam J . D ., Stroud l . G . ; Past Masters Bros . John Bingemann Preceptor , and Watts . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bra . Liuscott being the candidate . The following sections of the first Lecture were worked—tho second by Bro . Hallam , third by Bro . Bingemann , fourth by Bro . Watts . Bro . T . B . Dodson was unanimonsly elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday week , 17 fch February .
Fidelity Preceptory ( E ! . T . ) H * 0 . 114 . —The installation meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Fidelity Masonio Hall , Leeds , on Tuesday week , when Sir Kiit . Walter Rowley was duly installed in the chair by E . Sir Knt . C . Z . Mason , the outgoing Preceptor , assisted
by E . Sir Knt . T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . Ancient Ebor , P . S . C . of G . England . Amongst thoso present wo noticed E . Sir Knts . VV . H . Porritt , J . Beck , J . Holmes and T . Gibson , and Sir Knts W . Paley , Rev . W . C . Lukis , Brown , & c The Leeds Sir Knts . afterwards entertained their visitors at an excellent supper .
Lodge La Tolerance , Wo . 538 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 5 th instant , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . The Lodge was in mourning on account of the death of the late respected Bro . W . H . Liudus P . M . There were present—Bros . T . W . Cooper W . M ., E . Child S . W ., Humphrey J . W ., Kench A . G . P . P . M . Treasurer , J . B . Sly P . M . Secretary , H .
Sweare S . D ., Skinner J . D ., P . M . 's Bros . Quitman I . P . M . Wilson and Wood ; Bros . Elvin , Schott , Carl Quitman , W . Dixon , Marner , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Dixon was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Marner was passed to the second , to the satisfaction of the brethren , who acknowledged that , being the first time be had occupied the chair , the W . M . showed that
their selection had been justified by his excellent working . A proposition was brought before ths Lodge and duly carried , that the initiation fee be raised from £ 8 8 s to £ 10 10 s , and the joining fee , for a brother whose name had not been previously registered on the books of the Grand Lodge of England from £ 5 5 s to £ 8 8 s , and for one who had been previously registered from £ 4 4 s to £ 6 6 s . The W . M . said
he had melancholy tidings to convey , which he was sure wonld be heard with regret , not only in this Lodge but in another . One who had held an important office in tho Lodgo had since their last meeting , he might say suddenly , passed away from their midst . Ho alluded to Bro . W . H . LinduB P . M . As they wonld recollect , he was with them
at their installation meeting . His loss would bo felt in this Lodge , and it would create a gap that would take some time to fill . His genial temper , his kind advice , his Masonic kuowledge , and the high estimation he was held in by every one , was such that ho ( the W . M . ) felt sure these sentiments would find an echo in
Notices Of Meetings.
tho breast of every brother . He hoped that a 3 many as could be present at the funeral wonld attond to pay tho last tribute to their departed Past Master . Bro . Kench P . G . P . proposed , in ' eloquent and feeling terms , that a lettor of condolence bo sent to tho sorrowing widow , and that it bo inscribed on vellum and sent to her to show the feeling of tho brethren of tho Lodgo . He had
known aud respected their departed brother ever since he had boon a Mason , now fourteen years , and he felt as if ho had lost a father . In his connection with tho outer world ho was tho first to hold out a helping hand ; ho hoped the brethren would show tho widow how ho was respected and alloviate her « reat grief in tho hour of hor trial and beroavement . Bro . Wood P . M . seconded the proposition
in an ablo speech , and several brethren followed , all testifying their great sorrow at the loss they had sustainod . The Lodgo was then closed , and out of respect to their departed brothor the brethren separated . Tho funeral of Bro . W . H . Lindas P . M . 538 , P . M . Stanhope Lodge ( of which he was one of tho founders ) , P . Z . 538 and 12 ( 59 , took place on Friday , tho Gth inst ., at Nonhead Cemetery . Amone thoao
prosent from the Lodge La Tolerance wove Bro . T . W . Cooper W . M ., J . Quitman I . P . M ., J . Kench P . G . P . P . M ., E . Humphrey S . W . J . Skiuner J . W ., C . Qnitman , G . Schott ; and from the Stanhope Lodge Bros . J . C . Ring W . M ., R . E . Woodman S . W ., 11 . Wood P . M . Treas ., Seymour Smith Org ., Canton P . M ., Frampton P . M ., Garner , Viokery , J . W . Lassam , A . S . Harrisson S . W ., 0 . Pugsloy AV . M . 15 S 8 , and numerous others .
Panmuro Chapter , No . 720 . —A regular mooting 0 f this Chapter was held at tho Horns Tavern , Konnington , on Monday , tho 10 th inst ., for tho election of Officers for the ensuing year . In tho unavoidable absence of tho M . E . Z . Comp . M . S . Larlham , tho chair of Z . was occupied by Ex-Comp . Henry Smith P . Z . Tho candidates for exaltation being unable to attend on this occasion , tho time at
disposal of the Chapter was utilised by discussion of sundry business relating to its affairs . The election for Officers resulted a 3 follows , viz .: —Ex-Comp . Thomas Poore M . E . Z ., Ex-Comp . R . N . Field H ., Comp . Samuel Poynter J ., Ex-Comp . James Stevens P . Z . Soriba E . ( twelfth re-election ) , Comp . Thomas Meggy N ., Ex-Comp . Henry Smith P . Z . Tr ., Comp . B . R . Bryant P . S . and John Gilbert Jan . Comps . J . W . Watts and J . Walmsley were appointed on Audit Committee .
A P . Z . s jewel was unanimously voted to the retiring M . E . Z . Comp . Larlham . After some routine business had been disposed of tho Chapter was closed , and the Companions supped together . We are requested to state that the installation of Principals will take place on the 10 th May , when the dnties of Installing Principal will bo undertaken by Ex-Comp . James Stephens P . Z ., Foundor and Scribe E . of the Chapter .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Meoting hold at the Star and Garter , Kow Bridge , Gth February , at halfpast seven p . m . Present—Bros . J . C . Roe ( P . M . avid Proceptor ) W . M ., Acworth S . W ., Botlcy J . W ., Maton S . D ., Franckol J . D ., YouensI . G ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Bellerby , Wyville , Bocket , & o . Lodge was regularly formed and opened , the minutes of last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . Bro . Roe then worked tho installation
ceremony in his well-known impressive manner , and vacated the chair , which was occupied by Bro . Acworth . The initiation ritual was then rehearsed , Bro . Roe kindly acting as candidate . Bro . Gunner gave notice of motion he wonld bring forward at next meeting , as to a proposed fund towards expenses of the Girls' School in acquiring new premises . Lodgo closed and meeting adjourned till 13 th iasC , at half-past sevon p . m .
Doric Lodgo of Instruction , 933 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on the 30 th nit ., at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapelroad , E . Present—Bros . Digby W . M . of the mother Lodge W . M ., I . P . Cohen P . M . S . W ., Payne J . W ., Forss S . D ., Clarke J . D ., McDonald I . G ., Loane , Posener , EUis , Fnrness , Tait , West , Norden , Grounds , Friedeberg ; also Past Masters Barnes , Webb , W . Musto
Hon . Sec , and B . Cundick Preceptor . Tho evening was devoted ( after the necessary formalities had been complied with ) to working tho installation ceremony , by Bro . I . Digby , who will shortly havo to instal his successor in the mother Lodge . Tho ceremony , including the working of the Board of Installod Mastors , boing ably rendered ,
Bro . Digby received the congratulations of the brethren at its conclusion . Bro . Ellis , who had thu 3 boon placed in tho chair , worked the ceremony of the 3 rd degreo , Bro . Loane candidate . Bro . I . P . Cohen P . M . was elected to the chair for the next Friday . Arrangements for tho audit wero made , and a vote of thanks accorded tu Bro . Digby . Tho Lodgo was duly closed .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At the King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . C , Thursday , 5 th February . Bros . Clark W . M ., Peacock S . W ., Hine J . W ., Sergeant S . D ., Abrahams J . D ., Fennei- Preceptor , Wallbrechfc Sec , Ginseke l . G . ; also Bros . 0 hle , Andrews , Smith , LeofHer , Bronkhurst , Ward , and Stroud . The cere- '
mony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ohle candidate . Bro . Andrews worked the first and second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Peacock was appointed to preside at tho next meeting . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Clark for the very able manner he performed his duties as W . M . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —Held at the Peinbury Tavern , Ambnrst-road , Hackuey , on Monday , 2 ud inst . Present—Bros . McDowall W . M ., Garrod S . W ., Crain J . W ., High S . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Pre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
Ml—De Loraine , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) J 93—Alexandra . Midway Hotel , Levenshnlmo 1096—Lord Warden , AVet ' lington Hall , Deal 1143—Royal Denbigh , Council Room , Denbigh 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George street , Leeds
1393—Hamer . Masonic Hall . Liverpool , at 3 ( Instruction ) , 1773—Albert Victor , Town Hall , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall . New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall . Fitzwilliam-stroet , Huddorsfleld R . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall . Ripon H , A . —General Chapter of Imorovement , Masonio Hall , Birmingham , 5 . 30 B . C . —White Roso of York , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield .
193—1 ' ercy , Jolly Farmers , Sotithgato Road , N . nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1364—Earl of Zetland , Nags Head . Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1621—Eccloston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1641—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Oamherwell 1732—Kings Cross , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-stroot , W ., at 8 . 308—Prince George . Privato Rooms , Bottoms . Eastwood 1581—Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
Albion Lodge , No . 9 . —A meeting was held on the 3 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Prosent—Bros . James Forbes W . M ., W . R . Marsh P . M . S . W ., E . D . Willey J . W ., James Abbott P . M . Sec , Thomas Moring P . M . Treas ., Alfred Endean S . D ., S . W . Thompson J . D ., William Willey P . M . D . C ., Eussell Elliott I . G ., James Rawles Tyler ; Past Masters Bros . H . S . Friend , W . T . Scott ,
S . Vallentine , L . W . Harvey . Visitors—Bros . J . W . Fuller Grand Master ' s Lodge No . 1 , T . G . Pearce Bromley St . Leonards No . 1805 . Bnsitiess—Lodge opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . The W . M . passed Bro . Walter Baker , and initiated Mr . T . S . D . Wallaoe . After rontine business , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at Freemasons' Tavern , which was served in Bro . Alfred Best's usual satisfactory style .
Constitutional lodge of Instruction , No . 55 . —On 27 th January , at Bro . Bond ' s , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-buildings , W . C . Present—Bros . Hallam jnn . W . M ., Snodin S . W ., T . B . Dodson J . W ., John Soper Sec , Stroad S . D ., Alford J . D ., Thisleton I . G ., John Bingemann Preceptor . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsod , Bro . Cronin candidate . The following . sections of the first lecture were
worked—2 nd by Bro . Hallam jnn ., 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Bingemann . Bro . Cronin , of St . Andrew ' s Lodgo 231 , was elected a member . Bro . Snodin was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . nallam jun ., for the efficient manner in which he had performed his duties on this , the first occasion of his taking the chair . All Masonio duties being ended , the Lodge was closed .
On 3 rd February there were present—VV . Snodin W . M ., T . B . Dodson S . W ., Acland J . W ., T . B . Linscott S . D ., H . R . Hallam J . D ., Stroud l . G . ; Past Masters Bros . John Bingemann Preceptor , and Watts . After preliminaries , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bra . Liuscott being the candidate . The following sections of the first Lecture were worked—tho second by Bro . Hallam , third by Bro . Bingemann , fourth by Bro . Watts . Bro . T . B . Dodson was unanimonsly elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday week , 17 fch February .
Fidelity Preceptory ( E ! . T . ) H * 0 . 114 . —The installation meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Fidelity Masonio Hall , Leeds , on Tuesday week , when Sir Kiit . Walter Rowley was duly installed in the chair by E . Sir Knt . C . Z . Mason , the outgoing Preceptor , assisted
by E . Sir Knt . T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . Ancient Ebor , P . S . C . of G . England . Amongst thoso present wo noticed E . Sir Knts . VV . H . Porritt , J . Beck , J . Holmes and T . Gibson , and Sir Knts W . Paley , Rev . W . C . Lukis , Brown , & c The Leeds Sir Knts . afterwards entertained their visitors at an excellent supper .
Lodge La Tolerance , Wo . 538 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 5 th instant , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen-street . The Lodge was in mourning on account of the death of the late respected Bro . W . H . Liudus P . M . There were present—Bros . T . W . Cooper W . M ., E . Child S . W ., Humphrey J . W ., Kench A . G . P . P . M . Treasurer , J . B . Sly P . M . Secretary , H .
Sweare S . D ., Skinner J . D ., P . M . 's Bros . Quitman I . P . M . Wilson and Wood ; Bros . Elvin , Schott , Carl Quitman , W . Dixon , Marner , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bro . Dixon was raised to the third degree , and Bro . Marner was passed to the second , to the satisfaction of the brethren , who acknowledged that , being the first time be had occupied the chair , the W . M . showed that
their selection had been justified by his excellent working . A proposition was brought before ths Lodge and duly carried , that the initiation fee be raised from £ 8 8 s to £ 10 10 s , and the joining fee , for a brother whose name had not been previously registered on the books of the Grand Lodge of England from £ 5 5 s to £ 8 8 s , and for one who had been previously registered from £ 4 4 s to £ 6 6 s . The W . M . said
he had melancholy tidings to convey , which he was sure wonld be heard with regret , not only in this Lodge but in another . One who had held an important office in tho Lodgo had since their last meeting , he might say suddenly , passed away from their midst . Ho alluded to Bro . W . H . LinduB P . M . As they wonld recollect , he was with them
at their installation meeting . His loss would bo felt in this Lodge , and it would create a gap that would take some time to fill . His genial temper , his kind advice , his Masonic kuowledge , and the high estimation he was held in by every one , was such that ho ( the W . M . ) felt sure these sentiments would find an echo in
Notices Of Meetings.
tho breast of every brother . He hoped that a 3 many as could be present at the funeral wonld attond to pay tho last tribute to their departed Past Master . Bro . Kench P . G . P . proposed , in ' eloquent and feeling terms , that a lettor of condolence bo sent to tho sorrowing widow , and that it bo inscribed on vellum and sent to her to show the feeling of tho brethren of tho Lodgo . He had
known aud respected their departed brother ever since he had boon a Mason , now fourteen years , and he felt as if ho had lost a father . In his connection with tho outer world ho was tho first to hold out a helping hand ; ho hoped the brethren would show tho widow how ho was respected and alloviate her « reat grief in tho hour of hor trial and beroavement . Bro . Wood P . M . seconded the proposition
in an ablo speech , and several brethren followed , all testifying their great sorrow at the loss they had sustainod . The Lodgo was then closed , and out of respect to their departed brothor the brethren separated . Tho funeral of Bro . W . H . Lindas P . M . 538 , P . M . Stanhope Lodge ( of which he was one of tho founders ) , P . Z . 538 and 12 ( 59 , took place on Friday , tho Gth inst ., at Nonhead Cemetery . Amone thoao
prosent from the Lodge La Tolerance wove Bro . T . W . Cooper W . M ., J . Quitman I . P . M ., J . Kench P . G . P . P . M ., E . Humphrey S . W . J . Skiuner J . W ., C . Qnitman , G . Schott ; and from the Stanhope Lodge Bros . J . C . Ring W . M ., R . E . Woodman S . W ., 11 . Wood P . M . Treas ., Seymour Smith Org ., Canton P . M ., Frampton P . M ., Garner , Viokery , J . W . Lassam , A . S . Harrisson S . W ., 0 . Pugsloy AV . M . 15 S 8 , and numerous others .
Panmuro Chapter , No . 720 . —A regular mooting 0 f this Chapter was held at tho Horns Tavern , Konnington , on Monday , tho 10 th inst ., for tho election of Officers for the ensuing year . In tho unavoidable absence of tho M . E . Z . Comp . M . S . Larlham , tho chair of Z . was occupied by Ex-Comp . Henry Smith P . Z . Tho candidates for exaltation being unable to attend on this occasion , tho time at
disposal of the Chapter was utilised by discussion of sundry business relating to its affairs . The election for Officers resulted a 3 follows , viz .: —Ex-Comp . Thomas Poore M . E . Z ., Ex-Comp . R . N . Field H ., Comp . Samuel Poynter J ., Ex-Comp . James Stevens P . Z . Soriba E . ( twelfth re-election ) , Comp . Thomas Meggy N ., Ex-Comp . Henry Smith P . Z . Tr ., Comp . B . R . Bryant P . S . and John Gilbert Jan . Comps . J . W . Watts and J . Walmsley were appointed on Audit Committee .
A P . Z . s jewel was unanimously voted to the retiring M . E . Z . Comp . Larlham . After some routine business had been disposed of tho Chapter was closed , and the Companions supped together . We are requested to state that the installation of Principals will take place on the 10 th May , when the dnties of Installing Principal will bo undertaken by Ex-Comp . James Stephens P . Z ., Foundor and Scribe E . of the Chapter .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Meoting hold at the Star and Garter , Kow Bridge , Gth February , at halfpast seven p . m . Present—Bros . J . C . Roe ( P . M . avid Proceptor ) W . M ., Acworth S . W ., Botlcy J . W ., Maton S . D ., Franckol J . D ., YouensI . G ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Bellerby , Wyville , Bocket , & o . Lodge was regularly formed and opened , the minutes of last meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . Bro . Roe then worked tho installation
ceremony in his well-known impressive manner , and vacated the chair , which was occupied by Bro . Acworth . The initiation ritual was then rehearsed , Bro . Roe kindly acting as candidate . Bro . Gunner gave notice of motion he wonld bring forward at next meeting , as to a proposed fund towards expenses of the Girls' School in acquiring new premises . Lodgo closed and meeting adjourned till 13 th iasC , at half-past sevon p . m .
Doric Lodgo of Instruction , 933 . —The usual meeting of this Lodge was held on the 30 th nit ., at the Duke ' s Head , Whitechapelroad , E . Present—Bros . Digby W . M . of the mother Lodge W . M ., I . P . Cohen P . M . S . W ., Payne J . W ., Forss S . D ., Clarke J . D ., McDonald I . G ., Loane , Posener , EUis , Fnrness , Tait , West , Norden , Grounds , Friedeberg ; also Past Masters Barnes , Webb , W . Musto
Hon . Sec , and B . Cundick Preceptor . Tho evening was devoted ( after the necessary formalities had been complied with ) to working tho installation ceremony , by Bro . I . Digby , who will shortly havo to instal his successor in the mother Lodge . Tho ceremony , including the working of the Board of Installod Mastors , boing ably rendered ,
Bro . Digby received the congratulations of the brethren at its conclusion . Bro . Ellis , who had thu 3 boon placed in tho chair , worked the ceremony of the 3 rd degreo , Bro . Loane candidate . Bro . I . P . Cohen P . M . was elected to the chair for the next Friday . Arrangements for tho audit wero made , and a vote of thanks accorded tu Bro . Digby . Tho Lodgo was duly closed .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At the King and Queen , Norton Folgate , E . C , Thursday , 5 th February . Bros . Clark W . M ., Peacock S . W ., Hine J . W ., Sergeant S . D ., Abrahams J . D ., Fennei- Preceptor , Wallbrechfc Sec , Ginseke l . G . ; also Bros . 0 hle , Andrews , Smith , LeofHer , Bronkhurst , Ward , and Stroud . The cere- '
mony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ohle candidate . Bro . Andrews worked the first and second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Peacock was appointed to preside at tho next meeting . A vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Clark for the very able manner he performed his duties as W . M . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —Held at the Peinbury Tavern , Ambnrst-road , Hackuey , on Monday , 2 ud inst . Present—Bros . McDowall W . M ., Garrod S . W ., Crain J . W ., High S . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Pre-