Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
ceptor ; also Bro . Fetherstone and others . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Fetherstone candidate . Bro . J . Lorkin worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Fetherstone was elected a member . On Monday , 9 th February , Bros . C . Lorkin W . M ., High S . W ., Thos .
Jones J . W ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Seo . ; also Bros . Blunt , Fetherstone and others . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fetherstone candidate . The Lodge was opened in the third degree and regularly closed . Bro . High wa 3 elected W . M . for the ensuing week , officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in due form .
Eboracum Lodge , Ho . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , the W . M . Bro . C . G . Padel in the chair , supported by his Wardens and a good muster of members . The names of two candidates and a joining member were brought forward . The business of the Lodge was instruction in tho second degree , which having been concluded , tho brethren adjonrnod to refreshment , whon some conversation took place as to the advisability of forming a Lodge of Instruction .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 29 th January . Present —Bros . H . Youens S . W ., G . S . Wright J . W ., J . J . Clarke S . D ., J . W . Woolmer J . D ., J . Wells I . G ., H . Stephens , M . W . Wyville , H . Kasner , C . Andrews , W . Seward jnn . The W . M . rehearsed the
ceremony of initiation , Bro . W . M . Wyville candidate . Bros . Millsom and Wyville answered the questions leading to the third degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . J . Wells candidate . Bro . Andrews P . M . was elected a member . It was unanimously agreed to set opart a night for tho rehearsal of the ceremony of installation .
At a meeting on Thnrsday , 5 th Febrnary . Present—Bros . H . Youens W . M ., A . . T . Burr S . W ., J . Green J . W ., C . E . Porter S . D ., C . Andrews J . D ., Bellcrby I . G ., J . Wells Sec , H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , F . Botley , Buckley 700 , J . J . Clarke . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting were read ,
confirmed , and signed . Tho W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . F . Botley candidate . The Lodge was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Clarke having kindly volunteered as a candidate , tho ceremony of passing wiis rehearsed . Tho Lodge resumed to first degree , and on the motion of Bro . Tucker , seconded by Bro . Burr , one
guinea was unanimously voted from the funds of tho Lodgo in aid of a distressed brother . Bro . A . J . Burr was elected W . M . for Thnrsday , the 20 th Febrnary . Lodgo was then closed in duo form , and the meeting adjourned to Thnrsday 13 th , wheu the Officers of tho mother Lodgo will be in their respective places .
Beaconsfleld Lodge , No . 1662 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Chequers , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , tho 3 rd instant . The Lodge was opened shortly after six o'clock by the W . M . Bro . 'J ' . Franklin , assistod by Bro . F . Hallows S . W ., T . Upward J . W ., C . B . Carter J . D ., Geo . Clark I . G ., James Pinder P . M . and Sec , W . Groonie P . M . ; also Bros . Casey , Rubery , Stcckwell , Wyborn ,
W . G . Hallows , & c . After the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , the ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . Henry Fereuson Inman , son of the esteemed host , and proving unanimous in his favour , he was regularly initiated into the Order , the ceremony being most impressively rendered by the W . M . Bro . Patterson P . G . Org . Herts was elected an hon . member , in recognition of
his valuable services to the Lodge , and tho W . M . reqnested him to perform the duties of Organist until next Installation meeting . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned to October next . In consequence of the lamented death of Bro . George Brown , the Lodge was in mourning , and expressions of deep regret for his decease were uttered by the members .
Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on 27 th January , at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden , Bro . John Douglass the W . M . presiding . The agenda paper was an exceedingly heavy one , as may be imagined from the fact that notwithstanding the amount of work that was got through , several candidates had to be disappointed . We believe a Lodge of Emergency
will bo called before the next regular meeting , in order that those desiring initiation in this Lodge may receive it . After the usual preliminaries , and the Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . G . Eshelby , G . C . R . Perugia , W . Bryant and J . G . Ellis were passed . The next business was the working of tho third degroe , for which there were six candidates , viz . —Bros . C . Hortun , J . T . Woods , J . N . Hare ,
T . H . Ellis , J . Gray and J . Hone , all of whom were in due course raised to the sublime degree . Lodge was then resumpd to the first , and it being announced that Messrs . George Bryant , William Ponton , Henry Howard , A . Verdin , and Henry Richard Burton songht admission , they were regularly received , and in due conrse admitted to the privileges of participation in Masonic light . Bro . Willing ,
the Treasurer of the Lodge , then announced that their W . M . had undertaken the office of Steward for the Festival of the Benevolent Institution ; he accordingly proposed that the sum of ten guineas be voted from the funds of the Lodge to be placed on his list . This was seconded by Bro . W . M . Stiles the Secretary , and carried nnanimonsly . Bro . Douglass thanked the members , and then olosed his Lodge . The
brethren now proceeded to the banquet room , where the good things provided by Bro . Michell were done full justice too . Bro . Willing proposed the health of the W . M ., again referring to his Stewardship , and expressing a hope that the members of 1744 would support his endeavours . Bro . Douglass considered it a great pleasure to fill the hair of the Royal Savoy Lodge . He hoped the Lodge would be well
Notices Of Meetings.
represented at his hands at the coming Festival of tho R . M . B . I . Ho next proposed the health of the Visitors , which he considered tho toast of the evening . He did not think a Lodge could have a greater honour conferred on it than to have Visitors attend its meetings . Bro . Ferguson in reply felt that he had had honour thrust upon him that evening . First he had been called upon to fulfil the office of P . M . in
the Lodge , which he considered a great honour . Now ho was called upon to respond for the Visitors . The Master had performed his duty in such a way as must leave the brethren assured that tho power of the Lodge would never be lessened while he occupied the chair . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . Willing the P . M . He considered that a great part of the prosperity of tho Lodgo was duo to
Bro . Willing , whom ho justly termed a genial companion and a very excellent Past Master . With this toast the W . M . also coupled that of tho Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Willing and Stiles . He paid a well merited compliment to the latter brother for the part he had taken and still took in the carrying on of tho Lodge . Each responded . It was then announced that the list of the W . M . for the Benevolent
Institution , which in the course ef the evening had been passed round the table , showed subscriptions from tho members amounting to £ 36 . Tho health of tho initiates was now given from tho chair . Tho W . M . hoped they would look forward to tho taking of tho other degrees with as much pleasure as ho thought they must havo done to that of their initiation . Bro . Ponton was extremely proud of the reception
that had been accorded him . Ho had for some time wished to become a Freemason , and he was most happy to have done so now in the Royal Savoy Lodge . Bro . Bryant was also pleased at having become a member of the Ancient Fraternity . Bro . Verdin likewise expressed his thanks for the reception that had been accorded him , as also did his fellow initiate . The toasts of the Officers , tho Lay Members ,
and the Press , concluded the proceedings of the evening , the Tyler a toast bringing all to a finish . Among tho brethren present in addition to those named were T . J . Hyland S . D ., W . Cook J . D ., A . Holt and J . W . Smith D . of C , G . H . Deller I . G ., F . W . Sillis Organist , & o . ; tho following were tho Visitors : —W . J . Ferguson P . M . 177 , H . Stiles J . W . 1732 , B . Kauffmann D . C . 1732 , W . F . Abraham 1178 , J . Knight Stwd .
1677 , W . 0 . Piper 1064 , H . J . Ashley 1319 , W . W . Morgau jun . 1385 , J . Peace 890 , & c .
Saint Leonard Lodge , No . 1766 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Town Hall , Shoreditch , on Wednesday , 4 th February . Bro . G . T . Barr presided , being assisted by Bros . L . Stean I . P . M ., C . F . Barham S . W ., Rev . H . G . Henderson Chaplain , C . Stevens Treas ., J . Cox Hon . Sec , J . A . Jones S . D ., A . A . Clement J . D ., J . Funston I . G ., E . Walker D . C , F . Matthews S ., G . C .
Young Organist , and C . T . Speight Tyler . Bro . E . Benjamin J . W . being indisposed , Bro . W . Snellgrove occupied one of the chairs . There was a fair attendance of members of tho Lodge , and several visiting brethren . The Lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , and tho usual routine business transacted , Bro . J . G . Mooro was passed to
the F . C . degree , the ceremony being admirably worked . Bro . Charles Deacon , Temple Lodge , No . 171 , was unanimously elected a joining member of the Saint Leonard Lodge . During the evening a Foun . der ' s jewel was presented to Bro . E . Walker , in l'ecognitiou of services rendered to the Lodgo . After the transaction of some further business , the Lodge was closed according to ancient custom .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , 10 th Febrnary , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sistors' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Smyth W . M ., Carr S . W ., Wardell J . W ., Forss S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Christian I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , P . M . Wallington Prec , also Bri' 8 . Williams , Polak , Bakor , Dallas , G . Budcrns J . W . 1298 ( Visitor ) , C . Lorkin . Bro . Buderus was interrogated and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Buderus was
passod to the degree of Fellow Craft . The W . M . then vacated tho chair in favour of P . M . Wallington , who rehearsed tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Williams being installed , he invested his Officers . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Christian worked tho third section of the Lecture , assistod by tho brethren . Bro . Carr was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo was closed and adjourned .
The brethren and friends of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , will hold their first Annual Ball on Thursday , 19 th Febrnary , at tho Holborn Town Hall , Grays-inn-road . Tickets may be obtained of Bro . Dickins , 16 Norfolk-street , Strand .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , Tuesday , 10 th February . Bros . Smith W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Fyffe J . W ., Rawo S . D ., Johnson J . D ., H . D . Cope I . G ., Worsley Secretary , P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also Bros . Pavitt , Keable , Sadler , Barker , Spencer , White , Dunsmore , Dixon , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and tho minuteB
read and confirmed . Bro . Keable having answered the necessary questions , the ceremony of passing was oxcellently worked by tho W . M . Bro . Rawe assisted the W . M . to work the first section of the lecture , Bro . Johnson the second ; the W . M . assisted Bro . Worsley to work the fourth . The Lodge closed to the first , when Bro . Worsley was nnanimonsly elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , on which
occasion the third ceremony will bo rehearsed . On Tuesday next tho brethren who will work the Sections on the following week are to bo nominated . We will furnish names in our next . We are pleased that Bro . Worsley has resumed active duty in this Lodge of Instruction , of which ho is a sturdy supporter . Our esteemed brother has lately
experienced a heavy domestic affliction , and we aro sure all members of the Craft who know him will rejoice that he feels - now capable of attending to his Masonic work . We trust a full attendance of the brethren will testify their appreciation by supporting him on Tuesday nest .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
ceptor ; also Bro . Fetherstone and others . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Fetherstone candidate . Bro . J . Lorkin worked the second section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Fetherstone was elected a member . On Monday , 9 th February , Bros . C . Lorkin W . M ., High S . W ., Thos .
Jones J . W ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Seo . ; also Bros . Blunt , Fetherstone and others . Tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fetherstone candidate . The Lodge was opened in the third degree and regularly closed . Bro . High wa 3 elected W . M . for the ensuing week , officers in rotation . Lodge was closed in due form .
Eboracum Lodge , Ho . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , the W . M . Bro . C . G . Padel in the chair , supported by his Wardens and a good muster of members . The names of two candidates and a joining member were brought forward . The business of the Lodge was instruction in tho second degree , which having been concluded , tho brethren adjonrnod to refreshment , whon some conversation took place as to the advisability of forming a Lodge of Instruction .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — At the Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on Thursday , 29 th January . Present —Bros . H . Youens S . W ., G . S . Wright J . W ., J . J . Clarke S . D ., J . W . Woolmer J . D ., J . Wells I . G ., H . Stephens , M . W . Wyville , H . Kasner , C . Andrews , W . Seward jnn . The W . M . rehearsed the
ceremony of initiation , Bro . W . M . Wyville candidate . Bros . Millsom and Wyville answered the questions leading to the third degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . J . Wells candidate . Bro . Andrews P . M . was elected a member . It was unanimously agreed to set opart a night for tho rehearsal of the ceremony of installation .
At a meeting on Thnrsday , 5 th Febrnary . Present—Bros . H . Youens W . M ., A . . T . Burr S . W ., J . Green J . W ., C . E . Porter S . D ., C . Andrews J . D ., Bellcrby I . G ., J . Wells Sec , H . E . Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , F . Botley , Buckley 700 , J . J . Clarke . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting were read ,
confirmed , and signed . Tho W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . F . Botley candidate . The Lodge was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Clarke having kindly volunteered as a candidate , tho ceremony of passing wiis rehearsed . Tho Lodge resumed to first degree , and on the motion of Bro . Tucker , seconded by Bro . Burr , one
guinea was unanimously voted from the funds of tho Lodgo in aid of a distressed brother . Bro . A . J . Burr was elected W . M . for Thnrsday , the 20 th Febrnary . Lodgo was then closed in duo form , and the meeting adjourned to Thnrsday 13 th , wheu the Officers of tho mother Lodgo will be in their respective places .
Beaconsfleld Lodge , No . 1662 . —A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Chequers , Walthamstow , on Tuesday , tho 3 rd instant . The Lodge was opened shortly after six o'clock by the W . M . Bro . 'J ' . Franklin , assistod by Bro . F . Hallows S . W ., T . Upward J . W ., C . B . Carter J . D ., Geo . Clark I . G ., James Pinder P . M . and Sec , W . Groonie P . M . ; also Bros . Casey , Rubery , Stcckwell , Wyborn ,
W . G . Hallows , & c . After the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , the ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . Henry Fereuson Inman , son of the esteemed host , and proving unanimous in his favour , he was regularly initiated into the Order , the ceremony being most impressively rendered by the W . M . Bro . Patterson P . G . Org . Herts was elected an hon . member , in recognition of
his valuable services to the Lodge , and tho W . M . reqnested him to perform the duties of Organist until next Installation meeting . The Lodge was then closed and adjourned to October next . In consequence of the lamented death of Bro . George Brown , the Lodge was in mourning , and expressions of deep regret for his decease were uttered by the members .
Royal Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on 27 th January , at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden , Bro . John Douglass the W . M . presiding . The agenda paper was an exceedingly heavy one , as may be imagined from the fact that notwithstanding the amount of work that was got through , several candidates had to be disappointed . We believe a Lodge of Emergency
will bo called before the next regular meeting , in order that those desiring initiation in this Lodge may receive it . After the usual preliminaries , and the Lodge being opened in the second degree , Bros . G . Eshelby , G . C . R . Perugia , W . Bryant and J . G . Ellis were passed . The next business was the working of tho third degroe , for which there were six candidates , viz . —Bros . C . Hortun , J . T . Woods , J . N . Hare ,
T . H . Ellis , J . Gray and J . Hone , all of whom were in due course raised to the sublime degree . Lodge was then resumpd to the first , and it being announced that Messrs . George Bryant , William Ponton , Henry Howard , A . Verdin , and Henry Richard Burton songht admission , they were regularly received , and in due conrse admitted to the privileges of participation in Masonic light . Bro . Willing ,
the Treasurer of the Lodge , then announced that their W . M . had undertaken the office of Steward for the Festival of the Benevolent Institution ; he accordingly proposed that the sum of ten guineas be voted from the funds of the Lodge to be placed on his list . This was seconded by Bro . W . M . Stiles the Secretary , and carried nnanimonsly . Bro . Douglass thanked the members , and then olosed his Lodge . The
brethren now proceeded to the banquet room , where the good things provided by Bro . Michell were done full justice too . Bro . Willing proposed the health of the W . M ., again referring to his Stewardship , and expressing a hope that the members of 1744 would support his endeavours . Bro . Douglass considered it a great pleasure to fill the hair of the Royal Savoy Lodge . He hoped the Lodge would be well
Notices Of Meetings.
represented at his hands at the coming Festival of tho R . M . B . I . Ho next proposed the health of the Visitors , which he considered tho toast of the evening . He did not think a Lodge could have a greater honour conferred on it than to have Visitors attend its meetings . Bro . Ferguson in reply felt that he had had honour thrust upon him that evening . First he had been called upon to fulfil the office of P . M . in
the Lodge , which he considered a great honour . Now ho was called upon to respond for the Visitors . The Master had performed his duty in such a way as must leave the brethren assured that tho power of the Lodge would never be lessened while he occupied the chair . The W . M . next proposed the health of Bro . Willing the P . M . He considered that a great part of the prosperity of tho Lodgo was duo to
Bro . Willing , whom ho justly termed a genial companion and a very excellent Past Master . With this toast the W . M . also coupled that of tho Treasurer and Secretary , Bros . Willing and Stiles . He paid a well merited compliment to the latter brother for the part he had taken and still took in the carrying on of tho Lodge . Each responded . It was then announced that the list of the W . M . for the Benevolent
Institution , which in the course ef the evening had been passed round the table , showed subscriptions from tho members amounting to £ 36 . Tho health of tho initiates was now given from tho chair . Tho W . M . hoped they would look forward to tho taking of tho other degrees with as much pleasure as ho thought they must havo done to that of their initiation . Bro . Ponton was extremely proud of the reception
that had been accorded him . Ho had for some time wished to become a Freemason , and he was most happy to have done so now in the Royal Savoy Lodge . Bro . Bryant was also pleased at having become a member of the Ancient Fraternity . Bro . Verdin likewise expressed his thanks for the reception that had been accorded him , as also did his fellow initiate . The toasts of the Officers , tho Lay Members ,
and the Press , concluded the proceedings of the evening , the Tyler a toast bringing all to a finish . Among tho brethren present in addition to those named were T . J . Hyland S . D ., W . Cook J . D ., A . Holt and J . W . Smith D . of C , G . H . Deller I . G ., F . W . Sillis Organist , & o . ; tho following were tho Visitors : —W . J . Ferguson P . M . 177 , H . Stiles J . W . 1732 , B . Kauffmann D . C . 1732 , W . F . Abraham 1178 , J . Knight Stwd .
1677 , W . 0 . Piper 1064 , H . J . Ashley 1319 , W . W . Morgau jun . 1385 , J . Peace 890 , & c .
Saint Leonard Lodge , No . 1766 . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodgo was held at tho Town Hall , Shoreditch , on Wednesday , 4 th February . Bro . G . T . Barr presided , being assisted by Bros . L . Stean I . P . M ., C . F . Barham S . W ., Rev . H . G . Henderson Chaplain , C . Stevens Treas ., J . Cox Hon . Sec , J . A . Jones S . D ., A . A . Clement J . D ., J . Funston I . G ., E . Walker D . C , F . Matthews S ., G . C .
Young Organist , and C . T . Speight Tyler . Bro . E . Benjamin J . W . being indisposed , Bro . W . Snellgrove occupied one of the chairs . There was a fair attendance of members of tho Lodge , and several visiting brethren . The Lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , and tho usual routine business transacted , Bro . J . G . Mooro was passed to
the F . C . degree , the ceremony being admirably worked . Bro . Charles Deacon , Temple Lodge , No . 171 , was unanimously elected a joining member of the Saint Leonard Lodge . During the evening a Foun . der ' s jewel was presented to Bro . E . Walker , in l'ecognitiou of services rendered to the Lodgo . After the transaction of some further business , the Lodge was closed according to ancient custom .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , 10 th Febrnary , at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sistors' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Smyth W . M ., Carr S . W ., Wardell J . W ., Forss S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Christian I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , P . M . Wallington Prec , also Bri' 8 . Williams , Polak , Bakor , Dallas , G . Budcrns J . W . 1298 ( Visitor ) , C . Lorkin . Bro . Buderus was interrogated and entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Buderus was
passod to the degree of Fellow Craft . The W . M . then vacated tho chair in favour of P . M . Wallington , who rehearsed tho ceremony of installation . Bro . Williams being installed , he invested his Officers . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Christian worked tho third section of the Lecture , assistod by tho brethren . Bro . Carr was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo was closed and adjourned .
The brethren and friends of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , will hold their first Annual Ball on Thursday , 19 th Febrnary , at tho Holborn Town Hall , Grays-inn-road . Tickets may be obtained of Bro . Dickins , 16 Norfolk-street , Strand .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , Tuesday , 10 th February . Bros . Smith W . M ., Worsley S . W ., Fyffe J . W ., Rawo S . D ., Johnson J . D ., H . D . Cope I . G ., Worsley Secretary , P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also Bros . Pavitt , Keable , Sadler , Barker , Spencer , White , Dunsmore , Dixon , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and tho minuteB
read and confirmed . Bro . Keable having answered the necessary questions , the ceremony of passing was oxcellently worked by tho W . M . Bro . Rawe assisted the W . M . to work the first section of the lecture , Bro . Johnson the second ; the W . M . assisted Bro . Worsley to work the fourth . The Lodge closed to the first , when Bro . Worsley was nnanimonsly elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , on which
occasion the third ceremony will bo rehearsed . On Tuesday next tho brethren who will work the Sections on the following week are to bo nominated . We will furnish names in our next . We are pleased that Bro . Worsley has resumed active duty in this Lodge of Instruction , of which ho is a sturdy supporter . Our esteemed brother has lately
experienced a heavy domestic affliction , and we aro sure all members of the Craft who know him will rejoice that he feels - now capable of attending to his Masonic work . We trust a full attendance of the brethren will testify their appreciation by supporting him on Tuesday nest .