Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
THE annual Festival of this Institution was held on Monday at the Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , under the presidency of the R . W . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . for North and
East Yorkshire , who was supported by Sir W . W . Bnrrell Prov . G . M . for Sussex ; Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer ; Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . ; Major-Gen . the Hon . Somerset G . Calthorpe , G . J . W . of the year ; Bro . R . H . Giddy , D . G . M . of Griqualand , & o . About 500
brethren were present . A pleasing feature of tho gathering was the attendance of several Brethren of the Fitzroy Lodge in their uniform as Members of tho Hon . Artillery Company , and later in the evening , when the toast of the Prince of Wales was given from the chair , they ,
in compliment to H . R . H . who is Colonel of their resriment , gave the special" fire " well known to visitors of their Lodge . The toast of The Queen was given by the Noble President , who , amid tho cheers of the assembly , spoke of Her Majesty ' s deep interest in the Craft and its institutions , as shown by the donations Her Majesty had made to the Charities of the Order . The introduction of the toast of the Grand Master required , the Chairman said , but few words from him . H . R . H
The Prince of Wales was the most popular Grand Master ever known , and the toasb usually proposed in his honour was universally received with acclamation in Masonic Lodges . The toast was then given , and couoled with it were the names of the Princess of Wales and the nfcW
Members of the Royal Family . To the toast of the Grand Officers , present and past , Bro . Sir W . W . Bnrrell responded , and then followed the toast of the evening—Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The Earl of Zetland , in proposing the toast , said that if it were necessary to educate the young , it was . also necessary to provide for those who
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
in the evening of life found themselves in distressed circumstances . The Institution was founded at the suggestion of the late Duke of Sussex , nearly 40 years ago , and the work carried ont by it was seen in the fact that last year a sum of £ 10 , 820 had been distributed among ureinren urutureutun iuruier reuuivmg
Decayed ana xne VYIUOWSOI , annuities of £ 40 a year , the latter of £ 32 ; while to some an almshouse was also vouchsafed . The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . Colonel Creaton , who acknowledged it ; and then Bro . James tne out lue ast ui Buui suuwiu
Terry , secretary , reau -sunpnuua , ^ that the Craft had sent np from the different Lodges in England Stewards whose subscriptions amounted in the whole to £ 12 , 005 16 s 6 d , with thirteen lists outstanding . Of this sum , London , L _ 3 1 1 n (» Dl ^ 1 . 1 .- ^ 1 ~ t X *^ O ^ A ( HUj . "D « nn !« nnn
representeu oy J .- <> owwaraa , uau BBUU JJI , JIU . XUO J . IUVIUUGS , 101 Stewards , £ 4 , 782 lis 0 d , and from the Punjab , one Stew- - ard £ 52 10 s 0 d . Bro . Giddy , the District Grand Master of Griqualand proposed the toast of The President of the Night , and reminded the brethren , amid great applause , of the association of the Earl ' a name with the Craft , his predecessor in the title having beou Grand Master for upwards of a quarter of a century . Unairman luiiai iu
TUO navmg aoKnowiBUgeu sue ., pruueeueu prupuao Success to the other Masonic Institutions , to which , Bro . Hedges replied , announcing that H . R . H . Prince Leopold had fixed the date of the Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls as the 16 th of tne stewards
April . Bro . Shadwell il . ulerke proposed , wmon having been acknowledged , that of the Ladies was given , and to this Bro . Quarter-Master W . G . Brighten , of the Fitzroy and other Lodges , replied . A very good concert was provided by Bro . Charles E . Tinney , the artistes engaged rendering the songs in a perfect manner , and being fully appreciated by tho brethren .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following is a corrected list of the Stewards and amounts collected by them up to the time of our going to press .
LONDON Lodge Bro . E C Woodward » 1 George Martin . * . 17 17 0 2 Charles O Taeart 52 10 0 4 Rev . George W Weldon M . A . - . . 15 15 0
5 W H Clarke - - 31 17 0 8 Frank Green - - 26 2 0 10 Hamon . le Strange - 3 o 4 O 11 G J Palmer - . 35 14 0 14 Eugene Montenni 3 - 19 19 0 15 Edward P Barlow - 78 0 0 21 Robert Berridge - 39 2 0 23 Edward Nixey - 15 14 6 26 W C Beaumont - 12 11 0 27 J B Poole . . 140 3 6 28 T J Thomas . . 47 5 0 29 Fras Faman jun .
30 Alfred Lefeaux - - 35 0 0 33 Edward Strouts - 40 0 0 55 Samuel Pownceby 50 2 0 65 Charles Daniel . 124 0 0 66 Macrae Moir . 26 5 0 73 Benjamin Isaacs - 64 5 6 87 Thos Janeway - 52 12 0 95 H W Ruff- . . 31 9 6 101 W George . . 43 1 0 141 Edward Hopwood - 40 14 0 Chapter 142 Comp . F Statham Hobson - 41 7 0
j-ioage 145 Bro . J H Leggott , V . Pafc . - 276 5 6 157 G Buckhurst - - 26 5 0 162 Jeremiah Lyon . 34 13 0 165 GEWainwrighfc - 37 5 6 172 HHoadlev - - 52 5 0 173 Edward W Allen - 52 10 0 174 C H Webb , V . P . - 121 8 0 Chapter 174 Comp . Theophilus Hallett - 210 0 0 177 Chas A Cottebrnne - 44 2 0 Lod ge 179 Bro . H A Lovett - ¦ ) , Q n n 179 WHnghes - -j ° ° 180 Ernest Farwig - - 57 15 0 183 H C Archer - - 49 17 6 Chapter 185 Comp . James Smith - - 13 2 6
Lod ge 186 Bro . W H Hook - . . 52 10 0 193 WW Collier - - 35 0 0 197 Dr Benj H Paul - - 22 19 0 10 8 HC Lambert - . 23 2 0 201 TheophilusDunkley - 20 5 0 206 Samuel Gamman - - 52 10 0 211 Alfred Withers - - 79 5 G 228 Richard Pearcy - - 86 16 6 235 Edward H Hewett ¦ 10 10 0 * jj £ Thomas C Chown - 15 15 0 * 5 ° * Joseph Homing - - 31 10 0 £ «» Charles Birch - ^ » Maj-Gen . Hon . Somerset J G Calthorpe - 178 5 0 **» Erail F W Berger - 22 0 0 ° U John Avery . . 50 0 0
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 511 Bvo . C E Williams * 10 10 0 538 Julius Quitmann - 71 8 0 518 SPCatterson - 75 1 G Chapter 554 Comp . Jno Jas Berry - 105 0 0 Lodge 569 Bro . William H Bateman - 131 5 0 657 John N Ward - 113 7 0
70 L G B ffilliard * - 720 WRSheadd - 42 0 0 749 Peter Parsons - - 23 0 0 754 George Bnrford - * n n n 754 Henry V Clements - ) oU U U 766 George Newman - 26 5 0 813 Lewis C Haslip - 36 4 6 820 Charles Hubbard 144 16 0 857 H J Green 862 S Godden - - - 48 0 6
871 Wm Hy Lnckrafb - 57 15 0 879 Albert Emler - - 105 0 0 901 E Salisbury - - 25 5 0 902 Samuel Poynter - 43 0 0 907 Richard Jennings - 50 7 0 957 Andrew Middlemass - 53 11 0 1155 Joseph Bates - - 65 17 0 1178 Charles Deakin - - 59 10 0 1196 R H Blatchford - - 27 12 6 1278 A Lazarus - - - 57 15 0 1288 J W Simmonds - - 55 13 0 1298 Geo Hy Hunter - - 44 17 0 1348 Edward Jacobs - - 50 12 0 1365 Archibald McMillan - 65 17 0 1366 Louis Bamberger - 84 9 6 1381 Wm Mann - - - 31 10 0 1382 J Delves - - - 119 6 0 1383 E W H Giddy Dist .
G . M . Griqualand - 187 3 0 1397 John H Galton M . D . 34 8 0 1425 Samuel Sones • 31 10 0 1471 William Bausor - 228 13 6 Chapter 1471 Comp . Edgar BowyerV . P . . 68 5 0 Lodge 1472 Bro . Alf Jno Manning 86 5 6 1507 C J Scales - - 47 19 0 1539 M S Larlham - 10 10 0 1540 E S Stidolph - 1572 George Briggs - 70 17 6 1586 W Jerrett Miller - 50 8 0 1589 Alfred Tisley - - 10 10 0 1599 Wm Hy Marston - 33 4 0 1602 J Osborne - - - 26 5 0 1607 C J Perceval V . P . - 125 4 0 1608 S Brooks - - . 127 11 6
1615 Frank Richardson V . P . 63 0 0 1623 G H Stephens - . 115 10 0 1632 G T Thornes . - 18 12 6 1642 S Hy Parkhouse- - 400 0 0 1642 Edward M Lander 1657 Geo Kenning V . Pat . - G 9 11 0 1677 Wm J Hunter - - 114 0 0 1679 E Francis Storr - 38 0 0 1693 Hy P Isaac - - 42 0 0 1704 FEWottonCollard - 67 4 0 1716 John K Coleman - 38 1 0 1728 Thomas WC Bush -137 0 6
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 1744 Bro . J Douglass - - 34 10 6 1791 Hy Jas Johnson - 174 5 0 1803 Edwin March - iRfu f ChasAHeimann - \ gn , lm \ WHFarnfield j ° 1805 W R Marsh - - 52 10 0 1818 Louis Hirsch - - 52 18 6 1827 H Wildoy Wright - 40 0 0 BERKS AND BUCKS Lodge 209 Bro . Joseph Andrews - 16 16 0 414 C Stephens - - 90 13 6 414 F J Ferguson - - 61 0 0 574 Stephen Knight - 27 16 0 591 Sam . K Page - 948 Andrew McDowall - 18 18 0 215 3 6 CHESHIRE
321 Bro . James Salmon - 27 10 1576 JohnDutton - - 42 0 0 69 1 0 CORNWALL 1151 Bro . Controller S G Bake - 63 0 0 DERBYSHIRE 802 Bro . W . L . Ball - - § 6 15 0 1324 Fitzhubert Wright - 95 8 0 132 3 0
DEVONSHIRE 110 Bro . Chas . Godtschalk - 110 5 0 112 Samuel Jones - . 81 8 0 191 ' 13 " 0 DORSETSHIRE
The Province , Bro . H . C . Bart 183 10 0 707 Bro . I M P Montague , J . P ., D . L ., Vice Patron - 47 5 0 230 15 0 ESSEX Chapter 214 Comp . George Cooper - 38 15 0 Lodge 1000 Bro . Rev . R S Wigram 1343 James Godwin - 50 18 6 89 13 6
GLOUCESTERSHIRE The Province , Bro . Col . Hy . Basovi 10 10 O 82 Bro . W Anslow Sole - - 24 3 0 82 Baron de Ferrieres , J . P ., Vice Patron - 10 10 O 1067 Russell Jas . Kerr - 43 5 0 88 8 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
THE annual Festival of this Institution was held on Monday at the Freemason ' s Tavern , Great Queen-street , London , under the presidency of the R . W . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . for North and
East Yorkshire , who was supported by Sir W . W . Bnrrell Prov . G . M . for Sussex ; Colonel Creaton , Grand Treasurer ; Colonel Shadwell H . Clerke , G . S . ; Major-Gen . the Hon . Somerset G . Calthorpe , G . J . W . of the year ; Bro . R . H . Giddy , D . G . M . of Griqualand , & o . About 500
brethren were present . A pleasing feature of tho gathering was the attendance of several Brethren of the Fitzroy Lodge in their uniform as Members of tho Hon . Artillery Company , and later in the evening , when the toast of the Prince of Wales was given from the chair , they ,
in compliment to H . R . H . who is Colonel of their resriment , gave the special" fire " well known to visitors of their Lodge . The toast of The Queen was given by the Noble President , who , amid tho cheers of the assembly , spoke of Her Majesty ' s deep interest in the Craft and its institutions , as shown by the donations Her Majesty had made to the Charities of the Order . The introduction of the toast of the Grand Master required , the Chairman said , but few words from him . H . R . H
The Prince of Wales was the most popular Grand Master ever known , and the toasb usually proposed in his honour was universally received with acclamation in Masonic Lodges . The toast was then given , and couoled with it were the names of the Princess of Wales and the nfcW
Members of the Royal Family . To the toast of the Grand Officers , present and past , Bro . Sir W . W . Bnrrell responded , and then followed the toast of the evening—Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The Earl of Zetland , in proposing the toast , said that if it were necessary to educate the young , it was . also necessary to provide for those who
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
in the evening of life found themselves in distressed circumstances . The Institution was founded at the suggestion of the late Duke of Sussex , nearly 40 years ago , and the work carried ont by it was seen in the fact that last year a sum of £ 10 , 820 had been distributed among ureinren urutureutun iuruier reuuivmg
Decayed ana xne VYIUOWSOI , annuities of £ 40 a year , the latter of £ 32 ; while to some an almshouse was also vouchsafed . The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . Colonel Creaton , who acknowledged it ; and then Bro . James tne out lue ast ui Buui suuwiu
Terry , secretary , reau -sunpnuua , ^ that the Craft had sent np from the different Lodges in England Stewards whose subscriptions amounted in the whole to £ 12 , 005 16 s 6 d , with thirteen lists outstanding . Of this sum , London , L _ 3 1 1 n (» Dl ^ 1 . 1 .- ^ 1 ~ t X *^ O ^ A ( HUj . "D « nn !« nnn
representeu oy J .- <> owwaraa , uau BBUU JJI , JIU . XUO J . IUVIUUGS , 101 Stewards , £ 4 , 782 lis 0 d , and from the Punjab , one Stew- - ard £ 52 10 s 0 d . Bro . Giddy , the District Grand Master of Griqualand proposed the toast of The President of the Night , and reminded the brethren , amid great applause , of the association of the Earl ' a name with the Craft , his predecessor in the title having beou Grand Master for upwards of a quarter of a century . Unairman luiiai iu
TUO navmg aoKnowiBUgeu sue ., pruueeueu prupuao Success to the other Masonic Institutions , to which , Bro . Hedges replied , announcing that H . R . H . Prince Leopold had fixed the date of the Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls as the 16 th of tne stewards
April . Bro . Shadwell il . ulerke proposed , wmon having been acknowledged , that of the Ladies was given , and to this Bro . Quarter-Master W . G . Brighten , of the Fitzroy and other Lodges , replied . A very good concert was provided by Bro . Charles E . Tinney , the artistes engaged rendering the songs in a perfect manner , and being fully appreciated by tho brethren .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following is a corrected list of the Stewards and amounts collected by them up to the time of our going to press .
LONDON Lodge Bro . E C Woodward » 1 George Martin . * . 17 17 0 2 Charles O Taeart 52 10 0 4 Rev . George W Weldon M . A . - . . 15 15 0
5 W H Clarke - - 31 17 0 8 Frank Green - - 26 2 0 10 Hamon . le Strange - 3 o 4 O 11 G J Palmer - . 35 14 0 14 Eugene Montenni 3 - 19 19 0 15 Edward P Barlow - 78 0 0 21 Robert Berridge - 39 2 0 23 Edward Nixey - 15 14 6 26 W C Beaumont - 12 11 0 27 J B Poole . . 140 3 6 28 T J Thomas . . 47 5 0 29 Fras Faman jun .
30 Alfred Lefeaux - - 35 0 0 33 Edward Strouts - 40 0 0 55 Samuel Pownceby 50 2 0 65 Charles Daniel . 124 0 0 66 Macrae Moir . 26 5 0 73 Benjamin Isaacs - 64 5 6 87 Thos Janeway - 52 12 0 95 H W Ruff- . . 31 9 6 101 W George . . 43 1 0 141 Edward Hopwood - 40 14 0 Chapter 142 Comp . F Statham Hobson - 41 7 0
j-ioage 145 Bro . J H Leggott , V . Pafc . - 276 5 6 157 G Buckhurst - - 26 5 0 162 Jeremiah Lyon . 34 13 0 165 GEWainwrighfc - 37 5 6 172 HHoadlev - - 52 5 0 173 Edward W Allen - 52 10 0 174 C H Webb , V . P . - 121 8 0 Chapter 174 Comp . Theophilus Hallett - 210 0 0 177 Chas A Cottebrnne - 44 2 0 Lod ge 179 Bro . H A Lovett - ¦ ) , Q n n 179 WHnghes - -j ° ° 180 Ernest Farwig - - 57 15 0 183 H C Archer - - 49 17 6 Chapter 185 Comp . James Smith - - 13 2 6
Lod ge 186 Bro . W H Hook - . . 52 10 0 193 WW Collier - - 35 0 0 197 Dr Benj H Paul - - 22 19 0 10 8 HC Lambert - . 23 2 0 201 TheophilusDunkley - 20 5 0 206 Samuel Gamman - - 52 10 0 211 Alfred Withers - - 79 5 G 228 Richard Pearcy - - 86 16 6 235 Edward H Hewett ¦ 10 10 0 * jj £ Thomas C Chown - 15 15 0 * 5 ° * Joseph Homing - - 31 10 0 £ «» Charles Birch - ^ » Maj-Gen . Hon . Somerset J G Calthorpe - 178 5 0 **» Erail F W Berger - 22 0 0 ° U John Avery . . 50 0 0
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 511 Bvo . C E Williams * 10 10 0 538 Julius Quitmann - 71 8 0 518 SPCatterson - 75 1 G Chapter 554 Comp . Jno Jas Berry - 105 0 0 Lodge 569 Bro . William H Bateman - 131 5 0 657 John N Ward - 113 7 0
70 L G B ffilliard * - 720 WRSheadd - 42 0 0 749 Peter Parsons - - 23 0 0 754 George Bnrford - * n n n 754 Henry V Clements - ) oU U U 766 George Newman - 26 5 0 813 Lewis C Haslip - 36 4 6 820 Charles Hubbard 144 16 0 857 H J Green 862 S Godden - - - 48 0 6
871 Wm Hy Lnckrafb - 57 15 0 879 Albert Emler - - 105 0 0 901 E Salisbury - - 25 5 0 902 Samuel Poynter - 43 0 0 907 Richard Jennings - 50 7 0 957 Andrew Middlemass - 53 11 0 1155 Joseph Bates - - 65 17 0 1178 Charles Deakin - - 59 10 0 1196 R H Blatchford - - 27 12 6 1278 A Lazarus - - - 57 15 0 1288 J W Simmonds - - 55 13 0 1298 Geo Hy Hunter - - 44 17 0 1348 Edward Jacobs - - 50 12 0 1365 Archibald McMillan - 65 17 0 1366 Louis Bamberger - 84 9 6 1381 Wm Mann - - - 31 10 0 1382 J Delves - - - 119 6 0 1383 E W H Giddy Dist .
G . M . Griqualand - 187 3 0 1397 John H Galton M . D . 34 8 0 1425 Samuel Sones • 31 10 0 1471 William Bausor - 228 13 6 Chapter 1471 Comp . Edgar BowyerV . P . . 68 5 0 Lodge 1472 Bro . Alf Jno Manning 86 5 6 1507 C J Scales - - 47 19 0 1539 M S Larlham - 10 10 0 1540 E S Stidolph - 1572 George Briggs - 70 17 6 1586 W Jerrett Miller - 50 8 0 1589 Alfred Tisley - - 10 10 0 1599 Wm Hy Marston - 33 4 0 1602 J Osborne - - - 26 5 0 1607 C J Perceval V . P . - 125 4 0 1608 S Brooks - - . 127 11 6
1615 Frank Richardson V . P . 63 0 0 1623 G H Stephens - . 115 10 0 1632 G T Thornes . - 18 12 6 1642 S Hy Parkhouse- - 400 0 0 1642 Edward M Lander 1657 Geo Kenning V . Pat . - G 9 11 0 1677 Wm J Hunter - - 114 0 0 1679 E Francis Storr - 38 0 0 1693 Hy P Isaac - - 42 0 0 1704 FEWottonCollard - 67 4 0 1716 John K Coleman - 38 1 0 1728 Thomas WC Bush -137 0 6
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 1744 Bro . J Douglass - - 34 10 6 1791 Hy Jas Johnson - 174 5 0 1803 Edwin March - iRfu f ChasAHeimann - \ gn , lm \ WHFarnfield j ° 1805 W R Marsh - - 52 10 0 1818 Louis Hirsch - - 52 18 6 1827 H Wildoy Wright - 40 0 0 BERKS AND BUCKS Lodge 209 Bro . Joseph Andrews - 16 16 0 414 C Stephens - - 90 13 6 414 F J Ferguson - - 61 0 0 574 Stephen Knight - 27 16 0 591 Sam . K Page - 948 Andrew McDowall - 18 18 0 215 3 6 CHESHIRE
321 Bro . James Salmon - 27 10 1576 JohnDutton - - 42 0 0 69 1 0 CORNWALL 1151 Bro . Controller S G Bake - 63 0 0 DERBYSHIRE 802 Bro . W . L . Ball - - § 6 15 0 1324 Fitzhubert Wright - 95 8 0 132 3 0
DEVONSHIRE 110 Bro . Chas . Godtschalk - 110 5 0 112 Samuel Jones - . 81 8 0 191 ' 13 " 0 DORSETSHIRE
The Province , Bro . H . C . Bart 183 10 0 707 Bro . I M P Montague , J . P ., D . L ., Vice Patron - 47 5 0 230 15 0 ESSEX Chapter 214 Comp . George Cooper - 38 15 0 Lodge 1000 Bro . Rev . R S Wigram 1343 James Godwin - 50 18 6 89 13 6
GLOUCESTERSHIRE The Province , Bro . Col . Hy . Basovi 10 10 O 82 Bro . W Anslow Sole - - 24 3 0 82 Baron de Ferrieres , J . P ., Vice Patron - 10 10 O 1067 Russell Jas . Kerr - 43 5 0 88 8 0