Article LODGE OF REPOSE, No. 802. ← Page 2 of 3 Article LODGE OF REPOSE, No. 802. Page 2 of 3 →
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Lodge Of Repose, No. 802.
LODGE OF REPOSE , No . 802 .
THERE was a large and influential gathering of brethren at tha Masonic Hall , Derby , on Thursday , 15 th nit ., to witness the installation of Bro . Samuel Steele as W . M . of the Lodge of Repose for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Thomas Cox P . P . S . G . W . Subsequently , the W . M appointed his Officers , in the following order : —Bros . Win . Heathcote P . P . G . D . of
C . I . P . M ., G . Cay S . W ., W . L . Ball J . W ., Burn Treasurer , E . Belfield Secretary , Butterfield S . D ., W . Tempest J . D ., T . Smith D . of C , Glover I . G ., Waller and E . Smith Stewards , and Holden Tyler . The attendance of visiting brethren wa 3 exceptionally numerous , the following , among many others , being present : —Bros . Frank Campion P . P . S . G . W ., Geo . Pipes P . M . 1085 , William Knight 731 , H . W .
Malchan 296 ( Sheffield ) , E . R . Ward I . P . M . P . G . R ., W . Willott Popplewell P . G . S ., Jas . Worsnop P . M . 1085 , B . F . Peacock 1163 and 624 , John Parkinson W . M . 1112 ( Southampton ) , Thos . H . Orme 1085 , J . E . Russell 1085 , Wm . Cooper W . M . 731 , Frazer S . W . 731 . At a later period the brethren partook of a banquet , snmptuous in character , and having the additional merit of being exceedingly well served . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the health of
the W . M . was enthusiastically drunk , abundant testimony being borne to the assiduity , geniality of manner , and kindliness of purpose which had characterised the whole of his Masonic labours . The warmest enlogiums were likewise forthcoming in reference to the untiring industry , the urbanity and intelligence whioh had marked tho conduct of the W . M . ' s predecessor in the chair , Bro . Heathcote . The
prosperity of the Lodge was touched upon , in terms of gratification , by several of the speakers , one brother humorously suggesting that it Ought henceforth to adopt the name of " Progress , " having regard to the steady and continuous advancement it was making . The toasts were happily interspersed with unusally good singing , and throughout the proceedings were singularly harmonious and enjoyable . —Derby Daily Telegraph .
THE installation meeting was held on Friday , 30 th ult ., at the Bed Lion Hotel , Barnet . Bro . Gray the W . M . elect was installed according to ancient custom ; the retiring Master Bro . Venables performing the ceremony . The following were appointed Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Euerby S . W ., Yolland J . W ., Lowthin P . M . Treas ., Young P . M . Hon . Sec , Allen S . D ., Askew J . D ., Piirrott I . G .,
Brittain D . C ., Hopkin A . D . C ., Schmidt Steward , Goddard Tyler . Previous to the installation of the W . M . Bro . Mattinson was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . Lowthin taking the chair and working that ceremony . At 5 . 30 the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet , served in good
style by host Bro . Goodwin . We are pleased to see our worthy Bro . Yolland advancing in office . Bro . Yolland fulfilled the duties of S . W . in this Lodge some years back , but his business engagements at that time precluded his taking the post of W . M . We trust nothing will now interfere to prevent his passing tho chair of tho Lodgo .
KILBURN LODGE , No . 1608 .
AT a time when the consideration of how to maintain the Masonic Institutions in their present state of efficiency , and the energy and eloquence of their respective Committees and Officers are being exercised to the fullest extent , it is gratifying to note how steadily and with what persistency the members of some of our Lodges exert themselves to assist in this praiseworthy work . This Lodge , consecrated but three years since , has already identified itself as a
consistent supporter of the Charities , and though in the order of events it cannot be anticipated that its members will continue their stream of benevolence so bountifully as hitherto they have induced ic to flow , we may , judging by the result of what was contributed in this good cause at the meeting it is now our pleasure to record , decidedly predict that any serious falling off in this respect will not evidence
itself during the present year . The Lodge meets at the Queen's Arms Hotel , Kilburn , where accordingly the brethren assembled on Monday , the 26 th nit ., at 3 . 30 . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Charles Brewer W . M ., who was supported by his Officers , Past Masters , and a goodly assemblage of members and visitors . Among the latter we may enumerate Bros . E . King P . M . 857 , Brown P . M . 65 ,
Armstrong P . M . 108 , Daines P . M . 1306 , Collier P . M . 1306 , White P . M . 177 , Hnnt East Surrey , Sams 45 , Wilson 1328 , Hurdell 1348 , Carrington 1314 , Winter P . M . 198 P . P . G . O . Herts , Little 511 , Pattison 34 , A . H . Wilson 1704 , S . Crawford 192 , Morgan 211 , Finch P . M . 173 , J . Johnston jun . J . D . 55 , Baker S . W . 188 , J . Warner P . M . 23 , O . H . M . Latrielle J . W , 1262 , G . Anderson W . M . 60 , J . Kent 177 , A . Ginger
W . M . 901 , Frank Meekmg 21 , W . Joyce 1158 , Puzzie Nine Muses Lodge , Hudson 1158 , Slyman S . D . 753 , and Eccles . The first business of the day was to read the minutes of last meeting , which were duly confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Wm . Ward , of the Scientific Lodge No . 840—proposed by Bro . George Everett P . M . Treasurer , seconded by Bro . Kiallmark I . P . M . —as a joining
member . This proved favourable , and Bro . Ward took his seat as a member of the Lodge . Bro . John Palmer now took the chair as Installing Master , and Bro . Samuel Brooks the W . M . elect was presented to receive at his hands the benefits of installation . Bro . Palmer is a most careful and impressive expositor of Masonic ritual , and on this occasion he well snstained the reputation he
has acquired . In duo course the Board of Installed Masters , which had been opened for tho purpose , was closed , and those brethren who as yet are not privileged to wear the levels were admitted , and the salutations in the three degrees were effected . The appointment of Officers followed : —Bros . Charles Brower I . P . M ., J . W . Caff S . W ., F . Brewer J . W ., J . C . Wharton Hon . Chaplain , G . Everett Treas .,
Lodge Of Repose, No. 802.
Alfred W . Webster Sec , Fred . J . Baker S . D ., H . B . Phillips J . D ., J . Parry Cole Org ., W . Blackbourn I . G ., Haswell J . Turner D . C ., George Barclay S ., Charles Thomas Tyler . Bro . Palmer then delivered , most impressively , the addresses to Master , Wardens and brethren , and resumed his seat amidst the congratulations of the many distinguished Masons present . The Auditors now presented
their report on the Treasurer's balance-sheet , which had been printed and sent to every member of tho Lodge . This showed the Lodgo to be in an eminently satisfactory financial condition , with a goodly balance in hand ; it is therefore almost needless to say the report was unanimously adopted . A ballot was now taken for Mr . Harry East , proposed by Bro . H . B . Phillips , and seconded by Bro . Thomas
Hartley . This likewise was unanimous in favour of the candidate , and he being present wa 3 initiated into our mysterios by the W . M ., who brought to boar upon his duties a knowledge of ceremonial that denoted that he had been a diligent student after Masonic lore . During the evening a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to tho outgoing Master , Bro . Charles Brewer ; the W . M ., Bro . Brooks ,
remarking while tendering it , that it might bo considered the highest honour it was in the power of the brethren to bestow ; at tho same time , it was given for great and valued Masonic services rendered . Bro . Brewer thanked the brethren for the gift they had presented him with ; it wonld ever remind him of the happy year he had passed as W . M . of the Kilburn Lodge ; moreover , it would
likewise bring to his recollection the many pleasing friendships he had made . The next consideration of the brethren was as to what should be done for the Masonic Institutions . Bro . Brooks announced that he had undertaken a Stewardship for the Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolont Institution , whereupon the I . P . M . proposed that a sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from Lodge funds to be
placed on his list . This was seconded by Bro . Past Master Palmer , put to the brethren by the S . W ., and carried unanimously . One or two other matters having been considered , Lodge was closed . After a short interval the banquet was served , and Bro . H . P . Hartley , the proprietor of the Queen's Arms Hotel , won golden opinions for the way in which he catered . However , we will venture to make a
suggestion for future occasions when the business may be as heavy as on this day—that is , that a little more expedition be used over the service . It may be all very well for thoso brethren who live in the neighbourhood , but many of the members reside a considerable distance away , and it must be something disconcerting to them when the proceedings are protracted to so late an hour . Bro . Brooks
makes a capital president , and he pushed on with the toast list with all the energy he could command . Bro . I . P . M . Brewer proposed the toast of the W . M . Ho was a personal and tried friend ; Bro . Brooks had ably performed tho duties of Secretary in the Kilbnrn Lodge for two years , and brought with him every qualification to make a good Master . This compliment was gracefully acknowledged by Bro .
Brooks , who then proposed the toast of the Past Masters , referring , in high terms , to the ability displayed by the Installing Master Bro . Palmer , and to the services of the other brethren who had acted with him as rulers of tho Lodge . Bro . Palmer , in responding , regretted that illness prevented other of tho P . M . ' s being present . It would ever be his pleasure to place his services at the disposal of the Lodge .
In the course of the evening Bro . George Everett referred to what had been done by the brethren of the Kilburn Lodge in aid of tho Masonic Institutions . The first year Bro . G . Kiallmark served a Stewardship , for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution ; the Lodge voted him 25 guineas , and by the liberality of the members he was enabled to take up a sum of £ 114 . The second year Bro .
G . Everett undertook a Stewardship for the Girls Institution ; the Lodge voted him 25 guineas , which he wa 3 able to increase to tho sum of £ 176 83 . The third year the Boys' School received the support of tho Lodge ; 25 guineas was again the amonnt voted by the brethren , and Bro . P . M . Brewer went to the Festival with the handsome sum of £ 210 : thus making a grand total in three years of
over £ 500 from a Lodge that does nob yet register more than forty members . Good work this , which needs no remark from us to commend it . Later in the evening tho brethren made a liberal response to Bro . Brooks' appeal , and , as will be seen by reference to the list of amounts contributed at the Festival of Monday last , Bro . Brooks took up a total of £ 127 Us 6 d ; again we say , not bad work , considering
our esteemed brother only tendered his services to Bro . Terry three weeks before the Festival . Wonld we had a few more such liberalminded brethren . The remaining toasts comprised tho health of the Initiate , the Visitors , the Charities , and the Officers . Brief but pertinent replies were made , and then the Tyler gave tho parting remembrance for our poor and distressed brethren .
THE installation meeting of this flourishing Chapter wa 3 held at the Masonio Hall , Tunis , North Africa , on 5 th February . In accordance with the result of the election , held on 25 th October last , the outgoing P . Z . E . Comp . Broadley D . D . G . M . Malta installed the following Companions in their respective chairs , viz . : —Thomas Fellowes ReadeP . D . D . G . M . Egypt , Agent and Consul General of Her Britannia
Majesty in Tuni 3 Z ., Perini M . D . W . M . 1717 H ., and J . E . L . Barker W . M . 1835 J . Several successful ballots having been taken P . E . Z . Broadley exalted Bros . Captain R . A . Johnstone , Dr . Pace-Williams and M . Le GallaisofNo . 1717 and S . Sessing of Lodge Belisaire at Algiers . The First Principal invested with appropriate remarks tho
following Officers for the year 1880 : —Comps . Clement S . E ., Pentecost S . N ., Souiller P . S ., Cassar 1 st A . S ., Carletto 2 nd A . S ., Dr . Pace-William 3 Registrar , Barsotti D . of C , Captain Johnstone Organist , Lo Gallais and Enriqtiez Stewards and Eymon Janitor .
Tho I . P . Z . was invested as Treasurer . Most Excellent Companion Reade then addressed the brethren , and having thanked them for tho honour done him , and alluded in eulogistic terms to his predecossor , said , —You are all aware that this degree of the R . A . is the apex—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of Repose, No. 802.
LODGE OF REPOSE , No . 802 .
THERE was a large and influential gathering of brethren at tha Masonic Hall , Derby , on Thursday , 15 th nit ., to witness the installation of Bro . Samuel Steele as W . M . of the Lodge of Repose for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Thomas Cox P . P . S . G . W . Subsequently , the W . M appointed his Officers , in the following order : —Bros . Win . Heathcote P . P . G . D . of
C . I . P . M ., G . Cay S . W ., W . L . Ball J . W ., Burn Treasurer , E . Belfield Secretary , Butterfield S . D ., W . Tempest J . D ., T . Smith D . of C , Glover I . G ., Waller and E . Smith Stewards , and Holden Tyler . The attendance of visiting brethren wa 3 exceptionally numerous , the following , among many others , being present : —Bros . Frank Campion P . P . S . G . W ., Geo . Pipes P . M . 1085 , William Knight 731 , H . W .
Malchan 296 ( Sheffield ) , E . R . Ward I . P . M . P . G . R ., W . Willott Popplewell P . G . S ., Jas . Worsnop P . M . 1085 , B . F . Peacock 1163 and 624 , John Parkinson W . M . 1112 ( Southampton ) , Thos . H . Orme 1085 , J . E . Russell 1085 , Wm . Cooper W . M . 731 , Frazer S . W . 731 . At a later period the brethren partook of a banquet , snmptuous in character , and having the additional merit of being exceedingly well served . The loyal and Masonic toasts having been duly honoured , the health of
the W . M . was enthusiastically drunk , abundant testimony being borne to the assiduity , geniality of manner , and kindliness of purpose which had characterised the whole of his Masonic labours . The warmest enlogiums were likewise forthcoming in reference to the untiring industry , the urbanity and intelligence whioh had marked tho conduct of the W . M . ' s predecessor in the chair , Bro . Heathcote . The
prosperity of the Lodge was touched upon , in terms of gratification , by several of the speakers , one brother humorously suggesting that it Ought henceforth to adopt the name of " Progress , " having regard to the steady and continuous advancement it was making . The toasts were happily interspersed with unusally good singing , and throughout the proceedings were singularly harmonious and enjoyable . —Derby Daily Telegraph .
THE installation meeting was held on Friday , 30 th ult ., at the Bed Lion Hotel , Barnet . Bro . Gray the W . M . elect was installed according to ancient custom ; the retiring Master Bro . Venables performing the ceremony . The following were appointed Officers for tho ensuing year : —Bros . Euerby S . W ., Yolland J . W ., Lowthin P . M . Treas ., Young P . M . Hon . Sec , Allen S . D ., Askew J . D ., Piirrott I . G .,
Brittain D . C ., Hopkin A . D . C ., Schmidt Steward , Goddard Tyler . Previous to the installation of the W . M . Bro . Mattinson was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , Bro . Lowthin taking the chair and working that ceremony . At 5 . 30 the Lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards partook of an excellent banquet , served in good
style by host Bro . Goodwin . We are pleased to see our worthy Bro . Yolland advancing in office . Bro . Yolland fulfilled the duties of S . W . in this Lodge some years back , but his business engagements at that time precluded his taking the post of W . M . We trust nothing will now interfere to prevent his passing tho chair of tho Lodgo .
KILBURN LODGE , No . 1608 .
AT a time when the consideration of how to maintain the Masonic Institutions in their present state of efficiency , and the energy and eloquence of their respective Committees and Officers are being exercised to the fullest extent , it is gratifying to note how steadily and with what persistency the members of some of our Lodges exert themselves to assist in this praiseworthy work . This Lodge , consecrated but three years since , has already identified itself as a
consistent supporter of the Charities , and though in the order of events it cannot be anticipated that its members will continue their stream of benevolence so bountifully as hitherto they have induced ic to flow , we may , judging by the result of what was contributed in this good cause at the meeting it is now our pleasure to record , decidedly predict that any serious falling off in this respect will not evidence
itself during the present year . The Lodge meets at the Queen's Arms Hotel , Kilburn , where accordingly the brethren assembled on Monday , the 26 th nit ., at 3 . 30 . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Charles Brewer W . M ., who was supported by his Officers , Past Masters , and a goodly assemblage of members and visitors . Among the latter we may enumerate Bros . E . King P . M . 857 , Brown P . M . 65 ,
Armstrong P . M . 108 , Daines P . M . 1306 , Collier P . M . 1306 , White P . M . 177 , Hnnt East Surrey , Sams 45 , Wilson 1328 , Hurdell 1348 , Carrington 1314 , Winter P . M . 198 P . P . G . O . Herts , Little 511 , Pattison 34 , A . H . Wilson 1704 , S . Crawford 192 , Morgan 211 , Finch P . M . 173 , J . Johnston jun . J . D . 55 , Baker S . W . 188 , J . Warner P . M . 23 , O . H . M . Latrielle J . W , 1262 , G . Anderson W . M . 60 , J . Kent 177 , A . Ginger
W . M . 901 , Frank Meekmg 21 , W . Joyce 1158 , Puzzie Nine Muses Lodge , Hudson 1158 , Slyman S . D . 753 , and Eccles . The first business of the day was to read the minutes of last meeting , which were duly confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . Wm . Ward , of the Scientific Lodge No . 840—proposed by Bro . George Everett P . M . Treasurer , seconded by Bro . Kiallmark I . P . M . —as a joining
member . This proved favourable , and Bro . Ward took his seat as a member of the Lodge . Bro . John Palmer now took the chair as Installing Master , and Bro . Samuel Brooks the W . M . elect was presented to receive at his hands the benefits of installation . Bro . Palmer is a most careful and impressive expositor of Masonic ritual , and on this occasion he well snstained the reputation he
has acquired . In duo course the Board of Installed Masters , which had been opened for tho purpose , was closed , and those brethren who as yet are not privileged to wear the levels were admitted , and the salutations in the three degrees were effected . The appointment of Officers followed : —Bros . Charles Brower I . P . M ., J . W . Caff S . W ., F . Brewer J . W ., J . C . Wharton Hon . Chaplain , G . Everett Treas .,
Lodge Of Repose, No. 802.
Alfred W . Webster Sec , Fred . J . Baker S . D ., H . B . Phillips J . D ., J . Parry Cole Org ., W . Blackbourn I . G ., Haswell J . Turner D . C ., George Barclay S ., Charles Thomas Tyler . Bro . Palmer then delivered , most impressively , the addresses to Master , Wardens and brethren , and resumed his seat amidst the congratulations of the many distinguished Masons present . The Auditors now presented
their report on the Treasurer's balance-sheet , which had been printed and sent to every member of tho Lodge . This showed the Lodgo to be in an eminently satisfactory financial condition , with a goodly balance in hand ; it is therefore almost needless to say the report was unanimously adopted . A ballot was now taken for Mr . Harry East , proposed by Bro . H . B . Phillips , and seconded by Bro . Thomas
Hartley . This likewise was unanimous in favour of the candidate , and he being present wa 3 initiated into our mysterios by the W . M ., who brought to boar upon his duties a knowledge of ceremonial that denoted that he had been a diligent student after Masonic lore . During the evening a handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to tho outgoing Master , Bro . Charles Brewer ; the W . M ., Bro . Brooks ,
remarking while tendering it , that it might bo considered the highest honour it was in the power of the brethren to bestow ; at tho same time , it was given for great and valued Masonic services rendered . Bro . Brewer thanked the brethren for the gift they had presented him with ; it wonld ever remind him of the happy year he had passed as W . M . of the Kilburn Lodge ; moreover , it would
likewise bring to his recollection the many pleasing friendships he had made . The next consideration of the brethren was as to what should be done for the Masonic Institutions . Bro . Brooks announced that he had undertaken a Stewardship for the Festival of the Royal Masonio Benevolont Institution , whereupon the I . P . M . proposed that a sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from Lodge funds to be
placed on his list . This was seconded by Bro . Past Master Palmer , put to the brethren by the S . W ., and carried unanimously . One or two other matters having been considered , Lodge was closed . After a short interval the banquet was served , and Bro . H . P . Hartley , the proprietor of the Queen's Arms Hotel , won golden opinions for the way in which he catered . However , we will venture to make a
suggestion for future occasions when the business may be as heavy as on this day—that is , that a little more expedition be used over the service . It may be all very well for thoso brethren who live in the neighbourhood , but many of the members reside a considerable distance away , and it must be something disconcerting to them when the proceedings are protracted to so late an hour . Bro . Brooks
makes a capital president , and he pushed on with the toast list with all the energy he could command . Bro . I . P . M . Brewer proposed the toast of the W . M . Ho was a personal and tried friend ; Bro . Brooks had ably performed tho duties of Secretary in the Kilbnrn Lodge for two years , and brought with him every qualification to make a good Master . This compliment was gracefully acknowledged by Bro .
Brooks , who then proposed the toast of the Past Masters , referring , in high terms , to the ability displayed by the Installing Master Bro . Palmer , and to the services of the other brethren who had acted with him as rulers of tho Lodge . Bro . Palmer , in responding , regretted that illness prevented other of tho P . M . ' s being present . It would ever be his pleasure to place his services at the disposal of the Lodge .
In the course of the evening Bro . George Everett referred to what had been done by the brethren of the Kilburn Lodge in aid of tho Masonic Institutions . The first year Bro . G . Kiallmark served a Stewardship , for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution ; the Lodge voted him 25 guineas , and by the liberality of the members he was enabled to take up a sum of £ 114 . The second year Bro .
G . Everett undertook a Stewardship for the Girls Institution ; the Lodge voted him 25 guineas , which he wa 3 able to increase to tho sum of £ 176 83 . The third year the Boys' School received the support of tho Lodge ; 25 guineas was again the amonnt voted by the brethren , and Bro . P . M . Brewer went to the Festival with the handsome sum of £ 210 : thus making a grand total in three years of
over £ 500 from a Lodge that does nob yet register more than forty members . Good work this , which needs no remark from us to commend it . Later in the evening tho brethren made a liberal response to Bro . Brooks' appeal , and , as will be seen by reference to the list of amounts contributed at the Festival of Monday last , Bro . Brooks took up a total of £ 127 Us 6 d ; again we say , not bad work , considering
our esteemed brother only tendered his services to Bro . Terry three weeks before the Festival . Wonld we had a few more such liberalminded brethren . The remaining toasts comprised tho health of the Initiate , the Visitors , the Charities , and the Officers . Brief but pertinent replies were made , and then the Tyler gave tho parting remembrance for our poor and distressed brethren .
THE installation meeting of this flourishing Chapter wa 3 held at the Masonio Hall , Tunis , North Africa , on 5 th February . In accordance with the result of the election , held on 25 th October last , the outgoing P . Z . E . Comp . Broadley D . D . G . M . Malta installed the following Companions in their respective chairs , viz . : —Thomas Fellowes ReadeP . D . D . G . M . Egypt , Agent and Consul General of Her Britannia
Majesty in Tuni 3 Z ., Perini M . D . W . M . 1717 H ., and J . E . L . Barker W . M . 1835 J . Several successful ballots having been taken P . E . Z . Broadley exalted Bros . Captain R . A . Johnstone , Dr . Pace-Williams and M . Le GallaisofNo . 1717 and S . Sessing of Lodge Belisaire at Algiers . The First Principal invested with appropriate remarks tho
following Officers for the year 1880 : —Comps . Clement S . E ., Pentecost S . N ., Souiller P . S ., Cassar 1 st A . S ., Carletto 2 nd A . S ., Dr . Pace-William 3 Registrar , Barsotti D . of C , Captain Johnstone Organist , Lo Gallais and Enriqtiez Stewards and Eymon Janitor .
Tho I . P . Z . was invested as Treasurer . Most Excellent Companion Reade then addressed the brethren , and having thanked them for tho honour done him , and alluded in eulogistic terms to his predecossor , said , —You are all aware that this degree of the R . A . is the apex—