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IStogal IBtosmrir $ nstituticm ; far <& xxh , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Oflico : —5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Patron and President : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PKINCE OP WALES K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . Patronoss : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PIUNCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY FESTIVALWILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY , 16 th APRIL NEXT , Olf WHICH DAY H . H . H . PRINCE LEOPOLD , K . C ., P . G . W ., B . W . Trov . G . M . for OXFORDSHIRE , Has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren dosirous of accepting the offico of Steward upon this auspicious occa-sion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names UJ curly us convenient to tho Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES . Secretary .
ANDERTON'SHOTEL , F . H . CLEMOWj PROPRIETOR , Nos . 162 , 164 & 165 Fleet Street , and 7 & 11 Johnson ' s Court , London . THE ACCOMMODATION OFFERED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT FOR MASONIC MEETINGS , BANQUETS , & c . 18 UNMVALIED . THE premises have lately been rebuilt , and in order to maintain the time-honored reputation of the house , as one of tho centres of London Freemasonry , special attention has been paid to the furnishing of Lodge quarters , which now comprise A SPACIOUS MASONIC HALL Specially constructed for Masonic purposes , with preparation room adjoining , A LARGE BANQUET HALL Fitted with every necessary for tho comfort of Visitors , & c , < tc . ROOMS FOR LARGE OR SMALL DINNER PARTIES , MEETINGS , & c .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , COKNER OF I CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHTJRCHYAED . IT . J . STVEETIJSTG-, Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entrees , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , 4 c . THE " CATHEDRAL HALF-CROWN DINNER " ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) Is served in the Saloon from Twelve till Five daily . The Smoking Boom overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR SMALL PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & c . The follo-vsring Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hotel :-GBOSVEKOK , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLERANCE , & c . •^ "j -g ^ .. — - - . ¦ . - ¦ - ¦¦ | ¦ .. . . ¦ , _
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for some time pastprovided for the require . ments of this Lodge , begs to announce th it he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Belvedere-road , and that be has erected commodious , premises there . These comprise . A . SIF-A-CIOTTS ZMZA-SOlsriC HTAX I I I . WITH AJfTB BOOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , ' * WBIIE ILVBT , " COHEGE SIBEET , LAMBEIH , LOXDOIT , S . E .
nlll & irnA FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o ' clock , IIINNr H \ CHOP 3 and STEAKS from tho GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . Ml 1111 ¦¦ IIV T . MAIDWELI , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C .
THE FREEMASONS'TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON . W . C . The admirable and unriralled accommodation provided at tht Establishment tor ZMZA-SOHSTXC ZB-A . - r > rQU : ETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « JC . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment In all Its branches thoroughly reorganised . The attention ot the Masonio Body la directed to the many advantages offored , CUISINJK OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER , WISES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QVAUTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS : The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
OPENING OP THE CRITERION ANNEXE . SPIERS & POND respectfully be £ to inform their Patrons , that to meet tho increasing demands of their business at tho Criterion , tho promises havo been greatly enlarged , by tho addition of tho abo \ ' 0 building . Tho principal features of tho New Establishment are as follow * : — The Cafe , comprising—The American Bar , The "Vienna Bier Saal , VIANDS riiojt THE NEW GKILL . SUPPERS SERVED TILE MIDNIGHT . Oysters a Specialite . The "Victoria Hall , for Banquots , Balls , Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , and Entertainments . The Prince ' s and Carnarvon Booms , for Masonic Meetings , Banquets , & c . Private Rooms , snitablo for tho mcotings of Public and Corporate Bodies , Arbitrations , & c . The Criterion Departments . Buffet For Luncheons and Light Refreshments . Bestaurant Dinners a la Carte . Cigar Divan Facing Piccadilly entrance Smoking Boom ... Adjoining the Iluttet . Grill Boom Entrance in Jermyn Street . West Dining Boom Lo Diner Parision daily from 5 . 30 p . m ., and on Sundays . East Dining Boom ... Dinners a la Carte . The Grand Hall ... Tablo d'Hote daily , from 5 . 30 till 8 p . m . ( also on Sundays at 6 ) . Private Booms ... For Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c ., & c .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE ; . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the GJ-ronnd Floor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; Tho GriU Room ivill Neat 150 jicr . ioin . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WGRTH ! NQT 0 M' 3 ALES , BERIL , ITir TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm's , and the Crystal Palace .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soups , Entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , Salad , Served from 12 to 4 daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
EMSOiC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rpilE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class I Education to sons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . There are scholarships of the annual value of £ 10 to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 20 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from 4 to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils , from 5 to 8 guineas per term . For further particulars apply to tho Secretary , or to E . PASSAWEll , LL . D . Head Master ;
FREESHSOSS' CALENDAR and POCKET-BOOK , containing a complete list of all the regular Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , with their places and times of meeting . Published for the benefit of the Charity Fund / under the sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England . May be had from W . W . Morgan jun ., FRF . EMisox's Cni « mcLE Office , 23 Great Queen-street , Londor , W . C . Price 2 s , post free .
Ninth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatiso on the only Successful Method of Curing the Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-srraarc , London . London : MrrcHiai . ASD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FURNITURE FOR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Complete Set , nearly new , for Sale . Address , J . W . H ,, " FBEEHASON ' S CHROSICLB " i Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
IStogal IBtosmrir $ nstituticm ; far <& xxh , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Oflico : —5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . Patron and President : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PKINCE OP WALES K . G ., & o ., M . W . G . M . Patronoss : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PIUNCESS OF WALES . THE NINETY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY FESTIVALWILL TAKE PLACE ON FRIDAY , 16 th APRIL NEXT , Olf WHICH DAY H . H . H . PRINCE LEOPOLD , K . C ., P . G . W ., B . W . Trov . G . M . for OXFORDSHIRE , Has graciously signified his intention of presiding . Brethren dosirous of accepting the offico of Steward upon this auspicious occa-sion will greatly oblige by forwarding their names UJ curly us convenient to tho Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . W . HEDGES . Secretary .
ANDERTON'SHOTEL , F . H . CLEMOWj PROPRIETOR , Nos . 162 , 164 & 165 Fleet Street , and 7 & 11 Johnson ' s Court , London . THE ACCOMMODATION OFFERED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT FOR MASONIC MEETINGS , BANQUETS , & c . 18 UNMVALIED . THE premises have lately been rebuilt , and in order to maintain the time-honored reputation of the house , as one of tho centres of London Freemasonry , special attention has been paid to the furnishing of Lodge quarters , which now comprise A SPACIOUS MASONIC HALL Specially constructed for Masonic purposes , with preparation room adjoining , A LARGE BANQUET HALL Fitted with every necessary for tho comfort of Visitors , & c , < tc . ROOMS FOR LARGE OR SMALL DINNER PARTIES , MEETINGS , & c .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , COKNER OF I CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHTJRCHYAED . IT . J . STVEETIJSTG-, Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entrees , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , 4 c . THE " CATHEDRAL HALF-CROWN DINNER " ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) Is served in the Saloon from Twelve till Five daily . The Smoking Boom overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR SMALL PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & c . The follo-vsring Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hotel :-GBOSVEKOK , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLERANCE , & c . •^ "j -g ^ .. — - - . ¦ . - ¦ - ¦¦ | ¦ .. . . ¦ , _
VITRUVIAN LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who has for some time pastprovided for the require . ments of this Lodge , begs to announce th it he has obtained permission for the removal of his license to the Belvedere-road , and that be has erected commodious , premises there . These comprise . A . SIF-A-CIOTTS ZMZA-SOlsriC HTAX I I I . WITH AJfTB BOOMS , LARGE BANQUETTING HALL , Together with every convenience for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed . G . ISAAC , ' * WBIIE ILVBT , " COHEGE SIBEET , LAMBEIH , LOXDOIT , S . E .
nlll & irnA FROM THE JOINT from TWELVE to THREE o ' clock , IIINNr H \ CHOP 3 and STEAKS from tho GRILL till FIVE o ' clock . Ml 1111 ¦¦ IIV T . MAIDWELI , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-st ., City , E . C .
THE FREEMASONS'TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON . W . C . The admirable and unriralled accommodation provided at tht Establishment tor ZMZA-SOHSTXC ZB-A . - r > rQU : ETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , « JC . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment In all Its branches thoroughly reorganised . The attention ot the Masonio Body la directed to the many advantages offored , CUISINJK OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER , WISES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QVAUTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS : The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
OPENING OP THE CRITERION ANNEXE . SPIERS & POND respectfully be £ to inform their Patrons , that to meet tho increasing demands of their business at tho Criterion , tho promises havo been greatly enlarged , by tho addition of tho abo \ ' 0 building . Tho principal features of tho New Establishment are as follow * : — The Cafe , comprising—The American Bar , The "Vienna Bier Saal , VIANDS riiojt THE NEW GKILL . SUPPERS SERVED TILE MIDNIGHT . Oysters a Specialite . The "Victoria Hall , for Banquots , Balls , Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , and Entertainments . The Prince ' s and Carnarvon Booms , for Masonic Meetings , Banquets , & c . Private Rooms , snitablo for tho mcotings of Public and Corporate Bodies , Arbitrations , & c . The Criterion Departments . Buffet For Luncheons and Light Refreshments . Bestaurant Dinners a la Carte . Cigar Divan Facing Piccadilly entrance Smoking Boom ... Adjoining the Iluttet . Grill Boom Entrance in Jermyn Street . West Dining Boom Lo Diner Parision daily from 5 . 30 p . m ., and on Sundays . East Dining Boom ... Dinners a la Carte . The Grand Hall ... Tablo d'Hote daily , from 5 . 30 till 8 p . m . ( also on Sundays at 6 ) . Private Booms ... For Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c ., & c .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHURCH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE ; . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the GJ-ronnd Floor ; This Room will accommodato 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; Tho GriU Room ivill Neat 150 jicr . ioin . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WGRTH ! NQT 0 M' 3 ALES , BERIL , ITir TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF THE BEST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm's , and the Crystal Palace .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soups , Entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , Salad , Served from 12 to 4 daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
EMSOiC HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS , 1 NOTTING HILL SQUARE , W . rpilE SCHOOL has been established to provide a High Class I Education to sons of Freemasons and others , on moderate terms . There are scholarships of the annual value of £ 10 to £ 20 , and Exhibitions of £ 20 . Terms for sons of Freemasons from 4 to 7 guineas per term , for other pupils , from 5 to 8 guineas per term . For further particulars apply to tho Secretary , or to E . PASSAWEll , LL . D . Head Master ;
FREESHSOSS' CALENDAR and POCKET-BOOK , containing a complete list of all the regular Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , with their places and times of meeting . Published for the benefit of the Charity Fund / under the sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England . May be had from W . W . Morgan jun ., FRF . EMisox's Cni « mcLE Office , 23 Great Queen-street , Londor , W . C . Price 2 s , post free .
Ninth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatiso on the only Successful Method of Curing the Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., & c , 5 Bulstrode-street , Cavendish-srraarc , London . London : MrrcHiai . ASD Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FURNITURE FOR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Complete Set , nearly new , for Sale . Address , J . W . H ,, " FBEEHASON ' S CHROSICLB " i Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .