Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
TUE monthly meeting of tho General Committee of tho Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys was hold on Saturday last , in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall . Thero wero present Bros . William Roebuck in the chair , S . Rosenthal , H . W . Hunt , Joyce Murray , Robert Bi Webster , A . E . Gladwell , A . J . Duff Filer , W . F . C . Moutrie , Richard Morris Head Master , Donald M . Dewar , C F . Matier , II . Massey ,
G . J . Palmer , Geo . C . Gillard , W . Paas , and F . Binckes Secretary . After tho minutes had been read and confirmed , the chairman gave notice of motion to raise the salary of the Head Master £ 50 a year , and drow tho brethren ' s attention to tho faot that under Dr . Morris the School had beeu moro successful at tho Cambridge Local Examinations than any other similar Institution . Tho number of boys in the school had largely increased since tho timo Dr . Morris was first
appoiutod , and his labours had been consequently increased iu proportion ; it was thought right that his salary should receive some addition . Five boys wero placed ou the list for the October election , aud Bro . Binckes announced that as no other brethren had been nominated for tho House aud Audit Committees than thoso who served last ; year , the old Committees were re-elected . After granting two outfits to former pup ils of the Institution , who havo obtained situations , tho committee adjourned .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committee of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent ; Institution met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , when thero were present—Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , R . W , Stewart , R . H . Girard , J . Percy Leith , C . G . Dilley , T . Goode , J . A , Farnfield , 0 . J . Perceval , A . H . Tattershall , T . Cubitt , L . Stean , J . G , Stevens , J . Konch , J . Newton , Jabez Hogg , J . M . Case , Col .
Somervillo Barney , J . H . Leggott , S . Rawson , W . Hilton , W . Stephens , C . F . Hogard , and Jas . Terry ( Secretary ) . After the reading ancl confirmation of tho minutes , Bro . Terry reported tho death of two male and one female annuitants , and submitted to tho Committee a
return of the successful candidates at tho election on tho lGth ult . Thero was no further business before tho Committee but the authorisation of the Chairman to sign cheques , ancl this having been given , the brethren separated .
Dr. Barnardo's Home For Destitute Children.
flIHE Annual Summer Fete in connection with this Charity will J- tako place ou Wednesday next , at tho Tillage Homo , Barkingside , Ilford , Essex . The Right Hon . tho Lord Chancellor will take tbo chair at three o ' clock , and it is expected will be supported by H . R . H . the Duchess and Duke of Teck , tlio Countess Cairns , the American Minister , tho Earl ancl Countess of Aberdeen , and many others . During the afternoon a bazaar , in aid of the funds of the institution ,
will be opened in the grounds , and will remain open until tho following evening . Various entertainments will be provided by the committee ; amongst others items wo may mention , that GOO of tho children , uuder tho leadership of Mr . Proudmau , will sing various pieces , and that the band of the Boys' Homo and tho Holdfast Hand Bell ringers will play selections of music during the afternoon . There aro trains from Liverpool-streofc ( G . E . R . ) to Ilford
at 1 . 10 , 1 . 30 , 2 . 0 , 3 . 5 , & c , at which station carriages will be in attendance to convey guests to the Home . Special return tickets for tbo entire journey ( 1 st class 3 s , 2 nd class 2 s 6 d ) may be obtained beforehand from the Hon . Director , Thos . J . Baruardo , 18 Stepney Causeway , E . Wo hope that somo of onr readers may find ifc convenient to attend the meeting , or in somo other way help the committee in their endeavours to provide for the poorest of our East End street Arabs .
The Prov . G . Master of Berks and Backs , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., has fixed Thursday , the 26 th day of June , as the day on which to hold the annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , which on this occasion will meet at the County Hall , Abingdon . Prov . G . Lodge will be opened
at 1 . 30 , and a banquet will follow at 3 o clock , at the Council Chamber . Tickets for same ( 7 s 6 d ) can be procured of Bro . Belcher , Abingdon , and certain of the Prov . Grand Stewards . As is ustial on these occasions , the Great Western Railway Company offer special facilities to visitors from various parts of their system .
The annual meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge of Norths and Hunts was held on Thursday , at "Wellingborough . In the absence of His Grace the Duke of Manchester , Prov . G . Master , Bro . Butler Wilkins , the Deputy G . Master of the Province , presided , and Conferred the Offices for the year . A full report will appear in our next .
Tho lessees of the Alexandra Palace have granted the use of their cricket ground for a match between " Our Boys " and the " Grocers' Company's School , " on Friday , the 20 th instant ( first day of tho Horse Show ) .
The Gilbert Greenall Lodge, No. 1250, Warrington.
fTIHE tenth annual festival of this flourishing Lodge was hold on - * - Tuesday last , and there was a goodly gathering of brethren present to celebrate the advent of the new Master , Bro . T . H . Sutton , to the chair . Bro . D . W . Finney P . M . Prov . Grand Steward W . M . took the chair shortly after three o'clock , aud the Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of tho last regular meeting read and confirmed . Tho following brethren wero present : —Bros . T . H .
Sutton J . W . and W . M . elect , J . Knight , J . II . Galloway Treasurer , S . Wallhead Secretary , Hoult , Domville , Woods P . M ., W . Taylor , Green , P . J . Edolsten P . M ., W . Pollitfc P . M ., Jenkins , T . O . Speakman , H . Hind , J . Farrington , J . Baird , J . II . Potter , A . Potter , R . Brierley P . M ., J . Hannah , J . R . Jones , J . Jones , J . Smethursfc , G . Cropper , G . Fairhurst , J . O'Brien , W . Richardson P . M ., II . Houghton , G .
Mackey , Hawkins P . M ., W . Bolton , A . W . Bruudritt , A . G . Webster , J . W . Tonge , D . Hooley , R . Hoaton , J . Curroy , W . Roid , G . Auckland , and J . Barlow . Visitors—Bros . H . S . Alpass Prov . Grand Secretary , Dr . John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Ciunb . and West ., J . Picthall P . M . 148 , A . Crawford 148 , A . E . Ogden W . M . fiSO , J . R . Young W . M . 148 , J . R . Tomlinson P . M . 368 , E . C . Cooper Prov . G . S . B .,
T . Jones 211 , W . Bradford 9 fi 5 , W . Leigh W . M . 911 , C . E . Hindlcy S . W . 148 . Tho ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with , the Installing Officer being tho retiring W . M . Bro . Sutton was presented by Bros . Edelsten P . M . and W . Woods P . M ., and tbe follow , ing brethren wero appointed respectively to the offices of S . W ., J . W ., ancl I . G . pro tem viz .: —R . Brierloy P . M ., W . Richardson P . M ., aud Edelsten P . M . In duo courso a Board of Installed Afasters was
opened , aud Bro . Sutton admitted and installed into the chair of K . &> ., according to ancient custom . Tho Board of Installed Masters waa then closed , and tho rest of the brethren admitted by seniority , and sainted the new W . M . iu Masonic form . The following Officers wero then invested by Bro . Sutton , viz .: —J . H . Galloway S . W ., S . Wallhead J . W ., W . Richardson P . M . Treas ., D . W . Finney P . M . Sec ,
T . Hutchinson S . D ., G . Cropper J . D ., W . Taylor I . G ., J . Jones and J . Farrington Stewards , aud T . Domville Tyler . Tho addresses were delivered by tho I . M ., aud at tho close of the ceremony , Bro . Richardson rose to propose that tho best thanks be given to Bro . D . W . Finney for his services as Installing Master . This was seconded by tho W . M ., and carried by acclamation , and
ordered to bo entered upon the minutes . Bro . Finney replied ; if the brethren wero pleased , he was satisfied . Wo should nofc omit to state that before the brethren separated a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master for his services and conduct iu the chair during tho past twelvemonths . After some further rontino business , the Lodge was duly and solemnly closed , and tho brethren
adjourned to the Liou Hotel to banquet . Here Bro . Sutton W . M . presided , and was ably supported by most of tho above-named brethren , with others . Many good things were provided by tho worthy purveyors of tho Lion , to which go > d things , we need scarcely say , most ample justice was done . Tlio lumtl Loyal ancl Masonic toasts wero given and responded to with m ire than ordinary eloquence . In proposing tho health of the W . M . Dm . Alpass took
occasion to enforce the dury of Masonic Charity , among other soind ancl good advice , an 1 wc trust , and indeed wo feel sure , the good seed thus cast upon tho waters will take root downw . iivl .-J , and bear fruit upwards . Oar good Bro . Dr . Bowos , too , was happy in his reply for tho neighbouring Provinces . After a most successful and happy gathering , tho Tyler ' s toast brought tho proceedings of tho day to a close , and the brethren separated in perfect harmony , about ten o ' clock .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 . —Tho regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , York , on Tuesday . Present—E . Sir Knights J . S . Cumberland E . P ., T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . and Reg ., and Sir Kts . W . T . Orde-Powlett Constable , G . Simpson Marshall , G . H . Simpson , M . Millington , Turner , L . Murphy , & c . Tho business was tho consideration of the report of
the by-laws committee , which was in substance adopted . Comp . Major Shaw Hollior ( 4 th Dragoon Guards ) was proposed by the Registrar as a candidate , and tho Preceptory was closed . A Priory of Malta was then opened , and the Prior ' s chair having been assumed by E . Sir Kt . T . B . Whytehead , the degreo was conferred on Sir Kts . Millington and Turner .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Committee Meeting Of The Boys' School.
TUE monthly meeting of tho General Committee of tho Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys was hold on Saturday last , in the Board-room , Freemasons' Hall . Thero wero present Bros . William Roebuck in the chair , S . Rosenthal , H . W . Hunt , Joyce Murray , Robert Bi Webster , A . E . Gladwell , A . J . Duff Filer , W . F . C . Moutrie , Richard Morris Head Master , Donald M . Dewar , C F . Matier , II . Massey ,
G . J . Palmer , Geo . C . Gillard , W . Paas , and F . Binckes Secretary . After tho minutes had been read and confirmed , the chairman gave notice of motion to raise the salary of the Head Master £ 50 a year , and drow tho brethren ' s attention to tho faot that under Dr . Morris the School had beeu moro successful at tho Cambridge Local Examinations than any other similar Institution . Tho number of boys in the school had largely increased since tho timo Dr . Morris was first
appoiutod , and his labours had been consequently increased iu proportion ; it was thought right that his salary should receive some addition . Five boys wero placed ou the list for the October election , aud Bro . Binckes announced that as no other brethren had been nominated for tho House aud Audit Committees than thoso who served last ; year , the old Committees were re-elected . After granting two outfits to former pup ils of the Institution , who havo obtained situations , tho committee adjourned .
Committee Meeting Of The Benevolent Institution.
THE Committee of tho Royal Masonic Benevolent ; Institution met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , when thero were present—Bros . Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer ( in the chair ) , R . W , Stewart , R . H . Girard , J . Percy Leith , C . G . Dilley , T . Goode , J . A , Farnfield , 0 . J . Perceval , A . H . Tattershall , T . Cubitt , L . Stean , J . G , Stevens , J . Konch , J . Newton , Jabez Hogg , J . M . Case , Col .
Somervillo Barney , J . H . Leggott , S . Rawson , W . Hilton , W . Stephens , C . F . Hogard , and Jas . Terry ( Secretary ) . After the reading ancl confirmation of tho minutes , Bro . Terry reported tho death of two male and one female annuitants , and submitted to tho Committee a
return of the successful candidates at tho election on tho lGth ult . Thero was no further business before tho Committee but the authorisation of the Chairman to sign cheques , ancl this having been given , the brethren separated .
Dr. Barnardo's Home For Destitute Children.
flIHE Annual Summer Fete in connection with this Charity will J- tako place ou Wednesday next , at tho Tillage Homo , Barkingside , Ilford , Essex . The Right Hon . tho Lord Chancellor will take tbo chair at three o ' clock , and it is expected will be supported by H . R . H . the Duchess and Duke of Teck , tlio Countess Cairns , the American Minister , tho Earl ancl Countess of Aberdeen , and many others . During the afternoon a bazaar , in aid of the funds of the institution ,
will be opened in the grounds , and will remain open until tho following evening . Various entertainments will be provided by the committee ; amongst others items wo may mention , that GOO of tho children , uuder tho leadership of Mr . Proudmau , will sing various pieces , and that the band of the Boys' Homo and tho Holdfast Hand Bell ringers will play selections of music during the afternoon . There aro trains from Liverpool-streofc ( G . E . R . ) to Ilford
at 1 . 10 , 1 . 30 , 2 . 0 , 3 . 5 , & c , at which station carriages will be in attendance to convey guests to the Home . Special return tickets for tbo entire journey ( 1 st class 3 s , 2 nd class 2 s 6 d ) may be obtained beforehand from the Hon . Director , Thos . J . Baruardo , 18 Stepney Causeway , E . Wo hope that somo of onr readers may find ifc convenient to attend the meeting , or in somo other way help the committee in their endeavours to provide for the poorest of our East End street Arabs .
The Prov . G . Master of Berks and Backs , Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., has fixed Thursday , the 26 th day of June , as the day on which to hold the annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge , which on this occasion will meet at the County Hall , Abingdon . Prov . G . Lodge will be opened
at 1 . 30 , and a banquet will follow at 3 o clock , at the Council Chamber . Tickets for same ( 7 s 6 d ) can be procured of Bro . Belcher , Abingdon , and certain of the Prov . Grand Stewards . As is ustial on these occasions , the Great Western Railway Company offer special facilities to visitors from various parts of their system .
The annual meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge of Norths and Hunts was held on Thursday , at "Wellingborough . In the absence of His Grace the Duke of Manchester , Prov . G . Master , Bro . Butler Wilkins , the Deputy G . Master of the Province , presided , and Conferred the Offices for the year . A full report will appear in our next .
Tho lessees of the Alexandra Palace have granted the use of their cricket ground for a match between " Our Boys " and the " Grocers' Company's School , " on Friday , the 20 th instant ( first day of tho Horse Show ) .
The Gilbert Greenall Lodge, No. 1250, Warrington.
fTIHE tenth annual festival of this flourishing Lodge was hold on - * - Tuesday last , and there was a goodly gathering of brethren present to celebrate the advent of the new Master , Bro . T . H . Sutton , to the chair . Bro . D . W . Finney P . M . Prov . Grand Steward W . M . took the chair shortly after three o'clock , aud the Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of tho last regular meeting read and confirmed . Tho following brethren wero present : —Bros . T . H .
Sutton J . W . and W . M . elect , J . Knight , J . II . Galloway Treasurer , S . Wallhead Secretary , Hoult , Domville , Woods P . M ., W . Taylor , Green , P . J . Edolsten P . M ., W . Pollitfc P . M ., Jenkins , T . O . Speakman , H . Hind , J . Farrington , J . Baird , J . II . Potter , A . Potter , R . Brierley P . M ., J . Hannah , J . R . Jones , J . Jones , J . Smethursfc , G . Cropper , G . Fairhurst , J . O'Brien , W . Richardson P . M ., II . Houghton , G .
Mackey , Hawkins P . M ., W . Bolton , A . W . Bruudritt , A . G . Webster , J . W . Tonge , D . Hooley , R . Hoaton , J . Curroy , W . Roid , G . Auckland , and J . Barlow . Visitors—Bros . H . S . Alpass Prov . Grand Secretary , Dr . John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Ciunb . and West ., J . Picthall P . M . 148 , A . Crawford 148 , A . E . Ogden W . M . fiSO , J . R . Young W . M . 148 , J . R . Tomlinson P . M . 368 , E . C . Cooper Prov . G . S . B .,
T . Jones 211 , W . Bradford 9 fi 5 , W . Leigh W . M . 911 , C . E . Hindlcy S . W . 148 . Tho ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with , the Installing Officer being tho retiring W . M . Bro . Sutton was presented by Bros . Edelsten P . M . and W . Woods P . M ., and tbe follow , ing brethren wero appointed respectively to the offices of S . W ., J . W ., ancl I . G . pro tem viz .: —R . Brierloy P . M ., W . Richardson P . M ., aud Edelsten P . M . In duo courso a Board of Installed Afasters was
opened , aud Bro . Sutton admitted and installed into the chair of K . &> ., according to ancient custom . Tho Board of Installed Masters waa then closed , and tho rest of the brethren admitted by seniority , and sainted the new W . M . iu Masonic form . The following Officers wero then invested by Bro . Sutton , viz .: —J . H . Galloway S . W ., S . Wallhead J . W ., W . Richardson P . M . Treas ., D . W . Finney P . M . Sec ,
T . Hutchinson S . D ., G . Cropper J . D ., W . Taylor I . G ., J . Jones and J . Farrington Stewards , aud T . Domville Tyler . Tho addresses were delivered by tho I . M ., aud at tho close of the ceremony , Bro . Richardson rose to propose that tho best thanks be given to Bro . D . W . Finney for his services as Installing Master . This was seconded by tho W . M ., and carried by acclamation , and
ordered to bo entered upon the minutes . Bro . Finney replied ; if the brethren wero pleased , he was satisfied . Wo should nofc omit to state that before the brethren separated a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the retiring Master for his services and conduct iu the chair during tho past twelvemonths . After some further rontino business , the Lodge was duly and solemnly closed , and tho brethren
adjourned to the Liou Hotel to banquet . Here Bro . Sutton W . M . presided , and was ably supported by most of tho above-named brethren , with others . Many good things were provided by tho worthy purveyors of tho Lion , to which go > d things , we need scarcely say , most ample justice was done . Tlio lumtl Loyal ancl Masonic toasts wero given and responded to with m ire than ordinary eloquence . In proposing tho health of the W . M . Dm . Alpass took
occasion to enforce the dury of Masonic Charity , among other soind ancl good advice , an 1 wc trust , and indeed wo feel sure , the good seed thus cast upon tho waters will take root downw . iivl .-J , and bear fruit upwards . Oar good Bro . Dr . Bowos , too , was happy in his reply for tho neighbouring Provinces . After a most successful and happy gathering , tho Tyler ' s toast brought tho proceedings of tho day to a close , and the brethren separated in perfect harmony , about ten o ' clock .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 . —Tho regular meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , York , on Tuesday . Present—E . Sir Knights J . S . Cumberland E . P ., T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . and Reg ., and Sir Kts . W . T . Orde-Powlett Constable , G . Simpson Marshall , G . H . Simpson , M . Millington , Turner , L . Murphy , & c . Tho business was tho consideration of the report of
the by-laws committee , which was in substance adopted . Comp . Major Shaw Hollior ( 4 th Dragoon Guards ) was proposed by the Registrar as a candidate , and tho Preceptory was closed . A Priory of Malta was then opened , and the Prior ' s chair having been assumed by E . Sir Kt . T . B . Whytehead , the degreo was conferred on Sir Kts . Millington and Turner .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE , A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 d per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , afc Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Pago £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements la per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application .