Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 38 Vic , c . 42 . Offices : 1 Gresham . Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . Advances without premium on Free-Monthly Subscription , 5 s per share . J ° ^ Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Paid np Shares issued . gaf 0 and sound Investments . Entrance fee , Is per share . Deposits at 4 and 5 per cent . | Members of tho Craft are strongly advised to join . Subscription Meetings First Tuesday in each month , from 6 to 7 . 30 o ' clock , at the Offices . Prospectuses and information wag be obtained of J . II . QINDEM , Secretary .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STEEET , CITY , E . C . BRETHREN joining the Ciub before the 1 st of August will be admitted , without an Entrance Fee , at the present Subscription of Five Guineas for Town , and Three Guineas tor Couutvy JiemUevs . Subscriptions of Members now joining are available to the 1 st August 1878 . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY / TO THK SECRETARY .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , "Wood Green , London , N . OJPICE : 6 FKEEMASONS' HALL , W . C . PATKON : HEK MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors ancl Subscribers will be held ut Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , lancoln ' s-inn-nelds , London , on Monday , the Kith day of July lc */ 7 , for tue transactiou of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To consider , and if approved , to confirm tho recommendation of the General Committee , that Nino Boys be elected at the Quarterly General Court to bo held on Mommy , loth of October next , from an approved list oi liti candidates . To consider the lollowing notices of motion as tho recommendation of the General Committee , in eacn case proposed , seconded , and unanimously adopted . 1 . That a testimonial in recognition of the services of Mrs . J . 13 . Monckton bo presented from this Institution . 2 . That in acknowledgment of the zeal and energy so successfully exerted by Bro . John Constable , P . M . No . 185 , Vice-President of tho Institution , in connection with tho recent Festival—tho result being an addition to tho funds of £ 1226—he be enrolled as an Hon ' . Vico-Pataou , with the full privileges of that rank . The Chair will bo taken at Twelve o'clock at noon precisely . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary , 7 th July 1877 .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P .. F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PjlBPABATlOIf FOB TUB ClVIL SBBVICli , CjAMUBIDGK MLDDLK CLASS , COMiBOJS OB PBBCBMOBS , SOCIBTX OP ABIS , TUB SciBSCB AMD ABT EXAJlUfAIlOSS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to tho leading banking and commercial iirms iu London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whoso sons aro now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BUEGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
ICT TI ' l ^ i wvww ^ g H^^^^ p ^^ M67 BAKBICAN , E . O .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren -who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make earl y application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
THE chief bnsiness of the week in the House of Lords has been in connection with the Prisons Bill , which passed through Committee on Friday last , and was read a third time on Monday . On the latter day a motion , by the Duke of Bucoleugh , relative to the Earldom of Mar ,
Our Weekly Budget
after amendment in accordance with a suggestion of the Lord Chancellor , was agreed to . On the motion of Earl Fortescue , certain returns respecting Educational Endowments wero ordered to be made . On Tuesday , a few - minutes sufficed for the despatch of business .
In the House of Commons on Thursday , after the Chancellor of the Exchequer had declared he was unable to give further time for the consideration of the Irish Sunday Closing Bill , he stated , in reply to another question , that the Government hoped to be able by next Session to offer some
proposals for the better conduct of public bnsiness . After this the House went into Committee on the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill . A long discussion ensued , on an amendment by Mr . Parnell to reduce the salary of the Judge of the Court of Appeal , but ultimately tho
amendment was withdrawn , and pi * ogress reported . On Friday a question respecting the despatch of the British fleet to Besika Bay was asked and answered . On the motion for going into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates . Mr . Brassey drew attention to the course of study at the
Naval University at Greenwich . Mr . E . Jenkins then drew attention to the proceedings of the late Roberts court-martial . A long and animated debate ensued . On Monday , the second reading of the South Africa Bill was moved by Mr . Lowther , and carried on a division by 81 to
19 . The Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum , British Consuls in Turkey , the Writ and Seal Office in Ireland , and Colonel Wellesley were severally discussed , after which the House adjourned . At the moniiug sitting on Tuesday , Lord Sandon brought on the Education
Estimates . An amendment to the motion for going into Committee on the same was proposed by Mr . Samuelson , but rejected by 121 to 78 . After further discussion the House went into Committee , and the Estimates were voted en bloc . On the Hou ^ e resuming at nine o ' clock , Mr . Birley
drew attention to the East India Tariff , and especially to the duties on cotton manufactures . His motion , with an addition proposed by Lord George Hamilton , was carried . The rising of Mr . Whalley , to propose a resolution as to the endowments of the Church of England , resulted in the
House being counted out , at twenty-five minutes to two . On Wednesday , the motion for the second reading of the Church Rates Abolition ( Scotland ) Bill was proposed by Mr . M'Laren , but after a long debate , in which the Lord
Advocate opposed it strenuously , it was rejected by 204 to 143 . The second reading of the Irish Peerage Bill was proposed by Mr . D . Plunket , but was interrupted by the rules of the House .
By command of Her Majesty , a State Concert was given at Buckingham Palace , on Friday last . The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , Prince Waldemar of Denmark , Prince Leopold , the Duke of
Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , the Comte and Comtesse de Paris , and many other distinguished guests were present . On Wednesday there was a State ball at Buckingham Palace , most of the above were present , and , the invitations being very numerous , there was a large
attendance of the fashionable world . On Monday , the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice and Prince Leopold , drove over from Windsor for the purpose of having a quiet view of a portion of the Aldershot Army Corps , momentarily encamped at Chobham . These troops were on the march
by easy stages to be reviewed in Windsor Great Park . The men had not long arrived , and were busily settling themselves down when Her Majesty was seen approaching , in a pony carriage , with the Princess Beatrice beside her , Prince Leopold followingina second carriage . Major-General
Wardlaw in command received her , the men simply came to " attention , " and then the Queen drove off as quietly as she had come . On Tuesday the army corps , one part of which , as just stated , had bivouacked at Chobham , and the other on Ascot Heath , marched to Windsor Great Park . In tho
evening the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Teck , with the Duke of Cambridge on horseback by the side of her carriage , and escorted by a detachment of the Royal Horse Guards Blue , drove on to the ground , and was received with the customary salute .
Having driven along the lines , Her Majesty passed to the saluting point , ancl the march past began . The troops mustered to the extent of between 15 , 000 and 16 , 000 , and
were under the command of Lieut-General Sir T . Steele . As there were many young soldiers with the Infantry , this arm of the Service was not so stead y as usual , and the lines wavered somewhat , but the Cavalry and Artillery went b y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 38 Vic , c . 42 . Offices : 1 Gresham . Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . Advances without premium on Free-Monthly Subscription , 5 s per share . J ° ^ Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Paid np Shares issued . gaf 0 and sound Investments . Entrance fee , Is per share . Deposits at 4 and 5 per cent . | Members of tho Craft are strongly advised to join . Subscription Meetings First Tuesday in each month , from 6 to 7 . 30 o ' clock , at the Offices . Prospectuses and information wag be obtained of J . II . QINDEM , Secretary .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB , 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STEEET , CITY , E . C . BRETHREN joining the Ciub before the 1 st of August will be admitted , without an Entrance Fee , at the present Subscription of Five Guineas for Town , and Three Guineas tor Couutvy JiemUevs . Subscriptions of Members now joining are available to the 1 st August 1878 . FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY / TO THK SECRETARY .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , "Wood Green , London , N . OJPICE : 6 FKEEMASONS' HALL , W . C . PATKON : HEK MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors ancl Subscribers will be held ut Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , lancoln ' s-inn-nelds , London , on Monday , the Kith day of July lc */ 7 , for tue transactiou of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To consider , and if approved , to confirm tho recommendation of the General Committee , that Nino Boys be elected at the Quarterly General Court to bo held on Mommy , loth of October next , from an approved list oi liti candidates . To consider the lollowing notices of motion as tho recommendation of the General Committee , in eacn case proposed , seconded , and unanimously adopted . 1 . That a testimonial in recognition of the services of Mrs . J . 13 . Monckton bo presented from this Institution . 2 . That in acknowledgment of the zeal and energy so successfully exerted by Bro . John Constable , P . M . No . 185 , Vice-President of tho Institution , in connection with tho recent Festival—tho result being an addition to tho funds of £ 1226—he be enrolled as an Hon ' . Vico-Pataou , with the full privileges of that rank . The Chair will bo taken at Twelve o'clock at noon precisely . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary , 7 th July 1877 .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P .. F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PjlBPABATlOIf FOB TUB ClVIL SBBVICli , CjAMUBIDGK MLDDLK CLASS , COMiBOJS OB PBBCBMOBS , SOCIBTX OP ABIS , TUB SciBSCB AMD ABT EXAJlUfAIlOSS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to tho leading banking and commercial iirms iu London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whoso sons aro now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BUEGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
ICT TI ' l ^ i wvww ^ g H^^^^ p ^^ M67 BAKBICAN , E . O .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren -who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make earl y application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , but of some we have only a few copies left . Cases for binding the several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
THE chief bnsiness of the week in the House of Lords has been in connection with the Prisons Bill , which passed through Committee on Friday last , and was read a third time on Monday . On the latter day a motion , by the Duke of Bucoleugh , relative to the Earldom of Mar ,
Our Weekly Budget
after amendment in accordance with a suggestion of the Lord Chancellor , was agreed to . On the motion of Earl Fortescue , certain returns respecting Educational Endowments wero ordered to be made . On Tuesday , a few - minutes sufficed for the despatch of business .
In the House of Commons on Thursday , after the Chancellor of the Exchequer had declared he was unable to give further time for the consideration of the Irish Sunday Closing Bill , he stated , in reply to another question , that the Government hoped to be able by next Session to offer some
proposals for the better conduct of public bnsiness . After this the House went into Committee on the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill . A long discussion ensued , on an amendment by Mr . Parnell to reduce the salary of the Judge of the Court of Appeal , but ultimately tho
amendment was withdrawn , and pi * ogress reported . On Friday a question respecting the despatch of the British fleet to Besika Bay was asked and answered . On the motion for going into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates . Mr . Brassey drew attention to the course of study at the
Naval University at Greenwich . Mr . E . Jenkins then drew attention to the proceedings of the late Roberts court-martial . A long and animated debate ensued . On Monday , the second reading of the South Africa Bill was moved by Mr . Lowther , and carried on a division by 81 to
19 . The Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum , British Consuls in Turkey , the Writ and Seal Office in Ireland , and Colonel Wellesley were severally discussed , after which the House adjourned . At the moniiug sitting on Tuesday , Lord Sandon brought on the Education
Estimates . An amendment to the motion for going into Committee on the same was proposed by Mr . Samuelson , but rejected by 121 to 78 . After further discussion the House went into Committee , and the Estimates were voted en bloc . On the Hou ^ e resuming at nine o ' clock , Mr . Birley
drew attention to the East India Tariff , and especially to the duties on cotton manufactures . His motion , with an addition proposed by Lord George Hamilton , was carried . The rising of Mr . Whalley , to propose a resolution as to the endowments of the Church of England , resulted in the
House being counted out , at twenty-five minutes to two . On Wednesday , the motion for the second reading of the Church Rates Abolition ( Scotland ) Bill was proposed by Mr . M'Laren , but after a long debate , in which the Lord
Advocate opposed it strenuously , it was rejected by 204 to 143 . The second reading of the Irish Peerage Bill was proposed by Mr . D . Plunket , but was interrupted by the rules of the House .
By command of Her Majesty , a State Concert was given at Buckingham Palace , on Friday last . The Prince and Princess of Wales , the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , Prince Waldemar of Denmark , Prince Leopold , the Duke of
Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , the Comte and Comtesse de Paris , and many other distinguished guests were present . On Wednesday there was a State ball at Buckingham Palace , most of the above were present , and , the invitations being very numerous , there was a large
attendance of the fashionable world . On Monday , the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice and Prince Leopold , drove over from Windsor for the purpose of having a quiet view of a portion of the Aldershot Army Corps , momentarily encamped at Chobham . These troops were on the march
by easy stages to be reviewed in Windsor Great Park . The men had not long arrived , and were busily settling themselves down when Her Majesty was seen approaching , in a pony carriage , with the Princess Beatrice beside her , Prince Leopold followingina second carriage . Major-General
Wardlaw in command received her , the men simply came to " attention , " and then the Queen drove off as quietly as she had come . On Tuesday the army corps , one part of which , as just stated , had bivouacked at Chobham , and the other on Ascot Heath , marched to Windsor Great Park . In tho
evening the Queen , accompanied by the Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Teck , with the Duke of Cambridge on horseback by the side of her carriage , and escorted by a detachment of the Royal Horse Guards Blue , drove on to the ground , and was received with the customary salute .
Having driven along the lines , Her Majesty passed to the saluting point , ancl the march past began . The troops mustered to the extent of between 15 , 000 and 16 , 000 , and
were under the command of Lieut-General Sir T . Steele . As there were many young soldiers with the Infantry , this arm of the Service was not so stead y as usual , and the lines wavered somewhat , but the Cavalry and Artillery went b y