Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges ; throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c ., as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
IB . t—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 1185—Lewis , Kind ' s Anns Hotel , Wood Gree . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regcnt-st ., W ., at 3 1637—Unity , Abercorn Hotel , Great Stanmoro Metropolitan Council , Time Immemorial , Allied Masonic Degrees , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , at 4 . Installation
58—London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-street , at 9 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 518—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Dcptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 70-1—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1308—St . John of AVapping , Gnn Hotel , High-St ., Wapping , at 8 ( Instruction )
11 . 5—Hydo Park , The Westbourno , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction ! 1 Ho—Princo Leopold , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-roacl , Dalston , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1 IS !)—Marquess of Ripon , Pcmlmry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hac *« iey , at 7 . 30 ( In . ) ltM—Kilburn , 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , W ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst ) 1623—West Smithfield , Now Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill ,. at 8 ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , correr of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 1693—Kingsland , Canonburv Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1695—New Finsbury Park , Plimsoll Anns , St . Thomas Road , at 8 ( Instruction )
61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . John s-place , Halifax 77—Freedom , Clarendon Ho ' . el , Gravesend 236—York , Masonic Hall , York 261—Nelson of tho Nile , Freemasons' Hall , Batley 331—Phcenix Public Boom Truro 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemason . s'Hall , Southampton 408—Three Graces , Private Rooms , Uaworth
42-1—Borough , Half Moon Hotel , Gateshead . 467—Tudor , Bed lion Hotel , Oldham 613—Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 925—Bedford Masonic Hall , New-street , Bii-mingham 934—Merit , Derby Hotel , Whitefiold . 1030—Egorton , George Hotel , Wellington Road . Heaton Norris , near Stockport
1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham . 1199—Agriculture , Honey Hall , Congresbury . 1208—Corinthian , Royal Hotel , Pier , Dover . 1238—Gooch , Albany Hotel , Twickenham 14-49—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1542—Lcgiolium , Masonic Hall , Carlton-street , Castleford 1575—Clive , Corbet Arms , Market Drayton R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . 827—St . John , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbm-y R . A . 1051—Rowley , Masonic Rooms , Athenamm , Lancaster
Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-bldgs ., Holbora , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 ( lustruction ) 141—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 654—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) 8 fi 0—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction )
1044—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1339—Stockwell , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) . 1360—Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , Battersea Parle , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1420—Earl Spencer , Swan Hotel , BaUcrsea Old Bridge , S . W . 1446—Mount XOdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-sireet , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction )
1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1507—Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connausrht , Palmei-ston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John ' s-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 6 . 30 .
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , L' / erpool , at G' 30 ( Instruction ) 248—True Love and Unity , Freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon 418—Menturia , Mechanics' Institute , Hanley . 667—Alliance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 897—Loyalty , Fleece Inn , St . Helens , Lancashire 986—Hesketh , Grapes Inn , Croston 1006—Tregullovv , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall .
1052—Callender , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1214—Scarborough . Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Batley 1276—Warren , Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 1343—St . John ' s Lodge , King ' s Arms Hotel , Grays , Essex 1427—Percy " , Mason c Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle .
1470—Chiltern , Town Hall . Dunstable . 1473—Bootle , 146 Bcrry-strcct , Bootle , at 6 ( Instruction ) lo . 34—Concord , George Hotel , Frestwich . 1551—Charity , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham . 1570—Prince Arthur , 140 North Hill Street , Liverpool 1764—Eleanor Cross , Masonio Hall , Abington-street , Northampton .
General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons ' Hall , at 6 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 22 r -United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd ., Cantden-tovvr ., 8 ( In . ) 538—La To erance , Green Dragon , 2 Mttddox-streot , W ., at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navr , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . ( Instruction )
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgato-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 862—Wbittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Salmon antl Ball . Bcthnal Green-road , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1298—Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castlo , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1521—Duko of Conna-ight ' , Havelock , AlbionKoa , d , Dn , lKton , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern , Portobello-tor ., Notting-hill-gato , at 8 ( In . ) B . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern , Air-street , Rogent-st ., at 8 ( Instruction )
-0— io .,-al Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham 86—Loyalty , Masonic HaU , Presoot , Lancashire 121—Mount Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance 125—Prince Edwin , Wl'tc Hart Hotel , Hythe , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 178—Antitmitv Roval Hotel . Wisran .
200- 0 tl Globe , Privata Rooms , Globe-street , Scarborough 258—Amphib ' o is , Freema / io ^ s' Hall , Heckmondwiko 277—Friendship , Freer sons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , I - 1 'Tigtou-squarc , Salford 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commercial-street , Alorley , near Leeds-
387—Airedale , Mwsonic Hall , Wcstgato , Shipley . -SO—Harmony , Wheat Sheaf , Ormskirk 581—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw 591—Buckingham , Georgo Hotel , Aylesbury 5 i > I— Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 ( Instruction ) 633—Yarborough , Freemasons * Hall , Manchester 673—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 7- 8—Kllesmero , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , Cheshire
823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 910— St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Ropergato , Pontofract OfiU—Sun antl Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1019— Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 1040—Sykes , Masonic Hall , Driffield , Yortcs 1086—Walton , Skelmersdale Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool 1161—Do Grey and Ripon , Denmark Hotel , Lloyd-street , Grecnheys , Manchester
1164— Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Germams . Cornwall 1218—Prince Alfred , Commercial Hotel , Mossley , near Manchester 13 iU—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouso 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton 1333—Duke of Lancaster , Athensenm , Lancaster 1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool ( In . )
1443—Salem , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombo 1511—Alo-: andra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea . Hull 1634—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom 1645—Colno Valley , Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaito 1692—Hervey , Georgo Hotel , Hayes R . A . 48 "—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle
House Committee , Gtrls' School , Battersea Rise , at 4 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 3 o ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael , The Moorgato , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern . Air-street , Regent-street , "W-, at 8 ( Inst . ) 754—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgato , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1227—Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , E . 1614—Covent Garden , Nag's Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) R . A . 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord'sHotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duko of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd ., Dalston , E ., at 8 . 30 ( Inst . )
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel 98—St . Martin , Town Hall , Burslem 116—Royal Lancashire , Swan Hotel , Colno 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hal * , Liverpool , at 7 - 30 ( Instruction ) 208—Threo Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury 268—Union , Queen ' s Arms Inn , George-street . Ashton-under-Lyno 275—Harmony , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfielcl
283—Amity , Swan Hotel , Market-place , Hasling . en 337—Candour , Commercial Inn . Uppermill , Saddleworth 343—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkie-streot , Preston 344—Faith , Bull ' s Head Inn , Radcliffe , Lancashire 315—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackhurn 346—United Brethren , Royal Oak Inn , Clayton-le-Dale , near Blackburn 367—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , Smallbridgo
369—Limestone Rock , Masomc Hall , Church-street , Clttheroo 456—Foresters , White Hart Hotel , Uttoxeter 462— 'Sank Terrace , Hargreaves Arms Hotel , aCcrington 600—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 636—D'Ogle , Masonic Hal ' , Morpeth 659—Blagdon , Ridley Anns Hotel , Blyth 816—Royd , Spring Gardens Inn , Wardlo , near Rochdale 1011—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-street , Salford
1042—Excelsior , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1299—Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Lit erpool 1320—Blnckheath , Green Man , Blackhcath 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town 1332—Unity . Masonic Hall , Crediton , Devon 1576— lee , Union Hotel , Parkgate , Cheshire 1612— vVest Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction )
House Committee Boys' School , Wood Green , at 4 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgvvare-rd . 8 ( Inst . 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7-SO . ( Instruction ) 902—Burgoyne . Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction )
933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whttechapel-road , an 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury ParkM . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castlo , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gotilborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . )
152—Virtue , Freemasons Hall , Manchester . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lymo 516—Phoenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 541—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1031—Eccleshill , Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill
1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1773—Albert Victor * , Town Hull , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' HaU , Fit _ wiHiam-street , Huddersfield at 7 U . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30
1621—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 16 tl—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogcnt-strcct , W ., at 8 . 119 Peace , Private Rooms , Mcltham . 615—St . John antl St . Paul , Pier Hotel , Erith
Notices Of Meetings.
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , Bros . Smyth W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Clark J . W ., Polak S . D ., Carr J . D ., Marsh I . G ., JLi rkin Secretary , Brasted Acting Preceptor , also Bros . Dallas , Taylor , C . Lorkin and others . Lodge was opened in due form and the minufcps of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Taylor acting as candidate . Bvo .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges ; throughout the Kingdom will favour us with a list of their Days of Meeting , & c ., as we have decided to insert only those that are verified by the Officers of the several Lodges .
IB . t—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 1185—Lewis , Kind ' s Anns Hotel , Wood Gree . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regcnt-st ., W ., at 3 1637—Unity , Abercorn Hotel , Great Stanmoro Metropolitan Council , Time Immemorial , Allied Masonic Degrees , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court , at 4 . Installation
58—London Masonic Club Lodge of Instruction , 101 Queen Victoria-street , at 9 171—Sincerity , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . G ., at 7 ( Instruction ) 180—St . James's Union , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 518—Wellington , White Swan , High-street , Dcptford , at 8 ( Instruction ) 70-1—Camden , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1308—St . John of AVapping , Gnn Hotel , High-St ., Wapping , at 8 ( Instruction )
11 . 5—Hydo Park , The Westbourno , Craven-rd ., Paddington , at 8 ( Instruction ! 1 Ho—Princo Leopold , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-roacl , Dalston , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1 IS !)—Marquess of Ripon , Pcmlmry Tavern , Amhurst-rd ., Hac *« iey , at 7 . 30 ( In . ) ltM—Kilburn , 46 South Molton Street , Oxford Street , W ., at 7 . 30 ( Inst ) 1623—West Smithfield , Now Market Hotel , King-st ., Snow-hill ,. at 8 ( Inst . ) 1625—Tredegar , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , correr of Burdett-road , at 8 ( In . ) 1693—Kingsland , Canonburv Tavern , Canonbury , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1695—New Finsbury Park , Plimsoll Anns , St . Thomas Road , at 8 ( Instruction )
61—Probity , Freemasons' Hall , St . John s-place , Halifax 77—Freedom , Clarendon Ho ' . el , Gravesend 236—York , Masonic Hall , York 261—Nelson of tho Nile , Freemasons' Hall , Batley 331—Phcenix Public Boom Truro 359—Peace and Harmony , Freemason . s'Hall , Southampton 408—Three Graces , Private Rooms , Uaworth
42-1—Borough , Half Moon Hotel , Gateshead . 467—Tudor , Bed lion Hotel , Oldham 613—Unity , Masonic Hall , Southport 823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 925—Bedford Masonic Hall , New-street , Bii-mingham 934—Merit , Derby Hotel , Whitefiold . 1030—Egorton , George Hotel , Wellington Road . Heaton Norris , near Stockport
1037—Portland , Portland Hall , Portland . 1141—Mid Sussex , Assembly Rooms , Horsham . 1199—Agriculture , Honey Hall , Congresbury . 1208—Corinthian , Royal Hotel , Pier , Dover . 1238—Gooch , Albany Hotel , Twickenham 14-49—Royal Military , Masonic Hall , Canterbury , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1502—Israel , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 1542—Lcgiolium , Masonic Hall , Carlton-street , Castleford 1575—Clive , Corbet Arms , Market Drayton R . A . 139—Paradise , Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . R . A . 827—St . John , Masonic Temple , Halifax-road , Dewsbm-y R . A . 1051—Rowley , Masonic Rooms , Athenamm , Lancaster
Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . 65—Constitutional , Bedford Hotel , Southampton-bldgs ., Holbora , at 7 ( Inst . ) 65—Prosperity , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., at 7 ( lustruction ) 141—Faith , 2 Westminster Chambers , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 . ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 654—Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ( Instruction ) 753—Prince Frederick William , Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) 8 fi 0—Dalhousie , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , at 8 ( Instruction )
1044—Wandsworth , Star and Garter Hotel , St . Ann ' s-hill , Wandsworth ( Inst . ) 1339—Stockwell , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell 1349—Friars , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) . 1360—Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , Battersea Parle , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1420—Earl Spencer , Swan Hotel , BaUcrsea Old Bridge , S . W . 1446—Mount XOdgcumbe , 19 Jermyn-sireet , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction )
1472—Henley , Three Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1507—Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1558—D . Connausrht , Palmei-ston Arms , Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , at 8 ( In . ) 1602—Sir Hugh Myddelton , Crown and Woolpack , St . John ' s-st .-rd ., at 8 ( In . ) 1707—Eleanor , Trocadero , Broad-street-buildings , Liverpool-street , 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1365—Clapton , White Hart Tavern , Clapton , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement , Jamaica Coffee House , Cornhill , 6 . 30 .
213—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Theatre-street , Norwich . 241—Merchants , Masonic Hall , L' / erpool , at G' 30 ( Instruction ) 248—True Love and Unity , Freemasons' Hall , Brixham , Devon 418—Menturia , Mechanics' Institute , Hanley . 667—Alliance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 897—Loyalty , Fleece Inn , St . Helens , Lancashire 986—Hesketh , Grapes Inn , Croston 1006—Tregullovv , Masonic Rooms , St . Day , Scorrier , Cornwall .
1052—Callender , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1214—Scarborough . Scarborough Hall , Caledonia-road , Batley 1276—Warren , Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire . 1325—Stanley , Masonic Hall , Liverpool . 1343—St . John ' s Lodge , King ' s Arms Hotel , Grays , Essex 1427—Percy " , Mason c Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle .
1470—Chiltern , Town Hall . Dunstable . 1473—Bootle , 146 Bcrry-strcct , Bootle , at 6 ( Instruction ) lo . 34—Concord , George Hotel , Frestwich . 1551—Charity , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham . 1570—Prince Arthur , 140 North Hill Street , Liverpool 1764—Eleanor Cross , Masonio Hall , Abington-street , Northampton .
General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons ' Hall , at 6 193—Confidence , Railway Tavern , London-street , at 7 ( Instruction ) 22 r -United Strength , Hope and Anchor , Crowndale-rd ., Cantden-tovvr ., 8 ( In . ) 538—La To erance , Green Dragon , 2 Mttddox-streot , W ., at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) 720—Panmure , Balham Hotel , Balham , at 7 ( Instruction ) 781—Merchant Navr , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , E . ( Instruction )
813—New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgato-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 862—Wbittington , Red Lion , Poppin's-court , Fleet-street , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1278—Burdett Coutts , Salmon antl Ball . Bcthnal Green-road , at 8 ( Inst . ) 1298—Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castlo , Highbury , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1521—Duko of Conna-ight ' , Havelock , AlbionKoa , d , Dn , lKton , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1791—Creaton , Prince Albert Tavern , Portobello-tor ., Notting-hill-gato , at 8 ( In . ) B . A . 177—Domatic . Union Tavern , Air-street , Rogent-st ., at 8 ( Instruction )
-0— io .,-al Kent of Antiquity , Sun Hotel , Chatham 86—Loyalty , Masonic HaU , Presoot , Lancashire 121—Mount Sinai , Public-buildings , Penzance 125—Prince Edwin , Wl'tc Hart Hotel , Hythe , Kent 128—Prince Edwin , Bridge Inn , Bolton-street , Bury , Lancashire 178—Antitmitv Roval Hotel . Wisran .
200- 0 tl Globe , Privata Rooms , Globe-street , Scarborough 258—Amphib ' o is , Freema / io ^ s' Hall , Heckmondwiko 277—Friendship , Freer sons' Hall , Union-street , Oldham 325—St . John , Freemasons' Hall , I - 1 'Tigtou-squarc , Salford 380—Integrity , Masonic Temple , Commercial-street , Alorley , near Leeds-
387—Airedale , Mwsonic Hall , Wcstgato , Shipley . -SO—Harmony , Wheat Sheaf , Ormskirk 581—Faith , Drover ' s Inn , Openshaw 591—Buckingham , Georgo Hotel , Aylesbury 5 i > I— Downshire , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 ( Instruction ) 633—Yarborough , Freemasons * Hall , Manchester 673—St . John , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 7- 8—Kllesmero , Freemasons' Hall , Runcorn , Cheshire
823—Everton , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 910— St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Ropergato , Pontofract OfiU—Sun antl Sector , Assembly Rooms , Workington 972—St . Augustine , Masonic Hall , Canterbury 1019— Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Zetland-street , Wakefield 1040—Sykes , Masonic Hall , Driffield , Yortcs 1086—Walton , Skelmersdale Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool 1161—Do Grey and Ripon , Denmark Hotel , Lloyd-street , Grecnheys , Manchester
1164— Eliot , Private Rooms , St . Germams . Cornwall 1218—Prince Alfred , Commercial Hotel , Mossley , near Manchester 13 iU—Brighouso , Masonic Room , Bradford-road , Brighouso 1337—Anchor , Masonic Rooms , Durham House , Northallerton 1333—Duke of Lancaster , Athensenm , Lancaster 1356—Do Grey and Ripon , 140 North Hill Street , Toxteth Park , Liverpool ( In . )
1443—Salem , Town Hall , Dawlish , Devon 1501—Wycombe , Town Hall , High Wycombo 1511—Alo-: andra , Masonic Hall , Hornsea . Hull 1634—Starkie , Railway Hotel , Ramsbottom 1645—Colno Valley , Lewisham Hotel , Slaithwaito 1692—Hervey , Georgo Hotel , Hayes R . A . 48 "—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle
House Committee , Gtrls' School , Battersea Rise , at 4 3—Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-street , Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 15—Kent , Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow , at 7 . 3 o ( Instruction ) 27—Egyptian , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C ., at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 211—St . Michael , The Moorgato , Moorgate Street , E . G ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 435—Salisbury , Union Tavern . Air-street , Regent-street , "W-, at 8 ( Inst . ) 754—High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower Tottenham , at 8 ( Instruction )
1227—Upton , King and Queen , Norton Folgato , E . G ., at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 1227—Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton , E . 1614—Covent Garden , Nag's Head , James Street , Covent Garden , at 7 . 45 ( Inst . ) R . A . 753—Princo Frederick William , Lord'sHotel , St . John's Wood , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1471—North London , Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Inst . ) M . M . —Duko of Connaught , Havelock , Albion-rd ., Dalston , E ., at 8 . 30 ( Inst . )
56—Howard , High-street , Arundel 98—St . Martin , Town Hall , Burslem 116—Royal Lancashire , Swan Hotel , Colno 203—Ancient Union , Masonic Hal * , Liverpool , at 7 - 30 ( Instruction ) 208—Threo Grand Principles , Masonic Hall , Dewsbury 268—Union , Queen ' s Arms Inn , George-street . Ashton-under-Lyno 275—Harmony , Masonic Hall , South Parade , Huddersfielcl
283—Amity , Swan Hotel , Market-place , Hasling . en 337—Candour , Commercial Inn . Uppermill , Saddleworth 343—Concord , Militia Officers' Mess Rooms , Starkie-streot , Preston 344—Faith , Bull ' s Head Inn , Radcliffe , Lancashire 315—Perseverance , Old Bull Hotel , Church-street , Blackhurn 346—United Brethren , Royal Oak Inn , Clayton-le-Dale , near Blackburn 367—Probity and Freedom , Red Lion Inn , Smallbridgo
369—Limestone Rock , Masomc Hall , Church-street , Clttheroo 456—Foresters , White Hart Hotel , Uttoxeter 462— 'Sank Terrace , Hargreaves Arms Hotel , aCcrington 600—Harmony , Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford . 636—D'Ogle , Masonic Hal ' , Morpeth 659—Blagdon , Ridley Anns Hotel , Blyth 816—Royd , Spring Gardens Inn , Wardlo , near Rochdale 1011—Richmond , Crown Hotel , Blackfriars-street , Salford
1042—Excelsior , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1299—Pembroke , West Derby Hotel , West Derby , near Lit erpool 1320—Blnckheath , Green Man , Blackhcath 1327—King Harold , Britannia Hotel , Waltham New Town 1332—Unity . Masonic Hall , Crediton , Devon 1576— lee , Union Hotel , Parkgate , Cheshire 1612— vVest Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction )
House Committee Boys' School , Wood Green , at 4 . Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgvvare-rd . 8 ( Inst . 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7-SO . ( Instruction ) 902—Burgoyne . Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction )
933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whttechapel-road , an 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury ParkM . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castlo , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Gotilborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . )
152—Virtue , Freemasons Hall , Manchester . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lymo 516—Phoenix , Fox Hotel , Stowmarket 541—De Loraino , Freemasons' Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth 993—Alexandra , Midway Hotel , Levenshulme 1031—Eccleshill , Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill
1096—Lord Warden , Wellington Hall , Deal 1311—Zetland , Masonic Hall , Great George-street , Leeds 1393—Hamer , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1773—Albert Victor * , Town Hull , Pendleton General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' HaU , Fit _ wiHiam-street , Huddersfield at 7 U . A . 837—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon R . A . —General Chapter of Improvement , Masonic Hall , Birmingham , at 5 . 30
1621—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-squaro , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 16 tl—Crichton , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogcnt-strcct , W ., at 8 . 119 Peace , Private Rooms , Mcltham . 615—St . John antl St . Paul , Pier Hotel , Erith
Notices Of Meetings.
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At the Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , Bros . Smyth W . M ., Wardell S . W ., Clark J . W ., Polak S . D ., Carr J . D ., Marsh I . G ., JLi rkin Secretary , Brasted Acting Preceptor , also Bros . Dallas , Taylor , C . Lorkin and others . Lodge was opened in due form and the minufcps of last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Taylor acting as candidate . Bvo .