Article Soc. Rosicr. in Anglia. " BYLAND." ← Page 2 of 2 Article DISGRACEFUL EXHIBITION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Soc. Rosicr. In Anglia. " Byland."
It is thus that surrounded by so much that is beautiful and suggestive , wo wake up to-day the memories of the past and find new impulses to our devotion and diligence . Centuries ago religion and labour here worked together in unison : Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , gave within these walls practical manifestation ; and standing
upon these monuments of the old monks , we honour their work and reverence their zeal , whilst we draw new incentives nnder which to perform our allotted duties , so thafc our descendants may enjoy the same rich inheritance with the added fruits of our own industry , p iety , and skill .
Disgraceful Exhibition.
Boston , Mass , February 6 , 1880 . —One of the most disgraceful exhibitions ever witnessed in a church in a city was given to-night in the Chamber Street Presbyterian Church , when two clergymen , Rev . J . P . Stoddard and D . P . Rathbun , of Iowa , undertook to expose Masonry . Last nighfc the first meeting was held , but the audience was not so large as the one present this evening . The object of the
expostures is to break np the Order , by divulging tho secrefcs . They say thafc Masonry is organized infidelity , and in the interest of religion they seek its overthrow . Both the gentlemen claim to bo Masons , and they announced their intention to hold up the rights and ceremonies to ridicule . The forms and oaths necessary to taking the first degree were illustrated by the exposers . They were assisted by
eight or ten persons , and all were attired in Masonio regalia . The pulpifc served as a Lodge room , three large , lighted candles boing arranged in a row in front , and tho Senior and Junior Wardens , Grand Worshipful Master , and other officers , in the persons of clergymen and others , being seated behind and on the sides . The " candidate , " an individual whose skin had apparently nofc seen soap and water for
many days , was about an hour and a half in passing through tho ordeal , and as the " ceremony " developed the scene became disgraceful , and many ladies loffc , the remaining spectators also becoming restless . The " candidate , " while taking the degree , was dressed , according to tho' ¦ exposers" in the customary manner , but this was simply disgusting , as his onl y garments were an old blue flannel undershirt aud
white under-draws , the left leg of which was rolled up to the knee . Over his eyes was a green shade such as is worn at nighfc by the working force of a newspaper office . Here , barefooted , with ono leg bared and only partially clad , the candidate received his instructions from the various Grand Officers , and then came the administration of tho various oaths . An immense crowd filled the building , and during
the performance of tho disgusting farce tho wildest confusion prevailed . H ymn books were pelted at the performers by people in tho building , while a large force of roughs and street loafers stood on tho sidewalks and threw snowballs into tho building . Captain Ford , " of the Third Precinct Police , fearing a riot , tried to put a stop to the exhibition , but ifc kept on for half an hour , while a storm of hisses and indignant yells greeted every word uttered by the speakers . Ex-chief
of police Damrell made a speech , in which he freely and forcibly denounced the two reverend exposers , and was loudly applauded , tho spectators cheering loudly afc the several points made . Ho claimed to belong to the same denomination as Mr . Rathbun , aud asserted that the conference thafc would recognise him as a minister of Christ ' s gospel ought to bow its head in shame . The police broke up tho meeting about half-past ton . It was the intention of the two ministers to
remain m town for a week , and continue their exposures , but they have changed their minds , and will leave to-morrow . Tho minister who gavo the use of his church for such purposes is stoutly abused by all classes .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon will he held at Barnstaple , on Thursday next , the 19 th instant , under the
presidency of Lord Ebrington , Prov . Grand Master . Bro . C . Goclschalk -will offer a motion to the effect that the sum of fifty guineas be voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and fifty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . J . B . Gover will
move that ten guineas be voted to the Devon Educational Fund , while Bro . V . Bird has given notice of his intention to move a grant to the same Fund of fifty guineas .
We commend to the notice of our less active aud energetic Provincial Grand Masters the following extract from our worthy Philadelphian contemporary the Keystone : — The Grand Master of Alabama reports that he had visited forty Lodges , selecting in preference those nofc easily accessibleand thus
, giving the benefit of his official presence to those most in need of ifc . An excellent plan , worthy of being generally imitated . There are many Lodges , in every Jurisdiction , that havo never had either a taind Master or District Deputy G . M . within their portals after their constitution . Such things ought not to be .
If the P . G . M . 's whose attention wc have drawn to this will bear in mind that the Grand Master of Alabama must have travelled " not a little " in order to carry out his purpose o ± judging for himself of the state of Freemasonry in his
jurisdiction , and giving distant Lodges tho benefit of his great experience , they will perhaps be less inclined to leave their own less remotely situated Lodges to look after themselves .
Second Series , now recuh / , Crown , Svo , Cloth , 'price os 6 ' / , poxt free . MASONICPORTRAITS.SKETCHES 01 ? DISTINGUISHED FEEEMASONS . REPRINTED FROM "THB CB - I-JUSON ' S CHRONICLE . " BY G . BLIZAKD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KIN &' S COL __& E , LONDON . J _ IST OFIPORTRAITS . NESTOR AN INSTALLING MASTKB ( Bro . VW . Hydo Pullen , 33 deg ., Vast ( Bro . XV . Biggs , Vast Prov . G . S . W . G . S . B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , and Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Coun- Berks and Bucks ) , cil A . and A . Rite . ) A VKTEKAN THE STATESMAN ( Bro . XV . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . ami ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Loiccstoi-shii-c and 33 dog ., Pro Grand Master , Pro 'Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lci-Granct _ ., Past G . M . M . M ., and ccstorshiro ) . Past M . t-. S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite . (_ . jolm Wordsworth , 30 dog ., THE TREASURER Past G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . P . Adlard , P . M . and'Trcastircr G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , and Prov . Royal York Lodgo of Porsovor- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . VIR Vcri'iws THE DEPUTY ( Bro . G . Ward Verry , P . M and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., Deputy G . Mastor . Grand ACHILLES H „ G . M . M . M ., Groat Prior of ( Br 0 . K . j . Mortis , Past G .. T . D ., and tho Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Pasfc Dop . Prov . G . M . of Kastorn Commander A . ami A . Rito . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAT , MAC . NATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W . B . Beach , MP ., Prov . ( Bl . . j . . Cm-teis , 30 deg ., Vast & 0 -J ^ ? l tl & -J > 11 P- ^ r n' ^? c- Isl ? Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) , of Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and Q . -R , r . TMxr-. _ -i'TT Prov . G . Prior oftho Temple , for S r 7 ? , !! ^ r ¦ Hants ) ( Bro . J . M . Pultenoy Montagu , J . P ., TIME - HONOURED P ™* " !? P _^ - ' 4 . & G ^ a _ dPr . v : ( Bl' ° ^ _ J' - ™ -- ^ Hme . P . Prov . G > s Dovsotslwo , anil G . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . Chancellor Supremo Council A . THE SCHOLAR and A . Rito ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., If iproc'RATES P . Z ., Author of Works on NavL- < . j . p 0 arson Bell , M . D ., Past gation ) . a Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . antl OUK NoiiLE CRITIC prov . G . Sup . N . and _ . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 dog , shiro ) . Prov . G . M . __„ G . Sup . War- A CKSTRIAN CHIEF ' wick-hu-o , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho m „ ht Hon Lorrt ( lo - | - * , * OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER past G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Ch ' c ( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 dog ., shiro , Grand J ., and Prov . G . Or . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A IlARiirNGER OF P HAGE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( jjro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockhank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov . Tin ,: LORD OK UNDERLEY G . Treas-. [ Arch ] K . Lancashire . ( Tll 0 K . . [ of ;| ioctiVo , M . P ., Prov . A WAR-KN Of THK FENS . -- { . jr ., i > rov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( Tho lato Bro . John Sutcliffo , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland antl Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . AVcstmoreland , aud Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Order ' of Rome aud A WARDEN 01 ' MARK Red Cross of Constantino ) . ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION ottghmore , 32 dog ., Past G . S . ( Bro . K . C . Woodward , P . M . 382 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . of Works E . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITE _ BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 dog ., Past _ Escu _ A _ lUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Br 0 . j . r ) . iniol Mool . 0 jr . D ., 32 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN ti 0 g ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of tho Past O . St . B ., Arch , Intendimt Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome antl Red of the R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform tvith above , price 3 s 6 cl , Crown Svo , clotli , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS,FIEST SEEIES . -t _ - _ i ___ BIO _ "THE FREEMASON ' s Cn _ ojnc __ . " LIST OF THB PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LITERARY BROTHER . | 17 THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER 2 A " DisTixctvisiim ) MASON . is THE MYSTIC . 3 TIM MAN OT ? ENERGY . 1 !) A MODEL MASON . 4 FATHER TIME . I 20 A CHIP FROM JOPPA 5 A CORNER STONE . I 21 A PILLAR or MASONRY . 0 THB C- A-JTSSIAN . | 22 BAYARD . 7 THE GOWNSMAN , j 23 A RIGHT HAND MAN . 3 AN EASTERN STAR . ! 2-4 Ocri- CITIZEN BROTHER . . ?) THU KNIGHT ERRANT . ! 2-5 AN A-r , „ PRECEPTOR . 10 THE OCTOGENARIAN . - 20 AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 A ZEALOUS 0 _ s _ CE _ . - 27 THE AI-TIHT . 12 THE SOLDIER . 2 S THE 1 < ' . \ TH * -I : or THE LonCrS . 13 FROJC UNDER THE CROW . ' ' . 'J ) A SHINING- LIMIT . IA OUR HERCULES . ! 30 AN ART STUDENT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE , I 31 THE MARINER . l ( i THE CHURCHMAN . 32 So __ r __ ou FOSTHJT _ . 33 . "OLT- MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or -will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Qneeu jSfcreefc , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Soc. Rosicr. In Anglia. " Byland."
It is thus that surrounded by so much that is beautiful and suggestive , wo wake up to-day the memories of the past and find new impulses to our devotion and diligence . Centuries ago religion and labour here worked together in unison : Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , gave within these walls practical manifestation ; and standing
upon these monuments of the old monks , we honour their work and reverence their zeal , whilst we draw new incentives nnder which to perform our allotted duties , so thafc our descendants may enjoy the same rich inheritance with the added fruits of our own industry , p iety , and skill .
Disgraceful Exhibition.
Boston , Mass , February 6 , 1880 . —One of the most disgraceful exhibitions ever witnessed in a church in a city was given to-night in the Chamber Street Presbyterian Church , when two clergymen , Rev . J . P . Stoddard and D . P . Rathbun , of Iowa , undertook to expose Masonry . Last nighfc the first meeting was held , but the audience was not so large as the one present this evening . The object of the
expostures is to break np the Order , by divulging tho secrefcs . They say thafc Masonry is organized infidelity , and in the interest of religion they seek its overthrow . Both the gentlemen claim to bo Masons , and they announced their intention to hold up the rights and ceremonies to ridicule . The forms and oaths necessary to taking the first degree were illustrated by the exposers . They were assisted by
eight or ten persons , and all were attired in Masonio regalia . The pulpifc served as a Lodge room , three large , lighted candles boing arranged in a row in front , and tho Senior and Junior Wardens , Grand Worshipful Master , and other officers , in the persons of clergymen and others , being seated behind and on the sides . The " candidate , " an individual whose skin had apparently nofc seen soap and water for
many days , was about an hour and a half in passing through tho ordeal , and as the " ceremony " developed the scene became disgraceful , and many ladies loffc , the remaining spectators also becoming restless . The " candidate , " while taking the degree , was dressed , according to tho' ¦ exposers" in the customary manner , but this was simply disgusting , as his onl y garments were an old blue flannel undershirt aud
white under-draws , the left leg of which was rolled up to the knee . Over his eyes was a green shade such as is worn at nighfc by the working force of a newspaper office . Here , barefooted , with ono leg bared and only partially clad , the candidate received his instructions from the various Grand Officers , and then came the administration of tho various oaths . An immense crowd filled the building , and during
the performance of tho disgusting farce tho wildest confusion prevailed . H ymn books were pelted at the performers by people in tho building , while a large force of roughs and street loafers stood on tho sidewalks and threw snowballs into tho building . Captain Ford , " of the Third Precinct Police , fearing a riot , tried to put a stop to the exhibition , but ifc kept on for half an hour , while a storm of hisses and indignant yells greeted every word uttered by the speakers . Ex-chief
of police Damrell made a speech , in which he freely and forcibly denounced the two reverend exposers , and was loudly applauded , tho spectators cheering loudly afc the several points made . Ho claimed to belong to the same denomination as Mr . Rathbun , aud asserted that the conference thafc would recognise him as a minister of Christ ' s gospel ought to bow its head in shame . The police broke up tho meeting about half-past ton . It was the intention of the two ministers to
remain m town for a week , and continue their exposures , but they have changed their minds , and will leave to-morrow . Tho minister who gavo the use of his church for such purposes is stoutly abused by all classes .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon will he held at Barnstaple , on Thursday next , the 19 th instant , under the
presidency of Lord Ebrington , Prov . Grand Master . Bro . C . Goclschalk -will offer a motion to the effect that the sum of fifty guineas be voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and fifty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . J . B . Gover will
move that ten guineas be voted to the Devon Educational Fund , while Bro . V . Bird has given notice of his intention to move a grant to the same Fund of fifty guineas .
We commend to the notice of our less active aud energetic Provincial Grand Masters the following extract from our worthy Philadelphian contemporary the Keystone : — The Grand Master of Alabama reports that he had visited forty Lodges , selecting in preference those nofc easily accessibleand thus
, giving the benefit of his official presence to those most in need of ifc . An excellent plan , worthy of being generally imitated . There are many Lodges , in every Jurisdiction , that havo never had either a taind Master or District Deputy G . M . within their portals after their constitution . Such things ought not to be .
If the P . G . M . 's whose attention wc have drawn to this will bear in mind that the Grand Master of Alabama must have travelled " not a little " in order to carry out his purpose o ± judging for himself of the state of Freemasonry in his
jurisdiction , and giving distant Lodges tho benefit of his great experience , they will perhaps be less inclined to leave their own less remotely situated Lodges to look after themselves .
Second Series , now recuh / , Crown , Svo , Cloth , 'price os 6 ' / , poxt free . MASONICPORTRAITS.SKETCHES 01 ? DISTINGUISHED FEEEMASONS . REPRINTED FROM "THB CB - I-JUSON ' S CHRONICLE . " BY G . BLIZAKD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KIN &' S COL __& E , LONDON . J _ IST OFIPORTRAITS . NESTOR AN INSTALLING MASTKB ( Bro . VW . Hydo Pullen , 33 deg ., Vast ( Bro . XV . Biggs , Vast Prov . G . S . W . G . S . B ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hants , Wilts , and Past Prov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Coun- Berks and Bucks ) , cil A . and A . Rite . ) A VKTEKAN THE STATESMAN ( Bro . XV . Kelly , Past Prov . G . M . ami ( Tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . Sup . Loiccstoi-shii-c and 33 dog ., Pro Grand Master , Pro 'Rutland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Lci-Granct _ ., Past G . M . M . M ., and ccstorshiro ) . Past M . t-. S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite . (_ . jolm Wordsworth , 30 dog ., THE TREASURER Past G . Steward , Past Prov . ( Bro . P . Adlard , P . M . and'Trcastircr G . J . W . W . Yorkshire , and Prov . Royal York Lodgo of Porsovor- G . M . M . M . W . Yorkshire ) , anco , No . 7 ) . VIR Vcri'iws THE DEPUTY ( Bro . G . Ward Verry , P . M and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 deg ., Deputy G . Mastor . Grand ACHILLES H „ G . M . M . M ., Groat Prior of ( Br 0 . K . j . Mortis , Past G .. T . D ., and tho Temple , and MP . Sov . G . Pasfc Dop . Prov . G . M . of Kastorn Commander A . ami A . Rito . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAT , MAC . NATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W . B . Beach , MP ., Prov . ( Bl . . j . . Cm-teis , 30 deg ., Vast & 0 -J ^ ? l tl & -J > 11 P- ^ r n' ^? c- Isl ? Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) , of Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and Q . -R , r . TMxr-. _ -i'TT Prov . G . Prior oftho Temple , for S r 7 ? , !! ^ r ¦ Hants ) ( Bro . J . M . Pultenoy Montagu , J . P ., TIME - HONOURED P ™* " !? P _^ - ' 4 . & G ^ a _ dPr . v : ( Bl' ° ^ _ J' - ™ -- ^ Hme . P . Prov . G > s Dovsotslwo , anil G . G . S . Warden East Lancashire ) . Chancellor Supremo Council A . THE SCHOLAR and A . Rito ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., If iproc'RATES P . Z ., Author of Works on NavL- < . j . p 0 arson Bell , M . D ., Past gation ) . a Deacon , Dep . Prov . G . M . antl OUK NoiiLE CRITIC prov . G . Sup . N . and _ . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Leigh , 30 dog , shiro ) . Prov . G . M . __„ G . Sup . War- A CKSTRIAN CHIEF ' wick-hu-o , Past G . M . M . M . ) ( Tho m „ ht Hon Lorrt ( lo - | - * , * OUR PERIPATETIC BROTHER past G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Ch ' c ( Bro . C . Fitz Gerald Matier , 30 dog ., shiro , Grand J ., and Prov . G . Or . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A IlARiirNGER OF P HAGE A BOLTON LUMINARY ( jjro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockhank , 31 dog ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov . Tin ,: LORD OK UNDERLEY G . Treas-. [ Arch ] K . Lancashire . ( Tll 0 K . . [ of ;| ioctiVo , M . P ., Prov . A WAR-KN Of THK FENS . -- { . jr ., i > rov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( Tho lato Bro . John Sutcliffo , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland antl Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . AVcstmoreland , aud Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Order ' of Rome aud A WARDEN 01 ' MARK Red Cross of Constantino ) . ( The Right Hon . tho Earl of Don- A BOON COMPANION ottghmore , 32 dog ., Past G . S . ( Bro . K . C . Woodward , P . M . 382 , Warden , and Dep . G . M . M . M ) . 1637 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwisle , 30 deg ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . of Works E . Lan . ) deg ., Prov . G . M . and G . Sep , OUR COSMOPOLITE _ BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 dog ., Past _ Escu _ A _ lUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Br 0 . j . r ) . iniol Mool . 0 jr . D ., 32 A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN ti 0 g ., Past G . S . B ., Craft , and ( Bro . R . B . Webster , Member of tho Past O . St . B ., Arch , Intendimt Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome antl Red of the R . M . Girls' and Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform tvith above , price 3 s 6 cl , Crown Svo , clotli , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS,FIEST SEEIES . -t _ - _ i ___ BIO _ "THE FREEMASON ' s Cn _ ojnc __ . " LIST OF THB PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LITERARY BROTHER . | 17 THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER 2 A " DisTixctvisiim ) MASON . is THE MYSTIC . 3 TIM MAN OT ? ENERGY . 1 !) A MODEL MASON . 4 FATHER TIME . I 20 A CHIP FROM JOPPA 5 A CORNER STONE . I 21 A PILLAR or MASONRY . 0 THB C- A-JTSSIAN . | 22 BAYARD . 7 THE GOWNSMAN , j 23 A RIGHT HAND MAN . 3 AN EASTERN STAR . ! 2-4 Ocri- CITIZEN BROTHER . . ?) THU KNIGHT ERRANT . ! 2-5 AN A-r , „ PRECEPTOR . 10 THE OCTOGENARIAN . - 20 AN ANCIENT BRITON . 11 A ZEALOUS 0 _ s _ CE _ . - 27 THE AI-TIHT . 12 THE SOLDIER . 2 S THE 1 < ' . \ TH * -I : or THE LonCrS . 13 FROJC UNDER THE CROW . ' ' . 'J ) A SHINING- LIMIT . IA OUR HERCULES . ! 30 AN ART STUDENT . 15 A MERCHANT PRINCE , I 31 THE MARINER . l ( i THE CHURCHMAN . 32 So __ r __ ou FOSTHJT _ . 33 . "OLT- MUG . " London : W . W . MORGAN . By Order of all Booksellers , or -will be sent direct , by post , from the Office , 23 Great Qneeu jSfcreefc , London , W . C .